1 -¥^^5^7 *- ;T.? •/. '" i-- f* • &t Thnnday, Octotj«r27,1940 f*T^H -*9 -*£ -*-*11 ^r"i^gx *"* ^••*-**'L Sff w,„ . •, >.>.9Pi»V TOV*«M!,<*.W-J •ires* . iKaica f F^AZHDEAUEE •f V * jifp»o*,^ vi v• w* * .%:%, *<- • •SB !««• Watch lewdi Jewels used in watches today arc/ •Imost exclusively synthetic, -- •but the advantage of using synthetic JJUbies as jewels in watches is their homogeneity. Having the same ad- Vantage as a natural ruby they are" !w. U8e<l widely because their quality "" is more regular than the natural f*" alone. ¥ Order your rubber tuafi at The Plaindealer. " 7~™ CROSLEY MILLIONDOLLAR GIVEAWAY DOUBLE-BARRELED CONTEST! Vm far San , Most persons think of salt as being used mostly to season foods in the kitchen, but this is one at its least important uses. There are about 1,400 different uses for salt. Some of the largest users of salt are meat" packers, chemical industries, hide and leather processors, food processors, and the manufacturers of butter, cheese, and other dairy products. . _____ tteatravta Cotteea * Non-woven cottons are fabrics which are bound together with resins instead of spinning and weaving. They are used for disposable items, such as napkins, diapers, etc. Mag«a Carte There are four copies of the Magna Carta in existence, two in the British Museum, cme at Lincoln Cathedral and one at Salisbury Cathedral. Highest Active Volcaae Mount Chimborazo, once thought" to be the highest of the Andes, rears a snowy head at 20,577 feet. Across the valley, to the northeast, Cotopaxi, "t h e : incomparable," reaches up to 19,344 feet--the world's championship height for an active volcano. Complete Hne of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me- Henry. W * P Yes, over $2,000,000 in cash and r. valuable prizes. I N f a double chance.to win! FIRST --a Local Contest judged by local judges right in your own community. All you do is write your reason in 50 words or less --on the Local Entry felank-- why we should give you a new 1950 Shelvador Refrigerator. If our judges select yours as the best reason, yc*i will get a new 1950 Shelvador* Refrigerator to be awarded by us and delivered right to your home. SECOND --a National' Contest, in addition to and separate from Ov.r local contests, where the. same words you write for thef Local Contest (or different, if you prefer) may be subrtfltted on the National Entry Blank and compete for the Grand Prizes of cash," kitchens, and refrigerators to be awarded by Crpsley!-C See us ffer entry blanks and contest rules. only by Crattey. T. M. !•(. U. S. M. Mb ^FK>SiEY ««ui. . 4 / » f » / . j r . » w/•;% | Better Product* for Happier Living | Wonder Late | Home Appliances Rt. 1, Ringwood, 111. J Tel .Wonder Lake 133 I, & H TELEVISION , EMERSON and MOTOROLA .. SALES -- SERVICE Phone 403 604 rroot St. or 653-R-2 McHenry, Illinois Epieate the college's football aQuad was called out for the first practice session of the season one of the aspirants was so fleet of foot that he made the others look like turtles. The coach called htm over and asked him how he had developed such incredible speed. "I« used to catch Jackrabbits on •ay pop's ranch," he explained. "But," ti»e coach pointed out, "S lot of other boys here claim that they did the same thing. Still they're not nearly so fast as you-" "My pop is pretty fussy ab<M| the rabbits he eats," the boy elaborated. "I had to run alongside them and feel them to! see if they were fat enough for pap before f caught them.^ k JUST WANTBTD tOWOW Clean Your Lawns the Easy Way with*a sp&manzij) lawn sweepe* . -and a ( PORTABLE LEAF BURNER • 9 ' Otto* Adams MOTOMOWER, Dealer Johnsbnrf 1 TeL McHenry 434 NOW! TONI HOME PERMANENT TWICE AS EASY-TWICE AS FAST MtwToai Rami KW. New Photo Method Directions show how Toni now waves hair in as little as 30 minutes. $1.00 New Toni SPIN Curlers. No more rubber bands--all plastic --all-in-one! Grips... spins... with a flick of the fing$r. .... $140 wi-un looks wi Regular Value >3* VALUE t*. .// am BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILLINOIS NATURAL MBIABE ;nA>y 700 Prizes 25#£wf6acs ••n» t-r *f it Yfi" 4-dco' Cikoi V 8 *•«! !