TWmdfcjr, OoMw sNf, 1M9 JS'V r'.*•;• r.n - sr<* „t*-.?., ^ ..* \v r'- -vx'frv^-^^ * <- /il, V «"• »* ^ "V ' * J MMllftVMJ^TWMIALIJE Mi • f- f ', " ' . * ' i-s >. *- s * » M »••»••« »•» MeCULLOM LAKE . On Parade >•••••»•••»•»••»'• > l l »»f>» "_r:; ^ (By Yardstick) CtoeeiJa&s,' Folks: Where there are bees, there is honey, and where there are good things to eat, one can safely gamble that you'll find Aunt Mary Kantorski at the controls. It was our Aunt Mary who was re»ponsible for the delicious barbecued beef dinner which was enjoyed by more than thirty members of the McCullom Lake Shamrocks Athletic club at McDonald's last Saturday evening. Many were the praises bestowed on Aunt Mary by the appreciative guests as they passed their plates for a second helping. After last Saturday's treat, a 100 per cent attendance at the Shamrocks future get-togethers is assured. • that the senator has cancelled all engagements, including an invite from Mr. Truman to help htm lay the corner-stone for the U. N. building. Senator Reid had this to say, "Why don't the guy stick to his racket and leave the brick laying to Theo. Olsen." After that outburst, the senator donned his ear muffs and galoshes and ventured out to a vacant lot to pick a few* toad-stools which he will present to Ambassador Nehru at dinner in Chicago this evening. This will be one of those rare occasions when the senator will wear shoes. After jerking the door knobs at a few of McHenry's business establishments to do his shopping last Thursday afternoon. John Scharff learned from a six-yearold on Green street that the stores close on Thursday afternoon. This, after residing at McCullom Lake for the past twenty years. Will someone send John a calender? He thought it was Saturday. 22-Mflll«i-¥«lt Betatron * Enlisted to Fight Cancor A 22-million-volt betatron itttif fl ready for use in the treatment of human cancer at the University of Illinois research and educational hospitals. Daily treatments are given if) a specially-built underground bidding in the medical center district. Only a limited number of patients will be treated for a time, while other , research studies are con tinued.' Reader's Courtroom firaalitiii FttHor ? Hamad Rotponsibility * Bulldoziaf Milkman _By Will Bernard, LL.B __ JARM ADVISER'S COMMENTS (William Tammeus. Farm Advisor)- find a place to park his car. We roomed four blocks east of the campus. We started out in. the morning and found a place to park five blocks west of the campus and walked back to the meeting place in a building at the east Aa .t eam of# rad«i.o |lo g.i s.t s, p.h ys.i c.i s.t s, ,i M.a y' a Father be Held and technicians have pioneered in j Liable for Encouraging the medical use of the betatron for j His Sons to Fight? some time. The instrument, I I A number of well wishers have i ^ f t, campU8 Next d ^ Tt°TTrL°t?/UrHtriP t it be perfectly undersetaoHod8, t IT Lamet S th,e c_a r stand. ** * not lecturing. All I expect to do H 1J Ppttv sa,d farmers will | is to keep the senses channels Probably be more willing to follow ; open for information. I may have r**c°niniended practices in corn „. , - i such menial duties as turning the i b°rer control in 1950 than ever' ^ «« *-««{. .SVSEn: A. E. Stoddard north of Wood- that connection should be clean stock says he came from Vermont Jointers should be used, and asked me to look up a friend people don t know how to near Montpelier. Hay Xevel, Gar- them, including dealers, and den Prairie, asked that I look up a consequently they are taken off 1 t . l I * •> _ . .. ovwl Kjjnnr ,trt tKn a V* rvrl TK/M»ni» o k 1 „ 1'I ' gram. We now have testers by i the name of England and Church-' ill on the job. Riley Churchill, oaf! most recent addition to replace I Norman Johnson, who has just j completed two years on the job, graduated from the college of Agriculture last February. LEGALS NOTICE or CLAOt • Estate of Anna lYtui Dec--i fd. Notice is hereby given to all persons that December S, 1041, to the claim date in the estate of science' newest source of high) Two brothers, hearing their