Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1949, p. 3

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mm v• * •- y>*v •,. v •> :w. • /*1 1•: 1 PLAIITDKALZS. •> ><ff.£*»$;» d' V^jj^ &». frr / * ^14.»v' Thursday Jane 30,1940 POVERTY IN 0HINAIS2T TOJJ) BY SPRING WOVE ENGINEER :- The following is a cpntlntfaiftra of the ^interesting story which Am? oW N. May of Spring Qrove brought home - after spending the past three years in - China as an j engineer working oh land reclamation, irrigation and construction .projects. 1 "No one in the United States ! can realize the poverty of the Chinese tiler of the soil. He usually lives in an earth-floor hut built of rice straw and bamboo. Each OUTDOOR DAN CIN G LAKESIDE INN LILY LAKE -ASr%-' Saturday Night, beginniftf JULY -- 9 to 2 a. in. .*-:n Music by DON AADA'S AROHESTRA Admission $1.00 per couple if SHALIMAR SUMMERNITE ' • OB .V •• SATURDAY, JULY 9th ' » 8 p. nt On the beautiful ground of Mr. 0. Meyer, in the heart of Shalimar. (Just follow the ro&4 through the pines and you can't miss it.) Good Food and Refreshments ~ Serving starts at 7 p. m. Dancing in Meyer's paviHan An evening of fun and entertainment in pleasant surroundings. Sponsored 1>y -Shalimar Improvement Association | family cultivates on the average approxlmatetly one acre of land. jThtfre are no modern implements I to assist the farmer. He is too ipoor to buy anything but the most J common of tools, namely a hoelike fork which he uses to till the soil. Those farmerK with more/ land may have a water buffalo to pull a crude plow. In the central and southern parts of China, rice is the main crop, and it is all planted and weeded by hand. There are very few farm animals, and hence there is a great lack of fertilizers, making the use of human fertiliser a common practice. All harvesting is done in the ancient manner, that is, cut by hand and the grain dislodged from the stalk l by beating it into a large basket." • "Since the war years, inflation | has been so great that termers •take into market only sufficient to realize enough money for their im- { mediate necessities. In August, I 1948, a new currency gold yuan: was Initiated at the rate of tour' yuan to one U. S. dollar. By April 2, 1949, the date that Mr. and Mrs. May departed" from Shanghai, inflation had been so great that the rate had risen to eight million five hundred thousand yuan to one U. S. dollar. Actually, the yuan was not worth the paper on which I it was printed and it was difficult to have it accepted by merchants and other business people. I Gold and. silver had become the j medium of exchange as one cared to have the rapidly depreciating j Chinese' currency. This depreciation had its effect mainly on the ] people In the large cities who > were in a salary class. They were .paid on an index basis and before j they had an opportunity to put , their salary into goods, it had I often devaluated to less than half its original value. * Mr. and Mrs. May lived In the western part of the Shanghai Huburbs known as Hungjao. This was right in the center of the defense belt which had been bjuilt up around the entire perimeter of the city itself. Many concrete pill iboxes were constructed and camouflaged to look like grave mounds which are common in that section of the country. The lovely old trees along the main roads were cut for tajik barriers. A requisitioning of houses and vehicles was started by the military, and they were especially unscrupulous to the Chinese themselves, foreigners' property being respected to a certain degree. On one particular afternoon a iquad of soldiers came into Mr. and Mrs. May's compound, surrounded the house and ordered the number one boy to open up the doors as they were moving in. Fortunately. Mr. May was home and promptly informed the soldiers that it was foreign property and after a short discussion they departed. A short time later the entire Hungjao area was declared *1 a military area and Mr. and Mrs. May wereitotced to depart on short j notice for Shanghai proper. They were later informed that most of the houses and properties in the defense area were taken over by the Nationalist soldiers and that looting had started. v-y The major portion of China has now passed over to the control of Communist military organization. However, the work accomplished will continue to benefit the masa of the Chinese people. Only time will tell whether the Chinese Communist party will in the future cooperate with American business men and the American government VERNON J. KNOX. Lawyer, McHenry, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM DATS Estate of John V. Freund, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all persons that August 1, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of John V. Freund, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against said estate on or be fore said date without issuance of summons. AUGUSTINE M. FREUND AND JOSEPH S. SCHMITT. ^ Adrntaiatimtors. J" trSb. June 80 and July 7-14) U. a Factory Workers A third of all persons employed in American factories work with materials supplied by agriculture Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug 8tore, M< Henry. t-tf »'• your opportunity^ to get. this wonderful combination award . . . America's Finest Cooking Service . . . N£W Roper Range with exclusive "staggered top** burner arrangement ... 