'W 'uupMjpn *m* mi^mm mm l|l^ll|ll(f|»<llll(ll|l|lj|ll )I«MI||I|| M IJggll 1 .p^p , ^.<»IVp^.^i,<<WVW|^.rn^ 1^ • »'• • " k- „ *< :' •' i> • •• Thursday, October B, 194^ u Em. AColorado A. and M. college atudeut, working his way through foDftfe while helping develop a live-acre farm near Fort Collips, •ells some $400 worth of eggs a year. In order to have a better product, the student washes the • #ggs in his wife's combination dish z*nd clothes washer4 and customers tm his route are well satisfied*, the result. Too Big for Them • Every year hundreds erf motorists crash into the sides of trains, According to the National Safety Council. In no instance has the Railroad been put out of bussiness. 1 " lets OdiTW^ic Power A hypothetical 10,000-p o u n dthrust jet engine would deliver more than 2&,000 horsepower when traveling at the speed of sound, 760 miles an hour. Engineers explain that jet power is figured in pounds of thrust. This is directly equal tq horsepower only at 375 miles an hour. It increases in horsepower yalue as speed mounts. ttiL ; Complete line of L»c's poultry ;ietnedies at Wattles Drug Stipp, Me Ittenry. • v 8-tf ; Subscribe for The Plaindealer. v Winy on Grasshoppers t Grasshoppers three feet long with legs strong enough to use as saws were reported to Rome by Pliny on a visit to India 1,900 years ago. They set th6 pattern for 20- foot specimens covering a modern railroad flatcar, as proved .by postcards issued from America's Midwest. ^ Order fmr rubber, stamps at.Tho Plaindealer. 1AFF UJNES r FRANK S. MAY TRUCKING Sand -- Black Dirt -- Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestfone" TRUCK FOR HIRE PHONE; MCHENRY 58OM-I ROUTE 1, McHENRY, ILL. SEMI-ANNUAL PANTS SALE ^ t*> $9.95 \ $9,95 r . , FREE! All Sizes • Purchase while ssde is on All Colors and receive free press- All Wool (Winterweight) ing and repairs for life All Wool (Gaberdine) of slacks. lio Charge For Alterations JOHN THE TAILOR MAIN STREET McHENRY Guaranteed Satisfaction Always Served Him Right The mother thought her little g!tl ought to be examined for any possible abnormal tendencies, so she took the tot to a psychologist. Among other questions, the man of science asked: "Are you a boy or a girl?" "A boy," the little girl answered*. V Sorriewhat taken aback, the psychologist tried again. "When you grow up, are you going to be;m, woman or a man?" "A man," the little girl answered. Afterward, as they were returning home, the mother asked, "Why did you niake such strange replies, to what the man asked you?" The little girl drew herself up with dignity. "The old silly," she said. "If he was going to ask me crazy questions, I was going to give him crazy answers. He couldn't kid me." COULDN'T SEE IT iti ^ of occompV^ ^ho dre» P°rt •" agree >*» Gaberdine con topped <°< >us,,OU5. , nrtce luXUf*Oui appearance, fondle, tengvw • HortSchodner&Wo \stopsin*aUorin0 *65.00 "Did you give the mayor my note?" a man asked of the messenger. "Yes, sir, but there ain't no use sendin' that man any notes. He'll; blind as a bat." "Blind? How do you know? That's news to me." " 'Course he's blind. Twice he asked me where my hat was, and there it was in plain sight on my head all the time. Yes, sir, "he's blind as a bat!" Kiddie Caps Mrs. DeGentilli needed a new ?