Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1949, p. 7

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rMHNMiLTIli lis at voanr MOM, vonmci muc mos- Pians and apecUteations for Naraea* Home alterations may be picked up at the Snparlntendent'a D Offfce at the Hospital between the hoars j>f 9:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. any day. tJontractora bidding oa this Job will be required to provide J» completion bond. '& Sealed bids will be opened oh Inly 19, 1949 at 8:99 p. m. at \he Qtjr Council rooms. All bids re- Wrtred after this time will be void. - The Board of Directors reserve the right to accept or reject any or ail bids. All bids to be mailed to the Building and Orounda Com- Bilttee, Woodstoclr Public Hospital, m' Woodstock, Illinois. (Pub. June SO and July 7) f- •ftst- -W % ' * vX * *? mo.wj&ZiZm \m.t Wist?-agr --v _t) . '~~-V v->- • ' / • N J. KNOX, Lawyer, JcHenry, Illinois IfOTlfcE OF CLAIM DATE state of Rev. Albert Joaeph Neidert, Deceased. > Notice is hereby given to alt persons that August 1, 1949, is the ^alm date in the estate of Rev. Albert Joseph Neidert, Deceased, ^pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the aald estate on or before said date without lsauance of summons. REV. RAYMOND HETTBRMANN, , Executor. §?; <Pab. June SO and July 7-14) VKRNOft J. KNOX, Lawyer, McHenry, Illinois nones or claim datb of John V. Fraud, Da- Notice Is hereby given to all persons that Aaguat 1, -1949, la the claim date la the estate of John Y. Preand. Deoeaaad. psndlag In the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that dates may be filed against said aetata on or be fore aald data without lsauance of suULmona. AUGUSTINE M. PTUEUND AND JOSEPH 8. 8CHMITT, Admlnlatratora. (Pub. June SO and Jvty 7-14) _ _ Eggs Pre* Eggs will lose as much "freshness" In four days at room temperature as they will In several weeks 9 In the refrigerator. Crystal FaBs Iters are so many recesses and '*rooms" In the Crystal Falls cave fiear St. Anthony, Idaho, that it #ould not fcw explored in a month's #ime; yet there are no poisonous Uripers or insects in this entire area. VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer, McHenry, Illinois NOTICE OF CLAIM SATS •state of Eva Weber, Deceaaed. Notice la hereby given to all persons that Auguat 1, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of Eva Weber, Deceased, pending In the County Court of McHenry County, Illlnola, and that clalma may be filed against the said aetata on or before said date without lsauance of summons. * MARTIN WEBER and HENRY J. WEBER,! : Executors, (Pub. June 30 and July 7-14) Agricultural Ceepevattvee Agricultural cooperatives are succeeding because they have met and are meeting an economic and aortal need, says the U. L dapartUMBt af agriculture. *';•£? \ A covered sldllat--of heavy material-- may serve aa a fnrtfMS chlcktB and chops, or as a Dutch oven. With a special rack, this covered skillet becomes a small surface oven. It can than be used for baking pies, rolls, biscuits, or small cajse>» -'Head the Waat ££a. m CONCRETE BLOCKS Light Weight and Cinder Blocks Chimney Blocks -- Septic Blocks -- Glass Blocks Steel Windows --Water Proofing Fox Lake Concrete Products Hjr. 18 and Ktllrotd Depot T«L roz Late S742 * DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) lyn Examined -- Glaaaas fitted Ylanal Training -- Visual RetaMHtatio* Complete Yianal Analyaia Dally: • to 19 and 1 to fr--Saturday Evenings: g:00 to 9:819 PHONE McHENRY 4SS rr FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER ' ITS THEO. QLSEN & SON MASON CONTRACTORS McCUIXOM LAK* *«•» McHeacy --- . . J< ' • , V-,: ' No Job Too Big Or Too Small V "'-few--o--- For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service Call McHenry 548-W-l Q :: FOR BETTER AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING BBS THE AUTO BODY CO. 506 W. ELM PHOHE •/"' McHENRY, ILL. 44# ri. Wheel Alignment and Balancing Service {Formerly Overton Auto Body Shop) St. Marys liassaa: Sunday: 7:00, 9:89, 19:99, 11:9 Holy Daya: d:09, 9:90, 19*0. Week Daya: 9:40 and 9:99. Fbat Fvlday*~SsS9 and 8:99. Coafeasieaa: Batardaya: 8:00 p.m. aad 7:09 p.». Thutaday before First Fildsy: Attar 9:09 Mass en Tkafada|f 9:00 p. m. nd 7:00 p. mu Magr. C. 8. Nix, Piaster. * 1 \ ~p~rW* • ' " : V v t w i r S s W ^ " v S(U Jfciiftffc HAmMi IBMa iunday: 7:99, 9:99, 19:09 and 11:90 D. 8. T. Fr. Frank J. Miller, paator. TWICB TALES of Years Asa WITT YEARS AGO K. R. Auatln. the weat Sang&v 8 00 t oo io*99 and Hvaryman. has put in a handaome 11^90^' ' new buaa. one of the finest ever Heiy Days: 9:80 aad 9:00. 