Y •em". V'®:' T v . ?***>*»* r*m • ^ **• "• x ". •• •'J*.;. »ii. ^ <*•«»«. 4. • •» <?«*. * > , •SS^^L'.'A •>?r'ifrfc..i; ^ T ^Tfeunday, J$gii9t 25,1949 • *• » Vvf ggSm *;;tv * N# - x7l.^ --•_j: ?,u.A:.<uyt^,:,S;..vr.j.>;^i.;. uv-- , - t • - : TfiX McHXHEY PLATRSKALEK -' ff?T,-Tfp • y I ' ! • > • "."'t/f' . • I weighing 5 lbs- 15 oz. Were born' KatUier were among ise JnM J, J&i: QDDTVr PDhlTD to Mr. Mnd Mrs- William Klaus In winner®. ornlliu UKUf U : Springfield. Mass., on that date.Mrs^Rav M*£- ^rs Kdward-May, J * »w .... ! Mrs. George W. May, Mrs. L. L. Mr. KlaUs is in training there^ittjKagan, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and (by Mrs. Charles Freund) ( tile ChiC&^O ClIDfl. '^4 MMrrus. Cfhhoarlr*l»eas IFtVreouiinndil aAtttteannHde^dd crllullbh Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Math' meeting at the home of Mrs. A1 r. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus re- Nimsgern. Mrs. Charles Freund, i StfhmeUzer in Round Lake Thurscelved word on Augtfft 5 that they J1" ST1*™ ,Brli? ,MrS * A,~ day afternoon A dejiclous lunch" bert Britz enjoyed the luncheon eon was served and cards were were grandparents of twins. A Ud card party at St. Bede's par- played throughout the afternoon. _ boy.. Dale William, weighing 5 lbs. ish hall in Fox Lake Wednesday Those who were awarded prises v or-., and a girl. Donna Sue, afternoon. Mrs. Freund and Mrs. were Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs held in the 'American Legion ball at Waukegan. ' ML '4 HANS' BODY & FENDER REPAIRS -rdr". Special Wreck Work v • Painting* complete from $40 up' jEpringa, Shocks, Complete Frame Axle Straightening Quick Service "» All Work Guaranteed . ..Call any tim«--McHenry 24441 M ntOMT STRUT, McHENEY !S Walworth County ELKHORN, SEPT. 2-3-4-5 Friday^ Saturday, Srnuiay, Monday SING LABOR DAY ' mMHMB FRIDAY -- Children's Day, CIRCUS ON TRACK. Baseball: Sharon vs. Elkhorn. Elkhorn high school band. "Summer Sensations of 1949" Revue. SATURDAYBaseball: East Troy vs. Delavan. Harness Races. 4'Summer SenKatious of 1 JM-i)" Revue. Delavan high school band: ~~ - ' -- SUNDAY -- Baseball: Walworth vs. Whitewater. Harness Races. Revue. Whitewater high school band. Banker's Night 4-H. MONDAY--Baseball: Milton vs. Burlington. Stock Parade. Harness Races. Joie Chitwood Auto Thrill Show. Burlington Kiwanis Civic Band, Elkhorn WW Drum and Bugle Corps and East Troy Band. _ ..._ j^jnjggiqn Prices : r:- - To grounds, 60c. Children under 14, free. Amphitheatre: Reserved, $1.50 and $1. Unreserved, 75c. Terrace, $1.00.1 . Picnic Grounds Available ;Ray May, Mrs. Edward May, Mr*. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. George W. May. rhe | hostess was pleasantly surprised with a personal shower. Qoingaway gifts were presented to her as she expects to leave on a trip in the near future. Mrs. Fred Meyer is a patient at St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin. Miss Charlotte Freund spent the past week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker and children of Chicago and Miss Regina Kattner of Tampico, 111., spent last week with their mother, Mrs. John Kattner. Our Spring Grove boys did it again. The baseball team had another victory on Sunday afternoon at Hebron when they beat the Hebron team by a score of 17 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schulze and son, Curtis, of Chicago are vacationing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn, this week. A grbup of thirty people from Richmond, Solon and Spring Grove attended the Chicago Music Festival at Soldier's Field Saturday evening: They traveled by chartered bus. The Lotus Country Women's Club sponsored the affair. It was gratifying to note that ten men, including the pastor. Rev. Haage of the local Community church, were, among those present. Much credit should be given to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn for managing the event and the entire party thanks them for their efforts. Mrs. Ben Watts was hostess to the members of the Lotus Country Women's club at her home on highway 12, Fox Lake, on Thursday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Haage have just returned from a two-weeks vacation at Garden City, Kan., their former home. During their absence church services were conducted by a member of the Gideons from Zion, 111. There was also laymen services in which many members participated. Mrs. Alice Wagner accompiuiied her niece. Mrs. A. Rasuse to Liverpool, Ohio, on Monday morning. Mrs. Rasuse had spent several days here with Mrs. Warner and she is returning to her home with her for a short visit. A large crowd attended the tournament of water fighters on Riverside Drive in McHenry Sunday afternoon. This is put on every year by all the fire departments in neighboring towns and is very interesting and exciting to see. Our men's team didn't fare so well but the ladies' team who volunteered to fight against another team of ladies won their fight with the barrel. It was ali a -tot -of tftvi , and U>e firemen from McHenry were the winners. A wedding