©ement sidewalk so she called in Sin old Italian laborer*>to make it for her. He worked hard at it aU day and came in, perspiring, to tell her it was finished. "Good," she said gratefully. "But let me get you a drink. You look awfully tired and thirsty." She came back in a moment or ) "two with a small glassful qf wine. Be looked at it and remarked, *5Joy! I nevva see dat-a before;" "What!" she asked incredulously. •"You never saw wine before?" . "No, no," he replied, "I mean-a J- nevva know dey make glasses for de bambino." NATURALLY OOMINO EVENTS j October • r Public Party -- St Mary's-StfPatrick's School Hull -- Sponsored by C. D. of A. October 7 * Meeting of Illinois Police Organization-- McHenry City Hall. ' October 11 O. E. S. Initiation--Acacia Hall. Circle 1, W. S. C. S.--Meeting' at Mrs. H. G. Bordwell home--1:30 p. m. -- Mrs..Geo. Collette, Co- Hostess. < October 11, 12, IS, 14 Rumiftage Sale--A. S. ^lake Motor Sales--Sponsored by Christian Mothers and Altar Society. October 12 Knights of Columbus Celebration and Dance -- Nell's Ballroom, I Johnsburg. > | O. E. S. Bake Sale. Bazaar and , Dessert Card Party -=%- 1 p. m. . --Acacia Hall. , Knights of Columbus Celebration '• and Dance -- Nell's Ballroom J Johnsburg. j O., li. Bake Sale, Bazaar and I Dessert Card Party--7 p. m.v--i " Acacia Hall. ; October 18 Adult Square Dance Club--First Meeting in Woodstock's Roller Rink. / October 14 .v,'*?*;®' McHenry - Woman's Club. ' ••••' October 15 • " Hard Times Dance--American Legion Hall--Sponsored by Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. October 16 Public Party-- St. Mary's-St.Patrick's School Hall--Sponsored by P. T. A. October 18 Home Bureau District Meeting -- High School Auditorium --4:30 p. m. October 20 -- W. S. C. S. Monthly Meeting. October 25 "Woman's Club Teachers' Party- Legion Hall. ..October 27 Public Bunco and Card Party -- Sponsored by American Legion Auiliary November 1 Girl Scout Leaders' Club -- Mrs. Harold Vance. November 4-5 Rummage sale -- City. Hall -- Sponsored by Circle X WSCS. November 13 Dedication of New Legion Home. ~i"arm Machinery The 1948 output of farm machinery and repair parts was a fifth larger than in 1947 and over twice the volume of prewar. Hypocrite Ifoe praying mantis has hdoks on its ^p>nt legs which close on its prey like the Jaws of a trap. Dospite the prayings position it takes while at rest, the mantis is among the most vicious and greediest of *11 insects,. AvIeaM Don't allow a cut avocado to darkep unpleasantly. Before you •tore it, spread the cut surface with margarine and there will be no discoloration. The Plaindealer. Meed rubber stamps? Plato held that an animal that killed a man should be prosecuted for murder. The spadeflsh is almost circa-, lar in shape, according-to the Encyclopaedia Britannic*. ' Order at Xjoing Away For a Vacation? ' ,*** Have Fido spend his vacation at Curran Boardlag Kennels. Individual runs, heated kennels. v / Curran Boarding Kennels Route 12, 2 Miles North of Volo, Illinois / Phone McHenry 632-M-2 ECONOMY AT memprable service will be arranged at a cost well within yours means at our funeral home. Our real and detailed planning makes funeral costs lower ^ . . one price covers all arrangements. We will give you a truly beautiful service at minimum cost. Jacob* Justen Sons] Funeral Home flione 10S.R or 112-W At Your Favortte Stort! Fadt Wtathtnd BROWN SPOTS JL nus 30c TAX SuoMagnifice . WidiET«vJat ESOTERIGA b that marvelous kind of hand cream for lading those brown spots that malrt your hands look old. $iso fades other blemishes and toughness caused by weather or neglect in a way no ordinary hand cream or lotion can. Leaves hands whiter, clearer, younger looking quickly--often within die first few days. While ESOTERICA looks and feels like the finest non-creasy cream, It has aa dealing action. iced in a laboratory *»* has ' studied the effect of cosmetics on > skin pigments for 25 years. When used on face or neik, ESOTERICA makes a perfect powder base by day--delightfully non-greasy when used at night. If you want clearer, whiter-looking hands, get ESOTERICA. Money back if the first jar does not bring desired results.' • - PHONE 40 DRUG STORE McHXNBY, ILL. , i Vl UMomd BEAR Oi.SF.