Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1949, p. 8

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Wmmm i-,1^ 'v- A.V •i <Srr\- 1 < * «V , ,, - »• I V .J r" Tkmtf^ iwy $& INO TO F0UC1 ' tap *nd Admitted the awult. The HiggilgTlti, Chi- automobile, the blood-stained knife » mil a *"«*» and found in it. and a note referring -- -a--- mmliTi of a to Mb trouble over a peal estate Tiimu • HeiffetR and d«®' wlth the ArlAgton H*i«hU L*£2T^ .otSSobHe on victims of his wrath. were turned » 1SS oStS^He sur- over to the Arlington Heights pe- SV nSSSi««« H" -y th>,hl«h.ay policemen. . CMiago Thursday morn-> IVHMfck CLASSES 0¥ UMTKCCTION Karl P. Knauer. Trumpet Player, fMWerly with Anson Weeks, Casa heads to the ground, stick out their Thank Tn, 8lr! of northern India flMt Tibet, expressing thanks for payment for services, touch their Ray Noble, Griff Williams, „ Chicago and Oriental Theatres, I iHjanlilin summer classes. Call f MoRenry B3S-J-1 for appointment M Mi Interview. TMtpkan* No. SM STOFFEL A RBIHANSPERGER Inaarsnce agents for all cl**se« of praperty in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois . tongues, and hiss, says the National Geographic' society. -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to 925 for Old Horses, leas for down heraea and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH fohnsbsrg Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH , Fire, Ante, Farm A Life Insnranee > Representing • • RELIABLE COMPANIES When yen need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Owe, ft Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. ft. H. WAHtlNS Dentist --Office Hows ffles., Thnrs., k Sat. , 0 a. m. te 6 p. m. Swings by Appointment I^Mkont Point Wonder Lake, III. f^HlcHENRY FLORAL €<£;,* ' Phone 404 /One Mile South of McHenirj' On Route 31 • »/.% Tlowers for all occasionolt DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Wfhfway 31--Office and House TeL McHenry 31 Offke Honrs: 1 p. m. to 2 fu BU Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment *>lmwiktr Stiek to Latf . -; Oriflnattf l> Sri Centiry Among the famous hesoes of history are the bug who refused to be snug In a rug, the long lane that didn't have a turning, the early bird who hated worms, and the shoemaker who wouldn't stick to his last. The origin of, the expression about shoemakers goes way back to the third century B.C. At that time Greek civilization was at the height of its development in all fields. In footwear, the Greeks had learned the secret of leathermaking, treasured leather-soled shoes because of leather's flexible strength and shape-retention. Greek sandals, basically leather soles held to the foot by thongs, remain the basis for many popular styles even today. The center of the Greek shoe industry was a town called Sicyon, famous for its women's shoes. Living there was the celebrated painter Apelles, who was fond of exposing his pictures in public places and hiding them to overhear and benefit by criticisms of passers-by. On one occasion Apelles tried this with a picture of Venus. A shoemaker came by, remarked on a fault in the shoes, and"~XP£H~es corrected it. Next day the- amateur critic passed again. This time he LOCALLY SPONSORED I STAOX SHOW, FILM TO BE SHOWN AUG. 4 4 complete symphony can ho repro- Oitj GOtlllCil Proceeding! A demonstration on friction In which a revolving piece of paper is used to saw a piece of wood A fast-moving stage show and a will, bring out that friction is an newly-released film in glorioua all-important force In our lives, technicolor constitute the double- i1" l,he automob,, 1 e bearing, frlcbarreled program which cottes! J1, ?n enemjr' *n *he brake It is to McHenry on Aug. 4. "Previews m of Progress," a dynamic stage dls- i demonstrator will place % play of popular science? „,d newspaper on top of a stove and "Styling the Motor Car," a new using friction will fry an eggfilm which gives the public Its wi,t.hou! bu™inf newspaper. A first glimpse into General Motors' cold \to™ that actually cooks is fascinating styling ..don wtll b., presented by the (General Motors «r» f.S presented dealers in McHenry high school "Previews of Progress" was orauditorium at g .p.m. on Thnrs-1 ,^nated ,5y t Cha/',e" F Kettering day. Aug. 4. There is no admis- vic® pre®dent ° °®ner*1 *oto™ sion charge, everyone Is invited ^fr^eruEoratory It^MhU and tickets may be obtained free 1 ,, f fw f ,!f y",iV ^ 4 at Clark Chevrolet Sales. Jacob be,lie' ,that b« inter- Justen Sons, Frigidaire Dealer r8^ » scientific stage presenand Overton Mbtor Sales. McI ! a«on telling simply but eloquent- Henry | ly how open minds and willing Witnessed by millions of An»er- I®!??