.fhariday, October^, 1919 v • : T - f ' - ' f 1% ' - uf -feS" !.»' CLARIFIED S E C T I O N W1 SALE -- Beautiful peafowl cock; breeder - four years old; phone 511-J-l McHenry. *22 FOB BALE -- 18 ft. trailer, reasonable, in pood condition. Tel. McHenry 530 M 2. , 22 of the great number of i classified ads which appear In the Plaindaaler each week, we have fond It Impossible to keep books on such small accounts. Therefore, In the future, only ads which are paid for before this section •f the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock an Wednesday mornings Will be printed. j'fwi FOE SALS BALE -- Five-room house, bath, closed poTch, cabinet kitchen, hot air furnace, full basement, garage, chicken house, large lot 66x 250, frait trees. Price $7,500. Immediate possession. Phone 151-J. *22 FOR BALE -- 8outh Wind Auto heater; like new; used one month, $35. Phone McHenry 739. 22tf FOB BALE -- Oil stove with two barrels. Call on Saturdays. 593-M-2. . : *22 iOR SALE -- &mall oil heater; good working condition; price $2."). Phone McHenry 636-J-2. *22. FOK SALE -- Six-room oJ| heater, reasonable. Tel. McHenry 572-W-2. FOR SALE -- One automatic gas hot water heater, $15; 5-room circulating coal heater $15; One 1% HP Larson gas engine, used but* five hbursf^$25; 16-ft. Chris-Craft inboard motor boat, $350, all equipment. Call Wauconda 431$. 22 FOR SALE -- One improved lot on Park av«-nue: 132x132. Near new school. Call Crystal Lake G38-R or McHenry 225. 22tf 1'OR SALE --- Bv owner in Woodstock, 7-roonj house .with 2-room furnished apartment, full basement, automatic hot water, modern kitchen, good: opportunity to own home with ineome. Phone Woodstrk 195-M. *22 XIireET % BENSTEN - Carpenters - Btfmmer Homes - Remodeling Cabinet Work For estimates: Tel.. McHenry 893-J or Woodstock 1359-W* •22-7 CHBY8ANTHEMTJM SHOW --You are cordially invited to the first annual Hardy Chrysanthemum show at the Greenwood Nursery, nine miles west- of McHenry on Rt. 120. Over 100 varieties; 3 for $1 and up. Open evenings. 22 HELP WASTfcD HELP WANTED--Cap able men for factory work; good pay, good working conditions. Apply in person. Simplex Divisiou, Barlow k Seelie Mfg. Co., Algonquin, 111. Tel. 2131. *20-3 CORRECTION; The dance to be held on Sat., Ocr. 15, at Club Lilymoor is sponsored by the Lily .Lake Beautifying Club and not X.ily Lake Improvement Association as stilted on tickets. *22 FIGHT RATS -- With Rodan. No mixing; prepared bait rats will eat; enough to kill 800 for $0.98; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Bolger's Drugs, McH^nrv. . 21-4 j^FOR SALE -- 1943 Dodge truck; lVi tons; insulated .box. Clall McHenry 266 after 5 p. m. *22 - FOR BALE -- 4-room year around home; rutining hot and cold water; » 7 ft. full basement; coal furnace * and house is insluated. Two rooms I undercoated. Located on two lots j^»0' by 125' each, next to Slocuui j^jLake. Call Hebron 475 after 6 p.m. |. or anvtime Saturday and Sunday. I " *22-2 FOR BAIjE -- 6 room oil heater. Reasonable. Call McHenry 572-W-2 22 FOR SALE -- 1937 Chevrolet coupe in run-ling condition, $75. Kerosene two burner heater, $6. Phone MeHenry 87-J. *22 ^FOR BALE -- Yorkshire boars; vfroin 10 to 18 pig letters. Call McHenry 670-M-2. 22-3 FOR SALE -- Brick home, seven rooms; l'/£ baths. Call 246 for appointment. Mrs. Carrie Covalt, 303 Waukegan Rd., McHenry. 22-2 £*OR SALE -- Moth green sati>i formal; worn-once; six weeks old; cheap if taken at once. Ann Fisher, MeHenry 612-J-l. Volo. 22 • FOR BALE -- Four burner table ®top gas stove," good condition. Seasonable. Phone McHenry 54-J. «!)•) i FOR SALE -- Fro7.cn food locker plant; IiaSalle county, town of 400; 320 lockers; full processing facilities $12,000 net. Inquire at Plaindealer office. ,, 21-2 FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Homt Insulation, Installed by The Wall- Fill Co. <For estimate call Leo J. Stilting, McHenry 18. 40-tf FOR BALE -- GROCERY - DELI CATER8EN - PACKAGE LIQUOR. Fine location. For .information, call Jacob Fritz in Johnsburg. Phones; McHenry 37, or Chicago,' Lincoln 9-1333. 13-tf MISCELLANEOUS Ui*UULH'l'hKY ' -- Custom made furniture; reupholstering, restyling, repairing; draperies and slip covers; estimates cheerfully given. • M. B. Upholstery. 308 W. Kim St.,«Mc Henry. ^Telephone 871-J, 2t-2 fiABT SITTING -- Will care for babies or young children in my home, one half mile from depot, days or evenings. Responsible adults. Telephone McHenry 563-R-2. *21-2 MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SER. VICE--Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams: Certiflwl Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. S. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf BARGAINS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENRT, McCULLOM LAKE, WONDER LAKE. FARMS, CHOICE LOTS, RESORT PROPE R T Y , B U S I N E S S E S . K N O X BEAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND BOAS. PHONE McHBNRY «1-J. 11-tf BALB--Antiques, glass, china, silverware, lamps, clocks, clothes for the famiiy. , Formals. (This Clothing in good condition.) Open daily until 10 p. m. Sundays and holidays, 11 a. m. to 6 p. in. Miscellaneous items. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Consignment and Resale snd Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta " fnetory which is on Route 31. Crys- --tnl Lake 1346 R-l. 9-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pump. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 25-tf DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and hogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 8; reverse charges. 30-tf HATE YOUR CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHer.ry 290. 29-tf _ ALL YEAR 'ROUND HOMES T FOR SALE • Chapel Hill < Four rooms and , bath-; utility --room. Price $7,500. Wonder Lake Five rooms and bath; . ;J»eat; garage; well built --Price, $8,500. Orchard Beach Six rooms, bath, furnace heat; Water front lot. Price $16,000. JACOB FRITZ REAL E8TATE In Johnsburg. Phones: McHenry P' 37 or Chicago, Lincoln 9-1333. 19-tf. Home. CLOGGED SEWER! Have the electric rod cut out the obstruction. No digging. No lawn mess. Septic Tanks and Grease Traps Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modern Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County ^Sanitatv Co., Libertyville Tel. 1346. 47-tf MIMEOORAPK SERVICE - Typing Mimeographing - Addressing Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates 647 Washington Street, Ronte 14 HELP WANTED -- Women and girls. 200 North Riverside Drive. McHenry, 111. 22tf HELP WANTED --- Laborers. Applv Ivar Fredricksen, Wonder Lake. Tel. 221. 22tf Woodstock. Tel. Woodstock 476-M. 10-tf GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular vear round route. John E. Hill,'P* O. Box 274, McHenry, Phone 365. tf Wading tm Wealth A well-known star, noted tar the lavishness of ber estate, was entertaining guests at a week-end 'party. During the afternoon, she strolled into the living room, where several of the guests were conversing. ' 'Tm off to take a dip in the DOOI, 'darlings," she cooed. "Why not slip into your bpthing suits and.join me there?" To which on$ ol tbe guests replied: , - • ' ' "And where will we find you . . . at the North pool or the South POOl?" The Whole . msutfuuot mew ALLEKOY DRUGS PROVE VALUABLE IN PREVENTING COLDS New antihistamine drug developed by pharmaceutical chemists MOTORISTS WARNED THAT RE-ASSIGNMENT DEADLINE IS NOV. 1 Secretary of State Edward J. Bar- "PlTTICOAT SURGEON" Last week, a short, spry woman! *M ®r- Berti» Van irt 86. dressed in a trim brown lone of the Orst women surgeon* suit with a white bloase with a!,n thU conntry who has lately < red polka dot bqw, told 250 Har-;*alned world-wide fane throvgfet J vard women of her travels to Eur. publication of her book, {asked, "So why MC stay % Itcsssa, "Petti-, rett has repeated his reminder to, °P€ and the Orient and convinced I Surgeon," the story et hat: . . . « .. . ... ' >». .< . l ItTB CB ta a A to relieve symptoms of hay fever i motorists that the deadline for' them that It's just as difficult to! as • woman doctor. CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Av&il&ble 110w an.v quantity at the Water Tower in West MeHenrv VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Hours 7 a. m. to-.6 p. m. Phone McHenry 788-W 4 tf FREE ESTIMATES . on all building materials. " 7" , Call or write FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive, Mclleary ' ~ « Tel. 10R W , • Representing SEARS ROEBUCK ft CO. in this area. Hoofing, Siding, Insulation, Gutters, Iron Railing, Storm Windows, (Jarage Doors. Wall and Floor Tile. Fr<»? delivery. 18 tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING -- Work fully guaranteed. A,l_sx>--Mised pianos for sale. E. Zab'oth. Call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 15-tf COMPLETE TREE SERVICE -- Tree Feeding -- Twos SPRAYING Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waokegan Road • McHenry 724 15-tf EXPE*X|B*CED LANDSCAPING--X&HMBRGERY AND REBto^b ^ iHSUBED FRE»:«mMATES J. W. RAYCBMVr r.'iOi Box 163 Phono 298-R -- ^WfKcHsnry, HI. 45-tf A woman went to an exceedingly scientific hospital to undergo >p thorough examination. The fitst physician said, "Let me see your tongue." Another entered and said, "Let me see your eyes." Still another: "Let me feel your pulse." Before she was finished, a dozen doctors had examined her. Finally, she became greatly disturbed. Then a little fellow came in with overalls on, a bucket of water, a brush and some rags in hife hand. She said, "My goodness. What are you going to do?" He answered: "I'm going to wash your" transom" TIME TO ORDER froh i WE CLEAN FURNITURE-- and NOW IS THE Your ornamental* tfoiT'Trflltrigs. Miscellanous and structural steel. Let us figure your job l»ig or small. All work done by skilled craftsmen. Your inquiry receive prompt atention. , 617-M-l. Schroeder Iron Whrks, Route 31, 2 miles south of McHenry. 