Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1949, p. 2

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* ' ' " ' * -• •" " ' " TBI MeBXMtT s ^ „ -- - ~i^-T 4 , Tharsdfcy, September 15, J.949- s* EKRY PLAINDEALER MISS CAROL NELSON MARRIED IN ELGUf Published evorv Thursday at Mc- r«XTTTI? nu e ATTTPnii? Henry, 111., by A." Howard Mosher. : CHURCH SATUKDA* WED IH ATTOUST f ^ditor- -Xdclc Froelilich i A wedding-of interest to rcla- Riverview Camp i tives am! friends in McHenry was To Op*4* SeaHoit the act of May 8, 1879. Om Yeaf - #2.50 •lintcrcd on second class matter at I ~™ " 7""" ;' •Riverview Camp, R. " N. A. Will the postf.ffW .^ MoIK-nry, 111., under solemnized last ening, ^ in the oid Legjon hun on Sept. 10, at the Bethlehem. Luth'.r- !'i'Uesciay evening, Sept. 20, at an church in Elgin, with Rev. which time there will be practice Clarcnce- F. Wittenstrom, pastor, for the county convention, officiating. Palms, ferns, large ^ * * • r v ~ ' baskets of ' flowers and cathedral ' Snttow Family tapers • formed a beautiful sotting Reunion Sunday for the service, which united Miss A reunion of the Sutton family Carol Jean Nelson, daughter of was l\cld last Sunday oil the old Mr.'iMKl JMrs. Carl It Nelson, ancV>in^stcad, now ovvned by Mr. and Mr. Raymond L. Crowfoot, son of Mrs. Jos. J. Sutton. A social the Joseph L. Crowfoots of iSlgin, afternoon and evening were eniTfre -bride's -mother was formerly joyed and a picnic supper served. ; Miss Elsie Wolf of Mcllenry; i ,'The following were in attend- Miss Nelson chose a gown of ance: Robert Larkin of New M>rk traditional white slipper satin. City, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin, ' with an off-the-slioulder neckline Mrs. Lucille Frisch and daughter, and yoke of sheer marquisette. Laure, and John Sutton of Elgin, The long sleeves tapered at .-the.'Miss .Eleanor Larkin of Chicago, I wrists and the full skirt was Miss-Georgianna Donahue of Hunta. id I gracefuHv ijraped, revealing row's 'ley. Mr." "and Mrs, William Sutton ~ .. .. . of May wood, Mr. and Mrs. George SUSTAIN Mrs. Walter J. Frennil, Jr. frranddauehtor Marv • GVaci? at-i of _ lace. Her fingertip veil, edged'-<»- -i-iaywooa, air. ana mi . , 4 ,, -.^anaflauRiui.r, urace.^^ai^. _ iace" fell from a crown of Hoelscher, Miss Genevieve Knox, Before her marriage to Mr.-] tended the wedding of tfrfe, formers perl's :intl ehe carried white Mr/'and Mrs. 'Jj. R. Sutton an<f on "Saturday morning, Aug*. ',- Mi sis 'Georgia'. Lee giati>eiiias and ivy. sonsNjQharles and Thomas, Missi! in St. Peter's church, Volo, thia del, and Raber^. Kllis at 4 o clock y jji?s. Janet Thoronton actfd's?s ShirlejrWsligjf ..Mrs. • Bob Peterson* ^harpiins bridf* was Miss Catherine SundsjL .inr Milburn Cgngre- : m!lid r,r hnT1nr an(1 Chester Kobcl Mrs. ..leanor Nye. Mr, and 'of vbloThe. cottDle will' gational church. ^ rv d „q h maT1 « Jos. J . Sutton, William Sutton,] - ± •j /William", Wicktf ©f;Fajr Oakis | . -'^proximately- 1->(V - grafcsts at- lMr ^hd Airs. M. A. Sutton and- j toafc* •fubdivisbn visited-.friends in Minn: | tended the receptionat the hom<3 stinV R. Jf:. Mrs. John Armstrong fbr the uresentf - ' - ^rrta hist. Sveekr ©f 7 tbe Ride's'rparentK • M'ts. ^Miss Mary Steinbach of Toron-jtbe • evening the couple • left Von a . . v - v : id, Canda, liasbeen visiting 'Mc'--: two weeks' trip through west, FnlPrtains t . p.i . tlenry friends this past 'week.* . 'after which tbey be at honre • K-rtliuJiy j' Mrs. Eleanor Renard and Mrs. \ at 427 E. Chicago street, Elgin. J Miss Carol Glo§son entertained osephine Pearson wbre among the; Both the bride and groom are' friends, at a party honoring her ^7jroT^oTO"~Tfmrlf!ts" who: pradnat^s «f Klirin birrb school vseventh birthday anniversary last spent a recent day seeing Silver and both Inter attended Angustana | B'riday. afternoon at the home of Springs, the nation's sub-aquatic college. They are the hl-r parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph fairyland. . / - a main office of tire Klgin National I Glosuon,: The real anniversary The Alisses riainV~NeR Katn- Watch company!