Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1947, p. 6

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wwemm?i k .;jy •• . • ' .'• 4' '-<*"&&• < A \ • ;V..Mfcj,- ^ *< H*; • 3K-' -iff; ffs .•-& fe £*$/-: N0T1CB i of the (Ml ilasslflad ads «Ua atoear to the Plsindsalor each «mL wi km found It impossibls tolamp books en Bbdi ssMll accounts. Thereto, in the Muw, m&j ads «hM m^gofM far Mon this •scttsn of tae paper goee to pnu at 10 ©'dock oa Wedneeday wiD bo printo'li Bonn roil SALE At MeCvBa* I*k*-~Modern 6- room hone; utaaitie oil heat; hot wntwy www wwta; storm windvvni; ^aBTbassaisnt; noar bos line. Also 4-roop house, running water, one block to bus lino and stores. I Price MJNSO. ! West Short McCuIlom's Lake, near . Rt. 120, 5 rooms, hath, furnace, oil host; 2 lots. Price $6.000. I In Sunset View Sub., Fox River, 'near Johnsburg; 8 rooms; bath; furnace hoat; full basement; garage; large lot. Price , |9,500. For information call JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 87, or Chicago, Lincoln 1888. 81-tf rOK SALS • -- FOR SALE--Geese and dudes. Phone McHenry 687-J-2. *S1 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FOR SALE--1986 Plymouth. 1935 Graham: also Schwtnn bicycles. Dbwns Nash Sales, McHenry. 31-tf ' - Coronado electric refrigerator, 7cu. ft-iJ^R SALE--1989 F°rd truck, good with freosor compartment, $289.96. b^y- Inquire Henning s Wonder Food Coronado Deluxe washing machine,' §h°Pi Wonder Lake, Saturday or 8 H - l b . d r y l o a d c a p a c i t y , r e d u c e d t o i S u n d a y . . 8 1 $105.95. ' ~~ _ „ , . FOR SALE--Electric refrigerator in Coronado Deluxe vacuum cleaner, good condition. William Tonyan, complete with attachments, $64.96. Postoffice, Ingleside, 111. Tel. Fox GAMBLE'S STORE I Lake 2287. *81 Phone 469 Main St., McHenry pQR SALE--44-U. S. Mossberg De- ! luxe serai-automatic 22-cal. rifle. Can , -/ - _ be seen at Worts Service Station. >OR SALE--1947 Bendix automatic Phonc McHenry 356- *31 washer used very little. Price $175. FOR SALE--New Model 28 and 61 Call McHenry 289-J. V 81 (Hoover Cleaners, $69.95 and $89. FOR SALE-Must sacrifice, like new ! Hoover tank type cleaner J™* f ivven,. Carey Deluxe gas range, real bargain; white ' Electnc • Shop, Phone 251. _81 leather arch chair; beautiful chrome : for SALE-- New portable Deluxe mother of pearl dinette set; very j Royal typewriter; lady's winter reasonable; also curtains, lamps, metal cabinets, etc. Phone 541-J-l after 7 p-. m. *81 coat. Grimm, County Road, Wonder Lake. Call any day except Thursday. *31 *&•,.} SALB-GE TBoC"um cleaner, poR SALE -- Girl's bicycle, 26-in. *p.50; also Apex upnght and tank like new. $30. Phone Wonder Lake cleaner; have few radios left; bar- j 593 *80-2 gain. Wilson's Radio Shop, 206 Elm j " - i street. Phone McHenr? 469. 311 POR SALE--6-gal. portable electric nvD ~ ~ washer; washes two pounds dry FOR SALE! House in fonder Cen-1 dothes at one time; white enamel, ter, six rooms; bath with shower; . $15 Tei. McHenry 581-R-2. 30-2 not water; basement; fully insulated; Ifarage; full driveway; Cyclone fence; ! FOR SALE -- Dressed geese, from rait trees and others; lot 75x120. 10 to 20 pounds. Tel. McHenry Mohawk 2895, Chicago. Address Mrs. j 687-J-l. *30-2 M. Deyerling, 745 Armitage Ave., j " 1 1 Chicago, 14, 111. 