THE DOME RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE "Food That Satisfies"' * our chef's famous oookiof. Complete dJmMca* starting at ILS5. CHICKEN, STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOOD and HICKORY-SMOKED RIBS Don't forget Our Friday Special * Complete Dinner $1.00 x, KAT McDOMALD At Our HAMMOND ORGAN - I JOHNNY WILSON, Mgr. Phone Wauconda 4234 ISLAND LAKJ5, ET. 178 REQUEST FOt BIBS OX ALTERATIOH8 AT KVISK8' HOUE, . WOODSTOCK PIULIC HOSPITAL. Plans and •peciflcatlons^ for Nurses* Home alterations may be picked up at the Superintendent's Office at the Hospital between the hours of 9:00, a. m. and 5:00 p. m. any daj^ Contractors bidding on this job will be required to provide a completion bond. Sealed bids will be opened on July 19, 1949 at 8:00 p. m. «t the City Council rooms. All bids re-1 ceived after this time will be void. < The Board of Directors reserve j to identify Louis Ole Olesen, <4, who died of a heart attack in Ills home on North Avenue a few days previous. Papers found in Mr. Ole- Een's effects aided in locating Mrs. Sutton. Mrs. Sutton, who was born at Woodstock, said that since girlhood she had tried in Minnesota, where her father had friends, and in this area to find him,'inserting newspaper ads and talking to police and others she thought might aid in finding him. None or bar efforts had brought results.*). VERNON J. KNOX. Lawyer, McHenry, Illinois XOTICE OF CLAIM BATE the right to accept or reject any' Estate of Rev. Albert Joseph Netor all bids. All bids to be mailed dert, Deceased. to the Building and Grounds Com- Notice is hereby given to all permittee, Woodstock Public Hospital, Bons that August 1, 1949, is the Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. June 30 and July 7K LEGALS Jf YOTIC* • f - IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF HAROLD H. VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer, ~ McHenry, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE ' Estate of Eva Weber, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that August 1, 1949, is the claim date in . the estate of Ev^ Weber, Deceased, pending in the VAUPELL AMD GRACE M.' County Court of McHenry County, GLORNEY FOR,-VARIATION OF j Illinois, and that claims may be ZONING CLASSIFICATION; filed against the said estate on or AND AMENDMENT OF ZONING .before said date without issuance ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HBRE- of summons. * l <. Rom where I sit Jp Joe March Now I'm Going Back1 To High Schoolf • * * ' 1 BY GIVEN: That in compliance with the pro-1 visions of the McHenry County1 Zoning Ordinance relative to a! change or variation of the zoning j classification a public hearing will j be had before the Board of Appeals in connection with the appli- MARTIN WEBER and HENRY J. WEBER, > Executors. (Pub. June 30 and July 7-14) GAS PIPELINE mm_ Streaking through the heart cation of HAROLD h vattpvt't. 1 McHenry county from north to AND GRACE M* GLQRNEY that isouth- the natural gas pipeline. FIXDS FATHER--DEAD A 30-year effort to find father ended for a former ElginI said estate on or before said date woman, Mrs. Vera Olesen 8utton > without issuance of summons. I OT Wanconda. last week whan she REV. RAYMOND HETTERMANN, I was called to the Rago funeral i Executor, j honfe on North Avenne, Chicago, (Pub. June 30 and July 7-14) the zoning classification of the fol- wh,ch haa Us source in the Texas i estate be ! P*nhandle. ,8 averaging one mile a! claim date in the estate of Rev. Al- j toert Joseph