Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 11

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<fetosday, August 25,19# •»', _ » '• V "* gy f ~ 'vHgS'JI1^-^ •"< «-» « i u "MpuM- M k g win'V. ,> H. " WjM* PvI w,w. %w£ wiy* ""jfca-•g' THE McHENRY VLAlttjDJULLtt V iflc-- to iftm Restore provides nutritional elements which chicks ; Md to build fflieiM resistance. F?P1?P'WIPIS,PI A eolden-^olored palomino him is worth over Hour times the picg at an ordinary horse. •E?si ' fz •• N. EVERGREENS SHRUBS ^ LANDSGAPINQ / TEEE8 Route Out McHenry, ] ,*t •'; irh, •"' ' Phono McHenry 660-J-2 TWICE TOLD TAIfjBS "X ef letaIset Take* the PBea Of the Platadeoier if tam An TWEHTT-FITK TEAKS AGO The Ostehd termers have no • • nsiss ..•• « _ 75*y -f*n,KiftT®-doUar b,n ,nto the fire with Oer Cengratalatlens to . , MBCIHiI4N| LAKSlwrin{er as usual during every otl,er Wt8 °® ***** from her pock- Mrs. Evfclyne Levesgue | performance. et. On turning to leave, she was nineteenth birthday Aug. if. I . • ! * ? ' » « " > . , £ 3 2 1 t o SL (£* ^SISLm £? KO"° 00 "• tldrt,-ri«ll g"^by»oVr as jl':Zjig.«* 8»«»» h,r"""T *»» »• so much'of _ ©• Pm4« • »•• »•»»»»M I >| » »M j ***** hoepitat froa a recent ays, her i penflectomy. . . 7; ? ' ! AI»O& (By Yarietiifcf Greetings, Folks: ' The donkey soft ball game sponsored by the McCullom Lake Sham- . her pocket remembering ertort stor m&ake- MjscTf^anmr^ rslfw*i *f1;* ?® fiv® doUar bul that was,n2't !: r:A, dbrel arted, wredidin£g rerce£ption: f 5or: „ . ashes. To her amaiement, there1 M „ .. T . * Matzat home at Mr. and Ifrg. Carl Buckner and > lay a partially-burned bill where " lom J L,ake ,or friends of the . . ... . . . , .. ,family are the latest additions to it had fallen, when the burstinc ^?uple and former classmates of! time to talk now. They are busy .rocks and played at McDonald s our permanent residents' list. The'light bulbs threw it out of thei 8' Kane (Rose Marie Malzat) from ealy morn till later evening | field last Saturday evening, pro- Buckner fnmny hafi moved tQ fi*e 1 m Sunday, Sept. 4, beginning at It Army" Sefesda The International Salvslkii AM# operates l,07t day schools fav» •ous parts of the world. DR. HENRY FREUND " ;' *• At 136 S. Green St., McHenry * ^; ; (CIosed Thursday -.f -... , % 'V Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted : "Visual Training -- Visual RehabiHtatia* ^v: Complete Visual Analysis • Hours DaOri • %o IS and 1 to 8--Saturday Evenings: 6:0* to t: PttONE McHENRY 452 .a -;p ;-y v'-- !cutting wheat, barley or oata if itjvided hilarious entertainment fw- George Cable home from Gilman lis not raining. Grain is over ripe j over 600 spectators. The Sham- m. Mr. Buckner will take oh tiJ and the fields soft and the binder rocks played the Johnson Motors duties of principal at the McHenrv a* ^ 8^°5 runs heavy. |of Waukegan. hlgh Sn tbTfall t?rm Ae*me* U f°r t Carl W. Stenger was unanl- i Sheriff and Allan McKim (begins. niously voted . president of the. *ke hurling for the Irish with i West McHenr)' State bank to sue-! ^ Matthesius oh the receiving i ceed the late Dr. C. H. Fegers, ,en • 1 membered by Mrs RaV oitePbv'as who, prior to his deathf served in After the no score first lhning, her luckv d Wh y„ burLni. that capaoity for a number of Fred Matthesius let loose with a gome rubbish which included sev j years. (homer in the second and reached «ral burned-out light bulbs Mrs. William Marshall and family of th® sack astride his long-eared osterby accidentally' threw' in a 'Morton Grove are now residents Hayworth" long before the; y m a I in this city, having recently taken :J*» Kot there A pair of triples ---- -- !Up their home in the lower flati^ Alan McKim and Bob Doran; -- of the Diets home on Elm street. P«tthe game on ice for the Sham-( I The McHenry - Woodstock road J r9ck8 J- 7,18 five-inning game end-1 was opened up to traffic last Bathed with a score of 5 to « in fafor I urday and since that time a num-jof the Shamrocks. „ - ( ber of McHenry people have made j r ~---- , ; . ' Igood us« Of (he new cement high- ' A series of burglaries occurred '5r„y _ • I in the past was still as she soon learned when she rewnrth ft wo !noon' A11 of the above-mentioned worth dollars are extended a cordial inviution i _. to be present. At present. Mrs. the McHenry Baa nckr.i spA nnde wth uosn ef aatet !i Kane is .rre eccuup Deerraattiinngg* iinn a> Wuraanu - cheated our lettuce man out of | *" ; '1' • . I five lettuce leaves on his next Last Monday will always tor ra-< pickup. . # . fUnate A IMktawy - Too mucb grain in proporttea to roughage can cause vitamta A • ficiency in livestock. . J Toni Permanent Wave Kits. •L» and $2:00. Wattles Drug Store. 