Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1949, p. 12

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MM On fanci HIIMII (By YardstfekJ ' •* $<- W» HeBmtT PIAIKSKALK - * : i$L "• • vv. *; .»t' :v ^ r^t y J * «**•< ^L.»i S'« *#«. f»** ' -as - ~ n •k ' '» Tlroriday, Oetober lS, 1940 Greetings Folks • Like a snow ball rolling down a till, the movement to improve the noil wood roads it growing in ; Hie and momentum. At an officers' meeting of the newly formed * Knollwood Road Improvement tss'n., held at the' home of Barney^ raff last Friday evening, a def-° Ibite program was mapped out to Jhake the dream Of every Knoll- Wood property owner a reality. The future plan of action by the (ibove organization will be presented to the Knollwood property owners at a meeting to be held Sunday, Oct. 16, at m. Horn's Corner. ^v'.? - The populace of Nirwtdii, ToWa, Ihjoyed the pleasure of playing feost to our distinguished Senator, Pave Reid last week. It was a royal welcome that our senator -3Seceived fti this thriving metropolis when he arrived aboard the .-^Cannon Ball Express for a one TRUSSES Suffarwt from Hernia (Rupture) may *•* •njoy our No Ch«rg« Sorvica--oRwed to •II ;ruu wearers by our Mporloncotf fit* tars. Lat tham halp you in your sol action and application from tha finatt !lna of surgical appliances manufactured. To insure our customers o> truss comfort and security wa recommend * NON-SKID SPOT PAD TRUSSES' TIMM light-weight appliances itold voar rupture securely, requiring only one naif the pressure ot ordinary trusses. pur experienced titters also serve fwff neads or Abdominal Supporter*, Battle Hosiery. shouid*. Braces, etc.. and oar reasonable prices will mraly pkaw ywi. Bolger's Drag Store PHONE 40 MCHENRY week survey of business conditions in Newton. Thousands thronged the depot to watch Mayor Kronkheit present Senator Reid the key to the city. After these ceremonies, a parade in which the mayor and his distinguished guest rode a gayly decorated tandem bicycle, followed. After dinner at the Ritz, a visit to Newton's leading industrial plant, the Maytag Wash Machine Co., where the senator found opportunity to wash a few pieces (when the mayor wasn't looking.) The following days of Senator ( Reid's visit to Newton were spent j in speech making and signing thousands of autographs. During the night hours he wore out a pair of shoes trying to find a door he could open with the key presented him by the mayor. On arriving home last Thursday, Senator Reid was eloquent in his praise of Newton's hospitality and the results obtained from the new Maytag. Latest reports from Newton have this to say about the senator's visit, "deleted by censor"; v- Len Jensen, Jr. returned Tfome last Monday after enjoying a thro" weeks' motor tour of the Atlantic seaboard states. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blake left last Monday for Kenosha and from there by private plane 10 Rhinelander, Wis., for a solid week of fishing and relaxation. A special meeting of the directors of the Property , Owners Association is scheduled for 10:30 Sunday morning at the beach house. President A1 Wetle urges all directors to be present. Paul Nitx reported the theft of a lighter and all coutrol knobs from his car last Saturday evening. An attempt was also made to steal the rims off his wheels, but his early appearance frightened the thief away. Deputy Paul Struck is investigating. ' Mrs. Art Olsen suffered slight burns and shock when she tried to ligfct a burner on hor cooking range and an accumulation of gas caused by a leaking valve created a mild explosion. Neighbor Lee Sawdo came to her rescuS and in a few minutes had both Shirley and the leaky valve patched up. Miss Mary Lang and Mrs. Nellie Palm are extending their vacations until the snow begin B to fly. Adios "Come play in my yard Rover, while Ma and Pa are away/' Have Fido spend his vacation at Cm-ran Boarding Kennels! 'u 9ndixrj,d&al runs, heated kennels. f!n'rran Boarding Kennels front* 1 ?<».?• Miles North of Volo, Illinois £}ione McHenry 632-M-2 FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricnlttiral limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request Place orders early and avoid rush. -- Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways' CHARLES FREUND, O wner 401 W. Wankegan Road ---- ---- McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel. 86-W or 412-J V-. COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TREK FEEDING ; • - * Trees SPRAYING * Weed Control * Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road McHenry 724 j»h; f." ' V S:- for fatii Hcc----ri-- and lattiriii iM'Sft YowrSktHyMi Now; Hi WcwH to S»rv« YOU! Drive in--look «*et our quality line of circs, batteries and accessories! We're exclusive distributors of safe, smooth-riding, long-mileage Hood 'Fires and Tubes. Skelly