w - ' . * ' . . V ;,' * " ".. ' •: .' %vp "••" '*'/ • '" ' '"•• v ..'" y r ~* . . " * " . ; • % • v & f ' f r " * - MM OF INJCXM fiftluisa snfferOi last week wheat be was hit by a motorcycle V*cb •kidded out of control and WWI over th® curbing in Downers 0rove, proved fatal to Frank A. Bauspies, 61 of Downers Grqye In Hinsdale sanitarium. Wellington organised the first military police in the British amy, according to the Encyclopaedia Brltannica. . . " ' - --• *LA2!fl>lAlJti Iniwfd^l0cwiwrft,.i« Deaglas Fir Exports ^ With the exception of the World War II years, China has led. all nations in receiving exports o! Douglas fir lumber from the United States, followed by Japan, the United Kingdom, Argentina. ' V "Track Crops" Truck crops, we call our vegetables, but not because they are hauled to market in trucks. In this use the word truck is from the French word treqeer--to barter or exchange--as has long been done in farmers' produce markets. tight boxes. - .I.n. . one area. , of. P..e ru. the. litt- _ . „ v Green Leg Protection midity is so high that matches L • will not ignite unless kept in air- f Benzene hexachioride has come forward as a boon to southern lumbering, says the U.S. department of agriculture. The new chemical is better and cheaper than any insecticide previously used for protecting green logs from attacks by boring beetles. PITZEKS NURSERY Corner Wilson Rd. and 111. Rt. 120 l; v 2 Miles East of Volo XVfttoBKENS SHRUBS TRESS ^ ^• jjuroscAPiNa Route Two "• "" ~~* /"•' Round Lake,IH. Washington's Cherry Trees Japanese cherry trees bloom along the Potomac river in the spring,- becausc the. wife of William Howard Tfift admired the trees while on a visit to the Orient. When she told her husband that, he had them planted in the nation's capitol for her. Unele Sam Says SHUI1T5TcfRV Alibi 2 HALLOWEEN COSTUME Roller Skating Parties SUNDAY OCTOBER 30 For Boys, and Girls 14 years and over . . Prises for Best Costume Admission 50c; Tax 10c; Total m 8:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. MONDAY OCTOBER 31 For Boys and Girls Under 14 yean Prises for Best Costume Admission 21c; Tax 4c; Total 25c -- Parents Free 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. . Come If You Can SUtate or Not JUST FOR FUN ROLLER RINK PHONE 449 Prises donated, by McHenry Business Mens' Association. ' "Dead as a-Dodo" ' "Dead as a dodo" memorialiies a clumsy cousin of the pigeon that was three times the size of a turkey and lived on the Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius until three centuries ago. The dodo took its name from the Portuguese word for simpleton. It could neither fly; fight, nor run away, and proved to be easy prey for sailors and dogs. Complete line of Beebe livestock remediea«tWattle« Drug Store. Mv Henry. 8-tf What a picture he makes that small, bright little charmer--all dressed up In Pop's oast-offs. But one of these days, not too far off, he's going to need some dress-op clothes of his own, a home to receive friends and a good education. And as yon know, these tilings cost money. U. 8. Savings Bonds offer yon the fool-proof way to accumulate the necessary funds to supply those needs. Use the safe, automatic way to save--the Payroll Savings Plan where yon work, or. If self-employed, the Bond-a-Month Plan at your bank. In tea years, when that little boy is growing op, you'll receive $4 for every 'S3 invested today. U. S. TrMJtiTy Department --1 >*-- - • Bead the Want Ads. Auto Radiator Service liiw >ui[t HAMIL'S GARAGE now has a, complete set of test tanks, boil out tanks and flush out system. If your radiator needs work done, roding out, boilix out, flushing out or repairing, new cores or rebi radiators. All Work Guaranteed. One Day Service Bill Ring, the Radiator Man HAMIL'S GARAGE Phone 682-W-2 Route U. S. 12v Yolfr JUiaofe By Richard Hill Wilkinson MAX SANDERS' home had been robbed of jewels valued at $50,000. The jewels were kept in a wall safe behind a picture in Max's study, which was located on the second floor of his Beverly Hills home. Inspector Ray Beatty was assigned to the case. Leo MacDougal, a police officer, who had been summoned from his beat, showed Inspector Beatty t h e evidence that had thus, far been discovered. First there was a ladder placed against a window that opened into a second floor hall. This window hate been discovered open. Inspector Beatty told MacDougal to summon all the servants. Then he questioned them. They all had good excuses. Sid Firbush, a secretary, bad spent the night at the movies with a friend. Edwards, the butler, had read in his room until Mr. and Mrs. Sanders returned from a party, when he admitted them. It wap right after that, that MrfZanders went to the safe iM npUce the Jewels she had worn, and found the others •' Martha Greene, the housekeeper, had beep in her room all evening. Hfe# roojji was looated on the sec-, Qtid 'flopr. She had gone down