Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1949, p. 7

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p-tff <#>* *H - • > r- • itsr &%•*&% mm F&CeSmP MOfflTY ifMfvH: Froehlich, A I IFnirieh, Harry* ... FiUpatrick, Clara C Freund Oil Co, Inc . Gende, Frank E .. Gambles Store Glbbs, Fred W /i lOaodell, C W ...... j Gerasch, Paul -Joe Maurice STATfij OlF McHKNET The sonal of Ri ments late ed Bince sessments* amounts o! irade by, -the jfrHenry Xjfi bT HENRY. VISOR OF_ THE ASSB36&D values herein shown are subiect to revision by the Board of Review and to ©qualizatioo by the Department of Revenue, Section 146 of the Revenue Act, 1939, provides that the Department shall lower or raise the total assessed value of the property in any eoanty so that such property will be asse.taled at its 1^1, fair, cash value. This publication (made In accordance with So«|l«B 108 of the *enschenkel. Arthur Revenue Act, 19St, serves a* a ®?w*rd 8 public notice to the Taxpayers of Hoelscher. G E .. the County of the aaseooed values Hunter, Donald fixed upon their property by the Itnmekus, Frank v. Township Assessors or Supervisors Jackson, Arthur .. of Assessments. Taxpayers wbb Johnson. George it consider their property Incorrect- Jodot, Eugene ly assessed may TlMr""*1 before the Board of Review S or before September 15, 1*49 and file a comj( 4rtit in writing according to Section 108 of Um Rmm Aet ot 1939. "Vie «i] r 1 Gies, Pftwr.. - •r--•--*m.. •IS.'1"'- •" -! Qrmsser, John SB. J Green, William list-of Per- Green, Robert v and ifclist Glossen, Joe ... Gnus, Frank J ........ Gehrman, Albert P as- GaMden, Joe the Hart, Br^jn - 4-- Hunter, Jstnee J '....j of Hitches s> L Byron -- Holley, JoeC Hogan. Edw J...' m^mr, Howry -- Helmer. William M Howard, Ray S Hack, Larry Hobbs, Harold Hester, Richard Herdrick, Charley Hetterman. Halligan. W J Hagberg, W H Howard, Donald Hergott, Vivian Holt. Frank J •r C .L Richard F Nick M .„ Ben George ft Peter M . Albert <..... OHtt- AdamB, Mrs Alexander Lumber pany .» Althoff, Louis Althoff, William H ... Atlantic ft Pacific Tbo-0fc' "tr* Cr as Antholz, Henry B Agatha Shop £... ..... Anderson, Arnold AJams, Lester V j Mixer, Ana bell * Anderson, Lyle D -- Anderson, Dorr • Angelese, Clarnaoe Antonson, C L Anderson, WaWsr Adams, Louis Antonson, E F Adams, Eugene ...... Adams, Vale Adams, Jr. Lester V ...... Admiral Corporation ..... Adams. Albert J -- )*anpon, ftichard Bienapfel, Fred Bradley, K M Buck, (fi'i Blake, Idath ...:--... Brda, Charles J .... Barbian, George J Rarbian Brothers Barbian, Nick S Bacon, NeHfa .. Bacon. Lester Bassett, Leslie 1 . rjuer. Michael ....... rauer, Alvan .... Bykowski, Mite boll Brda, Jobs ..--- Blake, John Blake. Anton F Blake Motor Sale* X*C Blake, Leo ........ Blake. Frank M Bolger, Tbos P Bohr. George Bolger. Mrs 3 Buss Motor S Buch, H E grch. E S ; Such, Jerome .........^, Buchert, Williani " Brefeld. Mpi J 4Ur4~r ,'i Brown, ES|*1 - Bast's Store Budler, Albert Browr>. CkaHe* 9: ; Brefeld, 9®® J .^.i Brooks, Alice M Ballowe. Cecil Barr, Harry ... Brown, Stanley wo, Peter J ......... f^unt, Bernice Blake. Albert S .. Bjorkman, Walter Biggs. Roy - Conway, Cathryn Collins, Howard .. Covalt, Carrie $ Cooley. Floyd 8N... Coleman, Floyd . Carey, Mary Carey, Walter 8 v, Carey, Gerald E rjrlson, C W Hirns, Howard W Cooney, Martin Chamberlin, R Q ^ Colony Theatre Covalt, Jr. Floyd E Cronin. Lorina M -- Conway, LeRoy M. Collett, George F Clark's Chevrolet Sale*^.. Crouch. Morris Dhom, Lawrence Dixon, Glenn Downs Nash Sales { Aederieh. Anna ...--a»»«: itiederich, Thomas Doherty. Mary G Etoyce, Mary Do we. Christina Dobyns, W E ......o.