20-14 RODAN -- DuPont Antu. Kills rats; a prepared bait that rats will eat. enough to kill 800 for $0.98. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Farmer's Mill, McHenry. 21-4 WE WILL PLAN, livtliing from prepare and small din mothproof, free estimates, pick-up j nor party to a large wedding, or and delivery. James W. Seymour, 118 No. Main St., Crystal Lake, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 653 days; evenings, plione 1155. 20-4 wa other type iconda 2852. of party. Call 20 3 WHITEWASHING AND FLY CONTROL OF DAIRY BARNS-- Frank Henkel. phone McHenry 543 J 1. P. O. Round Lake. 111. Residence Volo. 44-tf FOR BALE -- 1947 Diamond T ! • Track, 2%-ton model 509. Haa BRIKG YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ive-speed transmission and two- PROBLEMS TO US--We can de- Speed rear end. McHeary ^Garage, Uver anything from a snapshot to «04 Front St., McHenry, Ulonois! large murals, or free hand oil Phone 403. " l~.tf! paintings. Copying and framing. uw ..tTT CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS IQK BALE ^Generators, armatures. A N D SUPPLIES. ..WORWICK'S rarters, fuel pumps, distributors! STUDIO, 117 Riverside Drive, Mctoltoge regulators and ignition parts j Henry. Phone 275. 40-tf « Ford and all other cars. Seaco Wes A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. tvoboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. 47-tf C. J. H. MEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phono 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock, 111. WANTED WANTED--Watches and jewelry to repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Oreen street, McHenry. (Wont part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- Farm 80 to 200 acres for cash bnyer. Possession not necessary. Also liave buyers for chicken f:i mis. The Kent Co., Lie. Phone Mcllenrv 8. 22-4 (OR BALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD- )EKO MACHINES. Service on all lakes. Also ribbons for all makes; carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf WOMEN WHO KNOW AVON will WANTED CUSTOM CORN PICKappreciate this fine opportunity for iNG, with 2-row mounted picker, two smart women to earn good money in spare time. Rv starting now, you will have the big Christmas gift line to offer. Write Mrs. Eva Huffstutler, P. O. Box 86, Dixon, 111. 21 3 Helen Weber If It's a Fire Tunrin the Alarm If it's a soiled or spotted garment bring it in to us. Our expert spotter plus DeLuxe Cleaning will give it that new look. McHenry Cleaners. Pfcoae 104-M lMEtak Helen Weber, Mcr. I I l i n n n i » i t u # M M n i t i i 't|ii|ii|ii|i ti t11i 11 ii $3.50 per acre. Wm. J. Parry, Ringwood, Tel. Richmond 631. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have cash buyers for resort properties, homes and farms, JACOB FRITZ, REALTOR, at Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37, or Chicago, Lincoln 1333. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY --- Half cash for late model speed boat in good Condition, must he bargain. Write box 221, Richmond, 111., or- phone 204. 22-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT--Johnson floor waxer, $1 per day. Gamble's, West McHenry. 7-tf FOR RENT -- Furnished 5-room •year-round home. Automatic oil heat; gla/ed porch, aluminum storm windows; .also 4 room year-round home; oil heat. West Shore Beach McCullom Lake. Tlione McHenry 638-M 2 after 7 p.m.,or anytime Saturdiiv and Sunday. *22 Leading American Tricks? An American relates that while in Moscow ^before the War, he one day saw a crowd gathered around a little fellow who was bawling at the top of his lungs. Many asked him what the trouble was but he kept on crying, and the crowd increased; then all of a sudden he stopped and said in a clear, loud yoice: "I am lost. Will someone please take "me home to Ivan Tobinsky, the champion clothier of Moscow, who has a full SU0Ply of autumn overcoats, suits, Beckties, shirts, hats and umbrellas, which he will sell cheaper, than anyone else in the city." ^ Couldn't Take Thesn there's the