Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jul 1949, p. 7

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Thursday, July 21, 194V TB* HcBKNRY PLAIHDKALlk HMfllll hum'* Tb* famous English Mosquito all-wood plane out of trees en America's northwest coast In the first half of the war, the builtug__ plane propellor of compressed drove the majority at Eng- Bn war planes. The contribution cf the English carpenter and his bench was matched by that at the American ",|Orppo" logger who searched out single Sitka spruce trees that contained airplane grades of lumber to supply the 'hlfHfrt hf England. Valntera SbeaM Dedge 8a Painting in the direct rays of the hot sun should be avoided, but work can be laid out so that the ! operator follows the movement of i the sun. If a house faces east, the | painter should start as early as , possible on the west side, doing I the east at a later hour. Early | afternoon would be the time for the • north side, while the south .side should be done later in the afternoon. Paint, of course, should never {be applied to surfaces on which humidity has condensed to form a i temporary film of watec* Watch It! lite traffic rate clerk was teaching his wife to drive. Halfway down the hill she gave a scream ot horror. "George, she cried, "the car is running away. Can't you stop it?" "No," replied the rate clerk, "I can't reach the controls. Use your brakes. Use your brakes." "I can't; they must have faileC* - wailed his wife. "All right," he said sitting back, "brace yourself and try to hit something cheap." It- Dtainf car A dining ear, tully equipped, carapproximately the following stock, not including food and provi-, sions: 200 tablecloths, 966 napkins, 200 towels, 40 pieces of chinaware, 046 pieces ot silverware, 320 pieces of glassware, 200 items ot pantry and kitchenware, 80 aprons and 75 - Cart a# farmer whose cattle have grubs [ lice has to teed about 15 per mwi feed than usual* Oil Wells I In drilling for oil, man makes his deepest earth penetration without going below the surface himself. One Texas hole, though it' never produced, was drilled three and one-seventh miles before being abandoned. Oil flows from two and two-third miles down in a productive well of the Louisiana bayou country. When Newcastle Strikea cf Newcastle disease strikaa > vj Altaic*' Cta* , AHalfa is a deep-rooted crop Which frequently penetrates the rubsoil to a depth of five feet or more producing flock, a good procedure " ' * f; is to burn Or bury all dead birds. Susceptible chickens should not be brought on the premises for at least four weeks after the outbreak. i nOiurck - ®t. Mary's Catholic Church Sunday: 7:00, 8f30, 10:00, ll;* Holy Days: 6;00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. „ First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions: . 1 ' . Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. sad 7:00 pHB. Thursday before First Friday: ' After 8:00 Mass on Thu rsday; 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor, - Bring the family with you to Sunday School and Worship Services. There is a jtlace and a welcome for everyone. .. fBANK W. ANDERSON, • ? - Paator^; Church Kingwood, I1L v Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:20* Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday eve* tting, . - Bev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. $L. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: * Sunday: 8:96. 1:00. 10:30 and 11:30. V « . Holy Days: 6jSO and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Coinmunion distributed at 6:30, 7:00, .during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. j Confessions; . | Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and j 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thurs-1 days before First Fridays: 4:00 | to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 j p. m. ! Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor, j St. Joseph's Chnrcfci • Richmond, Illinois (Sunday: 7:00^ 8:30, 10:00 11:30 D. S. T. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. and Oleael Train Many light-weight, Diesel-powered, air-conditioned streamline passenger trains" ^present an investment of from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 each, depending on size of power unit, length of train and Other factors. ' Cause tf ilcctdrat* '" ' Hand tools don't cause accidents! U's» the people who misuse or misplace them. St. Ann's Episcopal Holy Communion and Sermon: 11:00 a. m. & . Church located three miles, oat On Dean street* Woodstock. Men of the primitive Abor tribe] ; wear bark loincloths with tails. I A according to Britannica. the Encyclopaedia Work at BAB "tegular part of the work of ttw Nye Drug Store now air-conditioned. Riverside Drive, Mc- Henry. , 10 bureau of agricultural economics is io find out what farmers get for their commodities and how much the consumer pays^ at the retail store. A cowboy waa enthusing about his horse. *1 get the smartest horse you ever saw," he said. "One day while riding I fell off and broke my leg." "Wait a minute," interrupted another cowboy. "You're not going to tell me he picked you up and put you back in the saddle." "No, but he dragged me to my bunk, then galloped five miles to get me a doctor. There was only one slip in it He came back with a horse doctor!" For Those Unexpected Guests try our ready-to-serve Bar-B-Q Beef - Roast Beef - Chop Sney also Baked Ham and Corned Beef * Mayonnaise ®r German-style Potato Sated Home-made Pies Every Day ... . Order Early! * PANTRY DELICACIES lUVEKSIDE DRIVK PHONE 754 AN ETE ON DAD Have you heard about the two cats who sat watching a tennis .tournament? One of them seemed quite.' intent on the match, following the ball back and forth without missing a stroke. The other cat appeared quite bored and also a bit .irritated at his companion's hj^erest. "I didn't know you cared so much for tennis," he finally purred. "I don't," the other purred, "but my old man's in the racket." Ston Evangelical Lutheran Church] (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) . John St., % block east of Hw» 31 j \yest McHenry, Illinois. " 1 Suncny School: 9 a. m. * j 8unday Worship Service: _J0:15 a. m. ' Von arc cordially invited to attend our services. For informatioh phone 681-R-i. , Clifford Kiehl, Chairman. Community Methodist Cbortft Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. ' Junior League: 7 p. m. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m.1 A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. -Wayne B. Price, Pastor. Christ For McHenry Gospel Meetings , c Every Sunday Legion Hall. Green Street Donald G. Liberty, Pasto 10:00 a. ni.--Bible School 11:00 a. m.--Worship Serivce.* 8:00 p. m.--Evangelistic Service. Everyone welcome. For additional information, write Christ for McHenry, P. O. Box 232, McHenry. or phone McHenry o3-W. Bedbug Coatr« ~ A dust containing 10 per. cent" DDT is fully effective for the control of bedbugs. ""Dust well into cracks and crevices of walls and baseboards of infected rooms and over the surface of bedsteads and mattresses. MereMOk Fertilized, pastures add txtra M> <ars to the milk chepfc." Softwoods Softwoods of light weight tral hold paint longer than heav> woods. Twta CaNcs Cows that give birth to twtos aiaft apt to have greater calving diA>" culties than with * single birth. ,. f*t: Bamper wheat Crep United States farmers dteir second largest wheat crop *48- It was exceeded only in 1947 Uncle Sam Says Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Watties Drug Store, Me- Henry. «-tf Sidewalks Foundations J. M. STANGARONE CEMENT WORK Emerald Park - Phone 661-J-l - McHenry, Hi, Cement Mixer For Rent Driveways 8t^rways Thouaands of farmer* have found that the safest, surest crop in the wotld