Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 4

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•very Thursday a* 1 tr A. HewatdMoaher by Mrs. DtlU Cheney tt< Im Gerry Amraix t. In the afternoon, a delicious out- "•'dapr buffet tapper *M enjoyed by the following guests: Mr .and Mrs- .... -.lui Clifford Klehl alld children. Mar- Adda Ffceehlleh |lvB anod euffor<|, Jr., Mr. and • • stimuli--1 -..»»«• •». i Mrs. Paul Patske and son Rich- •11m--Ui.R"ee at MeHeary, 5I1rL , nbnnddeerr !»rd,• Mr. and Mrs. WAlabredr,t MGrr. eavnerd, Ml ef May 8,1171. 0*e frar Mrs. Paul Albert and son, Ronald, $2.56 Fred Voelts, A; J. Kamholi and ---- Henry Anthols of McHenry and MJse Muriel Hagendorf of Dundee. Bal& Harold was the recipient of many lovely gifts. 4 Nlmsgern - Haln«|, ; Wedding Aag- 9# ter, Mrs. AT. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. KMward Runec** «** Mo- Henry.- • - • • • Liielma leli\ . > ' On Anlwwrjr ^ Mrs. John Phalin Was guest of honor at a family luncheon enjoyed at the-home of Mrs. Howard Phalin in Wllmette one day last ttsif OuB COUNTRY? Mr, and MVs. A. J. Hein, Mrs. Olga Martin and Joe and Claytpn Lies of Colwich, Kaa., attended the Hoff-Hiller wedding last vwk weekthe <^oiT bitag "the fo^ , Wednesday. Th^ re^^ tor mer'a birthday anniversary. Pres- * weeks visit with relative# in ent were her daughters and daugh- this community ters-in-Jaw, Mrs. Eleanor Foley.' Miss . Robert Knox, Mrs- Thomas ttockford irol$ P alin Mrs. Phalin. Mrs.' Harol$ Phalin and John Bolger, last weekend. Mr*. George Phalin of McHenry, IUID1RH MAfeRIZD LAST WXK One of the most highly controversial topics of conversation today is the Compulsory Health Insurance program which each day comes nearer the "time of decision." Whether the tJnlted States will be placed under such a plan is a question in everyone'a mind. The jpublic has been inflfrmed through newspapers of the benefits of sitetft a system by those s eAiiig, it* pasif sage, only to have these promises A very pretty summer wedding was solemnised at Si Peter's) church. Spring Grove,. on Wednesday morning, Aug.* 17, at 9:S0 o'clock, when Miss Lorraine Huff, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Oeorge Huff, became the bride- of Nor- Paul R. Yanda and Andr6*f W©r- Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago wiCk left Mtonday morning on a!proclaimed a< false by the opposi- „ . and Mrs. Howard Phalin's sister, fishing trip into northern Wis- tion. A ijuiet but lovely -wedding | Mrs. Mildred Cue, Wttmetie. consin and Minnesota. w' which took place earlyMaSt Sat-1 • *\ C ; Mr. and Mrs. Don Eck of Chiurday morning, Aug. 20, in St.; Shower for v tago visited in the A. H. Mosher Mary s church united in marriage j Elaine Blake ^ . ho,ne on .Sunday. Miss Sue Nimsgern of McHenry j surprise, personal shower was Now the American Medical Association, the foremost organization of its kind in > the country, has issued a pamphlet with fifty questions atfd answers which should jUnrrman Son B^jpttaed Sunday MISS sue iMiiisgriu ui muKuiji a snower wuuom Vniea »nHi "UD au5™» "i"-" »uuuiu and Franklin N. Haines of Evans- given at the home of Miss Barbara 1 M«rv 11,,. :^ of «reat interest to the public, ton. The couple will reside in Simon one evening last week, *e arrived nn Beginning by stating that it is •Kvanston, where the bridegroom is, honoring Aits.* Elaine Blake. Co- ?aret' „ sound and sensible for Americans employed at St. Francis hospital, j hostesses were Miarge Thomas, here h^the deathof Attot|to protect themselves against the V * ' 'Gertrude Hvatt and Dorothy Blake, eallrf here by the death of Albert, flnanc|al 8hock of accident and Feted on - • v | Bunco provided entertainment, vaie8, • , illness, it continues by asking, . . . . . . . . . . A n n l T f T M l f : r ; M a r y B a u e r , D o r o t h v B l a k e C l a i r W h i t i n g o f N o t r e D a m p : " H o w w i l l y o u h a v e y o u r h e a l t h Harold C.,,W- Aeverman,son or Walter Blanks wis pnejrt nt h and