Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 6

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m PIANOS, 40 Miles from high prices .\rcrsT FACTOR V wark 1 HOUSE SALK on Spinets and I Uranus, Baldwin, Cable, Wurlitzer, 1 K"tov| and many others. Cash or I Residence Volo. torm's. Call Elgin 780. DAVID E. STARK PIAXO CO., Elgin, 111. 12 4 WHITEWASHING AND FI/Y | WANTED -- Help in the htpme vritU HELP WANTED -- Man or woman 'Most of the original timber of pine OONTKOL OF DAIRY BAKNS~- children by the day or Vo«r. Lois for bookkeeping and.general office was planted about 1900 by former; Frank Henkel, phone McHen»y j E. Harrison, ftingwood, fll. Phono "-oik. Addross Box 84, in care of , Governor Lowden. The State now 543-J-l. • P. O. Round Lake, III. j Richmond 688. _ *15 'J , The Plaindealer. 15 | has many acres,of demonstration 44 tf . of the great number ot ads x^ich appear in the PlaindeaUr ea4k wfak, have fMrnd it lliiliiisglilii to keep books sTsw* maU>ccount8. Thereftn, la the futile, only ads which MM fait for hlfore this section •f the t*per goes to pms at 10 •felaSk mi Wednesday mornings will be printed. . CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available now in any quantity at the Water Tower in West McHenry FOR SALE--Large lots, with river rights, near Pistakee Lake. George W Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. ... •52-tf YQN CONCRETE PRODt7CT8 CO. 1 i • Hours 7 au m. to 6 p. m. FOR SALE -- 1940 Olds 6-cyl»nder! *=Phone McHenry 788 W 4 door sedan; completely rebuilt j ^ 4*tf engine just installed; original pkiint;1 --' good body, not pushed out. Pliome • McHenrv 600-W-l. WANTED -- Sewing machines for HELP WANTED -- Handy man for repairs; reasonable price: work, yard woriy'etc., orriund home on guaranteed. Phone MteHenry 620- Pistakee Bny; three days a week; IM-2. Ervin . Erber. *13-3 good wages. Tel. McHenry 781-J. *15 roasALB FLOOB OOTEKtVO 1.1' Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. FOR SALE -- Apples, $1.00 per | Ray Irion, Phone 888, Woodstock, bushel if you pick them. $2.00 per j 111. 4-tf bushel picked. Baskets extra. Kane ------.. LJ. , ,ur, J,mirTr,r' and Jepson, Ringwood. *151 . ^HIJIEOORAPH SERVICE FOR SALE Typing - Mimeographing ... .. 1940 Ford DeLuxe | Addressing -- Plain and roc^ ace | <pu^or Sedan. GhmhI condition. New i Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates paint job. Can be seen at the Me 1647 Washington .Street, Route 14 Henry Garage, 604 Front Street, i Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. FOR RENT1--Johnson floor waxer, McHenry. III. Tel. 403. !•" | *^4$! per day. Gamble's, West Mc FOR SALE -- Used refrigerators,: BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC Henry FOH **I B Moeks; septic, cesspool, dry well blocks; chimney blocks, bird baths, urns, ring and covers. Richmond Cement Products'. tv. S. 12 and 1/3, Richmond, 111. Phone 1304. *14-2 -- * " m ! guaranteed.. Call McHenry 742, BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT ;* "l" HOMES. McHENRY, McCULLOM! - " • • - : • &AXE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS,: FOR SALE--Choice business front OHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROP- 1 ago on (! reen street near new Boone j CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, F1LMM BRTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX creek bridge. Inquire Thos. A-1A N D SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND Ro}Vor. *1STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mc- R O A D. PHONE McHENRY; 421-j. 11-tf FOR SALE j burnej- MACHINE WORK WANTED -- Also machine rebuilding, lathe. HELP ^WANTED -- «jfl to help Planer „ and aha per. „ Milling and grinding work. Mc^cijrv Mills Ma chine Shop, McHenry. Phone 92-R. *A5 WAHTEDta WANTED TO Btrr--We have cash buy. for resort properties, homes and iarms, JAO0B FKITS.'rBALwitli general housework, full or part time. Mrs. M. F. .Clprk, 200 N. Green street, McHenrv. Tel. 728. 