Neidert, Deceased, > pending in the County Court of > lowing described real McHenry County, Illinois, and that t changed to a B-2 classification on j »^ west of Wooaher iclaims may be filed against the , the property below described: > stock, this section of the line was j That part of North one-half (%) 8tart«d in Milwaukee and will Join o< the fractional Northwest one- th® ,ine from Texas somewhere{ fourth (H) of Section Twenty (*°utl1 °' McHenry county. j (20) lying Northerly" CONCRETE BLOCKS Light Weight and Cinder Blocks Chimney Blocks -- Septic Blocks -- Glass Blocks J Steel Windows*--- Water Proofing Fox Lake Concrete Products O Hy. 12 and Railroad Depot Tel. Fox Lake 3742 Yas, 15% off the pHce of any floor furnace bought anil installed during this sale! We're offering this, to make it worth your while to install now and help us ease our Fall rush of business. Do it now!--save money and get: AwtMMtic Heat. Clean Neat. Extra-Comfort "Wana-tleeM* Hea laty Installation -- No lati* ••ent. No Duett, No Tearing (If Tcwr House. '\ \ DRAPES CURTAINS VALANCES CORNICES SLIPCOVERS BEDSPREADS WALLPAPER " %c EASY TERMS! Law Down Paymanfs ACT. NOW!--Saw R«al Money and Oat llaady for Winter Ahead of the Rushl Th It Offer Good Only Till July 31st VYCITAL'S Jfiar&wm Sheet Metal Shop 204 8. Green St. 9"Om a fmt trip as CwHW Cmtrm t mtrfd25wMnp9rfrU---y O.D. Km*, MuH* 4, l«t 231. Gr$ihy, CWene*. of State Highway (No. 176) and Westerly of public highway, Township , Porty-four (M), North, Range Nine (9) East of the Third Prill'- cipal Meridian, McHenry County, Illinois, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection! of the center lines of the said | State Highway (Route 176) and, the said public highway; thencet northerly along the center line of said publi9nighway four hun-; dred (400) feet) thence South-' westerly to a point which is four I hundred (400) feet west of the] said intersection of said highways and situated on said State I Highway (No. 176), hereby in- j tending and meaning a piece of land forming a triangle irnme-! diatelv north and west of said in- I tersection. the two sides of which shall each be ^our hundred (*00) | feet In length with the terminus j points of each side being con-: ' nedted by a straight line running southwesterly and northeasterly.i The hearing will be held at 3 j o'clock P M on Friday, July 8, 1949, in the County Court,House in I Woodstock. Illinois, at which time' and place any person or persons! desiring to object to such application will be entitled to be heard, j McHENRY COl7 NTY ZONING ' Board of appeals, j By Roy A. Kent. i Its Chairman. • j (Pub. June 23 & 30) 1 Complete line of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store. Mo- Henry, 8-tf . When I saw lights burning in the High School auditorium last night, I looked in to see what went on. About twenty people were listening to Boi! Ellis, the electrician, talk about television. I slipped into a back Mat and "tasked Hap Thomas what was up. Hap to'd me it was the new Self- Improvement Club. I stayed to listen-- and learned a lot. Butts really knows his stuff. Turns out this club meats every Friday night. Each member gives a talk on the subject he knows most about. I Joined on the spot because learning new things is eoe of aqr favorite hobbies. From where I sit, it's willingness to learn front the attor pane* that makes Americana tolerant towards so nuay different viewpoints and tastes in things. Just bsca-- Bass Ellis goes for chocolate •shsis, wMle I prefer a sseDowv glsss of beer, doesa*t ntn I*ni rigkt aad he's wrong. Incidentally, ant wook rim going to talk on tow to ran a Copyright, W#, United Slate* Brtmtrt ORIUMXF, M,AK1>'« THE A\M Al, AI'1'ROPftIATIOX FOR THE U c H F N R Y T O W N S H I P FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, IN THE CO! STY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL' YEAR. BEGINNING MAY 1. 