Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Sep 1949, p. 2

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every Thursday *at Mc bjr A. Howard Mosher. klitor--Adele Froehlich fS.50 •et of May 8, 1879. Om Year I William Herdrich has returned j to Champaign to resume his studies i at the University. j Miss Martha Stoffel has returned to Washington, D. C., after spending a few weeks with McHeViry j relatives. as second-«lass matter at | Miss Lily Breyer ot Milwaukee, pMtofflee at McHenry, 111., under'wis., has been vistiing McHenry ' triends tliis past week. Mrs. Jolih Fay of Bellingham. Wash., a former McHenry resident, is spending this week with Mrs. Zena Bacon and is also* visiting otelir friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn spent several days last-week, on a vacation trip to Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parker and Mrs. Ida Sloan of Springfield, Ohio, and Mr. aud Mrs. E. E. Grove, of Edison Park, were guests this week in the home of Mrs. William Spencer. » r" Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penney of Winnebago, Minn, are visiting McHenry relatives this week. Mrs. W. Peck of Edison Park Hugh Murphy has 'entered his visited Mjs, William. Spenijer last third year at Georgetown Univer- weekend. ' : tity at Washington, I). C. i Martin and Daniel Cooney have jJMiss Josephine Guercio and Miss returned " to 'the School of Mines Jplia Foley, who fire attending jn Grand Forks. N. Dakota, after Northern State Teachers College spending several weeks wHTTltheir At DeKalb, spent the. weekend parents. deir home in McHenry. Mr, and Mrs. Jalhes powers have Mrs. Marie Zimmer and Mrs. Maiy b^en, enjoying a trip through the Simmer of Palatine visited Mc- East. Henry relative? on Wednesday of Miss Joann Durland has been last week. The latter remained for' visiting relatives in California on * longer time. he/ vacation from her duties at , Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger the Overton garage. returned home last week from a Master Sgt. James Doherty a!nd #lp to the Smoky Mountains. -his wife and son of Topeka. Kas., Miss Patricia Briggs spent last has returned ,home after a fUr- *eek with relatives in Detroit. lough spent with his parents, the ; M>r r. andA -MKM r-s, Raymond iWir^hui<tinn<gr William F. Dohertvs. , «| Lake Geneva spent a few days Miss Marie Powers returned ltst week with McHenry relatives, home Tuesday from Augustana Relatives have received word hospital, ( hicago where she unthat Mr. and Mrs. James Brandt derwent sur6er>- last wee*- SUSTAIN IN * Xt Hinsdale are enjoying a trip to JEngl&nd and Scotland. Mrs. Brandt,! Cyrus Hall McCormlck the former Elida Going, is well ! ^In 1831 Cyrus Hall McCormick known in McHenry. j gave a public demonstration ol the Mrs. Helen MicAuliffe of Chicago. first successful reaper* He patented M spending a few weeks with her, the machine ta 1834 - daughter, Mrs. Walter Brooks. i, . ,., Mrs. Edward Finnegan, who has I - _ .. , ' been ill for several weeks. Is visit-! * Bristles Valuable ^ tig relatives in Chicago. !- Brushes made of pure hog bns- Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Hopkins ties are almost worth their weight &ave returned home from the East, 'n S°ld these days. Due to the conliavlng accompanied their two sons tinuing chaos in China, they are there to enter college. Jacqjue be-* exceedingly hard to obtain. (an his sophomore year at Trinity! college. Hartford, Conn., and Mark' An attack of measles wiped his freshman studies at Middlebury j out one-quarter o* the population College, Middlebury, Vt. of Fiji in 1875. mmmrt JCENEAM in it... • loc^ar-laating .. back of it an the I •kilii c(Uick Saaltaat experts. tV» tee $904 U Mitt! Try It H»wl AVAKAMI M • PmMh CHOCOtAU • Reach sntAWMAMV • flrendi VAN&IA I* dtlawdyhil flshif. . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHQNEI40 McHENRY, ILLINOIS Altar and Rpsarj I; ' To Open Seasoi ^. . -„t, ^ "taie Altar and Rosary 'of St. Patrick's church will liold its first meeting of the fall season on Monday, Oct. 3. witii the following committee in charge: Mrs. George Schri'lner, IVVrs. Jafiies Doherty. Mrs. L«»Roy Conway. Mr*. Oeorge Miller and Mrs. Harold Phalin. / • •. . ! Farewell Pari; Far Employee* The employees' clul) room at the Riverside Manufacturing Company was the scene of a gay farewell rartv ...held recently in honor of the Missess Betty Schons and Dorothy Fuelis of Johnsburg by their, fellow workers. The afternoon's festivities y,*ere highlighted by a mock wedding presentation in which Mrs. Ther- ; eae-Weipgftrt. acted the role of-the groom. Mrs. Antia Freuhd was maid of honor and Mrs. Rosemary Weingart was best man. ' . ! Mrs. Margaret Stilling acted in the role of executioner. Flower girl was Mrs. Elsie Cross, ring- . beftrcnss were Mr«s. Betty Hammerp »ein ,:«nd Mrs. Ella Landers. Mrs. Amanda Freund acted the part of the blushing"bride's mother. AfUr the mock ceremony, the j future brides were each presented with beautiful sets of dishes by i their fellows workers while their employers. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nathai\son. presented each with a gold compact. Floral decorations and gowns were designed by Mrs. Lottie , Brnnsford. f ---After the presentations, the eni tire staff enjoyed a delicious 1 luncheon, with cake and ice cream for a topper, prepared and served by the locally famed culinary artiste, Mrs. Kate" Sheldon. After that there were musical selections by the two Betty's, Freund and : Bauer. j After these festivities, attention | was nekt switched to Mrs. Betty ! Pauer, who announced her coming departure for Tokyo, Japan, where she will join her husband Staff Sgt. Albert E. Bauer of the ; U. S. army, stationed there. A beautiful purse was the bon voyage gift presented to her. i • • • . Girl Scoots Planning Play Troop No. 6 of the Girl Scouts met on Sunday evening, at which times plans were made for a play to be presented at Thanksgiving time, to which parents and friends will be invited. Plans were also discussed for a bake sale, the funds derived to be donated to the polio fund. • • • •_ Family Gathering At Pliglin Home , A family gathering was held at the John Phalin residence on Richmond Road last Sunday, honoring Mrs. Anna Phalin who is visiting here from her home in Thorsby, Ala., and her son, Thomas, of Camp Eustis, Va., who leaves soon for overseas service- The gathering also honored the first visit of little Mary Jean Anderson of Chicago, infant daughter of the Harry Andersons and the twenty-sixth grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. t A buffet supper was served and a social day enjoyed by the following guests: Mrs. Eleanor Foley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin and Mr. Mrs. Thomas Phalin and family, all of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette, Mrs. Mary Rossi and children of Pell Lake, Mrs. James Mahoney and children and the Harry Andersons of Chicago. • • • Edgar Landgrens Observe Anniversary ' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren ' You ought to be driving a ItXTMM will ottterve their sUrar anniwsary on Friday, Sopt and will celebrate the occasion lift enjoying a few day*' trip. > Miss Rose Laures of McHenry and Edgar Landgren of Crystal Lake were married by Rt. Rot. Msgr. C. SThJIx tn the 8t. Mary's church here twenty-five years ago. they have two children, Mrs Blaine Colman and William Landgren; alio two grandchildren David and Cathy Colman. • • • •> Fox River Valley Camp 1'lanN Meeting The regular meeting - -llox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., will be held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 4, at 8 o'clock in the "Woodman hall. West McHenry. A aOtial hour will follow. / • * * • Oswald-Whiting •'.