' «uuj^i :fj$g ]| ?SP ip.>; J.«' Pwi iBf .tl! Thursday, October 27, 1910 tifli ittficm CD 'on Snnd*lr *nd accompanied Mra. | spent a tew days this past week rUwWLlUL!.n fJusten home^ I with her sister. Mrs. Betty Nielsen. , » •», Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence D_lw _ . every Thursday at Me- j of ch!cago Bpc<lt the weiket d i M,8S Ruth Re,h*n*P«rser 8Pent Hairy, M., by the McHenry Hpb-jwlth her mother, Mrs. Mollie | Saturday in the Elliott Timme ftfMlg Company, Inc. Givens. home in Oak Park. She was ac- Xditor -Adele Ffortlldi JJf£j wffi,"°n T"" HM> «.CO»D«L... natter .tUcr enjoying . trip >? L ' with pestorflee r.t McHenry, 111., under 10rJfndo- F1* 1 Sunday *lth her Parents. flte act of May 8, 1879. Cirrle 8 At "Krakow Ram . • Circle 3 of the W.S.C.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Earl Krukow on Wednqada^. 2, Qoe Year ... r Mrs. Claude Harris left Monday j Mrs. Edward Thurlwell of Rookfor her home in Miami. Flu., after ! forcl has been spending a fewja* 1:3ft p.m. $2.50 i spending the weekend with he" weeks with Mrs. Frank Tliurl-1 • • ' • ----!parents, the John J. Vyoitais. Mr. well. 'Parochial School and Mrs. Pleasy Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey ,'P.T.A. Meets Nor. 9 daughters. Patsy'and Edith, who were guests in the Frank Purvey' The P.T.A. of St. also attended the celebration, re- home in Woodstock on Saturday Patrick's school will (tuurrnnAeid) to TTuIIIlBsOa , OALkRLlAa ., on SUNa#tNu rM-_ {even. i•n g. < _ . _ _ day- Ben Klapperich Mar j 's-St. meet on Wednesday. Nov. 2, in the school fore enrolling at the Rqckford business college for a two year course in accounting. The party was a gay one, with plenty of refreshments and a delicious buffet supper which were enjoyed by all. Music for d&ucing was provided by Maestro Phil Brautlgam and his accordioft. Among those present who helped to make it a grand evening were, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justen, Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Rodenkirk, George Rodenkirk, Mr. and Mfcs. Clarence Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Phil B&u,0?am, Ted Miller, and Robert's fiancee, the lovely OBXSKMY BROOKS AND OREGON GIRL MARRIED IN WAtfOONDA CHURCH A pretty at^ttunn weeding ' was solemnised Sunday morning, Oct. 16, at the Federated church, in Wauconda, < when Mr. Chesney Brooks of Slocum's Lake and MIbs Fern Pescheck of Albany, Ore., j were united in marriage. The] double ring ceremony, performed• by Rev. Ralph Smith, took place after the regular church service. AMERICAN BANKING INACTION »» ru 1ICDUOJ * A »\J ? • M t *U tHO IVUUU1 I v j ^ and sister, hall, with Rev. Fr. Eugene Baum-1Mlss Joan Jacobs, of Lake Geneva, | ainia banks of beautiful chrysan* The Misses Dorothy find Louise I Susie Klapperich. of Stacyville, hofer addressing the group. Wis. Walsh have returned from a trip < Towa. Mr. and Mrs. Math Miller. Mothers of the seventh grade! * to the Ozarks. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Miller and i pupils will act as hostesses, with Circle 1 Plan*' Mr. and Mrs- John R. Vycital ' Mrs. Lena Krebsbach of Adams. Mrs. Roy Kent as rhalrmwp jand daughter. Winifred Ann, re- Mjlnn . attended the funeral of! * * • turned to Washington, D. C.., Nicholas Freund on Monday. j Canadian Pinochle 'Saturday evefting after attending Bill and Lester Bacon spent the ('lab Jlet Wednesday i the golden wedding celebrationof. wieekend in Haywood, Wis. | The Canadian Pinochle club their parents on Wednesday. Mr. Mr and Mrs. James Mahoney raet last week Wednesday evening and Mrs. Stanley Vycital arid son, and fa mil v. of Chicago visited in: at the home of Ms Jack Barthel i Ronnie, of Tacoma. Wash., are re- j the John Phalin home last week- with prizes awarded to Mrs. Elea- *v • i maining here this week. i end. $ i nor Miller Mrs Grace O'Brien z^ned to her home in Boise, Ida- i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly have j Mrs Ed Holle of Oak Park visit- i Mrs. Irving Keck and Mrs. James ho, after spending a vacation with , been visiting friends in Maine. i ed her parents, the Martin Con- J Wolf, The next meeting will be personals ftdena 'Hannifin recently her Bister. Eddie Meath. Mrs Charles F. 