3 in 1 oven with regulated heat ... handy broiler... Fiberglas-insulated for cool kitchen comfort... and finished inside and out in beautiful, easy to clean Perma-Lustre porcelain that won*t chip or crack... plus a. complete installation of Dri-Gas, the better f u e l , clean, safe . . . modern . . . , With two 60 lb. Dri-Cas cylinders . . . more t h a n t w o months* supply for the average family W*lch Mrs. Goodwin turn out her mouth watering masterpieces. Try samples of her famous recipes. She'll be glad to help with your cooking problems. Demonstrations at: ' Everybody welcome. Come in and register on Customers* Opportunity Day only . .. and see the wonderful new Roper Range. Mrs. Mildred Goodwin, Chicago home economics expert, will tell you all about the Ropes Range ... and actually bake and cook with Dri-GeS . ,. America's Finest Cooking Service. # 1 THE BETTER COOKING Ftfft Try Us When Yon Need Quality Drugs In filling your doctor's prescription we follow his Instructions right down to the last fraction of a grain, yet this accurate service costs no more here than anywhere else. Try our pharmacy service when you need the best. DRUG STORE (Walgreen Agency) t Pfceae M XcHearj tlsae Saver , A basket kept near the cedar ftairs and used for carrying canned food up and empty jars down will save a homemaker many trips. Cooking Eggs Cooking eggs at an even mod# ate temperature will keep them from becoming tough. . Rant a Tree Few farmers and rural home owner » realize the increased valuation toey can add to their place by planting a few carefully chosen trees. The initial cost of a tree is not high •--most of the value .being in the years that have passed over its bead. Consult a reliable nurseryman and have him outline just what can be done to improve the appearance of your farm or country home with ornamental trees. Unsightly vistas and encroaching neighbors can be screened off with -tree" and shrube and aepeesary "buildings hidden behind hedges e* deciduous or evergreen shrubs. Unnsed Land It Is estimated that 1.300,000,000 •cres of unused, land in the world can be developed for crop production* Farm Accidents . iv. i«ads la. \rrwmmm Horses and mules were respond- j "ew state lead# the nstWn • hie for half of all farm accidents i'* production, of gypsum, , <f caused by animals last year, accords ' 1 >4j tag to a survey by the buceau^f \ Complete ime of .Lee's pMlby .. agricultural economic*. ^ ,f remedies rt Wattles Drug Steee, ' ., • ' • ' U Henry. v • - •*' Asphyxiattea MM* than half of the annual tft> tal of deaths from asphyxiation by illuminating and Other gases occur during the winter. Ifs a great temptation to keep the windows at the home tightly closed on bitter nights, but the practice Is neither healthful or-safe, report the safety specialists of the Association at Casualty and Surety companion. . Toai Permanent Wave Kits, tl.tft and $1.00. Wattles Drug Store. TBI FAMOUS QUILT-ED" mQ Wonderfully practical multi-purpose slippers ge lounging . .. beaching . .. traveling ... everywhere. Tops of beautiful solid and printed quilted percale ... the soles of DURABLE WASHABLE ARRABUK Suede. Sold in a moisture proof plastic bag which safeguards against soiling of clothing when slippers are packed for traveling, after beach wear and general use. Nest te Bank GumMed McHeary, 111. /for KM y/cro# FAf * Here is FM with a difference--RCA Victor's own static-free FM plus the added brilliance of the exclusive "Golden Throat." Yes, both FM and AM broadcast bands arc combined in this smart, completely enclosed table radio of glossy plastic. There's 3-point tone control . . . 2 built-in antennas * . . a phonograph in-put jack for use with record player. There's fun ahead--so sec aiftt hear it now! AC operation. *CA Vfcfer WILSON'S RADIO SHOP 206 Kim Street McHenry, HL TV a \ \ \ i m CHEVROLET if. Hold Everything" until you get hold of the best Insist on getting these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field I WdMJrS CHAMPION VALVI-tN-HIAD HOIW KM mftna eMcfatf power plant (haft selling the trend for the Industry. HSHIR BODY STYLING AND LUXIWY fptrnd elsewhere only on higher " priced cars. CXNmt-POINT STHUNO giving maximum steering ease wllfcmtH fatigue or "car wander" end found elsewhere only on tsilBsi rtW.: cam-SAiv HYMAUUC BKAKIS lrek« Uwlngs) • jlSSMfing swifter, safer stops far yee and yowr family. tONMST, HEAVIEST CA1 IN ITS PMLO, wHh WIDEST TREAD, as w^ giving more room, more riding-cam* fart, more road-**oadino»» and safety. • iMfH yniiLSAU MAMA (with Extra Law Praseara Tiros) the widest rim* in the antlre low prica PISHfR UN1STEEL BOOT CONSTRUCTION ^WVl iw wll yew far maximvai ieBdE|« yietnon wMi PANORAMIC VtSMNUTY lupplying that arte vWsa wfcldl •toons axtoo wfcty, axdashra le Oievralet in IN1 EXTRA ECONOMICAL VP OWN--OPERATE-- ^ MAINTAIN ALTHOFF HARDWARE PHOKK 2M WX8T McHKRXT, ILU / mm Muring yov CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 277 CORKER ILL. 31AKD120

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