Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1949, p. 10

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|pyiiwwfujiiwjwi' i L n ^wgyw^wny1 T-^ ^;*s »-•. - .••'.» _ •! • . " ^ - • ' . ^ " :, < _ . . . r, October ft, 1( Last Thursday, Oct. 20, the ItV.S.C.S. met, for their luncheon •reeting at the church. Following the luncheon. Mrs. Ruth Barger Called the meeting to order. Rev. JPrlco led the group in devotions -Centered on the theme "We Believe". The business of the day was the announcement of committees, outlining their duties and discussion of th® coming bazaar. Since the society sponsors one ot the city's Girl Scout Troops, tne program was centered around Oirl ! Scouting. Mrs. Avis Oans outlined the duties of a troop committee, following which the troop, under the direction of Mrs. Bertha Johnson and Mrs. Charlotte Reinboldt, put on a skit for the Indies. Sunday, following church, a congregational meeting was held and the resolution giving the trustees the power to mortgage the parsonage property 'was approved. That evening several of the members of the official board GOVT. SURPLUS LUMBER The Finest USED Lumber Obtainable 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 FIR FLOORING SHEATHINO PLYWOOD LIKE NEW BOSLEY WRECKING lib. HARVARD, ILL. West end of town -- south side of R. R. tracks. '1 journeyed (to the Woodstock Methodist church for the meeting of the group quarterly conference^ Dr. Weldon Bradburn of Evanston, district superintendent of the northern district, conducted the i meeting. | Last Tuesday, several of the .young people of the church, high school age, met\and planned a fun I and fellowship group. This Tues- | day they will make more plans. I This group will be open for all I eighth graders and high school- J ers. See Dick Collins for other ' information. | Above all, don't forget the Pills- [tbury Pancake Supper to be held j Thursday, Oct. 27, at the church. Serving will begin at 5:30 and will, j be under the direction of the men. iThis is one event that you can ill afford to miss. I hope that you | will excuse the mistakes we will i make but we are looking forward to a lot of fun. Tickets will be op I sale that evening at the door. ' Come early and avoid the rush. | Last Sunday, the cherubs sang for us and we are hoping that I this Sunday the entit-e choir will j sing. The proposed anthem i "AM .Things Beautiful", "See ypu .in Church Sunday." • . REMEMBER four HY£ DRl'(< CO*, Is now featuring the amazing new T O X T K O S h e a r i n g a i d . - • . • at last yon may BUY and be SERVICED LOCALLY la the hearing aid field. Here is a light weight, one piece unit with amazing power imu fidelity. And priced within reach of every pocketbook, as a hearing aid shqiild be, at ONLY $8Mi • 80 stop in for a free demonstration. Obligation. . Ten day money back guarantee One year service guarantee We have EYERREAIiY batteries for all hearing aids. Greater Vision Consciousness Educators «nd psychologists ate finding that vision is .a far morf •important factor in a child's whole development than has been realized. About 89 per cent of a child's school work depends on vision. The child who cannot see properly has trouble reading and may fall behind his cl«ss. Then he may become a behavior problelfi. Every child wants to excel in something. If he cannot compete in school work he may turn to anti-social activities. He may lie, or cheat, or steal to draw attention to himself. Juvenile courts in Toledo, Ohio, and Denver, Colo., to mention bul two have found thai visual problems are abnormally high among juvenile delinquents. Seeing well and comfortably is important tc normal living,, and the child who has difficulty is likely to show il in. his personality development. Need rubber stampsl Order at The Plaindealer. "SPEEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE YOU HAVE ACHCONIC NERVOUS CONDITION •UT I CONFESS I CANT MRDOMMe.DOC.BUT HAVE YOU ASKED HIM WHSRE HE HAS H*6 CAR REPAIRIM6 DONE? °S§AK7 wlow r ALWAYS HAVE DOUR RCMlRS1 DONE AT NICK MILLER'S K'HENRY GARAGE THEIR WORK IS SO PERFECT THtV ELIMINATE ALL YOUR AUTOMOBILE THANKS SOUNDS 604 FRONT STRET Willys-Overland Sales Diamond T Trucks PHONE 403 Our Entire Stock of T R U C K t. I:.;.