'Lasch is spend- Mrs. Steve Klapperich and wavs, last weekend. i daughter. Barbara, of Adams,' Dr. and Mrs. William Nye have j Nov. 8 Meeting ' Circle 1 of the W.S.C.S. will mce.t at 11 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the home of Mrs.- William Ensweiler, with Mrs. James Gallagher as assisting Ifostess. at the home of Mrs. Herb, Freund. themums. Attendents for the .couple were Mrs. Neva Sowers of Wauconda and Walter Krtimmery of Grayslake. The bride wore a toast-colored dress aqjl a corsage of white roses and carnations. Mrs. Sowers wag attired in a brown dress, With corsage of yellow ^roses and carnations. Dinned was served at the .^1 Miijn.. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe' returned from a trip through the (\ D. of A. Mel •tag several weeks in Cleveland, ; Michels of Stacyville, Iowa, at- East and into Canada. f Last Thursday - Ohio at the home of her daugh- tended the golden wedding pele-i Mr. and Mrs. -Orson VanVleet ter, Mrs. Dan White, where she i bration of the Peter F. Millers of Relvodere weVe guests in the '^, The C. D. of , Will enjoy a Halloween celebra- lsrst. weektion with her granddaughters. I Mr. and Mrs. Fr^nk Vycital and: week. . . . . . , Dana and Christy Wbit^.., M Win$low Vycital of Alamont, William Wicke of Fair Oaks' priff,a Mrs. Ben Justen spejit lasi week Kani. spent several days here subdivision is spending a few i k visiting her son in Momence. Mr. last week, where they visited rel-, weeks with friends at DesPlalnes! r _ Justen and daughter, Mrs. Ber-, atives. ! before leaving for California, Bice Kreuger, visited in Momence i Mrs, . Carl Johnson of Boston ; where he will spend the -winter. I'vcning Bridge , • Clob Opens Seasoa Mrs. Rolje.'t Thonipsbn o»:tertained the Evening Bridge ciub at its first meeting of the fall p"r"°? £!, «"». They will make Thnmm Phlllh and wJ. FH < rh »" extended, tour of the West and Brpoks homestead Brooks home to "relatives and friends following the service, after j which the bride and groom left • w - t t i e c l u b w l e n " 4 • * - i Scliumacher-Sneddon Exchange Vows A wedding of local interest oc- IU, \ Rose Huemann lay m pinochle IT'S APP1E TIME AT YOUR A*P! For Apples and Apple Prodich it a real savings to year budget. Yes, smart housewives a l l avar America tara to AAPi Itf lwil IhIhwm . . White Kmm Brsad Iffli Saves . Comlock Sliced Pie Afphi . . . M o l t B r a i d A p p l e C i d e r . 7 . . Mott Brand Apple CiderFLUTED BOTTLE Gistomers' Corner Is it wrong for us to qivo ycj more good food for your money? Is if wrong for yon to stop of our stores if by so doing ycu will make our business grow? Apparently the Anti Trust Lawyers, who are trying to put AIP out of business, think so. Apparently the American people don't agree with the Anti Trust Lawyers, for g|any, many thousands of them are writing and saying: "We like A&P and we don't want them put out of business." Hunk Yea Brand Crabapples . . Betty Crocker Apple Pye QUICKS 2 NO. 2 95c TINS M 25* . 