Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1947, p. 10

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-ff Hist CuHNt WBCri ol a is that at • Inm • miij In 1710. The |Mt II JSJpPj*' 7^; ^f|JIu jf ^ r ? " tts H Tun First television tranamlasfcw eter wire circuit, from Washington to Now York CMy,and by radio (Mm Whippany. N. Y., to N«w York City, wif demonstrated in 1817 T'\ ?V ^ v • - rn|i wm ri«p«»ii ^ Wooden plugs with spinnars at ith anda always have baan fish re, especially for large pickerel _ bass. Hie churning of the r. ^aridei gives them their attraction f tor big flah ' - Klekal m Maay Indicative of the nickel are the results at a recant survey showing that today over 3,000 alloys in current use contain from a (Taction to something Isss than 100 per coat of nickel. iTT"' rf •* ;Y'V* ::p-iv ANNOUNCING Modern THE OPENING OF jlT 117 S. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY • ir,:/'?•*', Boriiagtoa, Illinois Making castom made upholstered farnitare, slip covers, drapes; alsa handling Venetian blinds, shades and carpets. Wide Selection af Fine Fabrica Alsa General Farnitare RepAira Free Bstimatea Prsmjt and CtvtbM Service . Telephone Barrington 1J8-R-1 >or Cary SS18 Get Your Christmas Cheer t§ the ---7 Whiskies At Their Lowest 140 Riverside Drive McHENRY *? =• §p WHISKIES v ; --Fifths-- Schenley n.- 7-Orown ' ^ • ... x^ 13-.94 / 3.94 4-Rosm 4.25 Imperial P. M. 339 r 3.45 Corbeyv 3.37 3-Feathers „ 3^0 Bill ft Hill 4.09^ • dlirUtmaA ^reed OfTTUtJU. STROM forests and woodlots of the r United States a torrent of graan rolls into the citila during pre-hottilf mp Tbese than a were partictpattet comfort Id postwar Pullman road equipment. flfet deer day weeks, as farrikars and foresters market their annual crop ol Christmas trees. The twinkling traa which adds holiday cheer to practically every home in the nation is one of America's most invariable domestic habits. As a result, it has brought the Christmas tree business into the realm of "big business. " Some 14 million evergreens are required annually. Their retail value has soared into the quarter billion dollar vicinity, the 1946 returns being estimated at 28 million dollars. Cash returns team the sale of Christmaa treea represent only a small fraction of their value to American agriculture. , Thousands .of farmers are using the lowly evergreen to anchor sand lands to protect the shifting soil from further erosion. With exception of the prairie lands, virtually every state in the union produces Christmas trees, *t least for local consumption. • In the West, Colorado and Montana! are the heavy exporters while in the Eist, the New Englana states compete with Canadian growers for the American markets. Inland, the heart of the Christmas tree country canters on upper Michigan, north- ; ern Wisconsin and Minnesota. ^ Candles, placed in windows on Christmas Eva to light the Christ Child and to welcome wayfarers, have been popular for centuries, but the binning of Bayberry candles is a strictly North American custom which dates from colonial days. Though associated particularly with New England, these aromatic candles glow in windows from codst to coast. luck piece, chicken wishbones make an attractive addition to the Christmaa present Wash them dry and then paint them any color you Uka. Fasten one to the top of every Christmas gift to add an extra nota^af sentiment when wrapping packagea for yuletide giving. Many Wire Uses About 1*0,000 different uses for wire have been recorded. Barking fejr Barking of PlywVr bt done lflborloiMiy > . >. wf barking crews using the (WlHillim. si nft1ln| tool called "ijal?- attar fa jog had been 'steamed. Now the debarking is dona by A U C T I O N CBAS. LEONARD, Aactfane# ~ *4 r. coats Fine Alpaca , coats with w&rm quilted lining for insulation. Vicuna Brown and Blue. Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction on my farm on Route 120, first farrh east of Lily Lake, 4 miles Eaat of Mc- Henry, 1 mile West of Volo and 5 miles Northwest of Wauconda, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER Mth commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp the following property: Thirty-two Head of Livestock Eighteen Hobtein nflk cows, six with calf at side, sosm ehse springers, balance milking gooa; five heifers ranging 5 months to 1 year; one bull 14 months old; black team of good work horses, 8 <k 10 yrs. eld FEED--700 bushels ear corn in crib; 600 bushels oats; 25 feet of good silage in 14-ft. silo; 400 bales of straw; 500 bales of first cutting alfalfa and timothy mixed; 800 bales of second cutting alfalfa. MACHINERY -- Mc-lD. Model F 20 tractor on rubber; Mc-D. tractor cultivator; Mc-D. 8-ft. tractor disc; Mc-D. 14-in. two bottom tractor plow; M-W walking plow; Emerson sulky plow; 7-ft. horse drawn disc; 2 single row horse cultivators; cultipacker; 2 Mc-D. hay mowers, 6-ft. and 5-ft.; New Idea manure spreader on rubber; Mc-D. side delivery rake; bne dump rake; hay loader; McD. corn binder; Deering gTain binder; J. D. corn planter with 120 rods of check wire; Buckeye seeder; 7-ft. Tiger grain drill; 