Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1949, p. 3

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***** \R^ -V- * •Milium nn nM*nn Wonder Lake I P 111II lil I H III* 4 11 I 111 1 1 t (Vy Vanessa 8dhY terns friii laitelhtfoi • An impressive ceremony markthe Installation of each set of |*V officers for the Legion and its Auxiliary as each group took their SOLEMN TOWS of obligation on Satrday evening in the Legion "ome. • Bud McMahon, retiring commanfr, presided during the first part Of the ceremonies, later turning 6ter his place to Gradelle Proper, reding head of the Auxiliary. Still Sttor the new officers, John Widen and Marian Cannon, presided .during the final part of- the cere- Atonies. The installing officer foK^Hhe Auxiliary was Mrs. Rose Arp of Hebron, assisted rby "Mrs. Laur* Steffen, also of Hebron, as assistant sergeant-at-arms. The new officers for the Auxiliary are( besides Mrs. Cannon, Jay Hansen, lft vice-president; Marion Rusecond vice-president; Gra- Proper, secretary; Evelyn Gallup, treasurer; Margel Troxell, chaplain; Gertrude Nielsen, •ergeant-at-arms; Clara Riete- VIUCD i 1st v Wuvme9' sel, assistant sergeant-at-arms; and Alice Murdock, assistant secretary. Virginia James, historian, will be installed at a later date. American Legion The officers of the American Legion, besides Commander Widen, are Carl Cihos, vice-commander; Theodore Rietesel, adjutant; Paul Murdoch, finance officer; Orville Tronsen, chaplain; Kenneth Proper, sergeant-at-arms; Marcio Demores, historian; Maltha Nielsen, second vice-commander; Richard Ruzicka, assistant finance officer. Mrs! Cannon paid tribute to the trials which had beset Mrs. Proper in attempting to get a new Auxiliary started. Mrs. Proper, in turn, thanked her husbarfd for his assistance an<| her dad, Roy Weidleman, for his^ Support. Both these gentlemen and Ed Cannon, Mrs. Cannon's husband, were introduced. The installing officers of the Lei gion were Lester Siedschlag, sen- I ior vice-commander of the Eleventh district, and William Green, com- ' mander of the McHenry post, servjing as installing sergeant-at-armS. Past Commander Rudy Burg of Algonquin, past j coulity coipmander, told of the national convention which tie and • Mr. Siedschlag had attended .andi related how proud he is of Mc- I Henry county. He said that Mc- | Henry county, with 2,595 members • of Legion posts, has 60 per cent ; its potential, members^ enroHed and only two other counties inibrations this month. I{arry, Jr.,] Roy Noren Sr. and Wayne Sart- Illinols have Higher percentages will be 9 years old on the eigh- well were among those who saw but both have smaller member- teenth; John will be fifteen on! the Chicago Bears J'ootball team ship. He mentioned Dick Von the twenty-fifth; and Lyle will be; whip the New York Giants on Sat- Bampus, now of Oregon, who had i li on»the thirtieth. Mrs. David-jurday Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Pierbeen a member of his post in Al- | son and Harry, Jr., were in Wi- son and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murgonquin and later of the Wonder chita, Kas., this week to register j doch, Sr., all of Chicago, were Lake post and said that Dick had j the little boy in a special school present at the Legion and Auxilmade his interest strong in the | there He will be notified in the iary installation to watch their baby post which shares its first. near future when the school is children, Alice and Paul Murdoch birthday with the post at Union. - Also brought forward and introduced were Mr. and Mrs. William Vanderstraeten. parents" of ready to receive him. Lose Intent Sen Jr., installed as officers in the two organizations Roy Weidleman of Chicago saw his daughter, Mrs. __ Our deepest sympathy to young (Gradelle Proper,^ step down from Robert Vanderstraeten, "for whom,Mr- and Mrs. Walter Clausen Jr. i the presidency of the Auxiliary, the