--r-wv1 "Wxif*t 'V1 ~%~v4"w yn--" s^*'> f#" a V *°r * 7\ » V\ U' » "'* -~v, • .' \ \ > >~ - ?;> - .. .• c m: <t,;---r---.-••^•-•••{'W^-J.^-I^v «»•%-•• 'Vy-**-'*"***-./* ' t»*--M,)^..'^.,.-^^, > jT • • • ' »•»••• .m-v '•>. >». i'*.j.#»li"il3',*.|tjM.!' £<>• *M. tjyf v-H' SfcrfrAt .' c ?;rr ,* ar:&r&s$ --/r .%;/ * ' -#»s4 •**%., * J- « * »K >v"S: >>>'3^ :nt1 * j ' . V' ^*1 V ^ I ' ,• im^gr !4;^T^r:^s*».r " •W', > ^ . r^> y ' *'< , ^ '< : • - *A,'1C *v?v'^ ' -'4 ' ' ' " "r.V"v?rr '*^* > • r f i v - • •m|k» MoHKNRY, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 25,1949 Ho. 15 (urKoutmvtieHT «£' RESCUED Fill jjJUHE, ISDEAD Shock Proved Fatal on Tnesdaf ,. To Freddie Fuller m A The tragic life story of a family ; Of six', separated for more than » 1 "#ear, unfolded this week with'the death of 12-year-old Freddie Fuller in McCullom Lake on Tuesday Afternoon. He had arrived at the ke only a few hoars previous i week's vacation. Freddie and 9-year-old Roy Trench were jumping off the raft Into deep water when Freddie failed to come up. Roy dived under and brought his playmate to ' file surface, screaming for help 'when he found him unconscious. Sob Herkert and Bud Linehan, who were swimming nearby, came Id his aM and brought the lad |D shore. The emergency siren «M pt Into operation, but before Mrs. flal Furlong, who was sunning fcsrself on the beach at the time, Oould get Che tafctiator out of the heachhouee, Dtek Oenway aad Lh Horn appeared Mi the scene and began allying «Mmal respiration while Mr. and Kn. Ken Ebey responded to an emergency call to get a doctor and aid trim the iflcHepiir fire department. In a flatter of minutes this help arrived. but the boy had regained conaiiliimhii-- bv tMa time. Following the phjrsidan's eiamftnation, young Fuller was io the Woodstock hoapital, tanied by two local Irhere he waa found to ke p#«- i las from a head wonnd. At first his condition was reported to be food but by early evening It became evident that First Lt. Lee ef Mr. and MM* tee Gerlach eT Bm«e 1. McBeary, IB., Is shews rBtMng lale a Jet plane fer a re*. Oerpe Sept. lt, IMS. (Olciel OJ. Mary PkeMgnph--1SS4NS) ALBERT YALES UTES HELD LAST RONBtt ST. JOHN'S ANNUAL UNUSUAL CARAVAN VISITS CITY SUMMER FESTIVAL AT; SSr^iJONNSBURe AUGr27-28 The family and friends of Albert Vales, shocked at hlB which occurred about 7 o'clock last Thursday evening, Aug. l»,-i * ' hi the Woodstock hospital. Al-; _ . . „ ~ •. ' v t - [though in poor health for the past Jolmsbttl* residents and their! the enjoyment of the festival. five and one-half years he had' friends are eagerly looking for- > Rev. Fr. Paul Kunkel and membeen up and about until'the pre- ward to the annual Summer Fes- bers of St. John's parish have vious evening. As he sat in his tival- which will be held this week- worked untiringly for the past sevhome watching a televisioii broad- ,®nd, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. eral weeks In preparation for this cast, he was taken suddenly ill ^ an<* 28. at Nell's ballroom. An- weekend. Following are the chair- 1 and' a few hours later was re- n°uncement of the late summer of the various committees on •' moved to the hospital. i event will also prove good news arfengemeuts: . . . ; • . , to the many persons in this area | ComsUtteee 2»W^88^ a of wil° were under the imPre98tott 4unrh: cago on Jan. 29, 1886, a son of that festivitie8 for thls - Mrs- Paul Pitsen, Mrs, were at an end.* 9fc>; IEHSTM1M ON AUG. 29-30 Public Schools To Open Sept. 6 aag, Parochial Sept 7 Photo by A. Worwi'ok, MoHenry rlae Air • Hn» JOHN H. STIUJNa , PISD 1AELT TOQAT Aim short lujnps Tbe familiar sound of the (tclH|o> bell will be heard onCe more on hav^Jiledlo^^ratrthHttStkS anJ, f h r°m e t a^y Sund.ay rtorni.n« t\^n d?,000Se8Ptude6nt8 W*Tn .« |t Alh t ?.stivl«erWUVte: bXT-TmZ. 