Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1949, p. 8

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Knob, who was Interested In the m~---- reception, or lack of it, - which n«no,_i_j £"* T „ f^on>hl!i\mMln<»0Ial°tlM Wis i Allsn Home w,th Mrs mtabuk SJS JlSSTrL^^S: a*rt'» •» i°""'-I:M >-• ! enthusiastic, but authorities found I _, _ SejjMnier * I Mr. McCartney a bit annoying.! Circle 3, W. S. C. S. -- Mrs. Ray Near Oconomowoc, deputies were1 Horenberger home -- 1:10 called out a second time to high- i o'clock. September f Bnrope Irlth eight members of House judiciary committee to dislocation of people in Eurarlslng from war and its after- Principal aim of the study will be to find a way to. .. , , _ the immigration pressure *?y to entangle some 300 cars A» snow INM roK CA*C*B soenrr USTS ATtaaonom om the United 8ute» and Mek ways whoro occupants had become (as- i iMtillatlon of reduclnt the cost to the Amer- cl»«M with the nnasnal caraTan. -""-- lean taxpayer for supporting sev-: ' • --"...... eml million uprooted Europeans.' Bead the Want Ads. •••••••••••••••••••• 9< ONTARIO DmtBeUte tyDER YOUR. WtATHER-SIAl -STORM WINDOWS HOW! Call your Weather-Seal man now and let him show you how Weather-Seal windows and doors will cut your luel bills »Hu winter, and every winter See how little they cost on our easy monthly pay plan FREE ESTIMATE! EASY TERMS! Weather • Seal COMBINATION WINDOWS & SCREENS ;«K WASHINGTON STREET WAI KEUAN. ILL. • • • • • • • # # • • • • Major Speed Chandler has announced that Bernard MacFadden, the 81-year-old physical cultnrlst, may be an added starter in the parachute-jumping contests of the second annual International Air Show at Chicagoland Airport, four miles north of Wheeling, Labor Day weekend. MacFadden, an old j friend of Major Chandler, made . _ _ . I his first jump last week at Dan- Countjr Region ville, N. Y., to prove that "this Auxiliary Officers -- Mcrienry.j idea of growing old Is-a lot of , McHenry Woman s Club -- New J nonsense. I Legion Home. { September 10 j Old-Fashioned Square Dance American Legion Home. I September 16 McHenry Business Men's ation Annual Dinner -- ! Bridge t- 7:30 p.m. September 16 American Legion Auxiliary Meeting -- Legion Home 8 p.m. . ^orchestra as well as with the Chl- September 17 pago Symphony, will provide in- Party,for Legion Carnival ^TorkeM termission entertainment with or- Legion Home. jiginal 'cello imitations describing I TTLA ] {F N »•* MLO L -- _ ^ I Four planes are entered In the first Mnpr^de-down" airplane ever held, one of the flyers j Ray Henry, 46-year-old Iowa farmi er, who files as a hobby an* boasts! that "he never takes a chance." T v.T „ 11„„~7_V°I,""• i six and rellckms It is Henry who flies the Stear- J Kelley. Huntley ]*/ *** of McH.nJ^Ln^ ^n organisations comprising the TOO roan plans s>n which 21-year-old attorney, recently was appointed, b u" who are r«n*«rlng services to o«r Roy Tlit Crides a wing while the,USO chairman - - De CRl,ed UDon - - H0HTLX7 A' If AMID OHi OF COtfKTT U.&O contrlbntlon to the USO, we responsibility to theee miw^ neo-1 recognise this responsibility I n,_ ,t v. /V 1 d. In a larce measure, meet these j Ph.' FJ? » pressing problems. hSme ^ "Through the efforts of Mr. Kel- ! The gix welfare ud f o r McHenry ship is inverted one of the county. The annonncement was tions wil? assure'the vounr^n«on?a! ^WCA, the Salvation Armr, tlV shows sreat su" St' r-oA SS?! forces ^are the YMCA. » Another feature just added to the three-day program to prove 4 that grey hair hi no barrier to •rfrly i•n g thrills is Ennlo Assoc!