1949, AND ENDING APRIL SO, I»50. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and the Board of Trustees of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District: Section 1. That the following sums, or so much thereof as shall be authorized by law, are hereby appropriated tfb defray all neceesair and proper expenses of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1949, and %ad|Bg April 30, i960. 1. Administration Expense Fund Fbr printing. po*tag*> and i (miscellaneous office sup-. Slios J . 400.00 Fire Equipment, Replacement Fund 2,500.00 3. Construction Fund for iFire Hmuse 30,000.00 $1.. Salfcry Fund-- a. Salaries of Trustees 150.00 b. Attorney's and legal fees 250.00 c'. fire Chief and firemen 9. 2,000.00 5. Fire Protection Fund -- For the purchase of fire protection equipment 6. For Repairs ....s 7. For Gasoline and Oil 8. For miscellaneous. contingent and general expenses, unforeseen and not included in above Items 600.00 S,600.00 700.00 300 00 > • $39,400.00 Pectfon t: That'the unexpended balance of any item or items of any appropriation made by this Ordinance, may be guaranteed In Inaking up any deficiency in any Item or Items under the same general appropriation and for the #ame general purpose or in a like appropriation made by this ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force Jrom and after its passage and publication as provided ty law. ANTON M. SCHMITT, President of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. Attest: JOSEPH M. REONBR, Secretary. Approved: * VERNON J. KNOX, •) Attorney. passed: -^une 27, 1949. Approved: June 27, 1949. . Published: June 30, 1949,, (Pub. June 30. 194i) Only one oar in America is a full yaar ahead ia style with fender-enclosed wheels. ^ /r'i tktNmsk Air fate! Only one full-sise oar oan (aU yott over 25 miles to the gallon of Has, at average highway speed.* IV% the Nash "600" AirflyU! : ' Qniy one car has the !Tniifio|)f sj|| Only one car is. built the new, w»4trs one-pieoe, curved windshield on fill Models. | It's th* Nash AirflyU! Only one ear has seats so wide tfeey can turn into Twin Beds--offers m»re head-room, m*r* leg-room, mart road clearance--and. is only 62 inches high. It's the Nmsh Airfl#$! C wsy--Girder-built with the Unitised -Body-and-Frame. Only tme car has the true Weather Eye Conditioned Air System. A Compare the features--compare thu size--above all, compare vmim*! Let your Nash desler demonstrate. Drive the '49 Nash "600" «r Nash Ambassador. Tsf^r:; V aJtffAT C4M IINCC 1M2 DOWNS NASH SALES 408 ELM St, TEL. McHENRY 484 McHENKY, ILLINOIS NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF WILLIAM O. t WRAGE FOR VARIATION OF ZONING REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: , That in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change or variation of the'xoning classification a public hearing will be bad before the Board of Appeals im connection with the application of WILLIAM O. WRAGE that the toning classification of, following idescribed real estate be varied to allow the construction^of a building within two feet of the Northeasterly property line instead of ^he building