Batteries are extra-powerful, long on service life. And we have Skelly Accessories for every need: beadlights, wiper blades, defrosters, heaters, scat covers, and many more. Mouej/'hack guarantee behind every purchase! STOP IN TODAV! WEATHfR THE WMTBt WITH SUUVI FREUND OIL COMPANY m FRONT ST. KcHENRT TEL. McHEMEY Ml-W Faction 5HDBT5fofy Terry,: The Fox By Richard Hill Wilkinson OU CAN'T FOOL an old fox ^ like Terry Oakes," Ans# Aetell was saying. "Not even if you're the smartest bank robber and gangster in the country." Tie chuckled, reflecting on the stoflfche was about to tell. "Glenville was pretty well wrought up that summer. In June government agents came through, warning all the small town banks in the countryside to be on the lookout, and advising what to do. Duke Insabato and a couple of his henchm e n , d r i v e n f r o m t h e i r haunts in the large cities by a concentrated effort of local and federal agents who were dead set on bringing an end to the current wave Of crime, were hiding out in the sticks and whiling the time away by staging spectacular daylight hold-ups of small town ban&. "The trouble was that no one knew where the varmints would strike next. Duke Insabato was smart. He understood small towns becatise he was brought np In one and, he chose as the - object of his pilfering banks' that were pretty well Isolated and unprotected. "June passed and part of July. Gradually the fear of Glenville citizens began to subside. Only one other small town bank had been held up, and that more than 150 miles away. The depositors who had withdrawn their accounts ret established them. 'Terry Oakes, the trust company president, didn't gloat. He was an old-timer at the game and he understood human nature. Early in June he'd had some signs printed and hung around the lobby of |he bank. Such things as 'Save for Your Old Age,' 'Deposit with Us and Your Money Will Be Safe.' The citizens smiled a little. Terry was trying to reassure them. One other sign was printed and inserted behind the glass in the front door. This, too, amused them, but -it didn't annoy them any. ' "On July 15 the quietude of Glenville' s main street was abruptly and harshly interrupted. A high-powered black 'sedan suddenly appeared at the town's south en- . Vr •// i\ nil nni cW/i/i/// : Roy is the fourth to reach the perfect two-year. mark. On the preceeding Sunday the fourth grade class was promoted Oil Thursday Oct 20, the general meeting ot the W.S.C.8. will be held, with -wdessert luncheon served at 1:30. Following the !h0"\ Department to j ,uncheon. Mrs. Ruth Barger will Hi °f P the Sr:llead the mating ln discussion of >ons«ntP^!n w! the comin* basaar. During the o umi teach this class. We'meeting the standing committees i there will be a good attendance at : wish her much success in her ! work with these youngsters. Miss •j Diane Bacon joined the teaching ! staff in the primary department, : sharing teaching duties with Miss On the afternoon of Oct. 5, Jerri Nimtz. yqur pastor attended the crusade < The Junior and herub choirs meeting of the "Advance For ! did not sing a special number for Christ and His Church," which jIart. Sunday's service; however . . . . . we have it on good authority that is being carried an by the Metho- j tkey w|j| sjng next Sunday and dists and other Protestant denom-! the following. These choirs pracinations at the St. James Metho- tice on Wednesdays at 3:15 in the dist church, Chicago. In the even- | church. ~ ing the meeting was held at the' , Rockefeller Chapels with an at- j / tendance of nearly 3,000. Our j jaaHnHMsMBHaaaM resident bishop. J. Ralph Magee, presided and Bishops Robert N-1 Brooks of the New Orleans area j and W.' T. Watkins of the Louisville area spoke. j On Thursday evening, the Quar-, terly onference met in special } meeting and voted to incorporate the church. This same group' passed a resolution to give the: trustees the right to mortgage the ; property, setting a maimum fig-1 ure for this indebtedness. This! cesolution will be presented to of the year will be announced. The this October meeting. program of the afternoon will be Sunday afternoon, Karen Ruth centered on the subject of "Girl Matilda Henderson, 16 month-old Scouting . Mrs. Frank Gans, the , daughter of Kenneth and Ruth president of the Girl Scout lead-1 Henderson of Chicago, received erB °' McHenry, will be present I the Sacrament of Baptism at the to inform the society of their duties toward the "troop they •trate some of the things they ] of the family and friends were have learned in the scouting pro- present for the service. ^ gram. ' Again don't forget that the During the afternoon, another Junior and Cherub choir* will opportunity Will be given to those participate ln this Sunday Worship who would like to sign up as mem- , service and will present the mora, bers of the society. We