15-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Young man desires full time position; electric motor repairing and rewind TOR, at Johastnwg. Tel. McHenry ing, etc. Write, Box 33, ita care of -37, or Chicago, liincola 1338. 2-tf Plaindealer. . *15 FORRElfT 7-tf PROBLEMS TO US--We can de- I liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil I paintings. Copying and framing. -- .wivinntion garbage !Henry- Phone 275. 40-tf , .. imd^gas- ^ stove'. ^ Tel. Mc-|W ATEK ANALYSIS--Well water FOR SALE--Antiques, glass, chma,: Henry 131-W Friday or Saturday,; cheelced for fecal contamination silverware, lamps, clocks, clothes for the family. Formats. (This j - FOR RENT--KIRK'S KOTTAGES AND KAHINS, EMERALD PARK. Crowded? Send your friends here! Housekeeping, $15-$25 week. Low day rates. Phone 66.1 FARM ADVISER'S COMMENTS (William Tammeus, Farm Advisor) Our trijj^was cut short by the andpfcar crop, green beaos, and bacterial content, Specimen must be transported in sterile conclothing in good condition.) Open FOR SALE -- Nine Padded navyCharge 14 MoWonrv TC daily until 10 p.m. Sundavs and 1(,athor stool covers, reasonable; £^ CSS 8 S holidays, If a.m. to 6 p. m. Miscel a|so portable Kejunore sewing ma- 5reenSt Phone 291 3-tf laneous items. Mrs-- R. Dietrich,j r»,;nPi like new. Phone McHenry : ' Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Con- 742 < *15« ALTERING -- Men's and ladies' algnment and Resale and Antique garments of all kinds. Kathryn Shop, V* mile west Terra Cotta FOR SALE •-- 1939 Ford coupe in | Barbiai^ Tej MeHenrv 265 VV, factory which is on Route 31. Crys-! jrood condition. Tel. Mcl *"ry mornin»g or evenings. 11-tf tal like 1346-R-l. 9-tf . 121-.T. ' 15"" ' apple and „ . , v • • ;etc- We got is far as Rochester, Vf B 1 oat8' Pr,vate be"(-|l.,;H; Minn., and returned home. The ' 1 rest of the trip will be taken a little later.' I noticed we couldn't borrow snow fence for our fair in Minnesota without driving all over to pick it up, because they store it in small bunches of rolls along the road- One definite thing I found out FOR RENT or SALE Y <• » r 'round LiIV l^ake. Phono MolIo'irv' ^SJi-.I 1 • ' "> FOR RENT -- Six cooni unfurni.Mli e«l :i,p:iTtnu'iit in McHenry-; prefer working couple. Call 131-W oii, Friday or Saturday. I "> FOR _ Small, pretty house, j FOR SALE well furnished; renting for $40 per mouth sedan; _. week in season. *3,500. By owner. : tiop: owner, leaving country. Phone Phone McHenry 627-W-2. 14-2 ; McHenrv 67-i-M-l. TOR RALE--Rggular-steed coil bed ! FOR SALE 12-gauge Reaiing^ spring;- bathinette like new; baby's j ton automatic-polychoke; ribbed ™ * - -- •• $6o. Phone Woader Lake ------ ---- PIANO TUNING, $6.50. EXPERT (--door ™'y" iREPAIRING AND REBUILDING. $l,29o; good condt 1 ATJ| WOSK GUARANTEED. A. G. SKALA OF MODEB;N PIANO SERVICE OO. OF CHICAGO. Steffan's Mjisic, and Jewelry agent. Phone Mcftnry 123-J. *11-4 15 play pen. Call McHenry 223-.T. *lo FOR SALE -- 6 ft. Frigidaire in good condition; Panl J. lirefeld, 104 Washington St., McHenry. Tel. n McHenry 131 J. *1> _ FOR SALE -- International 1948 one-ton ^pickup. • Only 18,000 miles. 1975.00. Call Tuxedo 9-0123. Pri vate. !•"> barrel; 551. 'i; FOR SALE -- Tomatoes. Weiugart. 