father fellow Jersey breeder near St. Aland hung in the shed. Thorough energy x-rays and electrons. was! arguing with a neighbor, rushed Up !bans invented by Prof. Donald W. Kerst and gave the neighbor a sound My main purpose in going is to pr „nRntj(.fn,.tnrv of the university's physics depart- j thrashing. The father didn't -do aqy j f,n.d out what farmers and farm ment at Champaign-Urbana. ; actual fighting, but encouraged his ' a^^sers fci other states are do- Application of betatron x-rays sons with such cries as "Sock him!" i ,a"d thinking From some of for treatment of cancer is super-; "Kill him!" I letters I get from farm advis vised by Dr. Roger A. Harvey and; Later, members of the staff of the depart- Mr. and Mrs. Alvta Blake re- ' The Screwy Dozen will hold its turned home after a two weeks' regular monthly meeting at 7:3Q .!-- .... . j tomorrow, Friday, evening. . , ' * All members are urged to- he vacation in Wisconsin. Two weeks of loafing and heavy eatin' has made Alvin fit to tackle presappt. what may in the next fifty. Our Senator Davft Reid has been enjoying a complete rest since his Adios. oiftfest unlver^jiy % the Americas, San Marcos in Peru, return from Newton two weeks j was founded in 1551. according to • ago. So strenuouB was the ordeal, the Encyclopaedia Britannica. "Qneeoie, Have Your Mistress Take You Hare While You Are h Season" Individual runs, heated kennels. Curran Boarding Kennels Route 12, 2 Miles North of Volo, Illinois . T¥^jione McHenry 632-M-2 WANTED Your information maybe worth $10,000.00 Our Research ^Department will have a crew of surveyors in your community this' month looking for Oil bearing sand, Uranium, and geological structures for metal ore. Get complete information NOW, without obligation. Continental Research 1413 Lake Ave/ Wilmette, 111. FRYERS - t- -, •••--------- Roasting Chidtins Stewing Hens ^ • Large Jfyei* :: ' ^.... > - $1.00 40c per U|. 35c per lb. 40c per lb. V~" « Table Queen Squash $1.25 bu. Wgjfffcll have winter potatoes A. KNIGGE Phone 510-JU2 r East River Road ment of radiology at the university's college of medicine. The betatron is hoped , to be of definite ad-: vantage in treating deep cancersi and those which are inoperable by location. ' i X-rays now used in hospitals for treating deep cancers are of 200,- 000 to twt^million volts energy. Tests have^^own that 22-million volt x-rays not only have great energy, but also will have the medical advantage of concentrating j more effect inside the subject rather than on the surface. ; er unsatisfactory Avoid early planting. That- Jsthe main reason for such high; him!" anil "fiuo it to him'" ;1 num mrm auvis- population in 1949- The first JT Give it to hirn^ ,ors Jn other statps askin-g about brood was very successful and , the battered neighbor sues | programs we are carrying on and frpni ir ('olno the damaging second we consider regular "diet I get l>rtK>d 1)elAy.pil planting deprives , the idea thfct there must be pro- tUo borer '»oth of a good place to ; grams some one else is carrying ber eggs so she lays them on 'on that I have never thought of the old weeds in fence rows. When and will be very dumb about. tl>€ little borer hatches he soon u. * , . . , dies if he doesn't have a nioe s "sk fr^r10"5 "orn 10 Henry county. It's their ancestors. When this county was settled. people came from the east. All yjj $OCK tHM/ through Pennsylvania. Ohio and j Socjc Sheep Pull Fast One the.r money and ffomo?! Lthe mWsae$lfviensl.i j An,na Freund, Deceawd. n the Coun Cou t of ^ badly when they attempt to treat Henry Countyt inmois, and tfe*t parasitized animals by so-called. claims may be filed against tlte easy methods. An Ohio veterinar- said estate on or before ian reports, in the professional j without issuance of summoM. magazine* "Veterinary Medicine," that sheep are somewhat like children when it comes to taking certain drugs. For example, if given a large medicated bolus or tablel and then turned loose, the sheep may regurgitate it and let it drop to the ground as soon as the o^ei; is out of sight. Or, ~ if fed salt mixed with la:ge amounts «t. phenothiazine, the animal may;rt»' fuse it. . . ; : !,f i The writer says that use of a stomach tube is the foolproof way to administer parasite-killing every state of the Union, the £{*• drugs to sheep, regardlest triet of C^utnbia, aod a£i U. 8. t«ttl4 kind of drug is used. ' " . , ' f tories. v •" * ' EVELYN L. JUSTBN, Administrator. VERNON J. KNOX, Lawyer. Crystal htke, Illinois. (Published Oct. 27-Not; . '••• '• <» •. . .