of interest to local people was solemnized at Immaculate Conception church, Waukegan, Saturday, Aug. 20, when Miss Claire Jermakowics of North Chicago became the bride of John Tinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney, Sr. The ceremony was performed by the pastor at a high mass at ten o'clock in the morning. Attendants were Miss Loretta Dufrat as maid of honor and the Misses Harriet Kinsey and Sophie Kinsey as bridesmaids. Robert Tinney served his brother as best man and Arthur Mueller was usher. The groom's nephew, Frank Tinney, was ring bearer and his little niece. Katherine Tinney, was flower girl, A wedding breakfast was served at the bride's home and a reception was (Too Late for Last Week) ' Miss Lorraine Huff, who became the bride of Norbert Hiller on Wednesday, Aug. 17, was guest of honor at a shower at Johnsburg hall given for her by Misses Estelle Hiller. Dolores Glosson and Marceleen May, The afternoon was spent In playing airplane bunco atitf prizes ,were awarded to those achieving high scores. A lovely lunch was served by thfe hostesses. The honored guest was the happy recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Friends and relatives present were Kathleen Simon. Alvera Freund. Elaine 8mlth, Jeanne Valentine, Helen Schmitt, Dolores Schmitt. Marge Stevens, Rosemary Stilling. Joanne Stilling, Patricia Stilling, Nancy Stilling, Lorraine Pitsen, Grace Stilling, Gladys Stilling, LaVerne Lincke, Madelyn Gransee, Mary Lou Bauer, Donna Schmitt, Georgia jSchiuitt. Virginia Schmitt. Betty Schmitt, Jean Schmitt, Elseda Fui-hs. Betty Siehoff, June Stehoff, Shirley Scheid, Sharon Freund, Grace Spitzbart, Regina Glosson, Gladys Freund, Virginia Pitzen, ! Norma Hiller,„ Jane Schmitt, Beri nice Freund, Jeanette Huff, Mllidred Hiller. Mrs. William Hiller 1 and Mrs. George Huffj Joseph P. Freund. A1 Schmeltser, i George Waspi, Charles Preand, Clarence "Miller and Daniel Miller enjoyed the ball game between the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburg Pirats in Chicago last week. Mrs. Frank Wagner entertained i members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played anu prises were given those with high scores. Refreshments were served. The Flower and Garden Cldb of Fox Lake spent a pleasant day on the lawn at the home of Mrs- Paul Weber on Thursday afternoon. Because of the rainy weather, their picnic lunch was h£ld in the Town Hall. v. . Mrs. Charles Freund and children and Mrs.. Clarence Miller and children spent Wednesday at Trost'8 resort in Twin Lakes. The ' children enjoyed the day swimming and boating and a picnic , lunch on the lawn. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank May re- . ceiyed a phone call froqi New York on Saturday from their son, Arnold, telling them that they are grandparents. A daughter, weigh- : ing 7 pounds, was born to Mr. and Mrs- Arnold May at a ' hospital in New York Saturday mornilng. Aug. 13. The baby was born on the wedding anniversary of her paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William May and family of Johnsburg were visitors In the Arthur Kattner home on Sunday evening. Hli One of those freak accidents at foot has been in a cast wvenh home caused Mrs- George W, May weeks Thit is improving ^ to break a bone tn her foot when will soon be up- and arouad she hit it against a chair. Her' -- COMPLETE TREE SERVICE' ttBB FEEDING ;J . .* Trwc ar BPIAYDfl Weed Control v ft Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Head McHenry 724 :3 ri -ir*-**-fcJr*tff ll"* " *1"^--fy ** •* r m IT 1. Rm m «*ftM til if a •cfctaf ta fcmL Get the smooth, full-power and long-mileage economy of the Midwest's 9-to-l* favorite gaaolina-- It--f o l l y protected by the oil that •fcssili 10 way* the American Petroleum far a ofl. iMMMrtpl yMftMM. Your Standard Oil Dealer will service your present tires, or nplsae th«m with top equality, fully war* 4 Mm trift IMS silt aflat' ttpert lubrication by your Standard Oil Dealer. He'a trained to give your car the individual attention it need* for easy handling. 9. Mmc fwr raMi get answers to travel questions from Standard Oil Dealers who supply Pertonalued Tourist Information, "everywhere. i fc.:- PIPE SALE l - IN - A - LIFETIME" bargain •-.A Feather kite 4k h V H I N M P E with an imported briar bowl • KEGtTQH $3.50 VALUE ' NOW ONLY .49 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 v McHENRY, ILL. BELL RINGER ;.VV' s real Bell Ringer in what, to wear to school ...cry those-- for Boys WW, «Mi 1MB. Tufies Oit Of The West sic made of Sanforized denim, copper riveted, double-stitched with heavy tfrsnge thread, and have iruide swinging podkecs. Siscs 5 through 12--with DOUBLE <N SIZES v 1-22 HOT to 31* _ ^Gm<I NoiK)lMpui{ J _ _ Gladstone9* fioae McHeory 182 . ^4', 'i ' .V; it gives more for my money •nfrifled to thesi EXTRA VALUES •xduiive to Chevrolet in its field! t«SA VMST CAB M m r h r .1 .. AND ITS INK LOWS5T MUCSD UNK IN ITS HEIDI '4 V ^ v fHONZ 271 CLA^K CHEVROLET SALES 'u* -,it * • - . . . . I ?-A v's -£.cs A ! • i-... BCoHENRY, ILLINOIS SI xao V m,'