Mary Buss being awarded has been spending his vacation; insurance, on a voluntary or comr. and Mrs. Walter E...Aeverman, gathering held at his home last prizes. An attractively decorated with McHenry relatives. _• !pulsory basis?" was baptized at Zion Lutheran Saturdav evening, honoring him table held an umbrella, with Manr Bacon of Crystal^ Lake; The following is the first in a church 'during regular services on his birthday anniversary, which streamers to each of the many visited a few days Jthls series of Articles which contain was a few days previous. A social - gifts. Mr her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Ba-1 questions and answers by the aa last Sunday, with Rev. Martin J• "was"enjoyed and refresh- Miss Blake will become the.bride con. . -- jsociation: ' 1 Neeb officiating. Godparents were nients served. .of Harold Hofstman of Fort Jen- Miss Georgihe McAuliffe has re-1 What! Wkol Why! Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Klehl of Guests present were Mrs. Heleri ningB. Ohio, on„ Sept^^t" »t. ^^°ati h 0 e^0^ Q: What Is «ComOTlgory Health and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter | ,1*™!ce.P Brooks- I A: It is a multi-billion dollar: • -- Great Success r • Mrs. William Heimer, Mrs. Er-!?^08^"1 p,'?p28ed thA_of^,ce of bert Hiller, son of Mr. and Mrs Lily Lake. Preceding the service, McAuliffe and the George Mc- Mary's church, .the baptismal hymn, "Dear Fath- Auliffe and Walter Pidgeon fam- * e# Who Hist Made lis All," was i^es, all of Chicago. Mrp, Ed. Kel- Fashion Show Photo by A. Worwlck. McHenry a rrnwH »f «;ftA lsdlqg wag nr»s- win Laures and Mrs. Edward ;Jh® Security Adminlstra- J William J. Hiller of Johnsburg. «. «t th. Villa Resort a. Otel^_ Jr.. the_latt.r of C»,. ^ i'3E!? Everyone Is Talking About *Our Dollar Day Values If you missed them . . . can BUYS and BARGAINS We are changing pgr location and the less we have to move . . . the better for us! TODDLER SHOP McHENRY, ILL. SSr'^'o '"'torV'rnua! "Tvereu E^HlUer. CI.,- •«»»r«ncfTlevyl„K' Att(.nda„„ for ,he couple were j ^1. j ... -1.1.V cm- ton Lies and Mr. and Mm. Hnirrtl<l a Payr°H tax to support the. new j Miss Dolores Glosson. cousin of ,tary Health Insurance with Com- the pastor, Rev. John Daleiden. dessert and stvle revue which St ton Mr- Mrs- Harold pay™1' ia* tne 1 Glosson, »2S? Tm* attended th. »"«»- *t,d "'jthe bride .. m.ld ot honor and P.-T. A. sponsors. ^ee ^air on Sunday. meaicine. Miss Estelle Hiller, 4|ster of the Attractively decorated tables' Mr- and Mrs- Paul Yanda andi Q: Why Is It proposed at this groom, and Miss Marceleen May, within the dining room and cock- Andrew Worwick attended the'time? (friend of the bride, as bridestail lounge were filled, as were Chicagoland Music Festival Satur-' Ar Government advocates flr* | Elaine Huff, sister of the the numerous tables placed just, ^ evening. */>. gue that low standards of public, bride, was flower girl. Everett outside 011 the spacious lawn. Pol-j _ Dinner guests Sunday in the health and medical care in %Amer-'^Hiller served his brother as best lowing the tasty lunch, the grace-1 home of Miss Genevieve Knox ful models made their way among were Clair Whiting of Notre Dame, ICE CREAM nlCK FLAVORS OF THE MONTH PINEAPPLE BUTTER PECAN I STRAWBERRY " , ' • ; ' ' • • ' m i n t . / VANILLA TRY THE "SHMOOSDAE" A Chocolate Sunday in a Cup 10c BOLGERS DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY -p the large crowd, beautiful in the very lovllest of new fall creations. There were casuals and dressy fashions, both in coats and dresses, in a variety of shades, including some which have just come into prominence this season. | Mrs. Ethel McGee served as mistress of ceremonies, with Miss Betty Nielsen acting as narrator. The musical portion of the program was furnished by Mary Rita Stilling, soprano, accompanied on the organ by Mrs. Alice Barbian, who also played several solos. • • » Carey Family Reanion Sanday A reunion of the Carey family was held last Sunday at