Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 9

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0m I; '•• •• • K. •.• ' ;•• T *' V • * ** f% v ., , ... ., M .\ l T . , * $ * "" " ? • ' • * £ - „ . \ - i',»5K~,**oi--\-^^n->* i-^«y't«»,'*i»^-v* * *> ,?,. v>» "'•• *£*<.,• "*•'"• 1 <<$• « r ' > *J ffc** ^ s s* • ' -r ->?**/«* *4r &*y r-- ••• -• »> /.•-'•^•; *&> -;<• :^x 'J -r, ':.« :-.•. &. . . . . . " " ' " -iw _ __ ' . . . a J , .?v , _a,.^, " • * -•- ^ " .»•- *>i-.'*#•» -?- •"EC®;**' '•'• y : V* 0." ** x <• l-": .'> " - ; 4 .\*» *0-; * * • ' * ' I •* *•- ' fv • -w , ••? *-:•*•*•' '•-. ,- •• • --JH • .* • •-Uiiii?- ' • K;;> ."' "•. .?;'•"" •'• .-;.. •:-"i /*£ * TWO : • ">A • ' • ' • l ' , r 11 -• V •' •||£i^£*p:3S rfc*M :^r?' •Vk>*"«ifv 91' ihi . I>-««?>- .? * ,;*V;-*?•;»" «i ?.r$. . .i-mAi- n ,xi,-r -x+w* •, v w -•. > • - H vr..k - M ». V, " . 'A'* ? * «t • e nt . ; Y^1<r » . • .*»"%' ^ / V ' "v- «" ' ' „-" - . «v»--«(»*»»_, , mwI -*••«> . . t. ; *,»*s nv** ^ ^ •"* -i Yohiine 7$ AY, AUGUST 25, 1948 MM lll>M WNGWOOD HilUHMIIIlMlMHIl W.8.C.9. la lk» homel of Mrm. B. T. Vk«rwuy. A pot-luck Haw wu ienrad at BOOB. The Qiul haslm pmm m««tin« was h«14 ia the mm with Mrs. Kenneth tk« presMeat, ta ehirf* carpet rasa, alao enbroMered towels. ^ Pastor Haa of Milwaukee will M • avaak ia Naur*! kali at 3:30 Sun- . «ay afteraooa. Aag. 28. m ^ ^ *i* ^'rrMvyvvuv^iwim % *i' . ., • :< .' • m iH- 'VtsfMiEvwIM! •j! "Mwt 1^ |W Mac: "HS» eaMl 1 cbum IVs risaji ckaar tot "Hoar do y«a4» < M*c: "Rmr -- Josl by ia the IMXftKa tarn to dean it He whfafea a* all ef tiie wfaftor dfat k look up from Hm house ... ia the fatam air and so forth." rah r MAC: "Just this--now he's equipped to 4s a better job, and at a lower cost And I Haul to ada an my heatiag systsia will give me faithful senriea agsia ahsa I aood Itml rKatesEthaHWWOK ALTBOFFS ffl)WL l^aae 884 West MeUmrf moad Batnrday eTeaias. Mrs. B. T. Butler Is attending the work shop at the Woodstock high school tide watt. K-Mr . i **--• <M>--- 'M~,n]T"*"u Bacoa, Satarday. and family of Huntley spent Sunday craning In the Beatty - Lew Mrs. George Shepard spent Sanday In the Alan Alagar hone in- Hebron.' Mr. and Mrs. Hatold Jepsoa and family of Dundee and Mr. and 8anday guest in the Loaia Winn home at Richmond. Mr. and Iks. George Bacon of Aaftioch Tisited his mother, Mrs. Louise Schmitt of Johnsbarg and Joan Bauer visited Mrs. Witliaai ^M«CJannon frttay afMhMMm. Howard Sack of Kenoaha was a rlsitor, in the Mrs. Nellie Black- Saturday. Mr. aitd Mrs. George Shepanf were TS The W. S.C.S. will have a Vefreshmeat/ staad at the free movies neat Moiday night. 8aadwichat, lee crisaMt. iatta. pie. hot and<<iU idita irfB iMMi • Mr. and Mrs. MlttMl 1C«M anaaaaoe the arrival of * aai. ham at the .Wanilstosh haapMal Maiu day. Aag. B. The W. 8. C. S. will seiVe a eafe- JjW"ia supper In Mutsy's hall Tfearaday evening. Aug. S5. The Aana will ha ham. barbecues, kid- My bean salad, indhrldna! salads. cole slaw, scalloped potatoes, potato salad, tomatoes beet pickles. S£.S£iSSr ^ ^ Harold ?fy»» *-• The 4-H club girls held their N°[™«n and "urJdaTJve?fiiiit ^^«^ri^i I^n *** Wednesday at Ev- home Sunday afternoon Achievement day at Massy's hall1 ^aIter McMannaa of Ifrans- „ . _ *'_eTeii~* *® tha_ Ml*. Ed aaaton. Mr Qnd Mr« H*nr* m visitori ia the William Pagni! Jr., spent Thursday la the Phelps! sad Saturday. Saunders home at Sycamore. nneth Cristy was a visitor at Mr- and Mrs. Graham I sard of Pstttia Wedaeeday. i Crystal Lake speat Saaday ia the Mrs. Marie Wegnet and so^s I William Pagni hoase. wave visitors at rreeport Saaday. ! Victor WegaM> pf Waakes Mr. sad Mrs. 8. W. Smith, Mr.