® ttund»y, MttfiUb -jfr#--'. ^' /'-V "" .' SfP?,.. •' r *r"-r *.7^ City Conndl M 4- COUHCIL October 8, iMr* be paid as approved by the finance committee: John J. McCarthy, Salary $110.10 Elmer R. Murphy, Salary ~ " Joseph C. robel, Salary „ The City Council met Ui regular ^Ar thur J^ . Smith, S-alary fimi-monthly meeting With Mayor: phiup M. Thomas,^fciary reund presiding. Aldermen pre-!Anton H. Freund, Salary .. sent: Althoff, Anderson. Freund, ^JBlake, Vycital. Absent: Tonyan. Motion bjr Blake, seconded by Anderson, that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as read. Motion carried* - Motion by Althoff, seconded by _ freund, that th,e Treasurer's report be. approved as read. - Motion earned. i Motion by Freund, seoonded by Trycital, that the collector'* report lie approved as rfiad. Motion cartied. ^ Motion by Anderson, seconded •*>y Blake, ttflat the clerk's report' 18C.90 1*5.20 195.20 178.10 178.20 Earl R. Walsh. Office Expense Mayme Buss, Salary and commissions Philip J. Hastings, Police duty Ero Erickson, Police radio maintenance Henry Reese, Sign's P. F. Pettibone and Co. Supplies Peter Blake, Sidewalks ...... Vernon J. Knox, Legal exexpense 4.65 Alexander Lumber Com.------ pany, Lime .w .82 <5.00 ... 55.24 96.50 15.00 82.18 6.27 * 1-60 • be approved as read. Motion car- i Suburban Oil Company* : fled. . Premix ^8.00 Motion by Blake, seconded by A. S. Blake Motor Sales, Anderson, that the following bills! Inc., Repairs to police ear S6.07 ft FOR A CHIMNEY OR SKYSCRAPER ITS:. TlffiO. OLSEN & SON • >• ,• ;' • MASON CONTRACTORS HoOULLOM LAKE ; Wot McHenry ^ 9-- ' No Jeb Too Big Or Too Small ' ' For Expert Workmanship and Fast Service Call McHenry 548-W-l1 The Climax Company, Street signs ...... .... 119.90 McHenry Lumber Company Lumber 17.12 Joe M. Schmltt, Mowing .... 26.00 Thomas P. Bolger, Supplies 2.4$ Clark Chevrolet Sales, Storage and repairs to truck 143.62 Mayme Buss, Postage ........ 4.00 Edward H. Nickels, Supplies .. 27 26 K. E. Erickson Company, Street signs 62.25 Milwaukee Lead Works Waterworks supplies 205.01 James B. Clow and Sons, -- Waterworks supplies 410.77 Downs Motor Express , Freight charge 1.84 Elgin Storage .and Transfer Co., Freight charge. 11.00 Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 9.12 Collector of Internal Revenue, Income tax 222.60 Weber Plumbing and Heating, Sewer repairs 166.00 Public Service Company Power and light 92.99 Sperial Sewer Fail Fred C. Felts, Salary $135.00 Mayme Buss, Clerical 20.00 Weber Plumbing and Heating, Maintenance 46.00 Al's Welding and Repair Service, Maintenance' .... 15.00 Public Service Company, > Power and light 44.2$ Motion by Freund, seconded by Althoff to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH. City Clerk GEORGE P. FREUND Mayor lb* distillation column It 1 powerful tool widely used by fee chemical engineer in the laboratory, pilot plant and commercial plant It is Employed for the separation of liquids from mixtures such ai in the manufacture of whiskey or gin from water and alcohol mixtures resulting from fermentation of cereal grain mashes, or of purs alcohol tram the same sourees, or gasoline frutu crude oil. etc. Canned Oranges For every dosen oranges fhat moved to market in their own skins last season, shout seven other oranges went to consumers in tin cans or bottles. The first cafeteria, wihch opened in New York in 1885, had no seats. Patrons ate standing up. From where I sit~ Joe Marsh But Curly "Knows ' . What The Score Isl'V % Was over at Doc 8henaaa's drag store listening to the World Series on the radio. Curly Lswson wanders in and says: "How about a chocolate malted. Doc?" "Sorry, Curly," says Doe, "cant make you a malted for a while yet." "What's the idea?" Curly asks. "Well," says Doc, "most of cs the folks want to hear the gams and the mixer makes toe much noise." Curly thinks a moment and says, "Okay *ith me, Doe-- I'll take a chocolate soda!" This shows how tolerant folks cm be. Doc showed his respect for Wv the Mjeritf felt; Cart? iras big enough not to insiet en Ms malted even tlicugh he doeenH happen to be fond of bisebal!.. From where I sit, willrrgness to, respect the other people's feelings is important in a Democracy. If we're tolerant of a person's like for baseball