415 John street, r**.» Tel. McHenrv K6-M. FOR SALE -- 1938 Nash 4-donr sedan; good running order. A. J. Stuhlfeier, Tel. McHenrv 603-M-l. 15 GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ____ dispose of your garbage each week, peter , or oftener if desired. Seasonable rates. Regular year round route. John E. Hill, P. 0. Box 274, McHenrv, Phone 365. tf Mc *15 FOR "ATE -- Place your orders now for cucumbers and tomatoes for canning. C. S. Ensign. TeL McHenry 71 W. *15 2 IFOR SALE -- Fryers, roasting chickens, stewing hens; live or j Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for eows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, dressed to order; fresh eggs; cooking apples and tomatoes, by pound or bushel; egg plant, cabbage. Albert Knigge, on Thonnesen Farm, East River Road, McHenry. *15 36-tf FOR SALE -- Used bathtub, bowl and toilet, plus fittings'; good condition; $20 Tel. Mcilenry iut>-J. j _ _ _ .. 15 FOR SALE:--Johns-Manrille Home . Insulation, installed by The Wali- FOR wat-B -- Five-room oil heater; j Fill Co. Fwj«tim»te call Leo J. reasonable. Tel. McHenry 572-M-l. Stilling, M<SHenry 18. 40-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Cabinets built to order; interior finishing. Tel. McHenry 674-J-l. *13-4 iwv>uM AND BOARii -- Teachers or working couples; large double and single rooms; bath and private entrance; meals optins-tl; one half mile from town. Tel. McHenrv 563-R-2. * al plantings mate in recant years. Sinnissippi Forest has a definite place in our better land un program. It ii a very One* example of what can be done. At 1942 lumber prices, the original planting has produced an Income since '1900 of About $17 per aero per year on l*«Cllcall|r Qone sand. First comes a crop of Christmas trees after about ten years, and later, as thinning continues, comes fence • posts, and finally the saw logs from the mature trees left after abqut fifty years. Hessian Fly Free date for Mic- Henry county is Sept 17 to 20. Not much winter wheat is sown here, but the dates are announced by the state- Don't sow until af* ter that date. - SELL SCIOOIt I0V98 ( finance the of two Elgin board of edacation mem- new east1 schools bers announced at a meeting last schedule^) to open in 1951. week, th»i the tentaUve date for, i---J--- r- - ' 4 ^ sale of 12.500,000 junior high! fffii TODDMUHOP s^hiol bonds has been set for Sept- 20. Sale of the bonds will 12-4 TCRNON J. Attoney •" *' NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of FRED KLEINHANS, Dc "cessed. Notice is hereby given to all persons that October 3rd, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of FRED KLEINHANS Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims m«y be filed CONCRETE ; • Light Weight and Oindfer Blocks Chimney Blocks -- Septic Blocks -- Glass Hacks Steel Windows -- Water Proofing Fox Lake Concrete Prodwtte Hwy. 12 and Railroad Depot Tel. ?ox |pke $742 Gar. ^Buyers Attention! i'l was that McHenry county really j against the said estate on or behas the alfalfa--much more than j tore said date without issuance of any area in either Wisconsin or'summons. Minnesota we went through. Coming home we came down the Mississippi from# LaCrosse to Prairie-du-Chien. We were thirs- V;- ] ty because it was hot. We saw a lot of high class places, but no tOh, RENT -- 'Mniiern c^Vuigc. high class places to stop with your sleeps four, from Aug. 27 through .family. Is this reflection of dif- Labor Day. O. W. Herrmann. Tel. jference in profit or the tastes of 646 J 2. f Mo LOST the general public? H. B. Petty, state entomologist, was in the other day on a tour over the state, studying maggots-- the fly before he flies. He reported some farmers wouldn't let him look around their barns for maggots claiming they don't have any. Any farm with flies has mag- • 'jgots, because the fly doesn't get Brown billfold in (Had- j very far from the place where he last Fri- ; i8 born. Chances are 10 to 1 that LOST --- Blond, male, 3-ycar-old springer spaniel; answer* to nami* "Spanky." Lost in vicinity of Wonder Dakc. Call McHenry 34"> or 548-J-2. Reward. l.r> LOST stone's department store day; reward. Mrs. Rita roufe 3. box lfi7: McHenrv, White, ievery farm produces Its own flies. *15 1 ^ FOUND T >15 FOR SALE -- For your Fuller FOR SALE -- 25 cows, 26 calves at i brushes call Albert Pepping, Sr., foot. These are high grade Hereford eows. Calves are very good. Suitable for 4-H work. Bee them at 8pring Valley Farm, South McHenry Avenue, route 2, Crystal Lake, HI. Phone C. L. 1336-J 2. 15 Rrl, McHenry. 2-tf Phone 676-W-2. FOB SAU1 -- Boy'« RcMger biey«k> in very good condition; price 130. 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms Call after S41-R1. 5:30 p. m.. McHenry l15 • REAL BUT -- Nine -room per* nianeut home on Fox ri^er. 5 bed roonu, targe living room, dining room; modern tiled kitehen; util- RIVER8IDE DRIVE Modern home, five large rooms. Automatic "oil heat. Lot 50x400 water front. Price $16,500.00. EAST RIVER ROAD , Large- living room. Tile bath. Lot about % acre. Price $6,500. WOOBTER LAKE Modern 7-room house. Lot 60xlfl0. Price $11,500. For appointment, call JACOR FRITZ REAL ESTATE ity room; tile bath; hot air heat; fa Johnsburg . .Phones: McHenry 1x0 feet of river frontage; 150 feet | 37, or Chicago, taiwiIw 9-133$. 13-tf deep; completely furnished; double. . . I . garage; landscaped; bathhouse; $15,000. fCnox Real Estate. 405 Rich mead Road, McHenry. Phone 4I1-J. 15 EARN 8PRAYINO, WHITEWASH INO AND FLY CONTROL -- Wil liam Ahrens, 607 Front street, West McHenrv. Phone 148-J. 4-t/ WANT TO STOP SMOKING? -- ^ry NICO-8TOP. Owirantaed. NYI DRUG STORE. 12-b K1NSET ft BEN8TEN - . Carpenters f Let ns give you an estimate on that building or remodeling job. Phone McHenry 893-J. Phone Woodstock 1859-W. «12-4 MONTHLY R00K1BEEPlff& SER. VICE--Records installed and maintained. Elmer rP.. Adams: Certifisd Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12* Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf FOR -- GROCERY - DELICATESSEN - PACKAGE LIQUOR. Fine location. For information, call Jacob Fritz in Johnsburg. Phones: McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln Persian lamb eoat, 101333. 13-tf f WELLS DRILLED OR DRXW WATER STSTBM -- We sell, repsir and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main 8treet, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf m* t made Mm 5 ft. 2 in.; tin 10; very good coadkion and rea TeL PisUlte« 645 J 3. V IBS 1AU 'r- f room, bath and 2 glazeftv£«iKftes; firefdaee; 3-ear mfi ^j»6*250 foot lot; two exti^ i falSj hi tow«f near shopping reasonable. - Phone FOR SALE -- N ash 600, 1947 Club Ce«i*e; ndio, heater, etc.; $1,100. iy 698 R lr < t *45 FOR SALHl •47 m '46 *41 '40 '40 41 '40 37 HAVE TOUR CESSPOOLS, eatch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's 8aaitary Serriee. Eddie Huff. Prop. Tel. MeHerry 290. 