Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1949, p. 6

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PWffi :^-i ['% -:ft- ;'"4 ' "S f-^' f **&;* W< t.*\ >* , „» * «** -j\ > « 'ii-* /f > ' n **x' 'H- / •fN.. XHt HtSBRT *• jSUs-fi^ ' ,4.-.. .'.VW "M9WW •a'"' •'-'«> T\ -"$/ "" Ffspr v-; m A; <$. j 1 »«, *.*,'»-»;> - '* V . s ,S ^ • ' • 7 • ~ '#? , , ' - . . , / v#* v?*v V <u * ** - ***• ^ * & *• - 'y•'..<- T Y^ j^,>e>4 •« Thursday June 80,1M9 : i R S 51FIE D S E C T I O N I FOB 8A£E--Craftsman 7-i» cir- Icular caw, tilting table. Price $25. I Phoile McHenry 131 W after •» «- *7 ?v m. . w - * " FOB SALE--Walnut dining room set, eight picces. Call at 413 Riverside Driv? or inquire jrt Pa's Tavern, Phone '32|. 7 _i of tlM great number of , idi which appear In the I«r each week, we have II tepowible to keep books »* aM)t accounts. There- „latki town, only ads vhich CM yaid f«r befare this section 9t tte paper goes W press at 10 g*q|so>. m Wednesday mornings «fll fee printed. FOB SALE--Refrigerator counter, suitable for lunch room. Electric I pump with tank; all in perft*ct condition. Call McHcyy Efcctric stove, , yy 603-J-l. . •5.00. FOB SALE--(jya-cubic ft. electric refrigerator in good condition; reasonable. Phone McHenry 501-W-l. LAMP DISTRIBUTOR SALE -- ! Lamps at wholesale prices. Don't i buy before you stop and see the j best at the lowest cost to you. 'Figurines, Antiques, Planters.- Chinjese and Mandarines; every lamp (guaranteed perfect. Louise Diek» I Seminole Drive, . Iridian Ridge. Phone Wonder Lake -243. 7-2 roaaALB FOB SAIS--Huge sale . of used records starting today. T«ke your pick of popular records by your favorite artists;, 15c each, eight for $1; twenty Jive for $2.75. Ace Music Co., 707 8. .Green street. Rear entrance. '7 FOB BALE--Blonde dining room set; Coles eeal eirelaatiag heatec. Will give away four nice kittens. J. Rowland, Regner Road, Pistakee Bay. Phone M*-Hea*y 564-W-SS. *7 FOB SALE--1&40 green Chevrolet «oupe with radio, heater, fog light and trailer hitch; in good condition. Has icmoveable bench for children back of acats. Phone McHenry __ Registered eervico 661 M l- bull. Mrs. Ed. Bauer, Ringwood. 27-in. Milbradt power Second farm west of Ringwood «n ith chain drive trac-1 right aide of r,oad. , FOB SALE . • lawiiinower with cha "J /' tion, lawn rollers; does a '<'lf*• * hurry. Has large Briggs V"--1-; 8tratto«, air-cooled motor with « power to spare. Seat on surrey "H •" may be attached. Has separate clutches for rotary blades and 4 traction; compression cut-out for .< . easy starting. Cost approximately $S75 new. Asking price, $175; will deliver. Will consider oiFers. Phone McHenry «61M1. ** big job FO& SALE--Oil stove, heats six riggs & rooms; black Victrola type with chrome trim; $25. Tel. McHenry 794 W. • • ..-7 FOB SAXJS--Fine selection of fireworks. One black east bridge on Rt. 120, D. Thomas. 7 FOB SALE--1947 Chevrolet, one ton panel truck; low mileage. Tel. McHenry 742. 7 FOB 8ALE--Three-burner kerosene stove, almost new; complete bed; extra mattress: enamel top table; cabinet; davenport table; .lamps; mirrors; dishes; miscellaneous. Phone McHenry 547-R1. *7 KINSEY * BBKSVEN Carpenters i Let us give you an estimate on that building or ramodeltng job. Phone Woodstock IStMV. Phone McHenry 8M-J *7-4 IDBWITT BBOt. HOITTICBBBKOY OBDBBBIB8-- Will soon be ready for picking. Watch thia paper for future anouncements. ' Abundant crop. De\V»tt Bros., Cherry Orchards, East Troy, Wis. 7 PAINTING -- Exterior and interior; installation of plastic tile; Insured; for estimate call McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. Marine Route, McHenry. 