Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1949, p. 4

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at Me tar Mu Bexfard Mother Adele Froehlkh l. gggW! W M second-class matter at, Stanley North of Sheboygan, Wis., ta spending two weeks at Crow Lake, Ontario, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bacon oj Gary, ! Ind., are spending this week frith jhis mother, Mrs. Zena'Bacon. Mrs. Evelyn Skoney of Oak Park • Y" , . <"• ' NEWLYWEDS CUT WEDOthKS * May 8 •St7 Muc^Hennr^y, 1n1i1".", u nnndiielrr spent a few days last week with M^Henry relativeB. dbo"Yoa» Mrs. Floyd Covalt left Tuesday \ I. A. i •2.50 for the state of Washington, where : she will visit her mother. She also intends to spend some time with her daughter and family, the Norman Blomgrens. in California. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting and baby of Elgin visited McHenry relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children of Chicago spent Sunday visiting JUr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Mary Joyce Mahoney remained for a two weeks' vacation. ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Sunday with, relatives in McHenry. j Miss Helen Bener of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Mario Mandoli of visited in the Stanley SchafTer Su Francisco, Calif., visited his i home on .Sunday. UKle Md family, the Gus Untis, i Those from here who attended teat weekend on their wedding wake °r „f r uneral °f *r9 Ver,a (l . Maiman of Wauconda this weeJi were Mr .and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Norman Eggert, Jr., accompanied i Mrs. Celia Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Stanly his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.1 ley Schaffer, Mrs. Grace Meyer, iv^ww^jfy^yiAnrL' Mr and Mrs George Collette, Mrs. NONAIS r n i l l e n - SAT, JULY 14 MNm '<^P| «5£i| XcHENRY, ILLINOIS Postpone Card Party The local O. E. S. chapter has postponed until August the public card party which was originally planned for July 14. Cmmilty Clab * . <t- At Well's July k - ^ The Johnsburg Community club will hold its next meeting at Cell's ballroom on Tuesday evening, July 5, with the following committee in charge: Glen Nixon, George Nowak, Alfred Lloyd and P«(tr^i(Bllflt • • • ». Rhervlew Camp Plans Meetings * Rtverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold two meetings during the sum- Home on July M for O. B. 8. memg*" • <*"1 party at the Villa Hotel Retort on Aug. 4. - The refreshment committee 1n 1 charge 'of Tuesday evening's meeting included Florence Larsen, • Louise Kramer. Nancy Rudinand Louanne Howorka. MORRIS CROUCH ? MARRIED SUNDAY ^ TO MICHIGAN GIRLr « A very beautiful wedding service was solemnized at S o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Zion Lutheran church in Marshall, Mich., when Mr. Morris C. Crouch, son of the Morris W. Crouches of McHenry, took as his bride Miss Lois Cooley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel! Cooley of Marshall. The church was attractively decorated for the mer months, the first on July S iMd qu 8 of flowers and the second Aug. 2. The annual l summer picnic will be held on July Ln wad loT«ly in 19 at 6 p. ib. at the V. F. W. parkj®?,®**®.