8$-tf FOUND -- At V. F. W. carnival grounds, pair spectacles and Illinois chauffeur's badge No. 221909; owners may claim by calling at The Plaindealer office an^ paying for this nd. 15 Corn borer control time is past apparently for this area. A. M. Maxwell, Dorr township supervisor, Woodstock, calls attention to the extreme spreading of the woody blue flowered weeds along roads and in our fields. I think it is corn cockle and some say it is chicory. We are going to try some Killing methods on it to see what happens. The forestry department at the college of agriculture is planning a field day at Sinnissippi Forest near Oregon, 111., on Sept. 13. Last 12-tf I year I took a group over and we u p . u - . . . ^ L I . I U I . -- j w e n t l a t e r t o b u y s o m e l u m b e r HELP WANTED Experienced I and gome fence posts treated with carpenter^ steady work, good 1 pentachlorophenol. These posts wages; only experienced men »p , nQw have one year at the fairply. Address Box 72, in cart* ot grounds hog corral- HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Cook at Mi- Place Restaurant, Green street, Mc Henry. " The Plfiiwlfviler. MeH«»nrv. f 1=5 HELP WANTED -- llotiHe*;itV >£.,« ha* spare time to do j honrx«w»iy routine housework in home 011^ iiiik* from McHenrv. Mornings or afternoons. Prevailing rates,- dis^Hfied arrangements. Write eore'of Box "J," Plaindealer. *15 HELP WANTED--Experienced gas station ^Attendant/ Reason a b 1 e wa«res,j Ffeund Oil Co. A letter sayB a tour will start at 9:30 a. m. Bring your own lunch. The afternoon will be spent discussing their processing nrotfam. Anyone interested in plantation planting for wood production oh poor, Worn-out areas should, by all means, see what has been done there on that sand land. Complete line of ISeebe livestoel remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mr i Henry. t-tf EXFRRXBVORD landscafivo-tTRKv surokkt -AMD REMOVAL -- J. W. RAYCRAFT. F. O. Bm ,ltS M-R -- W. McMmaxj, m 45-tf 1H4 FARMALL H VftAOTOm ASTD CrafL«ZVATOR »ble. One sjfl9 east of Oi%' oS^ISjrS. mt movm t. Sneratot*,' afmatMss, fuel pumps, distributon 1 regulators and ignition parts 1 and all other ears. Seaeo Service, Lilymoor, Fred I. Prop. Tel. McHenry 188. '47-tf FR1JE NtfttTtS on all bajldlng materials. Call or write V«AHK CANS S00 Rlfermde Drive, McHjcary Tel. 106 W. - .Representative of Sears Roebuck -TYPEWRITERS, AD- & Co., Wall and floor tile, roof-, . Service on all | lag, garage doors, screens, wait "bbons for all makes; board, and ceiling tile, siding, gutp* per. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., ters, r jkwool. Iron railings. FVee Phone 549.* 7-tf delivery. 43-tf f » < 1111 HI 11111 m 11 Ml H I > 11 > > > > • ! M Helen' Weber Says: YOXTR BE0T BE* IS B L A K E Cash -- USED CABS --. Terns 48 Dodge Custom Sedan, very highest 4«aUty. Ford 3-Door Sedan. Don't orer look this. . Ford Saper DeLuxe Seda^. Had very special cars. Plymouth --Luxe Coach. Will speak for itself. Plymouth Special DeLuxs Sedan. Chrysler "Royal" Sedan. Pontiac 2-Door Sedan. Plymouth Sedan „^....t..$495 DeSoto Sedan $346 WE DO ALL KINDS OF LilT REDodge Sedan .... • $185 PAIRING. Stilling's Town and TOUR CUT Glass Vases and Chins Vases can be made into lovely lamps. Stop in and let us show you how you may have an original lamp. Stilling's Town atttf Country Studio, Riverside Drive, - lle» Henry. l3-4 many amm models * 1 Trusts, Personally A. S. R SALES Country Studio, McHenry. Riverside Drive, 13-4 C. J. E DIRHL WMdKortt Piano Tuner Phone 208-W fit Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock. IlL 15 008 CLEANING--Rugs, upholstery and carpets cleaned and ninth-proofed in the home. Call Ehredt's Duraclean Co.. Roun^ Ls^e 2223. &-tf. CL0U6£D HRWKR1 Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned. Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. . Lake County Sanltai v Co.. Libertyville Tel. 1346. 