Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 5

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• \ ^ -fr,^ ™t ' s •" •» _Xt* »• - * " > X. - * \ S*f ' -,w> "* ; .'•-^•v ***' Thvraday, August 25, IMd **T" "f TV ;• <li*3 V wjj;.«* j %*? >; -••*? H • , 'v..-; ** 'f'j \ THI MeHSXIY PUUKBIittli 5#*# %*: !y;jA '•>'*" r' '*' ' ! *.».-••' M „. *?nii '•f+|• 5 .....24 i »1 »y EARL R. WALSH The summer is fast slipping by and, if we were scheduled, to tafce any more of that stuff they leapt' humidity, our attitude would be . . . God speed the Summer! SHAMROCKS BEAT DUNDEE 5 TO 3 HERE JOHNSBURfi" WINS 6-4 /VT ALGONQUIN cMik»>8&a ^Jim Sphu * In Ore&t Battle piMij Go for Distance Hiuhn >»«»UMtn »»» !IOR YOUR BPOKTS DIPT DIGS UP OLD-TIME BASEBALL REPORTS With the thought that PlaiBdealer sports page readers would enjoy a review of some old-time baseball as played in and around J the Crusaders 4 to 0. McHenry, this department has dug { Colts 0 3 0 1 4 up some box scores and news of! quite a few years back. If you have) some particular game you would ?v * These boys will move Into the next bracket next year. Speaking of football at this time A'aeems to be rushing the season, 9c vA M 9 but already the "pros" are playffrf til? I i i m i n t i i» m u 11ipg exhibltlon «ame8- . _ . , „ , . ^ • ! As last year, we will feature two P>1U 8hut out teams of 15 boys each - weight limit being 80 and 110 pounds, age 14 years and under. Crusaders .... 0 0 0 0 0 | "Sonny" Milled has asked for buuic uai KKiire juu wuuiu iM Earl Walsh w.a s at the gw a,m e. and a tea-- m-- agca--in this year. Wev don't* like to review just let us know I Jf. *re ,ookln8 for comments from know yet about "Art" Jackson -- and we will try to find the re- j !Ilm- ;if he*11 be available for this sea- port. * - ^ < Next Monday th^-gaaie will be «>*> step up to ou of the other local Idwrj -- S Charles Hiller The season has been highly sue- Don Freund ...... cessful and a fine spirit was Hiller •hom< by the boys aM quJt.tvm- £ A^dr^T . T. Huemann j - i Many fans still talk of basqbll at Jrtinsburgr Incidentally, __ T»e Shamrocks played heads-up? T** Johnsburg Tigers travelled > U was played when we see some footballs flvine baseball last Sunday behind pitcher to'Algonquin^ last Sunday to meet successfully managed high-class ( thrnnehthe^i? hrt thlre J still Santoro on the home diamond to the league-leading Simplex maul- earns for McHenry. The follow-, Mr. Robert Green will be in could be had much unfinished business in the beat Dundee 5 to 3 in the first ers in the first of a two-out-of- illg story tells of a^ no-hit, no-run charge of the Crusaders as Mr.' Next week we'll have more on unnnisnea Business m ine game Qf ^ nt lea?ue play. three play-off series and rose to «ame Pitched by the ever-to-be- Long cannot make it in time. this subject. loffs the occasion with a 6 to 4 victory. remem"ere<* "°y Sahlsberg. ! The boys are to be at Schrein-i ^ ; The game started like a walk- In fact, the never - say - die TI We "ote that a couple of Mc- er s Standard Service Station. 416 LEGION NINE ENEB away for McHenry, but developed Johnsburg nine out-mauleu the „enf-* Knox and Larry Front street (corner of Waukepan np > oaw TzrrrnTT _ A int6 a tense battte right down to maulers with three triples and J*uck- who ®ot their start on the street and highway 120) at 6:00 HJSAbOrl Willi 5-4 1 the final pitch when Mike Santoro two doubles, out-hitting the Sim- Relehan pasture diamond--poked p. m. sharp. : put a third strike past the mighty Ptex 10 to 6. OUua f]ou^e bits apiece. Mr. Weber, Mr. R.*Green and Jim Schuldt. Lefty Corrigan, who set do#ft Here s the story as given to the "Don" Fmind will see that they • With two out in the first in- the Tigers with ease the previous readers many moons back: * get to Johnsburg. Mike "santoro *had' ?in*-Jim g0t a hlt" Jerry Week' i°?n.