8-ft. phosphate spreader on rubber; three section drag; bob sled; rubber tired wagon with rack; steel wheel wagon with rack; set dump boards; 600 lb. platform scale; scalding kettle; 60 grain bags; 120-ft. hay rope with fork and pulleys; 2 sets breeching harness; milk cart; Universal milking machine, double unit with pipe line for 20 cows; 8 milk cans; pails and strainers and rinse tanks; electric brooder; some household furniture and other items too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of $26.00 and under that amount cash; over that amount a credit of six months at ft per cent will be extended on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring: credit kindly make arrangements before purehaae ii made. No property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. WILLIAM ETTEN McHenry State Bank, Clerking •• - •»-; • :, the deer, Jones' «r how ;er, d< at tha v< Mas In are natural ctHlM o( a ttaqr aarasite called **HaeaMoMea Saafoa." In doer add aft, tha paraatla does little harm and rarely e*oaat noticeable Illness. . In battle and aheep, it cauaaa the "liver fluke." The committea for alertness where aheep range territory occupied by deer or Marfirtoe t-rom ranif Margarine is an agricultural product. Forty-four out of 48 atates grow the ingredients that go into it. Subscribe for xhe Fiaindealer . QaM la Tha rtfatl; OaortfH tenners ma than ft mutton dollars est products hi 1M6, ; reporta compiled by the state aion service. Mora than 80,009 art were contacted by the st« varioua county agents daring year In a forest tea control | gram, tha report conthraea, and Ur 000 FOur-H club membera can out foieatry projects. Georgia ~ era alao pianted mora than million ~aeedlings during tha '• - 3'"" 'I '., .-f «, :k* .i*-: DR. HENRY FREUND , ; v OPTOHXTKIST . • At 614 Halo St, W«t McH«nr; Steffail's Jewelry Store : (Closed Thursday Afternoons) « ?.K, Hears Byos Examined -- Glaaaea Fitted Visual Training -- Yisaal RehabflltotieB Complete Vfarnal Aaalyate Daily: 9 ii 12 and 1 to 3--Saturday Ereeiaga: f to Itfl pja. PHONE MeHENBT 462 See T. P. on the Lake Shore for Real Estate ahd XnsTmoe ATTENTION ! Automobile and Truck Owiiers 1948 STATS LICENSE SERVICE - Jjet me fill out your application for automobile or truck license, notarize and pick up plates at the Chicago office of this plete service.. ' : \ ^ T. P. MATHEWS " REAL ESTATB AMD INSURANCE BBOKES "* Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Center ~ Wonder Lake," I1L, P. O. Bingwood Phone Wonder Lake 306 Sofa k Chair Select your Christinas gift for the whole family now from our large stock--Priced 2 pieces fr^)m $180 to $320 a deposit will hold any furniture until Christ- For bo\V sizes 8 to 22 t WD Sava Salmon Waste $15.95 to $1930 At present about 30 per cent el weight af 360 million pounds yearly Alaskan salmon catch ia dumped to the ocean or sllowed to rot at the canneries. This waste includes the head, collar, tail piece, liver, roe, ml)t and other parte. The U. S» daJMtltment of commeroe believes thnl.Tfhese wastes may be turned Into vitamins, hormones and amino acida aa well as other products having an annual value of 10 million dollars. The department la undertaking a development program farvut!lte«tton of these xaste parte • ' ^ -• BONDED WHISKIXS --Fifths ' Old Grandad Old Taylor Old Fitzgerald ^ Old Forester Boy's Fancy or plain corduroy with wool plaid lining. $6.75 to $9.95 Kentucky Tavejn Xmas Package Old Orow-- "v" WcGEE'S M^ICNRY MODERN Walker's DeLoze Canadian fflyh "v Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindealer. & SWISS COLONY WIHES YowH b« tops in favor when you give aa rort, Sherry, Rhine Wine MOT® Teachers White Oilbey's Gin ButdP»*Cl ^ :k J. Bavet CASE BEEB Budweiser, Blatx, ^ $3.75 per case, plus deposit Prager and Meister Bran $3.10 per case, pins deposit TOM AND JERRY^ on Christmas Day at the Old Bridge Ihe newest in modem. Large twe enshlon style. YWlfv wnnt to be tha first in yewr conummfty to own K. Corh fertoble, too--H*s KROBHLER "Cwaliionized*' sea* Richly covered wUh unesuai ftttrisib - ! pft Mrf an Bgh Wst<A to mske Accuracy that i the wearer a prood maturity on oonect time. And now eedi beautifiil star-timed' Elgin INS that mirade maia^ring--DuraPower. It = 99% of watch repairs due to steel mainspring folores. Aa added assurance of lasting accuracy through the yean, fltfake someone gloriously happy with an Elgin. fclWfY ji Chair KroetiUfr gives you. * new kind of billowy comfort never ^before possibly in any fara*- ture at any priop* kroehler • % i = ' "-r« Stop in and see TELEVISION Boxing, Wrestling, Foot Ball Every ffight 1 HAROLD (Schmals) "S?: f • ?'f Noonan Jewelry StQ|f , too SOUTH OKBKN STREET ' HoHXMSY, n^. NEXT DOOR TO McHENRY STATE || naw kidney sefn styled try Kraahlar wM moke your living room distinctive «md very smaitly funHshad. '^Cwshionizad** construction assures years of comfort* |ftle service. Upholstered wMh colorful, durable fabrics. .. ' ' 0 ' • •• ' ' ' Peter ML Justen Furniture %-mit v .... - V §fr~W .'A' TELEPHONE 63 XdKENRY; ILLINOIS

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