«H sown iof brocaded satin, when apot-luck lunch will be en-l^i^*!" " y 1 e' Vjsil held ln joyed. ... „ • - !,by a "oral headpiece. She Matron and •su. carried a cascade bouquet ,of white roses. Mrs. Arthur Goodwin of Mar- Thoto by A. Worw'ck, McHenry MR. and MRS. CURTIS J. LENOX Before her. marriage on Satur- of McHenry. The couple was mar- Mr. and Mrs. George Reiker were * the b.ride» *cted *« hosts to twenty-six members of I cht£?J? ' attI]"ed in a pink the Northern Illinois Worthy Ma- °u*f She wore trons and Worthy Patrons club at I , horsehair hat and carried their beautiful home in Weingart's na^« of p,nk ro"*s and carsubdivision last Saturday. Supper i p_u, *« .» was served on the spacious lawn,1 -- McHenry served followed by an evening of staging, . W?re Ar" danefng and games. ' iS"rhrS^Sj,i^rot,^ln'!aw ot v bride, and Donald Schaefer of Rone Keller Honored I . At Birthday Laacheon . . adding Mrs. Mrs. Rose Keller was guoatof C™P* d/«88 3 4 ^ I H fought for their beliefs And many died with every dawn. Because their faith and ours lives en, America will ever be A symbol over all the world Ot freedom through eternity ^ _ ' SMcHENRY STATE BANK :.y. , c-'r - - ' "A -'-'.fr *' VSTREET "M FBI. c®-mt Vyna Loy SoM ttHcki In color "THE RED PONY" News--Cartoon A Novelty SUN. - MON. JCXY 3-4 v" a uv vvuyiv ww nier* I mi». i\ubc zv«u«r wi« ku«k d anj Anj. . r <la>\ Junr 18, to the bop of Mr. and ried in the rectory o( St Mary's honor at a birthday tea held at the ®rown and ^nite accessories Mrs. Russell V. Lenox of LaGrange, church. They will make their! home of Mrs. John Wrublewski at a f.or8a?f of gardenias this bride was Miss May E. Justen home in Cicero. Lily Lake lait week. Present to hia^ H Crouch wore 4 ; • 'enjoy the luncheon and social af- «™0 dJ,e88 w'th 8,lver and black ternoon were Mrs. Roy Morrison, I rMinMon fnn or^ld t.cor8aKe. Miss Josephine Dosch, Mrs. Trudy ^ followed the cere- Marsh. Mr*. AllM llarah mmA . ™®ny at the Goodwin residence for Member Federal Reserve System Federal Dofostt Inonraaee ] Family Comedy William Bendlx James Gleason I Qf KenoVha, and the Bdward Ho Susan Adams, Mrs. Harold Frett,; MISS JOAN .WEBER, Mrs. Fred Boger, Mr. and Mrs.1 ' Clarence Anglese and daughter. Kathleen. Miss Nellie Doherty, Mrs. Frank Wefcngart and Donald Weingart. Mrv and Mrs. John Kllday, daughter, Grace, and son, Bob, of McHenry, the Edward Lay family tHiS BANK WILL NOT TtANSACT ftUSINCSS ON JULY 4Nl ^ . BERNARD KENNEBBOK ^e h n'ce M?v0tj£L^0" MARRIED SATURDAY |Florence » ' R'• left on a Abort wedding trip, to •mm • H. I • IF: |. P. T. A. Plans Ohio. Upon their return they will j j live in he Wattles apartment. COMING EVENTS mini SI X. - MO>„ Jl'LY S-4 Matinee Sunday, S:S0 P. X. fl^end the glorios* 4th with ns. Rosemary De Camp -THE LIFE OF RILEY" Also--World News A Cartoon 1 gan, Dick Smith and Frank Low The bridegroo V'.I" II' Service. A beautiful wedding was solem-^'j' Meetings nlzed at St. Mary's church ~ Saturday morning, June 25L o'clock, uniting in marriage „„„ Joan Weber, daughter of Mr. and 7>ome or Mrs. Herbert Kngdahl. the Naturar"ff" ,pl™»"u,,;"T^ I ^ . July . families enjoyed a family gather- Mrs "e"ry M. Weber of McHenry, P>"e8ent were Mrs Fred Svoboda, brlde who reCelved her education 'Rlngwood Home Bureau MeeUng^ ing at White Pines Park last Sun- and Mr,B®rnar^ Konnobock. .son of i Mrs Edward Eshbach and Mrs. !n Michigan wa employed ag aj Mrs. Anton Grill, Wickline Bay. day. i^_a_n.d._^,8 „Ben •LKi1nebeck ^ HZ "bookkeeper kt a MaTshafl cr"m- 1:30 »• ery. _ _ ^ TrES. - WED. ffpe^tel .Vi^n^ Menaay^ jf#"p. j£ I Mayo r«ttthines Ul close! - --i--• """ Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson ' Johnsburg. Rev. Fr. Clarence j. cussed for the coming year, with and daughter. Marguerite. Mr. and The"ne8 officiated, at the nuptial j k i