fellow nib died of hard drink. A cake ot ice fell on his head. Mere Untasaal Tourist: "I read that a Texan was struck by lightning while swearing. Remarkable coincidence, right?" Colonel South: "Suh, it wou'd have been more remarkable if he had been struck while not swearing." "Back to the Ctiy, Wise Gay and other allergic disorders are being used with great success to ward off the costly common cold, a survey of medical research has disclosed. The new "cold killers" are reported by doctors to be as much as 90 percent effective in stopping the onset of a c61d if used within an hour or so after the first cold symptoms are' noticed. Phyricans prescribe the tablets under the drug name "Coricidin", derived from "coryza" meaning the common cold, and "cide", to kill. Coricidin tablets contain in their red coating a small amount of the newly-perfected antihistaminic drug Chlor-Trimeton, reported to be the most potent of the type used to relieve the sQeesing, sniffling, stopped-up nasal passages and hives of hay fever and other allergies. The tablet center contains aspirin and other compounds generally prescribed for colds. The discovery that the antihistaminic drugs stop the onset of colds was made accidentally by a number of doctors treating patients with antihistamines for the relief of running noses,, itching eyes and hives suffered by patients allergic to pollens. Further research with antihistamines led to the statement last month in the Journal of American Medical Association that "the common cold is an allergic response in s'irceptible persons to contact with a specific protein which is the cold visus or its product." The most important research study on the role of antihistamines as cold preventives was carried out by Capt. John M. Brewster. M. C.. V. S. navy, at the U. S. naval hospital at Great Lakes, 111., with 572 col<$ patients, over a seven- month period in the station's cold clinic. In the report of his findings in the U. S. Naval Medical Bulletin, Capt. Brewster said that a cold j was considered to have been I "aborted or cured" when all signs | and symptoms disappeared com-; pletely within twenty.four hours of the beginning of treatment, and remained absent for at least fortyeight hours after all treatment was stopped. Capt. Brewster reported : "All symptoms were aborted in 90 percent of the patients in whom treatment with antihistaminic drugs was begun within the first hour aftjer onset of symptoms, ana in £7 percent of patients treated witiiin two hours of onset; 74 percent of patients who received treatment within six hours, and 70 percent of patients who received treatment witMn twelve hours of onset, were ahjjp cured." Capt. Brewster estimated tfifat the* common cold costs the nation abttit 100 million lost man-days of employment annually indicating how large industries may reduce time lost duo to spread of colds among employees--, and that the annual financial bill of the American pabiic due to colds is somewhere between one and three billion dollars. "It 1b believed that real progress in the elimination of the common cold will be made when and if an antihistaminic drug which is 4f- (eeoni'mnd ydt sufficiently safe to permit the public to purchase it without a perscription is developed. The drugs used as cold preventives are relatively new in pharmaceutical chemistry. Only a few were available up to about a year ago; now there are about fifteen available for perscription by physicians. They are called antihistamines because they block the work of a body chemical called Histamine. Histamine, when stirred into action by substances to which a person is allergic or antagonistic, causes human tissues to act abnormally in the production tif moisture and in other ways. applying for re-assignment of this Prepare for a vacation of two year's auto license number has' weeks as a year* Journey and been moved forward one month by i action of ther ecent General Assem- j bly. j The previous deadline date of Dec. 1 was changed to'Nov. 1 by an act passed by the Sixty-Sixth1 General Assembly and signed by: the Governor. j "So that no one will be disap- > pointed in not getting their license ! number reassigned," Secretary I Harrett said, "I urge them to keep the new date in mind. The moving up of the date will enable this i office to start mailing plates one j month earlier, thus getting the majority of ' plates into the . mail before the Christmas mail rufeh, which has slowed up the process of getting licenses to car owners in previous years. Please remember the new date, Nov. 1. Bead the Wut A4a. February Not Only Shortest But Safest LOTS FOR SALE - / - TERMS ' :'| Lake front and water rights at beautiftfl PISTAKEE