<L quite • *?rlZ ln the ^ «**uiar* V We see some iseball picture. Hebro* 4 Phil Judson Paul Judson D. Wilbrandt R. Hajsted Spooner ...... R. DeYoung P. .jOlsen .... AB 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 It 1 1 1 1 0 •4) l Don Butler jit. Thies | JP. Knox - *t 6 Totals Ht Johngburgr incidentally,! W^woutd like/a staff like last - * • ill b% the last ga|m» of the yearTVe., a co-ordinator and two w" "A"-- ^ <v 9/^ • * " coaches with assistants if they, ' > LKesen Totals n 1 .1 2 i j Complete line of Bee be Uvestocfli* 0 remedies at WatQfs Drug Stores V 0 McHenry. n - • * 0 I -- - • f,;.j Kee^ •mbber stanmsf, Order .a#"; 1 i The Plaindealer. 1 It could well be that McHenn and J<Ansburg will tangle agait for the county league champion ship. WIN OVER HEBROXF The Shamrocks looked plenty good in downing Dundee. 5 to 3 j l a s t S u n d a y . M i k e S a n t o r o h a d . . . . . trouble keeping the ball low, but J"*1" smashed grounder to game that things might be differ- 8?<jer who bas been doing the ar ent. Not that Corrigan wasn't tillerv work for the McHenry S'&'SSS.1*h" "hat"iakcs 2S? % Willie Klapperich did a neat I). Kent - CP A. Freund - ift%; A; Granger - 2B D. Granger - RF LF to nail the runner. It was a hit. nine strikeouts and only one base inR to a dose, came within an ace Up came McCulla using a shorter on balls attest to his effective- equaling a world s record in the „ . bat than usual. Willo got the ness. It. was merely that the Tig- £.ame P,ayed against the Elgin „• Weber _ oR . j j h b . wood on Schuldt's fast one and ers had been out-clawed the week here last Sunday afternoon. ^ Green - SS' ' Cnd with Tnnf P«!led the ball into the right field before and were in no mood to "ad u »ot been for his own error ^ «re6n S|. Sfitancl corner for a triple That short take another trimmibg. be surely would have copped the £ ; distance clouting. **• pald off later %ith two singles. On Their Way L™' ^ Vtto™« " 7® ' • . , u„, „ „ . ,, * _ . a feat never before seen on a local .•; • '"•••« Next Sunday will find the Sham-: _ Miller Homers _&rorsl«r Meyers and Corr^an dianiond when he let his oppon- ^ rocks playing Dundee on the Car- P«&n McCracken, who was on P4»t Howie Freund on second base entg down without a hlt or run 1 pentersville diamond while Al- base twice on errors by first- to open the second inning. Howie "This is the first no-hit no-rttn 1 gonquin wil} play at Johnsburg. baseman Lindquist and a third stole third. Art Jackson put the game ever witnessed in McHenrv time on a hit, was a source of an- finishing touches on with a two- ' '• Substitutes * R. Collins •J. J. Bolger * R. Bennett * R. Oies ,;0. Adams A. Bar bier D. Smith Metster D. Rogers Pepping •G. Long "Oszie" Jackson wound up his Junior Legion baseball career last Sunday by pitching a 5 "to 4 victory over Hebron. Manager "Tony" Prettnd, who took over the local Legion team after the season got under way, reports that the boys won ? *nd lost 3 during the season. Of the fifteen boys in uniform only four will be lost to the team next year. Jackson, Hiller, Dowell and Thies will be over the age limit next year and will no doubt Right Now t and we dare say that if it takes as! Took a jaunt down tovsee the noyance to Dundee ail afternoon. t)ne run was home and jong duplicate the trick as it i McHenry youth program in action On two occasions he stole second the Tigers were on their way. <jid to turn it. Sahlsberg will share' Xonday night and enjoyed watch- f/tej drawing several throw? to Hits b?. George Jackson and the honor alone for a half cenUr„, g the boys in action. Wally Frett rB.t base. Dean ,led off the sec- ^ ally Smith started a three-run come." "I southpawed his way to a victory on^» was safe on Lindquist's bob- parade in the third inning. Howie >pjje tabulated score follows*1 i as the Crusaders fell