is U. S. Savings Bonds. These Americans are building today for their tomorrow with Savings Bonds. They realise that this is their opportunity, the chance to make their dreams come true, such as becoming the proud possessor of more land, the latest machinery, hone improvement#, or a nestegg of security on which to retire. All of ran be yours also by planting dollars now in the crop that fails. YOU OPPORTUNITY iy is the U. S. Savings Bonds unity Drive. Start saving at your bank or post office. U.S. Trttsurj & Big Grain Eaters Three rats wjjl eat a°s much grain •is two laying hens High-Flier v; , , ... Voung husband wired home from his new job: "Made foreman. Feather in my -cap.'* Few weeks later he wired: "Made manager. Another feather in my cap." After some weeks of silence he wired: "Fired. Send mone^ for train fare home." His wife unfeelingly vtfired back: "Use feathers and fly home." For Value Received Aft Amazonian wife got into an argument with her little weasel husband, beat the daylights out of him, was hailed into court and fined ten dollars. Instead of handing the clerk ten dollars, she handed him twelve. "What's this extra two dollars for?" he asked. "Amusement tax." St. John's Catholic Church 4 Johnsborg Masses: Mipv; 7:00. 9:00 and 11:00. Holy Days: 7:09 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00.. I-i'M i t i . i a y : and 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 7.10 to 8 and 2:30 to 3 Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 »nd 7:30. V Bev. A. J. Neidert, Pastor. NO Healthy Ham? A young bride went into a butcher shop. "Now here's a very fine ham that's been home cured," said the butcher. "Home cured?" asked tbe bride. "My goodness, haven't you got one that hasn't been ill at all?" : St Peter's Catholic Church, Spring Grove Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and ll:Mk Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: . Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 "and 7:15. Bev. John L. Du lei den, Pastor. At "Bridget," said „ Mrs. Smith- Brown to her old servant on the day of the big reception, "I want you to stand at the drawing room door and call the guests' names as they arrive." Bridget's face lighted up. "With pleasure, ma'am," she said. "I've been wanting to do that tft some of your friends for years." Christ The King Mission Wonder Lake Masses: Sunday: 9:00 and 10:00. . . Holy Pays: 6:30 and 8:00. Confessions:" Sunday: Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 toJ&iOl! Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. MI You Have Waited fat ...and More MEWf Jeep Nobody Barred The family had overslept, and Mrs. Smith woke with a start to the clanking of cans down the street. She remembered that the garbage had not been put out, and raced down to the front door struggling into a robe, with her hair in curlers . and looking rather sleepyexed. "Yoo hoo," she called, "am I too late for the garbage?". "No." shouted the ©lector. "Jump right in." -- CHEAPER THAT WAT - Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder Lain (Nonsectarian) - Services: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a.'in. Morning Worahip: 11:00 a. jb. Suaday Evening Service: 7:45 p. m. (Second and fourth Sunday of each month.) Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 p. m. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles l>tug Store. Mc Henryv 8-tf for only ... $6.87 per mbnth (No .Money Down . . 86 Mouths to Pay) jWf Will Delher to Yoar Home 10 Jt^erape Sl/e All Extrnded Aluminum Comhinatlon Storm Windows Mild Screens. i Feather-Lite ithe low cost.. hi|(h quality aluminum combination storm sash and . screen. . ' Easy to Glean | Saves Up to 30% on Fuel ! Attractive Appearance | All Extruded Aluminum Easy to Change Over I Precision Fit j Burglar Proof, , IGet All Uie Facts .. Aad Yoall Get Feather'Lite PHONE McHENRY 566-R-2 VAV •.