Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1949, p. 8

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r wenyti '^Tr'r^yTyvy... * " - Thuriday, .Mtomlwr*!?, of bunft Ttkn fnp' Hi FOd of the Plaindealor •f Ywn Ago tWESTT-FIVF. YEARS AGO ; uplace on Fo* River sooth of thia I Bonslett is the son of Mrs. Marcity. Job Vasey did the work. I guerite Bonslett of this Tillage. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuene- j J. Bejinett had the mlsMrimann and family, 'who have spent tune to hurt his foot by dropping Ithe past summer here, left the a plank on it while getting a wa- Jfirst of the week for Rogers Park, i gon off the milkstand that was where they have taken an apart- j placed there" Halloween by * our ment for the winter. jboyA. Frank Ward, who received quite j Geo. S. Curtis, .while repairing painful injuries in ta fall at the hii paint shop last Tuesday, Terra Cotta factory a few weeks i. from a ladder and met with ago. was able to return to work juries that will confine* him to ring t CHARLES S. PARKER, Attorney (Joslyn A . Parker) > Office Hoars: Wednesday Afternoons--1:00-5:00 Office--Koehr Supply Company, WJj'n Street, West McHenry ~~ ~~ l hone--McHenry 486 ' Woodstock 1135 on Monday. FORTY Y^AKS JM3© house for some time. SIXTY YEARS AGO Mervin J. Kent has rented -the j Chris Blake house, on Pearl and .Green streets and has already mov?d his household goods McHenry preparatory to maltiug .jaBt Saturday , this city his future home. } MrHpnrv Power IW club from d,lStrnotlon by flre on A ?*"*- new Kiiraito nas been con- , The McHenry lower Hoat oiui) ^ njKht last. Fire was discoverstructed on the A. H. Watson ls ™*k"15 ^_a., n.q"^ «'<l in the rear of the school house nfi«« to •'he electric lights were used fori The Gen™*n school house, situthe first time at the #iew d^pot ated near the Catholic, church fn making ,aRt g^urday evening. \ this viHaR* had a narrow escape The McHenry Power Boat. club FOX ELECTRIC SERVICE WONDER LAKfi R. 1, RING WOOD, ILL. Electric Wiring Motor Repairs Pumps Sold and Repaired TEL. WONDER LAKE 402 and dance some time in the ,,<?ar and the parties who arrived first ;future. discovered that boxes had been QUICK RELIEF FROM ffyinptMiM of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS •«*o EXCESS ACID , FtrsoftookToftsof HomoTroatnoattbat | 1--t Milp orftWMI Cost Von HoM*« Over three million bottle* of (he WIIXUD Yuatwmt Ian been «old for relief of i tomptew* ofdirtrew arising from llinih --IUM»r« doe to Dmm <UMPwf MmmMm*, »i» or Upaat Itinmh, HMfthnVf Hnpinimii, doe to EMM AeM. Sold on 15 days' trial 1 , Ask for "WWii'fi Mmni" which fully uptolMthli tw>tmmt-*w--M WATTLES DRUG STORE Geo. Walmsfey has disposed of pi|e<i up at the rear of »h0 buildhis farm locatel east of town, jnjri saturated with kerof^ne afd to Jacob J. Vaupell of (Chicago. sot on fire, and had it nof been The ourchaser v,-ill place a tenant discovered just as it was, the upon the place, while Mr. Wal- i)Undfng would have been destroy-; nisley expects to make his future pd anj probably other buildings home ir. r!:!cago. : near. The McHenry Electric .Service Julius Munson and wife have company has changed" hands. 'At,,closed up their residencehere and this tini;' we cannot ascertain who will spend the winter with their the new owners are. hrtt it is being'.daughter' Austin, 111. hinted about town that the light- Mi=s Elsie Gage, who taught the ing. plant has fallen into the hands primary department of our public tit a^-liarge Chloago company.. ;>V i^fchool, the past two years, is ill, ; - - 4 ^ t h e r e s i d e n c e o f C , C . C o l b y , Xt?r FIFTY YEARS AOO ^ffffior't.heast of this village. v The \!usgrovp brothers have H. Erickson of Mineral Springs purchased the Henry Bryer proh6tel moved his family to Chicago perty in West