^.. Durland. Harry 15 Degan, Mike . .... Duker, C H Doherty, ThomaS Donnelly. R W . Dickow, H A Dillon, Edward A ............ «>ederich, Joseph I -- lederich, Louis Douglas, G A ... Eggert, Norman H Ensign. Roland ...-- Edstrom. Arthur F. Ekeroth. Henry O ...-^-1- F r e u n d , R a l p h -- • Freund, Clarence it .i»m> Freund, John N ' Freund. Sons, A P Freund. Ernest »•».. Freund, Jr. Mike ......... J^-eund. Stephen H '. ^•eund, Ivathryn L Freund. Augustine M Carl J George P .....nn*..^ John R Richard ---. '#< * Rose (Mrs) Irvfri ...1 .Anton H --.«»•.»> Anton P ~~v Math P -- -- Oorfce J -- Elmer J •.-- Herb^ft Hj .. Christina --i.» Harold Nick B Harold H Donald H Richard M *v Justen, Just en, Justen, Justen, Justen, Justen, Justen. George R - v tQ Justen. Nick P Justen, 2030 Justen, Justen, 1790 Justen, 1MS ioooou. - 76 Jung. 300 J*"**' Jacob F Harold Bdw J . Alex Frank Bernard . Nick US Jurgens. E A •«»»»•» ' 1090 Johnson Tool Mflt «m Jt|«r, Richard ..... 220 Kilday. M 2ld Klnsala, George W 170 Koehr Supply Co 2C0 Knight, George ..... Koehler, Jacob P . Knack, George .... KraloWetz, Robert Knox, Martin and vieve * Knox, Cecilia B Kane, George B .... Ut.Konig, J F ISO Kotter, Lillian 209 Ktoats, C W H5 Krause, Albert KM Kreutcer, Sr. Herman Kreutter, Herman R . Kreutser, William Kramer, George F -- Kennebeck, Henry J ... Krause, A D _ Kttday. John W 15$ Kratter, Vernon *1 lf§ Kraus, Henry ...i. 1$0 Korber, Leo D T| Kolter, Est Trust, J B 2M Kbisey, Clarence .. 100 Long, Odllon Lawernace, Fred .. =L-pr-cTa"l Cleaner-s- lAa c 1M iH ,71 - 150 Ut 428S5 17f 119 175 m !• H 290 22S {Pepping, Jr. Fred 80 iPitzen, Frank N 350 Phannenstlll. John 750 Patxke, Em 11 . 75 Pillar, Lucille 1060 Quinlin. C P --^^ 315 Rotbermel, James 2(5 Rode, Ray -- 300 Roche, Peter J 120 Rodenkirch, iHUary G 1800, Riverside Dairy Inc 3251 Riverside Manufacturing 190" Company 145 j Richardson, Jennie 125' Rotors, Fred N a wwt lSOiRegner. Joseph M 155 Relhansperger, Charles ,r 150 Reibansperger. Herbert .C 150' Riverside Hotel 200; Raycraft, James -- 120; Rasmussen, Charles' •' 120] Bothermel, Leo G ^ ISO SmftlK Hubert 100 ("Scha^ter. Henry F .. l?0fScbaeTeti, Henry B .. 105 f Schaefer, Ambrose - 240 j Schaefer,^Peter J .... 10®} Schaefer, Jacob 75 Schaefer, Herman 605! Schaeffer, Henry J ., 180 |Schmitt, Joseph M .. 180; Schniitt. Henry M ' 3001 Schniitt, Irvin .......... ; . 330; Schreiner, George I • J- 100 | Schaefer. Qlarenci J : 120 Schreiner, Frank 340 j Schneider, Elizabeth 525 i Schneider, Anton ..... SOjSchiessle and Weber 130 j Schiensle, Caroline #0. Schaid, John ; 175(Sayler, Dr J E »....3^»£;3&8j lOOjScherman, Mrs C ^ 240; Smith, Arthur 90; Smith, Huppie and Leo 175 i Smith. Rose B 1801 Stenger, George F .~.:.v 240 : Sayler, James N „ -- . 1 4 7 5 S c i i a f f e r . S t a n l e y . . . 1525 j Smith, Emma D ... 170, Smith, Rena 270 stock. George A w, 210|Stoffel, John 290 3toffel, Simon 100 Stoffel. Jacob 1001 stilling, John ...... 1001 Stilling. Leo 110 Spencer, Mary F r 130; standard Oil Company .... 180; Schwerman, Louise ......... 100 | Spurling, FVank H 2S50 j Schoenbolts, Mervltt L ....m.' 425,Steffes, Jacob 75 j Stilling, John H ................ ....fc" '• 15«! Stoffel. Martin J U<X> Stilling. Henry J ....... --wU;)-* t05j Smith. James C 100 Samec, John ............... W 8oellner, William A ....-- 116 i Sutton, M A Gene- Steffen, Harold A 1<0 shell Oil Company Schober, John .............. Scbolle, Herman J ............ 8cbaefer, Roy 4... . ..... Schreiner, Mrs William G Strumm, John Sund, LaVerna Smith. LeRoy ... 3751 Schaefer. Donald 75 Smith. Robert . .. Thennes, Philip M > Thies Company, John C .