w*mm*» lMiiiiniini||||)n)H M ~ --A." , j1>, • 1 . *' ^imowooD IiIM '.•,#:.-r-i . 'r <i* £; x i i mi 111 minim mm (bjr Ifri. Qeorgs ttaeard) £ Mi*. ROM Jepson entertained a I'WP of (rindi a>t to home 4v#dassiajr la honor of Mrs. !#•H» Mstyaaoa of Choi* Vista, 8S5S»*5n«: SSfwsi' j* *• *w» Mn *#* MoCajrti^ rf°l53&m?^ * * "•'•^nm'nfTTowiin li|»/ " Mr. aid Mrs. 8. IfcrtatthsaU- ,,4*lk*M their 60th waife* aaai- •*W**T »t a famil* tiMfr a*t » 4K5_*wiee 111 h«ll, Sunday VMadoii. Thla wm a day long to ha reisentbsred by tha Smiths, who ara la fairly rood health. These who attended from a diatahes ware, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters and Mr. And Mrs. Ralph Smith and eon, Pick, of Chicago, Mr. and Mra. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzisger and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Benoy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Porter of EUthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bmith of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford of Long Lake. Wm. Smith and Mra. Georgia Harrison and daughter, Barnice, of Elgin, Mra. Lloyd Smith jind son of Park Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. John Worts of Mnndelien, Mr. and Mrs. Charier Anderaon and daughter ol Deep Lata Mr. and Ktyrs. Harold Staask and daughter and Mr. and Mr*. Alvin Benoy of Woodstock, Mr. nd Mrs. Lonnle Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tony*n and family, MY. and Mra. Wm. Hoffman and Sandra, A. W. •Sr-' VETERANS «f FOREIGN WARS % ir- SATURDAY, NOV. 29 V. F. W. CLUB HOUSE GAMES DANCING SMORGASBORD WILL BE SERVED. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler of RlngWood. The W.S,C.8. Was entartainad In the home of Mra. Rose Jepson on Thursday. A pot luck dinner was serred at noon. The usual business meeting was held. Plans for the basaar which will be held In the new church basment were discussed. Mrs. Oscar Berg led the ! worship sdfvice. Lesson on 40 j questions and answers on the lEcuminical church were given, by | Mrs. C. L. Harrison. The Story of Marys of Scripture was given by i Mrs. Clifton Harriaon. The next {meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clinton Martin, Nov. 17. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the- 500 club at their home Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mrs. George Shepard and Kenneth Criaty high and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Louis Harvey, low. & The Round-Up club will hold a bake sale In Muzsys hall Friday, Nov. 4 at 12 o'clock. The Community Inquires met in the Okeson home at Woodstock, Thursday evening. Pastor Stam of. Milwaukee will speak in Muzzys hall, Sunday, Oct. SO at 3 p.m. Several relatives of Mrs! John Hogan came in and helped her celebrate her birthday Wednesday evening. Thoae to attend were FREE HOW YOUR YOU OWN CAN TEST COWS FOR MASTITIS H«i* IS a quick. Mcr way to tut r*«r cowa far Maatitia. Yoa can do It roaraalf richt In roar own barn. T««t it cowa in il ain. with tba Bcabe "BTB" teat. And * does not cost yon a penny. Here is all yon do: Ask na far tha special Bee be "BTB'* Test Card. We will give y«a FREE ana test card for each cow in yoar herd. AU yea do is fellow the simple directions on the card. We have Beeba "'BTB" taat card* in stock now. Ask for l'0-r FREB supply today. Remember, a •ew ninntes spent in testing year caws lor Maatitia may save some of year mart '•lot hie animals from slaachter. 'Jse Betbe G-Lac for treatment la both try and Lactatins cows. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHEHBY FLA1HD1ALKS • • .j. - <>t- •*».« .•*.»+ "; • l \ , v v ' i •-- ( , " •• r .> • 'W/*'-! Yaaks af Charts#* Jr,V _. and Mfri,Qshs engo, l®r. and erman, Mr. and Mrs vid family and Mrs. A pink _ baby George Kane Wagner was held Miss Alice Past, Mr. and Mrs. Kenosha spent Thursday with Mr. aad Mrs. Oscar Berg. ^ Susan Matty aa4 Carol Hart#*' son of Champaign Ifafti the weakend at their homes iwfc Mr. and Mrs. Ala itonr family of Hebron tag it Mrs. George 8hepanl war* Bunds* dinner guests la ths Wm. Hstaft home la Mrs. turned with ths fee* at his brwth**? Cecil B«rt» fct Walwofth. Mrs. Stanford of Mtsnna»ra|i spent the wsskaad with Mr daughter, Mrs. F. N. Mussy sHto family. J Weldon Andreas, ?, K Wayne W>*S. Mrs. J. C Mrs. B. T. Butler ers' meetings at Attn Miss Martaa Hawley dental assistants' Chicago, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. returned home 8atU visit with relatives tn Mr. and Mrs. „ and family and Mr Wiedrlch sad da vard, and Mr. rich and fandly spent Saaday mother and FYed Wladrfch, Br, baptissd the little and Mrs. Marl Ann and the little Roy Wisdrlchs, Nancy, r1 baptised ths daughter oft old Wieddohs, Pearl. Kanek ««• laastiy of lifen ~ the Mrs. Sunday Mr. »M Jht HSU W< taa^ay la the „ Northrup home at HartaML r- lad Mrs. Arthur RStK noon. Mr. sail Mrs. Biok Ol tertained at dinner Sr., Sunday In honor of their daugh- Carol Jean's 8th birthday. . to attend were Mr. and Mrs ittr Dimon, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hon ' and son, David, and Mr. >d Mrs. Gordon Larson and famiy. Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal #ke and Miss Marian Hawley pent the weekend in the Frank valters' home at New London, owa. Mrs. Viola Low spent Monday in le Walter Wilcox home at Woodtock. Mrs. Nellie Blackman spent the eekend wltV relatives at Keniha. \ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson id family of Dundee were Sun- ~ supper guests of his mother, Rose Jepson. Maxlne, Patty and. Datid Clay . Rockford spent the weekend 1th their grandparents, Mr. and Irs. Ed Peet. On Sunday, Mr. d Mrs. David Porter of Rocka* l, Maxlne, Patty and David lay with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet pere Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nd Mrs. Ben Foute and family St pring Grove and helped them elebrate their wedding anniverury- Mt. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of 'oodstoek and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Low and family spent Sunday the Beatty-Low home. RAIN OR SHINE! Richard Volhelm is arrays on time, good weather or Mia, delivering oven-fresh Omar Bread and Pastries -- direct from the Omar ovens -- right to your door! Like all Omar men Dick fis prompt and dependable -- calls on his customers every other day -- at about the same time tech day! Richard soys "Tomorrow I wil« be carrying a feature item, Omar •Old Fashioned Bread for only 21c,"' Get to know your Omar man! Write Omar in Waucinda. » Nasturtium loaves furnish alt excellent source of vitamin C.» I according to the Encyclopaedia [rritannica. ^ NOW! for Hallowe'en FRESH, SWEET CIDER Mossley Hill Orchards Pheae Barrlngton &&7-R Staid Located at Intersection of IT. S. Boats IS ai V Illinois Boats 28 Mar Lake Zurich, III. STOP Af tHE BIG RED APPLE SIGN LKAVE8 PRACTICE Dr. Saul Burton has closed ths doors of his Woodstock office and left last weekend for ^ hoyhood home in New York, where he plana to visit for a short prior to going into business at Allentown, Pa. Dr Burton, who was a practicing physician in Woodstock since 1940 (except for his war service) is giving up the general practice of medicine but will continue medical work. He plans to enter a large trucking firm owned by his father, to assist in the manifold duties necessary in the enterprise. 1 lag Day la tWr, th« governor K«w York proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day, in honor of the day that congress adopted the design for our flag. The house of Betsy Ross, in Philadelphia, where the first flag was made, has been preserved as an historic si] Fifty ftansrs, MKHag ten corn pickets _ dropped in at ths WsBk farm, located a alls north et Route 120 at Peacock's osrasta near Woodstock last week to per* form s neighborly act Before tha sun set In the west they had har» vested some fifty acres of corn ot the farm. This visit of farnlera waa more than Just as a frlaadiy act. It was an act of amy ta half of Dorr Shtrnafc a of the farm who had tbs tune to lose his right ana ia accident while operatloa picker oa ths farm the week. Keoklte Find vTour husband's shirt collars last longer if he'll remember faf slip his necktie into place bate#- donning his shirt This Is better' than forcing the collar up and down after it has been buttoned. j Rom where I sit JoeMutk Now They're SitHnfl Pretty Squiat Miller, who's waridag as s telephone lineman, was telling me about some birds that got into a flght with hia eempany. Seems a couple of woodpeckers set up housekeeping in a telephone pole. Nobody minded them living, j there, but they kept pecking at the wires--causing one short circuit sfter snother. Finally, the telephone people -- who had nothing personal agsinst the birds--just stopped up the hole where they lived. But they kept coming back. At lsst, ths company deaated that psle ts ths wsedgsdl ers sad set up a bread asw snsfag their1 own use! From where I sit, we'd all be better off if we were ss tolerant with our own .kind as that telsphsna outfit was with ths woodpecksrs. Let's consider ths other fellow's point of view--whether it's his right to live where he wants, or te •njoy a friendly glass of temperate beer or ale whsa and if hs pleases. _ - » Qot Coprr>',zht, 194% C in'cJ Srjres Bremen Fommittion .... i • ,, " --^ Ipipaa A lift : Hi I j f j r -- : r H#' 400,000 J^ople J^id More for Their Cars ' , than a Cadillac Costs ! You will probably find it difficult to believe the statement Ifhich appears above as the- headline for this mpssage. But records indicate that it & true, nevertheless. The reason for this is found in a surprising fact: There are tight other motor car manufacturers who produce certain jgiodels which actually cost more than the lowest-priced Cadillac. ' Approximately four hundred thousand of these higher-priced Ifiodels have been produced and sold in the post-war era. fcJndoubtedly, a great many of the people who bought these tiars did so MCauSe Cadillacs were not available at the time tlhey wanted delivery--a situation now happily being remedied. But it is doubtless true that many owners of these liigher-priced cars don't realize what they did. "Cadillac Jos sqph a wonderful world-wide reputation for goodness spd quality that many who can reputatioi afford it mistakenly conclude it is beyond their means. So they pay the price of a Cadillac--and don't get a Cadillac. We don't believe you would want that to happen to you. So we suggest that you come in and let us give you the actual delivered price here in this community for a Cadillac Sixty-one, equipped exactly as you want it. Let that be your economic yardstick as you select your car. Bear in mind, too, that a Cadillac is an economical car to own, as well as a reasonable car to buy. Its freedom from the need of repairs is sensational. It gives gasoline mileage which ictually approaches that of the lowest-priced popular cars. And it lasts so long that its full life-span has never been measured. Better come in today and get the whole Cadillac story. If you pay for a Cadillac, we think you will want to |f, rnrt t h a t y o u o n e . ' % and here's one reason WRY Ulsistfion Gat Cesolim is node possible b* modem Cms> lytic cracking on its like the one pictured soove. Hut art) muIti-miUion-dolhf Mandioa "cat cracker** b the man modem. raoM efficient ow baik. The simple fact is diet it gets more gasoline power out of even bind of oak -- oil than was ever before thought possmls, "IfAKB THIS TEST. Prov# ft to yourself. When yout *nk> nearly empty, fill up with Marathon Cst. Get out On the road. Slow dowo to the speed where rou generally 'lave to shift into second. Leave it in high. Feel your cu Kalong without a stutter. Now, jam jour foot dowo and fed it take off. It's a oew txptnntt/ When an pa* going to txy it? OVERTONICADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FBONT STREET PHONE ^IcHENEY, ILtT^ Convince yourself with Q/VE tan/s/ul of MARATHON W Gasoline QCKX AND fOWEXfVl AS A JUNGLB CAT THE OHIO OIL COMPANY •aoouesat as *»te•••••* test CARLSON OIL CO., ^ Distributor* Phone 255 M IK)WHSi NASH SALES MeHewr WM. BIJCHKBT West McHsary BG GBOCEBT GriswSM Lake TIOIAS GBOCEBT ^Wsai«r laks m 1 ' i •• lABifm SSBTYCS •cBsary,Bast