McHenry. Consid- •• VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Cor. Green and Elm Sts , McHenry Tuesday and Friday Afternoons Other Days By Appointment Phonfe McHenry 43 £16 MAIN ST. PHONE „_v|for the winter, last Tuesday. flcHr^tti j j^r Bomard Bonslett and Miss m) I Edna Kiminel, both of Chicago, . | »i»n» married on Wednesday. Mr, eration, $1,025. JL. MOSEY INN EINGWOOD TELEVISION PRAGER BEER FRED BOWMAN, Prop, fish Frf on Fridays Stumbling 8heep A sheep that trails behind the rest of the flock and gets out-of breath or falls down when it tries to catch up may be suffering from vitamin A deficiency, according to the American Journal of Veterinary Research. Such deficiency often develops when sheep graze on stubble fields or cut-over hey fields, are allowed to eat straw, or are fed lowquality hay throughout the fall and winter. Night blindness also is likely to develop when sheep fail to get enough vitamin A. -- WANTED TO BUY We pay $6 to $25 for Old Horses, leas for down horses and cattle, MATT?S MINK RANCH Johnsburg - Spring Grove Road' .Phone Jahnsburg 314 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD HOGS. HORSES AND CATTLE We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONS .» Ct J "Excavating Contractors *• Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service 1. --ROAD BUILDING-- T*L 204-M McHenry, 111. E. E. PFASLEE, D. C. Chiropractor 190 S. Green St, McMenry Office Hours, except Thursday to 12 *----1:30 to o Won., Wed. and Fri„ Evenings 7. to 9 Phone McHenry 202-R Dressed Turkeys All Sizes OR gALF Johnsburg Poultry Farni PHONE McHENRY 699-M-l Separating Drinking Glassea How can a person separate two thin drinking glasses which stuck together, one inside the other, after washing? They stuck because, when they were placed together, the outer one was warmer than the inner. As it cooled, it contracted and firmly gripped the one inside. To separate them, try putting some ice cubes inside tne inner glass and running warm water over the outside. This will cause the inner glass to contract and the outer one to expand and then it shoald be possible to get them apart. McHENRY FLORAL CO. , Phone 404 Mile South of McHenry On Route 31 Flowers for all occasions! For Costume jewelry unsurpass- ' ed in beauty and design, all moderately priced, visit the Hemsley Gift Shop, opposite the depot. Fox Lake, 111. 25-tf ! Order youf rubber stamps at The i Piaindealer. FALL CLASSES OF INSTRUCTION. Karl F. Knauer, Trumpet Player, formerly with Anton Weeks, Casa Loma, Ray Noble, Griff Williams, Chicago and Oriental Theatres, organizing fall classes. Call McHenry 533-J-l for appointment and interview. i\ cm urn dan Last Thursday evening at 7:30,-; Mi is Agnes Miller of this city j and Mr. Karl Fredricksen of WoiHier Lake were united in mar-! riujitt in a very lovely caudle- j .ligl.t- vice At our church. A l»)\vly reception followed the service in' the church parlors. We all v isli the young couple a long life »;»<! happiness. i Speaking of weddings, word has! ijfe.i'i i ecelved that Ruth Lindsay,' uanginer of Mr. and Mrs: John E. j i.MHisyy, formerly of West Mcw> s united in marriage to N!r. Hi'.Jiiles F. Krause on Oct. 22 i;i the First Congregational1 thutch <>f Champaign. They will iidld. Oi/C'H house at 1R3 East 74th " t'i! < i. ('litcago on Sunday, Nov. 17 "f/cHO :i to 7 p.m. Congratulaiioi'H iu this couple. Dan Cupid, v'6i Red overtime for Ruth's ,<?H*eV, Jc'ssie, was married on ..Mjy L ; in c)Uf local church. official Board of the church j tyrrfH-S-st Wednesday evening, with I hi; lubers out of a possible! lire present. It was the! \vi; It uf every member present that] mote would make an effort to at-j foiul t-l.ese meetings in order that j tlu> lohponsibility of acting upon j iiiUnirtMiit matters within the t I'hui'cli can be shared. An effort1 has been made to have represen-1 tatives from every group within the church on this board and only as all are present are the different groups represented. This j is the case with , only too many | organizations. We say, "Oh, so "and so will be there, so I guess I won't go tonight." The result is that only a iner,. handful turn out and they must bear the brunt of, the decisions. It isn't fair to them, nor to the group these absentees represent, nor to the organization, as a whole. 