^ ^Crowfoot is j-dat« was Sunday, Sept. 11*. fyn Jackson, Doris Jean Freund a ravv veteran _ , ' K^rer^nd^Ja-a" t Clossou 1^0° And Joanne Freund spent a few i Miss Marie Paprocki spent the ^a^n and A^ nrs Fl .nnor fays last' week at the Dells In!'week end. at her borne in Chicago.: " A<^.ms' E1 " ® Wisconsin; ' v i Mrs. Ollie Gear of Crystal Lake ^ | R". " Mrs John Freund and ; was a weekend, 'guest in the home May, of Mr. :'nd Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Rise Freund is enjoying a trip to Kentucky. • Mlssi Fditb Foster spent Saturday ard Sunday with her family in I i Mr. and t|aughter. Diane, spent the weekend visiting in the Walter Manning home in Oak Park. 1 RTrs. and eMrs. I^eo Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Adams spent Friday at Holy Hill and later vis- .Chicago ited Mr. Iilrrke's-auri'ts. Sister Ildefons and Sister Arcadia, at Campbellsnort. Wi^ - j Mr. and Mrs Albert Rosing, of JJbertyville were Sunday visitors ¥ Mcllenry relattves. > Sunday dinner guests in the Jiome of Mr. and Mrs John Granllth of McCullom Lake' were Mr. Sandra Glosson, Lois Nancy Jtist^n and Patsy Glosson. Observes Hirthday On Sunday, Sept. 11, Joan Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- „ , „ . , , Alfons Adams, celebratetd lier Mrs. Evelyn Hart and children birthdav anniversary by visited friends m Wauwatosa. Wis.. cn(ertaining a few friends at her a f^w davs last week. j home at Fair Oaks subdivision. Mrs. William MeMh s?>ent last I p^ge^ to help her celebrate week visiting Mr. Meath's family were the following guests: Nancy dt New Richmond. Wis. j Caldwell, Jill Siler, Eleanor and • i Marion Springman, Diane and CARP OF TTI.4XKS 'Monica Phalin, Mary Therese and SEPTEMBER BRIDE 'QCkturoli. -nWBEfWVJS? ' St. Mary^a Catholic Church Manses: • , Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8*:00^ First Friday: C:30*und 8:00. Confessions": Saturdays: 3:00 p. in. and 7:00 p. in. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 3:00 p. in. and 7:00 p. m. yi. Msgr. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St. Patrick's Cathoflc ChaNH Masses: Sunday: 8:00, 9:00, tO:^ aad 11:30. Holy Days: 0:30 and 8:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:10. Communion .distributed at 6:30, 7:00, during the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8., Confessions: Saturdays,4:00 to 5:00 p. m, and 1 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on ThurBdays before First Fridays: 4:00 < .to 5:00 p. in. and 7:00 to 8:00 - p. m. •- Eev. .Edward C. Coakl«y, Pa<tor.. Zion Evangellcai LutBeran Church (The Church of the Lutheran Hour) John Bt., x/i block east of Ilwv 3) West Mcllenry, Illinois.L Sunday School: 9 a. m. Sunday Worship Serviee:tM©:lo a. ni. . ». .• • '• . \ You aro cordially incited to attfind our services. 7 For information phone 681-R-l. Clifford Kiclil, Chairman. It. Mrs. Elliott Johnson •o « ^ ^ .. , . »*_•[ In this manner we wisli tn thpnk Julianne Tonyan, Dolores Freund, , , _ , . ... and Mrs,. G: Granath and daughter, re]atjveg friends and neighbors! Carol and Patsy Glosson and Joyce a beautiful garden wedding at Helen, and * r. and . rs. i agnus- ^ f|oraj offerinsrs, spiritual bou-j Adams, all of McHenry? Patty | the home of her parents, Col. and e son" j quefs and cards of symnathv; also Schmitt of Johnsburg; Pamela I Mrs. Herman Lacy, Miss Dorothy.. donors of cars and others for tho ; Walsh of Fox Lake and Joan 1 Mae Lacy becarfie the lovely bride many kindnesses extended in our Holezek and Gail Scliroeder of j 0f iyr Elliott A. Jdhnson of NeAt bereavement. WTe also wish to Chicago. ° , I Hampton, Iowa, on Sunday, Sept. 4. thank the Sisters for their prayers ; Other guests in the Adams home: newlyweds are returning to kel. Rt. Rev Msgr. Nix and Rev. Antioch, Mrs. Ray Walsli and, their (Senior year. , . HilHH.