2 nt^j 33* . ^ & I7« 37* •b-oz. «7C • CLASS •! ll-OZ. 4Ae • PKG. »* Every Meal Braid Apple Batter . . .l4^ I0C WhHe House Braad Apple Jelly - «-oz. inc • JAR "U Celdstreaai Braid Piftk Salmoa .. .'vl,n 39° Adaaral Brand Maslard Sardines 2 % 29' SpHag Blooai Brand Para Honey • • JAR 79e Pio'l Ripe Broad Freesieae Peaches 2Nms'47e Droaiedary Braad CraefcerrySance 2 ^TlNS* 29' Yakon Clah Braad Asst'd Beverages 'tf 9C 1 WTSCO^SIN FANCY SWISS CHEESE . .... ..............ui. 59c KAUKAUNA KLUB CHEESE SPREAD LINKS WISCONSIN SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE . ""oz* I Oc M-OZ. I E* LOAF 1 .LINK «9C L. 75c AMERICAN OR PIMENTO MEL-O-BIT LOAF 85c FOR HALLOWEEN BABY GOUDA CHEESE LL-OZ. JA. LOAF +VC MARVEL FRESH WHITE BREAD . .LOAF JANE PARKER HALLOWEEN CAKE 85c ORANGE 0 CHOCOLATE CAPRI CUP CAKES ORANGE I CHOCOLATE ENROBED DONUTS HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL COOKIES pkg 29c OF I aft 19c pkV. OF 27 39c CAULIFLOWER lg. jsize 22c PASCAL CELERY 15c SPINACH Cello bag 15c M. uKELBERU V 'S SKINLESS FRANKS M1CKELBERR V .4 LIVER SAUSAGE lb. 47c lb. 59c CALIFORNIA 262 SIZE ORANGES PORTO RICA^J % YAMS 35c 3 lbs. 29c MICKELBERRV PORK SAUSAGE MEAT lb. 43c SLAB BACON, Lean _ MICHIGAN CHTVI»l*r^ AS POTATOES .. 15 lb. bag 49c COLO. RED M CLUltE POTATOES •tlb. bag $3.39 I OX DeLUXi: FRYING CHICKENS lb. 69c CAPTAIN JOII.Vy OCEAN PERCH FILLETS ,1b. 43c NOTJINI /,3lc .PKG. I2c SULTANA BRAND FRUIT COCKTAIL ALL PUMOSE PAPER PLATES ... CUCUMBER PICKLES % 19c SUCCO OR HALVES ' IOHA PEACHES 2nt^'45c TRY THESE FAVORITES IN SPARKLING GELATIN DESSERTS Fresh Banana . Fruit Cocktail. MILD ANO MELLOW • I'Cliek CtffM. RICH AND FULL-BODIED M Cirelt Cofct VHBOKOUS AND WINEY BtklirC«ffM .... u-or .... ia-oz. ia-oz. f PKG. J 12-OZ. d PKG. / - I5C BAG FOR FRYING OR BAKINGI Flavorful. O.liciout--ARMOUR'S ARMOUR BRAND . SWIFT'HING TAMALES POTTED MMTS ^ : 3 « 75e T 25e .. r BANOUET BRAND A CORN TREAT PLANTER BRAND Ihicken Fricassee SMAX Cocktail Peanuts "Z 43e . -ir -29e Suzanne Marnhall and her femmltteo served a t&sty lunch at the dose of the liieetm;:, The next business meeting of the society will be on Thuraday, Nov. 3. . •••'«•• " - Conmanltj Club To Honor Tigers ! Members of the Johasburg Tiger baseball team and the ladles VDLL | be guests of hono^ - o)9 Tuesday | evening, Nov. 1. when the Johnsburg Community Clujt> meets at next week. - ' • • •- Presented rroirram The W,S.C3. nier laat Thursday afternoon at the ' Methodist church, at whtah time a progr.im was presenlod by the G!rl bcout troop which is sponsored by ".he >' cured last Saturday afternoon jit the Community Methodist churoh organization. During the business j w^en Miss Darlene Schumacher, meeting, plius were made for j daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. Edward the annual December bazaar. It I Schumacher of Lily Lake became was also voied to support, morally | bride of Mr. Alexander Snedand financially, 'he lTSO progr«u\ i ^on> son of Mr. and Mrs. Pete new project sponsored by the Le- I Sneddon of Wauconda. Rev. gion. Wayne Price officiated at the 2 Recently elected officers of tte o'clock nuptial service. W.S.C«S„,jire Mrs. Donald Bargtr, I T^e pretty bride chose a niavy president; MVu. Howard Pike,|^ue dress, with which she wore vice-president; Mrs. C. H. Duker» | black accessories, a pearl necktreasurer; Mrs. James IJ&ilagher, j,ace and a corsage of white baby Nell's ballroom. A social hour has1 secretary.; and Mrs. Norman I3g-'mums- only attendant waa I been planned which includes j gert promotion secretary. j Doris Karls of Johnsburg, a ! music and refreshments. > -- IL . friend, who was attired in a green I The committee corisistp of Math I Resume Conducted Tours flowered dress, black accessories ISchmitt, Joe S. Schmitt, George j. I m1 , m Ischmitt, steve Schmitt, William Through Tribune Plant j Schmitt, Anton Wilhelm, William I jWeingart, John Weiagart, Leol Conducted tours through the Young and George Thompson. {Chicago Tribune's newspaper MOTPER AMERICAN IDEA More thaji one-hundred million American caQ have rolled off the assembly lines. Only in t country like ours--where the mechanic who makes % car also