'Nuff«. said. Oil Tttursday. the W.S.C.S. will. meet at 1 o'clock. Tile executive committee has met and pretty well outlined the business of the day. Some of it will be the plan-J ning of the annual bazaar to bo^ "held Dec. 1 from 1. to 9 p.m. ! On this Sunday evening from r»:.'!0 to 8:3ft, the M.F.Y; groups of; the Methodist churches of Lake: county and Eastern McHenry coupty will meet at^Orystal Lake for a workshop. The meeting will open at 6:30, with registration (25c) and a song fest led by yon* pastor. Following this will be a worship service led by the worship committee, a discussion group and fellowship hour. This meeting will be set up as a typical M.F.Y. meeting. The purpose is to teach the officers and members of the local churches their dutiefe as officers and leaders and what is expected of the individual members. It is certainly a grand idea. During the evening, sandwiches (that you are to bring) Ice cream and pop will be served. M.Y.Fers plan to attend. It will be a great meeting. Let us know Sunday in Sunday School if you can attend so we can plan transport&toin. This Sunday will be Thanksgiving Sunday in our church. We cordially invite you to attend with us in the thankful spirit that we should all have at this season. Special music has been selected, the choirs singing "Praise the Lord." A special part of the Rntliem will be sung by a girls group, Barbiara Kggert, Penny Fike, Joan Collins and Sara Kay Douglas. The sermon will be «#- j titled "God i« Jiove." We hope tc aee you there. ! This year a special service has J>een abided in oar Thanksgiving ;we4k. On Wednesday, Thanksi giving eve, at 8 p.m., a special ) worship service has been scheduled- We hope that you will come and bring some friends. "See you in Church Sunday." . jWd Dogs Need Calefaun A lime-worn belief that milk and other cakium-rkh foods are "mainly for growing youngsters" has been disproved in dogs as well as in human beings. Nutrition authorities have pointed out that people past 60 need an abundant supply of calcium--almost as much as growing children require--and now veterinarians are passing along the word that calcium intake of aging dogs also should be watched closely. The advice is based on laboratory studies showing that as dogs get older, they tend to lose calcium from their bodies unless they get a generous amount of it in the daily diet ' ' * Anaplaaanofli Veterinarians .at Kansas state college have found that Cows infected with anaplasmosis, a deadly blood disease, may transmit the infection. to their calves before MflkinNewYe* At present, 99.5 per cent of*-alll milk sold under permit in New York state is pasteurized and no milk-, borne outbreak of disease has been reported in the past two years. WrftK SHOWING f l j t t FA$HION-CORRI€T Suhieribe^ for, fhi FlatndeaVr: PITZEN'S NURSERY Telephone No. 300h~~ STOFFEL & REIHANSPERGER Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. { West McHenry, fllinois TRUCK TRACTOR an d PASSENGER INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insuranec Representing v RELIABLE COMPANIES When you need ipsnraiice of any kind Phone 43 or 118-M Green & Elm McHenry Tel. Wonder Lake 418 J>R. R. H. WATKINS Dentist --Office Hours-- ,Tues., Thurs., ft Bat. - 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings by Appointment Lookout Point Wonder bake. 111. FRANK S. MAY Trucking 3and--Black Dirt--Crushed Gravel Light Excavating -- Limestone Truck for Hire Phone McHenry S80-M-1 R-l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND REPAIR SERVICE 601 Main 'St., McHenry . Electric Portable Welding Acetylene Welding and Cutting ALEX W. WIRFS, Operator Phone 615-W-l or 464 M'HENRY, ILL. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. 7 Attorney-at-law ....... nov'a Beaton St, Phone Woodstock 1334 Woodstock, Illinois i»R. MARTIN R. STONE CHIROPRACTOR Office Corner Green & Elm Toes., Thnrs. & Sat. Thursdays 0:30 to .*>:30 Tuesday* and Saturdays to 8 Tel. McHenry 4SS Comer Wilson Rd. and p. Rt. 120 2 MUm East of Vote EVERGREENS Route Two Round Lake, 111. SHRUBS LANDSCAPING TREES Tel. Round Lake 3570 FREUND'S TRUCKING Agricultural limestone and phosphate spreading. Soil samples taken on request, Place orders early and avoid rush. ~ Barn Lime and Qhips for Driveways # CHARLES FREUND, Owner 401 W. Waukegan Road * McHENRY, ILLINOIS Tel. 86-W or 412-J Only an ELGIN has tf/f DuraPower Mainspring Mmda a "Kfeitor" mM. mMhi 200 Green St. McHenry, I1L will be sold at Wholesale Prices UNTIL NOV. 26 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED CALL McHENRY 294 OR COME IN •' ; ' WELDING Maintenance and Const ruction Portable Equipment B. E. VANCE -- McHenry 51-J 009 South Green St., McHenry, III Sand Limeatone VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel 'Black Dirt Truck for Hire Tel. McHenry 588-R-2 or 588-W-l Box 172, Rt. 1, McHenry "SURE' HE CAN SLEEP... HE'S GOT AN mewe BLANKET" ,-.r ,r v \ ' m A'A A, BATTERIES--We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a new Firestone Super Battery. FIRESTONE PERMANENT ANTI FREEZE -- $3.15 GAL. r^V >W' » |§i UK; , WALTER J. FREUND ^re* -- Tsbes -- Batteries -- Acceasoriea Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repairing All Work Guaranteed in electric blanket can do wonders to improve sleeping comfort, under any circumstances. No matter what kind of bed you have, you'll find the gentle even warmth of an electric blanket will send you off to slcc-p in a matter of minutes. When you sleep electrically you need only die blanket . . . it-placing all your old-fashioned bedcovers and giving you warmth without weight. You won't waken \yith the feeling that you've been moving a mountain of covers all night . . . you'll feel rifreshed and relaxed. No matter how the temperature dips on a winter night, an electric blanket, comforter or sheet will keep you just as warm as you like. You just set the control and it automatically adjusts to changing temperatures. ' £|ectric bedcovers come in, a variety of colors •ad styles . . . you can choose the one that best fits your needs. DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinarian On Highway 31--Office and House Tel. McHenry 31 Office Hours: 1 p. m. to 2 p. Except Thursdays Evenings by Appointment DR. R. DeROME -- Dentist -- 120 Green Street Phone 292-J McHenry Office Hours: 10 a. m. to ft p. m. except Wednesday. Office closed all day Wednesday. Evenings by appointments only. Phone 294 OPEN EVENINGS AND SI NDAYS West McHenry JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney-at-law 609 Waukegan Road (RFD Box 1) WEST McHENRY, ILL; Phone McHenry 492-W 10 DAY TRIAL OFFER . . . try w General Electric Autom^tief . Blanket in your own home for 10 nights. There is no obligation. lfyou\ arc net completely satisfied, you may return the blanket. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . . . balane* plui tmall carrying d»rg« payable in cmflmient monthly amounts with your Cltlric Strvi'c* I ill. x Blanket it Gtntrml EUctric's double bed, single nmtnl model PBliAi, priced at $44-95. Other electric kedfvert from f59.91. - § PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS

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