Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1947, p. 4

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5>4»A. by hm Mrs. Mary of the chit wffl be when there will .* , C!-_ elcctieerw mnruma MUM mry Ttontey j* *«• toy, HI, by Lacy H. litter and Manager.....»A. B^Moater Editor AMi Fiwhlioh fclisnil as second class natter at «a peatefflce at MdH*ry. I1L, and* ftm act ef May 8,197V. One Year --.. --$2.50 m €OHORIAI_ ssociyioN ---Display ads for the Plaindealer Will be accepted until Tuesday noon of the week ad is to appear. Classified ads will be accepted until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. News Biast be in our office by 5 o'clock cm Tuesday afternoon. AMIMM hmwMat , Of McBearyGM Mr. and Mrs. George flhrb nounce the engagement of Lorraine lfae, to Kenneth aon of Mt. and Mrs. E. Johnson of Crystal Lake. • • • .•••?. • h Hart-Schaefer .dp Betnrtfral l%ld ' Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hart of Chicago announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia, to Robert L Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schaefer of McHenry. The wedding will take place in the • • • Last Minute Shoppers? •in This Is Your Store! , r~V ' S# . " For weeks wild week* w have been warned about those * last few shopping days before Christmas. Now they're really here! Don't spend hectic hours searching for a really fine gift. Visit our store today and we assure you these items 1 will be the answer to his or A her dreams : • new bride, for ©r even grandma: For the JWthCT, Revere's stainless steel with copper bottoms; coffee makers; pressure cookers; aluminum .ware and tea kettles. For the youngsters, for father or grandpa: hand and power saws, tools of all descriptions, skates, sleds and hockey St. Clara's Court Haa Xaai Party Fifty ladies were present at St, Clara's Court Christmas Party held last Thursday .evening. The evening's entertainment began with >6:30 pot-luck supper, after which each member , was presented with a gift from the court. During the business meeting, plans were made for tye observance of the anniversary of the local organisation in January and also for the Juvenile Forester Christmas party on Dec. |0. Celebratea Hfe ' *,*V"' -%*'* 4 -Slat BfrlMay • •• .r John Panknin of Spriny Grove, a former resident, celebrated his eighty-first birthday anniversary last Sunday, with a dellcioua turkey dinner served at noon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eli. Panknin of Wilmettie, Mrs. Elisabeth Johnson and Leonard, Mrs. Katharine Rinrelman, ughter. Mariene, Kay Johnson and Patricia Shapiro son, Ray, and dan ----These are just a few of the* items in our large holiday stock. Make our store your headquarters for those still remaining on your Christmas list. Nickels Hdwe. of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Wfcukegan. 1 a ' •: Surprised °GeSJe^irfs wat tf^ttfntl/'stir- £ised at a party honoring jkia birthy anniversary on 8ataraay-^evening, Dec. 13. Entertainment included accordian music by Gil Rogers and Clement Wirfs, and movies of a hunting trip into northern Wisconsin taken by Vincent Wfarfs.^ Refreshments were served st the'Conclusion of the evening. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clement JRTirfs and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller, Mr. and Mrs. , George J. Freund, 'Mrs* Gertrude Davis, Stephan and "Skipper" Wirfs, all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein of Spring Grove; Art Klein of Fox Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs of Lily Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Miss Sue Rogers and Gil Rogers of Lilymoor; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Wins and daughter, Edmund Wirfs and Miss Eleanor Daniels of Rockford. Pinochle Clab At Justen Hoae ' Mr. and Mrs. Alex fOjiten' enttnv tained members of their "pinochle club last Sunday evening, with prises being merited by Mrs. Peter Gies and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholts. The next meeting of the dab will be at 4he Arnold And - • • Vlvi iRspifi f#r QnIbI BUNNY TOCS •art. M or M*. Ml iuo SNUO