Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 10

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Modern type furniture to blood wood finds an attractive setting • room with walls parted pearl gray, draperies of dull |oM. --d • ' upholstery fabrics of deep green t and coral We pay M H m for OM Bersee, far dew* fcavese art Mttk MATTS MINK RAX JiCH fekasburg • Sartu Grove Real IAMImi S14 ' CALL AT ONCB ON DEAD BOGS, HORSES AND CATTLB Wa pay piMM eharcn t * V ^ r ^ Ob Htckw^r IMMHw nl >--> "Ofica I«an» 1 ji. m. ta aa. • ftnapt namh^fc Brcniai* by Sidewalks Foundations J. M. STANGARONE MENT WORK Emerald Park - Phone 661-J-l - McHenry, Ijfc : Cement Mixer For Rent Driveways Stairwaj# McHENRY FLORAL 00. Pluai 4§4 Oai Mile SMtk of McHcary On Root* SI Flowers for all ocMdau! 4 DR. R. DettfrMB p ; _ 1 2 » G r e e n IBuHhSf/ II a. ah ti t p. A. neapt Walacaiai. Office eleset aR fey WMawiay. rnmrnrnm FACTORY fl OFK» j It baa, bora annoeace* Jointly | A Pvtaaa Jersey ball oC Harby the Chamber of Commerce and vard won tlw grand championship the City Council of Marengo that of the'Jered£ shew at the Illinoia Don Eads. Rock Falls, has par- , Stale Fair taSprlnffleldlast week chased a small factory site in Ma- Wednesday. It was not the first rengo, with the intentions of soon time a Putnam entry had been so constructing a small factory- The honored In IlllnolSt bat it was firm, headed by Mr. Eads, will the first grand championship to engage in the manufacture of come to Harvard in several years, steel forKings. r The Putnam he*d -toek three Other ™ firsts. The 4-year-old bull, Tfcoaoas Royal Basil Monk, was exhibited by RvtseD Putham a^d la owned (Henden Atbrecbt. fore said date witLoat FALL CLUUft OF | INSTRUCTION I Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa jLoma, Ray Noble, Griff Williams, ' Chicago and Oriental Theatres, organizing fall classes. Call Mc-; I Henry 533-J-l for appointment and j Service. I interview. R|T CA m Crl! lOSTim for tittle Pewer Leading and Meat Striae for sale. Aaaei Arllagtoa Malfhta 116 er HcHeary KI4.& Reverse Charges. Palatine Rcaderlng ---- .jr™ • N. T. Dairy •9umJt * Approximately three • billion quarts of milk are produced annually from 100.0QQ Mjt», YockState dairy farms. Order ywr rubber itaapt al Th« Plaindealer. -Tankage ale. A« U'": v..'.'.-: C- -> & Tarpaulins • Canvas Goodl; Large Selection Of Material ORDER EARLY Specializing in Store and Residence Awnings McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 Thos. Thonneson, Prop. Telephone No. 396 STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes ef property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois A. P. FRRUND SONS Jltcavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service- --ROAD BUILDINGINSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto* Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES > When you need insurance ; of any kind ?:V Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm > McHenry TeL 204-M McHenry, I1L CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslya * Parker) Cwki FREUND'S TRUCKING Africi^tural limestone and phosphate sprea ~ -.7 Soil samples taken on request Place orders! early and avoid rush. Barn Lime afid Chips for Driveway^ " " OHARUES FREUND, Owner ^ 401 W. Waukegan Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS a Tel. 86-W or 4124 Term J. Kaex, Law Crystal Lake, I NOTICE OF CLAIR DATE Estate ef JOSEPH STILLING, Ba • R08B STILLING CHARLES STILUS, Administrators. 3m (Pub. Aug. 11 - 18 and S6) > Notice is hereby given to all persona that. October 3, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of JOSBPH STILLING Deceased, pending In the County Court of McHenry Coimty, Illinois, and that claims may Leave! of bouse plants be kept free from dust. Wipe fce* gently with a soft/: slightly damp* eaed cloth. » AlUMVAJii be tiled HesTT. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag 8tore, M#> e to • hunt? • fish? • lour? Tel. Wonder Lake 418; HR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tries., Thurs., ft Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m." FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. ISectric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 492 Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, 111. FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand--Blade' Dirt--Crashed Gravel *s Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire hone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry * Ic AUGUST FUR SALE OF '1950 "FUR FASHIONS We have obtained a fascinating selection of the latest fashions at substantial savings, which we are passing on to our early purchasers. We now carry a complete line of Cloth Coats OTTO HEINZ FURRIER «#KorUi Western Ave. . Chicago, 111. -- Phone Longbeach 1-6749 -- 619 Crescent St. Country CJjib Sub. McHenry Phone McHenry 491-J . . Please phone Sundays! AL'S1 WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 4S4 M'HENRY, ILL. e Hoars: | Afternoons--1M-5:00 j . --.enryl Phone--McHenry 4S0 | Woodstock 1185 I Wednesday Office--Koehr Supply Cop pen S42 Main Street, West MicHei VERNON KNOX ! Attorney-At-Law | Oor. Chreen and Elm Sts., McHenry < Tuesday and Fridav Afternoons i Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 i McHENRV SIGN SERVICE TRUCK LETTERING 4 WINDOW LETTERING SHOW 0AKD8< -- OUTDOOR SIGNS ' 'ftirfhe man aW his fomify, onty fifte c^r