apart .on de- ble, later scoring on Lindquist's rreund sent his mates home with * 1 fense. But, errors are to be ex- low throw trying to nail him at a three-bagger and trotted home~ pected. What pleased us was to third, ^ponway hit safely and ®n Jim Freund s single. see the enthusiasm of the boys scored when "Sonny" Miller drove Willie Klapperich didn't allow in organized play. v • a homer past Grotemeier in center a hit until Corrigan singled itf*th« - "/ „ field. That ended MicHenry's scor- fifth. Of course, there was one uh- i"*. Tied la Seventh 1: pleasant note as some boys in the Santoro allowed only onefc hit It was in the seventh that an bleachers caused quite a stir in the first five innings and that error started trouble,- followed by among the adult spectators with was a mighty triple by Schuldt hits and a base on balls to their manner of cheering. We like ,n the third. Harry Stilling made *lve Algonquin four runs that tied V see kids have fun . ' in the a 9u,ck recovery and Jerry Larkin the game. right way. relayed the ball to McCracken to Katz led off the eighth with a nail Schuldt a few feet of! the triple and scored when Moehle Once in awhile a felloe gets out- third base. , . , muffed one. numbered. It happened to us the Schuldt Belts One ! fbe Ironers kicked up a little other day when three druggists It was in the seventh that Dun- noise in their half of the eighth got us ioMhe middle. We happen- dee put over three runs, thanks *>u* crowd on edge, but no ed in to "Mugg's Drugs," followed to a home run by Schuldt. Broder- 8< ore8 developed despite three by Herman Nye and Bill Brown, dorf led off by grounding out to n1^? teaching base. They're all good boys. But, we short. Faber singled to righjt. Pitzen uncorked a three- McHeiiry" Knox, ss ....... Sahs, lb Aebischer, Cf Koob, 2b Behlke, lf^ Brail sford, c Bonslett, rf . Huck, 3b COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Routes 120 and 31# „ Phone McHenry 778 ' P A R T S . All Sahlsberg, , watched carefully to see that no Knabusch-' walked. Thompson bat- bagger to open the ninth inning pills were dropped in our coke ted for Lindquist and went down » was promptly driven in on glass. on strikes. Up came Schuldt and Al"t -Jackson s single. n out went, the ball to left-center i, Klapperich set the side down Now and then we throw a fast field for a 3-run homer. !®n or"er *n n'n*h and Johns* one at our Republican pals. When There was quite a flare-up in burg came home with one big vie-1 , they toss one back, we have to Dundee's half of the eighth with IX bag ' take it. This one caste in the words instead of pop hottles fly- tw< mail: ing through the air. Santoro Johnsburg next Sunday, "He was-a little deaf and a walked Rakow to start the in-1 • ning, then fanned fichumacber.! Johnsburg -- 4 AB Grotemeier forced Rakow from E. Meyers, If J6 Conway to Larkin and interfer- G. Jackson, sa 5 ence was claimed on Larkin's Katz, 3b ..3 throw attempting a double play. W. Smith, lb . ..4 The base umpire strode to the Howie Freund, 2b ....« plate for conference with his fel- J. Freund, rf .... 4 low ump. Without hesitation it Pitzen, c 4 was ruled that a double killing A. Jackson, cf *4 Totals Elgin -- § Hollenshead, If Lehman, 2b . : James, c Berger, 31} .^... KJing. ib'TT:™ Gruno, p Fierke, 88.--..; Pike, cf Olaen, rf Makes Cars Let's sat up a date for you to drive <i Nash Airfjyte--th« big, exatipg cor with-- • Enck»ed-wheel streamlining yMus more room inside. 'Republican. When the minister Introduced him to the new Deacon, he said: "New Dealer?" "No,M Teplied the parson, "not New Dealer , . . new Deacon! He's the boa ofr jka Bishop." The old man shook his head sadly and sighed, "They all are." Totals t • 0 8rere by Tanhtga 000 000 000 -- 0 The same two teams will meet ^00 100 OOx 3 Y Barned runs: McHenry, I. Two. jbase hits: Behlke, Brailsford. i Left on bases: McHenry, 8; El- .Lgin, 2. Struck out--by Sahlsberg, j,18; by Gruno, 17. COMB AND ORDER YOURS TODAY! 