SHIAR SUMR SATIN SUNOS The FrienJy Stare Aetharixed Dealer B, Owner .. Bit Wert at a dinner patty Club last Thm operators enristmas Slid at the evening^ gifts xolli ristmas parly Town the party were Lillian StUlinff, 11, An exchange the dinner. Tliose Rovena Dorothy Buchevt, Gladys Stilling, Grace Kuns, Gwen Knaack, Eleanor Edstrom, Leota McCarthy, Margaret Michelsen, Emily Simon, Dorothy Immefcus, Dbwwb' Freund. Elaine Schaefer, Phyllis Anith, Margaret Herdrich, DeU* Kramer, Carol Switser* ftfBeen anith, Marie Tonyan and Reee Marie Lee. Loretta ifedler and Clara IflQer absent because of illness. Of Intanet here «n on Friday, Dec. 12, at of Mm Dorothy Tbdd Columbus, Ohio/and Capt. Walter iS4Sms^T^XSS cag% aMj(cH«nix «Sn an stationed In Korea and are members of the Uhitod States army foieas. CORONER'S EXPORT LISTS HUfKY-FIVE DEATHS FOE YEAR Richmond, deaths reported ta him county thus fir this report made this Harry forty-nine inquiries were ni in year, ^i and forty-one to Ve lield. Thirty-nine died ef oardiee atfabents, twenty-two as the jesult from automobile accidents, six > drowsing*, three from auto-train anridswte, three of suffothree of' aenility, two of twe suicides by gunshots, electric ahock, two of maltwo ttf fOeumonia, one acene over-exertion, caught fire, one , one in an air' of exposure, one one suicide by jlement accident drowning. inquests tfere as _in Crystal Lake, fourteen,, in McHenry, eleven in Woodstoclc,' tilt in Harvard, seven in Richmond, six l£#Algonquin, five in McHenry MM four in Caryt three in Grove, three ini la Hartland. two at ,*• oflia in Greenwood township, one in CSiemung township, ona in Grafton township, one in Algonquin tqpmkfcp, one in ^Alden UrwnsMp, oner In Hebron townshipi, one In Nunda tewnldiip, one in Johnsburg and one in Spring Grove. According to Wr. G. K. Fenn, preaideat of t&e Chicago Heart association, it waa fiMorted that heart ailments to data imfs year had taken a toll of ttMM; cancer, 177,000; accidents. nephritis, 88,000; ^eumonia, M^M; and tuberculosis, atecidentaj gas,ooe and ene si v . ,1Yie plaoea follows: Mia The esnmnony took place at the American Consulate General, alter which the couple left for a wadding trip to Wiping, China, via Wkyo and Shanghai. Capt. Seydewitx, assigned to Korea sitee August, lM6r is attached to the adjutant censral's section, 24th headquarters USAFIK. His bride is a special feature writer in the public information office, 24th headquarters. From 1927 to 1986 she was a member of the editorial and Sunday magazine staffs sf 'the Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch. SORENKKN CASE f ^ STILL UNSOLVED; ; ooNmnrE search* While nothing new has developed in the mystery of Andrew Sorensen, 67, Chemung tavern owner, it remains the opinion of Fred C. Bau, sheriff of McHenry county, that John Provancher is the key man in Sorensen's disappearance. . In a statement made this week the sheriff asserted that he was forced" to release Provancher to Rockford >olice on a forgery warrant, but in lis opinion if more time had been granted, Provanchei- would have made a statement concerning the mystery. As long as the state could not find any other charge on which Provancher , could be held in McHenry county, I had no alternative but to release him to Rockford authorities," said Sheriff Bau. "However, our search will continue and we also will try and solve what I think is one of the most horrible" crimes that ever (Occurred in McHenry county." COMING EVENTS •'A* theUi retailed of a •paSnaaiatMrti^es tAcJxttni tipped wife] ar and §um Aeid Mateh Upd of match, mmi fa in the early 1800a, its a light It con> containing sulted with splints chlorate, Ibin Strwt, Wert McHory " , .. Seventy-five children were prerhooi,! sent in the K. of C. hall laat- PVi- -yiday afternoon to enjoy the annual children's party sponaored by the Mothers club. A beautifully decorated Christmas trae ^occupied a prominent place in the large hall, and Santa made his appearance to distribute gifts to the little ones. A very lovely program consisted of a radio show given by pupils of Sister Andreella, with John Bolger as announcer; and recitations by pupils of the Zion Lutheran Sunday School. Lunch was served at the close of - "JOVQtJS SEASON** "Joyew SesJaea," by PhUlip Barry, is the play be offered by the Woodstock fllayers on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, Dec. 18, 19. 