Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 2

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. <„ H I I I I M * Lake # » I M i i i i i n i n h u m h i (by VinM»l,MW fliMlIp SirerTlNr tifiHii Office to liMfi if Wearn Voters Math Srihmltt of McHeMry, supervlsor of the' township of Mc- Jtenry, as well as chairman of the Mranty board of supervisors, was jpiot speaker at the meeting of 'tin Le»*oe of Womea VMwi of the Wonder Lake region bald oil I Tuesday evening of last weak. The meeting was held at the home of the Wonder Lake Legion post. Mrs. Dorothy McEachren. president of the League, introduced the speaker, who explained the dutiea .of a supervisor. Mr. Schmitt explained that he has been supervisor for McHenry township for the past ten years and that hip salary for thiB is $75 per month plus a fee for each meeting. Mr. Schmitt said that the main attribute needed by a supervisor is just "good ^orse sense" and the conviction that everyone should be "used as you would want them to use you." He said that the board of supervisors is composed of men with college educations and men with little education but they all get along and try to do what is best for the county. Health Officer ] Aaked whether or not there Was , a board of health for a township,; •••get Meeting . . collected $40 of this ed; Mrs. Lillian In $25; Mrs. Veltaa Alice Noren and Mabel _ $10 each; Efilly Dean, $15; Marks. $8; Pat Wrede, $S; .BlniwMd/tikNi • Richaailfl^ ftl; 'stone and McHenry units/ The 11, county units have been divided Mrtlj|tnto five districts, the chairmen of ' Cora1 which will meet with the new jwmg people Jean Henthorn, $2; and Betty Jo;home adviser when she arrives Wright, $1. Mrs. Sellek collected some time next month. * the remainder of the funds. •• The board of directors of Shore Hills Country Club subdivision will be an open budget!were very pleased at the turnout at Harrison school on {for their picnic on Sunday. They eslde Rom where I sit... Ay Joe Marsh f They're 'Wild( They Belong To Mr. Schmitt said that the super-1 There visor is the health officer for a j meeting township and it is his duty to put | Aug 31 at 8 p. m. and all residents had a fine group present. They up contagious diseases. j °* J^e school district are welcome | were grateful to those who made • He is aided, when necessary, byito present and inspect (hq pro-. donations. the county nurse, Miss Mabel j Posed budget^for' the Qomlog sea- 1 Hobbs, to whom he goes for ad- •on* " * ' [On Saturday evening, Aug. 20, vice. I -• : • • •••-«/•*> | the Izaak Walton League of Won- Mrs. Louise Brboks, the proba- j Services were held last EYiday der Lake celebrated its first birthtion officer, is another person to 'n Joliet for Charles Kucera, fsth- day at the home of Andy Kunz. whom the supervisor often turns.1 ®r °' Joseph Kucera and step- j Robert C. O'Hair and Burt Atwood, She is the person who assists 'a~er of Mrs. Anthony Orosso, > president and vice-president rewhen homes are broken and chil- both of Wonder Lake. Mr. Kn-; spectively of the Illinois Division dren must be cared for. jcera, who was 62, recently retired of the IWLA. Two moving pic- Askcfl about McHenry's health a ®r_,working in the Elgin, Joliet! tures in color from the IWLA liprogram, Mr. Schmitt explained an® Eastern Railroad repair shops, [brary were shown. that McHehry is an incorporated; • ' -- - --w-- 4 i city and does not come under thfe ,^_e. . Towners, 1947 statet r ' Snn«l»y tive and Mrs, WJlUam Thoa Sunday victors aftMhe horns « church The .,.«.iin. - -• " . M r . a n d M r a . W l l l l t o T . B o r a . 