- TRACTOR nd E N G E R Reader's Courtroom Oil tM Wlittow MlnlatHrt Trtvfelt ' • 3-' Trtfitr^Happ# ____ By WiH Bemad, LLBStat* laws vary. For permial , guidance, ie« your local anornay. Is a Shopper to Blame If He Mistakes 0 Wmd# For tile Door? The front of a paint store was mostly plate glass--including the doors. One sunny day a customer walked in, bought some paint, and started out. But, in a moment of confusion, tie aimed in the wrong direction--and didn't stop until he had put one foot right through a plate glass window! When the store sued him for damages, the customer protested that he had been confused by all that glass and all that sunlight However, the court rejected this excuse and held the man liable for the value of the window. -The judge said that if a person was able to find his way into the store he ought to be able to flad his way out! • • • May you Collect Damages. If Injured on a Miniature Golf Course? A girl had to walk down a concrete ramp on her way to the 13th hole of a miniature golf course. Suddenly her shoe slipped on the concrete, and she fell--injuring her knee. Later she brought suit against the proprietor for damages, blaming him for having such a "dangerous slope" on the course. At the trial, however, the proprietor proved that (1) th$ concrete had a rough surface; ($- the ramp was well lighted; a$d"Gt) the flope waa very gradual. thesf circumstances, the court*turned ,down the girl's claim. Fincfjjfig no evidence of negligence by tha proprietor, tb? judge said the il$|bf^w£sjthe girl's own tough luck. j Is it 'Trespassing* To Visit Someone Without aa Inflation? A farmer's son decided to pay,A visit to a neighboring farmer. As the youth pushed, hi* WfJr through a field of tall corn, the neighbor heard him coming--but couldn't see him. Deciding the intruder was a fox, the neighbor hastily grabbed a shotgun and tired -- hitting fh* TAKING NO CHANCES «. a Old Gentleman: "You're ah honest lad, but it was a $10 bill I lost, not ten ones." Small Boy: "I know, mister, it was a $10 bill I picked up. But last time I found one, the man didn't have any change." Detective Work en Pipe ! Metallurgists frequently are asked to be "detectives." Recently they Were called upon to help determine Whether a quantity of unmarked pipe, used in World War II, had 4>een made in the United States. .The pipe was used to carry the fuel sjfor tank corps and other mechanized equipment in the invasion of j Europe. Much of that "invasion"! iipe was made in the United States, iut some of it was made in other Countries. None of it was identified by marking. When an American desired to buy some of that pipe hie was told that he could buy it and transport it to the United States free bf import duty if he could prove that it had been made in the United States Heavy Breather One hundred tons of air is "breathed" every hour by a jet engine of the type that power* the Navy's "Banshee" fighter. At a standstill, the slim powerplant sucks air in the front end at 250 miles an hour, and spits it out the jet nozzle at the rear at 1,200 miles an hour. For a given molecule ot air, the whole process takes less than half a sccond. ' Bakery Predoets Nearly 100,000 motor veMetelf carry fresh bread and bakery products each day to a half-a-million stores. • v V 1MI Shrimp rack Thl^iiw canned ihrbnp pack fit the United States totaled 558,tjt cases worth $7,791,315. It was Mt- 537 cases larger than the 1947 padk and the largest pack Since 1944. It was, however, only about a t|fd as large as (the 1033 record pack dl 1,613,048 cases. Last year's oystat pack was 857,080 cases, a decline at 53,407 cases from the pack in 1MT. 4 . 81. Crispin Shoemaker's patron sajot ia St. Ibrispin,' who preached and made leather sandals for the poor in France in the third century, until executed by the Roman goverrri ^r. Where Are They? * • l##*s the young man's first date with the new girl down the street. He had had dates before with other girlf but none of them^ad seemed to come off very well. Consequently he was a little apprehensive about this one. But perhaps his sister Could help him out with the proper procedure. "Say, sis," he said, "I guess you know I'm going out with Florence tonight. I was wondering if you could give me a couple of tips on how to act For instance, do girls like talkative and bragging men better than the other kind?" "You've got me there," she replied, "I didn't know .there* was any other kind." buring the Roman wars with Hannibal, Roman' women were forbidden to own more than one Ounce of gold. Value of 8ilage /• Silage for winter use, cut, cdmpressed and preserved by its own fermentation in an airtight chamber, is essential for profit-making dairy and stock farms. Practically every kind of livestock thrives when fed palatable and nourishing silage. And the farmer who feeds! silage to his dairy herd, beef cat-i tie or sheep gets the full value out of his forage crops--the 40 per cent1 in the stalks and. leaves as well as j the 60 per cent in the ears and! grain. When stalks and leaves are| left in the field, they are largely j wasted. In a silo they are preserved with a minimum of waste. Feeding! silage also enables the farmer to' boost milk and meat production, j •realize savings }n feed storage) costs and labor, and maintain' larger herds of livestock. I COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TREE ,FEEDING v • * Weed Control * Fly and MotquitA ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 1 519 Waukegan Road McHcnry 72l Plaindeale*. r atampajfetL-The 1 i i * t it -H"{' <• >1 AU C T I O X On Qilmer Volo 111-Top Rd.. being 3 mi. east of Gilmer, 5 mi. northT east ot Lake Zurich, ? mi. southwest of