- one of the country'# leading 'cel- Willte ("Suicide") Jo^es, south T'SO chairman, as the Initial move side Negro who took first prize In1 in launching the state-wide drive the spot-landing contest last year, I for funds to reactivate the USO. will do his spectacular delayed "The president, as well as the jump each day. delaying opening arm#d services, has appealed to his chute until less than three the citizens of the United States hundred feet above ground after UQ aid in reactivation of the USO," jumping at a height of about two I Helfrich said. "The young men m 'e8, ; and women of our armed services There will be fifty-two gates j today are faced with problems available at the airport to avoid without precedent In our military traffic jamming, and spectators! history. The problems of «whhnoliexsnomme. .pil.aMce.s .fo .r r,e creat..i on,- qth-e National Catholic Community Pvl-- anj ,h_ .«.• ami of adequate religious facilities, of Servlc® the Tr>Teler' Aid. the recognition and respect which' • they deserve as the uniformed I Peppermint-Apples force that stands between uneasy! For added flavor when. btidH peace and the terrible destruction! apples, place a stick of .peppermint war. If we are to discharge our. candy in'mor #»« *ool*. f %**• %*'• •••% A,• e e 4'J$Mjk4r:4 e• ~ , . . > j morale, Moiognini, • wjjj |je fully informed of j general welfare and religious t h . lists who h&fi Wn a .<nM : mhat 18 go,nK on 1,1 the alr an^ on 1 needt» ar® beyond the scope of the 11916' and commands a r A P the Rround by a running commen-' military and are the responsibility squadron at Douglas airport. Bol- ^^oounTry's ^st^o^air^how °f CiVi,tan P°PUlatkm- ThrOU*h Boar® ognini. who plays cello reguiarly innoiers ! jwlth Don M< Neill's Breakftfst club September 19 v Talk by Celeste Carlyle on "This Fall's , Wardrobe" -- % p. m. -- Marenpo High School -- Sponsored by McHenry County Home Bureau.' the life of a farm boy who became a World War flyer. This year's show is being given !' as a benefit for the American Can-! cer Society, Illinois division. j Order-your rubbeV fttamps at The | F'lsiiiirlrnli r v , jftfaymate it COMMUNITY . AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 & 31 Telephone 778 OPEN SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS Accessories . .. Seat Covers,.. Fuel Pumps Brake P*x$s .... Beatings .... Rings G&ske Tools . . Ignition Parts . . Generators . . Machine Shop StiiftfM 6. STRACH, Owner MAIL BOXES DAMAGED ; , It was reported to the office of Sheriff Fred C. Bau last weekend that sofiieone had damaged the mail box on the A. L. Stewart farm near Marengo the previous night. Mr. Stewart asserted that mail containing an estimated $1,400 was in the box but was not j disturbed. The money was mostly' j in checks for an organization of | which Mr. Stewart is secretary. A i similar report was made by £. L. 'Reed of Slocum Lake. BUSINESS MEN'S DINNER The McHenry Business Men's Association annual dinner will be held on Thursday evening, Sept. 15, at The Bridge, with tickets selling for $2. A committee has been appointed, members of which will accept reservations and complete plans. More details concerning the dinner will appear in future issues. F O R R E N T SfiRLING •muni Eucmt u£n •»ot«t tiresome bond scmAHQ. Onilhs^ob In one»fhird tho timo. Ask ^tfer demonstrotion. STORM CAUSES FIBE The sudden storm of late Wednesday afternoon was responsible for a fire at Wickliae Bay which was extinguished by the McHenry fire department before much damage had been done. The strong draft caused fire to be pulled through a pipe attached to an oil heater and where the pipe passed through the wall the wood began to burn. WHAT'S NEW ?? your home... . A NEJjr MODEL REXAIR improved mechanically with glamour added •. I ..v;-For additional Health Insurance . . . install a new model Rexair in your home. See . . Rexair . . NAw! before you buy a humidifier, vaporizer, or even a Vacuum cleaner . . . Over 1,500,000 satisfied users! . . For appointment . . C A L L ^ CAltt BARNICKOL Phone McHenry 646-W-2 • . • c r • \ v Oldeago: BA 8-0861 Mofooibd "GLAMOUR BATY** OP PKRSONAL FOFTTAFELIS T r i m . . . s t r o n g - v o i c e d . mellow of tone . . . play* instantly, anywhere at a flip of the cover. Maroon •u metal cabinet. ^easom NMM MM .95 0th#r Models -- #19.95 to 94»Ji Gowtlled The Friendly Store Next Door to Bank - McHenry What more «wdM y«a ask for io a hat? A ligh^ |reight hat designed'for all seasons...its felt la *IM1 lively, and it will keep its good look# 'on}?» l«ng time. Cravenetted for pvoteetMa " showers. Other MaDory lull $7.50 to $10.00 McGEE'S 117 SO. GREEN ST McHENKY Stainless steel can be drawn into wire so fine that one__jjQund will stretch out for 25 miles foe! th* dlffaraoca fa a Mollory * • • * * W f* •' » ' • •' i-r' *'• g'" = Frying Oysters when frying oysters, turn with spoon instead of a fork. By doing this, the skin is not pricked and ."|^© flavor wijl he |n*t. Bailread Fair A towering figure of Paul Bunyan, two stories in height and considered the largest animated figure ever constructed, is the central theme of the Chicago and Northwestern railway's exhibit at the Chicago Railroad fair. Bunyan, built in the proportions of a man 35 feet tall, is able to move his hands, head, eyes. lips, and mouth and converses with visitors, telling tales of his accomplishments. u s e T H E STIRLING SANDER FOR: t fwhin •turtMsg pliiw A |n«*a af PMMNMRf M|Mif wwk f. B. BJORKMAN & SON HARDWARE 1M Blvcrside Brim Phaser McHenry K3 EVERYTHING FOR SCHOOL PENCILS POUNTAIN PENS PAINTS CRAYONS NOTEBOOKS FILLER PAPER RULERS TASUT ERASERS C0MPAS31S PASTE INK P0RTP0U0S SCHOOL BA09 SCISSORg pmiimw iwmi» FOLKS take a look at those bumper* guard grilles -- built as a unit and proof against "locking horns"--and say "Hmmm! Nice!" They sweep their eyes over tapering lenders, with a suggestion of jet power in their after contours--find spy, "That's forme!" _ They eye-meaitre windshields that are 48% bigger and rear windows with 56% more area -- and know without being told they can see the road up closer, both fore and aft; So they say--That1* for me--IP! ^VVhat does it cost me to get this handysized dandy with the roomiest interiors ever found on a Buick Special? JWhat do I pay for high-compression, nigh-pressure Fireball power from a big Buick straight-eight engine?, "What's the tag on that swell Buick ride, with coil springing, extra-wide rims,, seats between the axles and all' that? "And what about Dynaflow Drive -- understand I can have that at extra cost --how muchP" TEN-STRMKEt SPECIAL mii <MMM Fmmtmnmt TWAMC-HANDY SStt • MOM ItOOM FO* THE MONEY • DYNAFLOW OMVE optional at extra cost • MT-UNE STYUNO WeU , sir, die news is good. Plenty good. NON-LOOONQ BUMKK-QUAKD GMLUES • Because this honey's priced well under HMMU STBAIQHT-BGHT your expectations. It's a straight-eight that's priced under a lot of sixes--oVer the years your investment wil! be no more than for any other car. So better not stop with looking. Better price it too -- delivered at your door. Vour Buick dealer will give you the figures, even demonstrate. After which you'll do as others are doing --you'll get a firm order in. EMGME • CON. SMHNGM6 ALL ABOUND . LOW-PRESSURE TIRES ON SAFETY-IMDE RIMS • ORiATER VISIBILITY FORE AND ATT • SELF-LOCKING LUGGAGE UDS • SltADY-RMMNG TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE • THREE SMART MODELS WITH BODY BY USHER 9 W>U* KlY TO Vacs tsWBf --l IWCKirlUMMikM GHEATEI HUM Fan. te HENtT 4. TATLOt. ABC NrtwL *~rr R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES ntOMT STBCIT MeHElOir, XUORMi .... .vi . » ' • ? » .1 . i . . • , . a • •

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