makes enough money to buy one--can cars be made and sold in million lots^. Your money in the bank helps to finance auto** mobile production and to make jobs for 9 * millipn workers in this field. When you buy g new cat, bank credit will help you finance It This is the system of American free enterprise and free chatteied banking at work for yottt ; McHENRY STATE BANK ^Member Federal Reserve System 'j f |f:\ If '1, l i •fjt" 'f Member Federal - Deposit1 Insurance dorporation V!s production plant in Tribune tower, | Attend Joint Homo ! temporarily discontinued nearly I Bureau Meeting jtwo years ago, have been resumed j Twelve members of the Mc-1 on a regular schedule. Visitors j Henry Home Bureau unit attend- i may witness many phases of the ed a joint meeting of the Cryntal j production of the world's largest I Lake Algonquin, Grafton and Mc-' standard sized newspaper on these I Henry units, held at the VF.WJ tours which start at 2:30, 4 and | hall in Crystal Lake at 1:30;S p.m. on every day except Saturi o'clock on Friday, Oct. 21. Mrs. days, Sundays and holidays. Fred Svoboda acted as chairman! No fee is charged, but reserv iof the meeting. •-;<«- j tions are-advisable. Tour arrange- 1 Fifty membe's were present to j ments can be made either by teleimeet the new homei advisor, Miss phoning the Tribune or addressing Marion Simon, who gave the major j a letter to the Tribune plant tour lesson, "frain and Fancy «&*Bd-1 department. Before suspension of ! wiches." | the tours in 1947, they fattvacted The local unit will hold ^its 2.000 visitors a month next meeting on Nov. 16 at • Emulated Fretxcls jbdnstria) progress has OORM to the rescue of pretzel-benders. Tiny three-ineh fans blow air on dough after it haa been formed into a pretgel shape. This "case hardens' the douph, permitting t it to be handled more easily without danger of diitorting the traditional pretzel shape. home of Mrs. Henr^ Shower Honors 1 ' Bride-To-Be Miss Agnes Miller wm gHeet<-#f honor at a miscellaneous pronuptial shower held at the • hona^ of Mrs. Betty Nielsen last Thursday evening. Miss Miller will become the bride of Carl Fredricksen of Wonder Lake on Nov. 10. Forty-two guests from Chicago. Aurora, Oak Park and McHenry were present to enjoy a social evening, with Mrs. Annabel Aicher and. Miss Clara Miller entertaining with organ music and vocal duets. Decorations at the attractive table were in yellow, brown and white, the colors being carried out in floral arrangements and candles. • « • Teachers Entertained At Halloween Party Teachers of the grade and high schools were entertained Tuesday evening at a very lovely party which has become an annual event planned by the Woman's club to better acquaint faculty members with parents who belong to the club and their husbands. A large crowd was present to enjoy a delicious yr. 'uck supper served from t*"'-»s decorated w'.'h orange and crepe pnfrer »nd :uinpkin:: fil.ed with m.umn flowers. Game1; fot! >ve<V -w ith many attractive yiteo »w«r^d. Jimmy Glosson „ Two Tears Old Jimmle Joe Glosson was honored at a party held at the home of his pairents, the John Glossons, on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 23, his second birthday anniversary. Games were played by the littie folks in attendance, after which ice cream and cake were served and Jimmy Joe presented with many gifts. Attending the party were Jon Meyerk, Diane and Dean Glosson, Bobby Matchen, Roberta Donnelly, Patsy Glosson and Jerry Glosson; also his grandmother, Mrs. Maud Rothermel, his grandfather, Math Glosson, Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mrs. William Glosson, Mrs. Ed Tonyan, Mrs. A1 Krause, Mrs. Robert Donnelly, Mrs. Joe Glossen and Mrs. Bernard Matchen. Honored On Birthday j . Walter "Sonny" Miller was guest of honor at a party