'm7s r^ph"T tluat the appeaJafce'of4^SSdeS ^^k^^d brSe~d^ "h^ls - wOl begin »£her • the late / Albert and Klieabeth w„r„ } „n<1 • a-aL.w Qn. ° *, ,/ 'McCartney and his thirtv-two K ' raoior,8ls Dy ine aoE nine months of study. Prospects Vales. Until poor health forced: invited to Joln ln ^ll^rt Huff ^s did'in McHenry llSt ieek- ens stopped to view the unusual of returning are far more pleasant his retirement a few years ago the cel y ebratkm, ^ begiS Sat- an? Mrs A™vin Freund I U WJ" thls yT' £ ^ tw*"*2 he was a wholesale beverage and iurday'evening with eames Drixes ' dames Mr. inhn r TK.i.n McCartney, a heavily bearded learn?d that Mr- McCartney was agers. for they are anxious to set candy distributor in Chicago. j refreshments and a general good Mr^ Helm Hetternumn Mr? Jo- character who resembled some- n hi r 8 th annuai *ummer. tour the KS nJw and, ™oder" A pleasant, retiring man, Mr- time at the ballroom. On Sun-'sett MillJr. pJS?*p F?eund"'one who had stepped from the of th® .n°rth®r.n atates and was building in which several of Vales' interests centered in his day, there will be entertainment j GeOrge Diedrich, Alfred Oefflin* page# of a novel far more than fnrou Wisconsin. His home , classrooms are located and « family. They moved to McHenry throughout the afternoon and Gerald Hettermann and Francis any°ne in r«al Wte, arrived in js Jeffersonville, Ga. Financing eurricolar activibes will in 1920 and for many years have, evening, with plate lunches served Schmitt town early Saturday. With his "ls travels are the proceeds from,P|aceresided in their East River Road j from 5 o'clock on. During the sup-| Jfish Pond: Mrs Francis Schmitt'young 80,1 and hls colorfully load- the sale of post cards, which must i High school registration days home, about three- miles southeast J per hour, 5 to 7 p.m.. there will be'an I Mrs. Leo Smith jed cart and cortege of animals, he amount to an amaslng sum in will be Monday and Tuesday, Augof the city. |a special program feature which j jpecial Booth: Mrs William C •** 'ollowed down city streets by of the popularity of the trav- 29 and M. Morning s--stoaa will Survivors include his widow, ig being kept secret until that Marie; three sons, William of Lin-1 time. Those ln charge of coin. Neb., and AlMrl and George j part of the entertainment assure ef Chicago; two daughters, Mrs. ; the public that the featured gueitt Marie Kempfer of Medford, Okla., is someone who will add greatly to |j|d Delorea of McHenry; thlreej -- y | youngsters and adults alike, beiegistration: Mrs. Alfred Oef- !f®re flnally »®ttllng down for 111 g and Mrs. Arthur Stilling n!*ht 00 route 31, just north take efreshments; Joseph Huemana Leo HlUer. POUO TOTAL IN COUNTY FOE YEAW NOW THIRTY-SIX ' v'ii grandchildren, Louise and Mary Margaret Vales and Albert Kemp* fer; four brothers, John of Arlington Heights, Frank, Charles and George of Chicago; one sister, Mrs. Frank Thomas, of Cicero. .. . , . . _ . . , The body rested at the Jacob the former Gertrude Schaeter; one, justea Sons funeral home until . J?"' o'clock, Woodstock during William or Richmond, Ben of | whea funeral services were held {the past week. The latest are the Johnsourg and Henry and leosph|from St. Patrick's cksroh, -with Woodstock victims, Theodore Mets, 31, and BSugene Adny, SO. John H. 8tilllng, 70 years old, Oonrt street. M at the Woodstock hospital at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning. Aug. 3S, following a ten days' Illness. Survivors include the widow. rude Si _ son, Clarence; tour hrttheri,! Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock,,Woodstock were reported du Six new cases of polio in Us Crystal Lake area and two tety. he was growths weaker. , Tthe parents of* the hoy were lo- , *iated in Chicago, and they arrived lit the hospital shortly after 10 , #clock, not long after the hgjf had ' On YacaHon ^" Following his death, It was. lrsrnsd from Mrs. H»>ch that D&. j. the ander \he '#n of the] Chloago Welfare Association, had Those who - tome to McCullom Lalce the- pre- Vious evening for a short vhcatommy Suffield, who had Iflpnt nwo w«ek^ at: «h« French household, returned to the foster home In Chicago which also nN dluded Freddie Fuller, and gave • • s glowing description of a summer |li vacation in the coantry. Beof McHenry; «v» sisters. Mrs. burial in the church cemetery Anna Brown of Wfaifc. Mrs. i Maymo Justen #ni HIrtHhttiia Miller of McHenry. and Mrs. FMbces Miller and Mrs. Tlllle Freund of Johnsburg. The body is resting at the Jaoob Justen 8ons funeral hone until 10:30 o'clock on Saturday morning. whan lut rit«* w|li im COSAUO. 