post was named ' °n the loss of their new born son J Mr. Weidleman, is a Legionnaire, / Other distinguished guests pres-: on Monday, Sept. 12, 194#, live 1 a member of a Harvey post ent were Mrs. Duff of Harvard,! hours after he was born. Services i There were eighteen dinner guests Auxiliary district president; Mrs.' i an<^ burial were in Peoria. The , at the home of "Bud" Elbersen on Imie Chesick of Huntley, past: Clausens occupy the house owned . Sunday to help him celebrate his county president; Mrs. William | by Mr an£ Mrs. Tom Langston. | twenty-ninth birthday Small Green of McHenry, new county i Visitors last week,., at the home | ^ar^e Celebrates her sixth president; Mjt^s. EAdie Meath, cres-! of Mr. and Mrs. John Faxel of I birthday on Sept. 16....*... ident of the McHenry unit; Mrs. Hickory Falls were Miss Eleanor| Gospel Center News Clara Scholz of Hebron, and Faxel of Chicago and Mrs. Rose i . ^ . _ • others. iKolar of Cicero. Miss Faxel only | V, ?nday> Se?VlithA, M!m One of this year's most exciting ! recently returned from a trip to I ™ vacations was that spent by Mr. Montreal and Quebec. Canada, andj®} lock Mis^7»rin ^e and Mrs. Orville Tronsen. Sr . and stopped for a Veek's visit at her " their daughter. Orva An entire brother's home beforfe returning | ot summer Lodge fished and boated and browned, j birthday of her niece and name , They went to the Wisconsin resort sake- young Eleanor Faxel, whose; e I^ncJ?„s„.thr°llghout ?®Aand the latter part of May and just got j natal day was Sept. 4 back last week to put Orva into her seventh grade class. The lake there has four islands. er was spent at Sunday Lake i to Chicago. Whileln "wondeV Lake truly Minocqua Wis where they Ishe enjoyed a celebration for the 1 ou ,.y voice is often heard birthday of h.r niece M Mm.- I °ver. «b« radl°. <" «" ?">'« THE GOSPEL CENTER , of WONDER LAKE . v Extends a cordial invitation to friends and neighbors to come and hear one of the truly outstanding Gospel Singers of our day. • * ; MISS WINIFRED LAfiSON . of Chicago $ SUNDAY MORNING, SEPT. 18th, at 11 o'clock Other Services at 10 A. M. -- Sunday School and at 7:45 P. M. -- Evening Gospel Service. Mrs. Frances Swanson-Blomberg Rvla«aa °' Belvidere, accompanist, will be 8 > ,|at the piano. We believe this rpan, .Marius Hansen 4n4 offers an extraordinary opportuni- . Al "ScRinike are on a fishing trip ; ty to our friends and. neighbors in the largest about four acres in this week to Kirk.g Lod t E1yf ithis area to enjoy a real treat of Size, and the smallest a little fel-, ^ near the .Canadian border.' 2°,Sl>el TfiC Tbe pa8tor wlU 1.1 V*™ /l ^ ! L°ok out Ash! That's an impres- :brin* a brief message. ,i°^ Isive trio of" anglers ...Mr. and Mtore than twenty-five people many deer for an inquiring^little Mr8 jame8 Widen have moved from the Midwest Bible church of K f?me ^ fawns; from Woodstock to the Jeske j Chicago attended morning serv- • k' ^ jar:v °nCu house in Shore Hills. Jimmie is I ice at the Center last Sunday, with two cubs, wandered through attending a special Kroger school j Sept. 11. They and some Wonder the area smd obligingly stepped be-! in Wisconsin this week/taking a JLake people were dinner guests fore the Tronsen camera; and the , refresher course in meat cutting at the Boessel home in Indian little Izaak Walton god saw to it Mrs Freda Hoefler wa8 medfcal -- - - that Orva got the largest bass tient t the Wood8tock hospital from her lodge, a 4-pound fellow ,ast week for 8evera, da * now bemg mounted for future iHarry Hampton underwent sur- -^ntemplation. J at the Wo0dstock hospital Tronsen. Sr.. left foj New York ; on Monday of thls week F The Wonder Lake Woman's Club will have its Blue Cross booth in Jervis' store on Sept. 16, 17, and 18, if contemplation. Tronsen, Sr., on a business trip on Sept. 10. It's a Boy! DISS IN FALL Henry J. Morltx, 38, well known farmer of Seneca township, died