the Walter Carey home, with a picnic dinner and supper and social afterjnoon enjoyed. Present were Atty. | and Mrs. J. Albert Woll and children, Cynthia, Phyllis and David, of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty and son, Ron- ' nie, the Misses Florence and Ev- ! elyn Carey and the Walter Carey i family. V.F.W. AUXILIARY ica todajr make government con-1 man and Miervin Huff, brother of trol imperative. |the bride, and Maurice Stilling, cousin . of the groom, were Q: Is It trne that America has groomsmen. "Kenny" Schaefer, grade" health caret j cousin of tlie %room, was ring A: No. Among all the great bearer. nations, the highest standards the world has ever known in medical care and scientific progress, both in reducing disease and lengthening life -- are here In America. Compalsory Ushers at the church were Harold Freund, brother-in-law of the groom, and Richard Freund, cousin of the bride. The lovely Miss Huff chose for her wedding a gown of white marlatei t 'imtttW/WtW/MHitUHit/MtiMU/Jh Yes! When you buy • f your flew car, add jip i|| the cost of car, accessopes and your initial premium on your car insurance. Deduct the trade-in allowance and/or your required cash down payment. We will finance the remainder for you at low c o s t . . B e f o r e you t a k e d e l i v e r y , l e t u s . . : help you figure the cost--and the savings! > McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve Systeiir ^Member Federal Bepos|t Iaaarance Corporation :: % • f i M i n t i m mi .1 €• i-1- •» •> .!• • •»' i- •» nn < 111 n tin 11 tlves. They stopped here enroute from Toronto, Canada, where Atty. Woll has been attending a convention. He joined them here on Saturday. . Dick Antonson has been spending this week with Chicago relaa tivea. * r Mrs. fcefla Merrel of Woodstock spent last week with Mra. Annabel Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Laures spent a few days this past week visiting his sister, Miss Mary Jane Laures, R. N., at Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCafferty and children, Thomas and Japie, of Reno, Neb., are spending Th. v „ n* 7 .• |a few weeks with relatives and The V.F.W. Auxiliary met on friends here. Monday evening, Aug. 22. Reports Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddelsen were given on the results of the: returned after a weeks' stay in St.) wnber* fcdn* well j Louis, Mo. The Kiddelsena" W«5V Pleased with the grand cp-opera-1 accompanied on the return trip tion of its members and friends in,by Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Kidhelping to make it a success. Each Auxiliary in the state Clarence Whiting, MV. and Mrs. Delbert Whiting and son, Dennis, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiting and son, James, of Elgin. Afternoon callers were Mrs. William Kaddatz and daughter, Mary Margaret, of Lake Geneva. Mrs. Helen McAuliffe of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brooks.* Mr. and Mirs. Ralph Hoff of Ottumwa, Towa, formerly of McHenry, visited old friends the last part of the week. Mrs. J. Albert Woll and family Ilieve in a Socialistic state. (4) {roses. She wore< a pearl neckof Washington, D. C., arrived on Every left-wing organization in • lace, a gift of the groom. Herat- Wednesday for a visit with rela-1 America. (5) Two specially or-;tendants wore identical gowns, CARD OF THANK8 ; other kindnesses extended in our I Wish to take this opportunity bereavement. We are especially to thank the many friends and ac- grateful to Fr. Coakley and Fr. quaintanccs who patronized my Regnier for their sympathetic sertavern during the years I was in vices. Our thanks alsp go to Mrs. business and to wish the best of Carl Weber, organist, Earl Conluck to the new owner. way, soloist, and the choir of St. 15 MATH LAURES. f CA*» OF THANKS i a I would like to take this oppor- * quisette "over"satinT trimmed withl1"""* to thank Father Kunkel for 's church. MRS. ALBERT VALES AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS Q; Who Is for Health Insaraucef uuiocuc u*c, oauu, umiuivu "t , ,. . , ,. _ ., ... . . A: (1) The Federal Security rhinestones. A tiara headpiece! Payers and all others who re- manner I would Hke t* Administration. (2T The presi-lheld in place her fingertip veil and membered me with prayers, cirds, ttfank the many friends and relttdent. (3) All who seriously be- she carried a bouquet of white flo^e" and vJ,t!ts dur,ng 11 my r«"!tiv.