requirement of three feet from the Northeasterly property line: Lot Four (4) in Block Three (3) L in Shalimar Subdivision on Fox River, being a subdivision of part of the S % of fractional Section 24, Township 45 Noi*th, j Range 8 East of the 3rd Prin- ! cipal Meridian. a, ;The hearing will be^held at 3 'o'clock P. M/on Friday, July 8th, in the County Court Room in the (Court, House in. Woodstock, Illijnois. at which time and place any peVson or persons desiring to object J to-such application will be entitled to be heard. Me-HENRY4 COUNTY ZONING L!0AB1> OF APPEALS, By Roy A. Kent, . :-- Its Chairman. >0r-. "SPEEDY" 38Bn WMfMHA-nC "ggJti by McHENRY GARAGE mrnm&Q NICK MILLER'S VNIMinGMMSt •kl 604 FRONT STEE7 Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 STOCK LP WtTMAA*** WOXBEMTVL FOOD VALUES JO* r Customers' ^ Corner -- ^ Thanl yo% (ot jrtu i ThouMndt of out cMtomfn hvt been kind enough to write ut letter* tellinf u )••« what the; like and don't like about Iheii AW (tore*. Every one ol At ItfMH iwaiijd U been carefully atudied. Many of tb--i Kavt oontatned helpful a* to htm m CM make A*P Mom beNei plaen Is (hop, «ad vmj MM «l dm ha* m Imk> the kind W M mi mnim mm WEEK-END! AAP WIIX BE CLJOSEB MONDAY, JULY 4th SERVE ONE OF Airs FLAVOR RICH SMOKED HAMS' I* T0 20 Ll A¥». 8hank Portloll 'f'"tfeatt Partion lb, 66c r lb. 69c JL Se riMafatt all mm mh~ fUm bMf At loin Matagl WHOLE HAM lb. 65C ifcMa W FM^SMIH Ol •iipiB Awn Ni»Takn,lir CANNED HAMS y\:m rem cu;» Bsvnucfis * ^ " 2 7tMi mum «u. OtCMt MAYIR ^ . __ LmiMn Meat S RTM $1*9I , 19,1b. average lb. 83c i ARMOURS lbs. 96.39 Spiced Ham. . 3-lb. can SU5 CORN KINCT Alickelberry,s GUDANVS SLICED SKINLESS SMOKED BACON FRANKS PICNICS lb. 49e lb. 40c • lb. 496 wasoN't RtMtJMI SULTANA Tsm Flakes lie "TINU t HI-FOWER 0WU e«l GAME 23®-. MADISON--TIAIN OC m Meklee raOM liMOlil ReaUnta US tie FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRE8H THi»£ -- TOMATOES • CALIFORNIA PASCAL OELERY ..... CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPE8 ARIZONA JUMBO CANTALOUPES SOUTHERN RED RIPS WATERMELONS It an. cartoon 25c 'I8e lb. 5c 4-OZ. TIN 20* HALTCCS U. Pretzel SHekt ... I ED SKY Temate Mee ' HMSMIY'S J Cheeelate frrapi ANOEt SOFT Cleaiisiac TltMM y SAROCN Tea NapUat ANN fACE Salai Drettfef .. ANN fA©l _ Btaas with Perk 2 «NS' ANN PACE Peaaat Batter 22c JnSs'25c ^ 15c !T»ox19c •^lic jIII 27C CELEBRATE THE 6LOMOUS FOiMTTH WITH THIS SLORIOUS Me Parker 4tfc eff My Mn C«UW«4« Km 4HI VMM) TM» Srtt^-TMliaf, ... _ Bja _ 6«ilv DttariltJ C«4«. Wj FDC H'l CiorloMly LA Etliafi 4TH OF JULY ' -N Jane Parker Cap Cakes •o « .• * JANE PARKS! Aacel-Feetf Bar JANi PAftKCt Petate Chips LOAf I9S • MARVSi !a. 4§C WWte Breai M4C. LOAf JAM MIH MJ 7fc Fraakfarter Rail ^ 21t 216 A WICHTER KITCHENI Kitchan Klenzar • • • ia« l>Mc JAR LINY IRANO Corned Baaf Hash ."™n35* A&P DAIRY VALUES! MCi-O RIT PROCESStO kmrieaa Cheese KRAFT RHISH OR Piaeapple Ipmi KRAFT AMERICAN Velveeta CREAM RICH f Cettace Ckeeee KRAFT OLD Eagtish ChMse PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese ANOTHER MEAT fftOOUCT Ubby's Vaol Leaf ; MK. '• • • TIN 31* ZLOlAt.F S7c 2Sc FOR A SETTER LAUN0RYI Oxydol . • , K«. %-L«. ..MC®. 29c TIDES IN--OIRTS OUT! Tide . .- ifJIle s-oz. JAR ts-oz. PKGS. WASH V/ASH-DAY BLUES AWAY WITH Sic P&G Soap 31c / 1ARS t9* Yb is 41c MILD AND MELLOW C 0'Cleek Celfee RICH AND FULL IOOIEO Red Circle Ceffee ,L A% 45c VIGOROUS AND WINEV f Bekar Ceffee ... J| 48c •*a£: \ vwiV .V m ' h V - . J " ' f-,s1 * * 1 >. K I K M I« W »W - w . ! ' Ol> j •l& 'Wi^