• , Betrothal Told • Mr. and Mrs. Frahk ^NfiW! of Williams Park, near f&ocum'e Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carolyn, to George Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bd- i win K. Whiting of Richmond, for-1 merly of . this community. . „ . # Anniversary- MIsb Mary Theresa Tonyan was hostess to the girla of the second, grade of St. Mary's-St. Patrick's' school at a party held in honor j of her seventh birthday anniversary. Games were played and an! appetizing lunch Was enjoyed by1 the following, in addition to Mary' Therese's classmates: Tommy and Danny Brown. Darlene Freiind. Merilee Liptrot and Lou Ann Stenger. • • • _ •'iilaine Ton van #' Observed Birthday Miss Julaine Tonyan celebrated her eleventh birthday anniversary one recent afternoon by entertaining the girls of the sixth grade of the parochial school at a party held at her home. Games provided the afternoon's diversion, after Which a tasty lunch was ,served. 0*0 . .1 Shower For Brlde-To'Be Miss Carol Murray of ChIdS?fd, who will become the bride of William Bolger on Oct. 1, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the Harold Stilling home one evening last week. Hostesses were Mrs. Stilling and Miss Ann Bolger. Games were played and Miss Murray was presented with many lovely gifts. Lunch was served from a table attractively decorated for the occasion in white. In attendance were Rita and Margaret Bolger, Mrs. Richard Weber, Mrs. John. Bolger and daughter, Mary Ann, Mrs. William F. Doherty and daughters, Rosemary and Dorothy, 1 Mrs. Sjibre Whiting and daughter, Pegg^, Mrs. James Doherty and Mrs. Thomas Bolger of McHenry, Mrs. Roy Lattner of Chicago and Miss Mary' flflen Evans of Woodstock. \ , ^ • * • Christen Infant"^ . , Of Earl Dowells .jV . The infant daughter,'of'-Ifr. iou! Mrs. Earl Dowell was christened Kathleen Margaret at, .baptismal cervices i held at St. Boniface church, Lafayette, Ind., on Sunday, Sept. 25. Sponsors for the baby wer^ her aunt and uncle, Florence and George Larkin of McHenry. Kathleen Margaret's mother is the former Miss Margaret Larkin. Mrs. f. H. Duker To ., , Entertain Circle S . ?V MrB. C. H. Duker will be hostess to member^ of Circle 3 of the W". S. C. S. wheq they tyeet ,}ier home on Wednesday, Oct. S, at 1:30 o'clock. ^ Rlvervlew Camp Plans Meetings _ _ ' Rlvervlew Camp, R. N. A... .W111 hold its next meeting on Tuesday evening, Oct. 4^ in the K. of C. hall. Plans will be discussed for attending the county convention at Woodstock on Oct. 6. * • • Announce Engagement Of Alblna Samec John Samec of West McHenry announces the engagement of his daughter, Alhina, to John Prince, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Prince of Wonder Lake. The couplei plans To be married next May, iiii m* AMBaiCAlf BANKING IN ACTION^ m * jo. * * r t vA I" Hi k ^ ' i XlitilCA's Oifeists ; 'Everyone who has a bank account, a life inirtir- ' ance policy, aU. S. Saving^ Bond or a share of stock is a capitalist--a stockholder in the free enterprise system that makes America's living standard *he highest in the world. Our enter* . v prise system is the fairest method of rewarding^ . • initiative's the American way of doing things. '. When someone calls you a capitalist, stic^k out ^ your chest. He's saying you are an American*,. McHENRY STATE BANK ^Member Federal Eeserve System Federal Deposit tnsuranM Corporation ROBBRT SALES' 0M£ IN QHICAG( I OLLOWING WEDDING >' Af AGO LOUELLA HANFORD MARRIED SATURDAY TO ELMHURST MAN Cut By Jerry Rogen Photo By Max Kolin Jr. Qne of the prettiest wedding* Mjss Doris Kolin, beauteoua of the season was solemnized at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max St. Peter's church Saturday morn Kolin o£ McCullom Lake and Chicago, and Roberts Sales, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales of McCul-- lom Lake, were united in marriage by the Rev. Ff. 