90 and 21, beginning each night at S:S0 o'clock. Those deairingt ftfcklet reservations may call the to dBte, Woodstock 807. Thursday nffht will be Home Bureau night. After next Sunday, the next play to he offered will be after the first of the year. Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at WaMlas Drug Store, Me- Henry- MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Records Installed and Maintained Business, Partnership, Individual, Fiduciary and farm Income Tax Returns Prepared. Phona for AppointmenWAvoid ,Wahing. _ gLMER P. .§ Certified Tax OM IBle Jforth it ttff. L*k»-«o ^l«nie Toz Like 5501 McHenry December 18 Choral Club Chridtmsa Concert--High School Auditorium. W. S. C. S.---Pot-luck luncheon and meeting -- Community Methodist church. East River Road Pinochle Club- Mrs. Thomas Thonneson. C. D. of A.--Second Party in Card Tournament. December 20 Juvenile Foresters--Christmas Party Parochial Sehool Hall---2 p. m. December 21 Holy Name Society Christmas Party for Children of St. Patrick^ Parish. JWaarr % Altar and Rosary Sodality--Election of Officers. January 7 St. Mary's-Stt.. TPaattr ic"k 's P. T. A. January • Mothers Club--Election of Officers. AHbiro TBS SIOK Mrs. Wittiam bel Aicher and visited Vernon. hospital in Elgin Miss Ellen Bl home from a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mrs. William Njire Sunday afternoon. -<SB£5 gram given by dancing studio . #8. 12 Geraldine Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freund of Grand avenue, underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Ida Fisher of (Elgin, a former McHenry resident, suffered a fcroken hip in a fall last week. Mrs. Henry Kfasala has been eonfined to her home on Waukegan street because of illness. Harold Justen suffered a broken leg in a fall last week at McCullom Lake. Mrs. George Glosson is recovering from a leg injury sustained in a fall l&st WMIC Fritz "Pop" Fenske haa been a patient at Belmont hospital in Chi- "Penny Nye" took part in the tainment. Mrs. Nellie Bacon visited in tk. Harold Bacon home in Crystal T-»v^ last Sunday. John Scheid and daughter, p--- visited Waukegan relativea on Sunday. Donald Hayes of Chicago visited relatives here on Satavday. gj, mother returned home with him to spend a few weeks in the city. Angelo Unti has returned from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin «nij family visited in the Harry Lawrence home in Chicago last Sunday. Mrs. LeRoy Conway was a Chicago caller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sflnith, Jr. of Chicago and Miss Marion Smith of Elgin spent the weekend at their home here. Majorie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Justen of Solon Mills has returned home from St. Therase' hospital, Waukegan, where she underwent surgery recently. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshaak of Morton Grove ware Sunday visitors -in the Robert Thompson home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Waukegan visited relatives on Sunday. Miss Helen Welsh of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henniken of Woodstock visited Mrs. Martin M-- on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and daughter, Janice, of Aurora spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. - M r . a r j d M r s . J. C. Holly spent Biuraday in Chicago. -sMrs. Celona Kahe was a Chicago caller the last of the week. Mrs. Gladys Adams of Guroee spent last Thursday in McHenry. Among those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Ruth Cowen in Harvard last Thursday were Mayor and Mrs. R. I. Overton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Overton, Paul Overton, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, Mrs. George Lindsay, the Misses Mary and Dorothy Walsh and Art Edstrom. Mr. and Mrs. John McGlave re>* turned to Chicago on Tuesday after