BAY v Gas and electricity on premises Telephone McHenry 194 k - ' . "Thirty days h*tii September, April. June and --" February has another claim to Came beside being the shortest month of the year. It is also the safest month. There were 7,500 accidental deaths during February, 1948, ac-1 cording to the 1949 eddition of "Accident Facts", statistical yearbook of the National Safety Council. This was 650 fewer deaths thaq the monthly average of 8,150 of last year. August was the peak month for accidents in 1948. There were 9.200 accidental deaths in that single month 1,050 more than the average. -- • Uncle Sam Says NOW IS THE TIME TO fIX UP THE HOUSE FOR FALL J Draperies Curtains Valances Cornices Custom Made . . . Slipcoveii Pillows Bedspreads1 Venetian BliOfe COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE Community Interior 204 S. Oreen St. Phone McHenry 490 Sitting on top ef the world is the spot where most of us would like to be--free from financial worry-- sure that our future and the future of those we love is secure. Your government is providing the opportunity to start climbing to that enviable spot--BUY U. S. Savings Bends the automatic way--the Payroll Savings Plan where, you work, or, If self-employed, the Bond-a-Month Plan where you bank. The future will take care of itself when you save the safe, sure way. Your seat way up there is reserved the moment you enroll on one ot those Savings Bonds Plans. This Is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. U.S. Tnamift D*0*ttm*at -- G o l d e n E a g l e The high-flying North American golden eagle likes mansion-size living quarters. One golden eagle's nest consisted of two wagonloads of material, reports The World Book encyclopedia. It was, seven feet high and six feet wide on top. Opening "The Channel" A novel two-way airlift service saves time for motoring tourists traveling between Britain and France. The motorist drives his automobile onto the air field where the car is run up a sloping gangway into the nose of the speciallydesigned aircraft. The motorist rides in the same plane with his auto and drives off the landing field on his arrival in France. Toni Permanent Wave Kits. $1.28 and fli.00. Wattles Drug Store. 15-tf ACCURATE TO "THE OUNCE • ' i Tfee weight of the medicine in your prescription may weigh less than an ounce but yon know it's measured accurately if we fill the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you g$t exactly what the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE~PRUG~STORE tttatfrcen itgcnm PHONE 26 McHENRS AAAA A A A A A A A A A *4^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A .AA A ^A'VVVVVVVTVVVVVTTTTTVTVVTVVVVTTV V V V V The flashy townsman was swaggering round the farmyard imparting Gratuitous advice to the old farmer. Having criticized the paltry, the hayricks and the rest of the fellow's possessions, the townsman visited the stables. "Say, do you know how to make a slow horse last?" he asked. "Yes," said the farmer. "Don't feed him " Premature A youth in his teens strode into a barbershop, frowned at the long line of men waiting to be served, then demanded imperiously, "How long will I have to wait for a shave?" The barber looked closely and figured, "About six months, I guess." > THAT FFTS THE FREE ANO EASY FOR SALE MODERN BRICK HOMES IN McHENRY Hear Intersection of U. S. 31 and H0 UFE Of THE (WEST. EMEKYOKE CAM So*&HUIQ, *j Fully Insulated -- Improvements WATER -- SEWER -- OAS -- ELECTRIC Water Rights .leading to Fox River and to Pistakee Lafee FOR RENT -- r>-room ranch home furnished; automatic oil heat; air conditioned; all <>onveniences. Phone McHenrv 770-J during dav. •22 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- Fiv«-reom house or apartment in or near MeHenry; unfurnished. Address Box 61, in tare of Plaindealer. *22 WANTED TO RENT Five or sixrooni house in Wonder Lake territory. Best of references. Write lij'ie Pilcher, 91H Irving, Woodstock, or phone Woodstock llft-M. . , «i8-tf Looking Ahead Can you cure me, doctor?" asked the woman of ninety. "Dear -Granny," said the doctor, "you know what happens when one gets older. After all, a doctor is not a miracle man. lie cannot snake an old woman younger." "Who's asking you to make me younger?" protested the old woman. "I want to get older!" Complete line of Peebe livestock vemediea at Watties Drug Store, MeHenry. - f-tf Jeep STAT/OAf | | meo/v • SarpriM sf Uw Tsar by MRrt-OvedonJ • AO-Stael Body.. Stats for S«VM * i army JMJ nwvr • McHenry Garage TELEPHOXE 403 604 Front .Street McHenry, IIL PRICE $10,900 and $12,900 E Z Terms JACOB FRITZ In Johnsburg Telephone McHenry 37 In Chicago Telephone Lincoln 90.333