'Gllliespie, in a double ring ceremony performed at 5 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 10, at „Str Robert's church, Austin and Eastwood Aves. in Chicago. The lovely bride wore a gown of lace over net and satin, with a long train and a fingertip veil. |3he carried a bouquet of white carna- : tions. • I Mrs. Eileen Chapin. the bride's eister, acted as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were MisB Loretta Schultz of Chetek, Wis., and Miss Joan Nell of,Jofipsburg. All attendants wore poudre blue|ing, Sept. 24, at 9:30 when Miss taffeta and lace gowns. ! Luella Hanford, daughter of Mr. Little Elizabeth Kolin, the bride's- and Mrs. Daniel Braidman of Elmniece, whf) seryed as flower girl,: hurst. The ceremony was - perpresented a pretty picture in her formed by .the pastor, Rev. John • TIFI i o {if? t.»F iia •MX * "ifr ..'"/iA-- "a!?" AJS. '! TARD OF TH '.5Kg THANK. YOU! m We would like in ihis way to j Mrs. Alyce F*oster has returned thank everyone for floral offerings, j *° her home in Lily Lake from the cards of sympathy, donations of ' Woodstock hospital and wishes to cars and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of the death of George Voeltz. They were greatly appreciated. MRS. CHARLES MICHELS . MRS., LOUIS BENDING FRED FELTZ 20 thank her many friends for cards and gifts received while confined | there. She also wishes to thank I the Plaindealer staff for theite kind I cooperation during the past year j and one-half, during which time I she has submitted church news of TThe community. She sincerely hopes CARD OF THANKS j that lhe 8ame relations will be We would like to take this op- 1 maintained with the new publHI* portunity to thank the McHenry I ers* _ > fire department and neighbors for N(led rabber 8t4mp9f Order at thl\r ue\lln KtI»K«tahlng the fire | The P,ain4ea,er. which threatened to do serious | damage last Saturday morning. We | • greatly appreciated all the assis- j ltilllllllllllltMiiiliimiiitlinillllliini;iiiU«illHllllUHM tance ofTered. GEORGE BLAKE | p ARNOLD BLAKE •20 I U " Order your'rubber 'stamps at 1'Ke T>iaindeal«"*. iiinmiiiiintHiifiiiiiiiiittiHiiuiiiiJiTiiiiuiiiitiiitiifiitnir i gllLLES lacy gown of pale pink taffeta. Jack Sales.- the groom's brother, home on leave from duties as ser geant in the army air force, stationed at Rapid City, So. Dak., act- Daleiden. The charming bride, who was given in marriage by -her father, waa attired in a gown of white slipper satin, with fitted bodice. Product 3itu can Think yaurseif into this. if you are ^oine to buy elit , motor oar--you, can think yourself right into a Pontiac! Think of the most beautiful car you've seen this year--think of the car that'* nationally famous a« a Vouderful used car--think of the thing* that make General • MoIom' <rars outstanding year after year--think of the low- •.ipriced car that looks most at home before umart hotels and / iclubs everywhere! C¥o»i will find that in ^very case you arc thinking about Pontiac! >A« a matter of fact, you will find that it'H time to Htop thinking and start walking--right down to our display room. . 