% • M I I I I I I I I I I I M K I t M Ntin Wrmm Wonder Lake h* •tMHiHiinrimnn (by Van MM Mel Sellek Is Appointed to School Board At a. special meeting, of the Harrison school board, held on Tuesday evening, the resignation of Kenneth Cristy, president*, was accepted and Mel Sellek was appointed to fill Mr. Cristy's unexpired term. Mr. Sellek has accepted the appointment and will preside at the next regular meeting. Cornerstone Laid For New Addition ^ Harrison School v One of the high tfbtntrof Harrison's existence came on Friday afternoon when boys and girls of the school placed material in the cornerstone of the new 940,OoO • addition wMch is now under construction on the east side of nhe building. The pupils of Miss Lathrop's room had collected the material which was placed in a container and embeded in the stone. The name of every pupil in his or her Awn handwriting was included as well as the names of the various teachers, the special teachers, the board, members' names, a drawing of the present building, the population of Wonder Lake, the stores and places of business and the name of the contractor now building the addition (Ivar Fredrick- JISPO. One hundred twenty-five pupils and their teachers watched the proceedings as the workmen contfBnued with their work. Many were thrilled to walk on the platform built for hauling materials. ' It was a day that will be long remembered by the children. manent official trap shoot course. On opening day, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Rod and Gun club is giving a big turkey dinner at the Legion home for only a dollar. There will be mashed potatoes, gravey, red cabbage, pie and coffee to finish up the good meal. Those wishing to attend this big dinner should send their money and reservation to either Gail Wrede, acting chairman of the Rod and Gun club or to Jim Selsdorf, secretary. Both have Rt. 1, but Wrede is West Mcjienry and Selsdorf is Ringwood. Track on Halloween To Pick Up Chlldrcpl . Along School Route There are a lot of little folks Who have been eying that shiny bike on display at the Legion hall, 'which will be brought to the big «alloween party planned by the merican Legion Auxiliary for the pre-school and school children. Youngsters planning to attend are to wait at the end of their road and a truek, driven by Bub Elbersen, will pick them up and bring them to the party. The truck will go the same rounds as that made daily by the school bus. Bod 'And Gnn Club Plans Dinner on Jtntk Opening Day "...For those who like to get a little' pre-season warm-up in preparation for the duck season which opens on Nov. 4, traps have been set up on the Rod and Gun grounds. Elmer Murphy, Bill Silk and Frank Wendt spent a week laying out and setting Up a per- Sunday School will be Velcomed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson in Ringwoofl and the seniors, teen-agers, are invited to the home of their teacher, Jack Loshbaugh. All young people of high AUXILIARY NOTES On Monday, Oct. 17, the American Legion , Auxiliary held its monthly meeting. Roll call of school age are cordially invited.^committee chairmen was made by For transportation each evening, | President Eddie Meatli. The sermeet at the Center at 7:30. h j geant-at-arms presented Mrs. Bet- A group of students froth ° thejty Duff, district director, and her Trinity Seminary and Bible Col-1 secretary, Mrs. Bettv Roche, who lege of Chicago will be in charge were guests of honor for the eveof the evening service on Sunday I ning evening, Nov. 6. They will present Mrs. Xillian Miller, child BAKE 8ALE Doij't forget the bake sale which the League of Women Voters plan fpr Saturday morning at Fiala's Lakeview ice cream parlor. Food will go on sale shortly attar 9 a.m. LEAGUE MEETING The next meeting of the League of Women Voters will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruth Redmond and not at the home of Mrs. Esther Born, as originally planned. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 8. vv " CHANGE DATE > . W. T. Luck; general ""man&gier of the Illinois Commercial Telephone company, will appear at a general meeting at the Legion hall on Nov. 2, instead of this past Wednesday, as originally planned' Due to a conflict in dates, Mr. Luck ..was unable to be present this week, BR1EFIES Mr. and Mrs. Tomm^ Lauzon welcomed their second child on Monday of this week.