3S-tf Miss Pamela Kufahls of Kenova, W. Va„ is a guest of Miss Judy1 Struck. ->» •• • • "-v• • .i FORTY YEARS AGO A t CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Bolus; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Oabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Oemrine Leather Men's and Ladies' Belts, Billl$ld& etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, IH . Phone 583-J-l Mi FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER ITS THEO. OLSEN & SON KASOH COMTRAOTOKS rr--'- ' McCULLOM LAK* West McHenry No Job Too Big Or Too Small ; - 0 " For Expert workmanship and Fast Service Call ? ?• McHenry 548-W-l i A series of ]ln our community over j week. ' i 0» Saturday morning, A. L|. iWetle reported the loss of an am- j I J. K. Miller is having a> new plifier, microphone and electric* cement platform and sidewalk! phonograph which were taken I constructed in front and around • from the beach house where this; his place of business in Center-j equipment was stored. The burg- [ ville. i lar gained entrance by removing j Ground has been broken for the ja wood panel from the front door, j ! handsome new cement block busir j Mr. Wetle, who donated the usei nesc house that is to be erected of this equipment to the Property ] jby N. J. Justen just west of his Owners Association for their so- ^ ; furniture store on the west side. | cial activities, estimated his loss j Work of filling in the hollow on at one hundred dollars. Strangely ,> j either side of Boone creek bridge enough, the thief failed to take a> 'is under way and before many pair of speakers which were also ! moons have passed% pedestrians ' a part of the set. | will have the pleasure of a nice ( -- ! new walk along this thoroughfare.: On Saturday evening, Mrs- John-' I Miss Kate Heimer is showing son of Lake Shore and Clover | i her friends a beautiful Purcell pi- , Leaf Drives, reported the loss of i j ano which she won by solving one a kayak which was stored on her iof the puzzles that the piano com-1 lawn. Her son. Bud, and his! jpany has been publishing in the'friend, Sievey, spent many hours! : metropolitan papers of late. i of labor building this boat at their { | Chicago home last winter, and1 j FIFTY YEARS AGO hoped to enjoy many pleasant: ;hours on the lake. The sadness: | The furious storm which swept and disappointment suffered by! over this section of the country < these two lads in the loss of their ; last Thursday night was a damag- masterpiece cannot be measured ing one. No lives were lost but:in dollars and cents. , ! reports from various parts an-1 -- 1 nounce considerable damage to j * Sunday morning, George Liaenby > property, both from lightning and'reported a burglary in his home' wind. i on Fountain Lane, where entry waa' The Plaindealer will print a forced through a, bathroom win-' daily paper for St* Mary's German j dow and a new medicine cabinet S i Catholic church picnic. This hap | Was removed from the wall. MOSEY INN •* * ~ RINOWO0D ' " V " ' TELEVISION PRAGER BEEK FRED BOWMAN, BEST BUY IN TOWN I been made possible by the liberal patronage of our -merchants. The teachers of the McHenry [public schools are in attendance Plumbing inch red taken. After fitxures and two screw jacks were aixalso making Investigations, at the Institute held at Woodstock; Deputies Struck and Nelson made this week. j their reports to Sheriff Fred Bau, Michael Connelly who lives who spent several hours Sunday about fiv? miles south of here, j afternoon searching for cluea. sold a horse to a Woodstock man for $75 last week. Fred Kamboltz, west side barber, has moved from Mrs. Going's cottage to the rooms In the brick building owned by Henry Simes. SIXTY YEABS AGO I L. H. Owen, Dwtght Kennedy {and Krsd MrOmber, cam* out from Chicago pn Tuesday to attend the funeral of George McOmber. Two sacks (100 lbs.) choice flour i f 2 •25; good smoking tobacco 15 icents per pound; plushes in all j leading shades 60 cents per yard. 