1R •••• e One-piece windshield . . . UniscotM * • ' Twin Beds. e Weather Eye Conditioned Air System . . . 4-wheel coil spring ride. e Unitized Body and Frame ... over 25 miles a gallon at average highway speed in the Nash "600." Let us demonstrate both great Airflyte series; the Nash "600" and Nash Ambassador. ' DOWNS NASH SALES 44S Elm Street Phone McHenry 484 McHenry* Illinois had been completed. Klapperich, p -- l You well know what those deci- ' . Hunters will have to. , watch sions. mean in the life of an um-[ fatmin -, - > »7 changes in the seasons this year. Pire. Catcher Knabusch presum-t , i AD _ „ The rabbit season has been short- ably was not telling the man in \ -- # AB R H j ened fifteen days, running from blue what a fine fellow he was T'ipps, If J3 1 I i November 11 to January 15. The and was eventually asked to leave Mavis, cf 3 1 ] daily bag limit has been cut from the game. Schuldt then walked Simoninl, 2b .-- S I' I fifteen to eight. Possession limit off the field and waved to his Blanken, rf7,Z™...:.'y4" 0 |' "j has been cut from thirty to six- mates to follow. The ump pulled Richards, c J 0 I i teen. the watch and the game soon got M^er.^ss ..^s^.....„3 ^ ^ J/ under way with a new catcher. Boyd, 3b -- 2 ' # • 4 . ! The' squirrel season , in the Hits by McCulla and Dick Morrison, 3b u. t ° 1 0 Northern*Zone runs from Septem- Freund added up to no runs in the Moehle, lb A t I -[ ber 15 to November 15. The new last of the eighth. Then came the Corrigan, p 4 • -l - j dates for taking fur-bearing ani- tense part of the ball game- I . > j mals are December 1 to January: Santoro Shows Heart Totals 32 4 I 31. Formerly the season ran from ; Dundee opened the ninth with! Score hy Inning* 1 November 15 to January 15. . plenty of fire. Broderdorf hit ^ Algonquin 000 000 400 -- 4 ! safely to right. Faber bounced a Johnsburg 013 000 011 9 The dove season will run from hopper over second base that Stolen bases: Howie Freund. September 1 to 30 with daily bag neither Conway nor Larkin ques- (Two-base hits: A. Jackson, G, and possession limit of ten. ! tloned. Shuberg struck out. Meyers. Three-base hits: Katz, H. Bruhn forced Broderdorf, McCulla Freudn. Pitzen. Double plays: There is plenty pf-action these to McCracken. Next came Jim (Katz unassisted. W. Smith), (W. Sys in an effort Ito secure stop Schuldt with a triple and homer Smith unassisted, Pitzen). Struck and go lights in McHenry. Trouble to his credit. A conference was out--by Corrigan, 9; by Klapperis that some state officials think held and Santoro pitched to, ieh, 3. Bases on balls--off Corxi- McHenry is just a/wide spot in the'Schuldt. 1 gan, 1; off Klapperich, 4. Winroad: I I BaI1 °ne • • • ning pitcher: Klapperich. j Strike one . . . and everybody I • Pirkaps . . . -- knew Schuldt would not get an-i 1 - " "Dear Mr. Anthony: T am very i intentional pass. Rain er shlae, ear texl service Is on rail to the people of McHenry and surrounding community. We promise quirk service in comfortable cars. Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 happily fharrled and have tl lovely children, a summer hohje, two cars, a yacht and $50,006 the bank. ^What is my problem?" Dally Plnnps . . . A jewel is a jewel still tho lying in the dust. The sand is Foul ball. The crowd was on edge. &an- j toro had pitched fob'high for the j i slugger all afternoon. But not f !this time. In came a daisy of at. pitch, low and inside. r Strike three!! s And the ball game was over^ | Next Sunday the same teanto Mi 4001 TMMeS mm I* mi *<m Mi wr MM |M (Maf* la M* ar NATIONAL POOOtfOKK. laaf la* l» k* MM yaa w«r« M*fbtMppiaf> Sow ft SbM NATIONAL PEAS 2^35 2%»29 Hi* w r m o . 