^n««-'nw»wiimmiH;,;:;-.;iiii»MillllimiHlt , Baumbofer for aiT their kindnesses I daughter, Shirley, of Fox Lake, | -r-- Come in today and see our new array of beautiful fall hats in the latest styles- All colors. Elizabeth iPich, Green street. McTTenry. . ". . IS--Soe. page 4 'rnw " *=. o • mm shX)wn in nur recent bereavement. ^r*° an(* Mrs. Louis Schmitt • a-nd i ^axic]j Styl© H0TH6 Th°v v/ere deeply anprpciated. son, J}ale, of Johnsburg, Mr. nntf rpj-jTr STILLING FAMILY i Mi's. Harold Phalin and Mr. and . ' * I Mrs. Otto Bender of McHenry. n The United States is more than 1 twice as densely populated as Rus- ! Isia. " i f* --1F1 R I. - SAT, SEPT 16-17 N a l i n f ^ * S a t u r d a y , 2 : p . m |AI GM's BigT ECMN/COLOR imer tjouda«/^ ^MCffiYROONEt • eiotui Oe H&fEN ^ C o l o n y W»*1IEM1Y, !M.l\OIS Miscellaneous Nuptial Shower A miscellaneous post-nuptial shower was held at the home of Mrs. MagrtQS Nelson 0ne r«teent' evening, honoring Mrs. Harold* Nelson of DeKalb. Co-hoBtess was Mrs. Oscar Prahl. Games provided the evening's diversion, with prizes awarded to Mrs. Leslie Burbank of Crystal Attracts Attention Among the many new permanent residents of this area to become loyal "home town" McHenry folks i3 R. E. Smith, formerly of 129 N. Latrobe Ave., Chicago, whose beautiful ranch style house in Niesen's subdivision,'near Johnsburg, is attracting so much attention. The house i3 47 feet wide on a GO-foot lot. It hai3 a 25-foot living; FRI. - SAT., stPT. 1G-17 « . Bing Crosby Ami Blytfc "TOP 0' THE FORMING" •'©•Feature "OIT OF THE STORM" 8rX. - MOX^ SEPT. 18.19 Matinee Sunday, 2:I>0 p m. like fe^Scadi • SI N. • MO»^ SEPT. 18-19 j Virginia Mayo Eddie Bracken | Ronald Reagan Dona Brake "GIRL FROM J03ES BEACH" World News and Cartoon Lake and Mrs. E. Larson of Hinck- : room, kitchen, two bedrooms an<j ley. After the honored gHest i bathroom. One may peek through opened her many lovely gifts, a nle attractive picture wtnfiO"vrs and smorgasbord supper was served. | ge2 a ^ge fireplace whielt gkkta-1^ Guests were Mrs. Irving Gun-1.. . „ . , derson of Leland, Mrs. E. LarKon i to. ines3 of tihe room. "Rie ston? and Mrs. F. Kline of Hinckley,! trimmed tront entrance is dxcepf Mrs. E. Hartman of DeKalb, Mrs. j tonally pretty, as is the canopy? G. Granath of Harvey, Mrs. N.1 covered back entrance. The final Pearson, Mrs. L. Burbank, Mrs. j touch of beauty is in the asbestos M- King; Jr., and Mrs. N. Seaquist, j shingle siding of i-now white, tho all 0t Crystal Lake Mrs. E. Borge- j roof of biue and the big yellow -- Mrs, O " I TIES. . WEB^ SEPT. 20-21 i • « • I . •--la Color i Pat O'Brien Robert Ryan STARTS TUESDAY, SEPT. 20th I,ean Barbara Hale PETER GODFREY "BOY WITH GREEN HAIR" son of Hebron, Mrs. O. Pearson of Richmond, Mrs. J. Oxtoby of Hartland, Mrs. E. Octoby of Ringwood, Mrs. J. Granath of McCullom Lake, Mrs. P. W. Freund and Mrs. W. Glosson of McHenry, Mrs.1 welcomed as permanent residen G. Nystrom of Burton's Bridge Gf our community. and Mrs. M. Ogren of Moorehead, Minn. I'nable to attend were Mrs. G. Oldack, Mrs. Leo Badali, the Misses Patsy and Bonnie Badali, Mrs. H. Nelson and Mrs. B. Harwood of Crystal Lake. .STARTING THI RS. VOR 3 DAYS jBurt Lancaster Paul Henreld Cland* Rains ' Peler Lorre | Suzanne Benaud I '•ROPE OF SAND' cflhimney. - Such people as R. E. Smith an# his family, with such fine looking and comfortable homes, are indeed Ap® Guards of TradiHsfl Declining on Gibraitar Gnnilerson-Nelson Vows Are Told Friends have learn^d-of the marriage on Aug- 6 at ihe Bethany