Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1949, p. 9

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». 30mtm;&M*r e, ims :•'.(• ":-K wta 9i FARM ADVISERS COMMENTS " m Tammeus, Farm Advjpor) The record for the county in agricultural club work this year Is very good and too much cannot be said for leaders Francis Slavin and Keith. Roesslein of Alden Speed*; A. B. McConnel! and Bob | Wissell of Better GoalB, Wood- | stock; Frank Harrison and l«eo! I Kerber of Busy Three, Ringwood j and McHenry; James and Ray i Horenberger, Jr., Cherry Valley, I ,W. McHenry; James Watson and Robert Seigel of Cloverleaf Boosters, Union. John Memler of Community Clo- ,ver, Richmond; Elmer Ackman, | Crystal Lake Workers, Crystal Lake; Gordon Jones and Fred Beers of Harvard Hustlers, Harvard; Henry Marlowe and Vernon Brunschon of Huntley Club, Huntley ; Dean Thompson and Elaine Hildebrandt of Progressive 13, Woodstock; Hafold Turner and George Cowan of Greenwood Gremlins, Woodstock; Wayne Gustafson and Ray Nevel of Riley Ramblers. Marengo; , Chester Kqbly of Rush Creek Club, Maren- WHAT KIND OF HEALTH INSURANCE FOR OUS COUNTRY? Will Voluntary Insurance Helpf Q: Is It true that "Health Insurance Is Coming"! A: It is here. The only question is: How will you have it?' On a voluntary basis with doctors „ M Weevil Damage Boll weevils every year destroy $200,000,000 worth of cotton. MOSEY INN . BINGWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FEED BOWMAN, Prop. go; O. O. Koehler of Seneca Pro- j in charge -- or on a eompnlsory gressives, Woodstock; Owen Rich-j basis with politicians in control? ardson and Lorrie Steadman of B-R Go-Phers. Spring Stuart Wells and Lyle Johnson of Q: Has Voluntary Health Inl, ™ve; suranre been tried extensively! A: Yes. Doctors discovered the South Dunham Boys, Harvard; | loQg agQ that most families need John Fleming and Walter Thompson of the Two Harmonies Club, southeast of Marengo. some means of cushioning the economic shock of sudden illness or accident. State medical soci- These club names^rrobably in-|etie8 gtarted 8tudylngi approving terest people as to how they and initiating sound non-profit FREl'ND'S TRUCKING " Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request ^ •/ i Place orders early and avoid rush. Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways CHARLES FREUND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan Road McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel. 86-W or 412-J originate. The club members select j M dj l c pians over a d6cade receive a cnarter irom tne 8iaiejance company plans -- also are „,llK! operating successfully in every i H?® £embers in cllub, 8ection of the country. Today, work this >^ar. 8 per cent of them voluntary Plans are providing ; completed the r work, which - b (i h ital medical and . ' V . their meetings of the club, making ' Q: What hll&,'tJie experience a talk about their project before (protedi the assembled club and showing„at | A: That there Is nothing govthe county show. ornment can do in the field of Three of the clubs, namely ihe : Health Insurance which the prl» Harvard Hustlers, the South Dun- vate citizen can't do better for ham. and the ' Two Harmoines ' himself -- and at far less cost! group.'finished 100 per tent. ' j The quality of work was exceptionally good this year. Sixty-six Personal Scatter Pins • • ». Collecting scatter pins is now replacing the hobby of gathering a collection of bracelet charms. * Commercial Fertiliser ' During the 10 years from 1937 to 1947, U.S. farnrtrs just doubled their use of commercial fertilizer, increasing from 8,400,000 tons to 16,800.000 says the U.S. department of agriculture. Malaria Fever j The oldest still-existing tax- Donald Ross, a Briton, discovered j supported library is at' Peterborthe cause of malaria in 1897. lough, N. H. The human liver molds itself to conform to the shope Of neighboring viscera. • J jjlHstn of . "BHtfe** " I FrOfti tile ancient Phoenician port • of Byblos on the Lebanon coast, i' which exported papyrus, the Greeks j derived their word biblion, mean- | ing papyrus scroll. And from bib- ! lion came the word Bible. Doable Treat For that late morning brunch waffles are fine. But to make them a double success, quarter them and serve the tender waffles with creamed chipped beet in shortcake fashion. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.25 and $2.00. Wattles Drug Store. 