Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1949, p. 10

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s?P •w #w la a series of at Genoa occurred sn a Chicago Miltrain struck and a saddle tabrse owned by JteDMi Nicholson of Genoa. .Ilia Nicholsons had saddled the fcorM and were preparing to put th« bridle on when the animal taarad and broke away. Attempts! to corral her failed and she ran UP Brown street and alotig the railroad tracks where the freight train struck her, killing her instantly ! 1 --- /i>'T* | Order your rubber stamps at The Plaindeaier. : ! "LTBEBALS" WARNED T MURDER TRIAL Seven Aurora men whose names! The murder trial of Trinidad have been closely associated with j Alvarez, 27, Lake Geneva, chargthe liberal element of that city, > ed with the fatal stabbing of An- .ifT • E MM li tt i . j were warned in no uncertain terms .-last week that horse-race booking establishments, and other forms of gambling will not. be allowed to operate. The warning was issued by State's Attorney Charles G. Seidel, as the men waited to be called before the September grand jury in session at Geneva. The nation's production of goats' milk Is valued at 1100,000,000 a *£artt »i m i »• m i iniHiMiki gelo Cervantes, is set to open Sept. 26. in the Circuit court at Elkhorn. It will be Walworth county's first murder trial in many years. Alvarez has been confined in the county jail without bail since SclMol Ba|p4 shortly after the stabbing in the f R*ral*t* " Knotty Pine tavern on the night | For BvlMfif of June 5. The trial will have a The board of unique quality in that the alleged j District 36, has recalVad notice murderer does not speak or under- j from S. W. Brown, townshlf treasstand English, At the arraignment, urer- that a certified Check for a student of Spanish from the Uni- | M.000 has been deposited to tfce versity of Wisconsin served as account of Harrison for bUll<Mng | translator. Burdick said Saturday purposes. The specifications for In White or Pink the trial will be conducted English and Spanish. la Popular Book pular book ever received in the U. S. information library in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, was- Sears, Roebuck catalog. $ Baby Pants £» for happy babies Made with chat amazing material, natural creamy liquid latex, with' no seams or binding stitches -- extra* durable Koolcek Baby Pants stretch all over for ail over comfort. Waterproof. 10 seconds to suds dainty! . .. 10 wendh t* pat 4ty! In pink or vfeke ... order accardiqg ^to baby's weight. First Amateur Ball Club Ifhe first organized atnateui' baseball club with standard rules was the Knickerbocker club of New York, formed by sportsmen in 1845. First all-professionals: the Cincinnati Red Stockings of' 186&. the proposed addition have already gone out to contraotora aad sealed bids will be opened on Oct, 1. ir Complete line of Beebe livestock "j. remedies at Wattle? l>iug Store. "* Henry.- . S-tf "Have you a chair handy. Grandma?" said the kindly voice of the Harvard station agent at Harvard early Sept. IT. And the inquiry was really an announcement Which Frances Riegel had been waiting for; the telegram from San Diego was really anti-climatic but it dM say that Donna Arlane, weighing Titos.. .5% ozs. had arrived at 12:38 on Sept- 17. small, iMdum, kvf» • in 9okJ«« packages FOR RENT PORTABLE ELECTRIC JANDER FOR WOOD OR METAL RENT BY DAY, WStK, OR MONTH Ask for Dwnonctratioir W. B. Bjorkman & Son HARDWARE -118 Riverside Dr. Phone 782 "SPEEDY" r MNSHSRf "THE by McHENRY GARAGE (UCWKM AUNMS RETURW*) NICK MILLER'S N^HENRY GARAGE 9ECAUSETHCV4ETTHE BEST mftKHAWilWr IMTOWI AT REASONABLE PRICES r AMD-OCV MAKE MOMEY 1 FOR THEMSELVES AND ^ FOR THEIR CUSTOMERS! 