MP mmm M1 1 1 1m f i # ¥o i i im mi• - MilraMi Wonder Like • I II II M t 11 I I II M||; *• •sneeisa SelJf)lfj% Placate Spirits Of Halloween Over Weekend •0 A Surely the little spirit® of Hal- Tdween were satisfied with Wonder Lake because so many parties were given in tribute to them. Never was the occasion more thoroughly celebrated. The first of the series, of parties took place at the school on Friday aftercoon, with each room having a private party but with the children of the entire s< hool parading around the basketball court in the colorful costumes. In Mr. Lathrup'b room, Shirley (paranec was cnobea as having the prettiest' co-jtume and Betty - Wright had the funniest. Dlann Benson and Billy Wright were awarded prizes in Mrs. Stone's fifth and sixth grade room. We hear that Diann was breatht&kingly lovely. Karen Meyer of Mrs. Durkee's room was awarded the prize and we were unable to find out who won in Mrs. Adam's room. The youngsters in Mrs. Lathrop's room all came, attired in fostumes but they were all so ood that no prizes were award? ed although one old tramp was ol outstanding as welt at the Devil, and a sweet, ed girl. T WkkHfc* POA 4 ^ Has Bum and ^; Party at Legion Halt* On Saturday night there were three big panies. The Wickline j Bay Property Owners held a "hard 1 times" dance at the Legion Hall j which well ever 100 attended j As the folks arrived, each was i given an identification card in j either the cat or the pumpkin de-l parement This was a part of the I get - acquainted-with-your-neigh- j bor program. Cats were the! ladies, pumpkins were the men. | Art Thorns provided music for, those who wished to dance andj Mrs. C. Wright led in games for j those who didn't dance. Among i the games were pencil stunts and I an autograph nickname hunt. Mr. \ Overgard won the prize. Jane Morin was in charge of the food for the party. Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Wickline came in turnabout clothes; nlie as a man and he as a woman. They created a great deal of merri-' ment, particularly wh«h - "she" started a strip tease dance. Tickets For. *» • ' "SwtafAloag* ;• 'r'v/.:' y."' Fro* Mrs. KepMk The Woodstock Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring a big musical show on Nov. 11 and 12, called "Swing Along". The show has been put together by the Woodstock chapter of the barbershop singers. All of the services to the show «re donated and all funds derived from the show are to go to the fund for the addition to the hospital. The women of the Auxiliary have long planned an addition which will be just for children and mothers. This fund is almost large enough to start the building program and the annual show is- lor this specific purpose. Libby Repan has ticketsfor sale in Wonder Lake. Johnny Wright Wins Bicycle a| Auxiliary Party * - Little JJohnny Wright won first prize awarded at the Legion Auxiliary party on Monday night. The tj take "place. The exact not been decided upon. i * * i pvi CROP Food Reaches r TO ATTEND WORKSHOP John Lathrop, principal of Harrison school, attended a .division meeting of , superintendents and ; principals at Hinsdale last Monday and will attend an Illinois Education Association workshop at Aurora on Monday, Nov. 7. i Orphans Overseas rOUR WORLD WAR 2 VOLUMES HSCUVED AT STATE LIBRARY BRIEFIES" Sgt. and Mrs. Cihos are away at this writing attending the funeral of Mrs. Cihos' dad. who died suddenly last week.--Pelham Woodward, 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Woodward of Wonder Woods, enlisted fast Friday in the army and reported at Tort Riley. Kas.. for training on Monday.-- Pre-nuptialk showers are part was a fine success with most being held for Catherine Mario of the school children of, the late i "Kav" Sullivan, daughter of Mr. in attendance. The Auxiliary is and"Mrs. R. C. Sullivan. Kay will grateful to Ivar Fredricksen for, marry James Stilling of johns- Ioaning the truck; to the Jarvisjburg on Nov. 12 at Christ the Food Shop and Mrs. Vanderstrae-1 King church at 10 a.m.--Tho ten for donating doughnuts; to the! Henry Setzlers welcomed their Cardinal Food Shop lor cocker- second child, a girl, at the Woodjack;, to ^he Wonder Food Store stock hospital on Oct. 27. She has for the candy: to Elmer Murphy,la little sister, Donna, to welcome Frank Corrado, Bud Elbert son and j her. Henry is president of the Infor P^GWnS UP the j dian Ridge Association.