•««>>, • •v'pp^d w*». Radio, "Meg* Ai>* I tdMr, O ordri*4, and Whit* Std»--« *• chst .» • ~#M» Sflr H t»*f lte»er (Cpt&m) ' G«n»rol Dv'y M«d*l F-5, V-8 engina, italic 158-inch wheelbaM FORD Trucki, •quipped with Radio ond' "Mogic Air" Heater. Optional as prizes to the top 5 of the 25 cor winners who specify preference for a track on Contest Entry Blank. - 25 *fOOO US SmwesBows. too VOO us Swims&oMes 2D0*50US.SM*&B0fm 350<25 US.Sm*s Botes 4 more days to enter *too,ooo m- SAFETY COffiSTf hxaemmmmmmmmmmmrnrn Dot bUnk Msk this sutemwrt: M ctrt *•<) trucks should be safety ChMMd periodically because -- 4. Mail enlif midni Octotwr 31, to ford Car- Coel*«t Headquarters. Box 3.1* SO «orJ» or l»w oe CWtJgo 77, :liiao*. *f »r xW *f car er Iracfc mmy enter ce«fa«rj .lay eotry «ubmilt«l in th<? nanic of the g. Of ra to put fan Oeater #syajn>.| pvtor dioeo bcic*. I. 6ai Trae Car-S*fcty &*ck. Ire> Stf*^ latifMa tad Fim lirtry M-k. "Beg your pardon, hut vhat your name, sir?" the hota clerk asked. "Name!" echoed the indignant guest, who had Just signed the register, "don't you see my signature there?" "Of course," answtrat fko, clerk. "That's what aroused aisktfllriooi- K. C. NOTES i Just as a reminder Brothers, 1 this is Table Conference night. | Come out and experience an ex-1 Ailarating evening of discussion: find exchange of ideas. You'll lend ; aupport and encouragement in the j rork of your council. All mem-' bers should attend. i Nov. 10 is set aside- on our1 social calender ^to pay -honor to the clergy. Because of the length of the program the regular meet- ! ing will start at 8:15, and it should adjourn by 9 o'clock. Our lecturer. Gene Dobyns. has been scouting up eome professional talent to amuse us, and having had a peek at the plans, we cati Vouch for a fine time. This -uect-( ing has been arranged to entertain the priests from the surrounding territory With the idea, W acquainting them with the workings of our order, and to promote their interest in our council. With that thought in inind we ask as many as'possible ot attend and help to give our' Siests a sociable evening. Tell em Wio you are, shake their Hand and introduce them to'some: other Brother Knight. If we do these things, the success of the ; affair can't miss. Well sir, we went over to the McHenry Recreation last Tuesday evening to pay the bowlers a visit. It's a mighty fine bowling league they have now, and it's all filled tip too. Why not drop over some Tuesday night and pay the boys a visit. They will be glad to see you. Sometimes there is an opening and you might fill in. A long long time ago we asked a fellow for some bowling instructions and he said, "After picking out the best ball, run and stand in front of your favorite alley, thus giving no one a chance to bowl there. Before you throw the ball have your captain call the attention of all the bowlers to your perfect stance. If you make a strike, look around and show a big smile. If you make two strikes, calmly walk over and chalk it up, being careful not to smile this time. If you make three strikes in a row, nonchalantly light a cigarette; even if you don't smoke, light one anyhow. If you get a railroad, study the situation carefully, meanwhile thinking of the go<kl ] time, you had on your vacation. | After you are sure you have j formed a good impression, try and j make it if you can. If you throw the ball in the gutter, grab your log quickly and limp to the bench, growling something about slippery shoes or bad breaks. If you lose a couple of games, complain ta the secretary about the lousy boilers you have on the team. The guy .who makes the most and loudest, complaints is automatically elected secretary for Ithe next season." Brothers, we make no charge for these instructions. They are yours for free. Tallest Mamaneat Tallest monument in the United States is not the Washington monument, but the Sam Houston mopument, in Texas. ,1 •!* - Ensyiiie Keseard Research on enzymes is rspidl; forging ahead in laboratories throughout the world. Beta* painting la startft la • room, carcftii dusting la Wply to> portant It should be dona fartmedfc ately before painting, starts. Wotfc shoud be done from the to£ erf tha room downward. Toni Ferapuumt Wave Kita. $Ut and ,$2.00. Wattles Draf 8ton. SS-tf Ossttyel 'Tm sorry," said the arresting officer, "but it is ma duty to watch out for unmuzzled dogs In the park." "But," protested Mr. Kaplowitx, "he is such a lettle dug, I couldn't poichase a muzzle to fit him." His arguments were in vain. The policeman gave him a ticket and told him that his