Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1949, p. 2

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r^- THX McHXXRY m i i u i n i » i'i tf * •*- Lake ,.} #»|| 11 il l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i l » l l l % (b; Tumm Mh), ; I Fer Fearth ImMc Curatval, 4 iHltti Mid Flreworltt There are many plans being Bade to make this a batig-up Fourth of July in Wonder Lake. J There will be the big carnival at the Legion grounds, with games OB# contests for all ages. Ted RteteBel and Johnny Widen are cochairmen of the Legion for this affair, With the American Legion Auxiliary in charge of food. (Those ,wMh|ng to help should contact QfWMle Proper.) Ob Sunday night the big flreyflffcl display will be set off from ffc* Tacht Club island. The men planning it say that it will be bigger and more spectacular than ever before and will end with a fire dance which can be seen from any point of the shore. At dark on Sunday. Sunday and Monday the regatta I of the yacttl club and the swim-j third year and Andy Kuns la chair- Iming races The boat races have ™"1 °f the fireworks committee lone been A tradition at Wonder) On Monday morning, the fourth, Lake and there will be races for class "B" sailboats will race,||0Xte v e r y c l a s s . You n e e d n o t be a j i n g f r o m t h e i s l a n d a t 11 a . f l p J ^ member to enter the rowboat races; jor the swimming meet. f^fHchroeder* Plan . " I - -- |**Open House" 0a . ; Last Sunday Class "B" fftilboat Fortieth Anniversary £ race was won by Lylft Schufft's I Mr. and Mrs. Loufi Sclffbeder "Sandpiper" after having trouble 0f Shore Hills, Wonder Lake, will "with somewhat light winds. The, celebrate their fortieth wedding' "Heather Belle," co-skippered by; anniversary on Sunday, July 3, Hal Georgeson and • Don Coumbe, 'With an open house from 2 to 6 came in second, followed closely p. m. by Hank SchislowlU's snipe. | loUi8 Schroeder and Wilna Trow This Sunday there will be a j were married in Harvard at the Class "A" sailboat race in the | Lutheran parsonage. They were morning, with all of the larger residents of Ringwood for twentyboats competing for the Yacht jjve years prior to moving to Won- Club trophies. The second race der Lake. Mrs. Schroeder was of the day, for outboard mo-; born and reared in Tryons Grove tors, will start at 2 p. m. on Sun- an(] Mr Schroeder came here from I day from the Lake View Inn. An Oconomowoa, Wis. {additional event will include a sai|-1 They have two children: Mrs a. a rowboat race. Also g^nley Sevcik of Woodstock and the swimming races. 'Kirk Schroeder of Crystal Lake. Commodore Don Coumbe of the They also have a grandson, Billy Yacht Club cordially invites every- joe Sevcik and two little grandone to come out and participate in, daughters, Judith Irene and Jean or watch, the races. Carol Schroeder. j Dick Widen is accepting dona- j Friends of the Schroeders are lotions for t"he safe-and-sane flre-;vited to call on Sunday. p- ' works display being given for the j A number of Wonder Lake members of the Woodstock public Ju>s- > games and practicing the renibval pltal Auxiliary were present at -the 1 of their clothes in the water. Next tea on Friday afternoon, h«M on . Wednesday the little Scouts will the spacious lawn of the Chaster{ have a picnic. Gould residence In Bull Valley, i _ -- . I A'npng them were Betty Pavlik. f The Girl Scout committee will i Libby Repan, June Morln, Doro- meet at the home of Mrs. Marian1 thy McEachren, Grac« Kutts and canrton on Thursday evening at 8| Marian Cannon. ; o'clock. The Girl Scouts are spon-j --~-- - I sored by the American Legion ( A bon voyage party was given Auxiliary. 