Those from here who attended Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss I^'_c«^erf°_rmld before _an altar I^P^^^^At that lme Prof Mar-1 the ,e?vlce wL mT aJd Mrs Johnsburg Community Club. Riverview Camp, II. N. A. Shall mar Summernlte Jaly 11 Robert Young *FLAXY MARTIN" Also Short Subjects Zarkary Scott i Maud Granger attended the silver decorated for the occasion with j 4^ will talk on Morris Crouch, Paul Overton Donwedding anniversary of Mr. and bouquetS o red ^ad,oli JDIrt?a,t8" w^^^^ bv thoBe ald Schaefer' James BrS,' mis Choral Club Meeting Mrs. George Smith fti Elgin on The adult choir^ of the church Portraits will be taken by those Joann DurIand Mr and M R ! Wheelock Home Saturday evening. I^88'. w,t.h maa Mar!?nPre8ent. ... . i Snrith and . Mr. and MrTmSS Festival' STARTING THURS. FOR S DAYS Henr>- i • 1 Color by Technicolor Fred Astalre Ginger I "THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY" MMMNMIIIIIMUNINIINUIIUimiKlllllllHIINiNtMUH Miss Cheryl May of Chetek, Wis., fr«und- a 'frjner classmate of the ' • • , - - . - is spending the summer in Mc-' as soloist. She sang Scheu- •_ » Henry ^8 ^ve ^Br's at the offertory Meeting July • John Lay returned home last an«J Thi« Day O Beautiful ni™* u",f of |he H?re j week from the Woodstock hos- ^lother as the bride placed her ( Bur®au *in hold lt8 next meeting JpiUl. where he was confined after ^uquet at the altar of the Blessed ™ Tuesday ,July 5 at the home 1 Buff^rinc iniuries in an auto accl* ® I Anton Grill at Wlcklinc 1 dent Jnjur,es ln an auto BCCI Miss Weber, given in marriage W- beginning at 1:30 o'clock. The Mrs. Alice McOmber of Los An-i^ 'ier 'ather, was, charming in a !mee^ng fa^9 on Day, with a llllllinillinitllltlllllllHnifllllllllllimilllimnillHmilllli i ^eles. Calif., has been visiting her ,J.hlte K 8"fPer 8afln' with t'eht bo-1planned in keeping with, :brotlien. Robert Frlsbv. and other-dice- ,?enha co,,ar' ne» and:tae dfty- .j ••••<• . i- vicinity.. jlong circular train. Her finegrtip Mrs Nancy Martin of Champaign,! ' MSHptarjorie Jean LOTtg of Mad- veil was held by a^rown of silvery popular young soloist with the Uni-( 'ison/Wis., spent the past Week feed P®arls and ahe carried a co- versitv of Illinois glee club, will with her aunt, Mrs. Alfons Adams. lonlal bouquet of white roses and present the musical portion of the j Mr and Mrs Waiter Frisby and a Pu,-P'e orchid. The bridal dress program She is the wife of Char-! son have returned to their home |an<l v*u tMhloned by Mer les Martin of McHenry, who is ! : in Sioux Falls. S. Dakota, after - mother. attending the university. spending some time "with relatives1 M'SR Joann Young of Waukefetin, • • • ' ' here |a ciose'friend of the bride, Wted HoW fathering Ort ' Mrs. John Kilday, Mrs Dick ias ma'd ot honor and bridesmaids WHdlrtjr Aniiherwtry Smith, Mrs. Frank Low, Mrs. Joe'^ere ?8.,^nn® Emerson of He- Mj-. afld MrH. Georga Johnson en Guzzardo-and Mrs. T. Gettner at- and Miss Marilyn Perkinsbrt tfeflaifted a gathering of relativeO ! tended a shower in Chicagb 1a«t °i ^hicago, friends, and Mrs. Jeah1 ft their home on Main street Inst Thursday. iette Gar.ord of Woodstock-; sister Sunday in honor of their thirty-! of the bridegroom. They were at- fifth bedding Anniversary, which ICE CRE/V II **4 Y ,1 >W<w«tN<lnill>KnMlC>» BRICK FLAVORS OF THE MONTH COCOANUT BUTTER PECAN STRAWBERRY MINT ' I" VANILLA TRY THE "SHMOOSDAE" A Chocolate Stmday in a Cup 16c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE FHONl 40 MoHEMRY Smith JUNE BRIDE Photo by Woiwick, McHenry Wheelock Home. Jnly 12 Card Party--NellTs Ballroom--1 Jaly S4 Public Party--Sponsored by 8t. Clara's Court--Parochial School Hall--8 p. m. Jaly SC O: te. S. Picnic -- George Reiker Home. Anpit 4 Dessert Card Party--Villa Hotel Resort--Sponsored by O. E. 8. \ Angast I Annual Party and Dance--Spon- . sored by Orchard Beach Association-- Lot 11, Orchard Beach. • Angnst 12 Woman's Club .Flower Show. August 18 , P- m.