35-tf How man) different plans are there? mem,b ers were se.le c.te d. as coun.ty ; . nA...:. .. udos,, There are plans scored, at least <5 on a very stiff scoring system by the county comovory There are approximately 100 non- Medical A FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER IPS THEO. OLSEN & SON MASON CONTRACTORS MoGULLOJ^LAXE West McHenry No Job Too Big Or Too Small ~ «, ' ' R. • A.' For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service Call McHenry 548-W-l 90 or above and were, submitted iPlans sponsored by doctors. There fr>r Jtofi hlnr! suDmittea are handreds of voluntary acci- TTw 'e n.t v mem,b e' rs' were se.le c.te d. "de n.t and health 1p lans, sponsored A % by insurance companies. Ana there the *reat B,ue Cro8S hospltal tivities and leadership qualities. Of \a^m- with more than thirty-two these, ten were selected as can- m,Ul°n memberSdidates for state honors. i There are industrial, fraternal The good work was well done and labor plans, and private group all over the county, with everv clinics. club but one having someone There are scores of types of hos selected as a candidate for state jpital, surgical and medical coverhonors. The Two Harmonies Club report a A6.9 attendance. Next week we will announce thfe names of candidates for state honors and county winners. Largest University Largest university in the United age. The ..choice is broad. And the competition between groups for lower rates and expanded benefits is both healthy and American. )Q: How many people are pro tected nnder Voluntary Health In snrance! A: More than fifty-five millions States is New York university are protected under hospital, surwith over 47,000 students. FOR RENT PORTABLE ELECTRIC SANDER FOR WOOD OR MEJAL! KENT BY DAY, WEEK, OR MONTH 4Mk for Demons tratioa W. B. Bjorkman & Son HARDWARE 130 Riverside Dr. ' Phone 722 i ' ifcs- ~ More-ror-ifovr-moneif U0D6E tMrttteriWOeS PRICKD : WITH THI ^ I.OWISTI Podge "M-HoMi" chassis fwlw** * «• - KSSIS !ST^.ht.-aJrr^fu;anUfncB«n - .be a--rings thro ug«h«ou »t. ««• • , ' -SSffiS*'. -' i°» • . CYCUIONDCD RIME UHMCS (no rivets) prolong brake life. 4 . ^ Outside the • SMtTY-lOCATiD 6*S TUBS • cab, NOT inside! WW STKWMG C01U*M V-t'of*?^^ eSlhP38^edntTa2nkm48ion8 . . • £oV£ jSter "iSiiJg, more unobstructed floor greater safety of operation ..^HT-sror- urn ^ Dodge 'J&Rofd' Featuresl Engine • FAMOUS D00GE L-HEAD TRUCK ENGIIIIS... "Job-Rated" (or your loads; save gas, oil. • COMPLETELY SPLASH- AND DUST PROOF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ... with high-output genet ator. Resistor-type spark plugs, and high,-outpu: coil, insure amazingly smooth engine operation; longer plug life. • EXHAUST VALVE SEAT INSERTS . . . rtfti wear and pitting; reduce valve grinding. - .- • REPLACEABLE PREFITTED MAIN BEARINGS... reduce maintenance costs. • FULL PRESSURE LUBRICATION . . . positive pressure to main, connecting rod and caonhat bearings and camshaft drive, prolongs enifca Me • FULL LENGTH CYLINDER COOLING .. . « RMS ALUMINUM ALLOY PISTONS . . . OIL-BATH AIR CLEANER and many other money saving featumi JSC BASIC CHASSIS MODELS, RANGING FROM 4,2M TO 23.SM G.V.W. COMPARE These New B-2 Series Dodge "Job-Rated" Trucks Feature for Feature, Price for Price, Value for Value--with any other trucks! They're More-for-Your-Money v .,. Any Way You Look at Them! See Your Dodge Dealer ... and Save Money! L I B E R A L T R A D E - I N A L L O W A N C E O N Y O U R P R E S E N T T R U C K A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 301 E. PEABL STBEET McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 156 Established 1939 ftanklln's Business Phllossphy | In illustrating Franklin's tactics | In business, it is interesting to note ! his reaction to a rival's unfair practice. Bradford, printer of • competitive newspaper and postmaster of Philadelphia, would not allow Franklin's "Pennsylvania Gazette" to go through the mails. When Franklin succeeded Bradford sis postmaster, however, he did not seek revenge. He said, "I thought; so meanly of him for it, that, when I afterward came into his situation, I took care never to imitate it." o •' A - ^ COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TREE FEEDING ^ Trees SPRAYING * Weed Control v * Fly and Mosqnito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 gical or Medical Care Plans. ..That is more than a third, of the entire population, budgeting Its... own health protection! Q: Are the Voluntary Plans giving satisfaction! A: The positive proof is in their steady rise in popularity. In the past two years, more than fifteen million additional people have been