---The Robchildren. ^ ert Nicholsons also hav*» a second Among the amusing costumes' girl, born at Woodstock hospital noted were the Schimfce family, all i on Oct. 29. Marcia Ann, 3 F L O O R T I L E ASPHALT and RUBBER also ' PLASTIC WALL TILE J. M. STANGARONlt 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, 111. as ghosts, including the babv l.ry who seemed to enjoy the rjl<\ Tlie three Seliek children. Randy, Leanna and Douglas as three tramps; Peter Bastion as a scarecrow and Judy as a pickinnv, were all outstanding: ; • Party Held at {Loshoogh Home waiting in Hickbry Hills to see the newcomer.1 v : ?• Saturday Mfrht Some of thtr young folks - from the Wonder Lake Gospel Center enjoyed a dance in a big barn on i the Jack Loshbotigh farm on route 14 in Hartland on Saturday night. ; Those attending from here were, I Joan Dornbush. Clayton Dornl bush. John l>avidson, Melvin and fiOSPEL CE>TER IF.WS The pastor is attending the annual conference of the Great Lakes Missionary Society at Bay City, Mich.. this week, but expects to be home before Sunday. The Halloween parties on Fri , At a meeting held ta Wood^Wfci'v^" last week by the executive board of the McHenry county dtapttr Middle Bast and Africa, eleven on I (Jmgif the Pacific theatre, two on the do- »«• Jfense of the Americas, three on | *0 VlCiuM |p i civil affairs, five on logistics, | .... t. j twenty-four on technical services, _ ' . eight on special studies and seven Four volumes of a 98-volume ; on the air force. history 'of World War II being j The state library also has a prepared by the historical - 8eries of small paper-bound val- °' t'le American Cancer division of the department of the umes on specific areas and cam- T*lan* were discussed for developariny have been received at the paigns in World War II Mr Bar- an organization in tho county. Illinois State library, Secretary of I r„»» thi ' -- --•-» •- --- * State Edward J. Barrett, state' librarian, has announced. Two of the volumes deal with the war in the Pacific theatre: "Guadalcanal: The First Offensive", and "Okinawa: The Last Battle." The other two are in the _ _ ground forces series: "The Organ-; Beatih ~t'Q Cherbourg. ization of Ground Combat Troops," and "The Procurment and Train- - These three orphans, are part of a group of 41.000 children being fed in a sector of Western Germany with food'contributed by America's farm oeople through the Christian Rural Jversi-as Program (CROP). CROP is now shipping food to orphans, widows, the aged, and many others in-great need, as fast as farm commodities Are collected in Ameri-: ca. A total of 35 states, including his Me. are conducting campaigns .o fill Friendship Food trains. Over 100,000 . persons have volunteered iheir services to canvass for food from farm. • A national goal of 3500 carloads Of food has; been Set-b^v CROP'S sponday and Saturday evenings atsors; Catholic Rural Life, Church tracted a large number of young-, World Service <22' denominations), sters. They all reported a fine and Lutheran World Relief. The N^w Sunday School class' for high school students is growing. The teacher is Jack Loshhaugh. who recently graduated from the University of Illinois. Drivers Again Reminded Licenses Are One Dollar 7hT 1 t 'Jgiigt M. "I"? : I y COMFORT I There's comfort in knowing : that all will be taken care of in your ihour of bereavement. Our efficient, experienced per- ^ sonnel will take charge of all .Retails for you and will arxug9 a dignified service in perfect keeping with your wishes. Jacob Justen Sons. Funeral Home Phone 1M-R er 112-W Annette Glauser and her sister, Grace, from Ringwood, were also at this party. Harrington!) Win Prise at Grill Noisemakers and hats were p&ssed around to guests at the Rolaine Grill on Saturday night when they held their annual Halloween party. Folks were jammed in there to share the fun and see More than 15 per cent of persons applying for drivers' still unaware that the fee for an operator's license was increased from fifty cents to for*boys from 12 and up.'There is;"110 £)llar ,at A the la8t 8£88io" of » vnriotv of ar-Hvi.ia- thn th« «pneral Assembly. Secretary Donald Jones, John West and He extends a cordial welcome to : Sharon Grace Sells. Peggy Sels-:th? young people to attend and """" i dorf was a visitor at the party. | i°'n <"lass 1 The Boys Brigade meet at the Center every Tuesday night. It's a variety of activities under the best of leadership. A really good time is assured. Next Sunday, Nov. 6. the pastor will preach at the Morning Wtorship Service. In the evening at 7:45 a* large group of students from the Trinity Seminary Bible College will be here to take charge isome of the competing costumes. of, the service. ,,A, n .u nusual mu.s ic.- ' Jim and Dolores Harrington were ,Pr?£ram wiI M be Presp»ted- | awarded a stuffed doll as fir8t I With the group is Max Gummeson. I prize. The were dressed in cowboy I clothes. Henry Ross was awarded second prize, a set of matching plastic glasses, and his wife was given the , booby prize. They are Jfrom Indian Ridge and came .as hoboes. T of State Edward J. Barrett has ; announced. j "Applications which arrive at {our drivers' license division v ac- : companied "by a fifty cent fee cause inconvenience to the driver and added expence to the state," Barrett said, "because our only I recourse is to return the applica- I tion and fee to the applicant with a request for the proper fee. Of these are: to glve assistance to cancer •>$$> "Papuan Campaign," To Bizerte A budget was accepted for .- with the II Corps. Salerno." "Vol- the ensuing year and an applies- * turno," The Winter Line," Mer-; "on was made out to secnv* rill's Maruaders," "Omaha Beach- financial assistance from tm head," "The Admiralties," "Ma- tional society to carry on the v kin," "Guan," Small Unit Actions." county work. i* "St. Lo," "Anzio," and "Utah The county chairman, Mrs. Pnro^Crr thy M. Ogle, announced that the""5"*" executive board would be com* C*~ The Atlantic blue crab carries posed of officers of -the count ing of Ground Combat Troops", 'as many as 1.7500,000 eggs at one group and and a number of mem- In addition to the World War time, according to the Encyclo- bers including the following fromP II history, two volumes of a 17- rPaedia Britannica. volume official army history of j World War I have also been re-1 Need rubber stamprf ceived at the state library, Mr. j The Plaindealer. Barrett said. They are "Organ-! „ . ization of the American Expeditionary Force." A staff of some fifty writers. editors and researchers is employed by the army's historical division in the work of compiling the histories. Secretary .Barrett, said. A.S the volumes are com-! pleted, they are forwarded to per-?! sons ordering them. j ; \Vhen. completed, the World War j II 'history will include fourteen > volumes on the army high com-t mand, three on ground forces, | one on service forces, three on the |, China-Burma-India theatre, nine! on the European theatre of operations. six on the Mediterranean theatre of operations, two on the Otder at McHenry, Dr. Wm. Mrs., .William Green. Nye and Besd the Want Adl WHEN IN NEED OF Auto Repairing and Greasing , DRIVE INTO • BUTCH'S AUT& SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. ( " McHenry 1 PHONE 811 ,'x: we also have Anti-Freeze of al] kinds ^ , •"' '24' Hour Towing Servicer . %• - AT LAGREfAS* A party was also held at La- Grecas with fun, frolicking and favors. Refreshments wer^4Wrved all evening. A report on the state convention was given on Sunday morning at the meeting of the Isaac Walton League meeting, held at the Rolaine Grill at 10:30 a.m., with Andy Kunzzin tn charge. A surprise party was given to Francis Grasser of Wickline on Saturday night in honor of his birthday. Later the group attended the big party at the Legion Home. COMMVNITY CLIU Watch for the fall organization meeting of the Community Club. It will be held this month some time and election of officers will What was i to call the That hurried call you made the night of Billy's critical illness cost only a few pennies. But when the doctor arrived so promptly you knew how much that single call was worth. There are times when nothing means so much and costs so little as a telephone call -- even if it's only to say "hello" to someone near and dear. JUMOtt IIU mmHMfe COMPANY c } i *• Mi NO HIC« can m«A»ui« ITS U»lFUtM«»» outstanding piano and accordian I player. Plan to attend this serv-! ice and bring in your friends. The roar of a Rrazillian howling monkey can be heard for miles, according to the Encyclopatdia Britannica. Uncle Sam Says NOTirR » Beuiiiiiiiic Sunday, Oct. SO, Sun day hours will be from 8 a.m. te ! V; 8 i>.iii. AH other daysv hours 8 a.m. I I® t» J» pjn. Jiye lirng. Sior?, Me-, Henry. *86 j .'.Bead the Want Adv PUT NEW LIFE In YoTit Car! Many of my nephews and nieces find that the contents of their pay envelopes usually zoom away with| supersonic speed--their money isi Jet propelled. If that's happening' to yon -- STOP IT AUTOMATICAL-, LT. Sign up today for U. S. Sav-j fiif Bonds where you work, or, If self-employed, for the Bond-a-Month Plan at your bank. U. S. Tnmh) Department & Fire Produces Oil Low-yield or nearly exhausted wells will Increase their flow if ft fire is started at the bottom of the well. The fire heats the oil-bearing land and this causes the oil flow to be increased. with a PRECISION REBUILT ENGINE New Car Guarantee Community Aoto Supply Complete line of Beebe livestock j 120 and 81 Phone 778 •remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Me | Henry. 8-tf j As*. Fok PICTURES SNIAR6CD AT NO -EXTRA CHAR6E! klNGSlZE: Q U A l_ I T V snapshots ^aIbum CON TACT S'ZE PER ROa &* Km0 9itt CM CONTACT Mtt/t. Q BLFHM 69* • I6£XQ9* WATTLES DRUG STORE 515 Main Street McHenry Phone 450 f TO SET A GOOD THRIFTY TABLE BC V FOODS THAT BEAR T H E . . . ANN PAGE LABEL ANN PAGE I6-0Z. TINS IS'/i-OZ TINS Beans with Pork . .2 ANN PAGE Prepared Spaghetti 2 ANN »AGE Strawberry Preserve. .'^39* ANN PAGE Blended Syrap.... 45* ANN PAGE Grape Jam. . . . . .'^ 25* ANN PAGE " -- Salad Dressing ... . ^27* ANN PAGE--ASSORTED FLAVORS Sparkle Puddings. . 4 «ss 22* ANN PAGE-ASSORTED FLAVORS Sparkle Dessert*. .4 Ann Page Macaroni . Ann Page French Dressing ...' PKGS. £ % MORE VALUES! Mnslard Sardines Mmini snu . ."i™ 15' Bine Label Kara Syrup . . . I6C Libby Brand Tomato Juice .. 26* Coldstream Brand Pink Salmen 41* A&P Brand Sweet Potatoes SQUAT TIN 2D* A&P Qra>d Fancy Pumpkin dexo Shortening VEGETABLE . ' 2n°ns'27# . . "m- 77* Customers' Corner ^eestion: Does year AIF «!*• fm t««d food at low prices? Aaswor: Yes. Thai is why MiHioM of American "amilias do < food shoppinq aJ AtP. Psntiei: Is A&P a mono poly? Answer: No. We do oely < share of the nation's food hesiaess ... a smaller share thaa we did 10 years af». Question: Dees AtP drive conpsN> tors out of beslnoss? Answer: No. We have mere es» petitors today tkae we bad 10 years ago and many of oar qood competitors have peblldy adver> tlsed their wllllnqness and aMtlty to compete with it. Why, then, do the entl-trnst lawyers wast to pat year AW oaf of business? FOULD'S LONG Thin Spaghetti I2C 8-OZ. PKG. FOULD'S Elbo Macaroni I2e •-OZ. PKG. BUHER KERNEL Peas and Carrots 2 SAVE 10c •Redeem Your Snow Crop Coupons at A&P! Yonr qrocer will dedect 10« from total price In retnre for the coepon when yoo bay any three a# oar $ e o w Crap brand. IN A&FS MEAT DEFT! Picnic Hams 39c CORN KING Sliced Bacon . MICKELBERRY'S Franks MICKELBERRY'S Liver Sausage 53c 59c FROZEN FISH 43cj 39c 45c 89 c Perch Fillets Cod Fillets Haddock Fillets Jumbo Shrimp . FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES! 155 19c LARGE SIZE Cauliflower LARGE SIZE Pascal Celery REGALO Spinach COLO. McCLUIUJ Potatoes bag $3.39 FROZEN FOODS Peas Corn Raspberries „ Orange Juice „ 23c _ 23c i296 „ 25c * ; "T* •1^ *•: • • •• * • « * ' * • • ' V ' 4 / • •' • ; e DAIRY DELIGHTS! BAKERY IREATS! WISCONSIN PANCV Brick Cheese WISCONSIN SHARP Cheddar Cheese FANC* LB 41c to. 75c Liederkranz Cheese p&29e MILD AND MELLOW 8 0'Clock Coffee RICH AND FULlrlODIED Red Circle Coffee VIGOROUS AND WINEY Bokar Coffee ..... IB. •A6 44c S VARIETIES Cottage Choose CTN " 21e JANE PACT Jl PFfifFERNEUSSE Cook' i. JANE r RKER Fru^?ake maryfl Oiaaor Relis RAISIN TWIST OetfeeCake each iJ-OUNCE «Q. C«LLO IAS "SS S1.2S w 10c OF » 39o ia« 48c LISAS 51c -i. •' t ' * • : •'-* / ... • 1 *.\~ - f - '• **7 7 1. ~ V * t •m ' • - • i' ^ *•*•"$