Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1949, p. 8

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< * ' . fei^gatlan it Cil*r»i» '"Idllwn irrigation began in Colo* . with the arrival of the Aral Itaktn settlers for Santa Fe alma** 100 years ago. It has increased until water has been ap^ pMed to about three million acres 4t crop and pasture lands. Drinking Rattle Csntrary to popular belief, dairy cows do not drink much more water "la hot weather than in cool weather' IMsOe Mia An odd dish prepared In aoutfr: era France ii Ssil*d made of Al pine thistles. Served with a peppet sauce, the hearts of this plant ait considered as tasty as artichokes. sr %eed o< BowMaf Ba* In one series of tests made re cently the average speed of a bowling ball was found to be about SO miles per hour, with 37.5 miles per hour as the highest speed recorded. Is j . " T ! ^ • y ^ ? £ , " * • « v ' • *, % 'L . ' '• v • • •' • „* * _r '• i» * • * * • > " T » ^ --( r ' : * . "• •' * * 1. •*- ,{ 'V * < • ' * CLARENCE'S SHOP Bird Houses, Lawn Furniture, Lawn and Porch Swings, Pier and Park Benches, Picnic Sets, Window Boxes; Trellises and Picket Fences, Sand Boxes and Play Pens. Kitchen Cabinets made to order, etc. Wash Baskets and Shopping and Market Baskets. Genuine Leather Men's and Ladies! Belts, Billfolds,'etc, -'4- '"V,- •* < vi" CLARENCE SMITH i Johnsburg, III Phone 588-&S LEGALS NOTICE or cum DATE Estate of John Meyers, Deceased. Notice la hereby given to all persons that November 7th, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of John Meyers, Deceased, pending in the Couhty Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or ?before said date without issuance of summons. THEODORE MEYERS, Administrator. Vernon J. Knox, Lawyer. Cryatal Lake, Illinois. (Pub. Sept 29 - Oct Ml) CHARLES S. P. (Jeslra m.* p. a i w ".y Jwjgft AParker) , * Office Hoars: WAMto Afternoons 1:004 M Olke Koehr Supply Colpaay, (42 Mala Street, Weet Phone--Mchenry 48 Woodstock 1135 m. Do you Need ... H. T. Trauger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS See our new line of removable slat and Bauflex Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderised and galvanized Acme metal. Direct from factory. Sterling Window Skade & Venetian Blind Co. 5640 W. Division Street " Chicago, Illinois Phone Columbus 1-8743 Phone McHenry 651-M-l Fri. Eve., Sat. and Sun. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed One and Two Weeks Service NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Elizabeth Stilling, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that November 7th, 1949, is the claim date in the estate of Elizabeth Stilling, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ROSE STILLING, £ ~ ^CHARLES STILLING, Administrators' VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer^ ; > Crystal Lake, Illinois. „< (Pub. Sept 29 - Oct 6-13) Nice Combination Whole kernel corn may becom* bined with cabbage, red pimlenio, and green pepper for salad ^ c' Cut lb* country's 90,000 bakeries purchase more than 180,000,000 pounds of raisins, and more than 2,400,tWO,000 pounds of cane and, beet sugar each year; according to the American Bakers association. The bakers of America use mora than half of the entire annual Ui S. production of raisins. The flesh of the kangaroo la I much prized by the natives of j Queensland, according to the j Encyclopaedia Britannica. ^ I Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, litf Henry. 8-t# "SPEEDY" IS THAT BULL MISTER? & by McHENRY GARAGE NICK MILLER? *HENKYGAftA6i WIW M A CAR THAT* AS CAMAS A CAR CAM BC. 604 FROlrf S^BfeT Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks phone m a *a ~ 4. . FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE ' WONDER LAKE \ . R. 1, RINGWOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repair* Punps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 •ERNON KNpX h: Attorney-At-Law '»„• (Star. OdMn and Elm Sts., MCfffrnry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43---- - TWtCft TOLD -- WANTSED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnftburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges • Lt*M ef htmat Taksa Frasi tks Piles of t|« natatokr ef Years Aft* TWENTY-FITE YEARS AGO The highway, starting at the four cornesr north of the Nicholas Weber farm on the McHenry- Pistakee Bay road, north is being graded and otherwise prepared for new gravel. The dairyman's troubles are over for