47-tf ATTENTION, FABMEBS! AUia-Okalmers Scores Again $2,577.10 delivers to your farm the following Allis-Chalmers implements: Allis-Chalmera C Trac tor, 23.81 hp. belt; Allia-Chalmers 2-bottom 14-in. plow; Allis-Chal mers Roto-Baler; your best buy. For further information see B. M. FLEMING * SON, your Allis Chal mers,, dealer, McHenry, III. 7 3 FOB SALE--Singer drophead sewing machine, $15; ice box, porcelain lined, $8; auto top ^carrier, steel box, ten adjustable holders. Phone Vic's Upholstering 8ervice, Pistakee 551 R 1. *7 FOB SALE--OMs, '48 convertible, No. 98; yellow with red upholster ing; hydromatie; heater and radio; perfect condition; $2,600. Can be seen Tuesday, July 5. Herrmann's Cottage, Woodlawn PuTk. Phono July 5 only, McHenry 646 J-2. "7 FOB SALE--1-Three lawn mowera, $.r» and $7; lawn sweeper, $7; jet pump, $125; shallow well pump, 958; used pump, $15; baby buggy, $7.50; bathinette, $2. Phone McHenry 552-W-l. Bert Engstrom. FOB BALE--At Wauconda, 111., in t£Sir!" a a™?" ah*^ h' ^T TO* HALE-BEXA1B - It Will j FOB SALE-Must sacrifice 5-room 1 wa8h th<> <Ju,t from th* air in^kttvear round hoWat West Shore k»V» hardwood floors; deep J»vell; : vour home, humidify, p«b. and parochial school; bus and metjicaments, even-, scrub floors. gen. store, blk.; built for year Three machines for the price of ronnd occupancy; full lake pnvi one 8ee it today and joiD the leges; owner transferred; will sacn- m}}|jon who are alreadv enjoying fiee. Ask for Madison cottage thi« th</ NEW Rexair Health Service. weekend. , 7 j far| Barnickol, phone Mcflenry 646 W-2. *7 vaporize | Beach, including large enclosed porchi automatic oil heat; excellent location. Make offer. Cal^Mc- Henry 638-M-2 after 7 p. a *7 FOB SALE -- Small refrigerator with new unit, 1942 Chevrolet | FOB SALE FOB SALE -- Beautiful tapestry couch, 90 inches. Phone McHenry 632-M-2. 7 motor, 1945 four* speed Chevrolet truck transmission--cheap. MeHenry 223-M. \ rk Phone dressed. 4-lb. Iryers, alive or Herman Brown. Phone McHenry 614-J-l. •62 i FOB SALE--Frigidaire refrigerator FOB SALE--15 ft.' Kargard rnli- Inree 9-cu. ft. size, porcelain finish, abont and trailer; 60-hp. inboard) Cold wall. Excellent condition, engine. Phone McHenrv 535-W 1) Wonderful buy at #175. Phone or 223-M. '7 McHenrv 150. 7 FOB SALE--LAKE-FBONT HOME ---Lot No. 1 Johnson's Subdivision MeOullotn - Lake. 5 rooms M ith large attic, cement basement, and large glazed porch all across the front evertooking the lake: Nice lavge trees on a very high lot. Year-rouad possibilities. Price H^50. (brokers protected) Owner phoae McHen,ry 661-M-l. k7 K FOB BALK -- Beautiful 6-room, year-round home; automatic oil heat; automatic hot water; natural woad burning fireplace; knotty pino intrj-ior; furnishefi on five" landscaped lots' on Lake Shore, Drive; immediate possession. Owner, phoe<: Wonder Lake 788. / 7 BATiE 18-ft. utility Century speeihsat; Gray motor; very clean; perfect running condition. Chain •f Lakes Beat Co. Phone Mc Heavy 675-J-l. »7 For Sale--9% acre poultry farm, having everything to raise and dress from 800 to 1,000 broilers weekly; starting and finishing batteries; automatic hot water oil heat for all year 'round production; newly built house with two-room apartment for help; 30 miles Northwest of Chicago on good road, close to town. Asking $30,000. will consider offer and selling on contract. Address"PF," care McHenry Plaindealer. * 4.4 FOB BALE--All year homes, $5,00u and .up; farms, large and small; , -ehewe ftnts; resort property; sum-i we.,t °' "err® Cotta factory. Open For Sato--Spring formals, saxin wedding gowns, ladie*' dresses, hats, suits ? children's clothes; men's and boys' suits; sport coats, shoes. This clothing in good condition. "Gone With the Wind" lamp, chinaware, glaasware, gilded frames; clocks, hanging lamps; Burroughs adding machine; L. C. S^ith typewriter; cuckoo clock. Mr£" R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Road, Terra Cotta Consignment k Resale Antique 8hop, quarter mile ier henee ;v appreciated. businesses. Listings' 1 P m- to 10 P m- Sundays. ^ Knox Real Estate, 405 Bichmond Road,. McHenry Phone 421-J. . (f.ff FOB BALE--Trusses; 18 doubl 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. 'Phone Crystal Lake 1346-R-l * 4-tf ALL-YEAR-ROUND HOMES FOB SALE--Pistakee Bay, 5 rooms and pitch wood . trusses, ringed and ibath> lot 104x360, also suitable bolted; 32-ft. span for barns, gar- tor resort cottages. Price >16,000, ages, etc.; sash windows and doors.take reasonable offer. Lumbar. Goulds shallow well pump. 1 1 1 Two double cots. Tel. Crystal T-ake | Shalimar Subd. Modern 5 room 532-J. - home, garage, automatic oil heat, ZLn .... -- 3 lots, 150x150, beautifully land- «ALB--Large lots, with river . scaped. Price $15,600. FOB SALE -- tTwin beds, ehiita cabinet, book case, gas stove, refrigerator, three dressers, four chairs, kitchen cabinet, steamer trunk, lamps and .chairs. l>r. L. B. Murphy, Sr. Pfcefae McHenry 447-J. 7 OPPORTUNITY -- For extra income selling nationally advert isied Klad-Ezee children's clothes. Over 200 styles of fine garments. Part time or. addition to your present line. Give qualifications. M, Pease, 5822 Newport Ave., Chicago, 34, 111. •; ANNOUNCEMENT -- Ralph L. Clark, piano teclpiicia?, is taking over business of Harry C. Calhoun of Woodstock. Complete piano service. Located at 902 Garfield Road, Harvard, 111. Phone Harvard 748-R. *7 FABMEBS! The new insecticide sensation for barns and cattle DnPont's METHOXTOHLOB INSECTICIDE Designed for control of horn flies and lice on dairy cattle, and of stable flies, house flies and mosquitoes on barns. Has low toxicity and not «asily absorbed. One treatment normally effective for at leaat 3 weeks. 7-3 PIANO TUNING-- $6.50. Expert repairing and rebuilding guaranteed. A. G. Ska la, phone McHenry 123-J. *7-4 BARN LIMB White-dry-fine-100 percent passing one-eighth inch mesh. Once tried, always used. FOX RIVER STONE QUARRY, Rt, 31, midway between Elgin and St. Charles. Phone Elgin 6060. 7-4 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS . ' Available now in any quantity at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PBODUCTS CO. ,Hours 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone McHenry 788-W 4-tf Barn Spraying -- Carbola D.D.T., Carbola disinfectant, whitewashing. William Ahrens, 607 Front street, West McHenrv. Phone 148-J. 4-tf PIANOS--40 Miles from High Prices. VACATION SPECIALS: Savings up to $200 on some slightly used Spinet Pianoh. All leading makes. Ca» Elgin 780 or visit DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO., 21 N. Union St., Elgin, III. ^7^4 FOB SALE --• For your Fuller brwfliei call Albert Pepping, Sr., R-l, McHenry. Phone 676-W-2. 2-tf FOB SALE -- Electrify your oil lamp in % minute with the new Gyro converters; it's ready to light. Also cut glass vases, and china .vases electrified and faade into lovely lamp bases. Al! types o f lamps repaired. Estimates given free. Open Sundays. STILLING'S TOWN AND COUNTRY STUDIO, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Tel. McHenry 297-J. 1-8 FOB 8ALE -- Dumphy plywood deck-top 16-hp. Johnson motor and cover; steering wheel; $500. CAll McHenry 207-W. *7 FOB SALE.