'Well put you behind the wheel of a 1949 l'ontiac--and we're 'ready to bet that you'll be there for "keeps". For here's the f-easiest car to fall in love with in the whole wid£ world! • Surprise Birthday . x Party In Johnsburtr A surprise birthday party was held in honor of A. R. Quaintance at his home in Johnsburg one recent evening. A barbecued ham dinner was served, followed by a social hour which included the Bhowing of movies. Present at the gatherings were Mrs. Lena Burmeister, Mrs. Margaret Schindler, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Budil, Miss Betty Kellar, Earl Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Quaintance, Mrs. Margaret Schwake, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Birk, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cierocke, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murray, M!r. and Mrs Merwin Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. La- Verne Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Quaintance. Mrs. Louise Anderson, Mrs. Anna Murray, MT. and Mrs. George Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson, M!rs. Rose Silk, Mrs. Loren Jones, Harold Miller Kenneth Quaintance, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann, Mr», Lee Huemann, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Nevsimal, Mr. #nd Mrs. Math Lay, Mrs. Marge Kelson, Mrs- Arlene Scott, Annabel Nett and George Nett. ed as his best man and a younger, | full skirt and long sleeves, with brother, Jimmy, Sales, as u&her. an edge of lace falling over the Mrs. Max Kolin, the bride's | wrist. It had a high neckline of mother, chose as her raiment for, marquisette,. with rows of satin ttfa occasion, a gown of grey lace and lace in a cape effect falling with a corsage of yellow tea roses,over the shoulders forming a "V" while Mrs. Lefo Sales, mother of at the bodice and coming to a the groom, wore a lace gown of!point in the back at the waist. Her poudre blue hue, with a corsage j satin train was covered with rows of peach gladiolus. °f moon lace. A tiara headpicee Following the- marriage cere- j °f orange blossoms held in place mony, a reception for over a 100i^er fingertip veil, which was also guests was held at the Tam-O- trimmed with moon lace. She Shanter Country club. ' [carried a bridal bouquet of white Among those present wer<| Mr.1 ™8es' with a ^ower of stephonoand Mrs. William Cahill and Mr.."8* . and Mrs. William Lortie of Chi-! "er,„ a"en^nt® 7°™^ cago, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pellitier of ™de 'd H entlC« t0, ^ °f ^ bri«e" McHenrv Mr and Mrs Michael Miss Edna Hanford was her sls" KoXToi Chetek w" Mr Mrs. Joseph Perlowski of Cleve- J°"*co mltch a?d iSland Ohio Dr. and Mrs. George, ^0,0^0^ o? whHe Fleming of Elmhurst Mr. and Mrs.jand bronze The brlde8_ Melton Chapin of picago, Mr and maids. Mrs. Helen Hanford of Mrs. F. Nell of Johnsburg and Mr. | pjg Rapids. Mich., sister-in-law of and Mrs. I. McNamee of Blooming-: ^j,e bride, Miss Jeanette Braidman, ton, 111., Hal Tate of station W. A. j Elmhurst. sister of the groom and I. T . and George May of the Mibb Betty Grabowski, Pell Lake, Tam-O-Shanter C. C. jWis., friend of the bride, were Following the reception, the all in winter green satin gowns newlyweds departed for a two with accessories to match and weeks' honeymoon trip to New'carried colonial bouquets of wliit^ York City, after which they will j and yellow pom poms. They wore be at home at 1157 No. Monitor I gold necklaces, gifts of the bride, avenue in Chicago. | Attendants of the groom were The new bride is a gradaute of j William Fillip, Jr., of Bellwood, St. Patrick's Academy at Des I HI., a friend, as best man. Robert Plalnes and the groom is a gradu- j JIa°'ord ,?apidSj ™,chj' ate* of McHenry high school, class ^° . fr °' t.' a1 71oy(! of '44. H» is at present employed' Christenaen of Elmhurst, friend in an executive capacity with an 0 e 8room' were ushers. THI RS,, FRI. and SAT. SEPT. 29-30, OCT. 1 Matinee Saturday, 2:30 p. m. McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRI. \SAT. SF<PT. 30, OCT. 1 Gary CooperX Teresa Wright "PRIDE OF THE YANKEES* Plus--News anik. Cartoon , 8l"N. - MON. OCT. 2-3 Clifton Webb Shirley Temple ' "MR. BELVEDERE GOES TO COLLEGE" Pins--World Slews and Cartooli TUES. - WED. Edgar Buchanan Barbara Brltton Sonny Tnfts George (Gabby) Hayes (1) "UNTAMED