¥ A™A%A' A™AVAVAVAVAVVA Throw away your old standards of comparison «hen you see the new "Jeep" trucks, here has never been anything like them before. They combine "Jeep" stamina and performance, low weight and high payload in a design that's new from the ground up. We invite you to check them, fea* tore by feature, against anything else ir their held. 4 . 5 ' - ^ - MCHENRY A magician was raving . about himself to a producer. "I do a great act, Mr. Geckle. Out of thin air, I pick two hundred and fifty lighted cigars. I puff on them. Then swaUow them." "You mean to tell me you swallow two hundred and fifty lighted cigars? How do you do it?" "It's easy," said the magician. "I buy them wholesale." BnMer la Hiada Vedaa flfatter as a food and for Sacrificial purposes is mentioned in the Hindu Vedas, written between 1400 B. C. and 2000 B. C. The Hindus valued their cows according to their yield of butter fat NICK P. MILLER, Prop. 604 Front Street Phone 403 McHenry, Bl. Winter Haag-Cp fo help keep lingers warm and to hut*" the hanging-up Job on a cold , winter day, warm the clothespins in an oven a few minutes before (For any Legion Member and His Guest) Saturday Evening July 23 ; • "St - NEW • L. EGION HOME Green Street ' v McHenry • - Fifty Cent Donation - McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB ANNOUNCES H $1.25 ----o----- . •- Wednesday,1 f'July 27 Served from 6 to 8 p.m. f The public is invited to enjoy this treat with the members and participate in a little fun afterwards. -- s "SPEEDY •i by McHENRY GARAGE THE HBOC (rWBNT! T»««U_ MAKE aTiHLAUTA MPUoX- MRJsCmn «N OtTT LIKE A SCRVICEO ee cause it was av NICKilUin 604 FRONT STRBT Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks X PHONE 403 !"r-- f : "For Values Store!" SNOW CROP FROZEN FOODS CUT ASPARAGUS CAULIFLOWER MIXED VEGETABLES SLI3ED STRAWBERRIES DEAN S JCE CREAM _.. . ...... 39c . ...... 29c 29c ; 37c ALL FLAVORS pint 29c Customers' Corner All customers expect fiom their grocer. To assure >ou of Honest Migk at Air *<• buy tlie finest scales, Have theaa oanstamly cherked for accuracy amt put iliem in plain sight where you can see the dials. And, of course, all oar em| thoroughly trained and strictly to conform to our poiky of 16 the pound. If we should ever make a unfiling your purchase, you Will h* J imp us a favor if you call it to ««r allrirtion. Ur woAd appreciate any luggtat you may have to help us maintain strict standards of honotv and or anything else can do lo r A4P a better place to >hop. Pie .A&P Food Stores 410 Lexington A MtwYork 17,N. Y AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP FLAKES MEDIUM SIZE . 28c TIDE Soap Powder MEDIUM SIZE 28c PINT SIZE FLIT Fly Spray ^ 27c SCOT HAND SOAP, CAMAY or LUX 2 for 33c .3 for 25c ASSORTED FLAVORS M-OZ. BOTTLES YUKON BEVERAGES - 3 for 27c WORTH.VTORtf CANDY BAKED BEANS 16-OZ. BAG 29c SULTANA PRUNE PLUMS A&P B R A N D GRAPEFRUIT JUICE A&P B R A N D PINEAPPLE > ( ems' i* CAN . 23c 27c m^CAN 31c or chunks) SUNNYFIELD BRAND LARD BURRYS HOMESPUN COOKIES rr%- SUNNYFIELD RICE PUFFS 1 WHEATIES 1-lb. pkg. 16c M 8-OZ. PKG. 19c 12-OZ. PKG. .1. -22c MtCKEl,BERRY'S FRANKS lb. 49c OHED-O-BIT CHEESE SPREAD " 24b. box 69c \vrLS()N.'S CANNED HAMS JO-Ji). average lb. 83c JANE PARKER V "POTATO CHIPt ^ l-lb. can 75c ARMOUR'S r CANNED HAMS 6^-lbs. $6.85 ANN PAGE • " SALAD DRB88INCI Quart jar 47c ^ *-oz. «Sc tin BraMeasI Rati Meal . 38* B«mim( WM« cwckM t:; $1.73 bn hnlwi DELICIOUSI 25* Srihm Tim Flakac TE3Ui,:.- • "" . , WATERMELONS ARIZONA VINE-RIPEJNED CANTALOUPE JAM* 16-GZL I Fiweh Brawl PARKE. R • • LOAF I Algal Faoi Caka *AMCBt • ^sll1 Lttghtni Cb6§M wtscoNstN v®n|p uMtM fwshi SANTA ROBA *' , RED RIPE FtitlSB LARGE SIZE 23c CALIFORNIA ORANGES •' ' f MtU) ANO MELLOW " RICH AMO FULL-aOOMO M drill Ciiii ,ie 4Bc VI«OtOUS ANO W1NKT Mar e«ffM tA L* 4$€ \VHH\ SV^VV^ %. - s'sSi

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