• UktrDtj ••jSff. The first Labor day was a local celebration in New City on September 5, 1882. the next 12 years the holiday, oftserved on the first Monday to September, was legalized In t|| states. Now it is celebrated in held Mp grow. • ; ' V;' " . ^ Last ill importance is D.D.T. spray. " On. carefully controlled plots a treatment of lVj pounds of Indiana there were signs saving actual acid per acre was 65 per "Settle in Illinois." When the cent *«wtive with a 9 bushel betweary wagon trains got to Illinois, ^ >'leld of «>rn on sprayed plots, the forerunners to the wide awake ^^ere were 610 stalks broken beof commerce in our low the oar l,er acre °" untreated corn, compared to 370 on treated corn. A survey showed that 25 per cent of the farmers have never - w • By the way. I have been asked !U8ed D !) T',or like residual sprays judge said: He did everything he ,t0 i,aclc and live in places on in the state to date. Many anger, ^tiere to make home. we,'e J! all three men for damages. The , sons admitted their guilt, but the _aI1, . , ... ^ father insisted that he personally * -IfVE SLgn8 WhJC» ^aid> ,h ad, n't d,o ne anyt..h m. ,g Nvrong. How- 1 Settle m McHenry county. Con- fi,,quently we Rot y a„ thfe settler8 ever, the court held him equally who egu^ read responsible for the attack. The Thru Llfe-Savinc Aids For Sick Docs Outlined Three new ways to help critically; could to incite his sons' anger. | wherei we used to"inake our home" were Quite dissatisfied with sick dogs live longer and better' Such conduct made him an active J Many letters have come from su,ts in 1949 but considering the lives were described by nationally participant in the assault and merchants in those towns suggest" maRS°t count per farm found by equally liable for the damage ing rather definitely that we Petty late last summer, practically done." « a**' | "come back and settle."' no results-could be expected. | More about the farm advisor's Flies are building uf> a resist I Conference. Parking in Cham- ; tance to D.D.T., however, and for :paign and Urhana is the worst I that reason lindane of chlordane ihave ever seen. In fact, the defi-: will be recommended in 1950. known veterinarians recently. Dr. Carl F. Schlotthauer, staff WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and Greasing DKIVE INTO BUTCH'S AUTO SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHengy " PHONE 811 ^ we also have Anti-Freeze of all kinds 24 Hour Towing Service veterinarian at the Mayo foundation in Rochester, Minn., told of a new .surgical method for removing heartworms from dogs. The operation is performed under anesthesia on the right ventricle of the heart, and patients "get along very well" afterward, he said. ' Dr. Myron Thorn, of Pasadena, Calif., said that experience gained in treating cancer of human beings is being applied directly to the treatment of this disease in dogs. "We have found that x-ray therapy | is indicated in at least 50 per cent of j the cancer cases in pet animals," i Dr. Thom, reported. j Dr. Lloyd C. Moss, member of -the veterinary medical faculty at Colbrado A & M college, declared that special feeding formulas--as carefully compounded as formulas for humsta babies are speeding the recovery of convalescent pets. These preparations, containing nutrients essential to rapid repair of diseased body tissues, are designed for ease of digestion and assimilation, he said. CouM HmVMW Beings B« Held Responsible For an "Act of God"? • >11111111 I |< I » H H 11 I 1 I :• I I 1 11' I. i t 11 I H I H HM Hf Favorite Dog Breeds About one out of every three