'i on Thursday evening for Hllma I _____ j Fredricksen, who leaves this week for Norway with her son; Ronnie. Sharon Grace Sells Waa elected as delegare from the Busy Bumble Bees 4-H club to the County Fedi ^ , 1, eration on ^Tuesday night at a Dont forget to register for the meeting held at the Sells home. Red Cross swimming classes which At the Federation meeting on .will start on July 15. Regtstra- Wednesday, held at Woodstock tions close on July 6 so that high school, Sharon Grace was classes can be planned according, elected county treasurer for the to age groups and ability. Slips: 4.H. About 150 were present St 1 for registry are In Vacula's, the county meeting a delegate front Flala's, the Handy Pantry, Mil- each 47H club. Charlotte Hogan brandt's and Chrlstensen's. of Ringwood, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. John Hoaan. waa ejected of Indian Ridge subdivision making announcements of the picnic from time to time. '* j There will be a custodian at the1 beach to keep it attractive for the j expected crowds on the two days j of the picnic. July 23 and 24. 1 Benches have been placed on the beach so come prepared to sit and ' watch the fun after you're tired out ] helping make for a good t)me. j Remember, ail the proceeds from j the picnic go for the upkeep of the 1 roads and beaches. There are two 1 of them to keep up in the Indian ! Ridge subdivision of Wonder Lake. * new kind of thrill to driving The WAF bus lines are now op- county president. eratlng to the west side of Wonder 1 Lake and will pick up paaaengers! 0n Tuesday, July 5. tfte two 4-ft at Thomas' grocery store over C]ubB Qf Wonder Lake will be there. Schedules are available guests of the Ringwood Home Bufrom th^ bus driver. ireau, their sponsor, at a meeting | in the home of Mrs. Pauline Grill, "Bud" Hendrycks of Oak Park, Wickline Bay (Wooded Shores), who recently purchased the 8wan-1 Members of the 4-H clubs will give son Motor Co. of Woodstock, was j demonstrations. Carol Harrison of a resident of Wonder La&e from j Ringwood will present readings 1940 to 1944. He takes.over his;and Mrs. Charles Martin, soloist new business on July 1. with the University of Illinois chorus, will sing. « the Jeepster Jimmy Pavlik reported to Sheriff: Bau that five wheels and five tires | At the Indian Ridge picnic comwere stolen from the truck of Ken- mittee meeting held at the home neth Noble on Monday evening., of "President Carl Marx, Thursday, The truck WK1 parked at the:Won- June 23, it was announced-that der Lake service station. ' there would be ponies available for -- * ' the children to ride. Mi»s Edith , Mrs. Mary Endres of Wooded i Miichow was donating the use of Shores (Wickline) will be hostess ,her ,°w,n n°"e and others would I to the members of the Adelphete f obtained from a local stable. A Society of the Woodstock- Presby-1 p'n® wou.d be made for the ponies terian church on July 14 at a pot- ,.to stay l*1*8 would be luck picnic. Bertha Tammeus will 8et UP t0 iif0,}e B de °' *>*ach be assistant hostess. 