--Sponsored by McHenry , St. Mary's-St. Patrick's School P. Woman's Club. * «• | T. A.--Villa Hotel Resort Jaly 14 Joint Picnic of Lady Forester Courts--V. F. W. Grounds. / Jaly 16-17 St. Peter's Carnival, Spring Grove. Jnly 19 Pot-Luck Picnic at V. F. W„ Park --Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Jnly 21 v- D. of A. Picnic, Complete Hne OT Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo Henry. . 8-tl Alice Barbian at the Hammond Organ * Crystal "Y" Inn - Routes 14-81 Ph. C L 89» 5-4 MRS. JAMBS BORRB Joseph's Catholic church, Thursday, 'j retMurrn. aendd f roMmrs '.a G tireinpn toD rtahpee Sr mhoakvye tjre(j jn ROwns styled similarly to 1 occurred "earlier"'in~"th«" nionth* that of ttl. hHll_ it1 hIll„ f airotn earner m tno montn. Mounlatas and other points ot ln-|vlth bl„„ over«ki^ of nylon raar-l^® Mawlrite6 J ltVro?"fhe L'T and Mre^Vrank « o. "!",61"' of ' P R Z , ol d.k Mwiistee Mich visited r^atlvos' f ? ?SL MiS8 young carried a co- Park, and GfeOrre and family of aanndd ffrrfieennddss iinn MMccHHeennrrVy tthhiiss lpiasstt ,0n1^ hoUqUet of ,ypllow 8lads and Evanston, Mr. AIID Mrs. O. G. Eder daisle9 and the bridesmaids carried of Evanstoft., >Urs. Ada Smith, Mr. Dennis Ml-foftfthueh of Thioaeo is re°[ 8'ads a,}d dal®1es- and Mrs. Qteorge Smith and son, sDendiftfe i C fi with his u , Kennebeck served his Gordons ftlhd Mr. and Mrs. Granger Richmond, was the scene of a aunt mil wio Mr and Mrs Hueh brot^er as be8t man and grooms- Smith bf Elgin, Villa Smith of Pretty wedding on Saturday morn- M^rtohv uncle* Mr ana Mrs • ug -men were Daniel Kennebeck, his GlefVland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. C. ing. June 18, when Miss Dolores .. brother, and James Stilling and ft/Hollowell and son of Maywood. Frances Gosse, daughter of Mr. •Miss Margaret Blake of Milwau- ,Paul Schmitt, friends. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of and Mrs- Alyerd Gosse of Rich- *iee, Wis., is visiting in the home; For her daughter's wedding, MMi. | Hebron, Mrs. Earl Gear and Mr.,mond- became the bride of James of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Weber;Weber chose a maize crepe en- and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Crystal1 J°aePh Borre, son of Mr. and Mrs. this week. , senible. with which she wore an Lake and ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholas Borre of Richmond. The Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing of orchid corsage. Mrs. Kennebeck Thompson and Miss Maud Graneer double ring ceremony was per- Libertyville spent Sunday visiting- was attired in a medium blue crepe of McHenry. i formed by Rev. Frank Miller. The McHenry relatives. The Rosings; dress, with a gardenia corsage had Just returned from a trip to,Both wore white accessories. Colorado. CHICAGO GIRL WAS SATURDAY BRIDE OF MR. ERNEST M. BOHR At a 10 o'clock nuptial m i j Dinner was served to twenty- | eight guestB at the Villa Hotel Resort at noon, and a reception and supper for 100 friends and relatives followed In the afternoon and {evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Kennebeck left on „ d = a Wedding trip north, and after!homo on John street. Martin Coainyi Mlfori Bo rres were former residents of this community Observe Anniversary -- *r' ^7hISf%^«I?, v Wh0 MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENTS if m-rriS .