~ Thles, Jaoob Thennes, John A Thennes. Edward J Tburlwell. Frank J Thompson, 9901 Brill. Oltomar Jr 140 Busb, Charley ..... 1S5 Barlow. B T 100 Betts, Karl B 400 Bennett, Langley 250 < Bollman, Bernard 150;Buttas, John W .... SOiBeatty, Emily A 230 Boyle, John F ... 175,Boyle, Elisabeth 1830 ( Ball, Fred Braun, Richard .... Brand, Elisabeth Benson, Garfield Bowman, Fred B Butler, B T Britz, Henry J .. Barbian, Albert 450 125 300 215 280 150 """* -jf" C ...»••« ...... Stone Ohv *. #m. b ..... George ... iitaitte. Eugene • HM*r. Robert try MH1 Inc Leroy McHenr.v Sand and Gravsl company Mauch. Norbert B Miller, Alrln Miaynard. B T lj§ Minor, Gerald J . ... 2St Mathews. Delia 26f Ms^thi, Clarence ... 28# *toOe*. R»y H McHenry Art and iTf rhmiunr McHenry Farmers 1200 Association 175 McHenry Lumber 90 P*ny 190 McCracken. Leonard ....: 123 Miller. Joe J 125 Miller and Son. John -- SOI Meyers, Frank C ...... 250 Moeher, A 9 1150 Mi Place 350 Miller, Ben J 380 Miller. Ben K Miller, Roy H Miller, Peter F Murphy. Jr. L B Miller, Theo S : M>urpby, Hugh McHenry Country Club .... Miller, Charles J Miller. Harold F Meyers, Leo -- * Matchen. John IC - Miller. Joseph I* '. McGee's Tnc ...... Murphy, Sr. L B ...... Marteck and Nixon ............ McHenry Manufacturing Company .-. > Mendyk. Marshall Miller. Nick P Melsek. I^eRoy Nielsen, Betty Newman, Gerald National Tea Company Neiss, Theresa . .. Neiss. Mrs John Neisen. MVh ... 200 180 180 1200 100 75 240 18t 940 160 150 175 C25 90 100 80 100 80 185 190 200 175 220 180 390 75 240 100 175 Nye ISO Nye. 8» H --4- Freund, Freund, Freund, Freund. Freund. Frennd, Freund Freund. Freund, Freund, ^reuifd, cl^reund, Freund, Freund. Freund, Freund, Freund. Fleming, Fltejerald. Hob '^iiiMfiMftTT j~TTi| Neisen, Clarence Nickels. Edward Nye. William A Eleanor Harvey .. ...- Nye. Herman F .... 116 Noonan, Allen B .- 460 Nlchel. Fred .1. 76 >'ordin, Edw 375 Noonan. Anthony lli Ntmsgern. Joe -- tilt CTMalley's O'Matics Oor- 190 porntiow 136 Overton Cadillac and Pon- 130 tiac ^ 215 Overt<M> Motor 8ales ^ "187S Overton. R I 190 Olsen, Leslie ..... 2415 Overton. Richard J vy,. 106 Pili. Gerhard --^1... 126 Pitzen. Theo M _.-- 230 Phalin. Tho* M ..--Jm, 100 Paluch. A G ISO Pliannen^till. Alvte 215 Phafln. HsrOld T ....... 115 Paddock. E«rl ^..w. f65 Page. Lester 175 Page. Ray* , --. H0 Payne. David 100 Phalin. John M fejjfojj 100 Powers, Mary 230 Purvey, Albert . 100 Pries. Jr, William « ... 100 Pedersen, Alpha .u 060 Petersen, Fredrick J lM Powers. James •v , **%»***•' George B ... Bdward ...^ AHtar Tfcsrtiwl? ife^wt J Z.£ Jbsi>I ' Thomas. Arthur ^ ' --. - .Sft I26(unti. Charles 116 Vogt. Rtfem aia..;.^ssa-- 200, Vycital. Ctoaries .^... ' 13761 Vycital Hardware Com* 100 j pany • : Voelts. Fred W *..*4, 800 VanMknnen, George ....^ 76 j Vance, Harold 126 .Wirtx, Francis H 160 Wagner, Joseph W ...£L^' ' 10t ! Wilson, Clifford B 80 Winkelmon, 9mer H -- 230 Welty, Glenn J.. ' l®*^ Walsh, M. J Walsh. Earl 330 Wattles, Glenn J , Wattles, Mrs Frank H ..... 3140 WaUltes, Hbward 1 Weber, John 2886 Weber, Henry * 160 Weber, Robert t 130.Weber, Carl N 160 Wirfs, George 216 Wirfa. Peter llM Worwick, Andrew 360 Wolf. Fred and timil 130 Williams. Joseph A 165 Wirti, John B :.. 206 Wirti. Anton J ..: ;.... 1S6 Winkel, Leo.J 190 Wilson, Thomas P .... 100 Walsh. Quentin 260 Wheeler, Joe E 250 Wegner, Wagner 230 Worts, Mts Mike 000 Weingart, Peter 150 Ward. Elliott B 100 Weingart, Nick S 116 Wilbrandt. A1 2760 Weber, Joseph and Lattr* 100 Welter, J Leroy .., 8975 Weber, Richard J Waynne, Joseph 3000 Yanda, Paul R 205 Yegge. Marie Schiessle .... 335 Young. Edw 126 Zring, Stephen 400 Ames, James 105 Alderson. Albert B 12501 Anderson, John A .. 75 Andreas, Weldon ... 90 Adams, Nick J , 90, Adams. Alfons 975 AdaMis, Vince 1130 Adams. Joseph Hi 3501 Adams, Mathias 1501 Adams, Otto Adams, Alex ..r......... •* Adams, Frank L Adams, Clarence . . 4 fy-y- Adams, Clara K-lela .....^| Adams, Clemens Althoff. Barbara, Mu>y, Kate and Ben (Aniberg. J F .... 7ft j Anfright, Walter j A!t». Ray A ' 1200 j Blake, Arnold 2100! Beckenbaugh, Robert 150 j Blake. Alvin „.• 200'Blake, Roy and A1 : 100 i Blake, Joseph 150 Blake. Bernard 126 Blake, William ^ 1801 Blake. George . 805 Bauer. Oleva 325 Bigger Brothers 125 Baur. Bernard ... 260 Betts. Earl E ... 170 Berg. Oscar L . 230 Bearteldes. Bern hard 75 , Bud long, Irvin . 100 Blazik, John g0 Brutigan. Philip 215 Bills, E S 1050 Bowler, Mary L 350 Buurama, John . 200 Burt, M H '. ^ 200 Bennett, Henry 2400 Brefeld, Joseph 115 Brown, S W 75 Blake. Roy II . 115 j Bender, Otto ... 160 Burton. S T " 90 Benson, Gorden . 100 Behern. William jP.. 165 Beatty, Sinclair F 775 Bauer, Joseph J 260 Baker. Zion 105 Bode. John j 190 Barnical. Carl --V ; 120 Bloomgreen. L A......w...,....". i 150 Buehler Est. Carl ^ . i06'Berger. Robert .....L.,...!..^ ; 105 Banks Est. Edw ; 90 Burmister. Williani ..ili.',.*.; i I 770 Henn. A1 J 150 Hellman. Emil J . 200 Hlnke. William J ' 140 Howard, ChriBtina . 150 Harold, Edw E ! 160 Hay, Frank 160 Hawley, Louis E {2225 Harrison, Flora 8 ...... i 110 Harrison, Raymond R 100 Harrison, C L 215 Harrison. Frank ....... 190 Harrison; A c L*. 215 Hunter, Everett .. ..t*. 140 Halstrom, Carl . 290 Halleman. Andrew .... 505 Hepburn, Dr William 455 Herdreich, John T ... 240 Herderich. Emil 120 Herman, O H 775 Hiller, Joseph 150 Hiller, George ! 125 Hiller, William J .,..1 125 Hillei, Leo 125 Hiller, Henry 150 Howe, Chester B ....... 200 Hoppe. Valeska 150 Hogan, John 100 Hueman, Joseph ! McLaughlin. TOm Mertesf William Jot-- 80 Bennett. Ralph ...usr;,- . 75: Bordewell. H... G 105 Brier, George L!^L- 100 i Baumback, George 1: 200, Baret. Loyde and iohJl/ 105 ; Moeller ; ™.w 340 j Chapel Hill Creameries ... 100 • Corso. Charles 4.. 790 j Cristy. Jr. J W•' 625 j Cannon, Harry . ........ 80 Christenson, C P ......f....... 90 i Crick, Joseph . 205; Cope, Roy W 240 i Claxton, William 100 iCavenaugh, John 90 j Chavaloski, Charles .......... 115;Cri8ty, Kenneth E 100 Cristy. J W . 250 Carr. Charley H 480 j Carr, Lester 185 fCatarelo. V ISOICyllk, Stephen 200.Cooper, Tillle 25 Cierocki, Frank .................. 200jComi8ky, H B 76lConnihan, Ray R 115 Cable, G W 110 Connor. Ben 205 Carwright, John . .......T ... 115 Crentz. William 190 Close, James W 190 j Cermak, Joseph lSO Conwav, Robert ;.. 225 Dake. William H 75 | Danko. Steve ,.... r... 1180 j Daniels, Inc, Harbll"f " ..Z" 25 j DePirro, Michael 125jDodd. R W 180 j Davis. Bert ...w 176|DeRoche, Walter 75tDrennen, Mrs William F .. 250' Dimond and Son, A F 75 Dledrlch, Leo 125' Diedrich, Fred ................ 125|Dorfler, John 125'Dlppe, August . -- 200; Doherty, James B ............ 1415 ! Diet*, Ben J ..' .... 100 j DeVore, R W 276 l DeVore, Chris ... ......... 165'Doran, Ed ... 75! Dvike. Elnar 20tt Norbert George- • -4- m Inc t J fg* !• " MM* Hairy sr. I * .... »r. I S 840 Engelson, Kinsley ..... ISt Bckland, Hairy 1016 flUlott, J W 1701 Rwell. James C 1601 Brick son, Betty ..... jRwald Laboratories 144t, Freund, Eugene B 80 Freund, Peter H 180 Freund. Howard ........u* 200 Freund, Orvel 50 Frett. Edw J 100: Fowles, Fred 40ti Freund, Alvin J 280 Felereisel. Clarence A 200 Filip, George 100 j Freund. Wilfred V .......... 200 Fkslten. John 106t]Frennd. Joe B .J5s 100' Freund. Jr. Peter 270, Freund, Alfred ..... 100 Freund, Stephen H *1001 Freund. Herbert P Jacob Peter F .. -•am** 150 Freund, 130 Freund. 100 Freund. 75 Freund. Catherine Ben 260 Freund, Arthur Vernon ltt | Freund. John 1761 Freund, Jr, Peter A 76 Freund, John V 215 Freund, Anthony If 240 Freund, Leo „....! 100 Freund, Fred P 266 Freund, Peter A 176 Freund, Peter M 126 Freund. Anna • 100 Freund. William W .......Z.*' 135 Freund. Bernard A „.....^r l8fr Freund. Victor 215 Freund, Joseph M >... * 226 Freund, Frank 100 Freund, Clarence 3 ........... 136 Freund. Stanley 75 Frederick son, Ivar ,'v' 90 Fay. Frank .u.. ... 185 Falcon Outing Club 500 Frisby. Sr. Robert «0 Frett, F J 150 Frett, Joseph 75 Flemming, Richard If 117t Foes. Wayne E 216 Flurrey, Edw E 290 Finkel, William 75 Fuchs, Fred 115 Frost, Walter 115 Fox, Joseph H 115 Fossler, M L 1590 Fin ley, Arthur 490 Frisby, Jr, Robert ..... 266 Fritz, Jacob 1190 Fike. H S , Ig6, Gladstone. Maurice 330<Oladstone, Lee 116 GarrelU, Theo iGilkerson. Earl 300 jGielow, Harry C 125 i Grosley, L H 125 j Gross, Marie ; lOo'Oaist, Adolph -- 1245 Glossen, George " lOOjGlosseh. William .......... 175{Grasser, William 225 Googlinski, Emma 1140 Groll, Frank L 12351 Ginochio, Joseph 1005 Gilmore, Joseph A ............. 1415 Gorenson, Agnes M (Est) 1430 Gates, Ben ........ 2105 Gallup, Robert 153F Granger, Mburice 1251 Hoffman. William S 315 Harrison, Clarenco 100 Hetterman, Edwin awl-- 100 James , ...^ 180 Hass, E C ........ 100 Harrison, Frank C 150 Horn, Albert 100 Henning, Paul 1290;Hamlin, Peter . 100 Ji*»g. Walter . . . jMionska, Stephen .... 455... t-v;( L - rz, 130 Hueman, Joseph G 150 Hueman, Fred L 100 Hueman, Jacob 800 Hueman and ;.Sons, 125, **eph H ...I 500 Huff. John ^ : 250 Huff. Albei t . .. •^§ 100 Hunter Boat, Company t V ^25 Healey, Thomas'" ^ 315 Hunter, Emily . • V'" .f:5 100 Hollenbach. Oscar if., Hollenbach. ;.". ; 475 Hollenbach. ^530 Heide. F 75 Hetterman. Helen .iSl 200 Hetterman, Doherty .*.; 150 Hetterman, Gerald J 100 Herman. Louisa 490 Huff, Harry 2625 Hall Brothers .340 Harvey, Stevo' 150 Holley, John A ...n; ""160 Hayes, Danial •... 1340 HeniBley, D R tZ -- 540 Hubert, R A ^1710 Huffman, R B^ 200 Hullqulst, Albert 125 Hogan, O T ... 125 Hamll. William J 600 Howark. Hubert ....... 120 Hansen, Roger .., 125 Hansen. Fred .4ta, 150 Howe, Victor 100 Hickory Creek Farms 225 Hartman, George 1246 Hanesh. . E 120 Hickory Creek Farm 200 Haxton, J W 100 Halley, William 175 Huch, Louis .........6. J80 Justen, John R 735 Jeske, Harold R 1990 Jablinski, Adam 185 Johnson. Eldred ............ 190 Jeppie, Jeppie C 150 Jepsen. Rose • 145 Johnson, Mrs Ruddlpti . 75 Justen, William 1290 Justen, Anna 1250 Jung. Mrs Martin 215 Jepsen. Harold L 125 Joseph, Samuel 160 Jenaen. Vaulda R ........ 2t0 Junker, J 100 Johnson. Herbert P ..... 400 Justen, Donald 240 Justen. George B „U 170 Johnson, Stanley ...= 100 Jahanke, Herman ...... 100 Jervis, Carl S 970 Johnston, Stanley O ...... 126 Klewia. E 100 Knauer, K F 120 Klapperich. Lawrence .. 260 Klapperich. William B Kennebeck, Elizabeth .. PbOrTch, Mrs Mfcry .. hek, John Franklin A J Andrew . 'Merest Opbtg® MW Kutgr. Apdfre# B Kothra. %m I^Uey, m* Krens, lOt Kaiser Fl» It SSI Kenndhoob, H, HOt Kennelsck, ~ 280 Kennebtck. John I6t King, Jpospfa 1429 King, Uo . 5f| Klapperich, Wiliia* pint Klapperich, Joseph 135 Klapperich, Frank ........ -- 1335 Kopke, Ed r- 900 Kling, J B 115 Kent, Roy .v..„'.. 1435 Karowakl, Steve ....* 170 Kleinhans, George ... 90 Keller, William 260 Kries, Charles P ...... 175 Kinsly, Philip 2225 Kirk, Hugh H 140 Kollenfwch, Harold > ... 90 Kane, MHchel i 206 Kelley, Ral{4l .U*...-.. 125 Klever, Adolpb 310 Kostbade, C J ................ 1800 Lash. Emil 185 Larson, Walter 90 Leckland, Theo . 130 Lav. Math ""1135 Lay, John .... 125 Lay. Christina .... 1105 Larson Brothers 170 Ludfotf Robert .. 2180 Lauclii Anton .... ^2600 Lau. Arthur H .. _ 425 Lindgreen. H W 90 Larson, Lee ... 175 Leslie, Fred 200 Lotz, Charles .... 90 Luce, , Ben ...J...... 210 Lock. Harry 170 Lennon, James .. 185 Lacey, Herman 300 Lehawitch, Mary ... 300 Loibsohn, Samuel 120 Looze, John E ... 160 LaGrtea, Arthur ...... 150 Meyers, Fred J 150 McHenry Recreation 150 Moeller, John ... 275 Mosciaski, Michael ^ 280 Meyers, Lillian ...... 200 Maxwell. H P 265, Miller, Charles J 215 Miller, Vic 375 Muryniskl, Frank 190 Meyers, Donald .. 100 Mackenzie, V L .. 150 Mailfdld, Robert 125 Michels, Arnold .. 150 Michels, Leo 150 Murphy, Elmer .... 1125 Miller. Alfred B .. 1150; May, Edw P 125 McDonald, Hugh . 16^0 Miller, Arthur A • 350 Mauski, Stephen 300 McKim, E O ...... . .. 125 Mraz, James ...... ............... 106 May. John t .... -J'...: 706 MoNeeJy, W C 1260 Miller, Otto E 115 Martin Brtothers *... 800 \£artin, Clinton ....1^,^;;. May, Irvin May, Alfred May. George A .Afav. Steve .......^....i. May. Williaif .. ...dS:^....... frank g 1010 Mauer, B G .... ...4... 1M MrCannon. William 76 S.'rlntee, Margreth ^ 140 .150 •a U.- - 125 Miller, ||300 Miller, 7 .,':V»1761 M&ler, Oscar and Fred • J. 75 Miller, Peter . f-425 Miller, Gerald 90 Miller, Delia It ... ........ * 170 Miller, LeRoy 590 j Miller. Minnie McRoberts 676 Michels. George- 200 j Michels, Frank ' 150 Moeberg, Henry .... 225 Meyers, William J .... ...r 100 Meyers, William F . 140 Meyers, Elmer 690 Mayer, George --- ;;; •. • 1380 Muzzy, F M 125 Morgan, Harriott 125 Miller, George :3 = 330 Matchen, John" ' , 1615 Maidge, Elsie • Malch. Ernest * ; - Marx, Carl 495 AVayer. Ernest ^50 McNilles, Orsen Miller. Jacob P- u..Mini, ,'ygf'- .100 Michel, Clarence 1.. " ; r Martinec. William :... V; Merke.lz, Charles 9° McAnsh, Byron and Flor- •' ence M Foreman i-JSO'Man, Edw fpr!:.75;Meath. William .>100 Milbrandt, Victor ..vl..../.„. #•41(146 May, Richard •>; 325 Neuhart, John J ^ K,ll25 Nathanson, Sam- . ^Ji00 Nelson, Hanna ;V%j250 Nelson, C A ...._. v^..l50 Nagel, Theo . 2»3l50 Noonen, ypy• •••?? f;]-"300 Nelson, Magn«*.,c^'jvlv^4^ ' •/ i 130 Nett, John E 190 Nett, Nick . :..k: 150 Nell, Frank 200 Nielson. Harvey lit 1005 Ntxen, James G ;... 140 Noren. Roy . 150 Nerstad, Herman 150 Nje, Herman F .. • 150 Naughton. James J L150 Osterberg. Ray 150 Obenauf, Martin 1 • 90 Smith,* Fred * w , 150 Smith, Charlie Tn J?"ep - •r --"^v"~^W20i Smith, L«o F ...... .. Paul .. ...............a. \ #125 iStuhlfier. Arthur ... and FTed- . \ 150! Sompel. Henry V ... 1790 1 Stilling, Joseph 1110 Stephenson, Luella 190 , Stilling. Clarenci J ( 1130 Smith. S W 111 Stlliing, George A ^191 Stilling, Arthur I®® (Srftton, Edw R .... Swanson, Albert .-; *40 Shulz, William ' 125 Surth, Anna 1*® Street, Ed E I25 Shadle, Wolf 112 Schueniaker, Jacob B™"* 125 Schein, Earl ....... . , 4f® Sullivan, Patri<^ > /l&O Stains. William . .. '.£1* 150 Stilling. Albert •;"f 140 Shepard. George E 125 Stockholm. Anna 125 Swaye. A W 100 Sawdo, Lee 80 Smith, Sidney j '-••a-" 200 115 980 150 300 May, r»00 Oldsen. Louis 250 Oldsen, Richard L ..... 1955 Oeffling, George 150 Oeffling. Peter 100 Oeffling, WIHiam 100 Oeffling. Alfred 160 Olsen, Olef. C 8 •280 1 Olsen. Ben T _ 925 Oonk, Albert G ' Peyton, Bill 350 . Pajmer, Jr. Hanrey .... . 130 Peterson, Earl R ...i. 125 Pierce, William ,... 150lPavlik. James 190 Preis, Sr. William 700 Peisert, Edw 120 Pfluger, John' B 480 Pefpplng. Albtii . ... . 465 1 Paul, John S 90 Pyritz, Emma ^ 600 Parsell. Cassit J.; 150 piet, Toney 100 Perkins, Jamea ......... 1285 1 Prince, Calvin B ...... 