--Sharon Grace Sells, Tommy Martin and Carl Stromstedt are all enrolled in the American Red Cross senior life-saving course how in progress at the pool at the Woodstock Community high school.--Donna; small granddaughter of Mrs. Frances Riegel, is finally home from the hospital, where she has spent most of her few weeks on this earth.--Mr» and Mrs. Rudy Pinkel leave this week for Florida, where they will spend the winter.--A1 Krueger is nursing a broken hand; seems he got it caught when he and A1 Schimke were pulling a Ford from the lake. The Ford is the property of several teenagers. Don't ask me how it got in the lake; ask young Sullivan. -- Jimmy Jacobson and Joan Dornbush both acquitted themselves well in the all-school play at Woodstock High school. an unusual program of music and j fare gospel messages. , * For next Sunday, Oct. 30, we heartily invite one and all t®> Sunday Bible School at 10 a.m.,. Morning Worship Service at 11 o'clock and Evening Gospel Service at 7:45, the pastor preaching. chairman, stated that wel- , the party at the Woodstock Orphans' Home met with huge success. The Girl Scout leader, Mrs. Guns, was introduced and, in turn, introduced Miss Judy Freund, president of Troop 1, who presented the Auxiliary with a gift of kitchen dish towels made by the girls and a box of Tide for the new Legion hall kitchen. A past presidduts' dinner party was held on Oct. 20 in Marengo, with McHenry represented by Past Presidents Pearl Pietsch, Christine Krlnn, Betty Hecht, Minnie Green ..and, Elisabeth Schoewer. A report was given by Minnie Green on the semi-annual eleventh district convention. The Auxiliary voted to help sponsor the campaign to raise money to re-open USO centers. President Meath asked every organization in the community to participate in tho campaign for this worthy cause. The meeting was adjourned after refreshments were served- Farmers administering biologies to their own rnnimaim should be warned that the/ use of outdated or deteriorated vaccines and antiserums may prove quite injurious to their animals. Such products may not give the^esired immunity and may lead to serious shock and possibly death. Accordingly, all outdated vaccines, anti-serums and biologies in general should be destroyed. • 5 The white, of Qie modern MAtal. strictly cbemical^in natare. ft i, be a glycerol-phthlate resin or - Vj urea -form aldehyde resin or a lit* . > bination of the two. In most csees^ •> the finishes are baked st moderate*- f. V. ly high temperature. The Pub will be closed all dajt Wednesday* until further node** " •*' GOSPEL CENTER NEWS The Rev. Enoch Skoglund, general director of the Evangelical Alliance Mission in Sweden, was the guest speaker at the Center last Sunday evening, Oct., 23. Mr. Skoglund in nn his way to India on an inspection tour. There will be two "seasonable" parties coming off at the Center this weekend. There will be games, refreshments and Christian fellowship. The youngsters of the J juniors and intermediates of our Ttpika Municipal Gardia Salacttd to Tast Rom An association of the country's leading rose growers and nurserymen, has designated Gage park, Topeka, Kas., as the newest of its test gardens for the study of new rose varieties. The unique testing program was introduced 10 years ago to assist tile public in selecting roses of the highest quality for their gardens. Since there ate several thousand varieties available to the average gardener, he needs some sort of a guide to help in the selection of plants that will do well in his particular section of the country. V To this end, the system of "pretesting" requires that new varieties undergo a two-year period of trial in gardens located throughout the country before they are put on the market. During the trial period, they are thoroughly studied under widely varied soil and climatic conditions. Test gardens are located at lead; lijg universities, nurseries and municipal gardens where impartial experts study the plants under actual growing conditions. Each plant is carefully checked for such characteristics as hardiness, frsgranee, length of flowering period and all other important qualities of a top flight rose. Plants are identified only by a code number and scored on the basis of a uniform point system. Only those meeting rigid standards over the two-year trial period may be awarded the coveted designation of "All-America Rose Selection." Cotton Leads Cotton, still far in the lead among textile fibers, supplied 57.4 per cent of the nation's textile needs in 1948, compared to~ 58,i per cent in 1947, 65.8 per ,oent in 1940-44, and 'dO.fl per cent during the prewar period 1935-39. The Pub will be closed all day Wednesdays until further notice. ROCKET ENGINE AND HYBRA-MATIC DRIVE -T1IS FITIIANIC TIWEI MCKAIE" IS EX CMS I YE Will OLISMIBILEI * i » j. , The surging power of the "Rock't"! ' t ^ The incredible smoothness of Hydra- ^ Matic Drive! Oldsmobile has teamed *• A them together for driving at its * • ' ' thrilling best! Slip behind the wheel of an Oldsmobile "88" and give this new "power package** a try* You'll be excited as you feel the splendid surge of ^be Rocket Engine at the take-off. And your excitement will mount every mile you drive this flashing Futuramic! Hydras ' Matic Drive pairs with the high-compression power of the "Rocket" for the easiest, smoothest motoring fou've ever * ,V?"J knpwn! But it's on the open highway that this "Rocket". " Hydra-Matic action teamwork really pays off. Curves aid ^ hills and the long, level stretches of road fall behind like ' j* magic u you discover this great new power team--the ' „ j, ,J "Rocket" Engine and Hydra-Matic Drive! And it's CHdsmobile alone that has this Futuramic "power package." So try * " , ^ it today! Make a demonstration date with the thrilling new "88." it'« waiting for you at your Oldsmobile dealer's--wml ,4fa£e, a> w&rts "tiber O B I L I . ?V tt <«!' T--' P H O N E YO U R f t I A tR 1 S T O L D S M O B i l l D B A L C K - SF RTTRBAN MOTOR SAT FS iZ 3S; E.J.OVERTON PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILL. ••••*» v : '"IP BIG DAYS Remaining FrL Sat. & Sun. liijj A»«i< Days Left Ts Vote On Our Gve-Away Contest Inquire for details in store. HUNTERS' SPECIALS 90 CALIBER HEER RIFLE .... .. n; WINCHESTER li-GAUGE PUMP GOT SINGLE tBL. SHOTGUNS ... 13-GAI'GE SHELLS, HI POWER NO. 4 $2i.;»o $2.1S PER BOX Xmas Tree Lights C-6 at .... 7c EACH (•••/j at 12c EACH OUTDOOR BILB* At K.c EACH INDOOR SETS SOW 98c Flannel Shirts Sanforized She 16Vs only $3.19 Gray and Blue Flannels Value $Ml' NOW $2.19 ^ WORK GLOVES Tl'SKING GLOVES 2»c li-OrNCE CANVAS 2»fc RUBBERIZED GLOVES 38c 3I1TTENS, Cotton-Fannel, Nap-Oat .... 29c FRIDAY aJ SATURDAY SPECIAL HGranite, Aluminum and Enamel Cooking Utensils. 8, M, and L sises Regularly 79c JSTOW 69c CHRISTMAS TOYS ON REVIEW Trains Tracks, Automobiles, Automatic Toys, Wagons and many others for the boys. Dolls, Doll Fnrnltnro, Dishes, Games, Baby Carriages and . Novelties Galore for the girls. ' BUY EARLY FOR OVERSEAS CAR BATTERIES 16-PLATE WITH 2-YEAR GUARANTEE NOW $10.95 Exchange Si-PLATt WITH 80-M0NTH GUARANTEE NOW $13.95 Special Hand Saws 26" 8-point Hand Saw $3.95 Value NOW $2.79 36" 8-point Hand Value NOW $1.49 10% OFF On ALL RUBBER FOOT WEAR WASHABLE BLOUSES RAYON-CREPE .Sites 82 to 44 -- Only a few left Value up to NOW $2.89"-- MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTS --•--- Fleeced Llne«l Shirts f; Celor«: Red, Blue and Yellnr ~ NOW $1.79 ^ IRKYCLE High quality, , allsteel frame--s tardy and dnrable. Carrier attached. Value, 92ZM NOW $14.» r ALCOHOL TYPE S 188 PROOF. CUSTOMER CONTAINER BULK 69c per gal. 10% OFF ^ On ALL HAND TOOLS Nylon Sweaters All sizes MJsses Short sleeted> £ Sweaters. Formerly $3.79. NOW $3.19 MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR Sises 40-42-44*4# r 25% WOOL - $3.98 50% WOOL $4.98 REMEMBER FOLKS Only 3 Days Left HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR Ask for special demonstration of this 8 cn. ft. refrigerator $234.50 •ESS* S1NFOIIIIED BLUE JEANS Ktgatarlj tUI NOW $2.19 BROOMS BIO BARGAIN Vmlae flA NOW 69c George Collette, Owner Telephone 459 ani Next To Bank McHenry, Illinois Catalina Seat Covers Front „ . $6.99 Complete Set . $11.99 * -