«#! J^?/i2S I y,8 R^v. Wayne Price was returned hLl^d thl w " lti0 the McHenry Methodist church ®u"da ( y and Rev. Charles W. Stephens to ffamaily mat af glathferihng hhIelidh a„»t *th5e1ir' !| Rlngwood-Greenwood church tiAtMA am t*Vfk ii#(iaa4 a i ^Den appointments were an* m\their return will reside In the new-!dinner and supper were held on Methodlat ConferMce^eW^n performed Saturday, June 25, made apartment in the home of the beautiful, spacious lawn, with River Methodist Conference held in GamMei CLOCKWISE FASHIONS JOYCE SPORTSWEAR Svnback Dresses Slacks, Skirts, Jackets, Afternoon Dresses Si^es il to 15 -- 10 to 20 MM: .r EXTRA SPECIAL • SEAMLESS NYLONS %/l5izes 9 to lO'/a JSpecial 89c pr. Si 'ifp- The Friendly Store Vest poor To Bank McHenry, nii«% St. Clare de Mentefalco church, ^ejL Parent8 on Riverside Drive. [a social afternoon and Chicago, Miss Mary Johnson^ The bride is a 1946 graduate of during which time, a mock wedding daughter of, Mrs. Mary Johnson. ® "'cHenry high school and for took place. of Chicago, became the bride ik itw° yt ar8 following her graduation' Present for the occasion were Mr. Ernest M. Bohr of McHenry.'waB p,nPl°yed at the Edwal Lab- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cpnway and • iWaukegan last week. Rev. William Overend will be the new minister a t t h e chuffch. ^ Richmond Community Need rubber stamp? 1 Order at of tendant stal Lake groom, was best man. The attractive bride chose a white satin gown, with sheer yoke and long train. On her head she wore a satin headpiece which held in place her long veil. Her b^dal bouquet consisted of white carnations. The maid of honor wore ice blue taffeta, with bustle effect, and a blue headpiece. She carried a bouquet of carnations. A wedding breakfast was served to sixty guests at the Sherry hotel following the ceremony, and at 8 p. ni. 250 guests gathered at the Keyincn club to fete the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Bohr are now on a three weeks' trip to Yellowstone Park, after which they will reside in his home on Center street.^ The bridegroom, a graduate of the McHenry high school, is employed by theSparkler, Mfg. Co. in Muadelein.- FAMILY m|TnnnnTHt*T!E rrmrrnUU I LlUUKmrm Box Office Opens 7 J.5 Shows at Dusk WED. THURS. FRI. SAT., - JUNE 29-30 JULY 1-2 M-G M'S TRUE LOVE STORY JAMES STEWART - JUNE AI1YS0N 'USMKSTSJ^ SUN. MON. TUES. WED., - JULY 3-4-5-6 Starting Thurs. "Connecticut Yankee' IS Miss Josephine Johnson, sister ""101'108,!11 ?,"8^ood I h^e- 'amily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Con- T{ pVn d |°Jr " the bride, acted as her only at- R T? at,ended,St- Joha s school way. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns! ne ™»naealer. and Francis Foster of Cry- f" , "ow employed by Nick Mil- and son, Gregory, George Buss, "~" ke, close friend of the i M^tenry Garage. j Mr and Mrs. William H. Althoff , A A A a a a a a a a AAAAAAAAA AAA A A a a a a a a and John Ficken of McHenry, M r.!. VV SR V V V V vVVVVV V V >• V V WW V WW V V V VVVVVW and Mrs. Lynn Smith and son, Dennis, of Rockton, Mrs. Celia Knox of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holle of Oak Park. WED AT ST. MARY'S CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent cards, flowers and other