CLQ5 5 I F I ED FOR RENT SECTION TOR SALE -- Beer -.for your ice i'oM ease beer of aU kinds, comc to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of ^wines and package goods to take | Open Every Day From 11 a.m. |out fit the lowest prices. 513 Main ; Closed Mondays | street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf : We Serve WELCOME TO BBXTA'S BBSTAUBAKT 138 N. Riverside Dr„ McHenry, 111. Phone 425 [ FOB BENT--,To!i nson floor waxer, $1 per day. GainUle's, West Meilenry. 7-tf SPRING GROVE w Became of the great number of tlftMlfied ada which appear in the Malndealer each week, we have jdffend it impossible to keep books r7m such small accounts. Therefore, in the future, only ads which we paid for before thii section of the paper goes to press at 10 o'clock on Wednesday mtnings Mil be printed. Insulation, installed by Tho Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo J. j Stilling, McHenry 18. , 4(Mi I Breakfast, Lunches and Dinners j FOB RENT house; utoniutic heat; woman to do j , _ „„„ ! _ _ To couple, four FOR SALE--Johns-Manvllle Honto "Try Our Delicious Sunday Dinners" ! room new; modern plumb (by Mrs. Charles Freund) AMERICAN INDUSTRY COUNTY D.H.I.A. TQ WORKERS SAFER IN BEGIN NEW UNIT '48, SAYS COUNCIL AFTER JANUARY f Workers . in American industry There »*, McHenry cooity wlwjvoitfd Mw • : V, . - to Join 4mt as yet MttMOM lMft< *i„t. n u t i .. I not been ibade to thto office, Tk were safer in 1948 x than in any! PDUt^hnnllnn*r aannothhetr Wunint tno ttTbegtiin testers will also make ftpplfcft Jf yoQ are «|es|r(MM^ of tp K Turkey, Chicken, Steaks Sea Fod etc, "Swedish Home Cooking? First Class Food" "Moderate Prices" » "Nice Service" mg. FOR BALE FOB SALE -- 8x10 Walk- In Ke j FOB SALE -- 193? Ford Panel I Truck. Good condition. Can be seen ! at McHenry Garage, 604 Front St.,) j McHenrr. Tel. 403. 23tf . j SELECT YOUR LOT FOB SALE - Purebred Hampshire 8u)(d and we bui,d boar, out? year old, Mullady Farm MODERN BRICK ' breeding. Spring \ alley Farm Me- appoilltlnent CALL JAI UH TIUTZ (Henry Ave < rvstal Lake, phone | REAL ESTATE ln johnf,burR. Tcl. jCryata; . Lake 1336J2. ^McHenry 37, or Cheapo Lincoln FOB SALE -- Confinement raised young turkeys, premium quality. 1« |200 BE WARD -- For arrest , The long, awaited becoming|Zal^ot Al^ot t * * occasional uart time work for .took place at Richmond last-week- j . Reports to - the , Council, as ? dairymen • who hive reauested to ,arm •dflsw* Offlce. ri owner; nSa'n willing to do part end. Highlight was the $jAi4&$r»0f, shown in the 1949 edition of its | become members'are as follow* -' The charge for Standard IMI.I - * time yard work. Owner will pay j the football game with Darien by statistical yearbook." "Accident Hf.nijan Yur^ and William Prandt**• • service in $6.50 for a twenty .• t for services: you" pay rent. Write a score of 26 to 0. This was on i F'ac,ts," indicates that disabling Huntlev Rav Rattrav t'iinton;COW' herd and twenty cetttft for( ' ' Wox tWO. Plaiiiiloale;." *24-2 ' Friday but the celebrating pre-! injuries per t,000,000 man-hourr ' Swcnson and B A Trarev Al~on-' pa°k twenty. Testing ceding it and climaxing it were,averaged 11.49 vfor all reporting nuiir F c: Hanfnrri Bnh.r» ">ade on the herd monthly under, *'3 --' -- •« m«o tvi. in , . . . , ^jg plan, but a bi-monthly test,, can be requested. This would cut tfie cost and is ^acenrat*; enough , enoush to b< official. *OR BrJNT -- FOB BENT ?4 :l ii»»t«rested_ speriatorfT Led by worked in nil ^industries last year, ^avif* and'CWiiuim"Ha?rTs.glRich- .