boys in America, has a dog for a pet at some time or another. Favorite breed of dogs among boys and other dog lqvers throughout the country, is the cocker Spaniel, described as "a good hunter and lovable house pet." Other prime favorites are the beagle, the collie and the boxer, a valuable watchdog which will literally "fight" to protect children or property left in its^care. The*estimated 13,000,006 domesticated mongrel and pedi* greed dogs in this country serve humans in many ways: Jhey save lives, guide the blind, and pull heavy dog sleds across the snow. They herd sheep, help the law to track down criminals, and carrf messages ^od f^rst-aid supplier ii» wartime. A power Company put up electric power lines on a man's farm, but neglected to install certain safe- | ty features. One day, during a thun-: derstorm, a bolt of lightning strttCk a main power line nearby and i crackled into the farmer's yard-- j where it gave the farmer a nasty i shock. After he recovered, he auei the power company for' aarriaget. j The company insisted that it (iould not be blamed for an "Act of God.'*^ but the court nevertheless granted the farmer's claim. Die Judge said: " The Act of God* weiiW Aot havfc wrought the injury human negligence which 'fctiMtfibotMl thereto." nition of a pedestrian is a person folks might think we have gone who has been lucky enough to j British in our cow testing pro- R U P T U R E May You Throw Aside Someone Who Blocks your Path? The landlord of ah ap house got mad at the milkman one day and told him to stay out of the building from then on. Thfc next morning, the milkman showed up at his usual time to make deliveries to several tenants who lived in the basement. Angrily, the lartdlord* climbed on top of the basement hatchway to block him from going down the steps. But the milkman mw * ms Club Lilymoor on feoute 120 Saturday, Oct. 29th 9 p.m. +#$••• * Music by "The Rhythm Rascals" Prizes for best costumes Original, humorous, prettiest, etc. Sponsored by ** The Lilymoor Property & Land Owners Improvement Assn., Inc. * „ KAY MAHER, Chairman! Admission 74c (Tax inc.). Birthplace of Golf Scotland is generally regarded as the birthplace of golf but the assertion is open to some doubt, whatever the proud clansmen of the club may say. In fact it was probably a Dutchman that started the ball rolling, the Dutch worO for a club being "kolf," meaning the thing you hit the ball with and not the place where you tell how you hit it. But Scotland's claim to be the home of golf is indisputable and, second only to the Highland Fling, golf is the reigpiing obsession of the Celt. .iiavier Rails Needed In 1890 the railroads carried 77 billion ton-miles of revenue freight, and by the turn of the century this had nearly doubled. In the late '20's nearly six times as much was carried as in 1890. and in recent years, traffic has climbed to around 700 billion ton-miles or nine times as much as in 1890: Increased passenger traffic since the early part of the century, heavier rolling stock, rfnd greater speed of both passenger and freight trains also call for heavier rdils than formerly. would not be halted. Seizing one of the hatch doors he jerked it upward-- throwing the landlord against the railing. Th$ landlord was injured. and later sued the milkman for damages. However the court re4 jected the landlord's claim, point ing cut that the tenants' milkman had just as much right to enter the building as the tenants themselves. "Having this right/' said the judge, "the milkman also had the right to remove any obstructionincluding the landlord!" • • * ' May an Innocent Bystander Collect Damages if Hit By a Policeman's Bullet? iJHuli . yes, but I don't suffer anymore. t wear a Non-Skid, Spot-Pad Trust * Why don't you "change" to the Non- Skid, Spot-Pad Truss? Thousands, who suffered, now enjoy greater comfort, with our 1 russ, designed for all forms of reducible rupture. Come in now. Expert fitting, sympathetic understanding right here :n your owij city, where service is available at all times. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL LIVESTOCK CONSIGNMENT SALE EVERT WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. ' DAIRY CATTLE' J Fresh Cowi * Springers . Heifers Stock BnUt FEEDER STOCK Steers - Pigs Sheep r|galves SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK HERE WOODSTOCK COMMISSION SALES CO. DHL: Phone 572 or 499 Woodstock, Illinois J:V •'•.tij .I tfc New Lower Prices on *1651.82 •BUVI1IO TO VtWMMN for the 1950 Nash Statesman Business Coupe. State and local taxes, if any, extra. •*5fll - Mjf*-' bA&ir, > A deputy tricked a desperate Ceccidiosis Remedies Milk flushes, Epsom salt flushes, vinegar, ana copper sulfate have all enjoyed periods of popularity as treatments for coccidiosis in chickens, but, according to veterinary medical authorities, there is little or no scientific evidence that any of these treatments are of value. Sulfonamide drugs are regarded as the best agents presently available for controlling coccidiosis, although veterinarians caution that such drugs may do more harm good if improperly used. Revelntieiiary Drink The word "cocktail," is said to have originated during the American Revolution from the habit of a barmaid in Elmsford, N. Y., who decorated her glasses with the tail feathers of fowL criminal to a hotel, where the fugitive was having dinner. As he spotted the officer, be reached for his gun. But the deputy beat him to the draw, firing two quick shots. The first hit the criminal; the second just missed him, striking a passing waiter in the leg. Afterward the waiter sued the officer for damages, but the court turned down his claim. The judge said that since the officer had fired in selfdefense he couldn't be blamed for accidentally hitting the wrong man. ^ • • • A drunk walked into a hotel one night and demanded a room. The clerk refused, ordering the man out. One word led to another and a fight ensued. The clerk hurt his wrist in the melee and later sought workmen's compensation for the injury. The hotel owner opposed his claim, saying that the cJerk had not been hired to fight with customers. However, the court granted the clerk an award anyhow. The judge said the fight had occurred in the bourse of his work as a clerk, and the injury was covered. Ambassador Models now Available with Hydra Mafic Drive Poultry Fee€ Poultry raisers can cut down feed wasted by hens by filling the feed troughs over half full and placing a reel over each feeder. The reel will help keep feed cleaner, and hens will sat nor*. The 1950 Airflytes are here with great new improvements ... with new low prices. Sec the year's most advanced cars with new Super-Compression engines ... Airliner Reclining Seat . . . Twin Beds ... Weather Eye . . . Uniscope Control. . .7~~ world's smoothest ride with softer coil springing on all four wheels. i-- Sec America's most beautifully streamfined^ iMlainobilis^proved to have Airflyte Construction Stays New (•' 20.1% less air-drag. That means less engine effort--less wind noise--far better gasoline economy. You get up to 50% more gasoline mileage-- more than 25 miles to the gallon in the magnificent new Nash Statesman at average highway speed. Enjoy the newest thrill. Drive the Nash ^Ambassador with Hydra-Matic Drive .and exclusive Nash Selecto-Lift starting (optional extra). Just lift a lever dead go! This year, drive the best buy on the highway-- the new 1950 Nash Airflyte. H*w 1959 fries SIS fSMltts ftai last year •Weather Eye System, white sadewall tins. Airliner Reclining Ssst optional at extra cost Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due to transportatioa charges. Veors Longer Different from all others, in Nash the entire frame and body, roof, floor and pillars are welded into one single, solid'unit, squeak-free, rattle-proof. With twice the torsional strength of ordinary construction, it gives new safety, new economy--Mays new years longer--means higher resale value. 7?/my7F 7W£ S7X7ESMA/V • THf AMBASSADOR* CiMlCwiStoMlMt THERE'S MUCH OF TOMORMOW IN All MASH DOES TODAY DOWNS NASH SALEf 405 BLM STREET PHONE McHENRY 484 ""McHENRY, ILLINOIS