Lutheran church in Leland of Miss, , , , . . . Frunces Gunderson, daughter of' ,ha t ve been numbers of Only a thin simian line holds strategic Gibraltar for Britain these days, or so tradition has it. , The legend re that "when the apes go, ,the British go, too," and the celebrated Barbary apes that inhabit the famous 1,330-foot Rock GEKftLAKE Box Office Opens 7:15 Shows at Dusk WED. - THUK. • FRI. . SAT., SEPT. 14-15-13-ir JUDY GARLAND- VAN JOHNSON "IN THE GOOD ^&V- ' OLD SUMMERTIMT 't; V TECHNICOLOR # ^ i in> i iiimiT-nrMmwi---iiinmnmii[-iiiii m miowwi i nn SUif. - MON. - TUES., SEPT. 18-19-20 Sffoufe ... C®^l|«^,BROTHERS IN TECHNICOLOR FROM WARNER BROS. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gunderson of Leland, and Mr. Harold Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of McHenry. Rev. Walter Carlson officiated at the 3 'o'clock nuptial service. Following a wedding trip to Boston and other points of interest in the East, the couple returned! t o make t h e i r home i n an a p a r t - j ment at 703 South Third street, De- Kolb_ * ' Mrs. Nelson is a graduate of: Hinckley high school and Copley | H o s p i t a l S c h o o l of N u r s i n g i n j Aurora. The bridegroom, a gradu-1 a l e of t h e , M c H e n r y h i g h s c h o o l j s e r v e d as c h i e f p e t t y o f f i c e r i n t h e j nrivv during the war. He attended j Northern Illinois State Teachers I college and Is now employed as a j medical technician at St. Mary's hospital in DeKalb. • ~ y • • * Cl-ih Met At Legion Home The new Legion Home wa* the -cene of the first meeting of the fall ^season of the McHenry Woman's Club. Mrs. Lillian Cox was ' hairman of the committee in charge, including Mrs. Burton French, Mrs. Henry Freund. Mrs. William Green, Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. A. I. Froehlicli, Mrs- Herman Scholle and Mrs. C. W. Klontz and Mrs. Wallbaum. ' An American Airlines representative wa? present to show a moat interesting movie on "Two Weeks to Play." The musical portion of the program was furnished by Mrs. Harry Barr, whose two numbers were popular with the audience. late. Gibraltar's apes, the only members of the monkey family living wild in all Europe, have roamed the cactus-covered upper reaches of the Rock for centuries--perh.ips since Roman times, notes the National Geographic society. Numbering 100 or more early in the 19th century, tliey have dwindled alarmingly close to the disappearing point several times since. The British, however, are- very conscious of ths legend prophecy and each time the'size of the ape colony has fallen too low, they, have arranged to reinforce this unique garrison. Most of the few apes at large on the Rock today are replacements brought in from Africa after World War *11. Gibraltar in wartime was a bristling military citadel wht^re j monkeys on the loose could cause untimely confusion and serious damage. As the war clouds gathered, captivity became the lot of the "Gib" apes that had been free. The powerful, tailless creatures are not actually ap,es at all. They are macaques. The size of a big Airedale, they are Gibraltar's only wild animal. They are common to the forests of Barbary, south across the Strail of Gibraltar- in northwest Africa.. Community Metbedist Church -Church fvhool: 9;3Q.' " Morning Worship: 10:45. Junior Lctcgue: 7 p. bi. Official board meeting on aeeond Wednesday of month ut 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to you and your family to come and worship with us. Wayne B. Price, Pfcstor. . Ctfrlftt For Mcllenry McHenry Bible Church 103 S. (ircCH Street (Pries Bid*.) Sunday Bible School, 10 A.m. Sunday Wor&hfp, U a. to. «, Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Wednesday at 8 p. m., "Prayer, Pr.aise and Power." You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Chudrch, P. O. Box 