•aiwpsp? *FJV rj» ~tp -nj . THE UMMIKHI 1 IIHMIHH RINGWOOD *h • • 11 1'I! t» * » * 1111 !• 1 • 111 I » 0 (by MSrs. George Shepard) r and Mrs. Alan Wagner are the pkc^rits of a son, born Saturday, Oct. 1. '• l Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Sycamore are the parents of a daughter, bom Wednesday/ Sept. -88. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs." Wolf Shadle Thursday, Oct. 13. Mrs. John Hogan will help serve. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mardi and ; daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the Wm. Pagni home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended Eastern Star at Hebron Friday evening. Mrs. Harrison took the part of secretary. Mr. and \Mm Leo Newlin of Hutsonville spent Sunday with /tier eister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks. They came to Chicago Saturday and attended their daughter, Marjorie's wedding. . Mrs. Mayme Harrison of Mc- Henry spent Sunday with her . daughter, Mrs. J t!. Pearson, and family. \ Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck and •jchildren of Arlingt6n Heights spent Sunday with her father, Charles 'Oarr. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the Wm. Hoffam an home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan left Sunday morning for Lexington, Ky., to attend the races Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch visited his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Saturday. Frank Walters of^ New London, Iowa, and sister, Miss Cora Walter!, of Crystal Lake, were visitors in the Louis' Hawley home, Wednesday. Mrs. Clayton Bruce- returned home Jfrom the Woodstock hospital Monday, wlhere she received treatment for her leg after running iv -pitchfork through it. Mrs. Nellie Blackmaji attended the Railroad Fair in Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman and family . of Evanston spent the week at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy attended a wedding at Waupaca Friday. IMiss Virginia Jepson of Hines hospital spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. ~ Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Bertha Hawley of Elgin wgre visitors in the Louis Hawley home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and family attended the Railroad Fair, Friday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks attended the wedding of her niece, Marjorie Newlin, in Chicago Saturday. Dr. Hepburn attended the Railroad Fair in Chicago Thursday afternoon. 1 Mesdames Viola Low, F. N. Muzzy, Rose Jepson and Charles Stephens attended a W. S- C. S. Workshop at Park Ridge Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Phyllis of Woodstock, Mrs. Joe McCannon of Chula 1 Vista, Calif., and Virginia Jepson of Hines hospital spent Sunday with Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mh and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family spent Sunday with his brother and family at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of _ Ridgefield and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with their - mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low attended their card club Saturday evening in the Daniels Rawison home at Wonder Lake. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and- Mrs. Clayton Harrison and Mrs. Stanley Thomas and children were dinner guests in the Ardin Frisbee home at Greenwood Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors in the Earl Colby home at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and daughter, Jean, and F. N. Muzzy, Sr., of Marengo attended the Railroad Fair Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomas and family have returned to their home in Colorado afte^ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman, daughter, Joan, and sons. Jimmie. and Leo of Chicago spent Sunday ! with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Black-, man. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and | family of Huntley and Glen Wat- j ties of McHenry were Sunday guests in the C. L. Harrison home. Mrs. Andrew Hawley of , Fbx River Grove Came up Saturday and •took her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, Sr.. to Elgin,where they spent the day shopping* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Saturday afternoon in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrieon %ill leave Thursday to visit their son. James, and family at Waubena, Wis., and their daughter, Margaret, and husband at Chetek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson and daughter of Maywood spent the weekend in the Clayton Bruce home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family were shopping in Elgin Sat unlay. Dr. and Mrs. Firing of the Evanston Collegiate Institute atj tended church here Sunday. Dr. Firing assisted with the communion service. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murges and 1 sons of Evanston, Helen Biltsteln of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ur- , ban Bauer of Wonder Lake spent I Sunday with Mrs. Ed Bauer and family. Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent the weekend in the Louis Hawley home. Miss Lu Ann Bauer spent Saturday evening with' Miss Georgia Schmitt of Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams were Sunday dinner guests of her parent^, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon at Richmond and supper guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Sunday afternoon in Sycamor< », where they visited Mr, and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and new baby.daughter, Georgia May Sannders. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet, with Mr. i and Mrs. Ben Foute and sons of ! Spring Grove, visited their chil- ! dren and grandchildren at Rockford Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., daughter, Mary, and son. Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and children spent Sunday in the Louis "$inn home near Richmond. They celebrated tfie sixth birthday of Butchie Lenard. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mrs. ^Tack Lenard and Mrs. Louis Winn spent Wednesday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Stainless steel Over 100,000 products are made entirely or partly of stainless steel from jewelry to Jet engines. Power Source When workmen turned out the 10th df 'the world's largest waterwheel generators now in operation at Grand Coulee dam, they made the project the world's greatest single power source. Its rated power capacity with 10 generators in operation is some 1,100,000 kilowatts -- enough to meet the combined power needs of Washington, 1 I>. C. and Baltimore. "Bombardier" Beetle Among the beetle family is one member known as the "bombardier." When distrubed it exudes a volatile fluid that explodes in smoke. Mexican Herds Foot-find-mouth disease hai reduced herd efficiency about 50 percent in Mexico, federal veterinarians report. Unsightly PteNr Potdnc,' Nicks, tents, Cravkts, «t& en Interior Walls arm COMPLETELY 06lCUn*te«t •Y ARVON TEXTURE PAINT and i*plae«4 with a brand n«* modern taztur* decoration p§ only can b« obtained from •awing wall paint. iauA|| • a pUatio oil paint • MTVH standard •oft portal oolora. Roady Bind • apyillad ^ with ordinary brush. Omr trmm Umlthmd tmmplm 1%wlU •*•<» exoctly what HM> ^K»r«tiM l>»k» Nkt $3.75 j ' Bjorkman Hardware ISO N. Riverside Dr. • McHenry tCXalxjreen ^ftgenctj 129 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE y McHENRY, ILL. . ; PHONE McHENRY 26 "Inside" Surprise Here's Something different Ml the way of hors d'oeuvres. Kofi stuffed olives in bacon slices, then place , them in the broiler until the bacon is crisp. Uses of ftteMwwn The kaleidoscope, a familiar, children's toy, also has a practical purpose. Designers often use the kaleidoscope to find new patterns for carpets, wallpaper, and various fabrics. & Complete remedies Henry. te line, of at Wattles ' Lee's poiflliy Drag 8tore, Me- S-tf 4-BIG DAYS Wed.JhursJrU5at. Sqencij SDrtuj Store OnA/'f MISS ANY OF THESE VALUES'. FREE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Strong, Sturdy Heavy Kraft Paper SHOPPING BAG Given Away FREE With Cock ParekoM la Our 0rug DtporfaMf Daring fkit tlf Ona-Cant Sale 25c Bottle 100 SODA MINT TABLETS 2*26e 29c JUSTRITE CLEANING FLUID 30' TOOTH PASTE 2*38< R e g u l a r l y 98<! 25c CamphoLyptus COLD SORE LOTION 45< 8-oz. Size DELUXE BAY RUM 2?46c 1-MMCS 4 MrtUam, OtHhreaf CHmmt 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 plus Ic . , . twice as much ior a penny morel Buy one item at the regular everyday selling price; add a penny and get TWO for just 1« morel You save almost 50%! <?e W-4 MINERAL OIL 2m£ 50* Heavy grade 5c Luxury Mints or Fnrit Drops 2?6* v R e g u l a r l y 59c! MINOTL MINERAL OIL 2^60' Finest .heavy oil. Regularly 39c! Flue Wolqr--n MILK OF MAGNESIA 2^40* Our finest quality WofgrtM ASPIRIN TABLETS o» i«o *T*T You can't buy finer. Regularly 269 ! 39' PEROXIDE Plain or PtosofphtftaJefa SILMINOL OF HYDROGEN, 16-OZ.-SAVE 38« MINERAL OIL EMULSION 2 z. 99' 25< Mercurochrome l-oz. BOTTLE--SAVE 24' 2 40 2 26 ft- Eight-Vitamin Copssles v OLAFSEN'S AYTINAL •fioo Regularly Q9C! •mTcsSm CALAMINE DEODORANT LOTION--S-oz. BOTTLE, SAVE 48< 40° 2-50 Satin Huh... LasoMiedf A PERFECTION u HAND CREAM ^ 2IT90C 35c SUPPOSITORIES INFANT OR ADOLT--SAVE 34' 2 36 CASTORIA I^IERIYIN Not Included in Our Ic Sale, But . . and$AVS 2 f°"6 kl«y *• U«H Latkar or irasklatt PO-DO CREAM tjTTub--l 2^51* Buy TWO and Save 42c to 02c! $1.19 SYRINGE or $1.09 HOT WATER BOTTLE Take your O fnr 1 _ Choice . .--mm ,Br Tyson quality--and all perfect. Fresh, fine rubber -- and full 2-quart capacity. 79e COLD CREAM Perfection 8-oz. jar «. Keller MOUTH WASH 16k>z. Bottle 2^60* W algr--a RUBBING ALCOHOL Full'Pint Bottle 2*, 40' SHB Grand for Haadt Glycerin & Rosewater Full 4-ounce Size 2 ^ 30* Big 4-Ounce Jars FORMULA 20 Lanollzed Cream SHAMPOO 2.90* Save 88c 33c fttfined EPSOM SALT 34f 25c Pain-Esa T00THACHI LIQUID 26? 33c Oik TOOTH POWDER 34? 3-az. Size Camphorated] OIL >i4( 42c 5-«z. PO-DO SHAVE LOTION 43« 59c Analgesic Balm 9 I CQe Ki»lUr'n--Save « WW 2112 Keller's--Save 49c ...... $1.50 COLOGNES Chambly or Tahini. now 25* TOOTH BRUSH i 4C| Sterident, 4 styles » * ^v 33* CERADYNE TABLETS TUBI 20..: .... 2 ^ 34e 89c COUGH SYRUP Pine Tar, 8-ounce .... 2f#r90c 49* TIDY DEPILATORY 2^«ie 2f#r50« 69c NASAL DROPS Keller, 1-ounce 2 ^ 70c 60c KELLER DIURETIC Compound 2*^S1« 13c CHEST RUB , Campho-Lyptus--1*4 oz- 2?48# 25C SACCHARIN TABLETS ViCr.loo's E r a s e r T i p p e d 5c LEAD PENCILS 2 for 6C H a r d R u b b e r 5c Pocket COMB 2 f o r 6C $1.19 Beef-lron-Wlne 9 I IJJ Saybrook's Tonic Formula, pt m* » * S9t BISMMIRE 2° 76* Digestive Powder, 4Vj-oz.™ ' 49c ABO BURN OINTMENT 50° 33c l-oz. Bottle SPIRITS of#Corn, CaHous^ CAMPHOR iBunlon Pad: 2i34'AL2i30* 39c L'Peggie WAVING FLUID 2^40e 49* f IDY DEODORANTS Powder, Cream or Liquid 2*~50e You Save 48c 59c X X 551 KeHer \ / 4-oz. Kalar PILE / SYRUP OINTMENT I for COUGHS] 2*56* r. V!'l!