last week from injuries received in a fall from a load of corn bundles. Death was attributed to a broken neck. Morits, who farmed with his brother, Louis, and his sister, Dora, had been filling silo and had just come in from the field with a load of corn bundles. It was while unloading that he is believed to have lost his balance when a binder on one of the bundles broke- He fell to the ground, a distance of seven feet, where he was found. Farm Animals •ttamin A deficiency may lead to blindness in farm animals. HEW THEATRE Wauconda will soon have a new, up-to-date theatre. This comes as' ^excellent news to lovers, of thej motion pictures, and equity as im-! portant to those who have staked i their all in the future development1 ! and progress of that community. In fact, news of this new enterprise I takes the spotlight along with such I outstanding events as the opening i of the new Wauconda National j Bank slightly more than a year ago. The new theatre will be locat-' ed at the corner of Route 176 and! Mill streeVin Wauconda West subdivision. To be known as "The, Elm," the\new business enterprise i is being handled by the--Elm; Theatre Corp. j STOMACH nncn An 18-month-old Joliet girl was Impaled on a chisel which pierced. her stomach, liver and gall bladder last week. The child. Joan Aries* Weber, was, freed of the 12-Inch tool in an operation taking more than three hours. Surgeons had to remove her gall bladder, but said she had good chance of recovering "barring complications." She was given one blood trans* fusion. Joan was quiet all the time the chisel was in her, but began to cry after it was removed. Doctors said this was a good sign. " • 5 Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug store, M» Henry. 8-tf "SPEEDY". by McHENRY GARAGE MA! MHArSHB KNOWS ABOUT CARTD FtTON A PIN POMT* fOCOOlA HAVB TDSTVtP -me MARS .PORTO ' FIX TROUBLE, DOPEY! AND POR TROUBLE, TBHrErRreER F SMT A PLACE TO TAKE YOUR FOC _ CAR M TROUBLE? CAR ID NICK MILLER'S *HENRY GAftAGf WHIM IT'S TROUBLING J 604 FRONT STRET Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 A son, Roger Gottfried Libera-1 it rains; otherwise they plan to • tore,/was bom to Mr. and Mrs.1 have members of their organiza- | Anthony Liberatore of Shore Hills • tion in a booth near Milbrandt's and Chicago on Wednesday, Sept. j Patricia Cristy, daughter of Mr. 7. The young man who is the and Mrs. Jay Cristy and WiUiatn first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. j Wight of Milwaukee have just tak- • Zimmerlin and a nephew of Mr. | en out a license to wed. Pat is and Mrs. Erik Marks, weighted 7 j the pretty thing who helps her I lbs. 10 ozs., and has a little sis-1 dad deliver the mail along our ter, Judy, to welcome him. Judy Route 1, Ringwood.... Mr. and ! is 5 years old. Also proud is > Mrs. Chuck James attended a lAdele Marks, Roger's cousin. | family reunion in Chicago on Sat- The Harry Davidson household' urday Dr. and Mrs. Watkins is busy planning birthday cele- are away on vacation Ridge. Mrs. Herbert Raedeke and Mrs. Einer Cornfield Bang at the service. The annual Sunday School Rally is scheduled to be held on Sunday morning, Sept. 25. It will be a combined service of church and Sunday School, beginuiog^&L 10;30 a. m. standard time| Meter Fatalities Motor vehicles killed 8,500 farm residents in 1948 and injured Ml;- 000 more. "King-Ret" Buying clean seed raised In disease- tree fields is good protection against "ring-rot" disease in potatoes. \ 'ATCHED against die field, those figuresf make hews. Matched against what they cover--they're an -- urgent hint for instant action. ------ --Because that stim puts in your garage-* STYLE that's as fresh as a dew-laden daisy, from those brand-new non-locking bumper-guard • grilles to the double-bull's-eye taillights. SIZE that's mighty handy in traffic, a real relief -- In modest-size garages, parking. ROOM that rates