held at his home last Saturday evening, one week following his twentyfirst birthday anniversary. Cards and visiting were enjoyed, after which lunch was served. v Attending the party were Messrs. and Mesdames Peter Roy, Cictor and Alfred Miller, Elmer Hettermann, Victor Freund. Leo Blake, James Doherty and son, LeRoy Conway. Miss Ann Bolger, Miss Marilyn Freund, Miss Elaine Freund antk George Miller. Farewell Party Fot Robert Blake Robert Blake was the honored guest at a surprise party last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Rodenkirk. The party was arranged by Albert S. Blake and the employees of Blake Motor Sales, where .Robert Blake was employed be and a corsage of white baby mums, tied with a silver ribbon. John P. Robbins (Curly Karls) of Johnsburg served as best man. A reception for twenty-five guests followed the ceremony ut the bride's home. The couple will reside with her parents for the present. Mrs. Schumacher chose for her daughter's wedding a t}lack >dress, matching 'accessories and a corsage of baby mums. Illness prevented the groom's parents from attending. WED IN \VILMOr A wedding of interest locally occured on Saturday, Oct. 22, when Miss Mavis Marie Hrown, OCTOBER BRIDE i»rie daughter of Mr. and Airs. Harvey J which took place at the home of Brown of Wilmot, Wis., was mar-1 tfie bride's sister in Chicago on ried to Floyd Charles Gyger, Jr., Oct. 18, Miss Rose Leasard of son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gyger, j Emerald Park, became the bride MR*. KUUAU 1'KAMiKK In a lovely nuptial sen Sr., of Wilmot. The service'was read by Rev. E. Duane Hulse, Jr., in jfhe Wilmot Methodist church CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives for cards, visits, prayers and other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the hospital. I greatly appreciated the many remembrances. MRS. .MARTHA SCHMITT •24 of Dr. Edgar Peaslee, local chiropracter. PERSONAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tonyan QI Fox Lake and Mrs. Anna Bauer ot Waukegan were visitors in the Joseph Wegener home last weakend. Airs. Anna Tonyan, who had been spending some time with the Wegeners, returned to her home in Fox Lake. Rev. Carl Lobitz and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Found at West Allis, Wis., on Svnday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart visited in the Ed. Skoaev hotfle in Elmhurst last weekend. Martin F. Lobitz of Independence, Kas., visited Rev. Car], Lobitz and family recently. Phillip Meyers of Highland, Wis., visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski ani son. David, and Patricia Lee Marshall, visited Mr. Kosinski's parents in Chicago on Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart spent a few days the past week visiting in the home of Mr- and Mrs. Art Ilicklcr in Chicago. l>un Justen and.-121 Coates arc attending jLhe National Funeral Directors convent! ,n held in St St. Louis giis week; «' Xr » MISS HELEN VOOEL STANLEY BJORKMAN WED IN CHICAGO CARD OF THANKS We wish to ,thank kind neigh- In a beautiful candlelight cere-;bors and friends for floral offermony solemnized at 7:30 o'clock on Saturday evening, Oct. 22, at Bethesda Lutheran church in Chicago, Miss Helen Vogel, daughter of the Carl Vogels, Jr., of that city, became the bride of Mr. Stanley Bjorkman, son of the Walter Bjorkmans of McHenry. The altar was attractively decor&ted for the occasion with green ferns, evergreens and white chrysanthemums. Soloist for the nuptials was Robert Edwards of Wilmette, whose offerings were "Because" and ^ "The Lord's Prayer". Cliantilly lace formed the theme for a classic gown and cathedral ings, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy and other kindnesses extended in our bereavement. We are especially grateful