[spent the past wee) aa^. Mrs~'John flmith and1 A. W. i mother, Mrs. Marie 'W* Jtgmh were Woodstock visitors Mrs- Tillle Valllaacoart la vis- WMnesday afternoon. I Iting with her daaghter aad famy and Mrs. FYed Wiedrich. Jr.,lily in Chicago. "*** Mr8* jMk Leawrd aad chll-' Mr. aad Mrs. Andrew Hawley of I£k !SSd Sa^"0tJ &sw££ fime H#bron ~«- Jepaoa Jtor, ii ho^e ».£ J>rI"12,1; STA.*.?s" !ASUIM3Wrl'£SanSfla.yr a:f:te rnoon. "• ar.*r.;1r.i*5. ^M~r.o r^ru;;»r> »M w . parenta, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. SaUth. IBsa Mary Aan Wiedrich, with i Saturday afternoon. Mb*. John Bolger and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Ross of Sycamore Tuesday evening. 1 ton visited Mr- and Mrs. Paul Bauer home. Louise Schmitt re-; The Women's five hundred club was entertained in the home of . ,4 . Mrs. E. E. Whiting at Richmond j Wednesday-. A 1 o'clock dessert | luncheon was served. Auction five hundred was played with prizes j awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and j Mrs. Lester Carr. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler en Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe .. mained until Sun da v , »od Mrs. Carl Stettlbrecher, and family of Huntley, Mr. and Normaa and fiamily Sunday. iTrCL l2Si,„ ..h mn En^r *nd M1«» ^aces Mrs. Donald Brenner of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington! Ldall of K^rn a^d JSS 2^brecher 6f ^^kee spent and Glen Wattles of McHenry relatives at Woodstock ^"" of Moline wJu ^a\, *nd Suturd»y with Mrs. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C Sunday. 11^ McO^nnon Th„^«v T^Wegner" L. Harrison and Mrs. Wattles- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper of , m ,rT »« Thursday. They ^ d M . . ,, _ . C^mhiccaaggoo vviissiut«eiad Hneerr npnarmennttas , MMrr . a,8° called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon .d,a ^ug hter of Chicla',gyoIe anHdo ppMerr. aanndd and S. W._8mith, Sunday. ; Mesdames Lena Peet and daugh-! mi*, S. W. Smith were supper in the John W. Smith home Mrs. Frank Harrisoa aad pareats, Mr family. and celebrated the Mr. aad Mrs. Leo Newlia re- ** ?***> Pwtor aad turned to their home at Hutson- C,*f" „ vtlle. 111., after a several weeks' J** *0* 1 visit with her sister. Iha. Agnes tibrmm Jencka Mr. and Mrs. Roger 8tev- !? ."* PrtCT ens of Toledo spent the paat week 1 hoiaei with his sister. Mrs. Agnes Jencks.1 Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of °' eekend with Rockford speat thDea v--id --Por«te*r wof Mrs 5Fre^d WWll*^arit leeha... JJrT - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bd Peet. Mr- aad Mrs. Ralph day aad family, Mr. and Mrs. David Porter of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs- Ben tfoate and sons of Spring Grove spent Sanday with their i tertained their five hundred club £.^?^*>aren*B' ^r' at their home Thursday evening. 