* "* *\T*t r ^ Thursday Jut 90, tM W^5" FP8W^W*7g ^ ^ A / McHENRY FUUDXllll Ifeif CteM Started ' «bi first class «u started n Johns Hopkins uuireialtj OH Ml \y ^Sfred 8IU|c read in the silo can be kept several furs without modi loss ia >eed •idMu- ' Trifocals fHiocal eyeglasses at* a new development by most .people, but they were first pro* duced commercially nearly (our decades ago. Now tfaey are being' made in greater quality and quan- . than ever before. <, b wiuivui mwn row • « -| • • 1-"^ •* * * \> *•. * T '. ...." "fW'*, < - v' 4' filaiDP iUMI i ] r wE*mm vnrs One sf King Henry VUl's test acts so the throne was to let it be known that he favored comfoHable, >\road-eoled leather shoss with gay Colored linings. Minus 0m high colthis comfortable, easy-going of shoe is still the outstanding favorite of busy men with important Jobs to do. , sr. ip lasi In IMS the United States released more different stamp issues ever before. Thirty different were placed on sale. Don't spend too much oft roni, spaghetti, white rice, grits, and corn meaL They are poor in minerals and vitamins We might cut down on theso foods and use more whole wheat • products, e»- riched grain products, oatmeal, soybean products, and fresh fruit •epetables. Variety is the spies ef good eating. £ Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 and $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. M-tf DR. HENRY FRGUND OPTOMETRIST ^ At 136 8. Gnu St, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 'r^-4 Eyee BnniaMl -- Glasses Pitted ^iNal Trafaiag -- Vianal RefcaWtttatl*. . Ow|iiU Vlsaal Analysia Daily: • to 19 aad 1 to &--Saturday Bvesdngt: C:00 to t:M . PHONB McHENRY MS St. Mary's Catholic Chnrch " Masses: enSday: 7:00, 8:SO, 10:00, 11:30. Holy Days: «:00, 8:00, 10:00, Week^Days: 6:45 aad 8:00. v First ^Friday: 6:80 and 8:00» Confessions: , Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. aad 7:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Tharedayj y "1:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. a. : C. S. Nix, PidW. St. Patrick's Catholic Chnrch Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00. 10:30 ang 11:30. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. 3. First Fridays: 7:10. Commanioa St. Joseph's Chnreh Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and U:S6j>. S. T. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. TWICE TOLD ^.TAIJfcL <• :^v Itsis W latereet Taken Frpai the File* of the Plaindaator of Years Age fWESTY-FIVE TEAKS AOl quickly sold at 18 cents, the mar-1 blosaoiae nt their driers, JOthis ket beipg declared firm on the El- | city. ' ','1 gin board of trade Mondaf I Geo. Chapell, of the firm of Kee A two-story brick laboratory will I £ Chapell, 67 Hill street, Chicago, be built by the American Terra I *M here on Monday. He is mak- Cotta and Ceramic company at i ^ arrangements to build a cotjtheir works in Terra Cotta if pres- ; Ke at P'®taqua Bay. •ent plans matare. i Some of the finest strawberries • George H. Hanly's horse trainer •. *e k*ve sflen this year are being jinet with a slight mishap Wednes- 801(1 on our streets by N. Q. Ensign, day. He was driving Mr. Hanly's j C. V. Stevens, manager of Gage's horse, "Loafer," and near the depot j driving park, is having an amphlthe horse became frightened and i theatre erected that will accommoupset the cart, throwing the driver ; date two or three hundred people, out. Stainless steel clips used to bold curtain pleats in plaice, can be ! moved easily when the fabric needs [ cleaning. drain n the fcr be lad tanA aire s< the smawt sf sM* ; Whist sis With the aid of a captured drydock, the salvaging of the scuttled German fleet at Scapa Flow was undertaken for Us >ahw is scrap in 1924. CaTs 'Dm whiskers of eats are organs of touch. The base st ^Whisker Is surrounded by m»af nerves, and fee eat can M if" slightest pressure en it ends mr the whiskers. The honie of Mrs Sarah Sherburne on Maple avenue, which was recently damaged by fire, is now being repaired, re papered and varnished. i " Word was received here recently, distributed at 6:30, 7:i#0, during >announcing the marTiage of Missj*00™ the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. j Genevieve Bonslett, daughter of1 ---- Confessions: Mr. and Mrs. John Bonslett of this : Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and. j city, and Mr. Arthur D. Hunter, 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thurs-1 youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Everdsys before First Fridays: 4:00 !e,t Hunter, Sr., of McHenry. kewell Colby and Geo. Slimpin have filed their entrance fee for entering the Richmond -road race, July 4th. SIXTY YEARS AGO ion have received pounds of clover Grraaded Shark, Largest fish ever landed in North Carolina waters was probably a whale shark, found grounded near the quarantine station at the mouth of the Cape Fear river in June, -1934. Its weight was estimated at to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 P- »• Bev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. This section last Sunday noon t visited by the season's most' severe rain and hail storm, cans-, ing considerable damage to vege-' mm evangelical La^eean Okarck; tation and property. (The Church of ths Lutheran Hour) New prices on Armour Plate silk John St., Vi block east of Hwy 31 j hose. S5c, $1.25 and $1.85 per pair. West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9 a. m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:15 i Black and colors. Smith's. Tou are cordially invited to attend our services. For information phone 681-R-l. Clifford Klehl, Chairman. Do Y<ra Need H. T. Travger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS See our new line of removable slat and Banflex Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderised and galvaniged Acme metal; Direct from factory. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Ca. 5640 W. Division Street Chicago, Illinois Phone Colnmbns 1-8743 PhOne McHenry 061-M-l, Free Estimates Pri.'Bve., Sat. and Son. \ ^ All Work Guaranteed. FORTY YEARS AGO, ' Mathias Heimer has launched "hts new gasoline motor boat and his, family and friends are now enjoy-. ing the real pleasures that our! beautiful river affords. The boat! has been named "Delia." I F. J. Barbian is now riding in a! £. LAURENCE N. PITZEN SVEEOEBBHS;*:i%^;l|j^»M TEBBS ' •'•%7 Jr7- LANDSCAPIKO Route One ' McHenry, .ffiBWFSS Phone McHenry 660-J-2 Ooasgninity Methodist Church Church 8chool: 9:30. .. ^ Morning Worshijp: 10:45. / handsome new four-passenger Junior League: 7 p. m. j| Buick auto. Henry Kennebeck, Official board meeting on second Charles Harrison. William Gilbert Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. 1 and J. B. Perry arte also possessors A cordial invitation is extended to iof new cars. you and your family to come and i Wm. Bacon has purchased the worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pastor. . Christ Far McHenry Gospel Meetings • Every Sunday Legion Hall, Green Street Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. 18:00 a. m.--Bible School. 11:00 a. m.--Worship Serivce. 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic Service. Everyone welcome. For additional information, write Christ for McHenry, P. O. Box 232, McHenry, or phone McHenry J3-W. Grimoldley place on the west side and will begin at once to replace the property in good condition. The butter market was declared to be steady at 25 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. - NOTICE - The RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be open every Monday during the summer season. Riverside Drive v McHenry FIFTY YEARS AGO viS.'frjfii,.: HANST BODY & FENDER REPAIRS - -Special Wreck Work •••>}.:• Painting, complete from 140 up : 1 Springs, Shocks, Complete Prame aiid .I'?l . Axle Straightening . '^0 ;; Quick Service TiyV;' Work OnirantiNId . • * Call any time--McHenry 244^R 609 FRONT STREET, Three hunui «u and seynty-one | tubs of butter were offered and1 FOR A CHIMNEY THEO. MoCULLOM LAKE MASON CONTRACTORS West McHenry Big Or Too 8ma!