\ un* JOB* SO AS FIREBALL etwy Thmda/on TabtiNM • "Did any of you children ever see an elephant's skin?" "I have, teacher," said Willie brightly., "Where was it?" "On the elephant." 'Two' Bad _ Be didn't look like the sort of man who would do a thing like that but „he hung his head in shame as he faced the judge. "What is the man charged with?" asked the judge. "Bigotry, Your Honor," said the officer. "He married two women." T'S part of every street scene-- .. something you see every day. On the Menu . Doctor: "Well, Mrs. Smith, how is your sick husband this afternoon? Did he relish his lunch?" Mrs. Smith: "No doctor, he didn't --but he creamed his coffee, and mustarded his hot dog." , < other Hart Schaffner and Marx suits ^J&5_to $75~ McGEE'S 117 SO. GREEN ST McHENRY I >>•# inMtun» mwiint n linn H-WH" : " ; ENTICEMENT ' | The senior girl sniffed disdainfully as the pink-chceked fresh- j man boy cut in. "Just why- did ; you have to cut in when I was ; dancing?" she asked. "Sorry," the freshman said, hanging his ' head in humility, "I'm working my way through college and your partner was waving a $5 bill at me." Plastic Pattern^ ~ A new plastic pattern which reportedly will enable the sewer to Cut a dress, sew it up and know*^ that it will fit perfectly without alteration is now available to home •ewers. - - -j---- Car owners in three different price classes--all happy about the same thing. One of them drives a new Buick ^SPECIAL, which you see poking forth its new, bold-look forefront at the left of our picture. Another will tell you there's nothing JUie the SUPER'S "happy medium" of size and comfort, power and easy handling, style and standing. And if you're looking for prestige* where is your money going to buy so^ much as in that handsome 18-footer, the °ROADMASTER, with its 150-hp performance and really royal bearing? f' iCEATfC VALUt f--* '* HENKt J. TAYLOR, ASC Nafwort, every Monday mmhh A / But all these good folks get together on this: There's no ride quite* 86' soft and cushiony as the Buick ride, whatever the size and series. There's no power quite so satisfyingly lively as Buick's high-compression, high-pressure zFireball power., Llrz= Above all, there's no "buy" like a Buick--no car tjiat gives you such a rich dollar's worth of smartness, Handling, comfort and liveliness for every dollar you pay. fSo why not look the wholS line over? \our Buick dealer has these grand travel-mates in a baker's dozen of different body types and sizes. Start your shopping in hi& showroom--and you'll find that even on delivery he has exactly what you want. # y BUtCK ft I on p has ait these features MI-MOO* DYNATIOW MIVI* • fULL-VltW VISION from tnhrg^d glast ana « SWING-[AST DOOMS and «a* «cco« • "UVINQ SPACt" INVBUOM with D--p-Cradl» cvWWoni • Buoyant-riding QUAMUftMX CO.II SPKINGINQ . tivly FIKSBAU STWAIOHT-tlOHT FOWt* with SSU-SITTING VALVE UFTtUS (O/noflow Model,) plus HI-POISB> INGINt MOUNTINGS • towpmmm Nrt am SAfMTY-MIM KIMS • Dovbk-Dvty VtNTIPQHTS • DUMX BSAKINGS, main and comodfefl rodt • BODY BY RSHtK ^Standard on KOADMAS TEKt rtplianal at ejtfro cotf on SUPER and SPECIAL nodtli. better automobiles mre bail! Mtl'MCK Mil, build them r R. I 403 FKONT OVERTON MOTOR SALES ST&XXT MoHENEy, ILLINOIS « • A # 0 * 4