another month. At a meeting of the member^ of " the milk board of the Milk Producers Association and representatives of t h e d i s t r i b u t o r s as h e l d i n Chicago on Wednesday, a price of $2.40 was agreed on for the deliveries of milk by the farmers during tkq month of October. Mrs. John E. Freund has moved her milinary display to the flat over the C. Unti ice cream parlor, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. A new cemeiit walk has been Constructed around the new home of Supervisor Stephen H. Freund. A. P. FREUND SONS % Excavating Contractors MJTrucking, Hydrauli*^ • • fnd Crane ServicefrV^ ;.V- • --ROAD BUILDING--- TeL 204-M McHenry, I1L E. E PEASLFE, D. C. Chiropractor 120 8. Green St, MeMenTy Office Honrs, . Daily except Thsrstey 9 to 12 ' 1^» to ft Hon* Wed. and Fri* Evenings 7 to 8 Phone McHenry 292-R FORTY YEARS AGO McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 0~ Mite SouthfeTJS Oct' iT On Route M Flowers for. all occasions! The cement work at the new mill pond dam is about completed and the work of filling up the washout will be begun within a few days- Mrs. Button Is now nicely settled in her new home on Green Street, which she recently purchased of Mrs- Edw. Brahan (nee Elizabeth ^Turner.) ' Laying of cement blocks on the hew business block on the west sider'fs -progressing quite rapidly ahd "befttre snow flies th^ structureuirfionld be well near com? pletion. -- The interior woodwork painting «ttd' Wiring for electric lights is now in progress at the new depot <; "Benny Boss" expects to be mansion no Thirty-lonr of Mr look advantage of the ex to Whltefish Bay Sunday. The slxty-secbnd annual OM* vention of the UniVerBaliit churches of Ilinols is In session at Elgin this week. The delegates In attendance from this district are: Mrs. John I. Story, McHenry and Mrs. II. W. Allen, Rlttgwood. Misses Bernice Perry, Edna Btory and Elsie Howe attended the young peoples' meeting on Wednesday. Tne Bishop estate has adde^ at new 30 horse power gasoline engine made by Fairbanks, Morse Co., Chicago to their grist mill. SIXTY YEARS AG# Isaac Wentworth has" commenced the erection of a new home, on the southwest corner of his lot. It will be for rent. E. Mr Owen is building a house just west of the residence pf George Beckwith which will be, occupied by the tenant on his farm. The summer residents of Pistapuiv Bay have all taken their departure and only merciless hunters can now be seen along the shore. Merchants already report a healthy increase in trade; occasioned by the abundant harvest that has been, the good fortune of our farmers in this vk:inity. _ lh /, Hsariy o«e tellltdb ikmllik* ferltaln hav# been provided with mt h^mss since the 4M' the igtf.;1W«, has be#n deoe by the eonibuctk^ of new houses and apaHmenti, the repair at borabblitTed houses, and the conversion of others. The average rent Is less ttiah H shillings (|S) a tteek. vSm' -W M^fehaU Pitching America^ baseball pitchers once stood only 4(1 feet from home plate ahd enly underhand pitching fit peemltte^ afecording to the Encyclopedia Americana. Today the dls* tance is 00 feet six inches and the pitcher delivers as he pleases* but tp» tricky, "spit," "licorice" and "emery" balls were banned In the Ms. • ffeat<« tarfehftetina I41 in inniis^r fsr are, fbr «chmplei adlil to Urdttu vli cU|l used to lubricite oil vdl drills aoi to float tAb rbek sa Jft is eut by the datf. Poiyphoevfaates ad; alfeft eiftptoyijl to thto pastas el titankuA dioUde. the dtese white pigment applied to rayon to tm» fiiba Ittlnlness. ' , ^ , . J" KK^Vttl A quick meal to sfrve your fann * fly! Sttnply cut chiliad cahnai corned beef hash in cubqp, roll ii fldur and brovm them te hot laif or drii^phigs. Add qusrtered haid- C90M4 ; eggs and cam^d musliroom sbtip. Heat the mixture completely, then sfrvf it y+*t hot tattered toast v " . T" f-t FALL CLASSE8 OF * INSTRUCTION Kari F." Knauer, Trumpet iPiayer, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa Loma, Ray Nobler Griff Williams, Chicago and Oriental Theatres, organizing fall classes. Call McHenry 533-J-l for appointment and interview. Telephone No. 300 STOFFBL ft REIHANSPERGER insurance agents for all classee of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois ***** THAT MOTORISTS CANT AFFORD TO PASS UP PASSENGER CAR TIRES at WHOLESALE ?RIGE8 • s SPECIAL--6:00x16 Super or Deluxe FIRESTONE CHAMPION $12.71 (including all taxei) Other sizes priced proportionately. We have your size in passenger car tires, also complete stock of tractor, truck, farm implement and motorcycle, BATTERIES--We allow yoi^ 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. I You will be surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices.-Call McHenry 294 or come in. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED W H I L E T H E Y L A S T . / • . , -- . _ _ l _ _ " -IFF-- WALTER J. FREUND Tires -- Tubes --• Batteries -- Acessaoiiea .Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle ^. AU Work Guaranteed • West McHewy , T OPEN EVENING8 AND SUNDAYS * Hwiry INSURANCE^ EARL R. Fire, Auto, Fsi Repreaenl RELIABLE COM! When you need in of any ldi Phone 43 or Green ft Elm Tel. Wonder Lake 418 Ofi, R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tues., Thing., It Sat. t. 0 a. Evenings Lookout Point * wondwr owe, FRANK S. MAY Trucking Sand--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- LimestoM Truck for Hire ~ Phone McHenry 580-M-l R-l McHenry FIFTY YEARS AG* Last Monday Dr. Wells closed negotiations for tlje lot located on the northywest corner of Elm and Green streets. This is the most desirable : lot In McHenrg. The purchase was made from John Kennebeck and oqp hundred ten dollar gold pieces were paid for the same. . White Skinned Animals White skinned animals may develop a skin condition known as photo-sensitization, when exposed to sunlight after easing certain types of forage. If such trouble starts, the animals should be moved into shade and a diagnosis should'be obtained immediately, to chtek the exact cause. Bostonians Sleep Sole •• It is interesting to note that conservative Boston has already begun to switch over to twin beds. In a recent survey 57 per cent o£ those questioned said they preferred single beds, while; only 43 per cent voted for double beds. Bostonians may be conservative, bpt apparently they can also be very modern when it comes^ to comfort'. African natives sometimes make human sacrifices to trees, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Sidewalks Foundation*- J. M. STANGARONE 3: CEMENT WORK Emerald Park - Phone 661-^4 - McHenry JJJ^ ^ \ Cement Mixer For Rent , , v Driveways Stairways v Auction Sales Every Friday Dairy Cows, Dairy Heifers, Veal Calves, Feeder Pigs, Feeding Steers and iteifers. Steers and Heifers can be bought private any day ol the week. r DeWane't Livestock Exchange BELVIDBKS, ILI.. A S. DE WANS, Adctloneer u • •• unJera VouH steep like a baby under this luxurious" General Electric Automatic Blanket. It keeps yo\i as warm as you want to be, no matter how temperature rises or falls. Just one of; these lightweight electric blankets is all you need... no more tussling with a mound covers. Be sure of a good night's sleep,. TT get an electric blanket. Ifs big news in the lighting wodd... and go^l news for youl 11ie<Whjte In<]9rect-l4te used i^ this attractive china lamp is a n^r development It's a bulb which doubles as a diffusing bowl... and the retalt is jpood lighting at a good lowprice. AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 • M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney-at-law , ; 110ys Benton St. Aone Woodstock 1SS4 Blanket iUumaediti I ingle control model PB12A1 priced at ^44*95 Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN K. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green & Elm Taes^ Thors. A Sat; Thursdays 9:80 to &:80 Taesdays and Saturdays to 8* TeL XeHenry 488 WELDING Maintenance and ConstrnCtiei Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 90S South Green St., McHenry, I1L Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Blade Dirt Truck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Oa Highway 31--Office and House Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. _ Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment „ DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: 10 a. m. to & p. a, except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. Evenings by appointments only. China bate column lamp with rom deoora* tion on fim glazed white china background. Drum tka4* m egg+heH Celanete* rayon with telf trim. •Jh*. V. 8, Pat. Ofi Slivt' JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. Phone McHenry 492-W Your Public Service etore ha* th* lamp, blanket and White indirect-Lite bulb...comein and** themtodag! PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNQlf

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