29 D-BAY IN NSW PROGRAM OF DIVIDENDS TO VIM Monday, Aug. 29, has been slgnated »s D-Dsy in the govern- ] ^ ment program to pay two billion. Crystal uuu eases are Smith, James Ruchsteachel, Nelson, Dartene DayM and JMty Helman, all at Sherman hnapHal. Elgin, and Dorothy Wright at St Joseph'a Other oouaty patients at n hospital, also suffering MRY FIREMEN WTMD VICTORY lor the of ve city limits- Long past sundown on Saturday eling troupe. i be from 9 to noon and afternoon From McHenry, Mr. McOhrtney, registrations from 1 t6 4. snd his goats stopped la Ring wood **dn UP on for several hours before proceeding into new territory. TELEVISION AXK1AL LEA.DS TO IUH LONt} SO UGHT BT POLICE STATE FAIR CHAMPS FROM MdENRY FARM fUro«m the diseasJe,. arwet Dennis Wink-!• •F irem_e n'* Associ.a tion' ^ ^ „ „ menu nniiruu u> u*v iwu uiihub. i ' "'iucGiiii"' "'ai rou Zicnuhr i in the tournament, with McHenry J ' • * « " h u n d r e d m i l l i o n d o l l a r s in !®f. *nd ^ Micheles o^opeixlng victorious for the third wmm hnrlnl In the church ceotte- q j insurance dividends to six- j Algonquin. / 1 consecutive year. The tourney teen million World War 11 veter-1 The latest victims bring the)*** heldion Riverside Drive, which ans. This is the gay whea official year's totfil 'for the county to j voted by the participating application blanks become avail-1 thirty-six, two of whom have died, i tehnis as the best location of any to be obtained at U.S. post-j The McHenry county chapter of ,n the district. offices in any city or at Red Cross '< the National Foundation for in- ^*8t Dundee placed second in headquarters in Woodstock, where I fantile paralysis is spending the tournament, with Hampshire, workers will be "happy to assist j March of Dimes funds at the rate and Cary, fourth. Other ln filling out forms. of $1,600 a week in combatting These dividends are not to be P°Ho in this area, according to J. OUtStAVmVG TALK oivfirHolBMr the regular meeting of the Wonder Lake Area Kiwanis club, held Monday eve- \ paid out of taxes but are declared j L*- Townsend, local chapter chair ning, Aug.' 22, failed to hear an oc surplus funds accumulated in man. He added that the Fonndacrowd estimated at 4,000 parwitnessed the annual water ts for the championship of this "'ct, held " last Sunday aftern in McHenry. A colorful paipdient ofl?ld amTnew ^ntaae 8lnce la,t May- wIth Chicago p«r- j *d in the list McHenry and the various sons u compUlnanU, authorities { Followtgg are eleven winners, nding cities started the af- !n l?at clty were unable to appre- (which enWged as tops amidst oan program at 1 o'clock |hend one John Grody, 39, reputed usually keen competition from a een teams, under the aus- ^°"_of«th*_°?II"e^*t®nLMo-ern large area: * First prise, sged ball; also senior and gr&ad champion In the Illinois class. First prise, senior and grand champion female. She has Jul finished a record of 832 pounds of fat. ^ A .... Second prise, aged com Third prise, aged cow. First prise, 4-year-old cow. First MM, 3-year-old cow. pile, senior yearling. Juniors on Sophomores on Tuesday wad Freshmen, Tuesday nflsmooa. ' New students are asksd to register on the above nassed days. ^ « fwlth their class, or C. H. Dakar, morning before thoas school. Aay sUHiat isslrlng a f| The McHenry police departmeni conference should pla*r to retort* --f Is on Us toes and further proof j Several animals from the Hick- to the office before registration came to the attention of local rest- ory Creek Farm at McCnllom days. dents this past week when a long-! Lake added newhonors to their { Besides the cost of hooka, stusought fugitive from justice was growing list at the state fair held dents in the nli n sire! located by local officers. Although; at Springfield last week. Two nrocram will be riinnlrni'in w a several warrants had been out \ grand championships were iaclud- $2 s# fee for towel serviaft onNgof the MteHeary County jPurn,ce ComPan '- McHenry. took part I Last Friday. James Photakis of Cicero, owner of a currency exchange, contacted local police and asked their eld ln locating QVody, his complaint being four confidence game warrants. It was legrned that Grody had obtained check books in the name of his company