3 ^ 2 5 * UnWK.3-^r25< ^JEY CEREAL. ~ 17< BATMUL . ,Sf17. ISW' foods Pure Granulateil SUGAR \0 89' sand tho up to heaven by the | meet in Carpentersville Park, tempest thrust. -- *• I McHenry -- & Tact is that indefinable trait Conway 2b ^ by which you can prove your kjiller lb " ~ point . without pointing out proof. nV, ypng you *ft nC grow old. IT ; Keeping Ind time to The mariner who is all sails and no anchor may find the current too strong for his craft. theij. Larkin, rf C. Larkin. ss McCulla, c Murphy, cf-lf McCracken, lib H. Stilling, If R. Freund, B. Bolger. cf Santoro, p. Only a low-brow will ever highhat his erstwhile friends. When you interrupt an argument to quarrel you are jumping fn^n the frying pan into the fire. When you are "down in the mouth"" think of Jonah and com# up for air. ANONYMOUS. TOWN TEAM ' -- CAMP NOTES -- , La*t Sunday we played a youn# "Forester" team from Chicago's s4(ph sido We won 6 to 4. Next Sunday we play our final game with St. Joseph of Elgin. We feel that a great deal has been accomplished these past few it is with Totals ..... Dundee -- S . Thomas. 2b Rakow, 3b Schumacher, ss - lb Grotemeier, cf . ... Broderdorf, W ...- Faber, If Knabusch, C Schuberg, c Lindquist, M» Thompson Bruhn, ss Erwifa ....... Schuldt, p Totals 31 3 Score by XnnHbgs ^--i Cardinals 000 000 300 ~ 3 Shamrocks 230 000 OOx -- 5 Stolen bases: McCracken, 2; McCulla, Bolger. Three-base hits: Schuldt, McCulla. Home runs: Schuldt, Miller. Double plays: j • „uu |Schuldt to Lindquist to Knabusch; weeks and it is with eagerness Conway to Larkin to Miller, 2.1 that we ook forward to spring. Struck out_b soh»ldu 4; by To better further this venture a santoro, 9. Basee on balls-off! new organization is to be formed Schuldt, 1: off Santoro, i. Winand te to he known as The Mc-, nl pitcher. gantoro- - Henry Athlotic Club." "Bill" Al- v thoff and A. P. Freund are to be . ' # formally approached to form this Death American Wiioca* oik tnization. ; 'fly eyra is a wild CJ?t, found in We are hoping to see Roy Mil- South and Central America, from ler and many other sport-minded j southern Brazil to northern Mexico, people join this organization and4 jhou-h ,t is about as big as an give McHenry what it has badly ordinary cat. it has an elongated needed for years. ar'd I8 redd=Eh in color. H if Any suggestions will be xtcaUy _.v " . . appp«^flt . 1s . ^ack f.^ls. Firestone TIRES 6:00x16 as low as $10.95, plus tAt Hpnck and Tractor tires all sizes DISCOUNT ON Tireslone BATTERIES For a limited time KAR0 SYRUP. -rT7 PIMHIT BUTTER . . , S£31< ^DESMME H0KEY .•£ 17« ROLL COOKIES . . . 2 29« 3«« 69* AMUR'S TRECT 39> t m*T a- 33. iOFttun . .'S-59- CIIU MR CAME 1? 27« CTMSMII* SUM 2<SS33> c«m[ SALTER PEAim £5 29* 4 ^ H1 \ 1 ^XLjKC, %Jta?° WHITE VINEGAR 49c moMf*£* GRAPES 3-251 * 1 oil Carrttt WRW* • * '-.ri t sr RED CHERRIES 2ui45' " CAMRT PINK SALMON ' 49. ih "SIGiR Dally Preah WM* CscssrIst KOSHER PICKLES Per these Who Weal (he Meet WESSON OIL . . CAN Hm witw**'1** • mmew»»s 3*^29* k.4. PrttIM* «a |M ^ WTAT6ES 55. M> 2^25-' JX&m AffLB WALTER J. FREUND Phone 214 Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Acceesories and Tube Vulcanizing Bfeycle Repairing AU Work Guaranteed West McHeaey LAVA SOAP . . Plat Um far IM WaNr KIIBCS GASTar Par «* m4 Wm*mI SPIC & SPA' OUi-,fc * A Cteantr. 2^2 cittiMr. 2&&1! Stard . 2a&? Conittardi2~~' taf»Mi*SHf MlMM 'V OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS LMtStmfc2*s 25* . 3^ 23. 23*--73* riSlarel2^ 25® 1 III TMT PhMI • M |H iM Starch **19« Trial ^27«--t75* jtM 3^25> )g Faatf 2^27* CAWHl PORK&BEAMS 2&&25« I S W I F T E N I N 6 . . . % KELLOGG'S PEP . 2 *£ 29* CORN-SOYA SHREDS 2 29c Ant*4 HIVHI Nates Beverages 3 ^ 25* PROCESSED RICE 19» U Class Mesarsai er ^ ^ a spABHEni.. 2 ^ 19* • t FtCSH PACK BM WOPS afj* MAN604MMCAN SpsgbaHi 2»? <'W ND LOW P R I C T S M A K E T H E o E 'mm

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