*™ke..the icatis in pre-war years, "Previews' ? H / fh'» 8erve as a re_ of Progress" will graphically Pre-, ^t To^be ^ sent many of the most recent de- ^ ^ ° „e* velopments in scientific research,' i Quered If the Unitwhich will contirbute to a more states ? a emain enjoyable and comfortable life In the years to come. Startling demonstrations will be given of jet propulsion, the manufacture of butyl rubber, artificial illumination, sound recording, and other up-to-the-minute discoveries and refinements from the re- -FRANK S. MAY Truclrfit|k Sand--Black Dirt--Cfltohed Gravel Light Excavating -- Uaestone Track for Hire Phone McHenry 589-M*l R-l McHenry DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenVy Office Honrs: 10 a. nt. to a p. m. except Wednesday. Office closet' all day Wednesday. ! ® | ,-- j HIGHEST CAM PRICES paid forj Ignored the shoes and began to search laboratories of the nation, criticise the way the legs had been The modern application of Jet painted. Apelles darted out from propulsion will be illustrated In behind the picture and shouted: two, way* Fi™<- a mtototure Jet "T .KrLmair.r «tirk to his enKine, operating on the same Let, the shoemake s principle as the German V-l buzz last-" ' \ I bomb, will be placed in actual The poor shoemakers have been j operation after being anchored, stuck with that expression everi-pj^ blast oi its high pressure since. Al.'fl WELDING AND REPAIR -Dend and Crippled Horses, (ail'*1 SERVICE --J"-- " Ml Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding 1950 Ctnsiit May Indtat* Big Fepulaften InsrcMi Next year's decennial census may show the U.S. population to be well in excess of 150 million persons, according to the U949 Britannica Book of the Year., "Between 1946 and 1948 the 'lar^ est numbers of births ever re- "Plastic' Fabric . •When sewing plastic fabric, place tissue paper, under the material and stitch through both to avoid cutting or tearing, c Remove the paper carefully after stitching. « Council Room, July 18, 1949. Th% City Council met in regular semi-monthly meeting . with Mayor Freund presiding. Aldermen present: -Althoff, Anderson, Blake, Freund, Tonyan, Vycltal. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freun<|» that the minutes of the I last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. ] Reports of officers and coatnitjtees were received. j Motion by Althoff, seconded by Anderson, to pass ami approve an > ordinance for the l«ry of taxes for I the current fiscal year, in the amount of twenty-two thousand sixty-eight dallers and fifty cents ($22,068.50), as read. Motion carried. The City Clerk war instructed to arrange a meeting with District Engineer R. T. Cash, Division of Highways, regarding stop and go lights in McHenry. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Freund, that the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, lease property described as Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 17, East Side of Riverside Drive to the Business Men's Association of McHenry for use on July 30, 31 and August 1, • Complete line of iiee#t poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. g-t# Uncle Sam Says flame creates a roar that fills the entire auditorium. Following this demonstration, models of a F-86 plane and a buss bomb will be driven at high speed the entire length of the auditor- j ium, propelled by tiny but power- i ful jets of compressed gas. Hutyl rubber, base of synthetic > tires-: and tubes, will be maQufac- j tured with the aid of laboratory! equipment right on the*stage, In | full view of the audience. This typi? of rubber is said to hold air Acetylene Welding and Catting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone C15-W-1 or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL. At Attorney-at-law lWy, Benton St. Phase Woodstock 1S34 Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN R. 8TO** - CHIROPRACTOR •ffiee Comer Green A Elm Tnes„ Thnrs. A Sat. Thursdays 9:30 to &:3t * Vnesdays and Saturday* to 8 TeL McHenry 438 Charges. Service. P a l a t i n e R e n d e r i n g Tel. . A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating. Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service --ROAD BUILDING-- 204-M McHenry, III WEINGART TRUCKING . Sand -- Gravel •wing--Black Dirt--Limestone Tracks for Hire Tree Estimating Tsi «St4t-S McHenry, Itt. CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (J,oslyn & Parker) Office Hours: Wednesday Afternoons--140*5:00 Office--Koehr Supply Company, S42 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 WELDING Maintenance and Constriction Portable Equipment > H. B. •AVOB -- aCsHenry • Cresn 8t^ McHenry, 111. snd Hogs Haaltary Power Loading --Tankage and Meat Scraps for sale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry <S0-J>2. Reverse! corded took place and there was abetter than natural rubber; tech- 1 considerable increase in immigra- j nicians foresee the day when button," the publication points out. |tyl tires may need additional air As a result, population forecasts only once or twice a year. made as recently as 1946 proved to' The progress that has been be many millions short of the popu- j niade in the development of artllatibn the nation has anally, at- nomination will be illustained [trated from the dim, yellow glow .. " . from a replica of the first incan- The situation seems t j y, descent lamp of Thomas Alva Edieven larger forecasts, perhaps asLon through fluorescent lighting high as 151,OQO,OO0 for 1950 and 159,- (() t|le near-blinding rays from an 000,000 for 1955." | ultra-modern watercooled-mercury From July 1, 1947 to July 1, 1948, j vapor lamp which, smaller than the population increased by *2,537,-; a cigarette, provides light one- 909, representing the excess of!fifth as bright as sunlight. 2,241,699 births over deaths, plus! One of the most unique demon~ immigration of 296,210 persons. istrations will be the broadcasting "The natural increase was some- "f music oyer a beam of light, what smaller than the previous year "ereJ8 music t tbat definitely on by .re ason. of moderate decrease in! vlT fr°m, ® births wiAt1h_ t,«h e num,b er ofM d,e s {concentrated arc. This pin-point jarc ,8 a 8pot of ]ight tha^ ig^. remaining about the same. {tenth the size of a period made by The decrease in the number of a typewriter, and yet, with it a births was far less than had been expected by many statisticians j ' . working in this field--some of | awMMMHMMMMHH whom had anticipated a sharp decline from the record figures of the saepwj postwar year. - - --FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERN THELEN T / Tracking firs*!! Black Dirt _ Track for Hire T«L McHenry 688-K-2 or 588-W-l , Bu -172, RL 1, McHenry VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 Build a ladder to t|ie boat of your dreama with U. S. Savings Bonds. Tlicy offer the beat boat* catching plan in the world, the chance to sail away to those far distant shores of which you have dreamed. So join the smart people and enroll today in one of the safe, automatic Plana provided for youi the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or if self-employed, the Bund-a-Month Plan at your bank. Either way you will receive 94 for every $3 you invest in Savings Bonds within ten short years. U.S. Trtmsury Diptitmtnt JOSEPH X. WAYNNB . / Attorney-at-law 909 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W rv '/ofaswr.,. m wmmm >«•<!>* mmm Finest ton* ivfMM RCA VMsr Pressure Grouting More than 45 railroads representing 50 per cent of American rail mileage use pressure grouting with Portland cement to strengthen and stabilise their roadbeds. t*ives rorever The one-celled animal never grows old and never Hies, unless j it is eaten by another anim-1 or meets with an accident To gate, it siiimnapplyl^ ddiivv ides itself iri BraMtok Twelve miles from what Is now Pittsburgh, General Edward Braddock and his ^.troops were massacred in 1755. during the French and Indian \$ar. In 1794, the Whiskey Rebellion toQk place in "Braddock's Field." The town was incorporated in 18C7, eight years before the completion of -the steel Works for which it is now noted. McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB ANNOUNOBS $1.25 WEDNESDAYS No Smorgasbord wM he served Wednesday, Angus* 3, doe to a previous tournament commitment. The public iq invited to enjoy this treat with the members and participate in a little fnn afterwards. 