1 brought to this section. Week Davs: 7:00 and 7:80. j The Richmond Oasette has First Fridays: 7:10. OetUMBioa i ekssged hands, H. C. Faber hav dlstHbated at 9:90, 7:00, darlagilng sold the same to Prof. Frank the 7:10 smss, 7:80 aad 9. IL. Carr. principal of the Richmond Coafessioas: Satardays: 4: flnh on the Elgin board of trade MNmday. Chas. Rietesel is having a cottage built on the east banks of Fox river, opposite the Riverside T^e saloonkeepers must pay the government license of $25. The tact that business has been rather poor of late will this rather difficult for some of the white aproned merchants. Records- show that butter prices suqb as are now ruling, are the highest quoted for the month of June since 1882, when the fancieat creamery was quoted for a short time at 27 cents. Miss Lillie Hiller is now prepared to do all kinds ofl dress£ making. Give her a trial. TWENTY-FIVE TEARS AGO McHenry's second shipment of oil was applied to our streets the first of. the week and if the pleasjant weather continues for a week, I we will have little reason to comj plain regarding the dust nuisance ; for sometime to come. | A storm which very much resembled tornado clouds, passed ] over this rity about 5:30 on Tueg | day afternoon. Considerable wind I accompanied the passing of the clouds and our citizens breathed ja sign of relief after the darkness i had passed over. .....One of the chimneys on the Pries block on Green street vai struck by lightning during the {electrical storm which passed 1 over McHenry about six o'clock last Saturday morning. Friends and relatlvea In and around Johnsburg were agreeably : surprised Saturday upon receiving the news of the marriage of M'iha Barbara Adams of this village to • Mr. John B. Jackson of Grass Lake, which occurred on Fridnv st St. Peter's church in Spring Qrovdfe'i^T • ' ' 'j*' * ana tor fc*-- use ' i»ifngc& :f -More than 85 million pigs-war* ! ^ , >. farrowed In the United .Stataa In < -""'i". ' iW':.-' 1948, the^sixth largest number since | T<ml peraMM.t Kits. 9U9 records have been avaUaUe. ..d 92.00. Wattles Drag Store. 85-tf pablic school. to 5:00 p. im. aad Jos. McOmber went to Chicago. 7:00 to 8:00 p. ta., aad aa Thars- on Monday, where he haa taken days before First Fridays: 1:00 a posltkA in a law office on to 8:00 p. a. at.d 7:00 to 8:00 Waahington street. P* I Coroner Herts, of Chicago, has Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor, located hi# family at Plstaqua ------ jLake for the aummer. Ston EvangsUaal xmwoui 1 • (The Church af the Lutheraa Hour)! • FIFTY YEARS AGO ' - -: Joha St., % block east af Hwy 81L * . West MeHeary, Illiaeis. { The Plstaqua Yacht club lias Suaday School: 9 a. a. j now the largest membership of Sunday Worship Serviee: 10:18 j any yacht club hereabouts, numa. m. bar 820. Henry Wllaon, who residea on the Nnnda road was kicked in the face by one of his horses laat week and for a time the wound seemed serious, however, the patient Is rapidly recovering. Monday morning as Fred Wille was driving on Main street toward P* . the .depot, the wagon tongue You aro eordially iavited to attend our services. For Information phone 881-R-l. Clifford Klehl, Chairman. Church School: 9:80. ig Worship: 1 Junior League: 7 p. LAURENCE N. PITZEN r EVERGREENS SHRXJBS^ TO T.ANTOlRAPllfa Route Ons ^. McHenry, 111. : a 1 • • ' flione McHenry 660-J-2 M I L L I N N Formerly Barnard's Mill s~-Jforth End of Wonder at the BridgQ ^ - TELEVISION • COOKTAfitS ' LIQUOR -- wnns BBSS T . OOHPLXTK ; onmsss SESVZD # From 6 to 9 p. m. Daily except Monday H Saturday 6 to 11 p. m., 8nnday 1 to 7 p. SL FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY WE CATER TO PARTIES Frank and Jerry Wiedeman Phone Richmond S12 Officisl board meeting oa saeoad allpped from the neck yoke, and .Wednesday of ssoath at 8 p. as. j in an instant the wagon ran A cordial invitation ia exteaded to against the horses, frightening yon aad your family to come aad j them to such an extent that they worship with us. Wayae R. Price, Paster. Christ Far McHenry Goopel Meetinga Every Sunday Legion Hall. Oreen Street Donald Q. Liberty? Paator. 