--Large electric popcorn machine and stand for commercial use. Oportunity to go into business. Tel. McHenry 340. 7 rtgkta, Mar Pistakee Lake. George: w Relker. Phone Pistaktee 633-J-2. Also Ave large rooms in Shalimar, • ' *52-tf|3 lots, 150x150, $13,500. MHle?* S SALE--' 4 rooms and porch, in Wooded EmI JSiz r°®™9' Inclosed j Estates Sub. Pistakee Bay, lot J? 1 17 # bui,dln«' 30x40, 100x200. Price $7,500. large porch, new foundation, suit- j '/wms. near | Wonder Lak^ en Blacktop road. Jonas burg Bridge, only $4,200. 15 rooms, furnace heat, garage, U/^.h». T ov „ __ large lot. Price $8,500. For apointw ^ Urge ment in Johnsburg, JACOB corner lot, price $2,800. | FBITZ, BEALTOR, Tel. McHenry Miller's Sub. 5 rooms, enclosed LI! porch, near Johnsburg. Price 1 FOB SALE--Fertilizer, rotten cow $7,600. For appointment call (Hank ,manure; Just right for your gar- Nell). JACOB FBITZ, REALTOR, den fertilizer; $4 per yard dels Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry $7. jlivered in 3 or 5-yard load. Rest- , $-tf hill Farm, George W. Relker. R-l, in. .... : ! McHenry. Phone Pistakee 633-J-J. •OB S4TIK--Geaerators, armatures, ] »l-tf farters, fuel pumps, distributors j FOB SALE--'Immediate possession, 5-rocm modern Hickory Home, on bus line, C. k N. W. transportation; one • block to stores, churches, schools; elec.; running water; refrigerator; fully insulated and fur nished, at a moderate price; handy to beach, golf, fishing, etc.; ail rights. Tom Langston, corner Mohawk and Blacktop. Wonder Lake I I I * r HOUSE FOR SALE -- n-rootns; bnth; enclosed porch;" cabinet kitchen; furnace heat; full basement; garage; chi«k<*!i house; lot fruit trees.V No. Park St., McHenry. Phone McHenry 151-j'. •. 1 : " *7-2 FLOOB OOVBB1NO Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. Bay Irion, Phone 888, Woodstock, 111. 4-tf BBiKG YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US--We can deliver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMEBA8, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40-tf ' FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write FRANK CANS 300 Riverside Drive, McHcnry Tel. 106 W. Representative of Sears Roebuck ft Co., Wall and floor tile, roofing, garage doors, screens, wall board, and ceiling Ule, aiding, gutters, r jfcwool, lrbn miutags. Free delivery. , 43-tf WELLS DRILLED OB DBZVEN WATBB SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pomp. Bill Baeon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf TBUCKTNG -- Livestock and* Lime. Alfred Tonyan, 111 W. Pearl St. McHenry. Tel. McHenry 60-R. lo-tf SAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned *y Eddie's Sanitary 8ervice. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHerry 290. 2»-tf OABBAOE COLLECTING -- Lefta dispose of 'your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf FURNITURE UPHOLSTEBXNO-- Also repairing; fine workmanship. Call Vic's Upholstering Service, Pistakee 551-R-l. *7-2 STUD SEBVXCB--Nov available at Curtiss Candy Company Farms, Improved Stud Service. Top Guernsey, Holstein, Brown Swiss and Ayrshire bulls, many out of eows with complete World's and Claw Leading Records, sired by National Grand Champions and many themselves Champions. Selected aiatings and stud pool ser.viees. No membership fee required. Prompt service by a trained teehnieian. Bspc--eatsd by: danibl a. wbbbb Bt. 1, Bos If MeHenry, ZU. Phone McBdary 664-W-l 7 HXLPWAMTKD HELP ANTED--Girl or woman for general housework and to assist with children; stay nights. Phone McHenry 658-R-l. *7 HELP WANTED--Young man de siring part time work in evening for typing freight bills; must be experienced typist. Downs Motor Transport,. McHenry. 