hoye that! in» anthem. See you in church, -- - Sunday. are sponsoring, and also to discuss some of the aims and purposes of scouting. As soon as school is out, the troop, under the leadership of Mrs. Bertha Johnson and Mrs. Charlotte Relnboldt, will demonhome of her grandparents, M*. and Mrs. Albieum D. Corkell, at Orchard Beach. Several members P*«e fee VuW Provide plenty of shade and cool, elean water for animals at at times. Pigs cannot perspire, so ft cool spot for them is especially Important. Salt should also be avaii* j able to the animals all the time. ' iimm ..Mar the congregation on Sunday, Oct. 23 for ratification. Among the Sunday School attendance awards given out the first of the month was the award for two years of perfect attendance, which went to Roy French, i DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST \ ~ ii 136 S. Green St., McHenry - (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ^ ^ :Examined -- Git--es Fltttd - Vianal Training -- Visual Behabilitatieii Complete Visual Analysis , EMBI Iteiljr: 9 to 12 and 1 to 6--Saturday Eveninga: l:00 t« t:80 ' PHONE McHENRY 452 v NOW! for Hallowe'en FRESHfp SWEET CIDER ipossley Hill Orchards ; " : Phone Harrington 5S7-S Itafti Located at Intersection of U. S. Roate It Illinois Roa|e 82 < Near Lake Zurich, I1L STOP AT THE BIG, RED APPLE SIGN » T'tit* Wairama SifH of Qocd ScuUe*" 2 4- . * I,;, "Two to one," he said calmly, "Sheriff Irons picks up • Duke and his gang at Jepson corners. I Just phoned him.*', trance, roared down on the bank and came to an abrupt halt. Loungers in front of the General Store jerked erect. Three men had leaded from the car. Two of them, one carrying a machine gun, ran toward the bank. The third stayed on the curb, a second machine gun nestling in his arm. "The loungers, pop-eyed and frightened, watched ln stupid fascination. To their utter astonishment they saw the twe bandits turn at the bank door without entering, rush back to the car, pile Into it/ and drive away. «|T ALL happened within sec ^ onds. For a moment or two the loungers sat transfixed. Then of one accord they leaped up, raced across the street and entered the bank. Terry Oakes was talking on the telephone. He hung up and smiled at them. " Two to one,' he said calmly. "Sheriff Irons picks up Duke and his gaeg at Jepson Corners. I Just phoned him.' He looked from one pop-eyed citizen to another. "No harm done, boys. They didn't even get in.' " 'But why didn't they? What happened?' "Terry grinned broddly. *Duke Insabato knows small towns. He was a small-town boy himself. That's why be picked this hour to do his hold-upping. Right aftex lunch. " "That's where I fooled him.' Terry paused to chuckle and glance toward the front door, 'It's lucky Duke knows small towns. Other wise he might not have taken any stock in my sign.' "The bewildered citizens turned toward it and read. They were a little dazed, and not quick to understand. "The sign read: "Bank Closed. Out to Lunch. Return in One Hour.'" Released by WNU restores "The Marseillaise" [ , Because soldiers of Marseille, marching into Paris to take part in the attack on the Tuileries in 1792, sang Rouget de Lisle's battle, song with such spirit and vigor, it became Known M tbe "MarfteiUaise." \;A J i % ^7K/ A ^ 1 « • . ' • * ackground for a JLady! fS) Sometimes, we think a lady never looks so lovely as when she's seated at the wheel of a Cadillac car. v First of all--she looks serene... . . . f o r s h e k n o w s s h e i s d r i v i n g t h e w o r k s ' s most distinguished motor car--a car so regal in its bearing and so sumptuous in ' its appointments that it is the accepted standard for the whole automotive world. She looks confident\ too ... .-.. for she knows she is driving % mechanical masterpiece--a car that is as dependable and safe as human ingenuity and craftsmanship can make it. She looks rested sniat ease ... . . . for t h e r e is no s t r a i n at a l l to her d r i v i n g . The big motor moves the car as if by automatic propulsion--steering is virtually a ' response to her wish--the break pedal calls for little more than the weight of a foot. - And, finally, she looks--as we said*--so lovely. .. . for here ia, the perfect background for a lady, if she has chosen the model and the liilor and upholstery with care--as the fufr est complement to her personality--she is the spot-lighted high-light in-a gorgeous , picture! * * * This message, of course, is. addressed to a man--to a man with a lovely lady whom he delights to see at her best--and whom he wants surrounded, wherever she drivef, with every safeguard an automobile can , provide. .4- / • ' C«me in, Sir--and see us. You are looking, as you surely know, for a Cadillac! * OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT ST&EET McHENRY, ILL. \ --

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