spending someVtii^e visiting friends in McHenry. Mrs. Ben Freunff, Mft. Art Jackson and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholtz were Ogin callers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson visited relatives in Crystal Lake on Monday evening. Mrs. Eleanor Millar was an Elgin visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Earl Brown and Mrs. Henry Miller were Elgin visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mia. Glen Robison of Woodstock called o% McHenry relatives Tuesday aftertioon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skonev of Oak Park •the weekend in the mond Kennebeck haa been a sticgica) patient at the Woodstock hospital. ». Mrs. Vernon Kaox of Crystal Lake was a ssuurrggi cal gfaitient at Sherman hospital, Elgin, last week. Robert Nell suffered a broken the last of .the week whan fee 'i*g was FLAVORS FOR DECEMBER |>EPPEatMI^T STICK } ' %>ASTEP JIAZEL-NTIT ||| CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW L 8TBAWBEKRY HOYAL«Bi £ NEAPOLITAN , ^ RASPBERRY TARTS SPECIAL BRICK EACH WEEKENa BOLGER'S DRUG STORE struck by a tractor caterpillar. Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, underwent an appendectomy at the Woodstock hospital on .Wednesday. CARD OF THANKS In this manner we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to friends and relatives for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. MRS. ROSE FREUND 81 AND FAMILY. Subscribe for The Pieindealat flow, your Homm Parmonant Easier i KASIEII • usictr »wr»inw< PLASTIC spent Frank Weingart home in McHenry, Need Rubber Stamps ? Order at The Plaindealer. ASIGN at Ami ttmat Is tba flood , of rich qpuflk" inveatmanli on the market. Watch your flip. Before you take money out of the or cash in savings bonds to make investments, investigate. Well be glad wish. o»I McHENRY STATE BANK i "lumber Federal Reserrt System " : , ^ Member Federal DwmH IamacM CerparatiaM +tT^MATTlRS^TOUt* VETERANS' ORPHANS ARE ELIGIBLE EOB EDUCATIONAL AID Orphans of veterans of World War I and II who died as a result of service may be eligible for educational aid from the state of Illinois. The aid, in the form of a $160 a year allowance and fee tuition at the University of Illinois and state normal schools, is payable to such children between the ages of 14 and 22 while they are in school. Established by the state to encourage children to remain in school and complete their education, the allowance can be used for board, tuition, fees, books or clothing. Those eligible must be orphans of a parent who died in service or who since service, died from a servi nected disability. The orphan have resided in the stai months. te for twatvt) All such cases should be reported to Philip E. Bierdnttn, the.glliaeiB Veterans Commission service offieer in McHenry county, who will each case to determine if are eligible. The office is located 100 Vi N. Benton St., Woodstock. - ~ DIVORCE GRANTED Alia M. Downs was granted a Avorce from C. James® Downs in circuit court on Saturday. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattlea Drug Store, Ma- Henry. S4t Read the Want Ada t An Ideal Xmas Gift MOM, DAB or LITTLS OHS / pediorju® aLACtxjasBaui srAmsu u week. .Id ^,^-V (George W. Reiker ' &-1, Box 218, MeHenrr td. PiftakM 633-J-S Vi J ^TREASUREIANP. % Sparkling Diar^on4| The 'tradition of giving the one yoa lev* diaaseads on Chrfet bim is a Make tfcj* the happiest Mfe. '• We have them Our stock of Jewelry appropriate for Christmaa ia suggeetieeaf ef air •»tlu»lve wMi, -. ,' < ; ^ Indies' and Gets' Watch Bill FoMa -#resser Seta Military Ear iUaga . Carmen Sela i? B01 Folds . 5m Cheers ChartSBraceleU Large Selection rfJU Ws^y Chanaa^ar* Young Ladiea Pearls B^y Sterling Jurfar Set* and Speeaa Sterling Baby Ckpa Baky Rings aad Lac Baly Caps -ri -' /v ^ Kings Costume JewabT Large AsaartSB**4 Cha COVE A JSWELRT GIFT 0JBKT1F10ATS D*ne Kh. with ***** fit, plastic curlers fibar codes MOO •14 W. Main St, Weat MeHewy OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS Bolgers Mctex mi . i jm PHON E |f CP" -f

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