7-2 HELP WANTED -- C o o k i n g , light housework. Family 5; we help: /Good salary. Pfct. summer location; lake. Own room and bath. One fl. Must be willing; responsible. Phone Barrington 330-W collect immediately. 7 WAITBBSS WANTED -- For Saturday and Sunday work. Apply at Art k Lee's Restaurant, 204 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry. 6-tf WANTED -- Girl or middle-aged woman for. 4% ; hours a day; desirable work. Write Box "X," McHenry Plaindealer. 6-2 HdMtttChvcl Conference is over! The appointments have been made for a new year and with the challenge of the many speakers still ringing In their earB, laymen and ministers alike are back at the taetiNwith renewed vigor and dreams. What the results will be depend upon the cooperation «between laymen and ministers in the great new '"Advance for Christ and His Church." It was interesting to note according to the statistical report that fairly substantial gains were made in all flelda except the following: In the Sunday Schools there was a decrease in nurseryhome members and In the adult divlatoft. In our local church <we have made a line gain in the nuiv sery department, but We, too. have loat mam hers In the adfutt department of the Sunday School. We definitely . need volunteers tor teaching the adult class and some regular attenders. This week the commltee -on the combined church „ and church school picnic will miet. We are awaiting their decision as to destination and date, a officers and members of the Official Board. We hope that each trustee, steward and presidents of other church organizations will be present for this service. Let us all begin the new year -In the Holy Sacrament of Communion. See you in church Sunday; Bead the Want Ad». Nentrena A neutron b on. of «"> blocks of which nuclei of atom* UA. ' •> > Complete line of Lee*l remedies at Wattles Drug 8tore Henry. 8-tf -Car Buyers. Attention 4th of July Specials «•» CAR lt47 Nash CM I18SM* 1M7 Stadebaker Chaap. ISMit# IMS Nash IN UUM IMS Chevrolet .... UIMir IMS Ferd CeaverttMe llMuW;^ • SMI Nasfc fM SBtuBtf The combined Junior and Cherub, Itll Plymeatk S.W. .... 7#M» Choirs have been practicing for their radio program. We are. looking forward to hearing them ovivri the air. I We will begin the new church) year next Sunday with the Sacra-1 ment of The Lord's Supper and the! Recognition Service for the elected illl Oldsaebtle IMS Stadebaker Champ. IM* Ferd --^ » IMS Ferd IMS Cbevrelet . 1CM Bakk 1M? Dedge P. W. IDOWNS^N^LSH SALfeS m Elm Street McHENBY 4M Also Tewlag Service MODERN BRICK HONES IN McHENRY Bear Intersection of U. S. 31 and 120 Fully Insulated -- Improvements WATER -- SEWXS ^ OAS -- XLECTBIC Water Bights leading to Fox River and to Pistakee Lake WOMEN!--Earn money! Pleasant, friendly, part-time selling work for National Cosmetic Company. Write Mrs. Eva Huffstutler. Box 86, Dixon, 111. 7..1 PRICE $li; X Z Terms LOST LOST -- Box of fishing tackle and 33 mm. movie camera, near entrance to Fish Lake on Route 120. Liberal reward. ' Call Chicago, Grovehill 6-8319. Reverse charges. *8-2 8 WANTED WANTED--£<dd jobs during vacation such as mowing lawns, etc.. by 12 year-old boy. Phone Mn- IIenry 591-M-2. . ' " 7 DEAD ANIMALS--Highest cash wAWTPn Ti" 7~~77 , , prices paid for cows, horses and • . . . mp» 14-month-oid hogs; m>«help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR s + . In Johnsburg Telephone McHenry 37 In Chicago Telephone Lincoln 9-1333 oltage regulators and ignition parts | FOR SALE--Johns-Uanvllle Homt fr Ford aad all other cars. Seaco Insulation, Installed by The Wall- Wes k Service, Lilymoor, Fred J.' Pill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. • Stilling. McHenry 18. 