or a glass of temperate beer, we've come a long way oh the right road ... the todd to I better America, that is! m \ Copyright, 1949, VnHtd Sua# hrewn fos* jertas Mlwiiii Prim Itself Effective Agaiatt Aits Newest and most effective tlcide against cockroaches--"water hugs"--and certain kinds of ants is chlordane, which has proved a more powerful killer of these particular pests than DDT, says Dr. F. Gray Butcher, entomologist of North Dakota Agricultural college extension service. In the research being conducted by entomologists of the U. S. department of agriculture, chlordane shows promise also against carpet beetles, clothes moths and some other household insects, but further testing is needed before recommendations are made. Two-percent chlordane sprays, with oil or water base, now are for sale in many department, drug and hardware stores under various trade names. When buying, shoppers should note whether 2 per cent chlordane is among the ingredients listed on the container. Oil-base sprays are transparent and often slightly straw-colored; water-base sprays look milky white. Both .evaporate after spraying leaving an invisible odorless film on surfaces to kill pests coming in contact with it The killing power of the film Issti weeks or even months. Butcher advises that chlordane Should not be used for general Spraying of rooms, as DOT may be used. It should be directed only on places where the insects crawl, hide or enter the house. If preferred. it may be applied with a paint brush. In general, use the same precautions as when spraying with DDT or other insecticides. Remove foods and utensils in the kitchen bofore spraying cupboards and replace them only after the spray dries. Wash hands after using. Any oil spray may irritate skin, nostrils or throat so care should be taken to have the room well-ventilated and to aim the spray carefully. Ontpnt JHectrlc output in ths United States Increased 56 times from 1902 to 1940. lrefiton, capital of new Jersey, ts named after William Trent, who bought the, city's site fn 1714. Complete line of Lee's poultty remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. g-ftf All For Etiquette The young man called on his best girl and spent the evening. When he arrived there was noOa cloud in the sky, so he carried no umbrella. At ten o'clock it was raining cats and dogs and the gutters overflowed. "My, my, my," said ths dear one, "if you go out in this storm you will catch your death of cold." 'Tm afraid I might," was the assenting answer. "Well, I'll tell you what--stay all night; you can have Tom's room, since he's at college.'* She flew upstairs to sed that Tom's room was in drder. In a little time she came down to announce that Tom's room was in order, but the young man was not in sight. In a few minutes he appeared, dripping wet and out of breath from running, with a bundle under his arm. "Why, Charlie, where have you been?" she cried. "Been home after my pajamas," was the answer. 0UIH OF EVENTS w. m v m "So you are building a new house, eh? How tee you getting along with it?" "Fine. I've got the roof and ths mortgage on it, and X expect to have the furnace and ths sheriff in before fall." '# <*The druggist gently hung fin telephone receiver bsck on its hook and grinned triumphantly. "What's up, boss?" asked his assistant, who couldn't help but see the lode of high glee on ths druggist's face. "Remember the Job ths plumber did on our steam pipes when they froze last winter?" he asked.. "Do I?" shivered the assistant, "and how." "Well," said the druggist, rubbing his hands together, "he's coming in here to get a prescription filled for a cold in the throat." »; »< nn MJk .9* Chevrolet >'s ff'i Advance-Design * WHAT NOWT te YEA 18 OLD Mrs. Minnie Stoxen of Union celebrated her ninety-ninth birthday on Sept. 29, "the second she has observed since her twin sister, Mrs. Louise Braudes of Harmony, died. Mrs. Stoxen and Mrs. Braudes appeared as the oldest identical t^rins in the United States in Ripley's "BelieVe it or Not" column when they were a gay and sprightly 90 years old. Buyer prefeiiiice thews that lit 99% of oil Hauling fobs, there's a Chevrolet Advance-Design truck that will serve you more satisfactorily . . . for mora years . . ^ at lest cost. The wida range of the Chevrolet truck line--from smart panel delivery models up through specially equipped heavy-duty carriers--means you get a truck, specifically designed to carry the load, all Ihe way up to 16,000 lbs. gross vehicle weight. See us today--buy the Chevrolet truck that's just right for your job. ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS miqMW VAlVte WAP wetw ensm pewnwrfU--,lewres«>»wMif » DiAfHSAOM SKMO aUTCM-SWM* S.».« . rmCHSO-MESM TSANSMKSIONi- Qrfck, MM* sMMns f HYKMD MAR AXUS-S Nmm sItmsw *•" »VP* • DOUSLSUUmCULAnD SSAKB--CawipUli Mw cewSsI • WWE-SASf WIUIS--Incrinri lb* 'IT • ADVANCS-MSION STYUNO-WMi WlW • SAIMYM STEOMNO--SMtor kmmMmft • UNIT PBWW BOOMI-ft«cM«i MM nfRIHD IT MOU usas 11MN IK NO(I raw MAKB COMIUKU; I. • FOWL TIP » Johnny at Poultry Show: "Let's stay until they let the snimsls out" Mother: "Ttoey don't let them out, Johnny." - Johnny: "Yes, Mother; . last night Dad told Uncle Bill that they woulcf <Wait after the show and piek up a couple of It was in a hotel dining room. The guest called out sharply, "WlltfTi' "Yes. sir." V ?"' ' : "What's this?" . "It's your soup, sir.** "Yes, but what kind of soup?' •'It's bean soup," said the waiter with dignity. "I'm not asking what it's been; Fm asking what it is now!" Etiquette The old porter looked at the thick lenses of the student's spectacles and announced proudly, "Sonny, I'm 79 years old and never use glasses." " f* "You should," the youth advised him. "It is very impolite to drink out of the bottle." .Black Lecust fer^Posts Hie black locust tree is one that will thrive and grow into post'size in a short time. Parpanlt Parpanit, a relatively new synthetic drug; -tr aiding victims of Parkinson's disease, also *»iifd the shaking palsy. 70U SHOULD KHOW E.B. Passenger Statiens -Railway passenger stations In me United States total approximately 59,000 and freight passenger stations 61,929. ' Dairy Cow's Capacity, The average dairy colt wflD drink eight gallons of water daily; and will eat about two acres of grass during the summer season^ Edward Daggett is a good mai^Xi: to know, because he can save yog * lost of valuable time. > . I Yes, as an Omar man, he deliv^~~J~ ers delicious Omar Bread and * Pastries - fresh from the Oma#*^ ovens -- right to your door! And - Ed says. "Tomorrow I will be <. carrying a feature item, Om»£, Devil's Food Cake for only 5(5 ^ Edward is married, has onev youngster -- and is a real boosted . for this community! Get to know your Omar manl's Write Omar in Wauconda. ^ May throutfh September aire lhe principal months for "outbreaks of | anthrax in livestock. Mastitis Central Pregrana Control of mastitis means biggei^f milk checks, say dairymen Michigan state college. They ad*4 5 vise managed milking and.the usc^'«t; <rf a strip eup every day to help the mastitis control program. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES Fresh Water For Bega PHONE 277 McHENBY, ILUNOIft iORNER ILL. 31 AMD 120 1 Keep water for hogs fresh, clean, and free of germs and parasites. Hogs should not be allowed to lie in stagnant pools, mud wallows, or r»mHthoir drinking troujfci. -- NEW AND USED PHONE 7911 ROSENTHAL STEEL #0 CORN SHBEDDEBS W. C. TRACTORS W. 0. and W. D. PICKERS , E. J. SHELDON ORAVSLAXX, ILL. WHEN IN NEED Or Auto Repairing and Greasiftg DRIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE MB W. Elm S|. McHenry =-- PHONE 811 -7>!%also have Anti-Treexe of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service 'CS*' Tree Ripened DE HACINTOStf JONATHAN RED DELICIOUS GOLDEH^U>IflIOUS Fresh Cider and Old Fashioned Apple few Pure Honey -Mossley Hill Orchards^ Phone Bnrrington 557-R Stand Located at Intersection of U. S. Route 12 and Illinois Route 22 Near Lake Zurich, UL r STOP AT THE BIQ RED APPLE SIGN To Farmers; OnrHee4y» pevritteties is eet efficient Mixed Concrete is uniformly central plant *' ' dense, enduring and strong. Of course,you wmitconcwle " t ? The "ok" is made for jftmr --fixesafe, durable, mo<|* job. Even a small job gets ernte in first cost and: the benefit of large-votaaM lag little maintraaace. N you nood holp we con'put you hi touch with oowpotont cou^sctors. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co, 801 Front Street WsBstttf, UL 1 4 Wt , * • r