232 McHenry, Phone 52-W 8t, John'» Catholic Chnfch 'Johnsburg Masses: Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 and lUOOrr-. Holy Days: 7:0® and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 6:95 and 8:00. Confessions:. Saturdays: 7.30 to 8 q,nd 2:30 to 3. ThuiW«y before First Friday-- 2:^ and 7:3tf. I: m Joseph M. Blitsch. St Peter's Ca'hoHe Church, Spring drove Mafeses: Sunday--8:00, 10:00 and 11:90b Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Rev. Jefen L. Daleiden, Paatot. Christ The King Missioit Wonder Lake Mataes: 1 Shinday; 9:00 arid 10:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:00.-- Confessions: Sunday: Before each mass. Holy Days: 6:15 and 7:00 to 8:00 Eev. ftdward C. Coaklcy, Paster. Gospel Center Wonder Center, Wonder &SM (Nonseetariftn) Services: Snrtdliy Bible School: 10f:00 *. Morning Worship: 11:00 a., m. » Suaday Evening Service: 7:45 P-A. Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:^0 p. m NAME WAYNE SAOOA^ AS 80PERINTENDENT . FOR PUBLIC SERVICE , Public Service Company at Northern Illinois on Monday aAnounced the appointment of Wayne Saggars as district superintendent for the CryBtal Lake area to suo'w ceed the late A. J. Mitchell. " Saggers, *who resides at 105* Brink Street, has been engaged in the utility business during his ert.<- tire business life. A native of Sparland, 111-, he began his career ia the operating department of the' North Shore Electric Company, a predecessor of Public Service Company. He became associated with Public Service in 1911 whc$ the two companies were merged. He was named chief clerk of th«» engineering department of Public Service in 1916 and in 1927 he be* came employment supervisor fof the company. Since 1929 he hal served as assistant to the manager. of industrial relations, with headquarters in Chicago. Widely known in northern Illinois utility circles because of hie" industrial relations work with Public Service, Saggers has been 8 resideht of Crystal Lake for the^ past year and one-half, moving ttr this area from Evanston in the spring of 1948. ' Saggers has been active In organizations outside of his business, having served in 1939 as president of the Chicago Business Men'f Orchestra. 'AMERICAN BANKING IN ACTION .w.- '-rm&f.'t : "Government lending::: is a one-way the socialized staftm" IYANSWOOLUN.JIL ". PrMidMf AMkidNM Knights of Columbus Notef We had a very good meeting ladt week. Over forty members werirj, present. Very interesting too. Lect. "Ge-ne" Dobyns announced the word is officially out--October 12th is going to Ire the big nig'ht. That's the night of our big Columbus Day celebration and dance aft Nell's. He hopes to have a big crowd on h^nd. What do yoa say we back him up boys? Adv. Leroy Weter reported good "It Is m fundamental wrong lb society for the Government to lend money that belongs to taxpayers, or to abuse their credit. Chartered banking has been and is aware of the social responsibilities involved in money lending, and it fulfilling the need for credit with those ^ responsibilities kept foremost in mind/'Sf SIS McHENRY STATE BANlC^ Member Federal Reserve System f n ' • Meanbev Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation J Methodist Cfearcb Notes RlN^WOto SrtJNSHIKB GIRLS OKE OP Km • 4-H CLUBS IN STATE Having just helped the Northern sub-district Methodist Youth pub- inodel at the state fair. Darleifeb licity < Family Communion ami Breakfast i ^erSer« progress being made towards our ! ll(;lty chairman, Raymond Iloren- Andreas and Charlotte Hogan. ai^| two girls were alternates, Audrey' to be held Sunday, Oct. 9th at St. Peter'3 in Stpring Grove. It should be well attended. Bro. Eugene Fra?t, in charge of Athletics said the bowling league is almost complete. He needs a few more bowlers, and if you are interested get in touch