-Order your rubber stamp* at 1»a, y'• ' 7;-""7:--- baton twirlers and the band, the a reduction of 9 per cent from • Merle Anidor Wnnd<«»n<.V Jhve fWMtt >«t«Mg-. various- floats of the high school 1947 also the best record.,' Amd0r- ^00dst0tlk «gerator with Finn foils, <coi>«- • |0 22 lbs. dressed weight. Also livel„ni jssor, and electric motor. Exeel* Mc-! ^h„ 25-tf j „ . •r, i»<*"•««• f. • various 194i record. . -- -- wantea. Telephone classes and floats of homecoming In both years lumbering !:ad I and j rystal Lake. ^ *2.». qUet»ns of 1947 and 194S road the highest aeeid« nt frequency ! ?rsoTT*,t pop iiViJ'r 1, 'ftroukh but if 18 per , Plaindvaier. m rifetj«>B--ef^iwm-^i^ersons.4|ti>""^s^, _ v. t through town, ending at Clreely rate, fmt it was reduced 1*---iwr hmt condition. All for $500.00 if | Bfc^7i^^l"^^61^R-C*' \ Wnk rS liJnshlSl 7)1 ^•> • fo»r r«>ou,s with - bathY gas ' and ««W- where the football game was, cent in 1948-from f, 9.71 to 49.04. taken at once. 1). 11 ereley and Sens, , «•>*.;-. ! M,nK Kanfh- in. , j, T,, f,,, ^ » -Uarvard, 111., Phones 10. and 101. 25 ' FOB SALE t. . GIFTS--Be, and thought-1- About 1,> acres of : this Christmas. Send Orandula, : "±r~--_ ----r-t •*- jcom in field. M. Gladstone. Inquire r„i..,...j . « 1 * C0R SALE -- Duo-Therm 0-rcK)m 1 nt the 9tore. 24tf triends a record «,f oil circulating heater; two 50-gal. drums in good condition. $50. Tel. 1 FOR SAXJB -- McHenry 752-R, 25 ,65c lb. ' • j drnV m FOB SALE -- 4 white wall Fire- deJiver stone tires and tubes; had very ' post-card. JjJle use; 700x15. *45.00 Phone j West McHenrr. Ill Wonder Lake 60S. WANTED Tu FluNT the children's and your Voices t'o WANTED tO: rEATHER PARTY played To music of the Silver Coal mining, with the gm:test PUBLIC Derby Orchestra, dancing was .>11- accident severity rate -both -yeitt'fv • ""joyed at the high school auditor- went down "from 7 96 to"7.fl,iJ 'a , i C A rl TT D A X 7"T> % -if T1 "1 ^ / ;ini« in. the evening. The queen and ; per cent reduction. • v «3/V 1 U JaUa X IN v^l V r^lVI Il KK' J.A - her court -niade their eutrance. "Counnunicatioris ;igam 'ttiiiK«-iL, ; •. ^ SQUAW CREEK FARMS . 1 i'1 - .>•••• ,1 •' ! K-.iin.! th« (jru^ ii:i; Road ur";|* ^ lii si; Nov. 19, ;it . Sj^irtsinau's Ifin V VV jvKT TO liijlpp : t: V(t To Be.Feaiiircd At.1 *!?• t'-t ,f;r7^A SLORO GOOCH, Owner ^ *' n»vf ay >., 11:iViji-.v.i.r. st\j:is at uiss;» vmmrm FOR SALE Girl's three-pi£ce served. HIGHEST B1DDEB Gets this ' snow suit, grey with room home; come and see and 8ize 8. good condition make n private bid. Hardwood . Hetterma art.-. Phone floors, plastered walls, full base- ,j 410-R. mciit. fur lace heat; 2 - 05x1^2 ft. Lots (one corner lot) only open fori FOB 8AL>;--Hottse bids Friday, Saturday and Suudav , enclosed porch, cabinet from 11:00 to ,0:00. 907 Boutn basement, furnace b Q£eei» Nt. #25 \ chicken house, large tr day night \ost»>r ' -o: I nloader \ v rr 1 nit. Rnllt r and Canvas; Int'.Ttmtionii ^C'i 1,mmedi,a r FOB SALE -- ('ity lot 42 ft. by 56 t<L possession , PROBLEMS TO l*S--We can de- , LOST DOO -- (T,n hair Yards. -brown < There were danc es for young and Lake, 111. THAT COU^SSteS AmS» ^ SALE ~ In McHenry, 2 flats ! electric rod cut out the obstruc- »e«r intersection of 31 and 120, [ "on 1; tw! k ^1 r T" ,. I large lot facing U.S. 31 and mill • No digging. No lawn mess. 47.HJRD ^upcr Deluxe Ceach, radio , R|r*nm alf(0 8uitnble for business, | 9*r>Uc Tanks and Grease Traps _ n»'Htor, Jjike new. I #A«. ;n/Ara.