10:00 a. m.--Bible School. 11:00 a. m.--Worahip Serlvce. 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic 8ervice. Everyone welcome. For additional Information, write Chrlat for McHenry, P. O. Box 2SI, McHenry, or phone McHenry «8-W. St. Jehu's Oatholie Johnsburg |dashed down the street passed the depot and into a ditch near the road side. Butter firm on the Elgin bosrd of trade Monday; offering 807 'tuba, >07 selling at 18 cents. FORTY YEARS AGO Butter was quoted at 86 cents Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and 11:99. Holy Days: 7:09 sad 9:90. ' Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:85 aad 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 7iM to fiad 8:80 to 8. Thursday before First Friday-- 8:80 aad 7:80. Rev. A. J. Neidert, Paator. VetaTa Oathettc •Print Holy Daya: 9:80 aad 9:09. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday : 8:09. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:19. Thursday before First Friday--~ 2:30 aad 7:15. Rev. Jphn L. Daleidea, Pastor. Christ Ths King Sunday: 9:00 anil 10:69. Holy Days: 9:80 aad 8:09. Confessions: Sundsy: Before each mass. Holy Dayi: 9:15 aad 7:00 to 9:00 Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Paator Seapal Center Wander Center, Wonder Lake (Noasectarian) Services: Sunday Slble School: 10:00 a. Morning Worship: 11:00 a. wm. ' Suadif Evealag Service: 7:45 p. m. (Second aad fourth Sunday af each month.) . Prayer steetiag, Thursday -- 9:90 p. m. Bring the fsmuy with you to Sunday School and Worahip Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyoae. FRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Elngwaod OMfet Unfiled, fw, Sunday: Pablic Worahip, '9:80. Church 8ehool: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals: Wedaeaday eveaiag. Rev. Charles Steveaa, Paator. Jocal qJ/jwm/M' A Complete CLEANING N SERVICE TRUCK LETTEKINO & WniDOW LETTERING ' SHOW CARDS -- OUTDOOR SIGNS H. REESE C Fox Street ----- . Phone 440-R MOSEY INN RINOWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. AWNINGS Tarpaulins Large Selection of Materials ORDER EARLY Specialixinff in Store and Residenoe Awninft McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 57.1-W-2 Tho«. Thonneson, Prop. 1 * o cooi me Breeze into yow ...with a night cooling fan! Done U Our (hi Plant BOREEHStT" McHENRY Free Picknp and Delivery Service Phone 20 CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Fnrnitnre, Lawn and Porch Swinfs, Pier and Park Benchea, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises aad Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets aad Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Mon'i and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Muilnif, HL PbOM 583^-1 s. ^ i? v 1 • »l9ht ceolbig ftpnils out stored-Bn wJlT*" wfcu« cool, oiMht .,v?" •*» gaudy -. , ®g» cool air «i *vaporaMs • • 'you fed cooler GOVT. SURPLUS LUMBER The Finest U8tD Lumber Obtainable M 2x6 2x8 2x10 FIR FLOORING 8BXATHI]fi§r TIMBER BASONED LURPAOED TRAIGHT Sectional BnikUn^T 16x16 16x20 16x24 and tp BOSLEY WRECKING CO. Like New But Costs Much Yon bringTg lake shore -breeze right into your apartment... when you have a night cooling window faj£ A window fan draws in cool air from outdoors--and sends it through your rooms to lower the temperature and help you feel cooler. As the moving air passes over your skin, moisture is evaporated quickly... and you feel comfortably cool. Best of all, you can sleep in comfort. There's a night cooling Can for your home.. . find out about it today! & For Mm aportmw*, an amity* MTOMO wMQOW lpl w m' oble nodal to be set qp> la front. 0T HI wMBw (MM «B9 piP nonamty Mdkd «Me type 19 iee9nMnandad fct Night cooling ffnns m V pMVW .V^^a PVPIlVlSf k InvaiSfie i I i itngai far yevr storar ep er elMwi .fXUt. af Chleaga IT OUR HEW IVWUB TARS IH RARTARD, ILL. Weet end af town -- eentli aide el R. R. tracks. for economical 9umnMr cOKftotif 9S0 yeur PUBLIC SBRYICI COMPANY OP *•* *

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