BREED" Jimmy Lydon Penny EdWards (2) "TUCSON" Co-Hit Riy MJlland • In "ALIAS NICK BEAL" SUN. . MON., OCT. 2*3 Matinee Sanday, 2:30 p. 11 ismm TUES. - WED., OCT. 4-6 STARTING THURS. FOR 3 DAtS A In Color Fred Mj#Hurray Sylvia Sidney Henry Fonda "TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniit I'OWrk • BAXTER THiZuCKOp THE IRISH umiiiiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiHtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiu engineering firm in Chicago, LEGION AUXILIARY OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAG CO. 100 FRONT STREET McHENRY, ILL. First Blast Farnace In 1645, the first successful blast furnace in America yreni into operation at Lynn, Mass. The initial casting was a crude kettle. TODAY-- huge blast, open hearth, bessemer and electric furnaces in the U.S. can surpass iron and steel production of the rest ot the world. Casters for Bed If a bed must stand in a corner or alcove, it should be equipped with good ball-bearing casters so that it can be rolled out for maktag-- or for cleaning the room. Mrs. Hanfrd, the bride'B mother, wore an olive green satin street length dress and Mrs. Braidman, mother of the groom, wore .. - a dress of kelly green satin. Both The regular monthly meeting of j corsages of white and yellow the American Legion Auxiliary was j pom poms. held on Sept. 19, with President | ^ dinner was served at noon Eddie Meath presiding. The com- j for approximately Bixty - live mlttee chairmen gave their month-! guests in St. Peter's parish hall, ly reports, with Teckla Blomgren;The reception began at 2:30 in talking at length on the activities! the afternoon and a supper was of the Auxiliary during the past served at 5 o'clock to about 250 year. Jeannette Vance, president j people. There was dancing at pf the Girl Scout Leaders' club.'night, with music furnished bv reported that there is a shortage of j Bessie Barnes orchestra. The hall leaders and added that anyone who j was beautifully decorated with has a few hours to spare and is in-1 flowers and a false ceiling in the terested in helping in this worth- colors of the gowns of the bride while work should contact her by J and her attendants. calling 51-J. j For her going-away outfit, the Henrietta Vycltal. rehabilitation: bride chose a navy bine suit with chairman, asks that all old maga-igray accessories and wore'a cor- 7,1 nes for disabled veterans at Dow-, sage of white pom poms. After a S0UTD00RS Box Office Opens 6:00 Shows at 7:00 - 9:15 p. m. ney be left at the new Legion Home. It was announced that the party given by tfie Auxiliary for the bene: honeymoon inabthe eastern states, the newlywed^Fwill be at home at 107 Geneva ave., Elmhurst. The bride is a graduate of Richfit of the Woodstock hospital was! mond-Biirton high school and was very successful. A party is being! employed at Admiral Corporation, planned for the children at the McHenry. The groom served in Woodstock Orphans' Home on Sept. 30. The kitchen buying committee was announced by the president as follows: Agnes Buch, Eva Bacon, Teckla Blomgren, and 'Evelyn Varese. After adjournment of the meeting, movies were shown 6y Andrew Worwick of the Chicago convention and the Marine Day and Memi orial Day parades. the navy for two and a half years and now is employed at Davis Fuel Co. in Elmhurst. There were guests jyesent at the wedding from Big Rapids, Grand Rapids, Sturgis, Lansing and Augusta in Michigan, Chicago. Westmont, Elmhurst and Bellwood. Order your rubber stamps at Tho Plaindealer. WED. - THRUS. - FRI. and SAT. SEPT. 28-29-30, OCT. 1 mwDeQlM wwu# DUFF hikh A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE SUN. - MON. - TUBS., OCT. 2-3-4 rLOOKFOR rn£ SILVER Unino > „ n"V|D BUTIER -- i RAY GORDON WARNER BROS! MUSICAL 'SMASH I .. v.: w.

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