Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1947, p. 7

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WW -" .i .d® Mrs. CSmiIm 'tkmbm of her dub w» enteral the hoaa of %r ""tiSSe -'-sj Mrv STji m . P WM , 3 •• r Virfin SoAalitj M4 Heir CMkt- ">M DUtj «* on fhurafey -- . . dinner waa Htni TlHi were ^autifully dtenaM --iliWi to ti» °cc*sion. 8aate Cwi aaade hi* ... *ppearance, too, and distributed th« Itore futs which were afltatiinder the IwMr WfrnrrW •siffe* -."If „' r® f r 1 *T 'V : ' • -'•• --• • --• *•'• ifv.-r'-' y*! ->•*?#&* * >|U«. Hfcwf * ' - Z-s« ^vV-y-w* .••,w-^.t'-1,^ 4 .tl; « de- Christma* tree. Daleiden eerrad to >I?d, the Sister* ware •|ao peeeented with gifts mad >f went to Mrm. John Ley. lbs. ran aleo pnwent «- »«y- -- azn v F^wSrf?,t."S; Tlx Ckrtatiw* Mother* Btowd otlMrs of thc aodality Muf tons* "*+****• were sung and a wonderful time «f valaaa has beiS patented bf a Ifew York ^iiwlw. Four teeters are eoMridered: VOIsr, diaphragm opanfaa. ahuttex»«itrolled «•--•••» ttaM end film eensitivity. » wWik THANK YOU! I would like in this manner to ya •! Sincere gratitude to the SHU customers that I served daring: Hw nine years I business as the McHenry BUekaaaith $hop. Doe to poor health, my shop will be closed indefinitely. SI JAMBS ORE. Sobscnoe for The Flatadaalar VjWMrh^ndyM»L Ralph Obeohauf are !the happy parents of a daughter, 0 m V-v 'W SI Camiao Real fea Missouri was ooe of the oldest Mghwaya weet of the Mississippi rhrer. In the year „ o 1641 Do Soto and Ida Spanish adborn on December 2 at St. Therese1 venturers toeed thia-old trail on foraging raids and homing expeditions. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. ! Arthur Klein had to return to the (hospital. She is a patient at St. Therese hospital. Her children Jane, Patty and Peggy spent Sunday with Long before De Soto knew the trail, it was wen established by the American Indians. Along this road the Indiana carried their trade between tribes or war parties moved their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. against each other. William Britx. 1 JL nwMm if yta wfcarivtr to |iis! Now...his favorite SeaforthtoHe* ^fries-lii lugs of flexible, unbreakable jjDoralHel The loyal Scot set, above, llncludes Shaving lotion, Men'* Tok/Hairdressing and I^Shove, eoch with Seaforth'# >!ing scent of Highland heathen 'He'll carry them in his travel k|, "Thank you for a useM ' :""K^ <' • •/ .and unusual gift" every Use he gets reody to.. •tep rottrm WITH Km B*y«l Sw* In OwfoMt#, OHin Imeoa* (K NO la pdhM ilewweUkSflO i» JW BOLGER'S DRUG STORE . GREEN STREET MeHHNRT, ILLINOT8 1 I 1 I I I H 1 I I I l l t t t t T *eV6/1 mches The Pmochle club met at the home Order your rubber stamps at iwi Mrs. Arthur Kattner on Friday m.i-j--«-- •' tight. Prizes were awarded Mrs.; Plaindealer .Albert Britz, Mrs. Kattner and Mrs. j Charles Freund. There was a gift exchange after cards. A lovely, lunch was served', with the tables beautifully decorated oppropriate to j the holiday season. : Arnold May, who has been in [ China, flew home for the holidays, i arriving here last Thursday. j Mrs. George W. May and children ?pent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs Charles Freund. The occasion was in honor of the birthday of Miss Georgia May. A lunch was served which included a large : birthday cake. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown end; Mr and Mrs. Charles Freund spent an evening at cards in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller on Sun- j day. it was a triple celebration, i as Walter's birthday waa on Dec. 13, Danny's on Dec. 15 and little i Gary, one year old son of Mr. and i Mrs. Miller, had a birthday on Dec. j 17. Refreshments were served. j Mr. and Mrs. John Panknin entertained at their home on Stonday in 1 honor of his eighty-first birthday, j A delicious turkey dinner was served. at noon and the day was spent in I visiting. " I Bird-Catchiag OpUse A species of the genus Mygale, large, hairy spiders found in trop- i ical countries, especially In the Am- i aroo v&lley, have been railed "bird. catching spiders." While they ep> j pear to live chiefly on insects they^ can and do kill small birds. Their body may reach a length of two inches and the span is as much as IT Del-Von Home Made Candf For Xmas; A&SORTfcD CHOCOLATES FUDGE PEPPERMINT SANDWICHES MARASCHINO CHERRIES * AT THE ^ AGATHA SHOP -m by NIGK MILLER'S McHENRY GARASE gas MCKftlUiKV AHIENRYMAfiC wSPEEDy,, 608 FRONT STRUT ROUTE 31 PHONE 108-R e Alive s. i&i. Ck,Utmai 1/i/iin Cjrand 5oocL •' 1 ^ II ' fOtAlMTtNOair K6TM TEA BASS. ... IPombinatioii Sandwich Toaster and Waffle Baker ^- ^Electric Corn Popper ""f1 Bcalea $ 4.59 6.* ii'iw .. ,p«r Deluxe Ou Rangw, staggered top bunas, chrome trim -1 . SlTOiW ifctTBIQERAT0!B8 AVAnJkRI.l FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY-- Phiko idywoid design with frost chest; V Orosley Shelvador; Norge with aotomatie defroster! "i . \ Ivory Table Radio $ 19.95 Philco Combination Set .$159.75 Electric Kitchen Clocks $ 5.95 Essex China Hand-painted Range Sets Deoorated Tea Pots $ 1.25 $ 1.25 Electric Blankets, green oi rose, the gift supreme $ 41.95 " tffew Haven Pocket Watdies $ 2.50 V^aksk-Master Pocket Knife at 75c and $1.00' Flint Carving Set, 3-pc. at $ 8.95 Flint Vanadinm Steak Knives, set of 6 for $ 7.95 CLOSE OUT PRICES ON TOYS Irons, Reg. 25c, now 10c. i?{ Plastic Dishes, Reg. 25c, now Wheelbarrow, Reg. 25c, now lO^^ Scooter, lUf. IWG, n®» ^ pishes, Reg. 15c, now 9c. ^ Sewing sets, Reg. 50c, 25c* Wood Blocks, Reg. 60c, now 49c. Color Books, Special 3 for 25c. .^,vJ NOUSiSHINO--CVAPOftATCO rO UNITS WNUEHOUSE HUt a a e 3 CANS 36* MUClOUSI MHOOTT OMfI INNKK KK>)K GOLD WlATHSR COyiM SAUCE. OOMSTOMAPfLES muoootJ WWm U^CtO MSY RIOMI rot Pitt • • t c£i£27* •OUOPACR • e • • a CANSiw SUNNYPISLO KHt UOHTM CARBS Me Flew. " 44-OZ. .PKO. W.....STU ^ ISc CANS COMWAV SSANO--WHOiS 3Sc traifeerry Saeee TIN MM lOSACCO--XMAS WIMND Mee JMfeert Mt®. •96 rat A SfAftKU eCLATIN SALAD OftLMONTi KareSyrag 29c rOWWOWNANO ftfpifegtera fOfULAR MANOS. ASSORTIO __J NATIONAL ilSCOIT COMPANY SabyFeedt........... I Saltiae Craekera ^29c Craaberry Saaee AU.POPWiA9 ngaravrea AUMfVUI MOM SUCHHANi M-LJ-i •- -a- * MSSN COIN Of* THI COS NiUets Sera FANCY CMAMITTU AiF tteidaa 0era FANCY--JUST JUaftT TO M CANOIKO AtP Swset Ntateee 14c SOL K«. 