1090 Peschkc, Bernard J .. 300 Peters, August 300 Peters, Florence 100 Petersen, Kenneth 100 Peterson, E G 1650 Peet, Lena 186 Paulson, C Ml .... 100 Pearsen, Gus 100 Pearson. J C .; j 580 Pitzen. Nick 3 650 Pltsen. Louis J 125 Pitzen, John II 175 Pitzen. Michael ........ 125 Miptzen. Paul ..... 120 Pagel, Fred ;.....^ 125 Portway, Mary 100 Pistakee Yacht Club*. 305 Pabst, Mrs F 200 Palmer. F 200 Pepping, Jacob .. 100 Peterson, Bob L ........ 125 Peterson. Boat and Motor 1751 Company 200 Parry. William J 150 Patzke. Paul 300 Pagni. William ................ 200 Peet. Ed . 125 Rudin. Robert 2105 Rourke, Francis T Reding. George M Reinke, Kent Richard. R B ..,4- Rutledge, C M Rzeczkowtki, Martin ...... Ritter, Fred Rekewitch. Joseph 160 Richard, Vera L ... 250 Reid. David 130 Richer, George W 150 Roemiser, Clem H 250 Reeves, lS*ed A 190 Regner, John 200 Regner. Clarence 1190 Rothermel, Joseph 200 Ringa, Mary ........... 2385 Rinbaugh, V L 200 Randel, William 190 Raycraft, Francis 1230 Reed. H B 1320 Reinbold, John J 200 Rochelle, William 325 Repan, A1 H 300 Rosen, John ......... 150 Roynsted, Trygve 4 100 Schaefer. Jr, Micheal ....... 100 Steinle. Jr, Paul 125 Springman, Carl 85 Smith. Joseph 450 Szarek, Walter 2195 Schaefer, Charles M 125 Schmidke, Herman ........ 126 Snyder, Robert , 230 Struve, Dora and Esther 190 Schaefer, Jr. Joseph M ...^ 120 Schmitt, John R 125 Schmitt, Michale ............. Stephen M Louis J ................ Francis . Math Elizabeth .............. Scheubert, GeorgeC"' *00 ; Skidmore, John -J00 Spratt, Sameil . , V Sutton, J B • *00 Sompel, Joseph - Sebastian, Petej- ^ :• - Js0 Schiermang, Anttp ?15 Sellek, M J '2600 Sartwell, W 1 • . . Swansen. Florence '; J:80 Schaefer, Arthur ... £iJM Shieff, M P Surtzer. Russell ,|jf . ^0 Siegel, Robert p0 Steinle, Paul P v...; ' Thelen, Verner V ^5 Thomas, Tommy . . Tonyan. yince .* •V" Thennes, Leonard 125 Tonyan, Henry B . 120 Thelen, Ben J J®® Thelen, Christina . 100 Thelen, John J ><0 Thelen, Arthur .... Thelen, Alfred "I*®® Tonyan, Bernard .. '--^-**20 Tonyan, Elizabeth « e Tony®n. William H .11X Tonyan Silvester .. 1*10 Tood, A M 115 Thompson. F W -- l®5 Thiel, E C . ~rl?® Trill, George' W ' J50 Th^i, JacolT 1»0 Thoihas. Dale W .... "85 Texas Oil Company . Ii95 Tamey, William , !*75 Thompson, Leo ....... l60 Tousen, O C . §05 Thompson, George • 190 Troxell, Walter C .. ! v t80 Thompson, Fred ... 130 Towel, Harry S ........ |00 Viola, John ISO, Vogt, Jr, Robert 5 Vallencourt, Mathilda"!"!! 10 VanDenberg, H 8 |00 Vycital, Harold D . J|50 , Villa Hotel Resort log r„.„ 90 Van Bampus, Albert _. IM Wonder Lake Builder Sup^ V-l'«v ; pijr J25 Walton. Bd» ItOO j Wright, William H 1405 j Welde, G 176 Wallace, R |00 Wright. Clarence ^ZZfOO Watkins. Carl L L 115 j Weingart. Cftiarlos •. |75 | Weingart. Alfred 190; Went. Robert ^ 8151 Ward, Harry ; • 901 Weber. Eva ZZZ. 860 Weber, Henry J 125 >Weber. Gertrude and 125, Henry G 301 Water. Florence 5 Williams^ Emma ... ^ 140 Weber, Joeeph H .... 200 Wiedling, Charles C 6t01 Worts, George .... 1475 Wilson, John P 100 j Wiederick, Jr, Fred Wtr 11&5 ! Walkington, J P 901 Winkel, August 130 1 Weber, Lauretta 18t0 Wirfs, Clem : 140 I Walkington, Ben l5o :Wieser. Anton 125 Woolf, Math 160 Wheelock. Edith 125 Wegner, Bdw .. ISO Weber, Martin 90 WatZo, Anna 150 Wrobelinski, E J 190 Wohlert. Henrv vi. 965 Wall. Ulric 215 Welde, A1 90 Washburn, I 125 ! Wheater, Arthur H 200 'Wejas. Lillian ."..'."J ioiv Wingreen. A W Xt'ilbins. Joseph W 125 White. Ralph 101) 100 lOO 150 130 210 200 100 100 150 200 1261 Welter. Math L . *Wt» Weingart.