1 grounds stf there would be plenty , of room and still within hailing Mrs. Elizabeth Fiala and her Jtna- 'distance of the picnic proper. band. William, filed suit in the cir- AJ°"d 8Peaker is being obtained cuit court this week against Mel-180 * a a car can travel the roads vin Thompson of Woodstock ask-! 1-- ing $60,000 for injuries Mrs. Fiala1 received when she was struck by a! car driven by Mr. Thompson on' July 5, 1947, as she was crossing] , Van Buren street from the south-1 east corner to the north side of' Van Buren on Johnson St. As the result of being hit, Mrs. Fiala i charges she was seriously injured with permanent effects. / Brlefies Jack Pavlik and Don Smith are operating a filling station over in Woodstock. They call it Jack and. Don's... Mrs. Ingeberg Jacobsen of Wooded Shores (Wickline Bay) Is a surgical patient at the Woodstock hoapltal Friends of Mrs. George Ltaenby, who once taught Sunday school at the Gospel Center 1 will be sorry to hear that she has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital Bobbie Cecich had his tonsils removed on Monday of this week....v...Mrs. Dorothy McEachren nnd Mrs. Del Tallman of the Wonder Lake League of Women Voters were gue.its at the tea given by the members of the Woodstock League of Women Voters in Todd School on Tuesday. Mrs. Fisher, former Illinois League president, | was the speaker. Mrs. Fisher retired from her position when her husband was named by the gover- ] nor as chairman of the Illinois , Commerce Commission. supper. 80 we took refuge to the rooms In the basement. Had a lovely time with the friends from near and far. Some, as In the case of , Mr. and Mrs. Kester, had come all the way from the state of Montana to Visit with brother-in-law and slser-in-law, Mr and Mrs Kest& r, of the Alderson Farm A farewell feoclal for Rev. and Mrs. Linn Loahbough, was given at the Center last Sanday evening. As a token of appreciation of valuable service, a beautiful leather briefcase was presented to Mr. Loshbotigh. Joan Dornbush, who is leaving for the Williams Bay BH*le Camp this week, where she will be employed until Labor Day. was remembered with a gift In Be Sure to Visit the BERMUDA BOOTH at the CARNIVAL money for her faithful service at :S /the piano. The public address system was „ dedicated for its sacred use last .. Sunday evening. We shall employ "; this instrument only for. that which J j will bring honor and praise .to We welcome one and all to oar ! services next 8unday, July S. Son- | day Bible School at 10; morniag {worship service ?t 11 and evening gospel service at 7:45. "•A Subscribe for The Plaiadealar. How... you can wash house-dust away! Exclusive with Rexair, the portable health-unit aad mdHmkal hotliemfcld. The work of thrae appliances for the price of «m! An" ice cream social will be held beginning at 6 o'clock on the evening of July 9, sponsored by the Lookout Point Community Association. It will take place on the