Rib lha bflf Nosh Airflyte. Here is the sportsman's dream car--wifh plenty of room for six big passenger* on soft, downy seats, and 28 oubic feet of luggage space to store all the gear. Here b fhe one car with twin beds and Weather Eye conditioned air. Ibo one full-size car with amazing economy that means more Htm 25 miles to the gallon at average highway speed in the Akflyte "600". And you never knew such smooth-riding, sweet-running miles in any car. Come in and test drive ; biurtd new Naah Ambassador Airflyte or "600" Airflyte right aMfeMK* Fox Stre£tr Phone 440-R JOSEPH X. WATNNB Attorney-at-law 8#9 Waukegan Road (RFD Bex 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attoraey-at-law llOVs Benton St. ' Heae Woodstock ISM :----Woedsteek. IHinei* DR. MARTIN R. STOKE CHIROPRACTOR Office Cenw Green| Elm ,Taea« Thars. & Sat. Bmrsday. to i<M Tuesdays and Mtardays to 8 • TeL Xclftftrf 488 WELDING J Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment f H.^TAWOB'-- McHenry Sl-J * 1 909 South Green St., McHenry, ill Saad Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172. Rt. % McHenry Even So "There isn't so much difference between a man's wants and a woman's wants," declared Mrs. Smith. "Oh, yes, there Is," insisted Mr. Smith. "A man Hants all he caii get." "Yes?" said Mrs. 8mith. waiting. "And. t woman," continued Mr. Sihtth, "wants everything she can't get" No Floaters .. 'A motorist on s muddy twDed up alongside a fellow traveler who was digging his car out. "Stuck in the mud?" "No, my engine died here and Fm digging a grave to bury it" •. Nice Another nice thing about silence is that it can't be repeated. - Hew True! A tip is a small sum of money you give to somebody because you're afraid he won't like not being paid for something you haven't asked him to do. Do you Need . H. T. Trauger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS See our new line of removable slat and Bauflex Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderized and galvanised Acme metal. Direct from factory^ " Sterling Windew Shade & Venetian Blind Ca. 5640 W. Division Street Chicago, Illinois Phone Columbus 1-8743 Phone McHenry 651-M-l Fri. Eve., Sat and Sun.1 free Estimates All Work Guaranteed One tiftc Two We#kg Service DOWNS NASH SALES » 480 ELM STREBT TBL. McHENKY 4St Mcrarey, ILLINOIS - 4. ••• " ' • ' ' ' • Jeep' STATION WAGON ~10T5 OF UMD smeE WITH THE SCATS OUT* BUILT BY 1K| euiiofRs THE Mltl "ITS SMART-m. Si jh>9 smi ag> M000- ttt CUBES m * a MJWSTWLt SUWH6 STAYS SIIEHT-IASIS LONGER • • • • • • a a a a a a a a a a a # • *ieep* Engine Pofformance Plus New it • Comfort, Safety and Luxury Features t » * 63 hp. WiUys^Kerissd "ieap" Esgksa, wsrid-tsaw* powet. long life snd opsratinf economy. m " dwn n«nw, oooj anv wy--imiw mipy-- no wood-body tqi^aks, a»r(ii»|er peefts|, - • * Seven adult size seata, sprinf-hrir-and-cushioe • construction. ducaWs-, sjjnulatad Mhsr a^Malsry- • • AH except drivel's rawwaeble. • • * Solid limousina-typp docfS with wp « fT«fKi-bt«on)alcMa. headii|Ms . . • fenders don't invite dents. Jin paneled interior. Wood-slatted floor. " • * Ovfr-jfee bydraulie bfiltes. * J • • • * NMr#ritHtin| and airpWw-typs hydtsuHc ahdI-'" • • Utoilan lor easy riding • » • «kH fsn^circle~4say«»pariL • « " ""•fop- Willys-Overland took s year to d#>' sign, road-test and build the "Jeep". Station Wagon to meet your need for a practical, economical, doubleuse vehicle that carries a lot of people oit a lot of things. Now it's here... and it's a honey, inside and out. Powered by tilt mighty Willys-Overland "Jeep" Engine, with all its flashing performance and thrift. An all-steel body and top--which means safety, less weight, a lasting finish sad AO wood-body rattle. " Rides and drives like a dream, thanks to engineered balance, new ' spring suspension and ^oft easy* cushion seats. Seven adult-size seats--plenty of leg and head room. All seats except driver's are removable t6 provide 56 usable cubic feet of load space. Luxurious interior, with aspengrain paneling, washable plastic ceiling, arm rests, ashtrays, etc. 4 Come drive this newest "Jeep"-- and you'll say: "That's the Station Wagon I've been waiting fort" MpHENRY GARAGE NICK P. MILLER, Prop. fM trait Street Phone 403 McBe ll Hie freezing system that measures refrigerator value. And only the famous Servel Gas Refrigerator brings you a freezing system with no motor, no machinery, no moving parts to wear or make noise. Just a tiny gas fl»m« does the work--silently, efficiently. So--as more than 2,500,000 owners will tell you--only Servel stays silent, lasts longer. v Come see the new Servels. You'll be delighted with their new food-keeping conveniences. Every one you're looking for in your refrigerator! Notice the big frozen food compartment. The generous-sized dew-action fresh* eaters for keeping fruits and vegetables garden fresh. Youll find *11 the tall bottib apace you want, and plenty cubes, eaay to pop out. Even a special egg toray! Plastic-ooated shelves are adjustable up or down. (So it's eaay to fit even a big watermelon or a giant turkay fobblar into your 'SaarveL) flbdvea slide in or out. Vou'B any the lamoua aaknt, long-lasting Servel Gat ranka first for value--every way! e (?/IS /<?e fr/g e ra/or 4$ now taodels %i» yOvr dobler %r WBSIIIN H MIT ED GAf AND ELKCTRIC COMPANY v* . "\v* • ' Ja.:. si"'j a-*. %jXy. ? - "

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