remembrances and who visited me during the time I was confined to St. Therese hospital and at home. *7 EDDIE JACKSON. Pboto by A. W or wick, McHenry ELMER STE1NSDOERFER Florida Folks Guests At Local Country Clnb Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meeks and daughter, Evelyn, of Clearwater. Fla., were guests last week of the Chapel Hill Country Club proband Mrs. Julius Goffo. Mr Meeks is head greenskeeper at the Belview Biltmore Country Club in Florida where Mr. Goffo worked while spending the winter in the south last year. A party was held In honor of the Meeks on Tuesday night at the clu'WhTJttse. 'Guests Included Mr. anltl Mrs. Jim Engel and sons. Lance. Kurt, Peter and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett and children, Ratp'h, Jr„ Zeltnda, Christopher and Jeremy. Miss RoVena Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serfaine and daughter. Karen. Sam Dubow, Walt Nickels and Chuck Thompson. Movies were shown during the evening, after which a tasty Innch Mercury Outboard Motors Larcoloid Marine Enamel Synthetic Base For boats, yard furniture, household nse. Available in jcolors, clear, porcelain white. MRS. | In a pretty wedding service was wsrved | solemnized at St. Mary's church, j McHenry, on June 15. Miss Grace !! ,«,« Kunz of this city became the bride * ol,,»,Pr " ' _ . - -- - The O. E. S. hel# a regular meetjoined the service after his graduation from the McHenry high school in the late days of the war. RFTl'DKfi vnnu ne1 dic i w | ""-"ciiiy, uu dune io. miss urace "• Hhondh Jieennswenr returned ^fro m ^<C elle,!, Kunz of this cit>' became the bride nr pimor i _ Germany, last Friday, where he 11^^ The newlyweds are residing h,K o*1 Tuesday evening. June 28, served for the past nine months! in McHenry residing ^ and GeorRe Reilier pre with the army air force. Bob, who « siding. Chancev Harrison and " Ktliel Holle, grand ^chapter com- CARD OF THANKS • niittee members," were escorted ttt this manner we wish to ttenk and introduced. , re-enlisted a year ago and was sent friends and neighbors for floral One candidate was presented for [to Germany. The remainder of his offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards dnitfatlofn. with Chancey Harrison three-year enlistment will prob-fofc sympathy, donations of cars and serving as worthy patron during ably be spent in this country. He the many other kindnesses ex- this service. _ is now stationed at Orchard Place tended in our bereavement. We PJans were- announced for a Airfield, formerly Douglas airport, jalso wish to take this opportunity l^ake sale on July 1, starting at Hob is spending the weekends With to thank Fr. Uaumhotfer for hi 11 a.m. at the West Side Locker Mr, and Mrs. George Reiker in sympathetic services. Service. Anrtouneemfent was also Weingart's subdivision. (7 HARRY FREDRICKS FAMILfc made Of a picnic at the Reiker nrr TD Tir\TnrT\1 XT Your Container, $1.10 per gallon; JL vJ Jtvl liiN JL JLIN E# $1 per gal. in 5-gal. quantities or . Balk • . 1 '• more lau Boat Hardware and Accessories ; ---•' Large larltty brass screws, gas tanks, windshields, throttle controls, boat handles, steering cable an4 boat rope, life preservers, life jackets, boat canvas covers, boat )«ddles, seaa compound, plastic wootf All, glue and filler. Marine Plywood Beautiful Mahogany and lr. Available by foot or sheet. SWITZER - CRAFT Wholesale and Retail a Entrance Rear of Gladstone's Store, McHenry^ Hi. ^ ^4 »•f> >•!• • • • • • • • • V 1

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