lawn of Peter J. Bendl, Boston Road and Hilltop. There will be entertainment and prices. Gospel Center Hews I The rain that fell on Friday, ever ning, June 24, spoiled our plan to be on the lawn for our fellowship { of McHenry American Legion Post \ r • • • July 1,2,3, & 4th Beautiful Senoritas in native costumes. Entertainment extracts and traps dust In water, washes the air _ breathe, restores natural fcumMty, vaporises medicahta, even acrafca' floors! See Rexair before yon bay a humidifier, vaporiser or even a vacuum cleaner. Over l.OMUtM satisfied usera. s v. REXAIR Air Washer. -- fliwllllg T^rlscr' Attachments to do every phaiM ' " of Cleaning the only sanitary way,^ '.V through water . . SO DIRT BAG. TO EMPff : Call for a Demonstration ^ CARL B ARNICKOL Phone McHenry 646-W-S Joanne Resheske, Peggy Selsdorf and Sharon Grace Sells were guests of NttTfiy Siemon of McHenry at a: p a j a m a p a r t y o n T u e s d a y . O t h e r j guests were Eva Unti and Rita .Bolter, both of McHenry. 1 W. A. F. Transportation Co. Cffcctivc Thursday, June 30,1949 WOODSTOCk, WONDER LAKE, McHENRY, ROUND LAKE, WAUKEGAN Picture yourself with a Jeepster. YouH be proud of its smart con* tinental styling . . . still more proud of its American performance and value. You "will like its low weight and perfect balance . . . its compactness and maneuverability ... the power and stamina of its 'Jeep1 engine. But most of all you will enjoy the Jeepster's zest for going places and the fun it crowds into every mile. McHENRY GARAGE IQck P. Mltar, Prop. • . 604 Front Street McKenry, Illinois /_^Jack "Puck" Tallman •' had his j tonsils removed at the Woodstock: hospital last Tuesday. He is re-1 covering nicely at the Hickory, Falls home. Paul Weder, 67, of Wonder Lake, died in the Woodstock hospital on Sunday afternoon, June 26, 1949, alter having been there about a week. He was taken to Chicago for services and burial. The Wonder Lake Girl Scout troop met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Del Tallman, on Wednesday and received their Scout books. These bookB, each of which' coif a dollar,'we^e purchased from funds actually earned by each child. They enjoyed swimming at the Wickline beach, playing water SA.L/E JULY t JULY » V YOU'VE BEEN GOOD TO US FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS! NOW WE ARE GOING T6 BE GOOD TO YOU! FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS STRAPS With uat imprinted ... !»t <;1BLS' KNIT Two-Piece Dresses Sizes 1 to ;5 Beg. $2.45 Special 11,66 BOYS' KSlf SOTS Sizes 2 to 6 Re* $2.»6 Special IkOO and 91M ' ; ' T-SHIRTS 0 Values To $1.95 Special 50c and $1.00 • PLASTIC BABY PANTS Values To 75c Special Mc SUN DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6 . Reg. $5.95 and $6.95 . Spet'lal $&li Sixes 1 to 14 ALL DRESSBS % OP t TAMS Reg. $1.00 Special S&c COTTON BOITLE KNIT T SHIRTS Sizes 3 to 6 Reg. $1.95 Special 91J0 CARDIGANS TO MATCH Reg. $2.95 Special «U» Brother and Sister Navy Knit . SKIRTS AND SHOSHI 1 Sizes 3 to 6 Reg, $2-95 Special 91M BOYS' COTTON SUITS Small and Medium Reg. $2.50 Special HAS Brother and Sister DENIM St'NSriTS Sizes 1 to 3 Reg. $2.96 Special I1JS CHl'BBY SI MMER DRESSES - Slses 7 to 14 • . Rag. $4.95- Special PLAID SLACK SUITS Sizes 2 to 6 . fag. $3.tS Special tlJ6 Boys' and Girls' COVERALLS Regular $1.95 and $1.65 Special 91.00 Again We Want To Thank Ton for Your Patronage During the Past Eive Years V THE TODDLER McHENRY, IK JUSTEN'S FURNITURE STORlB ILLINOIS Bast Bound--Read Down ;. ! 