1 Prises were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Weldon Andreas, Ronnie Fbute of Spring Grove ter, Alice. Viola Low spent the past two weeks with his Collins attended the and Mabel supper at and Mrs. Ed Greenwood Thursday evening. j Peet. | Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kattner 1 Mrs. Emily Beatty, Mrs. Viola °f Spring Grove spent Sunday eve-1 _ Low, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and ning with Mks. Ed Bauer and fam-; high, and' MrsT Weldon Andreas I ,aml,y- with Mr »nd MVs. Clsrence ily- i and George Shrpard low ' ®a"te °' Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Mir. and Mrs- Dick Oldson. and ) Mr. and MrsT Andrew Bntler and Charle8 ^ey of Blue Island. Mr. family attended the wedding «f. son, Donald, of McHenrv were vis-'and Mr*- Wilmer Montanye and Florine Bohm of Waukegan and j iters in the B T flntlnr hama 80118 °' Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Robert Wolnick of Wooster Lake I Tb"»-8day afternoon. ; ter Wilcox of Ridgefleld, Mr. and at Waukegan Saturday afternoon Mra- Hlckey and Betty Lou lMrs °len Jackson and son. Har- at 4 o'clock- Clary of Chicago spent a few days|0,d' and Mi"' and M?rB Elmer Ol- Mrs- Kd Bauer and family spegft the past week in the Louis Hawlev!8en and 80,18 enjoyed a picnic at Sunday ih the Russel Nordmeyer home. I ^ox River Park Sunday. < home at Gilmore. Mrs. Tom Thonneson of McHenrv' Mr and Mr8 Davld Porter and' Mrs- Fred Wiedrich. Jr.. and; • -- -- Ed Peet spent Saturday fishing at! daughter, Mary Ann, aad Mrf.J Lake Kostner, Wis. Jack Lenard attended the Mnatej Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown and Festival in Chicago Saturday eve-1 his father, S. W. Brown, sre en- ning. • J Joving a trip to the Smoky Mour ; Mr. and Mrs- Matt Cornelia ani tains. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cornelia of 1 Mrs. Andrew Raemaker and chll- Waukegan. Mr. and Mra Werner! dren of Thor, Iowa, arrived here Deignen of Lake Geneva. MV. and! guest; Suatos Jack Lenard and son, Mr. and Mrs. William Collins of Beloit called on his mother, Mrs. Mabel Collins, Sunday morning. They were on their way to the Railroad fair in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ray Beard of Batchie. and Mrs- Fred Wiedrich.: Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. king SI2e Q U A 1_. I T , SNAPSHOTS spent Friday with Mrs- Iiill Conway. Miss Elizabeth Webb and Ray Webb of Tuscon, Aria., spent Tuesday with Mrs. Nellia Blackman- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of {Crystal Lake spent Thursday eve- I ning in the Louis Hawley home. Dr. Hepburn, with Mr. and Mra. . „ . „ „ KT , Robert Shuetse and daughter *n,R- Mr and Mrs- ^ N«' o.uth, attended the fair at Spring-' Mrs lXel,ie Blackman was ! field Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Airs. Clayton Bruce and Mrs. Oliver Laurence spent Thursday in EMn. Pastor Andsrsos o? Wonder Lake called on Mrs. Jennie Bacon ... . Mis. Cora Flanders Thursday. Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake was a.visitor in the home of her nenhew, Louis Hawley, Thursday afternoon- Mrs. Viola Low aad Ml*. Walter Low attended tjie Jackson - Heelein wedding at Richmond Saturday morning. Mr., and Mrs. Clarence Dalke of , Chicago were dinner guests in the 'Beatty-Low home Saturday. j- mr. aad Bft*. AlVln Bead^^f Woodstock spent Sunday with her i narenta.;Mr. aad Bin. B. T. Butler. Mrs. Louis Hawley speat Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. ! Mr. and Mra' Lenard Brown have returned home from Colorado. j where they both attended sum- ! mer school. They visited his fath- [er. S. W. Brown, Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prey