to Irs old Stov« Round-up timm WW Wow's the rime fo get new GAS range! utiful new Magic Chef gas range bw the style and quality of an expensive model... but the price is right for the economy-minded. It's a full-sized 39' range with the popular divided top burner arrangement, and a large oven with thick, Fiberglas insulation. On the left is an extra big storage space just made for your pots and pans. As always, this Magic Chef gives you the extra" features you want. . . there's a cutlery drawer and towel dryer... a modern double lamp for complete top lighting ... and a handy timer. *' v i&jr ' • *& >-• Standards shown Magic CM Afodbf 32301-14 $l84*o •xtrs) 5^'. it •*. • 17- 'fev. "" v* You're sure of accurate temperature control, thanks to the dependable Red Wheel oven heat regulator. Don't miss this Magic Chef with its deluxe-styling and economy price! Built to L"CP" is an unbiased buying guide created for the ho me makers' protection. It is their guide to tops in cooking performance, economy and convenience-- to the latest time-, food-, and moneylaving features. "CP" means that the gas range on which it appears has been built and tested to meet the highest standards of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association--standards based on recommends lions made by the American Gas Association Home Economists and leading manufacfonipni. Sm fft* new Magic CM Gat Ranges W memy offers of your dealer's or our nearest store. WESTERN UNITED GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY "It's fctUe likely." CHARLES 8. PARKER, Attorn*? n A Parker) e Hem: Wednesday Afternoons lrO»-S:SO Office--Koehr Siftrijr Ceanny, 542 Main Street, West McHenry <Jolfe. Woodstock 1135 FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKE R. 1, RINGWOOD. ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repair* Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oar*. Qreen and Elm Sts., McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phone McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUY -- We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, less for down horses and* cattle. MATTS MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road Phone Johnsburg- 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS, HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges McHENRY SIGN SERVIGE TBUCK LETTER1NO -ft WINDOW LETTERING M SHOW CARDS -- OTXTDOOR SIQMBv H. REESE FOX 0U WI _ A. P. FREUND SONSf^ 'v; Excavating Contractors " Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -.ROAD BUILDING-- 1 Tel. 204-M McHenry, OL -- E . P E A M L E E , D . C . -- Chiropractor 120 S. Oreen St, McMenrjr Office Hours, Daily except Thursday • » to 12 1:30 to 5 "Wma Wed. and Fri* Evenings 7 to • Phone McHenry 802-R McHENRY FLORAL CO. Phone 404 llHe Mile South of McHenrjr * - i Oh Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION Karl F. Knauer, Trumplfc Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa Loma, Ray Noble, Griff Williams,- Chicago and Oriental Theatres, organizing fall qlasses. Call McHenry 533-J-l for appointment and interview. ' "The rebbery was committed j i before yea placed the ladder ttiere." the kitchen about 10 o'clock for a'bite to.feat and found Viola Matsoh, the maid, there with her boy fr^nd. Returning, Martha had passed Edwards' room and seen Edwards sitting by his table, reading. INSPECTOR BEATTY dismissed the servants and went back to the Study. He examined every inch of it. Then he went into the hall and examined that. He also examined the window and the ladder and the ground below the window. It had rained a little the night before and he found some footprints beside the ladder. They looked like rhen's footprints. Inspector Beatty fought out Sid Firbush. He asked the secretary if Max Sanders held business conferences in his study. Firbush said that he did. "The chances are, then, that he's had occasion to open the safe when others were present? .. ^ I want af oonhplete a list as you can make ihe of all the people yoU'Ve known to be 4n the study during the past month." Inspector Beatty left Sid Firbush Making -out the list, * summoned MacDougal and went down the hall. He entered one door after the next, first knocking to make sure the room'was empty. Presently he returned to the hall, bearing a pair of stupes.. Carrying the shoes he returned to thfe study and asked Firbush if they were his shoes. "Whjrpyes,' said Firbush. "Why? Where did you get them?" "Out of yonr closet. I searched the closets of all the servants till 1 found a pair ef shoes with some mad on the soles. It was yon whe committed the robbery." "You're crazy. That's a cockeyed theory. The robber came, up the ladder." "No," said Inspector Beatty, "that's only what you expected us to believe. That's why you put the ladder there and left the window open. The robbery was committed before you placed the there." "How do you know