1 " MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Table No. I Effective Jane 80, 1949 • •- W$8t Bound--Read Up AM | AM | AM | AM | PM | PM | PM r% |.PM | PM | AM | AM j AM | AM I AM J 1 3: | 5 1 7 1 9 | ,11 1 15 . 16 | 14 | 12 | .10 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 1 | js7:05 ] 9:00 112:15 1 3:30 | 5:20 Lv, Woodstock Bus Depot Ar, Wonder Lake Shore Hills GroceW. ^ 1 Tire Repair Shop Handy Pantry , ' Thomas Grocers (West Wonder) Ringwood Junction * McCullom Lake--Cricks Grocera. Ar. McHenry C. ft W. Depot 'McHenry Renard's Restaurant Ar. McHenry Greyhound Depot Lv. Lv. McHenry Greyhound Depot 7. Ar. Lily Lake ? Volo ? Lv. Round Lake Grayslake Jet. 45 and 190 Wilson -v ' * Waukegan Bdison Court Ar. Waukegan Bus Depot Lv. 7.16 | 5:18 | 3:28 | 110:00 Is7:48|s6:49 ( - s 6:14 | 1.7:20 | 9:16 12:32|3:51|5:36 **7:00[ 5:02 3:13 9:47)7:30| 6:30 16:» 6:17| (^:23 | 9:19 12:34j3:63(5:38 12:36|3:55|5:40 6:59 I 4:59 3:10 9:45 | 7:28 i 6:23 i 6:201 |7^25 9:21 6:57|4:57 3:08 .9:43|7:25|6:251 6:301 | 9:29 12:45 | 4:03 | 5:50 6:48 | 2:59 9:34 | 7:15 | 6:15 | J§ 6:40 | . 17:31 9:37 12:54 12:59 4:10 | 5:59 6:39 J 4:50 2:49 9:24|7:0516:051 f 6:4^| 17:36 9:40 4:14 | 6:03 6:35 | 4:45 2:45 8:20 |7:00 |6:00| 6:56] 17:46 6:25 | 1 1 .1 ~ i 17:43 .1 - 4:30(6:10 6:27 | 4:35 2:42 9:10 16:63 | 5:63 | | 17:39 9:45 | 1:04 |i4:20 16:08 6:30 | 4:40 12:40 9:15 1 6:65 1 6:55 16:09 16:35 | 9:43 1:05 1:09 1 6:20 | 2:41 11:07 I I 1 ' j 6:39 | 9:46 1. 6:12 1 2:37 11:03 1 1 i ; i6:43| 8:50 1 1:13 1 6:08| 2:33 10:69 I L I v| 6:51| 9:58 | 1:22 1 v6:58| 2:25 10:61 I I 1 | 6:68| 10:06| 1:30 1 5:471 |2:17 1 0 : 4 0 | | | | - |7:03| 10:llj 1:35 1 * 6:40 | 2:12 10:3SJ | | 17:10j 10:181 1:43 1 5:35 | 2:05 1 0 : 3 1 | | | | ^ 17:20 | 10:26 10:36 1:52 1 5:25| 1:55 10:25| | | 11 j 7:301 2:00 1 5:15 f 1:45 "V ' - . I 1 M T No passengers carried locally between these points. . \ a Oonnects with C. ft N. W. trains. •• Operates through to Woodstock for paaaengers picked up at . McHenry or beyond. v Makes connections with C. M. St. P .ft P. * WOODSTOCK, WONDER LAKE, McHENRY, ROUND LAKE, WAUKEGAN . Bast Round--Read Down . SATURDAY, SUNDAY' AND HOLIDAYS Table No. 9 ~ Effective Jane #9, 1949 West Bound--Read Up AM | AM | AM | PM | PM PM| PM | AM |AM' Sat. (ssfth |ssfth |ssfth| ssfth ssfth [ssfth 1 ssfth | 1 j 9 | 7 | 15 |xl7 16 J 12 1 101 *8 | 9:00 | 13:30|s7:2O Lv. Woodstock Bus Depot ^ \ Ar. Wonder Lake Shore Hills Grocers Tire Repair Shop •----Handy Pantry »• ••7:20 1 3:28| |9:00 s6:14 | 9:16 | 3:46 7:36 7:36 7:06 13:131 18:44 6:17 j 9:17 | 3:48 7:04 | 3:10 I 8:43 6:20 | 9:211 3:50 7:38 7:02 | 3:08 I 8:41 ' §>:30 1 9:29 | 3:59 7:46 Thomaa Grocera (West Wonder) * Ringwood Junction 6:53 | 2:59 18:33 6:401 9:37( 4:09 7:51 6:44 1 2:49 I 8:24. 