40-tf 47-tf j FOR SALE--31 acrvs on U. S. 31, FOB SATiR iirawalTEM, AD-' Ringwood, suitable for gas station, SXDni MACHINES. Service on all cabins, lunch room, r or Infor- BMkes.- Also ribbons.for all makes;: mation call JACOB FBITZ* REALeaiboa paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St.. TOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McHenry Woodstock. Phone 649. 7-tf;37. 3-tf FOB SALE -- New house, 44%%' 'ti Fi OR SALE--Household furniture; looms and bath; suitable for two I end tables, davenport, upholstered tooms upstairs; garage; all mod- ! chairs, 3-piece sectional bed, *!n conveniences. Phone McHenry I lamps, etc. B. E. Hall, Fleming /99-R-2. 7 . Road, Bull Valley, Woodstock, Tel. ' Woodstock 1617-M-2. B2-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer. i •,|» a 111 n 111 in mi 111 t + n mumni i: Helen Weber Says: TALK ABOUT A HOUSING SH0fi7A6£ POR SALE--Year-round homei, 5- rroms; gTassed enclosed front porch; full basement; hot and cold running water; furnace heat; carpeted living room and dining room; Imrdwood floors throughout; lot 50x1.50; fruit and fihnde trees. Mc- Cullom Lnke, West McHenrv, 111 Phone McHenrv 670-R-l. * *• Call Wheeling Rendering Woi*ks, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36-tf WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimen must be transported in sterile container. Charge $4. McHenry XRay ft Clinical Laboratory, 308 8. Green St., Phone 291. 3-tf oom for mother if possible, in McHenrv or vicinitv Write to Box 394,' McHenry, III. • *7 WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonaii, 200 So. Green street, MeHenry. fFront part of Clnire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED TO BUY SAVIN08 ARE OBEAT ON EVERY VBED OAB AT BLAKE'S 47-Dodge Coach (fluid drive) *' with fresh air heating. 46-Ford super deluxe Sedan \ perfect inside and out. 46-Dodge Sedan (fluid drive) premium car-minimum^cost. 41-Plymouth spec, deluxe Seday 40-Pontiac 2-door Sedan. :- 39-Plymouth 4-door Sedan. SPECIAL SUMMEB SAVINGS 40 Willys 4 door Sedan, $395. 40 Studebaker Coach (overdrive), $52o. 39-Plymouth Business Coupe, $49.">. 45-Ford 1% ton Chassis, $8®^. new motor, good rubber. Plus Many Other Models All Guaranteed and. Personally Endorsed by A. B, BLAKE MOTOB SALES 301 E. Pearl St. McHenry, 111. 7 EXPERIENCED > LANDSCAPING--TREE SUBGBBT AND REMOVAL -- INSURED FREE ESTIMATES J. W. BAYOBATT, P. O. Box 169 Phone 298-B -- W. McHenry, 111. 45-tf WANTED TO BUY--Piano McHejirv W.1 R. Phone WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FBITZ, w.#tr TOB, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO RENT PAINTING--W a Iter's Painting * Decorating Co. Brush and spray painting; tile floors; walls; complete building maintenance; special summer rates. Box 324, MeHenry. Phone McHenry 59.1-W-l. *0-4 V • FOB SALE -- Four-room taummer cottage, at McCuIlom Lake, furnished, $3,000; also. 2-room house trailer, $400, and outboard boat, 14-ft., including motor, $125. Phone McHenrv 547-W-2. ^ ' *7 TBEE SEBVICE -- Twenty-two years experience; general tree eare; insured; free estimate. Phone Crystal Lake 326-W. J. W. Gilstafson. «6-tf PRUNING AND SPRAYING--Tree pruning and spraying. Frank Henkel, phone McHenry 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence Volo. 44-tf C. J. H. DIEHL . Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 520 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. WANTED TO BENT -- Teacher and family desire unfurnished four or five room house or apartmeut with two' bedrooms, , in McHenry or surrounding comnlunity. Wish to come to McHenry Aug. 1. Ad-r dress Carl Buckner, care of MeHenry Plaindealer. 