^8 w„ho ^ ™e cards and cent illness. They were all great- and who offered prayers during ly appreciated. MRS. CATHERINE SCHAEFER. ganized propaganda groups--the | with skirts of embroidered net *15 "Committee for the Nation's i over satin in pastel colors of pink Health" and the "Physicians For- {for the maid of honor, orchid and um" -- whose prime concern is I aqua for the bridesmaids and campaigning for Compulsory j the little flower girl in. yellow. Health Insurance. (6) Some AFL: They had accessories to match j tlves who sent me cards and gifts, and CIO Leaders, but Labor is and carried gladioli and asters, j offered prayers in my behalf and divided on this issue. (Most rank-1 Rhinestone chokers, gifts of the'who visited me during my illness and-file union men are violently bride, were their only jewelry. in the hospital and at home. I i, 1 CARD OF THANKS • In this manner I wish to thank tne many kind friends and relamy recent illness. They were all very .much appreciated. •15 MRS. JOE GUZZARDO. appreciated these remembrances BO much. *15 MRS. JOHN SMITH. opposed to more payroll deduc-i Mrs. Huff, the bride's mother, tions.) (7) The Communist party, wore a green dress and Mrs. Hll- (8) Some well-intentioned, but1 ler, mother of the groom, wore misinformed people who have been black. Both had corsages of asters. led, by the proponents' mlsase of j A reception in St. Peter's par- nnn of TH Ionttro.t°Winelier th.wfcgOVernTe°t Slh ha»hnn°tll0Tfl? ln this manner we wish to thank C h°" h°! ""ii8°1Ve a" thC COUntry %^ r' -nr kind relatives, friends and health problems. ^ neighbors for their floral offer- Ql Who is against it! Nell s billroom the newWweds iing8' *Piritua» bouquets, cards of win,J£e rfnh«raI^ SnnntiOft 0f ,e,t on a 8hort' honeymoon trip.!sympathy' u8e of cars and many 1^5! I (5,000,000 mem- After s t j th wiU be ^8)' Bureau Federation, Ameriin the Wattles apartment* can Bar Association, National Association of Small Business Men, tJ. S. Chamber of Commerce, Arnerassigned to a hospital to give financial aid and J - Hardine ~wpiHli«ff~ in Amerlcan 1,'arm 1 'it w 4 MA1E TUPIVMAW assist in entertaining the patients.! Milbura last StUui^av eveninr 1 *ion' American Medical A*soci- j AI.TA *AB1DENMM .. In the past, the hospital to which |were Mr and Mrs Ben ^auer a ' American Hospital Associ- MARRIED TO GURNEE ,S5:L.AuS!f:L.ra.8 .*Asi!ne? Mr.: ste« schmm. "r MAN LAST SATUEDAY idelsen, who will be their g«Mtsi,;*, nwlr a ^'"merLe'is employed in the office at is j for the next. week. ! ^ "ent&1, ^!!?^loiX^,National Admiral Radio corporation. in McHenry. The groom works with his father and George Hiller and the bride the certain veterans' I Those from here who attended ?ran«e' Associated Women, aQd {the Denman ™ Harding American Farm Bureau Federa- Milburn ^ast Saturday mwwmimiiniiNiniitfitimiitimitnittifittimmimim Garden Tools After using garden tools, prevent rust by wiping each one with a .cloth dipped in kerosene. Rest Eatertalament With teal, Healthfal Conrfvrt rrt 1 L L e n TODAY, FRIDAY A SATURDAY A u g u s t 8 5 - 8 6 - 2 7 RED STALLION hn e ROCKIES IN qtHCOiOKf] McHENRY, ILLINOIS -r; 4» : was Hines. Notification has been received of a transfer from Hines to Downey, in view of the fact that the McHenry ladies have been doing considerable work at Downey in addition to their work at Hines. The change will enable them to carry on work at just one 1 hospital. Mrs. Joseph B. Stilling,' Mr! and D^nse0. Con'erence on ^a" ; Friday - Saturday Arthur Franx • Jean Heather Mrs. John Murtaugh and Mrs i « J a whai.,* <n <» "RED