ease would.coi$e up at court In two days sod he could talk himself blue in tfce face then, if he wanted to. Whan Mr. Kaplowitx appeared, before the judge he again tried ta. explain how tiny his dog was. "Is he about so high?" asked the Judge, indicating five Inches. "Yes, yes," hissed Mr. Kaplowitx eagerly. "And is he about so widet" continued the judge, indicating about •four inches. , Again Mr. Kaplowits .noddaa his head vigorously. "And is he about so long?' asked the judge. "So long, Judge," Interrupted Mr. Kaplowits. "Tenks." Bite List 1 A woman was bitten badly by a 'dog. Her doctor warned bar to make a wilL She took so long in writing the will he asked her why. "This isn't a will," she said: "this is just a Ust of people Tm going to bite!" i Bride: "Oh, dear! X took such a lot of trouble to arrange the salad daintily and nobody took a bit of it" Young husband: "Salad, darling? We all thought it was a new style of arranging the flowers." CONSISTENT "Hils Is the fifth time you have been brought before me for speeding," said the judge severely. "Yes, your honor," smiled the offender. "When I like a feller X generally gives him all my business.** Cat <* tain'd at «y fird mftamewahip ilw«y:nc the * ao'H Wo *. Prtot ftavh your name and a4- Vtt C*nt«et !a limited to the •»Ur«ul r. >*<1 Aluaka. tP'tees u atatad on aotry V, wM !>e awarded on the a o- aj-c-ritv, originality ^4 yi Jurit'i' declainna sp, SmI. 11-jpl-.ca'-e priaea in ewe ot ti>«. Entriee muat be r«(lat«r»<i 'jvo«k or bia deaicnat «-d repr»«M«tative. Only one entry [>«[ car or truck nay b* eoutdnrcd. All eniriaa beeoma the property of Ford Motor Company. Contaat aubject U. F«xl«ral, Stul«' and local r«^ulat!im« and to coot «at rules nr. tsi'ry hiiuik. (4) Winnar,' naiutw will be^ poeted at all Ford Dmlara' not latrr than l)R'rtu(«fr 1, ]#*•. (•) C ontm is o|>€o to all rwdfnUi of I oitfd Suti«& ueept eroployt»es of Ford Motor Company, Ford Dealers. their tdverti*» i or their SAFETY CHICK • tffUCTOK INS16NIA• BUSS MOTOR SALES S31 MAIN STREET PHOHS 1 mohmiey, nxmois DR1VI IN klGHT NOWi • CONIIST ENPS OCT. turn 31! Hiese short bathing suits the girls are wearing on the beach this year: You need an imagination to keep your imagination from imagining what you shouldn't imagine. "Did you know I had taken w story writing as a career?". "No. Have you sold anything yet?" "Yea--my watch, my saxophone, Mad my car." r Eeenemics Professor of Economics: "Ghre me ju& example at indirect taxation." , Frc»h: "The dog tax, sir." f Prof.: "Explain." I Fresh: "The dog'does not have to pay it" . . Gourmand The young robin eats more than its own weight in food every day. Eighteen feet of. earthworms make up the daily diet of this voracious, little fledgling. Need rubber (tampef Order at The Plaindealer. -- Christmas Photographs Have your photograph taken e&rly for personalized Christmas cards. Home Portraits by Appointment FROST STUDIO McCullom Lake * West McHenry, I1L TELEPHONE 549-J-l P. A. of A. Member Potatoes For Sale : / CHIPPEWAS /' MUST BE SOLD THIS WZfcK . $2,00 per 100 lbs. | WHILE THEY LAS$ McHenry Cotiinty Co-op Assn. Phones McHenry 729 and 730 ANNOUNCING ; THE^ OPENING Ot - • I BOB'S SERVICE STATION •THE MARATHON OAS STATION East of McHenry Adge on Route 120 . Under tha Management of Bob Svobod* f STARTING NOVEMBER 1st 1949 Let me fill your gas and oil needs. -- Bob. I .SHE? UNDER A GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET# Imagine yourself relaxing for a good night's sleep under, a soft, lightweight cover. Instead of a mountain of blankets or quilts, you have only one electric blanket... but what a blanket! the magic automatic control lets you dial just the sleep- Ill warmth you want. Once, you set it, just forget it . the control is your weather worrier. It knows instantly what the temperature is doing. In zero weather or on a temperamental fall night, you never get too cdol or too warm. Don't wait until winter is here...get an electric blanket now I • • • •••••**•• ••••••••• Try it 10 dmyt... s/eep under a CeperoI Efecfric Automatic Blanket for 10 days and if you an not entirety aatisfhd, your money back. Blanket illustrated Is General Electric s double bed, tingle control model MJ2A1, priced at $44.95. Other electric bedcovers from 139.95. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS • -• :: VSjj * ~ix, -4