right up at the top--with inches added to all rear seat cushions, a full foot more hiproom in 4-door Sedans. POWER that is lively, frugal, ever-thrilling because it come*from a h igh-compression, highpressure Fireball straight-eight. A RIDE we'll put against anything else you can find, regardless of price -- soft, pillowy, gentle. We call it matchless because we think you will too. HANDLING? Well, this price is the price oa ft Buick SPECIAL with finger-flick Synchro-Mesli transmission -- as light and easy as you'll find" nn any non-automatic-drive car. But a few more dollars per month will also give you the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive' -- the soft, easy, restful drive the very biggest Buicks boast. j Figure it out. Check things up. Look this picwonderful aid in- ture over, then-- Go learn more from your Buick dealer. Sure as sunrise, you'll make up your mind to buy this one. sreeiaPf0". LOCAL DELIVERED MKIS This stunning, frmsh-linod Buick 3 -passmngor Coupm, only. . . SiX'patsongmr 2-door Smdanmt (not shown) only Roomy 6-pat' songor 4-door Sedan (notshown) only 4 State and local faxes extra. Prices subject to change without notice. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due to shipping charges. S194D.CI .62 > b HENRY I. TAYLO*. ASC Nalwori. mrr MoMfep WMfiy. ' • ' I Whem bmtt*r mmtommbtimm ere bwMt MMJMCM ipiii buiid thmm R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 4QS TROUT STRUT McHENRY, UdJSOJS GRAND BUYS in CANNED FOODS AT A&P! jUClO o* totu pears laMt rliC" HCT wft »*AHO PEACHES -9*°^ 49e K>t FRYING OR BAKING SWIFTNING 3 - 7T HEAT AND SERVE Aram's Tasules OTC GLASS 27 ARMOUR BRAND Vssl I Pork Leaf it-OZ. TIN 53e BANQUET BRAND ttickN Fricassse IS-OZ. 45e TIN COLLEGE INN BRAND Ghkksi Ala Ktag I0%-02. 5le TIN FOOtD BRANO. LONG THIN SPAGHETTI •-OZ. KG. 12° PETER PAN BRAND PEANUT BUTTER 12-OZ. JAR 33c FOULD BRAND elbo magarom c oz. I2e PKG. ITS PURE--IT FLOATS IVORY SOAP ME0- OTC 3CAKES ME° Oil CAKES MILO ANO MCLLOW 8 O'Cltek CtffH IAl142C tICH AND FULL-IOWED R%4 eirtto CtffM ^ 46c Vf«OftOUS AND Winer iekarCeffee »J&49c Wtat a to Up btp jmr hAkh w r* " I'D* ' S«m plraty el cud otnu jaioM aM thrifty ASP! They're rich m coM-conbaii^ nun ^ tMU tiiiflmf lamr . . . mi ao asdml, pricrd iku ) ~ • »jo; thor wfaMhing pinihmi ofa«n. Stock up oa yo« I ^ - 4^0^ tlC 3 Nfws I®#® *•»«*«< AUNT JEMIMA 1^23 c IONA HAND SwMt Cora... CASE OF 24 92.7S IONA IRAND BeaiswithPork 2 19c CASEOFU9S.4S SULTANA RED Kidnty BMRS ^ 10c CASE OF M as.eo ANN PAGE Beans with Park He CASEOF3*$ •ANQUET BRAND Whole Chickaa r T^$1.63 Pancake Fltar TIN f-LS. SUNNYFIELD BRAND Paaeaka Fleur ANN PAGE Blended Syrap PURE VE«ETASU SHORTENING BRIGHT SAIL Soap Flakes K6 BROADCAST CORNED Beef Hash SUNNYBROOK BRAND RedSalmaa 39c 25c 75c 19c .....;TIN 29c Lsaeic MCINTOSH EATING APPLES ^ Bu. $1.79 UTAH ELBERTA PEACHES .... .. 16 lb. Box $1.49 CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS 3 lbs. 29c FRESH CRISP ^ CARROTS „ 1 Bun. 16c PASCAL CELERY _ lxtra Large 23c REGALO -- SALAD BOX . 8 ps. Ba« 10c WISCONSIN COBBLER POTATOES .. . 98 lb. Bag $2.79 DAIRY DEUGHTS! ASP RINDLESS Cheddar Cheese WISCONSIN SHARP Cheddar Cheese WISCONSIN MILD Langhorn Cheese TASTY CHEESE FOOD Ched-0-Blt SLICED AMERICAN BRiCK Pimento Cheese CHEESE FOOD LINKS Kaukauna Klub 55C ...I.U. 75c ....v^'SSc MB. 14. . LOAF IOG OR 52c M* 35c BAKED TREATS! OM 15c PKG. OF 12 19c JANE PARKER Chocolate Ooaats PLAIN. SUGATCO OR Cinnamoa Doaats JANE PARKER Gold Loaf Caka .... 29c JANE PARKER Jolty Roll ......BACH 35c JANE PARKER. ICED Cinnamon Ralli_^G 19c JANE PARKER Popped Cora ... 59c ) i MICKELBERRY'S SKINLESS FRANKS MICKELBERRY'S fORK SAUSAGE LINKS HY-GRADE SLAB BACON AGARS CANNED HAMS _ AGARS CANNED PICNIC S - WILSON'S CANNED HAMS 10 to IS lbs. lb, 89c 4 to C lb*. _ n>. 89c lb. 49c lb. 59c lb. 53c 4 to 5 lbs. n>. $1.19

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