STALLION Jacob F. Justen. ^t.1^onal Fraiternal[Congress of A1wwid^ °f I OF THE ROCKIES" i?ima<.' oah nni,«.ij zrt i »i America, Legislatures of various terest in McHenry was solemnised! .tn^in h,i orint tt Kin8ala ; ttUtes, Governors of the great ma- la8t Saturday evening at the Mil- Joseph Schlldkraut . Blllle Barke " " ' ' * "CASTAWAY" CO-FEATURE -- MINCE DUELS PAUfER bts tS®"1 /^.eek l^rlty the states, Nurses"' or- burn Congregational church, when ' (f) in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Char- f ganizations, Catholic, Protestant Mls* Alta Mae Denman of Gurnee, f lesA «Cio«r«s o. . land other hospital groups, Ameri- dau*hter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. s - ir«nda» Anp- Anton Schmitt of qjtarchee, | can LegIon Auxiliary, Business Denman, fofmer McHenry resi- ( hun«»y - ««nday -- Aug. - A CPOICLTUUMRBEI A wyicm. • j aui0 vftfl t _ wi |4» ' I jjeRitiu AUAUiary, ouBiness "»v« / ,vw« At the close of the meeting, a! relatives Ung McHenry I Rnd Professional Women's clubs dents- was married to Charles delicious lunch was served by Ml., . .. 1U an pann ui iub uauua, JUIUDB, --01 -- Ann Getner and Ercel Lock. and Mrs c Rotary and other" service organiza- The candlelight ceremony took ! ? Mrs. C. Brenner and son, Al- tlnna v.r<n,.. -Za nlace at 8 o'clock beforf an altar in all parts of the nation, Lions, William Harding, also of Gurnee. tions, Various city ,state and dis- Place at 8 o'clock beforl an altar lafectieas Diseases J' u at" I tr<ct fe^rations of women's clubs, decorated for the occasion with uuecneas maeaaea unlay on a trip to Canada. where city and state Chambers of Com- and white gladioli, with Rev. Unfavorable environmental eon-!«iey will visit relatives of the!m#rce throughout America, the Messersmith officiating. overwhelming majority of home- The bride was charming in a town newspaper editors, whose ^bite etitton -eyelet gown, vlth ditions alone do not start out-1 Brenners, breaks of infectious diseases, but they do make livestock easier targets for infection-producing germs that are lurking nearby. Joe McCrea - Virginia Mayo "COLORADO TERRITORY* World News and Cartoon idMist Chircb Notes Tuesday • Wednesday Robert Ryan • Audrey Totter (1) "SET UP" Lei Baiter - Breuda Joyea first interest is protecting their beaded tiara holding in place a j "TARZAN'S MAGIC SSfr JI state Trees The pine tree, familiar on early flags and coins of New England, dominates the state seal of Ver- Starting Thursday* Joan Crawford • Zaohary Soatt "FLAMINGO ROAD** communities from crackpot fingertip veil trimmed in lace. Fort FOUNTAIN" schemes, hundreds of organiza- ^er "something old," she carried tions interested in public welfare, a lovely handkerchief which her After a vacation of two Sun- inQ* Politics, ^fhich have no wish grandmother had carried on her days .the morning Worship Service to trade the American medical golden wedding day. The creswill be resumed at the 10*45 hour aytem for the sorry record that cent-shaped bridal bouquet conthis Sunday, Aug. 28 The pastor! PoMtically-oontrolled medicine .has sifted of large lilies ana lilMS-of" will be back from spending a ! made ln every *reat Nation w*ich th wVal,e&_ . ^ - mont, but the hard maple is the'vacation with family and friendsihas trled u notably Germany, „Mrs- Francis Schmitt of Mc-1«n our screen of the Champion '-xrj r',%,rr!'°N,wTwt,%"Lr£" ™r:,f.ur^.8„r w4% o. Tt.f Ser, SSte to 1 m. . s •»«» See the exclusive motion yletures SUN. - MON. -- Aug. 38 . 89 Matinee Sunday at 3:30 p. a. Bud Lou ABBOTT and C9STEL&9 -- la _ "WHO DONE IT?"! plus . . co-featuRe Yaetar Mature • Lou Chaney^ Jr. "Ota MILLION B.C." Starts Tuesday, August M 0 * 4There is no escape from mitts and carried a crescent-shaped \y chosen tree. ° : nrdav°n'Seht "ah® "97V"at" But th®re is no compulsion on bouquet of bronze glads. , j sDon«>re<f bv St AnH^^ ! ^ maintaln^stendards Ralph Potter of Gurnee, a close Nfed rubber stamp.