that? You can't prove it." "I won't, have to. What I can prove is that ncTooe came up the ladder. It rained last night There was mud. There's mud on your shoes. The shoes fit the footprints at the foot of the ladder. Yet there is no mud at all on the rungs of the ladder. If there had been I would" have probably been fooled and not been sure that some one inside conv mitted the theft. Besides you had the best alibi. I checked with the man with whom you said you attended the movie, He broke down and confessed everything." MacDougal was amazed. Afterwards he safd to Beatty: "I didn't know you checked with Firbush's friend. When did that happen?" "it didn't." said Beatty. Released by WNU Feature* Telephone No. 300 STOFFEL & REJHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. West McHenry, Illinois INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insuranec toLIABLE*COM?ANlE3 When you need insurance of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 DR.^. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- Tues., Thnrs., & Bat. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings^ by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder Lake, III. FRANK S. MAY Trucking 3and--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestoae Truck for Hire Phone McHenry 580-M-l . R-l McHenry , Cannot Jamf ' An elephant cannot jump because hH IS one of the few animals that cannot take all four feet off Ih* ground at the same time. Hand Grenades Hand grenades were used by U. S. Marines who served under Johi* Paul Jones during the Revolution Cest ef Wages and salaries usually account for at least half of the total fetailing. • ' V' Sn :•*»}»•*>••••••• •• Tare tea* ** #*.#. «A There are two seas in Palestinf-r1 the S£s of Galilee, which gires i water, and the Dead Sea. which ! gives nothing,' f • C ^ " CLARENCE'S SHOP Select Christmas it^ms! Children's barnyards and garages; chain and table sets; writing desks; kitchen cabinets, etc. Also full line lawn furniture and bird hoiuMM. Men's and ladies leather belts, billfolds, eto, Clothes and market baskets. rr-^-~ ^ CLARENCE SMITH* Johnsburg, 111. Phone 583-J-l DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green St., McHenry ' (Closed Thursday Afternoons) "Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted VJaval Training -- Visual Rehabilitation Complete Visual Analysis Hours Daily:' 0 to 12 and 1 to 5--Saturday Evenings: 6:00 to 8:30 ' PHONE McHENRY 452 ^ % . . . . . . . i Do you Need H. T. Trauger WINDOW SHADES or VENETIAN BLINDS .fc. Bee our new line of removable slat and Bauflex | Original Blinds and Tapes. Bonderised and galvanized Acme metal. Direct from factory. Sterling Window Shade & Venetian Blind Co. 5640 W. Division Street Chicago, Illinois Phone Columbus 1-8743 Phone McHenry 651-M-l Fri. Eve., Sat. and Sun. Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed One and Two Weeks Service AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main St., McHenry Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 815-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. * Attorney-at-law 110 Va Benton 9t. Phone Woodstock 1331 Woodstock, Illinois DR. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Off re Corner Green A Elm Tues,, Thnrs. & Sat. Thursdays 9:30 to 5:80 Tuesdays and Saturdays to 8 Tel. IHclleury 438 WELDING Maintenance and Construction Portable Equipment H. E. VANCE -- McHcnry 51-J ladder! ^ South Green St., McHenry, 111. Sand Limestone VERN THELEN » Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Truck for Hire TeL McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box lf2, Rt. 1, McHenry DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian Highway 31--Office and House ». McHenry 31 The amazonian wilderness equals half the area of Europe, according to the Encyclopaedia Britnnica. Complete line of JUee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me: Henry. B-tf On Te Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Honrs: 10 a. m. to & p. m. except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. Evenings hy appointments only- ~ JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law 809 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL. . Phone McHenry 492-W BARNYARD PAVEMENTS are o Sanitary o Economical . «... r. , . > / . o Labor Saving • Food Saving ' iu.j, - and • Last a lifetime made wHh READY-MIXED CONCRETE* / FOR dozens of other improvements around the farm, no other material offers the service and economy of firesafe, enduring concrete. If you are planning a new ratproof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn floor, a feeding floor or foundation--build it the convenient, low cost w$y with Raady-Mixod Concrete. ^ t* YOU NEED HELP WE CAN PUT YOU IN TOUCH WITH COMPETENT CONTRACTORS McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. | Phone McHenry 97-X 606 Front Street ';- McHenry, UL U