Mundelein, 1 mi. west of Hwy. No. #8 and 3 mi. east of IIwv. No. G3, on " THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, at 12 o'clo^| K ANIi M LUNCH WAGON CATTLK--31 outstanding llclstefn and Swi»s cows, heifers and bulls, consisting of 3 rows, tfne with 3rd calf; 3 cows, due with 2nd calf; 14 first calf heifers, springinp; 6 heifers, 8 to 12 mos. old; 2 Holstein built (8 and 10 moH. old). All but V are calfhood vac. T-B. and Bangs tested. HORSKS --Team of good farm horses, and harness. HOG<JS~15 Chester "White and Poland China shoats, weighing 120 to 150 lbs. MACHINERY--Like new--Mc D "M" tractor oti rubber (starter, lights, fluid in' tires), delayed lift 2 row cultivator, Mc i3 8 ft. heavy duty disc, M« D 2 bottom, 16 in. tractor plow (on rubber), 3 sec. drag, Mc D manure spreader, Mc D corn planter (fertilizer attachment and 130 rds. check wire), Mc D oil bath niower, steel wheel roller bearing wagon and rack* used grain drill. „ FEfj)--200 bales alfalfa anu timothy hay. 31I$€E|iLA^i^OUS--Milking Machine and pipe, single harness, other articles., ' LOUIS POHLMAN, Owner. Froelicli and Wick, Auctioneers . Public Auction Service Co* Clerk »I1M< Hi l l ! H M M 1 M I R E S will be sold at WHOLESALE PRICES youth in the leg. Later sued for damages, the neighbor insisted that the young man was an uninvited "trespasser" and therefore had no kick coming. However, the cpurt disagreed and awarded dam; ages to the injured youth. The judge said he was not a trespasser "because there exists among farm folk, as welfr is among others, an implied invitatfcn to visit tacb other." >> How Sick Must You Be io Collect "TotOl Disability" Insurance? You will be surprised and pleased that we are able to offer these tires at unprecedented prices. Call McHenry 294 or come in. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED WHILE THEY LAST. BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery ©a a »«w Firestone Super Battery. WALTER J. FRF.l'ND Tires -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Accessories . Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairing . AU Work Guaranteed "tone ^ Weat Mcflwry • ' OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS * A doctor had an insurance policy paying him a certain amount Of money in case of "total disability." One day he hurt his hip in an auto accident, and had to spend six weeks flat on his back. During that period, he had a few patients come to his house for minor attention-- and occasionally even handed them medicines from a bag by his bed- "t^side. When he later demanded hii insurance money, the company refused to pay on the ground that he had not been "totally disabled The doctor thereupon sued--and eol lected. The judge ruled that a per son doesn't have to be 100 per cent helpless ifrbe considered totally dis* abled. A man checked his suitcase at depot parcel room, receiving for it a numbered claim ticket. He didn't bother to read the ticket-- and so didn't see the clause that in case ot loss, the check room company was jiot liable for more than $10 Sure enough, the suit case vanished. When the man sued for $200--the value of the contents --the company pointed to the $10 limitation .clause on the ticket, the court ruled that the man ' entitled to full reimbursement his j&ss. TURKEYS, DUCKS and GEESE SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER i yv l($i ?*• * PARK 100 Pearl St., McHenry , •, i.' . ,V- *" , - L0NOH WILL BE SERVED n CORONET 4-Door Sedan 10W PRICE DODGE GIVES YOU MORE FORIDURMMIEia You could pay a thousand dollar* more and still not got all iho oxtra roominess ease of handling MORE room inside! Front seat six inches 'Wider, ^knee-level" for relhxing support. Seat a* it muves .forward for correct .driver position . . . clear-view vision. City «f Bridge* Pittsburgh and surrounding Allegheny county have more than 800 bridges. Not only must the rivers of the populous region be bridged in many places, but so must valleys and ravines. * MORE imable luggage everything yon need. Easier slide-in ing no sill to lift over. Spare tire at side, «ut of .way, yet easily accessible. Come in--learn abouf AMAZING LOW DOWN PAYMENT Coronet Meadowbrook , Wayfarer with gyrol Fluid Drive down p a y m e n t . and famous dependabHity of today's big rugged Dodge! It's hard to believe your eyes, when you look at the low price of today's big Dodge--when you compare what you get for so little more than you pay for the lowest-priced cars! Here's more for your money in extra leg room, extra head room, extra elbow room. Here's more for your money in the big Dodge "Get-Away" Engine ... gyrol Fluid Drive . . . and many other ..extra-value features Dodjse gives you at no extra cost. --He, ride, drive the new Dod^e jit your dealer's now! T-r A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Itic. McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 156 Established 1980

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