with him now as the boys expect to start the ball rolling next Tuesday night. PGK Clarence Martin has his committee ready to start their membership drive. He hopos to add at least fifty names to our membership list, and he can do it, too. Just give him a chance. He needs your help thougli. Do you know of a good (prospect? If you do, tell him about it. • PGK Clarence Anglese's plans for our new club rooms are shaping up wonderfully. Have you seen the rooms? Better 6ome up sometime and look them over, you will be surprised. Sure missed those cigars Ins. G. Eugene Freund forgik to bring to the last meeting. One week from tonight will be TABLE CONFERENCE night. All members are invited to attend. You will find these meetings very interesting and well worth attending. Many new ideas for the benefit of the Knights in our area will be introduced. Your support is very essential to the success of the program and in order to achieve this goal, it will be necessary that the organization as a whole,co-ope rate. Better make it a "must" and come <o the meeting Thursday night, September 22nd. Jr., run off the M.Y.F. paper, "The Northern Light." it leaves me guessing just a bit as to the contents of my own column *fOr the week. Things are beginning to happen around here again. This week the Official Board and The W.S.C.S- will meet on Wed- Andreas &nid touise* Hunt. To & this, tho ttfo who modeled ire: chosen^ outstanding bringing homii more glory to the club. ° A great amount of work wee into their local achievements and , . . ... because of the effort Lvca'f nesday and Thursday respectively„. |i ^Aecnhlieevveemmeenntt ' nAaayv wWaiws oonnee oofr rttntemost successful ever held. A lar( The Cherub and Junior memberB will rehearse on Thursday afternoon at 3:15 p. m., under the direction of Mrs. Harry Barr and Mrs. Donald Barger. The society circles have met this week. Circle 3 met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Raymond Horenberger. Circle 1 met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Eggert and Circle 4 met, this Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Leslie Olsen. , Several people have been asking what is happening in the parsonage project, knowing that plans crowd was in attendance td s<W and enjoy the demonstrations, hibits, style revue and skits. Two of the girls were further distinguished for their 4-H work. Charlotte Hogan was elected prewfr dent of the McHenry County 4tH Federation and Audrey Andreas was elected second alternate to attend East Bay State Leadership camp at Bloomington. The club may well feel that it has experienced a most happy an4 euccessful year- Not resting ott! were put out for bid guring the past laurels' however, members are last of July. It seems wise to re- looking forward to an even bigger port that after the majority of and better fijjfir in 1950. the btds were in and opened it r seemed that the cost was still IN APPRECIATION above what the trustees and fl- I wish to take this opportunity nance committee felt could be fl-j to publicly thank the Blessed nanced. Therefore, they have se- , Mother for favors granted. lected another plan that is better suited to the completing of living quarters for the parsonage family on the first floor and with a second story that can be completed at a later date. CMF. Cranberry bogs are regularly These plans will1 flooded as a control for oertabi be let out to bid In the very near future and then a congregational meeting will be called, at which time the choice between the two plans will be made- At the same meeting the resolution will be voted on as to the incorporation of the Church in order that the trustees may borrow the money needed to complete the financing of the building. injurious insects. COMING EVENTS September IS McHenry Business Men's Association Annual Dinner -- T h e III* | Brid«g e -- 7:30 !p*•. m, Bring the family with you to Sun- McHenry Community P. T. A. day School and Worship Services. Thtfre is a place and a welcome for everyone. JPRANK W. ANDERSON, Pastor. Ringwood Church Ringwood, 111. Sunday: Public Worship, 9:30. Church School: 10:20. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening, Rev. Charles Stevens, Pastor. Read the Want Ada. St. Joseph's Chircl Richmond, Illinois Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00_ 11:30 D. S. T. Fr. Frank J. Miller, pastor. and St. Ann's Episcopal Holy Communion and Sermon: 11:00 a. m. Church located three miles out on Dean street, Woodstock. Rotation of Tires Extra low pressure tires* must be regularly rotated and regularly checked for correct air pressure. Like all other pneumatic tires, they should be rotated every 3,000 to 4,000 miles by this formula: spare to right rear, right rear to left front, left front to left rear, left rear to right front, and righl front to spare. Thus the wear on all tires is equalized and tire mileage is kept below vehicle mileage. For example, if all five tires are rotated at 3,000-mile intervals, . they will sha^r only 12,000 miles ol wear after the vehicle has beer driven 15,000 miles. "i . Plant Diseases v Prevention and cdntrol of plant dis cases can be done with bordeaux mixture, fixed copper, carbonates, Viable sulfur or sulfur dust. Follow directions for any compound yon buy. Measuring Sfora , Grease your measuring spoon cup with margarine before measuring molasses, honey, or syrup. You will find that the sticky, liquids pour more easily. 'Bead the Want Ada. Meeting -- 8 p. m. -- High School C.. I). of A. Social Meeting -- K. of C. Hall. September 16 American Legion Auxiliary Board Meeting -- Legion Home •-- 8 p.m. , September 17 Party for Legion Carnival Workers --*r Legion Home. September 19 Talk by Celeste Carlyie on "TWa Fall's Wardrobe" -- 2 p. m. Marengo High School -- Sponsored by McHenry County Home Bureau. September 23-24 Rummage Sale -- International Harvester Company Building -- Sponsored by O. EI S. September 20 Riverview Camp, R. N. A.--Meeting in Old Legion Hall.' October 8 Public Party -- St. Mary's-StPatrick's School Hall -- Sponsored ! by C. D. of A. October 15 St. Mary's-St.Patrick's School Hall--Sponsored by P. T. A. November 7 Second Annual Football Banquet -- Sponsored by Wonder Lake Area Kiwanls Club. November 18- Dedication of New Legion Home. Timber Supply Of over 1.7 trillion bcJard feet of saw timber in the nation, only about two thirds could be cut profitably under present conditions, according to a Twenti< f'und report. Twentieth Century First V. S. Coin First American coin was a onecent piece minted in 1787. It had 13 links representing the 13 original states. Boulder, Colo., owns a glacier, from which it gets its water supply. 4 Sixe of Illinois * Illinois has an area of 56,663 square miles, its north-south length being about 385 miles and MS maximum width about ill miles. , NOTICE The Pine Tree Tower will he closed every Monday, all day, tie* ginning Sept- 19. Otherwise opon every day as usual. •IS. Feathers are so popular thhi autumn season. We have some very smart models that you will want to be sure and see. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 18--Soc. page BLAKE MOTOR SALES m*ur. j&euam HERTS heavy, lumiowlo* of everything in it more npr ... more eggi... extra atrpa la processing... longer-laMing taste «ari4fae» tioo, and remember ... hack of it are tfca years of accumulated (kill and riprrUnf of Lntck Scaliest experts. It's N» $0*4 n Mittl Try It H»wl AVAMAMS M • French CHOCOtATI • Math STRAWMRIIY • • frMKh VANR1A In new, iMnrtty d»il»nil plnl ceMMhwr. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY. n i.njrttg

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