of Btae ialand spent the weekend in rthe Beatty-«^w~-home^ With Mra. Emily Beatty and lira. Viola Low, they attended the Jackson-Heelien wedding reception at Rich- AU PICTURES etUMSBD AT NO EXTRA CHAR6E! Sunday for a visit with her par- Mrs. Joseph Cornelia, Mr. aag Mr8. Frank Brocken and„Mr. and a Mrs. Raymond Pagni of Chicago ONTARIO 6120 ioru ± Dm&Belote: ORDER TOUR WIATNtR-SIAl • STORM WINDOWS NOW/ * CoH your Weather-Seal WiUIMAI, ILL t "WATTLES DRUG STORE ftl£lfain strfrt McHenry Phoii«480 Monday afternoon A small table la convenient to have ft# materials and equipment toe Utdien.; To FarnMfft: Oar &«Ady- : Mixed Csfisnte is imiforaily .^ ft1e1 inmaba.) tndnrinca aad a• rftrM'Wnaa*. The "mix" |g made for §our Job. Evan a small folk gets Ike benefit ef large-vohtme produ^tioa ia our effideat ceotraipiam. Of cemse,ywiwser teetfen --fitesele, durable, iaed- Mb ia lint cost aad repair* hf little mainteoaace. * •r# . .if : ;t41 , , . . . v . - £ -< 1 McHenry Sand & Gravel FbmaiwTirj $06 Front Btxtet ****** N ii • # o i i i min n m f H M i M i i i i l i u m M f i M H i M Pioaeerdd hi OMsmobile Ten Years Ago, • . . v- • • •%•.« - -».« .. .. -!a- ... V. ' ; / • . - " • X iff HYDRA MATIC HITS A HEW HI6HI In Today's "Rocket" Engine OMsmobile L KM y/cro# F/M * Here (sPW with a Jlfftieiife--RCA Victor's own static-free FM plus die added brilliance of the exclusire **GoI den Throat. "Yes, both FM andAM broadcast bands are combined in this smart, completely epclosed table radio of glossy plastic/lltece's 3-point tone control. .. 2 built-in antennas ... s phonograph in-put jack for use with record player. There's fun ahead--MP see and hear it new! AC operation. jomm lyviRi w RCA Victor WdMiafc Pmwt-T*wm • -wm Wy«re«mmtie Orim ifmpmtm «i Swim mm******* «CA Victor M77 $59.95 N WILSON'S RADIO SHOP SOT Bin Stt*| n i l H H I ' l H I H - " - " You fat Hfdra-lCatae Drive* at its Fntoramic in a "Roctatw Okbianhilel Far Hydra-Matic. Bosket** power, floats 70a on a Acs carpet ; s aislrrs aU driving, iIbiIm and nrtfal! The "Rocket^-Hydra-Matic Tbtm aseans new life, too. Hydra-Matao Drive transforms the life of the "Rocket" into surging ladlloa , . V latts-- 1 fer you ; ; ; brings hwiiw nearer! With aU its brilliant performance, this OMsmohfc power-team actosly bringi new eeooamy to every mile! For the Mgb-coeapreesiop "Rocket** squeeaes asore power from every drop of fad, aad Hydra-Matie Drive transmits all that power whboot waste, with true efficiency! Only in CHdsmobile will you fed this mstrhlcns combination . . . the high»comprc«sioa pocket** Enfine... pins ten-years-proved Hydrs-Matac Drive. I#arn the differenee it makes at your Oldsmobile Dealer's today! ' ,111 Tears of Proof aad > *' •' • ^*8. * ' toastait laprovoaoat Staad tiki OLDSMOBILFS KTORA-MATIC Dill ^ •*' For 10 yeera, Ohlsm iliilii enginosas tafe of Hjwhs Ma»i| Drn^i have looked ahead and warfcei«fcfcsd wanny. And fer l#ysl^Otjhaui|^ - ^:? to nsfe Hydra-Matie ^ufnraRanee iw fell fMoeUja w' ' even finer apd mote reliaMBLOMimeS' fely antoawlfe dpfet ia ( hill fesignwhavepisnnfiil sslfei ' nino(ni|s|BAi|ra! antoawbiies that take Ml advan- Matie is Mfewki) I l l T O I I N I A I I t t O l t l H O I I L I O M L I I ; . SOTUHBANM^RSAI^^ V Horn McH*ll*Y. ILL. -AT TNI a. j. ovaetos mi aoToir tiam o» •ailioas Mi«-nnio«aa eereMs lk '

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