«4;<v.. :» I Cleaned. Rnllt And RAnnlrpd Of? I _ 111 • ^JilCLOtlOED 8EWER.J Have the1 Cnm C„%,a rio^ electric rod cut out the obstruc- I 4JIldC CjcllTl otl > S Tlwii. (i-iv ;irteino«>n. (lames live-lmntlrc'd' W«r»> ivlaved , iiritcs MMJt to AJrn. Arthur K;t! • judee^.: are among the i u| t a i i ! - 1 raisers on opening ilay. Last .vn/j ^M^mL TYit Mv>Orr»LTT"rIrIr Hu pec. Deih ue S«,e d,a n t for information call Jacob Fritz, in John„b Td McH(lnrv 37- Real economv found he#r. 1 * * 46-PLYAIOUTH Deluxe Coach, low {FOB KALE -- Antiques, chipa, milage, perfect shape. I glass, lamps, clicks, miscellaneous, 46-CHEVHOLET Hport Sedttti, liad | items. Clothes for the fainilg. For-f the best of care. imxila. (This clothing in good con- \ 4C-DODGH Tudor Wcdan. fully j dition>. Open daily 1 p.m. to 10 ; Cleaned, Built and Repaired. Modem Construction. Competent Engineering. Lake County Sanitaiv Co.. Libertyville Tel. 134ti. 47-tf equipped, A-l. 42-DOrKt'E 4 Door Nedaii - 41-XARH "Ambassador" fttjlan 40-DODGE A Door RedAn 39-DODU K 4 Door Sedan. ...... , 39 CHEVROLET Tudor Secft»r-- j|' PLCS MANY OTHERS MXMEOORAPK SERVICE Typing Mimeographing - i p.m. Hun. and holidovs 11 a.m. to i' t. Addressing (6 p.m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cottn I !™inj£ ^7^° " Rea«wn»Hc j Rd. Coasigmuent and Resale and I ^L°U^ J,4 ; Antique Hhop, yt mi. West Terra Wood8tock- *®». Woodstock 470-M. jCettn Factory wMch is on Rt. 31,1 10 t' • Crystal Lake, III., 1346 R1. A. S. BLAKE MOTOB BALES 301 E. Pearl Street McHenry FOB SALE -- Complete fishing equipment, including 2 reels, 2 rods, Yhoiw 166 | box, etc.; 1 RCA table radio, wal- 23jBut cabinct; electric motor repair equipment (HF wire, electric motoT ^ ® SALE -- 3tll yehr homes. | switch, bearings, carbon brushes, o^rooms and bath near'Chapel Hill, unts, bolts, washers, condensers.) $7500.00; 4 rooms and bath North of Johnsburg, $7500.00. JACOB FH* T Z-R E A LTOR, in Johnsburg, Tel. McIIenry 37. 23tf Also new 4 in. jaw, bench vise; 48 in. flourcscent light fixture, 3 new \\ HP motors and other items; reasonable. Call McHenry 678-M-2 after 7 pfin. *25 JWR SALE-- Modern Brick .Home Cl to 6 rooms; Face Brick on all! FOB SALE -- 40 miles from high four sides, Radient H. W. Heat prices. Nelect your 'Christmas Spinet or Automatic Hot' Air, also Auto matic Hot water <ina Heater, City Sewer, Walking distance to R.R. and stores, Bathing Beach. Only Piano • Baldwin; Conover-Cable; Wurlitzer; Lester-Betsey Ross; Gulbransen; Estey; and many others. Cash or Terms. Tel. 780 or write $1500.00 or more Cash down pay- ' DAVID E. STARK PIANO CO., hjenlt^Bal. 20 Years to pay. Jacob 21 N.JJnion 8t. Elgin, 111. 25-4 KtSOSLLAKEOUS Fritz-Real Estate in Jehnsburg. TeL McHenry 37, or ChUtfego, Lincoln 1333-4. 24tf FOR SALE -- Large pot burner «il stove, good heater. Cheap, Call LcHonry 672-W-2 Sundays only. #24-2 BABO'ONS -- IN PERMANENT HOMES. McHENBY. McOULLOM LAKE, WONDEB LAKE. FABMS, CHOIOE LOTS. BESOBT PBOPEBTY, BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE. 405 BICHMOND B O A B, SHONE McHENBY 421-J. OABBAOE OOLLEOTINO -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route.! John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me ! Henry, Phone 365. tf 1 JOIN TODAY jo, SECURITY TOMORROW PAYROLL SAVINC M M - W^itere.r': 1 Hog i'Ved^r: M'oJLj Wa««»n with 42 in. Stake Sido?: M*y« 1 let-Water li'ati r, K!