- Frank 400; Weingart. John i t26; Whiting, Ed E 100 Whiting, Earl L 75 Whiting. Sibre D 1 Wood, 'Susan 6001 Welde, Louis O "•75 , Westfall. G J Westerberg. Ethel H Wike, Anton 4.... Wegner, Marie ...a!,. Whiting, George it : Whiting. W E Young, Leo Young. Williani Young, Clarence Zawaka. Albert i American Insurance Com- 100 {1anv of Newark. N. J. .. 1An Royal Insurance Company Ltd •.... j.' •. • Fire Association Of Philadelphia Auto Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Hanover Fire Insurance Company Great American Insurance Company .v. Insurance Company ot North America National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford .... Fidelity Phenix Fire Insurance Company Commercial Union Fire Insurance Company of New York I**!Queen Insurance Company 1®® of America 160'Aetna Insurance Company 15® American Central latur- 180, ance Company Springfield F and M Insurance Company -- ^ Glens Fblls Insurance Company Northwestern National Insurnnce Company 1*0 American Equitable As- 160• surance 100 Commonwealth InsuraftcO 1210 Company •0, Employers fli Company Fireman's Insurance Company Hartford Fire Insurance Company 3St23£ 300i pa«g 1* Illindb Bell tstelipa 1151 American TiS^Wl Tetophcme UDtfianir Farmer's New Era Telephone Company ... P^lte 9<Rrvlut Qempaay . WesMrm UnfUd* o Btaetric Company Western Union Tel Company r. Natural Gas and Plpeltae Company of America 100 200 640 125 100 125 160 125 1575 100 2160 1656 115 1875 to 90 630 1S5 25 110 100 1961 100 3801 ltt 125 975l 140 J! 150 1800 m its ifet 90 1*6 100 4 200 # 1140. , • b; .S--itJ !4, ; *» ;• * V• - Vl •$ ± f' ' ' 'IF 1 '•*. ^ 66t J: j* ^>"r1 -JL • :> '• j 205 re ^In^ara^ce tSSt-i Keep doughnuts I^hb too jnuch grease by removing thanai' i from hot grease with egg whip. 4141 I , it«ttl . i t itm I . >s d-' 0 n Complete line of Lee's peoWif £ remedies at Wattles Ding 8Uoa» Wafipv * V ' 'ilaunediaie FIRST DAY - ia ibis new two-year PoUo| by Asnerica's No. 1 Accid--< g Company. It pays pease* for each person wfcae'te JHY1111 lis! . . . medical ireauncot by Af(Y sician, osteopath or physioebcraptst, i Kenny treatments if available . . » mal ef iron lung, special apparatus, bncH,rf|C. transportation and ambulance service; Nk eM£* can afford not to have this lew cost innwiiji for 2 years against mankind's most dceadtd disease. Don't delay! KENT & COMPANY i i 115 RIVERSIDE DRIVE McHENRY, ILUNOiai PHONE McHENRY 8 '•II' Joseph S ..... Mrs Christina John N Stephen 125 Schmitt, 100 Schmitt, 100 Schmitt, 1940 Schmitt, 2630 Schmitt. 175 Schmitt, George J 165 Schmidt, William 350 Schmitt, 400 Schmitt, 90 Schmitt. 1200 Schmitt, . 505 i Schmitt, Ben N 500 Schmitt, Joseph N ... 275. Schmitt. Math N 125 Schmitt, Anton M .... 775 Smith, Mike 775! Sales, Leo 1801 Schlitt. William 125! Schweitzer. Carl ...... 120 [Steffens, Al 10751 Schaefer, John P ...... 1251 Schaefer, Math and 80 | Schaefer. Leo 100 J Schaefer. Joseph A ,v 1025 | Schaefer, Peter M .. 1315 ! Schaefer. ^Mike B 315 | Schaefer/ Ren J ...^ 125 ] Schaefer, Mrs Joseph 150 Schaefer, Joseph If . 145 iSchaefer, Ruby M » 175 1 Schroeder, Louis .... 200 | Scherman. Lester T . 150 ! Schmidt. Albert ...... 125 Smith, Arthur 880 S m i t h . J o h n W.. 1460; Smith. A W • 1620 Smith, John 425 Smith, Lonie L v-~- 3300 I Smith. Peter 555 i Smith. S H 1015 Smith. Henry M 380 | Smith, Bernard N ..„ 126 Smith, Fred J £ 190 Smith. Norbert -J ... 200 Smith. Walter M John I desire to annoimce that I will open a gange at 309 WEST ELM STREET ON ROUTES 31 aad 120, McHENRY munuT AUOUS¥ » equipped to do all kinds of automotive repair work All Work Outrantftftri!r, 2& Years' -'•^'-t- *«-^fX; AUTO SERVICE^ ; (George J. Freu

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