604 FRONT STRET Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Tracks 600D WORKMANSHIP PANS OFF FOR BOTH PHONE 403 Legion Auxiliary' To Have Bak« Sala And Card Party./': The Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a card party this evening, Sept. 22, at thex Legion Hall. On Saturday at 2 p. m. they will have a bake sale to which donations are desired. Any donations by outsiders will be greatly appreciated and prizes will be given for the outstanding contributions, The Veterans' Craft shop, items made by disabled veterans* is under the chairmanship of Mrs. Frances Riegel and a display is available for anyone wishing to make a purchase at the Riegel home In Indian Ridge. Gift Items range from as low as twenty-five cents, and consist of plaques, pictures, pins, earrings and many other things. Folks are reminded again of the fall festival to be fceld by the American Legion on their grounds Saturday evening and all-day Sunday. SPECIAL OFFER m 4- !.» " t *f. HF OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES at WHOLESALE PRICES We have your size in passenger car tires * farm implement and motorcycle tires. Foar Brewnles V . Are F1v-Itj»8 to Scont Ranks An investiture lot Lone Troop 2 of Wonder Lake Girl Scouts was held last Wednesday at the Legion Homef when four Brownie Scouts received their wings as fly-ups into the Scouts and two new Scouts were accepted. Those coming from the ranks of the Brownies were: Virginia Audino, Sandi Sells, Jean Selsdorf and Judy Bastien. Dorothy Bott, a fonner Scout, and Betty Wright, were also welcomed into the newly formed troop. Janet Grill and Nancy Bott, al$o to be members, were not present at the ceremonies. Mrs. Marian Cannon, in behalf of the Legion 'Auxiliary which sponsors the Scouts,, presented the girls •jrith wings and pins. Evelyn Gallup, assistant leader, also received her pin. Mrs. Del. Tall man, leader, conducted, the investitnre and 4ras assisted by Jay Hansen, former Scout. Tom OtBrlep New Com Of Yacht Clnb Tom O'Brtw was elected commodore of tbe Woader Lake Yacht clob at the annual banquet held oq Saturday nlfffet at Rolaine Grill. Mr- O'Brien also received a special trophy for th« longest elapsed time for sailboats, and other awards wera made as announced last week. Peter A. Georgeson was chosen vice-commodore and chairman of the sailboat racing committee; George Riaehow, rear-commodore and chairman of power-boat racing committee; Bob Ploog, secretarytreasurer; and A«dy Knnz, timekeeper. also complete stock of tractor, truck, P iff,- BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. Brownie Seoats Met Wednesday The Brownie Scouts held their first fall meeting last Wednesday at the home of their leader. Mrs. Claire Rietesel. Present were: Penny Halseth, Barbara Jacobson, Kathy Majercik, Susan Spuehr, Lynn Suess, Lynn Wilkinson, Kathleen Cihos, Rosemary Cihos, Gale Cannon, Jackie 8peek, and Sharon LeGreca. The Brownies will meet each Wednesday at the Rietesel home and the bus will bring them directly from school, right after school. Little girls between the ages of 7 and 10 are invited to become members. flNftl Caller Hem * Neat Sunday, Sept. 96, ft RALLY DAY at the. Gospel Center. It wiU be a combined service of church and Sunday School, beginning %t 10:30 a. m. central standard time. We know that you will enjoy the program, which will be rich in variety. Jack Losbough will lead us in the singing of songs and choruses we love to sing. Boys and girls of our Sunday School cently formed--a class for young people to the high school age, II year* and up. Jack Loshbaugh has consented to taach this class. It offers really wonderful opportunities for young people for instruction in things most essential, and for the best of fellowship. "A Wonderful Treat." Such a remark and similar ones we heard last Sunday/ morning at the close of the worship service. They referred especially to the truly mar-. will be heard in recitations, songs: velous singing by Miss Winifred and music. Miss Elenor Raffel will give an interesting object leeaon. Clarence Swanson, missionary candidate, will bring a brief Gospel Message and our guest soloist will be Miss Herman Feldeman of Elgin. There will also be souvenirs for everyone. This Rally is planned for all, children, their parents, neighbors, and friends. We bid you all a hearty welcome- A new Sunday School , was re- Larson of Belvidere. There were real aAd heartwarming messages from her heart to our hearts. It Was spiritual singing in the flnost sense of the word, such as we seldom have the privilege to hear. We thank Miss Larson for coming and giving us that "wonderful treat" and also her very able accompanist. Mrs. Frances Swanson- Biomberg. 