31-4 | FOR SALE--CHRISTMAS TREES-- ----rr~ 7- i Freshly cut nursery grown Kosteg FOR SALE--Six and one-half cubic j Blue Spruce, Douglas Fir and Scotch Electrolux refrigerator, | Pine. All sixes from 8 ft. table *225; I'l® new- Tel. McHenry j trees to 20 ft. community trees. If 66o-M-2, between 5 and 9 p. m. *81 i it's the best you want, we have it. "T „ 7 ~~ " j Also assortment of branches for FOR SALE--New Warner electric! decorating. WESTMAN EVEftstock water heater, $39.50. Carey GREEN NURSERY, H mile west of Electric Shop. Phone McHenry 251. Woostock on South St. Phone 232-R 31i *29-8 TTl ten and and nNBt Btper. Frank J. ate 8t, McHenry. ry dwa.,«up- Typeiwrtcarhea Jrn m McHen- 52-tf GARBAGE COLLMTH9G -- I^t us dfapnte at year garbaga each weak, or afUaar tf deaifaC Reaiionabla ratea. Regular y«ir ^«ound route. John K. HflL P. O.1C1 274, McHenry, PhoM N8. tf Kuati jr. Justen, gas, | ]MUee <8r sad truck , Paul B. Owtach, labor an 1 "watarwa^k*' McGoe's, j McHenry Itoltoe clothinf.-- Co. Farmers' Co-op 65.M 14.00 87 M ovm ONE MILLION "DOLLARS Has been invested in the Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association by more than 480 investors. They are receiving dividends, and they are all insured in the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation up to $6,000, each. A safe place for your investment funds with a liberal income.- 30-8 HELP WAHTED HELP WANTED -- Mechanic at Downs Nash Sales. 405 Elm st., McHenry. Tel. 484. 31-tf -saT? HELP WANTED'*.' Men, first, second and third shifts. Women, first and second shifts. No experience * necessary; high earnings; paid vacations; paid holidays; steady work.. ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Wt»d stock, Ulinoi*, v / 81 g Anderson's Tree Service. 519 Waukegan Road, McHenry: 31 HELP WANTED--Laborers. See I.*l Fredrickson at Wonder Lake or call Wonder Lake 221. 19 tf FOR SALE--10-acre fruit farm; 4- room house, bath and tools. Owner must self. (Call Mr. Hank Nell.) JACOB FRrrZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. 31-tf FOR SALE--Must vacate, will sell my household goods--some antiques. Lucy Garrett, Orvis Bldg., Spring Grove, 111. *81 FOR SALE -- 1988 Chev coach, motor completely overhauled, gooa - tires; 10 feeder,pigs; 2-unit Sui^e milking machine, complete with motor, pump, rinse tanks, elec. heater and pipeline' for 20 cows, 6 mos. old. Will sell parts separately. Phone Woodstock 1627-J-l. 81 LOTS FOR SALE--Lots, 50xS50 ft., on Route 81, about two block from depot. Inquire at 716 Center St. Tel. McHenry 278-J. 22-tf FOR SALE -- Six-room house; automatic oil heat; 150 ft. on river; immedate possession. Phone McHenry ,,484. 28-tf MIS0ELLANBQU8 FOR 8ALE 12-guagc double-barrel Stevens gun; new also full comnlete set of trap drums, professional. Frank Gans. Riverside Drive, McHenry or call McHenry 106-W. *31 FOR SALE--Block wood, $10 per t»">. delivered. Phone McHenry 408-M. *31 FOR SALE--Nearly ' new, Deluxe Hotpomt. stove, in good condition. Call McHenry 687-W-2. *81 FOR SALE--Srhwinn lady's bicycle, new. $40. J. Lally, County Road, IVfandsr Lake. *31 FOR SA1«E -- Lot, one-half block ftWh river in city limits. Phone 488-R. 30-2 FOR SALE -- 1940 GMC one-ton truck. Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. W. L. 221. 