<-< trio: 3 Milk l uits and Pails'; 1 Sterling Air . I-ost .year farm ywitiR^r*- ex- : Comprcrser No. A 1 .6 Cubi, Ft. IV,M> freeze. - % " « JVJ!' i'liVn i hil.'ited nearly- l.«>i«» hes'd . f live- ; Sale Cnder- .nuttBgCdieBt of .IMwext Hales Mmh* r- A i , HnT-k !8l(K k in ,l1' J»«u<r contest. Many Robert Neltr. .tnMioiirea' Lonls Srtt«. Mgr. and t*lH* Irv «-i,i J ' of these wnit 011 to win to,» plrtcos All sales u'uler ?: n.'-il csf.1i «- those desiring credit on machinery «#-• ' tes« ""' in the open show for adult live- cattle or information on cattle offerings inquire of Robert Seit*. P. Oij, iV stock feeders. In the 1947 Inlei- j iiox 7<>. Waukesha. W;s.. or phone 6077. Mrs Charles Gillespie Was nathmal. two of the three individ-1 ..... J . ho-vtess- to the members of her ua) sll()%v grand champion animals ' i'M-'UM-ri <11 H 111 »•{ cltth nt her home on Thursday 1 wt>|>. Aliown bv v*)inigsters. The atternooa. Five-hundred furnish-d auction of livestock shown bv the entertainment and prizes were boys a„d girls last year totaled jiwurdcd' those, . uchiovlinnKc kh'i®t*h1 inmenairpliyv lhuanliff an million dollars. scores. A lovely lunch was served • • • ufter cards. • • . . : " 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Whiter Urown and Ntm-Breeding Bull < liildren are spending" this week w ith home folks in Iowa Mr ;ind Mrs Fred Mever have Some bulls refuse to mate when moved 10 strange surroundings, returned U* having ^hile others that-refuse to mate in Spent the.. iitti; >eeks with : their customary environment rerheir drfuplVte*. t >|ilrs.' OeorRe A. spond well to a change of scene or Mart, atid Tan)llJ*.?' attendants. Sexual disinterest is •'.V'-Hplloweeh |ia^Ly Was held in temporary iii many cases and it '-t hilH 011 Monday after- merely takes patience and good CEMENT BUILDING if it's money worries thai make \?' n ^ ' "il(Jr«u. The har.dling by the owner to correct . . B^0CK8 ; fon act peculiar, like on t^c d»y ^Hter^rl.-.nnJtf^ttJ^v, g*tme« tor the trouble. Sometimes, however. Available now in any quantity ' t^efore pay day who* jr»«r. ' i | a j | | W i . V 'm 1 a change trf feed, more exercise, are empty, here's YQIJR ^ivit amins, hormones, or treatment -J'fit disease conditions may be mi7n» ^iven thej nepded t0 restore the bull to use- Aatomatlc Vavhigs~_ throug:lv"Tfc»e children lunch ,wa§ I fu^ess. >v1i<a w,,r'; at the Water Tower in West McIIenrv VON OONCBETE PRODUCTS CO. Hours 7 a. m. to fi p. m. Phoae McHenry 788-W i are empty, here's *01JR cluldren ! TUNITY to get on the <unny aide ai 7l'?th,,r^hw 111 t life. Save the simple, ^rfiiflMMtee tive ainl^ne«i way--with U. S. S'aHngs Bond» M»".v «vi7r» rivf 4-tf FREE ESTIMATES on all building materials. Call or write FRANK OANS 300 Riverside Drive, MeHeary Tel. 100-W Representing SEARS BOEBUOK ft 00. in this area. Roofing, Siding, In Payroll Savings Plan where you! prepar*^ work, or, if self-cm placed, the ft-Month Plan ivhcre yoH badk, sore cure for the betweoa *%eeble-Jeebles." And--yw GROWS--$4 lor every ft* vest, in ten short yq>h. US Tttttotv V«, Cape Cod Canal ^ i»res« f»*» cost Sisters in pi ^ijWions Chewing Cloves a ilkUK^I*jfccow. tteeorat.ed i twoen sen- j The custom of chcwins cloves to t . ^or" a" sweeten the breath is over 4,000 thank the | years 0'd. The earliest record of comes from China, where court officers were required to hold cloves in their mouths when addressing the king. „ t<> Hi h:,^3Rt ,?Th Cml,ti this spice ft 3riUF»alUn# preperwhich was . . . « . . . , A l t h o u g h G e o r g e * . . -- x , .Iron K»,hn«-1 stressed the need for a canal across est Prosen Beef Tests" at the Pennsylvania state UNSET ft BENSTEN - Carpenters - Summer Homes - BamodaUng Cabinet Work For estimates: Tel. McHenry 893.Jj.