from several prominent banks In this area. After considerable investigation outstanding talk given by Dr. < giwwnniiit usrulss life laauranco James R. Meehan, professor of that are being refunded to veterans business at Hunter college. New according to the amount each vet- York City. leran paid for insurance. Whether Dr. Meehan has been a visiting, or not the veteran has any G. L professor in the graduate school insurance at this time makes no "Cause of the latter s eagerness tojgt Northwestern University dur-1 difference. share his friend's fun, Mrs. French inj the past summer session. He j The only Important point Is that Invited both boys to come out '<>r and his family are residing at he I)U) HAVE G.I. Insurance for a week. Tommy's brother, Jack, Wonder Lake but will return to!at least three months. had been a permanent resident at, New York next Mbnday. I No blanks will be available until the French home since last j The speaker talked broadly on'Aug. 29. cember. v , * {education and stressed the fact! In connection with the above, it Beslder the bereaveq parents, that teachers the country over are I is interesting to note that courses Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fuller, the very much underpaid. He also!are now being held every two young victim is sunrived by spoke at length on the economic months, with representatives of underwriting all or paj^ st for at county cases. t<Pm8 entered included Huntley, | on the general location and. OP* Sfring Grove, Algonquin, Barling- Crystal Lake, Richmond, West indee, Carpentersvllle, Union, and Hebron. of tie' IocaY leaih In- Thifd I kAdMd rropi tlon was of the cost "The situation is certainly a elude Eddie Justen, Dick Miller,1 found the house In question, serious one," he i>M, "but I have iJerome Buch, Harry Ferwerda! Grody, who lived with his wife and been assured by the National i*n* BarI Conway. Because of ill- j four children, was apprehended Foundation that it will '«>• what-;11®*8' Ted Miller, a regular mem-las he arrived home late Friday ever steps may be required to >Mr tbe team, was unable to be | night and was taken to the Mcinsure that no sufferer from in- j Henry jail. pearance of the Grody home, it " piSe^dJl?1hard!"11"*" was found at Island Lake. A First and second prize, best udtelevlslon aerial and a new y re- on the winning ^ged cow vmcing ^evSideenncceT 'tthhaStr tney Ml Winning^ 4-y ear-old "Exraco Vanaldfantile paralysis go without proper medical care for lack of funds." tentton in the late afternoon was Hohn. dessa Bess Burke." Second prize, produce of dam. Hickory Creek will now eater their prise animals at the Ohio state fair, Michigan state fair, at Waterloo Iowa, and the Interna- Vancouver Man Slightly Injured in Accident Attracting a great deal of at-j a short time later Herbert h0^ih1 nairv . 38. of Cicero, who was1 aDolii ° Ptt at Indiaa" the ladles tournament, with four J found to be Grody's brother-ln-1 teams entered. Spring Grove prov- iaw. walked into the city hall, im- Mnpi PMTaensn ed tops among the feminine con-1 personating someone of import* HamoTnUKD tenders, with the McHenry single j ance, and sought Grody's release, i NURSES NEXDED FOR ladies, second , „ . -- Leonard A. Humphrey, *1, of! eluded the McHenry three brothers and^a sister. ^Ont conditions from the days of Cool-! the various Red Cross divisions in Vancouver, B. C., was injured and j ***®s and Richmond. Of his brothers, also in a foster jdge Up to the present time and! attendance to discuss new benefits the car in which he was riding home, was enroute to Florida stated his reasons for the world j to servicemen now on duty and to > was badly damaged in an accident I McHENRY COUNTY ^ben the tragedy _ occurred and being in the state it is today. Those; their families. Among chapters < which occurred on U. S. Route 12, VATTTW 1T1T Tl VHP | in attendance felt this was one of1 participating is the one in M'>- nuar io«.» WW1" ,T,r «v*v Other entries in-1 Although his act was well por-1 VICTIMS OP POUO firemen's | trayed. McHenry police became suspicious and soon obtained a confession as to his identity. His has not been located. The Fuller family separation was the best talks heard by the club one of many necessitated because of inadequate housing facilities. The children were placed in the homes of relatives mdk* than a year ago. A coroner's jury returned a verdict of death due to shock. t* ROAD MAINTENANCE WILL BENEFIT BY LICENSE BOOST Illinois applicants for a new driver's license were cautioned by Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett recently that a new iaw, passed by the recent General Assembly calls for payment of a dollar fee Instead of fifty cents- The law became effective Immediately on its being signed by Gov. Stevenson last week. There is no charge for the threeyear period for which a driver's license Is Issued, the secretary said. The secretary's office licenses about 3,500,000 dilteis over a three-year period. Receipts from the driver's license fee go into «.«««« _ the road fund In tin state treasur- WMw DAlAwt SUIT >er's office for maintenance of the As the result of an accident on gtate highway system. Feb. 4, 1949, in which a truck own- The new fee, the secretary said, Jd by the Gold Star Motor com- appijeg to new licenses, renewals, |>any and operated by John E. temporary permits and duplicate • fisher of Barrington, plunged | licenses. It does not apply, he from route 14 highway Into the, g^id, to chauffeurs' licenses, fees liorth. side of the George Cairns, WhiCh are five dollars for the first Jr. home in Woodstock, Mr. and year and three dollars for each succeeding year. Secretary Barrett warned applicants that the new dollar fee is effective immediately and is applicable to all applications now in the malls or which will reach his office in Springfield and Chicago after the boost was approved by th^governor. Applicants who \applW*l too late will be notified they must send an additional fifty cents before they can get a license. Becord Siie Cucumber Grown by 0. A. Simmons Probably the largest cucumber any of us have ever seen rests in The Plaindealer office this week It measures 14 Inches long and fceighs 3 pounds ahd was grown ty c. A. Simmons of 8kallmar, jrho challenges the cucumber of Cdward C- Schroeder Of Crystal Mr. SchroMer received some publicity in his home-town paper fast week with his 12-inch long, 1* pound specimen. Besides the record vegetable on display at The Plaindealer office, Mr. Simmons has a second, weighing 2 pounds and measuring 12 inches long. The cucumber contest is on. In some time. The program committee, which Bob Behrens Is has planned a number of outstanding speakers for this fall and winter. McHenry county,1 with Mrs. Marion Phinney and Mrs. Kathryn Breytspraak as representatives. Many folks, even veterans, are under the Impression that because their active service period has ended the Red Cross cannot help them. On the contrary, many.ananjA cases are handled each month out of the local office. During this past week, an ex- OI, unable to locate his wife aad two small children in the South* contacted the county Red Cross Working far into ths the Red Cross was finally locate the woman, who was the streets of a southern dty with her children, having no money for housing. Another yonng county veteran and wife found that their young child had a cleft palate but had no money for the necessary operation. Upob suggestion from a friend, they contacted the Red Cross, which arranged for surgery at no cost to the couple. Few young men remain In service, but the Red Cross continues to aid veterans aad their families. VP Mrs. Cairns are asking 910,000 for damages done to the house. It was- a 10-below zero afternoon that the truck left the highway and crashed into the Cairns home, tearing out the north side, leaving an opening in which you could walk into the bathroom. The Cairns charged that as _a result of the crash, the foundation --of their home was demolished, windows broken, roof broken and the home, ln general, damaged be- "jjTyond repair. • CAFETERIA 8UPPIE ^ The Ringwood W. S. C. S. will serve a cafeteria supper In Musxy'a hall Thursday evening, Aug. 25. The menu will include baked ham, barbecues, kidney bean salad, Individual salads, cole slaw, scalloped potatoes, potato salad, 'tomatoes, beet pickles, rolls, assorted cakes, pies, coffee, iced tea, fruit juice and milk. Serving W will Start at 5 p. m. e < n » n M i » n t m m n i f AMONO THE SICK •! I III U 111 I'l**** TAX PATMKHTS From the office of Henry that the second tastallntient of tMes Is due and payable on or Mtore Sept. l. Taxpaysrs are 3Sd to make their wmMs early if they wish to MM last--minute Chester Goodman underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital Tuesday evening for Injuries sustained in a fall from a tree the previous day. Mrs. Joseph Stilling Is seriOfisly 111 at her home on the Pistakee Bay blacktop road. Mrs. Alice McGrath has been a medical patient at the Woodstock hoapltal. Mrs- Dm- SdlUmnel Wafc a panear the Johnsburg road, las', Thursday. The vehicle was a MANSLAUGHTER 1948 Pontiac sedan driven by Allen' C. Kelly, 41, of Vancouver. t James H. Jones, 19. ol Crystal The car was proceeding south Lake was chaiged with canon route 12 when I^elly lost con- slaughter on Monday by a grand trol and the auto went into tb<-1 jary ln the circuit court at Wauditch, up the embankment, hit a kegan, the action relating to an telephone pole and stopped'upside accident which took place over <}own, beside the St, Paul railroad the Memorial Day weekend in right-of-way. j which four people were killed State Police Officer John Mur rie investigated. By BABY BALLERINA this time, Mr. and Mrs. The accident, it will be remembered, took place on May 28 on route 12, about three miles north of Wauconda, when the car driven by Ames struck another belong- Jerome Musil of Fox River Grove j toft Ivan Franklin, 42, of Lynare quite accustomed to receive i wood, Minn. Franklin was killed clippings from all parts of the outright, as was his son, Roger 7. world concerning the success of Claude Barnes, €7, his father-intheir daughter, Helene, world ac- jaw, died several days later of claimed ballerina, but now to add to their joy, they have received word that their only granddaughter, five-year-old Tanya Constantlne, daughter of Edward and Heleoe Constantlne, has also entered the ballet theatre and made jan^ chest Injuries. Riding with a most successful debut in Paris. were four other coupty injuries; Berwyn Spears, 19, of Harvard, died the following day. He had been a passenger in the Jones car. Jones himself received a frac- Polio victims in fourteen midbell if?e rent attitude resulted in his wegt states need at least 100 more, being placed ln Jail for fowteen registered nurses at once, accord-1 pT^V ASA NT hours, after which he was releas-!'®® to an appeal for nurses, made istrntlon dh|MM wsflf a»4 ft deposit for locker, M MMr to he returned at the does ot tbs A general meeting: of high school teachers on ths morning of Sept. f at t:fi o'clock in tin high school toriam, followed by meetings of each in the morning. will begin at the at 1 o'clock grade school at 1:30. Kindergarten „ Monday, Aug. M, nil ha tration day for chlMreO of garten age who have not already registered. The place will be the kindergarten room at 2tl West Waukegan road, the time fro*| 9 a m. to 12 and from 1:30 to* ' * T- • It is very important that all registrations are made on or ho- M fore Aug. 29 so that adequate fa~ cillties can be arranged aad class organization and divisions can bo | made before the opening of school. The next week's issue of The Plaindealer will give information •'% regarding age limits for botli: morning and afternoon classes. Parochial School ! The parochial school will open this year on Wednesday, Sept. 1*. I with more details appearing in| next week's Issue of The Platedealer. ed. Grody was Identified by Pho- 11118 week by Lona L. Trott, ditakls as the man sought and after! r«ctor of Nursing Services for the warrants from other complainants, m'dwestern Red Cross area ln St. were shown, he was Cicero authorities. State 0. K. Given Lake Pront Community Church Louis. "For the past two weeks we have had a backlog of more ti^n 1 0 0 e m e r g e n c y r e q u e s t s f o r nurses," the nursing director said, pointing out that Red Cross recruits the nurses at the request and 1 °f the National Foundation for Inthe fantile Paralysis, which meets Residents of Lily Lake Lilymoor are happy that charter for the establisment of treatment costs where family retire Lake Front Community church has been approved by the Secretary of State. Settlers of both communities, after several meetings, slowly tat surety are aeelag their dreams come true. The chjurchJo to ho strictly noasectarian. Ths working Wtunit* tee has beeft pleased to accept the co-operation of Charles E. Rogers president of the Property Owners Association. Further information ATTBJD WORKSHOP This week approlmately seventy McHenry county teachers representing nearly every elementary system 'of the oounty are attend- In 1945, while Tanya's parents' y°oths. were touliqMlie west coast, she j The grand jury, after ruling the stayed/In Fox River Grove during deaths accidental, recommended ture of the right leg, concussion may be obtained by calling W7- ' w-1. A public meeting will be held this (Thursday) evening, Aug Itownr la the foil and entire winter with her Grandma and Grandpa Mustl. PET STOLEN Once again in the McHenry area a pet has been stolen- This time that Jones be charged with manslaughter. At the time of the accident, Jones was charged with reckless driving and after his release from the hospital was released on the charge, with his i|kg a workshop planned by the||t ig a newly-acquired cocker i h<*rln» continued in Lake county office of the McHenry county superintendent of schools. Dr. Heise of ^Eastern college, Charleston, 111^, liS^recting the workshop, at which teabhers will plan for better modern unit teaching in our schools. Teachers are enrolled from Harvard district, Marengo grade, Woodstock rural consolidated, McHenry grade, Huntley district, Hebron - Alden, Richmond grade and many rural districts. Those from McHenry in attendance are Ethel McGee, Laura Fer* werda and Bernlce Blount spaniel, a female, fawn colored | UQtR Aug. 29. puppy three months old, belong-1 _ , Ing to Mrs. Llllle Car tan of Lily j Junes WllllCOlinaiT Lake- The dog was taken from his pen in the Cartan yard last week. 25. at 8 p. m. at the T0w»r ** LUy Lake. «11111 n 1111 n i m •»»* »• It M 9 COMING EVENTS ABBIVE FROM 6EBIAXT Staff 'Sergeant and Mrs. John M. Scott and their 10-month-old daughter, Sandra Ann, arrived home last week Wednesday from Neubiberg, Germany, a suburb of Munich. After a visit with her parents,^ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nett, they will leave for San Antonio, Texas, where he will he stationed. tient this at the Woodstock hospital past week. • * ' Order rubber at The FORESTER PICKIC The annual Forester picnic for members of the local court and their families will be held ts the Veterans of Foreign Wars parte on Sunday. Aug. 28. There*will be a family dinner at noon, followed by acvcral hours of gnmss and the awarding at prhOs. Ion, cream aad pap Will he furnished throughout «r« August 97 Bake Sale -- Lutheran Church Basement -- Sponsored by Ladies' Aid -- Sale begins at 11 a. m- -- August 87 - 28 St John's Parish Carnival--Johnsburg. August 98 Annual Men Forester Picnic -- V. F. W. Grounds -- Picnic Dinner and Social Afternoon. August 28-99 High School Registration Days August 99 Kindergarten Registration -- 902 West Waukegan Road. September 1 - Catholic Daughters of America Business Meeting -- New K. of of C- Hall. loBAoMkop § • Installation of County Legion Auxiliary Officers -- McHenry. Prom College in Mexioo James Winkelmaa, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wlnkelman of Center street, McHenry, arrived home on Sunday from Mexico, where he attended his Junior year of college at Mexico City college. Up6h completion of his studies there, he worked with the American Friends Service committee in the village of Yantetec, near Coernavoca, in the State of Moreloa. The latter part of September he will return to Beloit college, where he will begin his senior year, majoring in Spanish. L" -iK. • , .wfc,1.*. .. J&-.A • The Chattel Vydtal fsnsllnalgg^MW--oj--i / . i FIND MISSING BONDS •t*? mystery of the $35,000 bond burglary at Harvard was partly salved on Tuesday of this week when the bonds and $2,400 in stocks were* found in a plain envelope under the open safe by Doputy Sheriff Charles Corey. The $490 reported missing earlier in, tho dsy haa still not been accounted for. Officials of the loan oomgrent relief at flnd- Md stocks, as did tavsBtlgated. Mr. and I Mrs- Joseph W. Wagner are the harents of a daughter, weighing 7 lbs. 9 os., horn at the Woodstock hospital last Saturday, Aug- 20. ,She has been named Joyce. The Wagners have three other children, all hoys. A son was born at the Woodstock hoapltal on Aug. 99 to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane of Ringwood. Mr- and Mrs. Harold Mlchels of McCullom Lake are the parenta of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital on Aug. 1C. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ekstrom of Elgin announce tho arrival of a son on Aug. 17 at 8t Joaeph's hospital- The little fellow weighed 7 lb. 11 os. and will anawer to the name of Richard Vale. He haa a young sister, Susanae, 3 years <fld to welcome' him home ln addition to his parenta. Mrs. Ekstroqa U the former Mary Lou Stoff# sources are Inadequate. The appeals are coming in from fourteen states where sick people can be saved many of. the dreaded aftermaths xof Apollo If prompt nurslag carOt V Mailable. Purging rwtlrod or married aurses or* those wlgis employers can re-, . lease them to calf home-town Red i Washi Cross chapters for enllstmen Miss Trott pointed out though the talned 699 polio nnrsss 1, ths demand for fcare Is incrsasiag. particulariy heavy Iowa aad Illinois, she "it Is not our intention to takn nurses away toon Joha or whore they are nuisi." Miaa Trott said. "We want aaraae who are not- pow alOas^>att^thQoe, are willing to or more motthi Married nursee with children can, for example^ enlist for genoral ward duty in hoapttals, thua relieving other nurses for polio duty." Miss Trott pointed out that the Red Cross recruits only registered nursee to give nursing csre to polio victims by agreement with the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis- Both organizations, she added, are determined to furnish only the best possible nursing care to polio patients whose recovery might be impeded by inexpert handling. I appeal to the compassion and responsibility that haa always distinguished the professional nurse," she suM. "in urging nurses, wherever possible, to ask their local Red Cross chapters how they can help In this crisis." OP EASTERN T0T{& ARE RECALLED Miss RoVena Marshall aad her nephew, Ralph Bennett. Jr.. have just returned from a two weeks' bus trip through the East, which they enthusiastically recall with pleasure. Their first important stop woo in Waahington. D. C-. where they toured the Capitol. White House, Smithsonian Institute snd ether interesting buildings. They also went to the top of the Washington Monument for a fine view of the city and toured through Mt VSsrnon and Arlington cei Virginia. The highligh the in- tho f.EL, Wia*4Ma . Bead the >t Ada, SORORITY OFFICER ^ Mary M. Douglas, Crescent avenue. McHenry, daughter of Mrs- Velma Douglas, haa been elected vice-president of Is'mMh Kappa Sigma, professional sorority at the University of Illinois Col of Pharmacy. SKLBCT PETIT A wow peOt |mn i this week, tncladlag two McHenry. next stop was in where they sgw the IA- > J erty Bell, Declaration of Iadepen- J and many places of hlstori- ^ Ml lntereet. In New York City, they made the 1 long Journey to the top of the i Empire State building for a thrillhi sight of the city at aight They ?f also spfnt some time at Radio City, ^ witnessed severnl radio and tele-, vlaioo shows snd saw the Su.tne ^ of Liberty and Coney Island. The last stop was at Nisgam • Falla and Old Fort Niagara. f latter built In 1839 and still in use. After viewing the Fklls from jw the American side, the local tour- -1 ists went into Canada. Here they „ spent several hours viewing the whirlpool rapids aad also Want g through a tunnel in tick at the*. v Falls. American side lighted by colored i the Canedian NEW GARAGE On Monday. Aug. 29. a hew garage, to be called "Butch's Auto Service," will he opened nt 309 Went Elm street, on routUL and 120. The owner Is Q serge J, Freund, whoee many years1 e»- psrlence In this line of wortt well qualify him tor the business which he will operate. HO wttl sgMIn nil kinds of MN. Jnlin Murray of Qenova a . r proving sight. As an wonderful Chicago to Of Heary fbtka. community le Wfth nny plnce ttigr'