29-tf FOR SALE -- JOHNS-MANVILLE TYPE A ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION. Guaranteed not to settle. Installed by the Wallfill Co. Call or write Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl St., Tel. McHenry 18. TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE-- Month old black Cocker spaniel puppies. J. H. Stendebach, Wonder Woods, Wonder Lake. Address Box 45, in care of Plaindealer. *81 C. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W, 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, I1L HELP WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO SEW. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN THIS TTPB WORK. APPLY RIVERSIDE MFG. CO., 200 RIVER8IDB DRIVE, McHENRY. PHONE 89. 20-tf UNION MASONS WANTED AT ONCE -- $100--40 hours. Long job. Apply Forest Garden Estates, 1 % miles west of Waneonda on Route 176, O. W. POTTERS SONS, General 'Contractors. Telephone Wauponda 3231. 30-2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--House or cottage located on or near river. Write Box "VB," care Plaindealer, 62-tf salt 6J0 A. P. Freund Sons, steel for sea wall--Weber Pk 490.00 A. P. Freund Sons, Stumps removed 489.00 Vera Purvey, judge of election --. M0 Margaret 8imon, judge of election 8.00 Ann Felts, judge of election 8.00 Alida Werts, clerk of election 8.00 Helen Wegner, clerk of election HD Clara Miller, clerk of election ! 8.60 Vera Kane, judge of election 8.00 Louis Althoff, judge of election 8.00 ' Peter Wirfs, judge of election 8.00 Ella M. Buss, cleric of election 8.00 Marion K. Schoenholtz, clerk of election 8.00 Math Glosson, clerk of election 8.00 F. J. M*lw. judge of election 8.0Q Nick Weingart, judge of election 8.00 Theodore W. Winkle, ju<|ge * of selection 8.0d Lillian Huck, clerk of elec- " tion, 8.00 Evelyn Freund, clerk of election 8.00 Katie Weber, clerk of election 8.00 Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, rent for polling place ....i... . 10.00 Blake Motor Sales, rent for polling place 10,00 Illinois Bell Telephone Co., >1; telephone service 7j|l Public Service Co., power and light 235.85 McHenry State Bank, postage for bridge bonds" 6.81 Mayme Buss, salary and ~ commissions 111.20 Lester R. Bacon, F. ®. I. school expense 8.00 AntOn P. & Margaret Freund Athletic field 2,200.00 Anton P. & Margaret Freund, athletic field 1,000.00 Special Sewer Fund: Fred C. iFelts, salary ; ? 135.00 Public Service Co., power and light 44.28 ake SmsU wire so equal only of for a on tuba. Modest Akaat ffkH Chinese immodest to ••Mililllly compresaad «Mt atid H laawan considered impropaf «a to such a Buss, clerieai Freund in recojgnWWt operation and elfortl a sme tiie new Athletic carried. Motion by Georga fi, seconded by Althoff, to op. tion given to the City by Anton P. Freund 4 Freund. on Municipal A accept deed and pay the paMftee $22tt0.00 to complete poxcMli price of property. Motion earriinr Motion by George P. Freund. seconded by George J. Freund, to accept detsi and pay Anton F. Freund and Margaret Freund tiha asm of One Thousand ($1,000.00> Dollars for 0.630 acres of land, aa described on plat, adjoining property pur_ chased for Municipal Athletic Field purposes. Motion carried. - Motion by Althoff, seconded by George P. IFreund, to pus and ap_ prove resolution, as read, to the State of Illinois requesting permit to construct a Sanitary Sewer in Front Street (State Route 81) from John Street Southerly for a distance of 700 feet. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George J. Freund, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. * 1." K H&yox. WANTED - FARM WANTED If you would consider selling your farm on land contract, the advertiser •tnd circumstances surrounding will be investigated. Please write Box "T," care McHenry Plaindealer. 31 WANTED--;Free rent and help with board for couple who will live with and care for active elderly lady. In McHenry. Tel. 618-J-2. 29-tf WANTED -- All-year homes, in or near McHenry, from $8,000 to $15,000; must have possession within 80 days of closing deal. JACOB FRITZ. REALTOR. at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 97, w Chicago, Lincoln 1838. . 26-tf CARPENTER WORK -- Remodeling and repairs' of all kinds. A. Lessard. Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *26-8 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest eash paid far cows, horses and* ; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Calls wheeling Rendering Works, ng Ha S; reverse charges. 86-tf Wheeling W <NTED--Watchea and jewelry to repthr. Anthony , Noonan. 200 80. Green street, IftHenry. (Front part of Claire Ber.wtjr Bhoppe.) 16-tf roassNT PIANO TUNING * SERVICE Piano Technicians 28-tf GENERAL HAUUNG -- Available for general hauling and moving. Le- Wtf Roy M. Smith. 419 Main St^ McHenry. TeL 499-M WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pomps. Bill Bacon, 208 Main Street. McHenry. Telephone 98-J. 1*4*1 IK.',;. FOR SALE -- For immediate occupancy, new 4-room year *round home, one mile from McHenry. Tel. McHenry 227-J. 16-tf | FOR SALE -- Registered Holstein' ball calves--Carnation, Pabat, Cur-1 tisa, Ragapple and other leading} Mood lines at farmers' prioes. Hick-' ory Creek Farms, Leo J. Smith, mgr. TA McHenry 670-M-2. 48-tf j FOR SALE--Generators, armatures,; starters, fuel pumps, distributors and I ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales A Service, Lily-! moor, Fred J. Svoboda. Prop. Tel. McHenry 615-W-2 10-tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf Subscribe for The Plaindealer E. * R. ELECTRIC CO^-Refrigeration, electrical construction and a»aintenance. Route 81--1H .miles south of McHenry. Tel. McHenry 617-R-2. *29-4 HAVE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29-tf MOTOR REPAIR -- Etectric motors repaired, rewound, redesigned. Distributors of Johnson bronze cored bars. McHenry Electric Motor Service. 102 West Waukegaa Road. Phone 181. 20-tf FOR RENT -r- .Booms; weekly or monthly 'rate; with bath, $45 per mo. without bath, per mo.; ideal. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. Phone 176. 80-tf LOST LOST--Dark red Irish Setter, George Worts, Sinclair Oil Station. Phone McHenry 866 or 80-M. Reward. 81 Oonnoil Proceedings McHenry. Illinois jhUDAY - SATURDAY v . Repeat Engagement in Technicolor IfarryPsrks - Evelyn Key< . "THE JOLflON STORY" "Special--The Louis and Jersey Joe Wolcott Fight Pictnres. The fight picture wi)l be run at 6:4$ Md 9 :15. SUNDAY ONLY, DEC. 21 Glen Ford Janis Carter "FRAMED" Also World News and Cartoon Sunday Matinee, 2:45 Cantiaaoas 80 that our employes may have a Xmas vacation, we will be closed Dec. 22 to 27, inclusive. - SUNDAY, DEC. 28 "THE BACHELOR AND THE BOBBY SOXER" SHEET METAL AND FUPNACE