Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1949, p. 8

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t&.rir ; »- > ' f*5:1 " >• <• ^ Jr>; "f? >**"'•* ;• *>v- - 5VT \ \ ^ *1* . Thursday,-October Frail In RoD To make a. wonderful dessert, IN® out your favorite biscuit dough and spread it with a thick fruit frauce--rhubarb, strawberry, peach *•--or any of your favorite summer lime fruits. Then roll it up jetty troll style and cut the Toll into two- Inch sliccs and bake. The clever dessert sliccs can be topped with tnore of the fruit sauee or with Sweetened whipped ream. ' • ' - • / ' "" - Head the Waiiit Ada, Keep Calm! If fire breaks out and there Is a panic-rush for the main exit, keep out of the crowd and attempt to find some other means of escape. Above all, keep calm! DELIVERS THE GOODS! Silica Makes the Grate I Although over half the earth's crust is silica., , only in the 26th , century hacve experts learned to /select the best quality to make heatsaving refractory brick for fur- ! naecs.* CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorn*? (Jocilyn ft Parker) Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--14I>S:00 Office--Koehr Supply Company, 642 Main Street, West McHenry Phone--McHenry 486 Woodstock 1135 * Sidewalks -Foundations J. M. STANGARONK CEMENT WORK - Emerald Park - Phone 661-J-l - McHenry, III , Cement Mixer For Rent ^feriveways . 1 / ' .' ' • Stairwayi1* HANS' BODY & FENDER REPAIRS . Special Wreck Work •* Painting, complete from $40 up Springs, Shocks, Complete Frame and Axle Straightening : Quick Service >' '• - - ^ All Work Guaranteed &11 any tiine--McHenry 244-R 609 FRONT STREET, McHElfRV Clinton Reckenbaugh is wellknown to many of the folks in this community. Popular because he always has a smile and a cheery word. He is one of the Omar men who--in those bright red Omar trucks--bring delicious Omar Rreads and" Pastries fresh from the Omar ovens--Right To Your Door! t And Cliht says. ••Tomorrow I will be carrying a feature item, Omar Cinnamon Raism RoHs for only 34c.'; „ < > Get to know Your Omar- man! Write Omar in Wauconda.;' v . , ; Lightning's Toll fea'trh year lightning destiny's Approximately $20,000,000 worth of farm property, takes the lives BF ; 500 people and injures 1309 other*. ' China Faucet Handles The hazards of china faucet and valve handles are stressed by the , Plumbing and Heating Industries bureau. China handles are likely to break and cut the hand or arm)of the user. The replacement of all china handles with metal handles is advocated by the bureau. Dough Rises - Consumption of bread and other baked goods has increased to the point where every man, woman and child in the United States spends an average of approximately 26 dollars each year for bakers' products. • , Need rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer. "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE DO YOU 4LL0W BOV5 \Wci=S TO :<!S< YOJ WHEN /=== Y O U ' f ? E O U T / > DRIVIK6 WITH NEVER! THEM? t IFA BOY CAN DfftVE SAFELY WHILE HE'S KISSING ME HE IS NOT6IVIN6 THE KISS THE PROPEP AMOUNT OF ATTENTION r THHM nt EN i klilAlN f(#i! SPEEDY. 7*606066LLY,' B^OKTU?aK'icE™E |l KICK MILLER'S .?»«« *MENRY GARAGE LITTLE 604 FRONT STRET Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX ' Attorney-At-Law Cor. Oreen and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday snd Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 MMICE TOLD TALKS Item of iaterest Taken Froi \f tfe Files of the Plaindealer ef Years Affo tWEHTY-FIVE TEARS -K WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, Fess for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg 314 > CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONS ^ Excavating Contractors j-\e' Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service :/ ' -ilROAD BUILDING-- ' Tel. 204-M McHenry, 111. Miss Rovena Marshall !&• a new employe at the local exchange of the Illinois Bell Telephone company. Miss Kathryn King is enjoying a vacation from her duties at the Central meat market and grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer and family have moved from across the river to the new bungalow only recently erected by Andrew Misler on Broad street. James Halpin is again at his familiar post as telegraph operator at the C. & N. W. station. We has rented the Henry Degen house on John street, where the family will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes are now enjoying their new home on Center street, having moved in last week. . ' „ FORTY YEARS E. E. PEANtEE, D. C. * Chiropractor 120 8. Ureen St., McMenry Office Hours, Dally except Thursday 9 to 12 1:30 to 6 Hon., Wed. and Frl„ Evenings 7 to 9 Phone McHenry 2&2-R McHENRY FLORAL ^50. Phone 404 One. Mile South of MfHenry On Route .31 Flowers for all occasions! TIRE BARGAINS - THAT MOTORISTS CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa Loma, Ray Noble, Griff Williams, Chicago and Oriental Theatres, organizing fall classes. Call McHenry 533-J-l for appointment and interview. Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois r*-* The Quotation committee .pfi Ihe 'Elgih board of trade reported butter as being firm at 30 cents-Monday afternoon. . A consignment, of fish reached McHenry Tuesday morning and was immediately dumped into Pistakee^ bay and McCullom's lake by the proper authorities. Miss Florence Howe, who has been assisting in F. A. Bohlander's store during the summer months, has given up her position there to again take up her duties as teacher in the Hard Scrabble district north of Ringwood. The post ofice department has decided that children going to and from school shall not be allowed to get, their parents mail. ( , FIFTY YEARS AGO INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insuranec Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry PIXTY YEARS AGO Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tues., Thurs., & Sat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.. Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point- Wonder Lake, 111. ft rest o tie PASSENGER CAR TIRES at WHOLESALE PRICES SPECIAL--6:00x16 Super or Deluxe FIRESTONE CHAMPION FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Track for Hire $12.71- (including all taxes) Other sizes priced proportionately. We have your size in passenger car tires, also complete stock of tractor, truck, farm implement and motorcycle tires. BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old. battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. You will be surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices. Call McHenry 294 or come Jr. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE THEY LAST. WALTER J. FREUND } Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessories ing 1 All Work Guaranteed > . OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Phone 294 Bicycle Repairing Weat McHeary On the 1st of October the stores In this village will be closed at 8 o'clock each evening. Phil Hauperisch has engaged the services of a first-class horseshoer and invites all to bring along their horses and give him a trial. A. H. Hanly had the misfortqne to get his hand caught in a feed cutter, on Friday last, lacerating it in a fearful manner. Geo. W. Eldredge of Richmond made one of the largest sales' of fancy horses made in this section for many a day. He sold to James Stinson of Chicago, "Maud V" a two-year-old filly by Nutmeg, for $1,350. Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVIC%^ 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 ^ M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law llOVa Beaton St. Phone Woodstock 1S84 Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green & Elm Tues., Thnrs. & Sat. Thursdays 9:30 to 5:30 Tuesdays and Saturdays to 8 Tel. McHenry 438 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 908 South Green St., McHenry. Ill, Modern Lacqner -- Modern lacquer is usually a solution of Nitrocellulose, resins and plasticizer. It may be either clear or pigmented. Motor Fuels Present trends in the direction of Increased sulfur content of motor fuels have two important effects on the use of leaded gasolines in engines. Increased sulfur in leaded fuels reduces the antiknock efficient cy of tetraethyl lead and causes lead-sulfur compounds to be major products of combustion. Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Triftking • - • Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and Howe Te». McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. •, Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment V DR. R. DeROME v" • -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry* Office Hours: 10 a. m. to & p. ml except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. Evenings by appointments only. JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, Attorney-at-law^ $09 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. " Phone McHenry 492-W Bine Mounds, Wis. Imbedded in the ceiling of the Cave of the Mounds is the fossil of a six-foot-long cephalopod 411 million years old. In other words, the big fossil was 300 million years old before the day of the dinosaurs. The cave is located 25 miles west of Madison, Wis. 'What to do fcot UDDER INFECTION If cow gives down stringy ot bloody milk, indicating some internal ityory or infection, or if/xow* are suffering f rom caked or swollen udders, do this: If , udder trouble is general, give Dr. DAVID ROBERTS HERD TONIK 50 every cow in the herd, mixed witfc' feed according to directions on label. For treating individual cows, use UDDER Rx No. 19 in jc«tcd into the infected quarters and gi\e LEGALS Making Money North Carolina's idle c?sh (tress ury surplus) is earning $4.23 a mbi JlUe.. NOTICE OF CLAIX DATE ; Estate of John Meyers, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 7th, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of John Meyers, Deceased, pending! in the County Court. of McHenry j County, Illinois, and that claims > may be^ filed against the said I estate on^ or before said date without issuance of summons. * THEODORE MEYERS, Administrator. Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer. Crystal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Sept. 29 - Oct. 6-18) - Order your rubber stamps at The PlaindeaJer. U. S.-Pepalatten The census bureau reports that the population in the U.S., rosa to a record high of 147,946,000 on i in. 1, 1949 from 14iS,434.000 a year 1 pn Subscribe for The Plaindealei Dr. Fegers has the lumber on the ground and will begin the erection of a strictly modern house at once. The house is 20 x 28 ft., two stories high and will comprise six rooms with closets, pantry and mansard roof. Senator Granger, will at once begin the remodeling of his family residence. He will put in city water and build a bath room and office beside several other improvements. Gilbert Brothers will put a plate glass front in their store and several improvements on the interior. The band 'recently organized in our village, under the leadership of W. N. Wycoff. is making rapid progress in its music. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Elizabeth Stilling, De- i ceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 7th, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of Elizabeth Stilling, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against thej said estate on or before said dat<n without issuance of summons. ! V • ROSK STILLING, 1 *-/'v CHARLES STILLING, , ,*"t Administrators : VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer. Crystal Lake, Illinois. • . | ™ (Pub. Sept. 29 - Oct. "6-12> j PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PROPOSED FILING To, the Patrons of the Illinois Bell : Telephone Company: ' The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the1 ipublic that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission rates for business P. B. X. trunks and stations in its Telephone Local Exchange Tariff for the McHenry, Illinois, Exchange. ! A copy of the proposed filing i may be inspected by any interested party at thd M6Henry business of- • flee, 136 N.l Riverside Drive, Mte- Henry, Illinois. j All parties interested in this mat-, ter may obtain information with I respect thereto either directly from i this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce j Commission at Springfield, Illinois, i ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHOE! COMPANY By G. L. Wilburn, Manager. (Pub. Sept. 29-Oct. 6) m CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and ticket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Menls and Ladies' Belts, Billfolds, etc. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburg, IH. - Phone 583-JS--:'/.' •; '/•••'. • of .Dairy Cows, Dairy Heifers, Veal Calves, Feeder Pigs, Feeding Steers and Heifers. v Steers and Hfeifers can be bought private any daf of the week. DeWane's Livestock Exchange BELVIDERE, ILL. A. S. DE WANE; Auctioneer Grasshopper Eaters Turkeys, quail, frogs, snakes, skunks, and shrews, are voracious grasshopper eaters. Because Mrs. G. deposits her eggs in the ground in autumn, late fall plowing helps to reduce the spring hatch. Development of grasshopper parasites has become an effective method of controL Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 8-tf Do you Need . H. T. Trauger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS See our new line of removable slat and Baufleac Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderized and galvanized Acme metal. Direct from factory. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co. 5640 W. Division Street Chicago, Illinois Phone Columbus 1-8743 Phone McHenry 651-M-l Fri. Eve., Sat. and Sun. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed t One and Two Weeks Service * UDDER Rx No. 20 tnix«d with feed. Alto, apply UDDER-. INF. externally after each milking, until improved. THERE IS A Dr. DAVID ROBERTS prescription for moif curabl* aniwml ' allmtntt. We ore authorized dtaltt for the compfcto line. Bolger's Drug Store PHONE 40 MCHENRY. ILL. Xv.v V V V ,» a"1 iX J c (AAA < ^ I. A < / Mr \ wwa u. •. ». m fS • % S M •fXiXt* FOR EVERY TYPE OF HEATING SYS* TEM AND EVERY SIZE HOME... NEW OR OLD Fulfill your heating dreams now with a new post war Oil-Q-Matic! Enjoy the finer, lower cost, completely automatic oil heat that only Oil-O-Matic, based on the famous Low Pressure Principle, makes possible! Unlike ordinary or high-pressure burners, Oil-O-Matic mixes air and oil, at low pressure, within the burner. Thus it is able to burn any oil without clogging ... to give you more heat from less fuel... to give you years of low-cost, trouble-free operation. Compare the experience of your neighbor who owns an Oil-O-Matic with that of the owner of any other oil burner . . . and learn why, with hundreds of makes to choose from, every eighth oil heat installation is an Oil-O-Matic! See us today for full details. On Display at LEE & RAY'S Electrical Shop Main Street McHenry, 111. Pfone fame 0k TODAY! THENNES OIL CO.; 505 S OREEN STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE McHENRY 465-R V Complete Oil Burner Service mmm

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