7 SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- fciectri cian, experienced, two years apprenticeship. Graduate of V. S. Air Force Radar Tech. School, sixteen months electronics repairman. Call Wauconda 3773. *? "~f0RRENT~ MISCELLANEOUS WHITEWASHING AND PLY CONTROL OF DAIRY BARNS-- ' • I Frank Henkel, phono McHenry ;|l 543-J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. ' Residence Volo. 44-ti' ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING CONSULTATION in Tax Matters Reliably and inexpensively performed by former staff member of Chicago CPA firms. To discuss your problems frithout obligation call McHenry 4R'>, FOB BENT--Johnson floor 4raxer, $1 per day. Gamble's, West McHenry. - 7-tf p"GB BENT---Cottage, sleeps four; •35 n week Herrmann's, Woodlawn Park, phone McHenrv 646-J-" THERE IS NO Sousing Shortage for MOTHS. Take inventory ) now of your clothes ! doeets -- our superior ^aning plus free Moth proofing will keep youi\ winter things fresh and :; :: safe. McHenry Cleaners 1M-X INBbiSt. Helea W«6er; Mgr. MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SER. VICE--Records Installed and mainj tained. Elmer P; Adams; Certified 1 Tax Consultant. (Jne mile north j of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; ] Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf (LOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. bake County Sanltatv Co., Libertyville Tel. 1846. 47-tf BICYCLIST KILLED " Funeral services for Kenneth* Anderberg, 12-year-old Barrington 5-3 jboy who was killed last week Tues- --- I day afternoon when his bicycle SPBAYING--To have your weeds, j was struck by a station wagon, lawn or corn sprayed, call Melvinjwere held at 3 o'clock Friday aftefr- KUredt, Round 2223, .r>-tf!noon. Kenneth was injured fatal- ---; ------ - . Iv while riding his bicycle on East BXPERT PIANO TUNING AND county Line road, in company with REPAIRING--Work fully guaranteed. Phone McHenry 081-M-2. 5 tf. four other Barrington boys. The bicycle lie was riding was struck by James Lawrence, 28, son of Mr. CLEANING--Rugs, uphoisterv and a,nd ,Mrs ,Wirt {^rence Barcarpets cleaned and moth proofed !rlnB J ton- In a" ^"est held Wedin the home. Cftll Ehredt', iw«-!nesday mornln« the funeral home, a coroner s jury returned a Verdict of accidental death. The jury reported, however, that the evidence indicated that the accident might have been prevented by the exercise of more care and caution. in Call. Ehredt's clean Co., Round Lake 2223. Dura 6-tf. Cement and Carpenter Work Cement Mixer For Rent John M. Stangarone Emerald Park Sab. Phone 661*J-1 1-tf ORCHESTRA AVAILABLE-- Four or five-piece orchestra for steady or weekend Work. Call after 7 p.m., Chicngo, Spring. 7-6813. *5-4 CARPENTER and CEMENT WOBK Asbestos Shingles and Insolation Free Estimate ABVUMON BBOTHBBS Tel. McHenry 653 M-2 SO-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer. t i rtaisd Pletaraa Prevent dust from seeping into trained pictures by sealing the bade at the frama with a atrip al •aUa> phane tape.. ° ,1 ' A little core now can insure carefree holiday driving. And make sura you get this care from the men who know your Ford best. At a special holiday price we'll give you the service you need to keep, your Ford fit. And you'll save 4 wpys with our I -- • - « * *» » » 2. Ooeirfss*ford Mi #» f HilUry<yy«»wf BU IMII^i 4. SfHtcUl rp<rf Cqo^Mal V« Nri Malirs Kit* Pirii But! BUSS MOTOR 631 MAIN ST. ^ McHSNET, ILLINOIS PHON1 1

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