WORK--Gutters and furnaces re- 6aired. John McDonald, Regner Rd., -1, McHenry. Phone McHenry 650-R-l. 44-tf Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. •• '• Helen Weber Says: Hurry! Hiirr^ On]# one wttk befon GhristmM. Better bring thai favorite enit or dnas in today that you may the Holiday. McHenry Cleaners 1st, 1947 like City Council met in semimonthly misting with Mayor Overton prSliding. Aldermen present: AMkw, sassndsd by George J. Freund, that the minutes of the last nssHlg bs approved as. read. Motion earned. Motion by George J. Freund, seconded by Tonyan, thst the treasnrn's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Althoff, seconded by George P. Freund, that the collector's report be appgsved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by George P. Frswnd, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion Carried. Motion by, seconded by George J. Freund, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee: Amer. Natl. Bank & Trust Co., funding bond and interest $2,887.00 Rt. Nb. 81 Sewer Extension Fund, sewer 432.50 Lester R. Bacon, salary .... John J. McCarthy, salary William ILundy, salary .... Phifto M- Thennes, salary,... W. C. Felts, salary Earl R. Walsh, salary Lester B. Bacon, salary .... Edward J. Thennes, polka duty Wnber flumbiag & Heathig, tapping water mains Bud Thennes, labor on snow rmCEW9r? 185.00 161.10 161.10 140.20' 127.90 65.00 15.00 80.00 6.00 MILLER WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS THURS. - FRI. A SAT* DEC. 1 8 - 2 0 "LAST OF THE RED MBN" Osier with Jon Han -- Plus --. . "GAS HOUSE KIDS IN HOLLYWOOD" Hies, supplies Ben K. Miller, sidewalk Joseph M. Bcjuaitt, mowing Smith^So^i Station, gas 9jOO .65 18.00 16.00 1^6 FLOW SANDING Befinlshtafe varnishing and wax lag new ind old floors; also Kentile, a lifethne floor." esti- 497-R SATURDAY Morn, DEC. 20 At 10 A. M. -- Open 9:46 XMAS GIFT SHOW Free To Every Boy asd Girl OUR GIFT XING SIREN HUMMING TOP ! On Our Screen ^ TARZAN" : : Pfcai 3 Laugh Caitasaaik Children 20c - Adults 44c COMING XMAS DAY' Also FRI. - SAT., DUC. 25-26-27 Gary Grant Myraa Ley Snrloy Taaiple "BAOHELQE AND THS BOBBY SOXBE" NEW * YEAR'S BVB| MIDNITE SHOW I Open 11:15 - Starts llsli BOB HOPE In VHPE&E THXBE' > LIFE" Tear TIcAssta In Advance At Oir Be* OtRee And Ciljislt Tlnr 'New Yesr WBh Us : ;•' Fsny Express Letter . • THVt®ony Express, inaugiirdt^l ln the spring of 1860, first charged $5 for each letter of one-half ounce or less. The charge later was reduced to^$2.50 and finally, in consideration of a government subsidy, the price was reduced to $1 a half .ounce. These prices were in addition to the regular United States postage. FEastIC Eighteen colors of beautiful wall covering. See them before dementing your bath or kitchen, (Men are tkreugh the tile-*dll no* Ml or sefathch off. Write f*r estMfas or put it on yourself. Bj^pstr--1 Sales A Service, McHenry, 8w) feet from Nell's ballroom. Phone Pistakee 562-W-l. * JOHN F. BRDA A SON Sheet MetsI sad Furnace Werk 101 N. Green Stn McHenry, IB. Phone 248-B --.. - '"jiV-." v *tmd ^*3' <m ft. tnm NaTs Ballraaai) kss fay isam Mass. aid «--i_' • CALL A BOB8BS Wa pay ; FRANK S. MAT ^-Blaek pj^f^Crnshed Qra^l flndsrs -- limsstene Truck for Hhre Kane McHenry 580-M-l R-l MeHes ' 1' !