for the services 6f Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhofer, Fr. Miller and Fr. Coakley. THE FAMILY OF NICHOLAS( F FREUND i ' 24 CARD OF THANKS We sincerely appreciated the efficiency of our telephone operators at the time of our emergency This w^s shown when Mr. Wirfs was injured and attempted to place a rail but lo£t consciousness. The operator. Miss Lillian Stilltrain of white satin for the charm- | ing, made all necoasary calls to ing bride- She wore a mantilla get immediate aid to him. We aiso which crowned a fingertip veil of imported silk illusion. A fan formed the background for a bouquet ot stephanotis and white orchids. The bridesmaids were Marie Skoien of Chicago, cousin of the bride, Marie Bjorkman - of Oak Park, cousin of both the bride and groom, Kay Nicholson 6t Chicago and Mrs. Raymond Pierobon of Champaign. All were attired in gowns of bronze satin, with velvet trim, and carried fan bouquets of russett and gold mums. Miss Marie Vogel, twin sister of the bride, waa maid of honor, attired in platina satin, with velvet trim and carrying russett talisman roses. Robert Vogel brother of the bride, served as best man and ushers were Melvyn Vogel, another brotHer, Richard Paulson and Euwish to thank everyone who responded to the call of the operator. ..... , Sincerely, MRS. ALEX WIRFS AND FAMILY ' -24 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation to ail who sent cards and extended to us personal wishes on our golden wedding anniversary. It was a wonderful day, one we will always cherish because you made it so. MR. AND MRS. JOHN VYCITAL - 24 Win, Place and Show Ll_- and the Show iS-- - "Three Men On A Horse" October 28-29-30 FRIDAY. SATURDAY, SUNDAY Orand Opening Saturday Radio Interview - WlLA - Celebrities A Rollicking Broadway Comedy Tickets: 55 cents; 90 cents: $£.20; $1.80 <. • • f > WOODSTOCK PLAYERS Opera House Phone 1290 i CARD OF THANKS j We would like to take this op- • portunity to thank friends and relatives for cards, ' flowers and gene Knight of Chicago and James' gifts sent on the occasion of our the Brooks of McHenry. Donald Vogek nephew of hinide was ring bearer. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Vogel chose a dress of electric blue brocade and wore a careless in using a BB gun, Geral- BJorkman was attired in . grey crepe, with a purple orchid corsage. A buffet dinner dance for 200 guests followed the service at the Edgewater Beach hotel, after which the couple left on a southern honeymoon. Upon their return, they will reside in McHenry, where the bridegroom is in the hardware business with his father on Riverside Drive. golden wedding anniversary. We1 alBO wish to especially thank Msgr. Nix, Fr. Baumhoferk, Fr- Miller and Fr. Hettermann for their kindnesses, and also our granddaughter. Patricia Miller, for singing at the services. j MR,AND MRS PETER F. MILLER •24 Come in now and select the hat *)tich will best compliment your new autumn ensemble. Elizabeth Plch, Green street, McHenry. 24 The Pub will be closed all day Wednesdays until further notice. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedlea at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. 1 . . «-tf CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church for the mass for my speedy recovery. I also wish to thank the many kind friends and relatives for get-well cards, gifts 'and flowers. Once again I thank you- MRS. H. J. SCHAFFER. Waukegan Road. 24 CARD OF THANK* We wish to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindnesses shown during our recent bereavement, CHILDREN OF .MRS BARBARA KATTNFR •24 ICE CREAM OhWai Mo will OihyMmCwa ICE CREAM CAKE ROLLS ICE CREAM TARTS SHMOOSDAE SlOc (('(H'OLATE SUNDAE iifr'A! CUP bREAM SICKLES 5c BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY *