r.^*| %•*•'•' v Jiff? •J*". v '-^..•1i£V * - ••,••'• •"lVj »-- -'•- ~ *•• ~--tf |tff. *"T ' \ « <** W«* 5 ' V i . ' ' ': "V ' * >r*r -.«» 1 ' ^»jAsgrs^~^ ^ *Ua 1 f j*3-""i* „ .* / .y •»*' i V KfjV* . f . : - \M ^Public Pulse I Incidentally. only last week on' | Saturday, Oct. 15, I ooi rowed a j broom from Qua Unti and swept (AM U--isnh atlons for <W- I up the glass irf the center of the nut be lirned bf the | street in front of Dr. Nye's place _ .. ,i,„ _j|i w_ i where some careless person haa r, «lh«^ ta. dipped a oouple of empty root ' T beer bottles and cars were doing "• nmbi to expreu their• ttietr job of crushing and blotting #Mbm in these columns.) it up. . * ^ . t This is not a criticism of our QcMenry. Plaindealer, {street cleaning department far the Pol and Respectfully yours HUGH H. KIRK l am happy to say that I did not " have our fine to%n of McHenry III mind in my suggestion about •weeping away glass in the streets tor I'travel over 100 miles every j ,vv Bean -Test day into Chicago and return «rd ^ best test of a good snap stace this has gone on since 1934, is to break itifi it has lots of - Tve had a chance to see and check i ... . . . . A, on the glass of the highway and snap' lt* ^ *nd te"der- ^d' dty streets and it certainly is remember, keep snap beans in a left for the tires to pick up $nd co°* place" in a covered container ffnall? remove. vy/ "I witi! you use them. FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request Place orders early and avoid rusk Barn Lime and Chips for Driveways CHARLES FREUND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan Road -- -- 4 - . • - McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel. 86-W or 4X2-3* MOSEY INN RINGWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop. f i "SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT NEEDING A NEWCORD?" NATIONAl BOAKO Of HRI UNDBtWMTERS EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE breakage probably happened only a few hours before by a careless iblic Pulse: My hat's off to the alert ».«. j Saturday 8h0pper that should •*,,Conscientious officer who not only have done something about it then ft>and my suggestion written in a and there. I think the streets of Chicago newspaper, but toolt the McHenry are a great credit to our . time to answer it. It was sheer fine town and anytime Officer Coincidence that he should have ; Murphy or anyone else hands me case in mind that fit the facts, i a broom at an accident, I'll be tor I was unaware that we had proud to do my duty as a motorist *4tli accident where he mentioned ; and sweep Away the glass ( espec- «T j ially in McHenry.) LINES Vicious Circle A family who moved from town to the Suburbs decided they needed a watchdogto guard the house at night. So they bought the largest dog they could find in the kennel of a nearby dealer. Not long afterwards, burglars broke into the house. They were not disturbed at all by the dog who slept throughout the burglary. The head of the house went to the dealer and complained. "Well," explained the dealer, "what you need now is a little dog to wake up the big dog." ^ ^ v Muriday, October 27,1941 TWICE TOLD ' TALES "VVi It-- of Interest Ttbs Frosi i tkf FDso of the PlafaUoskr of Years A*o TWEIfTY-FOUR TEARS AGO TIME FOR CHANGE Lester Bacon, who so successfully managed the place last season, has rented the Smitty bowling alleys in this city and opened them up for business last Thursday. A deal -was consumaied laM Friday, whereby Prank Kempfer of Chicago became the owner of the property in which the Johnsburg hall is located, the place tiaving been eo'd to the Chicago man by John Jotftis, who owned and conducted it during the past two years. , ' Joe Nix, who has had charge of the A. and P store htsrj since its location in this city, has been transferred to Chicago. The stage of water-in Fox river has been unusually low during the past week or more. This condition has been brought about because of the removal of the flash boards in the dam. south of the city. ipRTl YEARS A. bert Sherman, three miles west of this village. The farmers around Dundee Will build a butter factory In that city in the near future. The low prices paid by the condensing companies for milk has brought 'about this decision. , Last Monday butter was firm in 23% cents, offering, 30 tubs. ( • Frank Wattles who has purchased the meat market of Robert Howard is well and favorably known in this village. We bespeak for Mr. Wattlos a prosperous business. SIXTY YEARS AGO "Mother, Mother, Mother, turn the hose on me!" sang little Willie, as. his Mother was dressing -him one morning. , "What do you mean?" she asked. "You've put my stocking on wrong side out," he said.. Well Protected In tiie time of horse-drawn vehicles and rough cobblestone roads a lady and her small daughter were walking through one of the better streets when tf&ji|came to a portion of the avemi'e which had been strewn with straw so as to deaden the noise of vehicles passing a certain house. "What is the straw for, mother?" asked the child. Her mother explained that the lady in the house in front of which the straw was placed had had a little baby sent her. The little girl nodded her head understanding^, gave the pile of straw another a 11-encompassing look, and commented, "She came well packed, didn't she?" Getaway Artist papa is a mounted polioc* man," said little Freddie to his mother's caller. , "Is that better than being a walking policeman?" she asked. "Course it is," replied Freddie. "If there's any trouble he CA& get away quicker." Five for Freshle Soph: "Lend me a five, old man, and I'll be everlastingly indebted to you." Freshman: "Yes,--list's what I'm afraid of." The property of the McHenry Electric Service Company was | sold as advertised at the light < plant Tuesday afternoon.. R. R. j Street of Chicago was tlie man i to purchase the plant, his bid be-1 ing $1,025. I The new .Northwestern depot is j now completed, and lis soon as the furniture arrives 4nd is placed, station agent Birts ud his | staff of assistants will move into their new home. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Ross are oncQj more ^nicely settled lir their cozy home on Fox rivtefv which during the past three ssasons has been occupied by Dr. F. E. Wadhams and family of Chicjk|pjL as a summer home. On the Elgin board of trade Monday, the price ° of butler was quoted at 30 cents. Go to Freeman Sisters for millinery opposite the Parker House. Frank S. Calkins of this village, sold to a party from Indiana, four full blood English Mastiff pups, less than three months old for which he received tuO handsome price of $250. At Oatman's butter and cheese factory, near Hanly's mill, extensive repairs are going on. They have just put in a new twenty horse boiler, and are building! new smoke stack, which wh completed, will be 60 feet high/ James Button, of Rochester, IVjr- 5U hen hi Minn., is lying sick at the residence of Us mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Mccorium, In tlfls village. Agricultural Experiment Station , The world's first agricultural experimental station (and still one of the most famous) was Rothamsted in Hertfordshire, England, developed in the middle years of the > last century by John Lawes,* who "invented" superphosphate, and in so doing made enough money to finance the center. At Rothamsted the foundations of modern fertilizer practice were laid, the importance .of soil micro-organisms first emphasized, and the possibilities of soil fertilization first exploited. Research into soil science and agronomics is still carried on there, some of it on by far the oldest coiv tinuously maintained test fields in th*-wraricL. --v.v.-.>v'v. . Peanut HtaUs Peanut hull cellulose has been used experimentally in the production of flbre?boards, heavy papers, v and similar products. FIFTY YEARS AGO On Monday, at Woodstock there occurred the marriage of Oharles Sherman, of McHenry, and Miss Etta Morris, formerly of Chicago. The wedding was followed by a reception at the residence of Del- Halloween Costune Party at . ( McDONALDS TAVERN McOULLOM LAKE ' Saturday October 29th. Music by the Rythm Boys * , bo$E FOR LOTS OP FUH.^: ^dewalks' Foundations J. M. STANGARONE CEMENT WORK Emerald Parte McHenry, III Phone 661-J-l or 196-R "Cement Mixer For Rent , Uriveways Stairways Prevention of Fire Years ago, s disastrous fire was regarded as an act of God. There was little organized effort to prevent fires. Little information on the subject was available. When a man s property or business was destroyed by fire, it was no one's affair but his own. Today there is a more enlightened viewpoint. Fire destruction is a matter of national concern. Its effect upon the community has become the community's business. Prevention of fire is regarded as an important attribute, M good citizenship./ - m SHOT III EYE ^ Because a neighbor boy was careess in using a BB gun, Oeraldine Dewey, 7-year^ld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dewey, Har- > vard, may lose the sight of one her eyes. A neighbor boy j playiltg with his gun and the ; girl was hit in the eye when the I gun' went off. Geraldine is a ! patient at Rockford Memorial iho8pital. * Marine of 3 Dfcldy Longiegs If a leg of Daddy Longlegs It seized, he merely sheds' It aai leurries away leven. 7: & STOP- have your car SKEL* CHECKED '#*•• vital, FREE service we're * ring in cooperation .ih the National Safety Council Accident Prevention Program! Takes only a few minutes, covers lights, oil, tires, bntety, windshield r / and radiator. Get a FREE / i Skel-Check TODAY! JBO-with tamosfor- QuaBty SKELLY ACCESSORIES! Tested and {Mowed for lop service! A complete line for every motoring need and comfort! Your satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! Make us y*#|g|dquarters for accessories, bauerteplM famous Hood Tires and Tubes. STOP IN TODA*, • Woofher the WiltHr with Sk»lhr$\ FREUND OIL COMPANY Ml FRONT ST. McHENBY TEL. McHENRY 202-W •'Vl POPULAR THAN next two makes combined! •> "// t ^ WRONG WEIGH W: tr \ I#" i Send your holiday greetings to all your friends" lir and near. We have a gay and gala selection of greeting cards, certain to reflect your good taste. Jot an added impressive touch, let us print your name on the cards you choose. Hint, the sooner, you make your choice the less chance there is of miss- *** any one. • PRICES RANGE FROM per box of 25 cards Lady: MI sent my little boy foiv two pounds of plums and you only sent a pound and a half." Storekeeper: "My scales are all tight, madam. Have you weighed #our little boy?" i Disappointed ] Junior's parents had shipped him off to his aunt's to be out of the way when the new addition to the family arrived. A few days later his father called him on the phone to tell him the stork had brought htm a baljy brother. -- "What, only one!" the little chap exclaimed. "Why, auntie's dog just had seven pups." Familiar Voice Voice over the 'phone. Hello. is that you, darling? Darling: Yes, who is this speaking? Hake a visit to this office and see the wonderful Showing of Christmas Cards we have to offer. McHENRY PLAINDEALER TRUE TO FORM Sister: "He's so romantic. Every time he speaks to me he starts, 'Fair lady' ." Brother: "Romantic, my eye! He used to be a street-car conductor." Here's real proof of truck value! Now that operators can 9«t the make they roally want, Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks are setting new saloe records every week. More and more buyers are insisting on the power, the comfort and safety they get in Chevrolet. They like Chevrolet's rugged good looks . . the way Chevrolet trucks handle their hauling jobs with such low operating and upkeep expense. In fact, they like these advantages so well that th^y buy more Chevrolet trucks than the next two makes combinedI Come in now, and lalk over your trucking needs with us. ADVANCE - DESIGN •maturing VALVS>M-HCAD MOMB-QmIw gaHoa, ImnmhHW »od e DIAPHRAGM SPMNG CLUTCH--Smooth •ngasomont • SYNCHRO-MESH rRANSMISSlONS--Quick, mmoHi sMMnfl • HYPOIO REAR AXUe£-5 Hmw Mronflar ban spiral bevel typo • DOUBIE-ARTICUIATED BRAKES-Compteto drivor c*nk«l e WIDE-BASE WHEELS--tMroacod tire milMee O ADVANCE-DESIGN STYIMO--WMi IIm C«h Mm! nBraoMMS" O BAU-TYPE STESRMO--Senior Handling « UHlT-DESION BODIES--ftocfeton tori* <v Oldest U.8. Ship "Old Ironsides," famed 152-yearold USS Constitution, is the oldest ship in the U.S. navy. The venerable frigate, docked at Boston navy yard, Is now a floating museum. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 McHEN&Y, ILLINOIS __CORNBE ILL. 31 AND 120 ~ • X ' O. m N