_ V Mr Expert Workmanship and W*t Service Call McHenry 548-W-l ' i "Who needs pfons to put in a furnace?" lot: "You! As a Lennox dealer, I'm wondering hoar you're gettin' any heat with tku homemade set-upf Al: "Frankly, I'm getting too aaueh--and payin' tqpr much to AhI. tool" Jo« "Serves you right Whsa I pot in a Lsnaoz Hsnis ing flyitssi, I see that it snppHes the right aaaoanl of heat in the right places economically. That'a becansa I locate and install pipes, rsgistsrsi aai heat ooatrok eornctfyr Ak "Hey--would a Lenaos, ah. bnak bST* It would sane yon! Lennox fystsms for gas, ofl. and coal an reasonable planned and pot in righft to give years of tronbls Ikee, eoonomioal haathii, \ Want an eatiaBate7M *1 Al: "Inw(wdsofonss]ilabla...nKoaMa&nanBF Ni't Weit ffer Col4 Weetfcer te Cetcli Yee Oapreparei LENNOX am nmtifm 8f mmmummam St. John's Catholic Johnsburg Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 aad 11:^1. % Holy Days: 7:0* and 0:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:35 and 8:00. . Confessions: Saturdays: 7-.30 to 8 and 2:30 to 3. Thursday before First Friday-- 8t80 aad 7:30. , . # . Bev. A. J. Neidert, Paster. # St Peter's Catholic Chareh, Spring Grove M&N68! Sbndav--8:00, 10:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. tfeafeMtiotik: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7ilS. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. : Bev. John L. Dfcleiden, Partor. Christ The King Mission - Wonder Lake Masses: 1 Sunday: 9:00 and 10:00. r Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00. * Confessions: Sunday: Before each aiass. Holy Days: 6:15 (and 7:00 to 8:06 Bev. EdWard C. tyakley, Paster. Gospel Oentar Wander Center, Wonder Lika (Nonsectarian) Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p. bl . . (8eeoad Sad fourth Sunday of each month.) Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:80 p. m. Bring the faauly with you te Sun-., day School and Worship Servicesi There is a place and a welcome for* evsry W. ANDERSON, Pastor. P&cjoJL MOSEY INN aiNGWOOD TELEVISION FSAGEK BEES FEED BOWMAN, Prop. AWNINGS • mm 1 Tarpauliris Canvas Goods i t ORDER EARLT; 4 0 Specialising in Store and Residence Awnings ^ McHENRY AWNING COr • Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. A Complete CLEANING SERVICE 4 Bring a cool lake broeze into your bedroom w JMngwood Church Kingwood, 111. Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30. Churc4> School: 10:30. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve* "ing, Bev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. CLARENCE'S f w i ^ ir 206 S. GREEN ST McHENRY * "pull* SHOP wfotifh Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, La,wwnn and Porc^ Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johmburj, m. Phone 583-J-l \ ALTHOFF'S HDWE. Phone 284 West McHenry, 111 • : • :• «Vs ' "• • The Fox Valley Coach Line "The Scenic^Way' Now offers service from McHenry to T*ake Geneva and making connections for many points in Wisconsin. Northbound -- Leaves Mc|Ienry 9:35 a. m. and 6:25 p. m. D. Sv T. . Southbound --" Leaves Lake Geneva 11:25 a.m and 5:05 p. m. D. S. T. See your agent at Gus TJnti Bus Depot, Green and Elm streets. * You bring a lake shore breeze right into your apartment... when you have night cooling window fan. A win» .. i ^ • • • • • • 4ow fan draws in cool air from outdoors--and tends it through your rooms to lower the temperature and help you feel cooler. As the moving air passes over your skin, moisture is evaporated quickly... and you feel comfortably cool. Best of all, you can sleep in comfort. There's a night cooling fan for your home... find out about it today! A typo lor every For Mia m* able model to be sat ap te fcqai of the wmdow s WaoL n Night cooling fans are perfact for businass, loo; Investigate thair low-cost udvnntagos fo*r your store, shop or office; For economical summer comfort, too your DEALER or oor aaorosf stow _ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS