Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1949, p. 4

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•M iipipspilp ! T - V ' --i ~ . • #V- a : '•<$* ^»^St. %:lr „. m; -iv<2<isi«. v'lr^? tK "" "* "« bi\ i% ^ *}* 4 -; 4 , '• \ w? "* .">; 'i l& *\ A * A "" TBI FLAIWD1AM*. *,l ^T^y-H'*-': % - ' 1 r •• <> '^\ ; il3 Ttandar, 8ept«mk»r 1,1#48 FOR SALE--Large lots, with river rights, near Pistakee Lake. George W Reiker. Phone Pistakee 633-J-2. •52-tf FOR SALE -- 1939 Ford-coope in •rood condition. Tel. McHenry 1J1 J. 15 -' i greatnaaiber of "the lava. 11 l21!^Kee!*ikee,S£ mL j* lib which wt paM far before this section ef tlM pa»« ffoee to press »t 10 1'rtsfTr aa WaiModay mornings will be printed. YOUB BEST BET 18 B L A K E Cash -- USED CABS -- Terns '48 Dodge Custom Sedan, low k. mileage - like new. '47 Ford 2-Door Sedan, looks and rans perfect. '47 Boick Boadmaster Sedanette, like a dream. Ford Super DeLuxe SedsUL High quality, low price. Plymouth PeLuxe Coach. Chevrolet 4-Doox Sedan. WH1TBWASH1XO A*? FLY ooirnoL or DAimr~ -- Frank Honkel, phoae Htcltenry 543 J-l. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Residence Vok*. . 44-tf WO*K WANTED -- Prepare your car's finish for winter weather* Simon izing atwyour convenience. Call George Gorauion, McHenry, ;:;\CL. *16 WWJAkMfljTffBtUn «TAv VVloimRTfi '46 COMPLETE TBEfi SEOTlCQB -- Tree Feeding -- Trees SP&ATTNO Weed Coatrol Fly and Mosquito AKDEB80N T&BB BBBVICE 519 Waukegan Rosd - McHenry 724 15-tf WANTED FOR SALS FOR SALE -- 1937 Ford 2 Door. Call McHenrv 412 R. *1« ~ «»* FOB SALE^-- 1948 Crosley station wagon in excellent condition - ^ 4 u»-»r throughout; has 11*0 miles L Va»BBH^^IKU 37 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan, i . . plus . . OTHER MODELS both Can and Trucks > Personally Endorsed and Guaranteed by >Ju:S. BLAKE MOTOB SALES ,, 301 Bast Pearl Street McHenry. Illinois 16 i "new. Come and look at this 'ear; today. Can he seen at 111) Richmond Road or call McHenry 119 R. ' *16| j t on MALE -- Oil burner; black ! fur coat, size 16: girl's coat, size ; j U\ Call Mellenarv 530-J-l. *16 S WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Ahthony Noonati, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- Help injhe hontg with cliildrAt by thfr day wt %oltr. Lois Expert Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed LANCE M. PABXS 605 Crescent Bead McHenry E., Harrison, Ringirood, III. Richmond 688. Phone *15-2 •16 WANTED -- Bafcy sitter for my two children; one child 2 yearsold, other six months. Call at 506 Waukegan road. West McHenry, 111. 16 i FOB PALE -- Klectric. refrigerator SHAaWJUMIA •I HXWS -- LN PEBMANENT 1«." -<A't . t«M«. top rang*O for bottled gas,, homes. Mchenry, mccullom ;,,oth very &<»«<»: 2 beds; LAKE WONDEB LAKE. FARMS, 8er!S living and dining room fur CHOICE LOT8, BESOBT PBOP- ,'lt"r^ «"d BUSINESSES. KMOXi?°V Kmsey. Drivo MISCELLANEOUS ERTY, B O A D. 421-J. miscellaneous articles.} FREE ESTIMATES : luniii ••••••••I -- , ®°> Kinsey. Orchard Drive and 011 all building materials.: TATE. 405 RICHMOND ^»ke View. McCulloiu Lake. I'lionr Call or write -I 1 PHONE McHBNBY 'Mc,,cnr>' •*»<»" R l. Uf.f , FRANK (i.4N8 " $00 Riverside Drive. rfcHcS**^ Tel. 106 W, McHENBY ll tg FOB SALE -- tSix rolls red roofbitv Antiques e'ass china,1w:l" O|, floor Representative of Sears Roebuck SALE--Antiques, ^,s! j , cabinet, 17x70; new recapped tim-; & Co , Wa„ and floor til* roof, hand pump; girl s hiey |ng, garage doors, screeds, wall COMPLETE PIANO SBBVICE -- Ralph L. Clark, piano technician^ Ktorv & Clark pianos; 902 Garfield Road, Harvard, 111. Phone M^Henrv 748 R *16 WANTED TO BUY COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Used Cars Bought and Sold < Phone 778 16 \;n^ji;|Ti,«|iin|Mi |'_ _ film,. 