__ ^ | actuaUy begun on the waterway, pai&able after "storage for a year or Woodstock l.?59 W !EXPEBT PIANO TUNING AND j The Cape Cod canal was completed Storm Windows, Garage Doors, « « V . .- Tests at trie i-ennsyivania state Wall and Floor Tile. Free deliv- Cape ^oi Rev«luUonary 1 college agricultural experiment staerv. 18-tf war' was before %or»» wis ^ion show that ground beef can be »22-; MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING SEH< l BEPAIBINO -- Work fully guaran-1 in 1914 at a. cost of $13,000,009. | teed. Also used pianos for sale, j ] in a freezer locker, provided the- Effects of Worry , Medicos claim that worry brings more wrinkles than age. and that it takes twice as many muscles to Jxmvn as it does to smile. NOW IS THE TIME TQ FIX UP THE HOUSE FOR FALL . . Gnstom Made , ' Draperies Slipcovefl . Curtains Pillows Valances Bedspreads Cornices Venetian Blinds COMPLETE UPHOLSTERY SERVICE $ k'-z* -m 204 S. Green St. Phone McHenry &0 VICE--Records insUlledand main- i Cal1 tollect' Lake Zur tained. Elmer P. Adams: Certiflad Tax Consultant. One mile north of Fox Lake on Route U. 8. 12; Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 5962. 47-tf j COMPLETE TREE SERVICE j -- Tree Feeding -- I Trees SPRAYING Weed Control Fly and Mosquito ANDERSON TBEE SERVICE temperature and wrapping are right. Best results were obtained at degrees below zero ami with • • • • • • FOB SALB--Antiques, glass, china, rxlverware, lamps, clocks, clothes "for the family. Formals. (This elothing in good condition.) Open daily until 10 p.m. Sundays and holidays, 11 a.m. to C p.m. Miseel la neons items. Mrs. R. Dietrich,; 1 . -- LAVMCAPrvn fppr anvnvs v Terra Cotta road, Terra Cotta Con- j BEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash AND REMOVAL INSURED Casein Paint 20 degree Casein is the protein of milk and i aluminum foil wrapping. the principal conytituent of cheese. ' »-- . ( .Casein is used extensively in the 'l'oni Permanent Wave Kits. 11.28 1 manufacture of.water paints *';0; 1 lHi.00. Wattles Drug Store. S5-tl 1 WELLS DBILLBD OR DRIVEN «d~nrJ™ "BmB;"onr:P5S i 519 WMk^ Roa<r7 McSen^24 Main Street, McHenrjr. T»it»ptin»n» i 1«7. 25-tf! EXPERIENCED sign01e nt and Resale and Antique : prices paid for cows, horses and FREE ESTIMATES Shop, % uiile west Terra Cotta i hogs; no help needed to load. Day j m fiArntivT t» r» nn* tOE SAIiB--generators. No. J, r.»er» .barej,.^ 45 tf farters, fuel pumps, distributors !--J 1 NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER v~..> - . .1 4bltage regulators and ignition pArte I HAVE YOUR OB88POOL8, catch !^?iun orna,n®"tal ,r<'n railings Misftr Ford and all other cars. Seaco ! basins, septie tanks, tisterns cleaned o is an h rue ura « oe . e »les & Serriee, Lilymoor, Fred J. j ky Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie Iroboda, Prop. Tel. McHenry 183. j Huff, Prep. Tel. McHerry 290. 