'John Evan son ft Co., VILLA HOTEL RESORT ON PISTAKEE BAY SERVING LUNCHEONS AUD DINNERS DAILY BRUCE BELSHAW St the Hammond Organ PHONE McHENRY 370 You can'f jwst wipdow-sboo a oar as different as Sm Nash Arrflyte. You have to view its streamlining from aH angles, slap Hide its Aiiflyta interior--drive it out where the going !i rough. And when you have a complete picture of all the voHip. ^, you get in the Airftyte--and only in the Nash Airflyte--* . flUn it's time to talk price. YouH find our delivered price on both the Ambossodor Airflyte and "400" Airflyt* presents the finest doflar-for- f dolor value in any automobHe. v Before you invest in any car, cms in andletut dam «ptrote the town. ~ r ^ ; m .j* ^pnes.. v .1 H & DOWNS NASH SALES t.-Vv'. m ai Hum TEL. McKSm HISrHEXSY^ ILLINOIS After turning further investlga tion over to Deputies Struck Nelson, Sheriff Bau returned to Woodstock with several pleoes of, evidence picked up At the scene, j through which the identity of the i culprits may be learned. The Property Owners Association, together with the. Screwy Dozen Sngial «hib. ' plans for a big wtndpp of the] summer vacation season during j the Labor Day weekend. Record r crowds are expected at both enda j of our community to see the pre-1 sentation of the beautiful television j consoles, as well as other mer-f Shelled corn for sale at the j chandise, during a spot on their lowest market rates. Also grow- j programs of entertainment. j ing feed at $16 per ton, at the! The Screwy Dozen will offer Fox River Valley Mills. R. Bishop-'their public music and dancing on t Mannetta shades with rollers 50 (a specially constructed dance floor cents, at Fltsslmmons 4k Hender- in their park as well as thrills in' son. ithe skies above their grounds oh; jthe Midway. { j It may be a good day to carry ! |your open umbrella upside down,! according to Messrs. Len Jensen! and Elmer Glosson, the gents in i charge of entertainment. The i j beach park will take on a carni- ( val aspect during the Property! Owners Association's three-day | Keep Brash Clean A thoroughly clean paint brush is absolutely essential to good worktnanshin. efforttott timed positive Yes, feel Ford's 35% easier acting King • Size Brakesl The forward motion of the car helps you slop Complete Whit* fjr«i areilmblt mt •Jrtra GLEAMING SERVICE T5k<k*M...#y (fie ^ Ye*w feet the estra smoothoeSi of FerdV "Mid Ship" Mde. Six big people travel en "Sofa-Wide" Seels in the center of die car. Yes, feel the safety of Ford's "lifeguard" Bodyt WMh Ford's new 5 cross-member box frame, it's 59% more rigid! in Our" Plant 206 8. GREEN St. McHENRY Yes, feel Ford's Your choke of a newl00-kp. V-8 or a new 95-h.p. Six! And up to 10% more gas mileage. Yes, the new Ford "Fed" adds up to a new kind of driving. Try it! Free Pickup ' and Delivery Service BUSS MOTOR SALES ; 531 MAIN ST. PHOHB - *eHIHRY,ILLIl*e» * maMr YlfeMasossamm sou c«, Too hot to sleep? a " ni9ht to°U»9 fmt Wortu, ,f PU,,S °Ul ^ored-up heated . "ght air is drawn ln th# h«ot rob you of your rest feel cooler immediacy" get a night cooling window fan! This aodern method of ventilation is an easy, economical way to bring cooling breezes int|| your house or apartment. A window fan wiH quietly and efficiently drive out die hot, humid air accumulated during the day • •.• |od djraw ia pleasant, cool night air. You'll sleep better MM! feel better ... iod out about a night cooling* jhm wdiyi ^ " A type for upcrtuMnt fW tfte apartment, on easily* I--Idled window fan or a po»f» able model to be set up in front of flie window h ideal. The pat* installed ottic type % -Mm f cooUng fans en perfect lor buslaess, t--. Uvoiligeie (heir low-cost ad vantages for your store, ekop or office^ t» your WBUC SBBVICE COMPANY OF NOfcTNf KM >11111 • .y t- '-"i A ' ..'A?'

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