1 el/°^eS ^ 11,18 rl* : ^°R , , silverware, lamps, clocks^ for the family. Forma Is. clothing in good condition.) Open tal>Uv ' dailv until 10 p. in. Sui^ays and ^--_s holidays, 11 h.m. to 6 p. 111. Miscel roB SALE, -r .1947 Diamond. T„ laneous items. Mrs. R. Dietrich. | ^ i ^ ton, iin»d«'l 509. , Has I Terra .Cotta road, Terra Cot-ta Con- ( fjV(> fspced tra'Msinissinn and thhono- jnece kitchen sink; d)iiet|e board, a'td ceiling tile, siding, gut-1 l hone MrHeurv 470 Mv 16 »ers, r ^Kwool, iron railings. Free, delivery. 43-tf: NOO] signment and Resale and Anfc^jiie^-^,,.,] j- _ en,d^ Mi'llenry (larage. Shop. V* mile west Terra Cottaa ,sti^t, McHenry, 111. ] factory which is on Route 31. Crys- ; ]>h,>)u. 40.?, ](> i tal Lake 1346 R-l. 9-tf i _ ~ ' ' ' •• . 1 FOB SALE --- Place your orders u^,, „ou.. (jOHi,]e sink with faucets now for cucumbers and tomatoes ,in(j fittings; garden tools and lawn for canning. (1 S. Lnsign. Tel. mower. Also one electric pump. Mellenry 71-W. l-> - Call after 6 p. m. McHenry 584 M-1. *16 a; CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS ' ; 'Ayiiilable now in any quantity*.•> v-'Vv at the Water Tower ' ; •" ' • in West McHenrv ' FOR SALE - • , --' " VON CONCBETE PRODUCTS OO. 21 inch power mower, Houf> 7 a m. to (5 p> m Phone McHenrv 788-W 4-tf FLOOR" COVERING ' Asphalt, rubber, cork, plastic and wood tile, linoleum, wall tile. Call: *16 McHenry 142-M. 16 FOB SALE -- Cleaned rye seed, if®E ~ Antique chairs and Wi% deliver. Phoae McHenrv 610 ! "ofa,; ,9xlr *««»tsn. rug and pad; t jT ...: "oudoir chairs; radio or fireside 11. 1.. t» washing machine I1L 4-tf FOB SALE -- Magic Chef rauge for bottled gas, 3 months old. Or- p0» hat.B -- (;a8e tractor culti , iginal cost, $224.50. Will sell for v;Uo|. doul(lt. dist% douhle i 4 inch ^ ^ ^on, Phone 888, Woodstock $150.00. E. James Archer, route 1,, p|ow, hay los^er, mower, side de- Wonder Lake, West McHenry. Call i jjvePy rnfc(>; alno household jfoods. evenings after 7 o'clock. *16 j Marsh, Milwaukee Avenue at Bel- FOB SALE -- Bartlett pears. Call! Cil11 Libertyville 637 J 1. MIMEOGBAPH SEBVICB • Typing Mimeographing' • Addressing Prompt Service Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Boute 14 Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. 10-tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC FOB SALE -- Ever-Headv batter- mangle; full size chenille ^ PROBIiENS TO US We can deles for all hearing aids. 11. E. Carl si^ Simmons cotton j ,iver anything from a 8napshot to sen has established a permanent, Sjt l0J",,,Jlrf,,a |l'V1' i large murals, or free hand oil agency in this locality for v hn-li yf . «»"' nea.t-r. bov <« bicycle; j .r0nvln« and framing ke hope. «ll users *ill itken, ) ^f "vi 0al (AMFRAS, PROJECTORS, FII.*S aur Fo? ass S^Sch^; iT I",1r,h !<"1" ""of •"* tr^iSr,MM' Dr'"'«-S HOUSE FOB SALE -- Year 'round HOUSE FoR SALE -- Five rooms, McCullom lake front cottage. 4 ( bath, enclosed'porch. Cabinet kitch rooms, lot 50x125 feet. Take route1basement, furnace heat, 120 to sign "West Shore Beach,", <*,»jt'k* n house, lar-je lot , turn right to private road, turn' 6"*"50, fruit trees. Immediate pos- jtainer. Charge $4. McHenry Xright and go to .hist cottage. E. North Park street, j Ray & Clinical Laboratory, 308 S WATER ANALYSIS--Well water checked for fecal contamination and bacterial content. Specimeu must be transported in sterile con- Plencaer. 16-2 McHcnrv. Phono l.'l.T. •]g 1 Green St.. Phone 291. 3-tl FOB SAI^--Eight-room house with SALE-- John Deere Mode! A 1 GABBAGE COIjLECTING -- Let us one-half acre lot; amazingly low : fr on jul.i). r. with 2-«-ow cul^-! dispose of your garbage each week, price for quick sale. Inquire after tivator; Allis Chalulcrs W. C. start j or oftener if desired. Reasonable 7 p. m. of C. W. Warburtou. Rinc i or- n8ht8' new --bottom John I rates. Regular year round route, wood, 111. *1(i |I>eere plow; new 8 ft. double disc. ! John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc • " M i » J - S h r f d o n j P h o n f G r a v . s l a k " rull SALE -- On route 120 in Me • 7W1, *16-2 Henry township, two-story 7-rooni ' house. Completely furnished. Three r PIANOS --• 40 eneloned porches/ On Henry, Phone 365. tf Miles from High Mci'uIIimii : Prlces--s, 'if,ol da vs. are here again. Lake. 20 fruit treeR; ino ft. grape ! °et .V01,r sl"net Pianos lion Raid arbor; large- tool shed; metal Mln' ^:lWnrlitzer, Lester-Betsy boats; lot, 175 fprt lake front and i Koss- Kiltev- ^»ny bargains to se 240 feet deep; enclosed with heavv j /'"or". C;ish or terms. Call Rlsteel wire fence. Phone McHenrv I £"• 7M0- E. Stark Piano Co. , . 6P8 M1. »]fi I 21 North Union street. Elgin, 111. CABPENTEB WOBK -- Cabmet-s 16-4 I huilt to order; interiof finishing. DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest eash prices paid for cows, horses and Itogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. S; reverse charges. 36 tf L = How Under Now Management~ .K "'TOrylng 'from 6 a.m. to » p.iii. ' HOME COOKED FOOD ^V HQME-MADE PIES AND CAKES v ^ . located at . *. Corner of Front and Main Streets West McHenry, 111. BIBS. ROBERT W. SMITH Manager MANAGER __ WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FTilTZ, BEALTOB, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chieago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf FOR RENT FOB RENT--Johnseon floor waxer, $1 per day. Gamble's/ West McHenry. , 7-t.f FOR RENT--KlfiK'S KOTTAOES AM) KAItlXS, EMERALi) PABK. Crowded? Send your..fri^!. Ifoiisekeejtiug, $15-4^5" weelc. Lnw day rates, floats, "priVate beaches. Phone 661 -M-l. *!.'{ 4 FOR RENT. -- Four furnished rooms. Permanent." Hot. watef, gas, electric. Apply Tliriftway Food St«>fe, Lily.Lake.- f16 WANTED TO BXHT -- 2 bedroom house or apartment. Reasonable rent. Excellent references. McHenry 638-W-l. *ifl Body t e m p e r a t u r e g e n e r a l l y reaches Its highest point at about 7 p. m. More than 7,000 varieties of apples have been recorded In tko United States. HELP WANTED HBLP WANTJ5D Coofc ^t Mi- Place Restaurant, Oreen street,"Vfc Henry. > 12-tf HELP WANTED -- -Girl to help j with general housework, full or part time. Mrs. M. P. Clark, 200 N.! Green street, McHenry. Tel. 728, | 15-tf A* 'm HELP WANTED -- Man to work j around house on Pistakee Bay. Trim • lawns, repair and paint screens and storm sash, put fertilizer around I trees, etc. $1.25 per hour for ex- j perienced man, 3 days a week. Call 781-J. «i6i HELP WANTED -- Women a n*d girls. 