*'. MeMAHON REFRIQMjllATlON, SALES AND StfiflCE : "Jv: » McHenry 419 or Wonder Lake 588 510 Main St., McHenry, Illinois DR H. 8. FIKB Veterinarian On Highway Odlee aad TeL McHenry 81 McHenry, Office HMrsTTjun. te 2 5' - Except Thursdays ' Evenings by Appelatmnt v < Need Rubber Stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKIN9 Dentist --Office Hours-- Tuesday & Saturdays: 9 a.m. to5 p,^, Evenings and Sunday Mornings by Appointment! Lookout Point Wonder Lake, I1L NON KNOX rney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 48 AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J. McHenry Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturdays from 10 to 4. Evenings by appointment. Phone McHenry 584-K-2 -- Basement Excavating -- NETTS SAND AMIk.QRAYBL Special Rates on Band - Gravel and Lot Filling . . Black^Dfrt . . Power Leveling and Grading Johnsburg J. E. F. O.--McHenry WEINGART TRUCKING Sand -- Gravel Filling -- Black Dirt -- Liawst«K* Trucks for Hire Free Estimsting TeL 655-R-2 McHea^.-llL WELDING Maintenance and Const nietiosi Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE--McHenry 51-J 909 South Gceen St, McHenry, HL HIGHEST CASH PRICES tfaid fer Dead and Crippled Horses, Cattle and Hogs -- Sanitarv Power Loading -- Tankage sqd Meat Scrape for aale. Phones Arlington Heights 116 or McHenry 659-J-2. Reverse Chsrges. Palatine Rendering Service.. DB. B. W. DONNBLLY y Chiropodist -- Feet gpsrisHit 108 80. Biverside Drive. Phone 417 MtHsnty omce Honrs: by appointment Dally' and Evenings , Cleeed Wednssday * NOTICE Effective immediately, E. % Overton Motor Sales, 403 Front St., McHenry, 111., if operating as a co-partnership between R. I Overton and Richard J; Overtoil.. BUICK, CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILl; PONTIAO AND M. C. R. I. Overton Motor Sales ' Richard J. Overton, General Maaagw ifeaBpiiry . m ^ ^ ^ ' 1 1Tione 0 McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 494 One Mile South of McHsi** on Bonte 81 Flowers for all oecssionsl *A. P. FBEUND SONS Excavatiag Contractors Trucking, Hydranik and Crape Service --ROAD BUILDING-- TeL 204-M McHenry, IB. Telephone No. 890 STOFFEL tt REIHANSPBRGER Insurance agents for all disss* of property in the best cesiPM**. West McHenry, Illinois CHARLES S. PARKERrAttorney (Joslyn At Fsrker) . Office Hoars: „ Wednesday Afternoons--l:0e-5:0e Office--Koehr Supply Company, 542 Main Street, West McHenry Pnone--McHenry 488 Woodstock 1135 FEATHER PARTY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 'M3 • • --'T' HARRY'S'TAVERN "ittrinerlj the Ptt' Et. 120 TURKEYS, DUCKS Mi GEESE SERVE© INSURANCE «re, RELlABLB"cOM?Ay^ When you need Inserapee * w o,«. Wrecking Hospital Buildings At Great Lakes Naval Station Oonaigting' of the following' materials ABT JACKSON | HanWag Sand -- Blatk Dirt-r Crashed Gravsl Truck fer Phone McHei McHenry, • eadiatmw PIPE i,- toilets • " Lavatosibs vft UEINAL8 K- WATBE TANKS i • PLYWOOD SalsssMn on to assist yen ~'Ar.. XTE !2C •WE * : WALLBOARO f wiauows DOOBS i UJlfBKB Or ALL mnmsioKs V/t-i*. MAPLE rCOOBIHO C'i : S* ALL LUMBX* rui OT KAttat np^EY! BTJKRT! -- -ARE'S AM OtSOSTUHITY TO SUPPLY TOUamtDS. IT WILL PAT TOO TO wn OUT AMD KAKE TOOK 8ELEOTIOH ASD •AVE Horn., UK IM SKMB Open 8M te 4» P. M. " y: IJI to 8 P. M. B0SLEY WRECKING C0MPAN| Great Lakes Navd Station

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