1 World's Biggest M The Soviet Union which likes to "do thing* in a big way" will probably never call attention to the fact that it owns the biggest bell in the world. This bell, the "Taar K6lokol,M located in Moscow, was a flop because an 11-ton piece broke off before it was ever rung. Subscribe"?or The Plaindeafcr* Pa., in Four. t _ . . fiftftfei w«* £il w«U, at *as known WsU Fed Heifers ' A good heifer, well fed, will mature onq to three months sooner than one poorly fed and will be af( larger and totter producer through* out her Mffe. Bead the Want Adr. CONCRETE BLOCKS Light Weight and Cinder Blocks : t Chj^ey Blocks -- Septic Blocks -- Glass Blocks ^ Steel Windows -- Water Proofing -.^0 Fox Lake Concrete Products Hwy. 12 and Railroad Depot Tel. Fox Lake 3742 SYMPATHT > When someone in your family has died, it's hard to think logically and clearly. But you can depend on our truly courteous and sympathetic personnel to assist you in all funeral details. Our long years of experience result in complete confidence for you. Jacob Justen Sons Funeral Home Phone 108-R or 112-W CORONADO CONSOLE OIL HEATERS 1. Large Oversize Heating Unit 1. Sensational New Heat Ec< 3. Specially Designed Oval 4. Thumb-size Pilot Saves Fuel Distinctively styled rich brown cabinets! All fh« latetf oil developments have been incorporatad in your CORONADO. Gormaio Supmr Carwmdb Of CONSOLE CONSOLES OtealBr heating capadtyAAac SpedeHy designed forwjtMtf •or larger homes. OT greater toot at l*u cosH t.*S Down Delivers 7S.000 STU *ri 7.W Oewn T " (LOWER UNITS...SmfMl,ghnsi Gammed The Friendly Store Next Door To Bank McHenry, Illinois TIME IS RUNNING OUT *OU* CHANGS or a LIFETIME NLY 2 HOKE WEEKS rQK TOU TO T4KB ADVANTAGE Of You will be surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices. Call McHenry 294 or come in. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE THEY LAST. SPECIAL--6:00x 16 Super or Deluxe FIRESTONE CHAMPION $12.71 (including all taxes) Other sizes priced proportionately. There were thirty-two persons present at the new home of Barbara and Willie Fiala to shower the newlyweds on Thursday evening of last week. Their little home is at Hilltop and Orchard in Shore Hilla. Hostess for the party was Mrs. Millie Hay. Six pt the guests were schoolmates of Barbara from Chicago. Ow? September Sale of NEW Dodge Trucks TRUCKS Brfefles Prank White is a patient at the Woodstock Hospital..Harry Hampton was discharged over the weekend following major surgery All of the teachers of Harrison school were present at the allday curriculum werkship held at Woodstock on Monday of , this week Del Tallman is nursing a very sore hand which she accidentally ran through the wringer... Richard Wohnrade was elected •ice-president of the senior class at McHenry SAVE AS HIGH AS the Truck Of Yoyr $500 WALTER J. FREUND _ Tire" -- Tube* -- Batteries -- Accessories * T"1* Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairs Phone 294 All Work Guaranty > ' . ' OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS McHwi^ A Hard Times Dance, sponsored by Christ the King church, will be held on Saturday evening, Oct. 15, at the American Legion hall. Music will be furnished by Art Thorns and his orchestra. Everyone is invited to attend. ' - 8ALE IS BEING HEUP AT A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. S« E. PEARL STREET PHONE 166 ILLINOIS ItUUfektd MM OPEN WON. - WED. and FRI. EVENINGS DURING SALE \ - Harold Thomas Ca'ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caley of Hickory Falls, wafc christened at Christ the King church on Sept. 18. Miss Gladys Heitz and James Wright were the baby's sponsors. A dinner at the Caley home followed the event. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes of Hickory Falls, maternal grandparents, of tke little fellow. A A A A A A A A A A A

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