0 6:'46 | 9:40 | 4:13 7:58 McCullom Lake--Cricks Grocers ; Ar. McHenry C. ft N. W. Depot McHenry Renard's Restaurant Ar. McHenry Greyhound Depot Lv. Lv. McHenry Greyhound Depot f Ar. L i l y L a k e T * . A ' • Volo ? . • .. Lv. Round Lake ' j Grayslake : Jet. 45 and 120 Wilson ^ Waukegan Edison <poiit * Ar. Waukegan Bus Depot Lv. 6:40|2:45| (8:20 6:56| - J • 8:07 6:3013:35 1 . 1 1 , 6:3212:37 18:10 | 9:43| 4:18 6:35 | 2:40 (8:15 1 »:«| 4:18 6:20j2:30 1 9:46 | 4:22 6:12j2:26 0 1 9:50 | 4:26 6:08 | 2:22 | 9:58 111:45 4:35 5:58 | 2:15 11:30 110:06 111:53 4:42 5:47|2:07 11:22 i 10:11111:58 4 :49 | 4:57| . 5:42 12:02 11:17 J 110:18112:05 5:35(1:56 11:00 110:26 112:15 5:06 5:2511:47 11:00 110:36 112:25 5:11 ' 5:15 11:40 10:69| rr - ? No passengers carried locally between these points. s Connects with C. ft N. W. trains. , •• Operates through Woodstock for passengers picked up at , McHenry or beyond. e==£_ SSftH Saturday, Sunday aad Holidaya. McHENRY, ISLAND LAKE, WAUCONfiA, &ARRINGTON :) ' Bouth Bound--Read Down AM | AM AM 1 AJM 1 AM. | PM | .PM | PM | PM 18 | 20 22 1 24 | 26 j 28 | 30 | 32 | 34 5:10 | 5:36 | 111:05 | 3:00 | 4:50 | | 5:12 | 5:37 | (11:07 13:92| 4:52 L 1 5:14 j 5:39 | | 11:08 | 3:03| 4:53 | | 5:15 | 5:40 | |11:10)3:04|4:54| | 5:17 1 5:42 | - |11:12|3:06|4:66| | 5:18 | 5:43 | |11:13|3:0714:57] | 5:20 | 5:45 j |ll:15l3:09l4:69f \ 5:24 | 5:49 6:42 | 7:35 | 11:19 | 3:12 | 5:02 | 6:36 | 6:05 1 5:34 | 5:59 6:52 ( 7:45 111:29 | 3:22 j 5:12 | 5:46 | 6:15 5:35 | 6:00 I j6:53 | 7:46 111:30 |:37 | 6:02 | 6:55 | 7:48 j 11.32' 3:23 3:25 5:13 5:15 5:47 16:16 I I 5:38 5:40 6:03 I 6:05" 6:56 I 7:49 I 11:33 | 3:26 | 5:16 5:43 I 6:08 6:58 1.7:51111:35 | 3:28 j 5:18 | 1 7:60 t 7:54 | 11:37 | 3:31 j 5:20 j 5:52 | 6:23 5:46 | 6:11 [7:03 | 7:57 5:48 3:56 6:13 7:0517:59 |11:40 11:42 I 3:34 3:36 5:23 5:25 6:20 j 7:12 | 8:06 | 11:50 | 3:43 | 5:30 1 6:09 | 6:38 XONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Table No. S Effective Jane 3«, 1*49 Lv. McHenry Renard's Restaurant Ar. •McHenry Greyhound Depot Ar. 'Mineral Springa Emerald Park • N' . ' Hickory Grove Oakhurst Grlswold Lake' Island Lake--Gate S Island Lake--Gate 2 . Island Lake--Gate 1 Wlcksville Williams Park Forest Gardens •Wauconda Tower Lake : « . Miller Road Ar. Barrington C. ft N. W. Depot Lv. North Bbund--Read Up 17 | 19 | 21 | 23 | 25 27 I 29 | 31 ( S3 6:37 | | 9:00 | 2:27 | | 6:55 | 7:65 6:34 | (.8:58 | 2:23 | | 6:52 I 7:53 6:32 | 18:56 12:22 I I 6:50 | 7:50 6:30 | j 8:65 | 2:21 I (6:4917:49 6:28| | 8:53 | 2:19 | (6:4717:47 6:27 | | | 8:52 | 2:18 | 1 6:4^ | 7:44 6:22 | 6:42 | 7185 18:37 12:05 | 5:36 | 6:05 | 6:35 | 7:SS 6-:2ll | 18:47 12:15|5:4611 6:20 8:36)2:04 I 8.:35 I 2:03 8:34 12:02 |8:3212:00 5:35 5:34 5:33 5:32~ 16:151 6:04 6:42 | 6:32 7:43 7:32 6:03 6:02 | 6:31 | 7:31 6:30 | 7:30 6:00 | 6:28 I 7:28 I 8:30| 1:58 8:24 11:55 5:30 | 5:22 5:58 5:55 £^26 6i2S~ 7:26 7:23 . 1 I 18:22 11:52 J 5:2015;52 1 6;22 | 7:22 **6:00 ! 6:22 | 7:17 | 8:15 11:45 J 5:15 j 5:45 | 6:15T7TTS~ • N o p a s s e n g e r s c a r r i e d ' l o c a l l y b e t w e e n t h e s e p o i n t s . •• Does not operate through Island Lake--Stops to pick up or discharge passengers at gate entrance only. With the exceptions of runs 18 and 33 the same schedule ^ operate on Saturdays. . ' There is no service on Sundays and Holidays to Barrington. ;•> Jp%. t

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