Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1949, p. 4

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HEAR" EARL R. WALSH 4* mmtm *• iia# JWBf tattiM that the } iPlafndosler reaches out into 2® states- also Washington, D.O. Not to |.h« President! [bowling notes • -j- PALACE -- 9 O'clock Ladles-- . Riverside Hotel, J; Butcher- Charlje Vycital. cMrnan of the ** *r Business Men's connnitteo oil th «"ttes. 0. Butcherettes: G. Barbian 477; 'Hot-el: M. Powers, 470; B. Hick- Teen-Age Center, wants us to Unan, 452j K. Wolf,437; M. Donnel- Airge you guys and gais to be on j lv, 214-570. Contenders, 1. Kinsala's King Pins, 2; Hogan'a Hustler's, 1.. Corso's Cuties, 3; Eleanor's Experts, 0. ^ Smith's Smashers, 3; Winkers Tinners, 0. Smith's: A. Gaulke, 631; l? iSmith, 171-4*4. Johnsbarg-- ' 'V W. Smith's, 2; S. Freund's, 1. Smith's: P. Hiller* 51*; Freund's: P. Pitzen, 515. G. Jackson's, 2; A. Jackson's, 1.- G. Jackson, 209-569. J. Jackson's, 2; B. Miller's 1. J a c k s o n ' s : J . H i l l e r , 5 2 1 J . Jackson, 501; B. Miller, 520. M. Schaefer's, 3: L. Smith's, 0. M. Schaefer* 502. -• hand for the fir;.t get-together at the new Legion Heme. Tuesday •evening, November Jst, at 7:30 sTfto'clook. „ You cun join a square ^ J... dance, play pins-peng or have a r' pood time just meeting your x friends. Be there. Bart's Taveni, 3; Son. 0." ' ' Bart's: B. Itegner. 489, 9 Y / %- - • Mel Stuessy, wht>. teas ; made - many friends in McHenry. Is haviV lug a big year in his football > i-oaching. , "Stuess" brought his ' ' tinall squad of St. Mary's High t -^x hool gridder9 through to the M .7 '(Championship <#• the Northeast Catholic conference by defeating ,-ft. Kdward's of High,'.-! to 7 1«.i"hMS.SST Sunday. Th^ boys are undefeated | f In their league. S'ot many replace-1" . * •v^inents so the kM&itortii known as iiIron-men. •' Business .Hen-- ' T. Olson A i McHenry Recreation, J '/-•• | Henry Plastering, 0. --• Recreation, Morris, 515. -- V "-"V Mosey Inn, 2; McCullofn Effie',.1.' Tavern-- Inn: Wieser, 514. Snug Harbor, 2: Norsemen, 1,'- I Ring wood Electric, 2; Freund's Harbor: H. Behnke, 213-58S; J Dairv, 1. Wheelock, b09. " ' Electric: Oonk, 218-141-209-568; sportsmans, 2: Old Bridge, U McDonald's Tavern, 2; Park Pub. I?: Fox Hole, jsnd Frieda, 1. Pub: Meyers. 200-529 . . h ' • • ' BUBLWaTOK BlATS MqHENKY 12 to t - ON MtJDDY FKU> had a first down and 2 yards to flwt Af AwAiiiiti go for.a touchdown; but they fum-j a ... - . ^ n bled and ended their only scoring AT# Still wOlBJf y threat. Elkhorn kept themselves | J --h- I in the race as they defeated Dela- I gnu Colna unV ingtoti Demons defeated MCHS 12 tough MarengiV team »rHar-Snrfl The TotaT'cOTW to 6 at Burlington, la.t Friday v.rd 19 to 0 and kept alive a very "n\m£rtca ta 7»I night. faint hope of a possible tie for the wprp »hmit .17 400 000 000 BjriSon »t"S "OT two WaI,r'?,!'a "'".ooo-oito more than the year before inlgfj. Sh "he "cepUoi of'maiir ij;,"',»™ "•«» at lialftinie. Their first touchdown 1 injiH'ies the squad is in fairly goog . came late in the first quarter as ; physical shape. JOUX riASMkN MB» ! Ml** M,ECvf^,nai Tea Word has been reeled of the The sales of the National T«a [death of John ^lanagun, who re- Co. for th# four weeks_ «KI 8 _• ' sided near Burton s Bridge. • 8, 1948, amounted to fS0.l*0,WM« i Funeral arrangements are. not; as compared with W' fJ* complete, but burial will be from for the corresponding penoa i« St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake 11»48„ a decrease of 0.18 per ctni. on Saturday mording at 10:00a.m. I Sales for the year to date amouni- Members of the McHenrjr Council ed to $206,846,292-27 as ® ol Knights of Columbus will leave with $205.085.6G5.78 in 1»4», a Landl's, 2; Hoo's, 1. _ J loots,:, A, Not)na.^., 500; H. FantU8, .LiOS 5*»7; Hochf lie, 516., • T.F.W.--. :•:: " Dog Faces, "8;1 Bell fto'|>Si: 0. ^ Swabbies, 2v Fly Boys,, i»i. \ 500: A, M<*^rroH, .Outt'co, 51"." •" |£aily Birds-- >' j: Stilling's, 2; Peterson Boats, 1. [ Stillings: N. Larkin. 433; Peterson's: L. Frisby, 171-457- f. O. F.~:. G. Freund's. 2530, Hester's. 23'i9.' Freund'.?: Cem. M, Freund. .r00; In addition. Stuessy is coaching j H. Schafer. 530; Gus Freund, 213- the Moose town team and making quite a record. Nobody cao beat 'em. That fellow Leahy is quita a coach, too! Nevet- a ^io%ie<^bilith| MCHS that "Tommy" Thomas doesn't show up. Saw Loren Miller watching the game with Undo l'ete. Bob and Mary Hirschmugl have sold the "Just For Fun" roller rink and headed for th.- for west. They started something lhat has has been a great attraction for the young people of our community. r>70. Hester'- : Tl'ies. 52:' L. Winkel's, -8484; Thenues' 2285. Ed. Thennes. 5i.i; Leo Winkel, 214-215-171-600. _____ Co-ops, 2; McHenry Cab, 1. Co-ops, M- Kelly, 437; E. Rand, 450; Cab: M. Cruickshank, 422. Rolainje Grill, 3; Freund Oil, 0. Grill: A. Ross, 157-157-157-471. Freund's: D. Freund, 431. S. H. Freund and Son, 2; PFrfeund Sons, 1. i-- A. P. Freund's: L/Miller, 441. S. H. Freund's: D. Smith. 175-452. UlaJor- Jerry Ziegler cut off tackle and 1 raced 6,5 yards untouched. The | Demons hit again midway in the; second period as Ziegler passed | 0 yards to Mower in the end j Kotie for a tquchdown. Bob Miller broke through the Burlington line and blocked the attempt for the | extra point. The Warriors came! out in the second half with the J p e p o f a n e w t e a m a n d s c o r e d o n j t w o p l a y s . D o n F r e u n d , w h o d i d j a l l t h e p a s s i n g b e c a u s e o f D o n M c - j Cracken's injured shoulder, pass- PronV ied 'rom the 40 yard line to Dick i unK Hiller on the 20, and Dick slipped I b i s w a y d o w n t o t h e 5 b e f o r e , h e j 3vas pushed out of bounds. On the . ;fiext play Freund took the ball pff guard for the Warriors' toUch-j down. The remainder of the game ; jKas played in midfield. - 'j The fourth member of the <rastialty list is Frank Bitterman, Mc-j Henry end. Frank did not see any j action in the Burlington game, because of a twisted knee. j Looking at the SWAM Conference This week could tell the tale of the SWA<NI conference champ. [ If Whitewater defeats Delavan, and Elkhorn loses to Harvard, Whitewater will have the championship clinched. Conference games this week: Whitewater at Delavan. Lake Geneva at Burlington. . Harvard at Elkhorn. Marengo at McHenry.! from their club \oonis at Thursday evening. ®t> recite rosary. increase of 0.85 per cent. Included , in the ,1948 accident costs are wage losses of about $2,600,000,000; medical expenses of $450,000,000; $1,250,000,000, in overhead costs of insurance; prop e r t y d a m a g e i n m o t o r v e h i c l e j -accidents amounting to $1,100,000.- 000; fire losses of $175,000,000, Farmers' Co-operative. ?nd f t?*31 oI 51,300,000,000,000 ; , j . in miscellaneous costs of occupa- Wl increase of half a million'In ftional accidents. ! membership in farmers' market- j 'pjie average cost per injury in i ing and purchasing cooperatives the United States last year was during the 1947-48 marketing sea- $710. This is $50 uiore than tjie son is reported by the farm credit' average injury cost the 'year; hi** administration. Total membership, fore-and'$100 more than 1946. \ • l: reached 5,900,000, compared with! -- ----•••,}* 5,400,000 at the end of the previous1 Cleopatra's Needle year. This total, however, does not; -aeopatra's Needle-brpugh^M accurately reflect the number _ of, England in 1878-has no direct con- ' farmers who belong to marketing! nection with Egypt's queen It was - or purchasing cooperatives, be-1 created some 1,500 years' before cause many farmers belong to ; Cleopatra's time by one of the more than one organization, FCA| Pharaohs, Thothmes III who is said. Minnesota headed the list of i credited with introducing chariflta. States, with 602,000 farmer coopera- into the Egyptian tive members. Illinois was second With .. „„„ TK"e U. ,,S. Supreme Court returned, only 110 opinions last ; . I year, the lowest number in 25 NOTICE j years. . Blacks, browns and a variety Of the newest shades in lovely, hats wiiich will look smart now and way through the winter season. Elizabeth Pich, Green street, McHenry. 24 LIBERTY V1LLE High School Gyij^ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 8:30 p.m. 542,000, and Wisconsin was third with 834,000 memlfcrs.' ' - Beginning Sunday, Oct. 80, Sun- ] day hours will lie from 8 a.m. to J to 10 p.iu. Jfjre Drug Store, Mc-1 * 241 ~r"--1 --; Owls (last week)-- __ McHenry! Jeanette's Style Shop, ! Drug Store, 1. 2; The new owners of. tlio roller rink are anxious for the kids lo continue their gooi times and seem like a cinch to niaki R big success of their venture. Downs Nash Sales, 2 Lumber Co., 1. Lumber: B. 3chlltt, 540; Barth, Jeanette's: L. Michels, 435. 516; Peisert, 544; Downs: Tonyan.j Hettermann's, 2; The Pit, 1. 534; Budler. 519; Downs, 201-518; ' M. Hettermann, 196-467. Steffes, 221-595. Al's White House, 2; McHenry Carl's Service Station, 3; Blake' Sand and Gravel, 1. Motor Sales. 0. < j Al's: E. Hoyte, 439. Blake's: Rodenkirk. 536; Miller, j BOWLING SCORES .... .... .... .... 526; Hup Smith, 213-5Q1; Carl's; Mi-Place, 3. Landl's, 0. In the mud and rain the SWANI conference teams battled to some ' Henry j surprising victories. The White-] --; Nye I water eleven dropped Lake Gen-4 Complete line of Lee's poultry : eva 7 to 0 on a 20 yard pass in I remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Mo the second quarter. Lake Geneva I Henry. 8-tf Need rubber stampsf The Plaindealer. Order at J- Thorsell, 527; C. Thorsell, 532, N. Justen, §01; Rosing, 203-212- 201-616. ' Mi-Place: R. Miller, Freund, 436. F. Thursday (MB*--- Smith's Nook, iLakeview Inn, 0. 3; Cardinal Foods. 2; l^egion Aux "Brenda" has a story on the -Halloween parties ai.the rink so look it over and get tile details. 'What we would like to stress is that the new owner,-? have asked -us to tell the pareni;-. that they are •welcome to walk in .r:iul watch"the kids hsv? their fii!?. "Twould ! a Rood idea fot- some of you par-1' ^ ents to accept the irvitation and , drop in for a while either Sunday or Monday night to watch the fun. You won't have to skate.- Cardinal: J; Hansen, 462 Old Timers--; Roger's, 2351: Cristy's, '2275." Roger's: Peterson. 226-561; Cristy. 521. ^ Downs', 22GS; Blake's, 2236,... ! (Tljis Week) -- * j Mi-Place, 2: Nye Drug Store, 1, LaGreca's: Mi-Place: L. Schmitt, 449; M. Smith. 435; F. Freund, 442. Joanette's Stvle Shop, 2; Landl's 1. "Jeanette's: L: Michels, 456. Al's Whitehouse, 2; Hetfcef* niann's. 1. ' Al's: M. Kelly. 173-180-475; E; Hoyte. 181-481. McHenry Sand- and Gravel, 2; The Pit. 1. Atlas Prager. 3: Ludford's. 0 . | Majors-- ! Prager: Paluch, 508: Jones. 225- Old Bridge, 3; Clark Chevrolet 581; Kreutzer, 203-220-G02. Lud-; Sales, 0. ford's: Pyritz, »»2S. ! Old Bridg£: Kinsala, 506; Jones, Bernie's Tavern, 2; ' McHcnry'221-575; Larkin. 543; E. Peisert, That fireball "Sarire" at the State Bank- 1 548 Clark's: Adams, 512; Bennett, Palace never lets up No^v he Js ®ank: Schaefer, 201-201-581; 1205-543. deep in a new Mixed League iBernie !s: Scha*low- 223-54$. , j Prager. 3 ; Carlson Oil, 0. fof bowS. Vho™ JTSfe^Ueys! I "«<**> 2: ^ n«y j. P^gerr^er,--216-55^1^ ^every Saturday night at 9 o'clock, j f /;* ;220-58,. Carlson: Krause, 55.0. •You are invited to join the group |No penalties for absentees. Some 'body is always bowling. When Jim Fav Hank's Fireside Inu. 3 ; Walsh j Insurance, 0. • t Hank's: W. Low, 521; H. Britz,| 504.Walsh: J. Wiaar, 531; H. Stef-i was home he! 'e8, 205-512. -\ Fox Noveltv, 3; Blatz 0. Fox: Kosinski, 204-543., The very newest fall hats in the latest styles. -Adl head sizes. Elizabeth Pich, Green street McHenry. 24 If there is any place that you mantv travel, night or day, we are ready to serve }><*u« On call twentjr-foar hoars a day for these hu Med of transportation. Call a McHenry Gab Phone 723 •alHii Tag HA\S SCH>ABEL und JIM Sl'EXrtiR :"'V VS • • ;: RUDY KAY and AL WILLIAMS 1AQK DK.MPSEY, Referee DUKE KEOMUKA vs JIM McMlLLEX NED TAYLOR vs KOMTAS DAYELIS jeouple of weeks ago. he dropped L ? •- . k *;in to tell us what a great team! 0 Tloek Ladles (tost week the 'L os A• ngeles Rams are. -Youl Bart s Tavern, '3; Barluac s Isee, Jim is auditor for the Raws j Bu„chf,rett®8* ?• ... , laanndd nfleeww in with the,n just to I Barts: M >egge,493; J. Simon, keep the records straight. Which reminds us that we took ur first plane ride last w»ek. Yep. Came i» from Indianapolis n ,, , .. . „ ... to Chicago in one hcur. Anticipa-1 nne • 8: * Donnelly, 247-612 tion was great. But for brealh- 193-43S; M. Kinsala, 429; Butcherettes: J. Kralowetz, 198,-474 Donnelly's, 2; T. Olson A Son. i 1. ' I Olson's: It. Baumbeck. 440.1 Jtakins thrills, we'll takt -wheel. - a terris Now' soinebody is sure to get us up for a real jdoodle flight. No, thanksl to try dlpsy- The boys are building toward a strong town team basketball team this year. It won't be long now. 2; Riverside 7 O'C'lock Ladle*-- Volo Bait Shop, Dairy, 1. Dairy: E. Conway, 434. Bjtft. M. Pagni, 205-498. McHenry Lumber, 2; Central Market. 1. Lumber: K. Meyer, 451. Of course, - there is still son.e important football to take car*; oi "before we start thinking too much of basketball. --MeHENRY RECREATION -- ! Commercial-- 1 McHenry Laundry, ij? Al's White House, 0. Al's: BUBS, 506. Laundry: Vir- Marengo will be hore Friday night. Know what? We predh-t -that the Warriors are going to win that game. The si-ore?--13-7. This Swani League is tough and victories >ha«ji't been coming our way. Bitt, llfSiplte of many injuries. "Mai??, k^g. brought the team long wfc|r Alnce the season started. v,V DAILY l'IMPS ^ It doesn't take a genius, to be Ingenious. Being-called 'feasy-mark" is not necessarily a nark of , friendship. - When you know your neighbor's business better than your own it's time to go out of business. I Word* are cheap but deeds are dear. j., Putting too piuch faith in others and not enough in yourself is cheating on your ability. Knowledge is a Worthy prize; knowledge comes to aim who tries. Learn to bend gracefully and you will not break. •m I ANONYMOUS gil Adams, 516; L. Adams, 55i. New Era, 3; Walsh's Insurance, 0. New Era: M. Benson, 504; H. Weber, 532. Charm House,< 2; Kletnhans Bldg. Service, 1. Schaefer's Market,. 2; Mojlenry plenty Cnlin ^an^• - T11 Schaefer's: B. Peisert, 541; Bank: D. Kenneb- eck- , 5- 1T. -- -- D. of A.-- Low's Leaders, 2; Conway's Spar* Water in Cooki^^ To Prtservt Vitamin "C" Spare the water and save the vitamins. Six vegetables--cabbage, ruta bagas, peas, asparagus, cauliflower, and spinach--were tested for vita min C before and after cooking All were cooked in four different ways: (1) in a pressure cooker above the water level; <2) in 8 tightly covered pan with only enough water to prevent scorching; (3) in a steamer: and (4) in an open kettle with water enough to cover during the entire cooking time. Cooking by the last method-- that is, with the most water-- proved^ most wasteful of C in all the vegetables. The other three methods in which the vegetable came in contact with little water during cooking proved about equally good for saving C in cabbagc. rutabagas, peas and asparagus. Cabbage, for example, kept twothirds of its C after cooking by the three water-sparing methods, but kept only a fourth after cocking in water to cover. Rutabagas and peas also kept three-fourths of their C when they cooked in ffteam or very little water, but had only two-fifths after cooking under water. •f Confections i Pills--containing evil-tasting medjicine-- are responsible for introduc- Jing candy to our civilization, ac- ! cording to research experts. I This strange development got its' j start some 500 years ago when English "pill-xollers" began coating I their medicine with sugar to dis- I guise the bad taste. Before long, 1 the sugar-coated pills were so pop- >ular that the medicine was left out land the pills were made only of | sugar. From this simple beginning, lour national sweet tooth has today Jcome into its own, and grandma's [.fudge pot has skyrocketed into a MitUoii ilullm -a-year business. ' Ttie Pub will be elosed all day ] Wednesdays until further notice." A HUNTING WE WILL GO! Intakes onJy^few real lv crisp mornings to bring; out the hunting spirit among the male members of the family. To the spoilsman, there is nothing which can compare with a bright cold morning and the necessary equipment for the man who truly 1 oyes to hunL - , > ' One of the essentials of really good hunting is good equipment. In fast, it is what makes this the popular sport it is. Don't wait tt> stock up until the morningi yon want to take that trek to the nearest weeded spot for-a day of shooting. Drop in to today and let us help you select the very items which will make 'hunting a real pleasure. ^ • Nickels Hardware Main St. Phone 2 West McHenry WRTB Cattar* •^25C ItflS' T iiCe r«. 2 Jf.: TMKEMtt.-- ^25' wera FOR ««£tcon"trf KmCY BEAMt - I25° «•«»«EMS FM,wsnucK -- 5 ** job w r {MllcmYS mt IREE2E SUDSER l!l8. «®. l4* I IXT*A K6 tO« "« STALES MSisT "-cT# MwSaTiT:.. "*e.r. 28* tMK* CNBRRICS * 25* •fl ItasH M UtRT GREIHtKS. ™ 26 fmm MHed RIR CHERRIES . . "*c.. 2S' V/» U •* ri.itk F.«» , IP >o«'HAHdwifN Mt : n.H. tf SOTH »o* IT AmtrictR SPMHEni % 7A' 3d tSThowe BAGS •gr2V tii SiRk*"^ INSTANT COFFEE ,-t OI '*« X t*T«A • 01 JA» ** HERSHEY'S COCOA ££..^19* HERSHEY'S SYRUP ^2^25* DEL MONTE RAISINS ££ 2 V^29« PURE GRAPE JELLY £2 . .'£-15* GINGER SNAPS C^"..2^29« KlfKY BEARS Ifev Mi Iml •0LRER 60RR . "If r i r MA or U inga H||| 80LRER 60M • • *£.* |0* IWUTKAS. .. ir las«'i leaf Busil SAVERKMIT , lifSo MILK . . . £ ir feeste feei MARSHMALL0WS OAHDV CORK . . Fr««* K««h Or safe CUM DROPS . . . frMk f««h tt*«k 0n4 JELLY BEARS . . MOMEDAKY--PANCY f*WT /> llnhrlit • CITMSSMJtl. • • • m, • wnors GRAPE JUICE • r • :n: t tlAl /MARIO OLIVES . * f N%r'« Preek >»i>r ^ CUKE PICKLES . . t. tt^'s OM >ee>Isaei _ APPLE BUnER . aad liKdssi i RATCO R0REY . . iUCT X WUKGC On GROSS SnUUOMT- • • • • * • MARSHMALL0WS A IW'i U»e CRACKER JACK • 3 rtf» 29 12 !if«f Hi _ CANDY BARS • • 6 m«% 23* WH* Hi Nil CNEWIRG GUM • 8 20* M Mt ... POTATO CHIPS . c?. 7D' SWIFTS AU^UKPOSI SMORTSlMNO TMICT . TISSUE II |Rs*orH« tf|toorl l '4e» h - • • •" • . • •' • » sow K>* 79^ SWIFTNING m NAHM nut yoo-- . A T0f TASTE CtTFEE &4f 2-2? fOR HKALTHY, NAPPY DOOS r SWEM- ^ |""Y WtriiiH *•*«1 "T* \ 1 SOTH fO* I LG. P*6 FOR ltc \ EXTRA N* (V U _ «!_ SWEETHEART Toilet Soai , ,t4 fO« M. I tXTM *** '°' NESTUS GMOCOUTE ssatKIR OX '°* I COOtK '« *•* SSSTwawwt WEALMSFOW TM RSAUY OOOO HAND CUANttl B0RAX0 i? 35' «miST !5* ! auRS*-*"1 WM« »*«*•• * V«ot SpT -5* «wpis mrm , . * W ss'T MtApOWLANO ft SCORE BUTTER | tum*u CLU* snu CHEESE 63c 61c .fW rww ™ TAMALES . . . . ~ If 9--4 U«* ... MARRARME • ft* 2I1 flDILET *S0AP . IIC6T WoooluRrs. .3^28* lltal lew-- _ _ CLEANSER . . .2 If MmKUK LAMPS • CMNM^kraMMNta,, '("•nHMhtwii, "*** I » ,.IHM ^ 7.CS VALIE FOR OILY 3« •wmwie urn *«"» « (*SS KM ^ 1 4 w 27* mT INFO* V? or m CAN NOT U 30* UFEiainr UTISMp is117* USE* OEMSa vt iE?X5TR-A CCaAnNs F*O>R* Iu«* ** 24* W000MNI Yt ^niSMp 2 tils 19« BESSIE kapkiiu > «*t«* ne lfc fi- 39« Sf-TflK US-T.nmmi, «S" Bum ICSSCRTS 89* n

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