7 ? ; n , * " * * * a t Mr. Thon represents •the twenty- central standard time. j , third district -- Next Sunday, Aagust 28, tfee Bav. 1 I 4 v , ' * V* Thomas War* will be the guest Gospel Center - speaker at the Center at both : j M e w s . . m o r n i n g a n d e v e n i n g s e r v i c e s , i It «m > «ffM> mnA - Mrs- 4xel Johnson will be our 1 audience that came out last Sun- woriWP\ day nlahl An> si mni*w .|,A i service aad in the evening a male i musical program, so spleadidlyiquartet °* the Hdgewater Baptist. presented by tha choir ot Tile First j . . . Evangelical Free Church of ««m. I ' merdale, Chicago, and to hear the sermon of Dr. Harold L. Lundquist, the pastor. It was in all, probability the largest number o f j Church, musical proyflua. Since the Wright brothers' first fliftt, there has been a seven-CoM increase in efficiency in planes. GonpleK tine of Bee be livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store. Me- Hetary. 8-tf ; Saw Tik Anderson last week and ifis reminded of the first time I :• mvtt spoke to him. The missus had •ent me out one Saturday afternoon . to hunt for some blackberries. I took a long hike and couldn't find any. Finally, I came to Tik's house along that low stretch east the fork on River Road. "Hi there," I says, "any blackberries " around here?* Tik says, There uaed to be--Imt >JI 4oa*t know much sboat things :^that grow wild." Lster, I feunfl 7hew Tik supports his fsmily by" H picking berries. Ever rifce, I*ve been like the rest of folks in town* --respectful of his right not to tell where "his" berries grow. Prom where I sit, respecting oilier folks' rights comes nstursl in our town ... in America for that matter! Whether it's a person's right to enjoy a temperate glass oi beer or ale, or whether it's Tik Anderson's right to keep secret where his berries are, ifs all a big part of a real democracy! I jurisdiction of a supervisor who champions In barbershop singing,; Members of Shore Hills Country only is responsible for the unin- ^.ere recent visitors at the Lake Club subdivision held a meeting corporated areas in a township.!View Inn Another famous four-' ia8t weekend to decide whether McHenry, he added, has a city a^m®* Mello-Mate% sref§ at the roads would be blacktoppedi doctor to help in cases of need, j"1® 'nn *as* Saturday.' "'~v jand ditched throughout the area.) ' Other officers of the township' * ~ . "" v The motion was defeated by popof McHenry are a town clerk, a! w t 1,* * . ' . „ ular vote, which will make it ne- Voad commissioner, an assessor,! h.^of cessary for those who desire more and two justices of the peace, the ^ ^f/,^.,. ^ ° gravel than the subdivision can af- , supervisor explained. The jus- j vi f6 j ford to Provlde thelr own- 1 1 tices are elected on the basis of the j f ^ Milorandt and Games and refreshments were population from the last United ™ freund observed 1 enjoyed throughout the day and States census. Mr. Schmitt said1 J}?*® \ 1 ' Q*I"al* ail voted the regatta a huge suethat the fact that four justices: J; lebrated: on Au- cess. Dan Coombie, Wonder Lake were listed on the last ballot and! Pagers, Marge Yacht club, handled the announc- People gathered to a publie ser-f vice at the Center so far. It was' an open air Gospel service, and! while practically every seat was, occupied, some friends were sitting in their automobiles, on their1 doorsteps and porches and heard the message by means of our pub-' lie address system. , Another Youth Rally wi$ be held neat Saturday night, Aug: 27, a t t h e W i l l i a m s B a y B i b l e C a m p , i It Is sponsored this week by. the LAKE DrjFCIeaners and (1) We take in family lanndry. We specialize in Draper j, Porti«t| and Rug Cleaning. , * • (?) We do alterations of all kinds. Pfione Wonder Lake 348 or Li; w«re iibiwi un tuv wbi uaiiwi auu i TrA,-w . ; * UVMV v,uw' uummicu nuuv/uuvthree apparently elected was an i ' a°d thip jng and Rischow di4 a X^ i^ error of the clerk, and that only two could legally be elected. The i M^thfinv* Lecktan^, had population of McHenry township, Outboard Races . .1 The outboard races On Sunday had the following results: Class M, 5 hp.: first, Jim Hartman; second, John Murphey; T mm Copyright, 1949, United Sutes Brewers F»undmtion * ^ EASY TO USE ALL YEAR ROUND •"Si •" • * 3 - V _ •.» f; F A HOUSEHOLD; INSECT SPRAY - KILLS - ' _ ROACHES MOSQUITOES FLIES ANTS SILVERFISH LOW PRICED b J-- • BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE m. McHBMY. Ili. has grown considerably since th» W|].|^ w> _ last census in 1940 but an offi- Celebnite TheIr .cial count will not be made until 26th Anniversary nex sp ng. Years i ^day, Aug. 19, a dinner and third, Ronnie Milbrandt. ! !°T°9-hip t!-°f5iCi:8^ wedding anniversary of Mr. and mann; third, Al Ri'schIS Mrs. William A. Dean, Jr., of Chi- class B, Mercury: first> Ken cago and Wonder Center. At the Bauske; second, George Hartparty, announcement was made of,mann; third, Bob Bode, the engagement of their daughter,! class C, 22 hp.: first, George ^4 ° d WandereriRischow: second, Larry Fuhrer. of Chicago and Plstakee Bay. 1 Free-For-All: Winner, George The .young couple met at the Rigchow. University of Illinois, where he i in the trophy series run on Aug. graduated with honors this June. |] 4, John Murpbey, Tom Hartmann, He is a member of Tau Beta Pi,: Ken Bauske and Larry Fuhrer won norary engineering fraternity. (the trophies in the classes men- ^ »'i^ .° ent®r8,her Juni°r 1 tioned above. In the free-for-all; budfret on the flr8t Tuesday in Hnin*v V maJ°r,nK in so- on that date, with tWeoty-five boats SSbZ T y Yr^Ph, Fteta, 1 ZtTZ'rSSy- IT* *"• Br°"* ~ : Several persons present from the 1 of Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman! subdivision of Wonder Woods on!hono.- society; and of "Torch" the west side of the lake expressed 1 composed of outstanding Sonhoconcern about the bridge which more women. . ' crosses Nippersink Creek near the I Others present at tfte . This bridge rattles when tion vpr» rhiv n<»>*. crossed. two elected this year--the town clerk and the assessor--and that the su- ; pervisor and road commissioner | will come up for re-election in 1951, although each office is for four years. The salaries of these other officers are $33 per month for the township clerk; $8 per working day for the road commissioner and $1,500 per year for the assessor. The "township budget is always prepared in April and the road Hesilts Class M, 2 laps,'5-hp.: J. Hartman, 1; Murphyi '2; Brown, 8. SLSrTw*hM" """• whOT!^r*w^",y Iifn' Rot Nor"""™' On Sunday, Aug tl, the Nor^s Bode 3 had a gathering at their home in 1 " ' honor of the Deans, with man? present who t^ad been doing a great deal of #work on this particular problem and that something would be done about it within the next year or two. Visitors- at the meeting were MY. and Mrs. Joseph Wurm of Wonder Woods, William Born of Wo oded Shores subdivision and Mrs. Marcia Grady of Portland, Oregon, and member of the i League of Women Voters in that ' western city. had been in attendance at the Deans' wedding in Austin twenty-five years ago. The Dean family has been in summer residence at Wonder Lake since 1937. Iajared la Crash Fortaer resident Of ' Wonder Lake. Darlene' Oeffling, 23, now • At the September meeting of|of Ringwood, was dismissed from the League* the township clerk | Woodstock hospital, where she will be invited to be the speaker, j was taken last week following an Refreshments were served by, automobile accident in which sfce the hostesses,. Mrs. Giwee SeHek, 1 was -pafcruiry injured. Her teeth Mrs. Esther Born, Mrs. Alice were knocked out and she suffered Class C, 4 las[s, 22-hp.: G. Rischow,' 1, L. Hubner, 5; R. Parser,: In the 2 laps. Go-Bang race, G. lUschow placed' first *nd B. Bode, second. This, race is somewhat new. All boats, regardless of sise . or power, entef. They start with! the gun and go two laps, then the gun is fired again and tbey reverse and go the other way, making the race equal for alt j Noren, and Mrs. Betty SelSdorf. Helen Tronsen, Barbara Sellek, Peggy Sclsdorf, Helen Armstrong and Cora Jean Henthorne were guests of the Kiwanis club on Monday evening. Following a buffet supper, the group, along with lag, arm and chest injuries. Big dry wells are going in dowti at the Legion Home, with many pf the men working after their owta work hours to finish the job. Seen working there last week wera . , Johnny Widen, the Legion cornmembers from the Ringwood and; mander, Carl Cihos, Paul Murdock McHenry 4-H clubs, were taken to and George Pilgrim. They were the Howard farm at McCullom j using a tractor belonging to Bob Lake where they visited the dairy | Gallup, wfio joined them later bjirns. The first three girls nam-'This Is one way of getting a lob ed are from the older 4-H club done If you want It done badly at Wonder Lake, the Busy Bumble enough: Bees, and the last three are from the Handy Helpers club. Fer Polio Faad . . Mrs. Grace Sellek, chairman for the funds donated to the polio fund through a benefit dance held at the Barry place in Woodstock' last Wednesday, reports that $136; was presented to Mr. Townsend, I c h a i r m a n f o r t h e N a t i o n a l F o u n -j dation, as the result of her committee's efforts in Wonder Lake. Small Randy Sellek, 9 years old, ! Brieflas ... Laurence Wenkel, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Wenkel of Wonder Woods, is now at camp with the National Guard at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin. He will return on Aug. 17. Pelham Woodword is also with the National Guard at Camp McCoy -- Mrs. Marcia Grady of Portland, Ore., is visiting an old schoolmate, Mrs. Pat Wrede, in Wickline Bay -- Neighbors and friends were glad to welcome Betty Pavlik home from the Woodstock hospital, where she had been a patient for the past two weeks -- Also just returned home is Mrs. J. Christoffersen of Wonder Cen- Da y i ter, who underwent major surgery !ln a Chicago hospital and is now M„ _ t • I recuperating at home following a " . ' Bp™ ha* beea perKod of convalescence in the i appointed! chairman for District home of one of her sons in Elm- 4 of the Home Bureau, comprising | wood Park -- State Representa- You ought to be driving a S c- tr " ••• •» » Wonderful Car-a Wonderful Bum! I" •: Wherever you go you hear people tslkiag about the new Fmtiac. Natqrally a great maay people talk fint about Pontlae's outstanding beauty. ^ A great many other* uv they have heard eeporU of Pontiae'a m-, fvmanee, ito alertoeM1 ii n triime, H--a w nootn luxurioua r, i de anothe' JS»derful convemenoe of CM Hydra-Matic Drive.* Still others tell ua what they have heard about Pontiac's £ pve m - - r-- r^* " uiauvo WHU vail j IVIIKUlllUlll •ervicing. Come in soon and get the whole Pontiae story. Drue tptityJ on mil nuMt mt extra ext. «MI CMTT MISTAKE A POMTIAC - SUver Streak styling and ( > j/ j^rnnnr new Bodies by ruber combine to make the 1949 Poatiae truly the moat beautiful thing on wheels.