* Order tt pal church of GrayRlake Prtefot pr0m Than the (rlend of the groom, was bent man Tte PUiuieato. ' admission wm be fifty-itlvr cents 'an«lusher, were Frank Schmitt of y e cents. q. W|(] peopie who don't wish McHenry and Charles Cermak of vww : ........ nsr7 Also • • Added Short Subjects WmtltlHIMIINillllllUMMMfttllWUHWiMIIWUimiRm 1 MNUiMUWlWHiHIIIIItlllHUHIHIilUHHIHttHUilUiUHt Put the Nash Airflyte to the acid test. Drive it. Compare » wMi i-- any automobile you've ever known. ^ Where else can you find a car that offers such perfect aerodynamic styling . . . such ample passenger room . . » , •uch amazing economy of operation? •££ Just try to match the 1-piece curved windshield in all models ... the Uniscope. :. Twin Beds.. , and Weather Eye r conditioned air comfort. You'll find it's impossible to match the value of the 1949 > Nosh Ambassador Airflyte or Nash "600" Airflyte. fV" -yd'. , DOWNS NASH SALES St* STREET TEL. McHENBY 484 mm HcHEMKT, ILLINOIS The McHenry Medical Group i* pleated to announce the association of « Dr. D. S. KENNEDY DENTIST -Or on September 1. 1949 • > iBit . . . S08 SOOTH GREEN STEEBT McHENRY, ILLINOIS ^ to use the government service have Antioch, brothers-in-law of the to 'pay the tax! : bride. •, A: Yes. Everybody with a pay-! The pretty little flower girl was check or an income will pay the Charlene Cermak, nfece of the tax, whether he uses the service hride, who wore a green .eyelet or not. .dress, styled like that of the mart wni a tron of hbnor, and carried a bou- Q: Wul veterans who already qUet of yellow gladioli. Robert nave paid for medical cure by their Schmitt of McHenry, a nephew, war service, be taxed! was ring bearer, attired in a white A: Yes. Veterans will pay the guit and carrying an eyelet pillow tax. even though they don't need trimmed with net. the service and don't want it. j por her daughter's wedding, Q: Will members of filth heal- Mrs Denman chose a navy blue iug religious be taxed! | sheer dress, matching accessories A: Yes. Millions of members and a corsage ofdlltes. of all faiths whose principles1 A receptiote followed the serwould prevent use of the service, T'c® 'n the clturch parlors for 100 neverthless will be taxed for It. i quests with Mrs. Charles Cermak, . , ' the bride's sister, cutting and serving the wedding cake. The .Pennsylvania State College | newly weds left - later in the day More than 10,000 World War n,for a wedding trip and upon their veterans have studied at the Penn-! return will reside for the present sylvania State college under the |wi^ ^ Pai'entB- $in1 iBoUaIi. Starting with two veterans ™e brid,® *8 a «r»duate of th6 * ,i™» ! McHenry high school and of De- 5 to® enrollment continued state Teachers college. She tp Kjow until » record 5536 regis* has been employed by the Herman fered for the current year. Jaenke floral shop in Lake For- " jest. The bridegroom has been emr< ^ v- • . ployed by,a construction company i Control Cattle Grubs in Waukegan following four years A spray mixture to control |0{ Mrvice during the war. grubs is rrade fcv mixing seven . J and one-half pouhds of a material \ 111 APPRECIATION that contains 5 per cent rotenone j T woVild like to take this oppdt^ into 100 gallons of water. Another tunity to- thank my friends, one mixture that will give good control land all, for the lovely cards and is a dust that contains about 2 pef ! flowers sent to me on my birthday cent rotenone. * anniversary. I also appreciated so ° . | very much the thoughtfulness of Complete Hne of Lee's ponltrj - those who visited nip. remedies at Wattles Drag Store, Me MRS. MINNIE SCHEUKEMANNHfnry. 8-tf j 15 i FAniLYniiTnnnnTHEATRE i ".'I'uUU I UUUKrrrrn Box Office Opens ^7:15 Shows at Dusk WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. -- AUG. 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 SUN. - MON. - TUES. -- AUG. 28 - 29 - 30 THE GREATEST SPECTACLE STAMPEDES ACROSS THE SCREEN! ...JWEST STMiKDf An I in CWECOLOR JJONFtlMS fraductlDN 0 , \ r ml '. Z':--'»- -V':

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