Insured. The growth of the Voluntary Plans has been one of the most rapid and spectacular economic developments in our time. Tan We Afford It! Q: Can the average worker af ford Voluntary Health Insurance! A: Yes. If a family can afford a daily pack of cigarettes or Saturday night movie, that family can afford to buy Voluntary Health Insurance. The monthly cost is about the same. If a family cannot afford tills protection It certainly canaot af' ford to have another tax -- at least tw!ce as high as a Volw tary Health Insurance premium -- deducted from Its Income. Q: What does Voluntary Health Insurance cost! A: An average, fully-approved plan, for full coverage--surgical medical and hospital protection charges $2.50 a month for an in dividual and $5.50 for a family, ir respective of size. Rates vary from state to state; this Is the national average. Q: May a person Improve his Toluntary Health Insurance cov erage by "shopping around"! A: Yes. He may "shop around" among types of service as freely as he shops for brands of food, or shoes, or make of car. Improvements in services and extension of benefits keep the Voluntary Plans In healthy competition, both from the standpoint of service render-? ed, and cost to the insured. Q: Are the doctors of America "lobbying" against Compulsory Health Insurance! A: The medical profession--together with hundreds of other professions and organizations which recognize in government-controlled medicine a step toward regimentation -- are presenting their case before the bar of public opinion in every community in the nation. One of our most sacred rights Ti the right of petition -- and this Case is being carried direct to the people. If that Is "lobbying" -- then the greatest "grass roots lobby" In history is fn progress today in America! It is "lobbying" in the finest American tradition! The Answer Q: What can the average citlsen do to help! . A: He should m^jke it his business as a responsible citizen to find out the facts. • Q: What then! A: He should discuss the matter with others in his community who have the public welfare at heart -- leaders in business, agriculture, clubs, veterans' organizations, church groups, clergymen, local editors and others. He should write to his congressman and senators in Washington, and his state legislators, telling them he wants no part of Compulsory Health Insurance in the United States. Storing Pies Quick-frozen pies and other pastries keep better in frozen storage when a small amount of soybean flour is used in the pastry mix. I ' wiiwer Dry wallpaper before trying ttl remove mold. Remember that plaster under wallpaper should dry slowly .to prevent cracking. When paper. and plaster are dry, off loose mold. _ . • t •' PITZEN'S NURSERY . ' Corner Wilson Rd. and 111. Et. ^ 2 Miles East of Volo EVERGREENS SHRUBS TREES LANDSCAPING Route Two ~ ^ Round Lake, 111. Tel. Round Lake 3570 KING SIZE Q U A l_ I T V SNAPSHOTS ALL PICTURES attAMeo AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! CONTACT SIZE *At2m Sryce DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Visual Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Honrs Daily: 9 to 18 and 1 to 6--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 1:80 PHONE McHENRY 452 PER ROLL 4 Mnmatcwiwrai 12 BCfMM tSi WA'tTLES DRUG STORE 515 Main Street McHeiry Phone 450 General Electric Blanket" You'll sleep like a baby under this luxurious General Electric Automatic Blanket. It keeps you as warm as you want to be, no matter how the temperature rises or falls. Just one of these lightweight electric blankets is all you need... no- more tussling with a mound of covers. Be sure of a good night's sleep. -get an electric blanket. It's big news in the lighting world . .. and good news for you! The White Indirect-Lite used in this attractive china lamp is a new development. It's a light bulb which doubles as a diffusing bowl... and the result is good lighting at a good low price. I |f XB ^ •ntirely sati* money Blanket illustrated is General Electric'8 double bed, tinjde control model PB12A1 priced at $44.05 Other electric bedcovers from $30.95 HaU China base column lamp with rote i/ecoNK tion on fine glazed white china background. Drum shade in egg-shell Celanese* rayvn with self trim. Only *8.9* *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Your Public Service store has the lamp, blanket and WhiteImUreet'Ute bulb...come in undsee them todag! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS

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