29-tf 47-tf | PHOTOGRAPHY -- Have your e® SALE--TYPEWRITBBS, AO-1 photograph taken early for person- (TO MACHINES. Service on all I alized Xmas cards. Home portraits kakes. Also ribbons for all makes; j by appointment. Frost Studio, Mcearbo* paper._L. V. Kilta, Clay fit., i Ciillom Lake, West McHenry. Tel. Woodstock. Phone 549. T-lf j 549-J-l. P.A. of A. member. 25-3 » m< 1H' h 1 h ni 1 n 1 n n 1111 m 11 'i 111 h n 1 n n 111 I; Helen Weber Says; THERE'S NO BUT(T)S ABOUT IT WANTED--Watches and jewelry to J | repair. Anthony Noonan, 200 80. *., I Green street, McHenry. (IVont part •• of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15-tf WANTED -- Farm 80 to 200 acres <{• for cash buyer. Possession not nec- ! essarv. Also have buyers for chicken farms. The Kent Co., Inc. 4« 1 PhOue McHenrv 8. 22-4 cleaning bring your soil- :: ed garments to us. us figure your ,ioh. big or small. All work don»> bjr skilled craftsmen. Your inquiry will receive prompt atention. Phone 617-M-l. Schroeder Iron Works, Route 31, 2 miles south of McIIenrv. L'O 14 WANTED TO RENT 1 4 or 5 room modern house in Wonder Lake, McHenry or the McHenry area. Man and wife. Will take excellent care of property. Can far^isj^ refefN emoes. & 4 • •' - -- v- .,. - f t i Phone 170' i-,> ' & .. & North Western Ry. TRAIN SCHEDULE BETWEEN McHenry and Chicago c. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. 30-tf Woodstock. HI. WANTED WORK WANTED - As house , j keeper, by middle aged woman in «11 widowrr's home. Write Housekcep I! er, general delivery, West Me . .'Henrv postoffice. 2."> Fbr the fin«n and »af«t WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY--We have caah ! i j buyers for resort properties, homes • • ' a n d f a r m s , JACOB FRITZ. REAL- ); TOR, at Johnsburg. Tcl. McHenry A ! 37, or Chicago. Lin ml* 1.133. 2-tf * WANTED TO BUY--Ea r corn 75 lbs. to bushel. 80c per bushel, cash. Will take from pickcr, help haul. Can use. up to 5,000 bushels. Phone Phone 104-M 103 Ba St. C'rvstal Lake 358. 24 3 H^sb Waher, Mgr. V 111 it I < I << I * »I • » I n m '* 1*41 < IMH H I I <1 * IM ##'< I11 Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store. M<* ACCURATE TO THE OUNCE The weight of the medicine in your prescription may weigh less thajx^»-*rtiuce but you know it's measured accurately if we nil the prescription. Every tiniest measurement is made with keen accuracy so that you get exactly whit the doctor ordered. You can always trust us for accuracy. NYE PHONE 26 DRUG McHENRf Weekday Trains -- Southbound Ecxcept Sunday and Holidays Sua4mj »4 Holiday Train . 644 622 686 770 - . - -- •- - . ' ' ;/ - " x A- M .r~ t P. M. » * ' " A. M. P. 11. -- • <» Lv, - McHenry 7:01 7:50 2:12 6:20 • " Ar. Chicago 8:10 8:50 4:20 7:40 -•¥ . Weekday Trains -- Northbound F.xccpt Sundays and Holidays Smnimy aad Holida) Tralu *. -• *_ . - G27 681 649 776 SAT. 0X1 % 763 -,v„ A. M. P . M. P. M. P M> A. M. Lv.ff Chicago 8:13 4 40 5:18 1:30 8:15 Ar. McHenry 10:32 5:46 §:25 S:4t 9:47 TIkv ••Noi tliwciffurii !L >vill give* McHenry the above service the year around and it is now up to tlu* citizens of McIIenry, Wonder Lake, MeCullom Lake, Johnsl> erj», Pistakee Biiy and Lily J^iike to use the trains whenever ptmble so.tjat.lUR service can be maintained or even inrproved. The vailioaxl will oc^M-atc^ wi4h..vour community to increase tie seme* iiiess warrants. , '• ,. , _ « l^t ws adopt ihi> slogaii ' • Travel and ship yia phicago and Northwestern whereever pdssiHle^1' McHenry Township Association, Inc J." ' • ' ' zx*