1M§ for the epnsMeraUon of one dollar ($1.00) and other'good and valuable consideration. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by Anderson, to. adjovrn. Motion carried. • v EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor. • .}'- Oladlohsi lm# good garden soil lf aiMJabie | for growing gtadlahw. ^ ••Hidden". Pay I The typical American worker In 1M7 received from his employer 1 benefits of more than $424 abowe his wages, according to a' recent 1 study. The study revealed that business is carrying a "hidden payroll" in addition to hourly wage costs, and that this "hidden" cx* j peme amounts to an average of jtnore than IS per cent of wagos. < These non-wage eests include pen- {sion insurance, life insurance, old- | age and survivors' insurance, work* men's compensation, nnn prrnhio tion bonuses, etc. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $l.Zfi and $2.00. Wattles Drag Store. S5-tf Power Lawnindw^ The famed "Jacobsen" For free demonstration or in need of repair PHONP413X A Hettermann Sinclair Johnsburg • Msrth OiKlkM «s now the lactam producer of tHngMM In Hoith km** ica. '*' o DRIVE THE DARING NEW MRt M RUlt 7-^ Moflk Milel BLAKE MOTOR JjyCJ^JL Inc. A Complete READY-MIXED CONCRETE Sp«Mlt work--saves money--helps builders deliver quality work • Fm, prompt Mirtqi, mj time, any place. • No meat to ckea «(>;<ku»ped •••cdy wbsra waoted. • "Mix" accurately ptopwtioned for your job. / • Full strength, reliability end uniformity in every load. • Low price delivered--no gamble on cost. You end yonr builder will both benefit by using our Ready-Mixed Concrete. Phone tig before you build. McHenry Sand & Gravel 0e. ~ Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street CLEANING SERVICE Done in Onr Own riant 206 8. GREEN ST. McHENRY Free Pickup and Delivery Service McHenry, 111. THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY! % tf you'd like more pleasure from a radio . . . finer performance, more power and belter tone,,... then see this new RCA Victor AM-FM instrument. incorporating many of tfco feotums of larger, more expensive radios,this table model, brings yiv^HMk-free RCA Victor f M, as well as standard broadcasts, with the amazing fullness and clarity of the "Golden Throat." Modem sl|4sd plastic cabinet Is « study in beauty. Sasy, accurate tuning with edgei, dide-rule dial. AC-DC operation. •K Seetbh t^stinguished radio today $49.93 >? WILSONS RAW© SHOft- , UL "Bet fou can't do this in your house!" M«ry: "Heavens, no--the drafts would sweep me twty! How'd you ever get it so warm snd cozy in here?" Jem; "We had a Lennox Heating System installed I The Lennox man made sure to ssisct the right unit far oar house--then he put it in and coabectod k up wMi Lennox controls." Mary: "And that ended cold floors and drafts for you?" Jssss "Yea--and it also ended temperature variation* in all our rooms, too!" Moryt "WaitH I tell Prank abort this! We're seeing the Lenan asa right •dmr ' . LENNOX WRtV) tUHBTWIWm 1WB8 AM iMMURS Bf •AIM Ml MATHN SYSTEMS AL1H0FFS HDWE. Phea# •Weet Iclfcnt mrnm I Ml m m wMM tOM reWT I =J I IF YOU HAD * ' t t o o k a t t h e m o s t a d v a n c e d c a r In America. There's nothing •, Jllte H--there simj»ly can't bel Here is th* only car scientifkaRy designed with Girder* Built Unitized Body-and-Fran#--one aolfd, welded, towjfcmg unit--the greatest basid improvement in 40 year*. You get far more interior room;...50% greater rigidity... uieless, excess weight eliminated... body-to-frame squeaks aqd rattles ended • and a bigQe^. better, safer car fcr your money. ^ . Drive a Nash Aifflyte today. Your Nash dealer will wet* come the opportunity to demonstrate the most modem c<ir in America. f wCi*' W&.V,., » •vMwgt - IN TWO GUAT UUCS, JHt HAtH iHIASMMO* AND NASH DOWNS NASH SALES m ELM STREET TEL. McHENRY 4§4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS MARTIN-SEKOUE for ME IT'S MARTIN SENOUR YBS! MARTIN SENOUR! % ONLY MARTIN SENOUR THE QUALITY 18 RIGHT . . . THE PRICE TS RIGHT SERVING McHENRY FQR YEARS . . . GET IT AT BJORKMAN HARDWARE " ISO N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 722

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