200 North Riverside Drive, McHenry, III. 16-tf Ligh^Weigfot and Oinder Btodt Chinmey Blocks -- Septic Blocks ' , Steel Windows -- Water Proofing Fox Lake Concrete Products Hwy. 12 and Railroad Depot ^el. Fox Lake 3742 -- ^ w --* LABOR DAY SPECL 4 i*t HELP WANTED -- Married man, without children, or single man willing to do own cooking; experie n c e d i n d a i r y i n g and g e n e r a l f a r m work. Good salary, pleasant working conditions and permanent vrork. References required. Write Bpx "W," cart- of The Plaindealer, stating age and' past experiertco. A ; personal interview will be. arrunged : pcomptly. ": ' ' * 16-3 HELP WANTED -- Part-time cook* and night dish wasiher. Mi Plac e.' • i r e e n S t r e e t . A l c H e n r v . 1 6 - t f ' 1947 1947 1946 1946 1946 1946 Nash 600 11176 1941 Hudson 4-Door fllW» 1940 Nash 600 $1046 1940 Nash Ambassador . $1146 1939 Ford 2-Door ..... ...... $1046 1987 Ford Coupe .$ 996 1932 ?**«• Dodge Power Wagon c h o o s i 1 Plymouth 8. Wagon Stadebaker 2>Door Studebaker Coupe .... Hada«a, Dodge Ford FOB BENT -- M o d e r n c o t t a g e , sleeps four. $5.00 per dav. Call r»fi..T.o ' T(i BARN SPRAYING, WHITBWASHING AND FLY CONTROL r- Wil liam Alirens, 607 Front street, West McHenry. Phone 148- J.j 4-tf KINSEY * BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - Bemodeling /Cabinet Work For festtniates: Tel. McHenrv 893-J DESK SPACE fOR RENT -- In Wauconda. .-Ideal location. Phone IJert Ruthenberg, Wauconda 3542 After 6 p.m., phone Wauconda i?!>61. *16 2 FOR BENT -- ^Apartment. Attractive, small furnished 1 apartment; modern conveniences; suitable for 1 or. 2 adults. Apply C. F. Martell, Hickory Falls Subdivision, Wonder Lake, one mile north of Handy Pantry on blacktop road. <M6 or Woodstock 1359-W. •16-5 Complete line of Reebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drugstore. ; Henry. , .- Subscribe for The Plaindealer. I FOB BENT--Sleepily room; school «nrl or emnloyed lady: breakfast if desired. 520 West Waukegan road. Tel. McHenry 737-W. 16 Order your rubber Stamps at The Plaindealer. FOR 8ALE -- Two double beds, I --• good mattresses, dresser and chif -•* 8MJE -- 1935 Chevrolet fonier, mahogauy dining table and , condition. $150; also eleesiv chairs, oak" rocker, tall china po"-orn machine. -Tel. Mccabinet, all for $35; white enam.-l i rr"n,;v :uft ' 16 kitchen heater, coal oi wood, $l."i. I Tel. McHenry 674-J-l. •13-4 WANT TO STOP SMOKING? -- > NICO-STOP. Guaranteed. NY1 DRUG STOBE. 12-b Bricklayers Wanted 00DST0CK Good Pay . . for . Oood Men . . for work at Greenwood and Wastwood Schools Telephone Woodctock 1660-W-l Chell & Anderson GENERAL CONTRACTORS • CHICAGO. ILL. Call McHenrv 61H-W-2 *16 i r«K H A L E -- J o b n s - M a n v l l l e Homb i MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING S E R - Insulation, installed by The Wall- VICE--Records installed and main- FOR 8ALE -- One black and four i Co. For estimate call Leo J. • tained. Elmer P. Adams: Certiflsd buff-eolored cocker spariel puppies.1 Stilling. McHenry 18. A. K. C. Telephone Mcl/enrv 613 ' W-l after 6 p. m. q,; FOR S/JLE -- For your 40-tf Fuller . , brushes call Albert Pepplnr. Sr., FOR SALE -- 1036 Packard 120'R-l. McHenry. Phone 676-W-2. 4 door sedan, six brand new tires: 2-tf motor completely overhauled: runs like new; $200.. Cull McIIenrV j 223-M. 1 Modern home. Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S.r 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. v 47-tf WELLS DRILLED OB DRIVEN WATEB SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump.' Bill Baeen, 206 Main Street, McHenrv. Telephone l«k ; 25 tf HELP WANTED--Couple fAr cooking and housekeeping; yenFrouiid. with or without bo:trd and room.! Italian Welf/fre Council. ^sepli j Armonda. Call Pistakee 169. .'*16! USKff CAB SPECIAL THIS WEEK HELP WANTED time work in delicatessen Delicacies, Riverside Drive, Henry. wtl f°Panatry!Extra aUowance on Your Old Car on purchase of New Car Mc- I 16 SITUATION WANTED DOWNS NASH SALE3 SITUATION WANTED -- Young man desires full time position; electric motor repairing and rewinding, etc. Write Box'33, in care of Plaindealer. - 16 LOST ELM STREET PHONE McHENBY 484 -- Also Towing Herrlee -- LOST -- $2"> reward for return of male springer spaniel lost in Wonder Lake area; 4 years old; white with blond tinge; short tail. Answers to name "Spanfyy.'^ Tel. McHenry 345 or 548-J-2. / *16 T DIES OF ASTHMA When Iver R. Johnson, 53, oft Batavia, failed to return home within a reasonable time after a baseball game he attended had! been completed, his wife telejphon-j ed friends to' ask for help. A j searching party found Johnson i dead beside his automobile at the j ball field with an lnhalator in his j hand. Johnson for several years had suffered from asthma and is| believed to have had a severe j attack, which prevented him from crying out for help. i Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 and $i.00. Wattles Drug 8tore. '•«$-« i BIVEBSIDE DRIVE five la rge rooms. ___ i Automatic oil heat. Lot 50x400 WILL SELL SPINET PIANO -- water front. Price $16..><mmiu. in McTIenry for $'JJ>r. cash if taken ; BAST RIVER ROAD - ^ | HAVE YOTJB CESSPOOLS, catch at once. Write Rogers Piauo Co., i 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms. Large living i basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned 530 East Green street, Chanpaigu, room. Tile bath. Lot about % aere. hjr Eddie's Sanitarj' Be*vice. Eddie 111. Phone 8602. * l® • Price $6,500. . Hnff. Pron. Tel. McHerrv 230. 29-tf -r-- :--:--;--r-- -- i WOOSTEB T.A1TT! ! . |OB SALE--Generators, anas tares.Modern 7 room house. Lot 60x160.! BXPBBIENCED farters, .fuel pumps, distributors Price $11,500. |LANDSCAPING--TREE 8UBQBBY tillage regulators and ignition rts \ For appointment, call ! AND BBlffOVAL -- INSURED fcr Pord and all other ears. Seaco JACOB FRITZ jtBAj, E8TATE FREE ESTIMATES ^ Wes I Service, Lilymoor. Fred J. in Johnsburg . . Phones: McHenry' '• ^• BAYCBAFT, P. O. Box 163 Ivoboda, Prop. Tel." McHenry 183. 37. or Chicago. Lincoln 9-1333. 13-tf i pholle E -- W. McHenry, 111. 47-tf 45 tf j FOB SALE -- GROC ERY - DELI 1 I0B 8ALT--TYPEWRITERS, AD- CATEHHEN PACKAGE LIQUOR. VOI R CUT Glass Vases and China KRO MACHINE8. Service on all Fine location. For information, call' Vases can be made into lovely fakes. Also ribbons for all mnV»s; Jacob Fritz in Johnsburg. Phones: lamps- Stop in and let us show earbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clav St. McHenrv 37, or Chicago, Lincoln you how you may have an original Wpodstock. Phone 549.* 7 tf 9 1333. 13 tf lamP- Stilling's Town and Counm?* : -- : ; try Studio, Riverside Drive, Mc 1 Henry. 13-4 WE DO ALL KINDS OF LAMP BE PAIRING. Stilling's Town and Country Studio. Riverside Drive, McHenry. 14-4 AUCTION SALE . . o f . . Will 11» M 1 1 1111 • n M IHII11II H III tn 11 t+t ** 1 Helen Weber Says: "NOW VON'T 8F LATE fOR SCHOOL! Start Their School Year Bright In Freshly DRYCLEANED Clothes] Cloth** for the TouBf S«t muml staad lots of hard vosr. ProXooc th« lit* of jrour cklldrM'a pl*T school , cloth** kr send lng tb*a to a car«ful rlllltr who knows th* **cr*t of j|r*a*viac *"*orubb«d In" play dirt... cloth** wtr veil >fa** th*y ar* cl***: . Si- 1Ukm Mir« ttojr art r»Ur McHenry Gleaners I I I M I M M I I H I I I M I I I I I r,.*A«L. ftU A L.T*.-. C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W ">26 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. CI^ANING--Rugs, 'upholstery an>( carpets cleaned and m >th-proofed in the home. Call Ehredt's Duraclean Co.,«Round L.nke 2223. 5 tf. CLOGGED SEWER1 Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps gleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanltatv Co.. Llbertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf JOIN THE SHUFFLEBOARD Tournament at the Sportsman's Inn. Ice cold, canned and case beer. Package goods to take nut. A1 Phannenstill, Prop. *16-2 MACHINE WORK WANTED -- Also machine rebuilding, lathe. Planer and shaper. Milling and grinding work. McHenry Mills Machine 8hop; McHenrv. Phone 92-R. * " *16 2 S3EPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. Also used pianos for sale. E. Zaboth. Call collect, Lake Zurjeh 3102. * 15-tf ATTENTION, POULTRY RAISERS -- Ready to lav Hy-Line Pullets.' Raised on clean range. Five months old. Genuine profit-making Hy-Line. Available in September. Inquire for details. Booking orders now. Supply limited. McHenry Mills, In«r ^ 1^3 WARNING THt SEW DON'T LET YOUR Custom Blade Venetian Blinds Bedspreads Slipcovers Pillows UJHVFRRER Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices BLAKE MOTOR SALES m*U> 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 490 ' . of V, FRANK O. SPURLINa 510 Waukegan Rood, West McHenry ) » . ^ Sunday, Sept. 4, at 1:30 p. m. Three-piece parlor suite, round dining room table and six chairs, buffet a?d mirror, library table and end tables, rockers, lamps, kitchen table and chairs, kitchen cabinet, kitchen cupboard and ice ^Universal gas stove, table top; three beds, springs and matresses, bed pillows and quilts, heatirg stpve, cook' stove, dressers, antique love ser.t, chifferobe and/wardrobe, pictures, hall trees ancl pedestals, curtains, 9x12 rug and pad, antique carpets, dishes and cooking utensils, lawn mower and r) % • garden tocls, miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. JAMEHinGEm AUCTIONEERS L. WEBER, Clerking Terms: Cash. SALE MODERN BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY Near Intersection of U. S. 31 and 120 Fully Insulated -- Improvements WATBB, -- SBWZB -- OAS -- ELEOTRIO Water Rights leading to Fox River and to Pbtekee Lake ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is not a dead language to us because it ia used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions for your health -- always bring your prescriptions to us. PCYE DRUG STORE tftobgreen Agency 1 PHONE 36 * McHENRY $10,900 and $12,909 E Z Terms JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg Telejfhone McHenry 37 In Chicago Telephone Lincoln 9-1333 " & (

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