** K. ; , : * :s. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAG CO miMKivnqn xaamY.ju. FRONT ENTRANCE DOOR^ {0 Designs . . v Panel or Flush type . $35.00 PICTURE WINDOW Including Frame and $ash Glazed Plate Glass, divided 4ight lights . . $38.00 -e^-Plate Glass, no fears . . . . . .. $46.00 "Twindo" or "Thermopane," double plate glass ^ ; $123.00 Any ofthe above with donblehtmg Windows each fide, including sash balances . Add . . . $30.00 (Smaller or larger units at proportionate prices!) All of the above units made in our "Clear" grade Ponderosa Pine, treated with Lignophol •. . . wonderful new preservative mid protMtioa ag^inst rpt, shrinking or swelling. !. We also make all types of . . '. ' f •• ' • JFrapies - Sash - Win4ows * Doon - Cabinets • Trim Mouldings iWall Panelling and Industrial* Woodwork CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. at Ridgefield n Phone: Crystal Lake 1333-J-l "SPEEDy,, by McHENRY GARAGE ff\ / mUV> NICK MILLER'S iiaiWftMtoeio -Overland Sales 604 FRONT STRET Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 tolm tkpeief Im IprtcKs. r-;;i25e SMm WMi PmM IfitMts .2 ^hs 3Sc Ikak YN Hackkanlts . . . rs;25e W toi In OwTto HO. 1 4Qs a a • TIN 'W LINY BRAMD Csnsi leaf Nsah 14-OZ. - TIN 35e Liar iHAwo VEAL IMF 3 IC 7-OZ. TIN AKMOUR MANO ^ WWPEBIUM It-OX. TIN 51' IARKCUE SAUCE IN SEALB) PACK OSCAR MAVKSK WIENERS 13-OZ. TIN 43e !$m tU SUtTANA BSANO Tvss Flakes IONA MANO DeNefsM TimIms^n f 1c PLAVORPUL less has OIL MOMTC MANO AprlSStS uNfMUO ... TIN SHIOM SftAMO NO. I HA1V1S NO. m 27c SSc ^n1«C i ^ i a i c OH MONTI MtAlfP Tewsls Sacpl DM. MONTE MtANO Press Jsiss "ULItc net MONTS MIA NO l«|Mrsg«s ^,D ,^15i 36c ML MONTE MIANft EARLY 6AROW •ONO IIAW MHMsklss ."SfctTc 2 « 11c fWTOINJMS Mm Sfl. Oaa. SOU 23c .K«. IN D§AN*9 ClMSslsts Dvisk TURON CLUB llsst Bss^ cut tm Wszs4 Pipv «AROCN Tsa lapkiss MHPWff MANO MsfoCMskss ^ Sl.Tf WHITE STAR UgMMsatTua 7^41c Sim WITH CRACKMS Msiss SanHsss 11c •ANOUET MANO Cstrsp CMsksa ^^91c POPULAR SERVE DELICIOUS CHEESM? ClfsrstHs.^«S1J3 f- (WEN FRESH BAKED GOODS! WISCONSIN FAI Swiss Cbssssf. FRESH--TASTY Cs!ta|s Ck DARISOLD MsaCh FOft FRYING OR IAKINGI 3-Lft. TIN 85 S V AMtTTES ^ fik.,a, KAUKAMNA VRVVOT KLUS PHILADELPHIA Crsam Cbssss 2 Wise. SLICED Mssasfsr Cbssss. FRESH UmlMi rgsr Chssss JANS PARKERkXPsasb «s : , MARVEL Wbtts Brsai ••INCH Ms ........size V^IOC - noZ. LOAF ts« JANE PARKER PUMPERNICKEL ItOZ. ...LOAF 19c .ciLiO ^ncgI 9c PICAS. Brsad JANE PARKER -" Pep Cars JANE PARKER "** Pststs Chips JANE PARKER Pststs Stisks Ko SU0AR. FUD«i. LEMON OR' Raisis Csskiss O7^25o .'Vin 7«C ^ 17c TENDERIZED PIONIO TENDER - LEAN SUCKD BACON MjCKEL^ERRy SKINLESS JM. 48c LB. 53c LB. 49c SNOW CROP FROZEN FOODS LB. 89c ASPARAGUS CUTS CUT OREEN BEANS FRESH OREEN PEAS ORANGE JUICE RED RASPBERRIES FRESH JUMBO SHRIMP j FRUITS and VEQETABLfil CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS GRAPES S LBS. 29c CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS uIf LBS. 33c FIRM - RIP® BANANA9 ' •' LB. C•aAlLiIfFoOrRnNiIaA.,. "t C 252 SIZE >RANGE§ 16c SIZE DOZ. 29c Hl-POWER MANO emu IV/I-OZ. TIN 27 COLLEGE INN tRAND Qhkkss Ah Ktag lO^-OZ. TIN 49* •ROADCAST IRANO QUI fiss fisfn IS-OZ. 27e TIN JUNKET BRAND *G. 10* MILD AND MELLOW 8 OXIssk Csffss ,&41C RICH AND FULL-IOOIEO IM Cfrsls Csffss. gA«4Sc VISOROUS AND WtNEY c lakar Csffss t, - .%' • - • • r ' v;> -J

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