29c N NMOa. M2 17c •OI. ...TIN 29c • NO. a I CANS 17c • NO. 2 .1 TINS 99c NO. 2 CAN 19c FRUIT GIFT PACKAGES jWaak. DeL 20-IK hea $2.99 se/7s ct. ORANGES .................. £2.69 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLK8 2-lb. hnx -- 25c Whwasa APPLES Florida ORANGES P17« 8-lk Imk 45c Florida Green BBANB _JSc per Jb. nvtcsiKM IMy TasMh MM £« •* SCIVfe AS COCKTAIL I UMTanda JaUa «k-OZ. «|g •Mi imv vHN •v.e'o tin ar IM7 PACK FtOM NEW YORK APPLES 4t°z. • TIN*#* FANCY QUALITY MP BrtptMl Mm. XS? M* SAVE UP TO 12c A POUND \>y IUTIHS Mrs Fresh CtffMs THERE ARE THREE DISTINCT SUNOS OF ASP COFFEES FOR MILD AND MELLOW FLAVOR 9 O'Clock CtffM ,^49c FIOI R R-UIC.H BAANCDS F--U7L*L« ) IUI. BAa--SI.IS) aOOlEO FLAVOR RcddrdtCiffto J (t i4i« mi tigi rot A VI6090US AN* WINfY FLAVOft Mar Otfftc *J£45c (t I-U. IAS« SNI tS-LB. IM-IIJN SWEET. TENDHt CLEANirir <t. BREEZE THRU Peter Pm MADE EA .fvvU' WITH Vv^:* CLEANING; - WITH KM rati NEEZE 2~37c -33«" -.35« JANE PARKER Frait CakM M u^M-i'/i^ y .ea nb. ae.«a 0A#* 92*99 GIFTS FOR BOYS AND pRLS I TRICYCLES SLEDS SKATES 5x fAGONS TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY FAVORITE SPRINOBMLB JQ« cooKiaa PEPPER NUT COOKIES-- i SUGAR COATEO P«pp«r Nut Cooklai--Sat" Cm)>4 pfeffirnumi _ 00^ ROLLER SKATES WHEELBARROWS BASKET jUT.T-g DOLLS gKjyCLES V IRAIHB cooKiaa PKO SLPEiCBE KCOUOCKXIEM--F ANCY TOP cooMisa w» MEDIUM SHARP p Cheddar Biaaal u 49c CHEESE ^OOO--QUICK MELTING cbri-o-ast ^ 87c PHILADELPHIA Craaia Cbaeat 2 33c TEMPTING, TASTY BeM'iRiehCbeata^ 99c FRESH. NATURAL Cottar# Cfcease CT L N r 17c rO"r" (MMiftVS Bleu tfnaese La. 97c % ALTHOFFS HD . Comef Rt. 21aad Main fit, McHenry fhoo* McHenry 3M '.01 .1 \kV \WM\ S\ovos i»»Awt **• • *0a»*' 0 • e# . Wl n*Mmtk • Tf«M ft* Hit Han yoa »l«rt A&H CORDIALS 's HOLIDAY SEASON •' ' " I Canadian Ohib - Fifth $5.50 WaQnr'a Dehae - Ftflh 14.97 Imperial Blended. Fifth, 13.40 Hill ft Hill. Old McBray# : Old Stmnybrook f Bond and Lillaxtl Choice, each 14.10 Old Grand Dad, Old Taylor Old Forester, Old Fitlgerald, Kenticky Tavern, Old Overhah, Old Crow Tour Choice, each $6.75 • Four Rosea • $4.25 Fifth Calvert Reserve^ Schenley; Three Feathers Your Choice, each $3.95 Seagram's TO ^ $5^0 Seagram's Seven - $4.00 GIN--Gilbey'a, Walker's, Fleischman's Tour Choioe, each $3.25 ; SCOTCH -- Teacher's Highland Cream, Black A Wtoite, White Horae. Your Choice, each $8.9(1 WINES -- GarreCa, GaUe, Italian Swiss Colony, Bragae^ Port, Muscatel, Sherry, Pale Dry Sheny. Tour Choice, each 95c CIGARETTEB -- Camels. Lucky Strikea, gheaterftaldt, Old Gold.. Tour Choioe, Carton $1.75 -McHENIRT ICE CREAM-- Cream of Creams--' 'ThpBeat in the Land." We carry ma«| different flavors. Tour choice, pint 25c OANDT-SchraiftSfem 1-lb. box $L50 2-lb. box , 2.50 iM - jjl Bunte, MiChoice. •p"- We carry a full line ot beer, sold by the case. Blate, Schlits, Budweiser, Pabst, Prager, Drury, Fax Deiftxa and Meister Brau. mm the, McHENRY LI0UOR •v tf 1 --T+r Corner Green & Elm ' ' - • • • " . - - , t TEL. McHENRY 104-R ?• 'Ail ...

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