rs^ 11*1 J|U .r' % IllHUHIinnilMHIW (by Mrs. George Sheptrd) Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained ^jtfbe women's Five Hundred clnb it ' Tier home Wednesday. A 1 O'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola .how and Mrs. George Shepherd. , Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andrew • /.. intertained their Fire Hundred flub Thursday . evening. Prise* '••re awarded to Mrs. George Bhepard and Paul Walkington, tlgh, and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and :. T. Butler, low. The bunco club was e< ntertaihi in the home of Hn. Mildred Ifunshaw in Elgin Thursday, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Win. IffcCannon. A pot-luck chicken dinner was served at noon. Bunco - followed, with prizes awarded to Mrs. Ray Merchant, Mrs. Lizzie Thompson, Mrs. Nick Young, Mr*. "Ruth Schmitz and Mrs. Georgia Thomas. At the close of the games, ice cream and birthday cake were served. Those from ill gin to attend were Mrs. Laura fMunshaw, Mrs. Jennie ' Brqirh. Mrs. Ruth Schmitz and Mrs.' Jl. Munshaw. The W. S. C. S. will hold Its aa- TlSual bazaar and cafeteria supper . in the new church basement, Thursday evening, Oct. St, from 6 to 7 o'clock. There will be plenty Of aprons and fancy work for sale; also home made candy. There will be a meeting of the • Cemetery Association at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson Oct ^ The Round-UP club was entertained in the home of Mr, iil Mi*. Harold Stanek at Ridgeftold Saturday evening- Election of officer* •as held. Mrs., Walter Low was elected president; Alice Peet, vicepresident; and Marian Hawley secretary and treasurer. A treasure hunt was enjoyed. Thoee , from here to attend were M*\ and Mrs. Walter Low, Mr. and Mr*. Paul Walkington, Mr. and Mt*. Louis Winn, Mrs. John Hogah, , tIAlice Peet and Marian Hawley* Mrs. Wm. Pagne entertained it a Stanley party at her hftihe Sunday afternoon. Out-of-town guests were M¥s. James Deignaa, * Elsie and Grace Swan of Gen6a City, Mrs. Legehleman and daughters, Lila and Gertrude, of Pell Lake and Mrs. Alan Ainger and • daughters of Hebron. Anyone Interested in a Red Cross first aid class please contact Mrs. Mitchell Kane. This will be free of Charft §«*d an instructor from Woodstock will be in charge. Mr„ and Mrs. Willis Stanek and family of Spring Grove spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and ~ MVB. Peter Sebastian. , Mr. and MYB. Clayton Harrison Iffe visiting with their ion. JtOM. and family at Waubena, Wit., and their daughter, Margaret, and husband at Chetek, Wis. Edward Adams spent a fetr da^s the pact week Kttfc Chut Dobe*- feltein at Wilson, WU. „ . . Paul Stephenson spent a ft days the past week with hid ' mother, Mrs. Luella StethMlSon. Mrs. Rose Jepson ts Vwting Hi r the home of her dauigttsf. Mr|. •Roland ^fcCannon, at WOodstocfc. . Charles Carr and Pearl and Bill Wledrich are enjoying a trip to t Dallas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and MV. and Mrs. Ralph Smith ahd son, Dick, of Chicago and Mh. A Andrew Hawley of Fox GrOye ~ spent Saturday in the home M their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoftittan and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake spent Friday evening in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller and Miss Gertrude McColottn of Kenosha spent Sunday with Ifrs. Nellie Blackman. ^ Mrs. Louis Hawley Spent Moav? May in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger aid children of IteJ^ron spent Sunday with her parentB, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Nellie Blackman and Mrs. • Charles Brennan were visitors at ' Kenosha Saturday. Mrs. Laura Peet and daughter, Alice were callers in Woodstoek and Crystal Lake Thursday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Smith and • sons, Frank and Sam, were Sunday dinner guests in the home at 3Uonnie Smith. ~ * Mrs. May me Harrison of Mc- Uenry spent Sunday With her daughter, Mrs. J: C. Pearson, and family. Mrs. Collins returned to her home here Monday after A dtx weekd' visit with relatives in Ohte. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox 4H Ridgefield and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ^ter Low and family spent 8und*y w in the Beatty Low home. * Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Georgia Thomas were visitors at Waukegan Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patchln and Alice Cristy of Evanston spent Sunday in the Kenneth Cristy , tome % Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith were visitors in' the home of their son, Lonnie, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dimon and L,ion, David, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon "'Larson and family and Mr- and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family en- £>yed a picnic dinner at Veterans cres at Crystal Lake. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Richmond, spent Satar- . day with her parents, MEr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs Emily Beatty and MrS' Viola, Low were visitors in the Charles Frey home at Blue Island, Tuesday. Mrs. Beatty remained for a visit. tg| Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family were supper guests FridAy Opening in the Richard Croats home at Genoa City, Mrs. Viola Low aftd Mm. Kenneth Cristy went to Chicago Monday to buy equipment for the new church dining room. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. attd Mrs. Wm. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet were San- > day dinner guests in the Ben £Foute home at Spring Grove. ^ d t I ' v.:*! r * * • . • ' • I Marathon's new multi-million-dollar CATalytic cracking unit. It's the most modern and efficient ever built. Gets Store gasoline out of a barrel of crude than was ever before thought possible. It'# the efficiency of this newest and inost advanced refining method that makes it possible for Marathon to br TOU a gasoline like this at the price ^regular" gasoline, ivii'" J' V - AefNK .#*•* - --i-*,-- ' • I • • • the-flew multi-million dollar* fuel your car a kind of performance never before thought possible. MAIULTHON CAxGASOLDIE GiVes your car jungle-cat smoothness and power. Less shifting in traffic and on hills. \ MARATHON /< r Yes, you'll find it hard to believe it sells at price of "regular" gasoline. -1 u THE FREE! CAT-JET BALLOONS... r4 feet -rr*- -- -y: long . . . that fly and scream like a jet /^IJT CWT (^ C^\A^" PA lNIV Stop in, today or tomorrow. Get one V-/ XJLIV/ V-/ A J-* V/ i-vA A 2 -*• for yOUf youngster. Don't wait They'll go PRODUCERS OF PETROLEUM SINCE1M7 in ft hurry. DOKITS ITASH SALES McHenry I W. -UrCTIlRT West McHenry 8EBEBG GROCERY Griswold Lake -r? THOMAS «BO€lii^ Woader Lake MARATHON^ SESTICE 8TAWWI MeHenry, Bast ef Big Brtdgo I