4Y-K 4N» DON'T LET... MRN UOM O*T THAT 'OLD LOOS" Custom Mada . Draperiss ' / Venetian Blincis Onrtains ; f Bedspreads ^ Valanees ) Slipcovers Pillows Service -is'-' 204 8. Green St. JOIN THE SHtTFFLEBOARD Tournament at the Sportsman's Inn. lee cold, canned and ease beer. Paekage goods to take out. Al Phannenatill, Prop. *16-2 Reminder F«r Parents Only (Boys and girls may not be too Interested.) Bring those school clothes in now . . . Our fine clean- ,ing will help in a fresh start far the new school ymt. EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRINO -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for #alf. E. Zahoth. Calk»colleet. Lake Zur ieh 3102. 15 tf Hilary Gleaners "•A- *U Ml H HMMIIIIHIII111 ATTENTION. POULTRY REISERS -- Ready-to lay Hy-Line Pullets. Rained 011 clenn range. Fhfc months old. Genuine profit making Hy-Line. Available in September* Inquire for details. Booking orders now. Supply limited. MeHenrv Mills. Inc. COMPLETE TREE SERV|££ -- Tree Feeding -- - ' , Trees * SPRAYINO Weed Control , Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 510 Waukegan Road - McHenry 724 .'13-tf WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony N00nan, 200 So. Green street, MeHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Skoppe.) 15-tf ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the-medicine in your prescription may weigh less th4n an ounce but you know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly what the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. SubscribS'for The PlainflenJer. w PHONE a| GEORGE F. KLEINHANS, Administrator. (P*b. AAg. 25 - S e p t . 1-8) Cooking Eggs When eggs are to be cooked la the shell it is best to take them out of the refrigerator ahead fll time to keep them from cracking when heated. 1*47 1047 1947 IMS IMS Xftsfc see ... Hudson ..... PlymoBgr... Nash Ambassador Nash M0 Dodge Model- B Fori 1S41 Plynoia Station WagM - \ f e ' , DOWNS NASH SALES Applying Paste Wax A good way to apply paste wMt Is to put about one-half cup of wax in an old stocking or two thickness* es of cheese cloth. Rub the cloth over the surface of the linoleum. Enough wax wil! work through the cioth to coat the surface evenly. ELW FMNE BcBBHRT 48* ~ Also fMrtag Serriee i City Parking Lots Nine cities between 25.000 and 60.000 population opened their first parking lot in These p"e Anpleton. Wis.. Clinton. la., Huntington Park. C?»l., Msson City. la.. Pensacola. Fla.. Plainfield. N. J.. rfalem. Mass.. Superior. Wis., and Farm Income Net Income from farming to al persons on farms increased again j In 1948. However, the prices farm- | ers had to pay for family living j and maintenance were the highest 1 on record; and. in terms of what | it would buy. net income from fsrming for all persd^s livfr* on farms | was the «'--' "'4'.' I oni Permanent Wave Kits. <$1-25 and $1.00. Wattles Drug Store. H5-tf BLAKE MOTOR 8ALK8 , August 28 -v< at 2 p. m. HOUSE will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. Located one-half block east of Route 31, on Grove Avenue, south part of McHENRY, This house has two bedrooms, bath, large living room with dining space, utility room and kitchen, including sink, gas range, cabinets and refrigerator! All rooms decorated. ...Tile bath, city sewer and water, oil-fired forced air heat, gas hot water heater Lot 66x133 feet Approved f .E A. Construction O ED. VOGEL, Auctioneer MODERN BRICK HOMES • IN McHENRY Hear lntarsactto» ef V. 8. SI awl 190 i.: mi i fci. .;'i» i. • ^ -- -- -- -- - - Fully Insulated -- Improvements VATBa -- SBWtt -- OAS -- ELK0T&I0 Water Rijphts leading to Fox River and to Pistakee I«ake l*RMM PRICE $10^900 and $12,900 Z Terms JACOB REALTOR Johnsburg Telephone Chicago Telephone

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